How to remove a tumor after the bite of the wasp and provide emergency assistance to the victim's infidental means. How to treat bite of the wasp? Bite wasp, tumor: what to do

For most people, the bite of the wasp is displaced, all his consequences disappear safely in a few days. However, for allergies, contact with this insect is fraught with very serious complications, right up to death. Therefore, each person is obliged to remember how the anaphylactic shock occurs to provide first aid at home, what to do so that the bite's place is not swollen and how to treat the consequences of the snealing.

How dangerous wasps and which varieties exist

There are a large number of species of the OS of various colors, but all of them combines one sign: a narrow jumper connecting the abdomen with breasts is the so-called waist. Such a structure allows this insect to sting at any angle, winning larger insects and even small animals.

The wasps can lead both a single and social lifestyle.

Singles are the following subspecies:

  • sandy;
  • road;
  • riders;
  • floral;
  • mooring;
  • typhia;
  • skoli;
  • shiny;
  • german.

Public wasps live families and are divided into the following types:

  • polists - paper wasps that most often attack residents of the middle strip;
  • polybiins - insects living in American tropics;
  • webins are the most dangerous and aggressive wasps, which are also typical hornets.

Earth OS in the scientific classification does not exist. So they were nicknamed in the people due to the fact that they often satisfy their nests in abandoned anthills or Norah Rodents.

Riders, shiny, paper and other varieties of OS - Photo Gallery

The wasps bite people much more often than bees, and their bites are painful. The peak of "Osinlessness" falls on July-August, when many sweet fruits ripen, attracting both insects and people. The sting of the wasp is a smooth, and after the bite she, unlike the bee, does not die, but pulls him out and again attacks the victim.

Healthy people are a single bite of the wasp not so worried. Were fear of attacking this insect standing:

  • little children, including those on artificial feeding;
  • weakened and older people;
  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from diabetes, bronchial asthma, allergies of various origin.

At the time of the up bite, the poison is injected containing a large amount of histamine - a substance that causes a rapid reaction of the body. It can provoke serious health problems: from the tissue edema to bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock and death. Therefore, people who are in the risk group need to try not to be in the habitats of the OS, and in the event of a bite, urgently should urge medical care.

Attention! The poison of the wasps is very toxic, so if a person bit more than three insects, it is necessary to urgently apply to the hospital.

The harm and consequences of the aspen bite for pregnant and nursing women, as well as children

If the wasp bit a pregnant or nursing woman, should not worry much: toxins from her poison are hardly able to harm the baby. The exception is only future mothers who were attacked by several OS, prone to allergies or have diseases of the respiratory organs.

The place of lesion is of great importance. Relatively safe bites in hand, legs, fingers, palms and feet. It is much worse when the Osa is sting in places where the blood vessels fit close to the skin: lips, ears, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, whiskey, forehead, head. The most dangerous is the bites in tongues and neck: the edema in these places can overlap the access of oxygen and without medical care A man will perceive from suffocation.

If the OSA was stung by the child, he turns out to be the same help as an adult. If the bite is unity, the baby is healthy and not inclined to allergies, you can not go to the hospital, but it is necessary to closely for its condition. If the child appears, signs of intoxication or breathing problems, you must immediately contact the doctor.

Have swollen hand, finger, leg, lip, cheek, nose or eye, swollen face, blistering, bump, stain, redness, temperatures and other symptoms and signs

Immediately after the bite, the person appears local reactions:

  • tissue edema;
  • burning pain;
  • redness of the skin;
  • tearing when bites in the eye or nose;
  • difficult breathing in the defeat of the neck, language or lips.

At the tendency to allergies, the following reactions may appear:

  • hives;
  • rash;
  • changing the color of the face (from red to white);
  • cough;
  • vooled voice.

On the second day after the bite, the main symptoms are usually preserved - only pain decreases. In healthy people, the edema holds about 3-4 days, after which they disappear without a trace.

Allergic to the yad is available about 2% of the population of the Earth.

If a person suffers from allergies or he bored several insects at once, symptoms of intoxication of the body may appear:

  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • fainting;
  • dizziness;
  • heartache;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • internal and subcutaneous hemorrhages (blisters).

In serious cases, an anaphylactic shock may develop, when a person stops breathing in a short period of time, he loses consciousness, his pressure is rapidly falling and the heart stops.

Attention! In case of individual intolerance of the Yada, such a state can develop even from 1 bite, although healthy people death comes from 500 bites.

If infection got into the wound from the bite, additional complications may develop, the most harmless of which is the suppuration and sealing of the affected place. Therefore, disinfection is a prerequisite in the elimination of the consequences of "communication" with the axis.

First aid: how to remove pain and facilitate the condition at home

After the bite of the wasp you need to give a person first aid, even if it feels absolutely normal.

  1. Take the victim to a safe place where the OS appearance is excluded. The crushed insects are distinguished by substances calling for other representatives of the Roy to attack a busting person. Therefore, the OS in no case should be crushed, especially for yourself.
  2. Survey the place of bite for the presence of sting. Perhaps the offender did not perform an OSA, but bee, and then it will hang around in the rings. In addition, if you climbed the insect, the sting can also stay at the bite. Try it to pull it immediately, and it is advisable to use clean tools for this.
  3. Attach an acidic fruit to the wound: Solk of Apple, Tomato, Lemon or Orange. Acid will help neutralize the part of the Osin poison, and the symptoms will be less pronounced.
  4. Use antiseptic means For disinfection of the wound. Spells, vodka, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, green, cologne, calendula tincture, laundry soap. You can also wrap the aspirin tablet, moisten it with water and the resulting mixture is applied to the wound. Antibacterial treatment is very important, because on the body of the wasps there may be dangerous microbes. Finding into the wound, they only aggravate the state of the busted person. In addition, if the wasp bit the little child, it can comb the place of bite and put the infection there. For the same reason, the bite on the day is better not to swim, especially in open reservoirs.
  5. Blank the wound with a sterile bandage, putting a cold item from above: the ice, the contents of the freezer, metal product. Clean fabric moistened in cold water or food soda solution.
  6. When bite in hand or leg, impose above the bite of a tight harness: the poison will not spread through the body, as a result of which it will be possible to avoid heavy intoxication.
  7. With a tendency to allergies, give a victim antihistamine drug. The sooner it takes the medicine, the better: the rapid admission to the body of antihistamines can block an allergic reaction in the germ itself. In the future, you can in parallel using the drugs of local action: hydrocortisone ointment, gel phenyatil, etc.
  8. Try that the victim drank as much as possible water as possible: toxins will be brought faster from its body. For this purpose, boiled, spring or mineral water is suitable, sweet fastening or herbal tea. But milk is better not to drink: it may worsen the condition.

Attention! After the bite of the wasps, it is impossible to try to squeeze the poison from the wound, scratching the place of bite, and also take alcohol.

What to do before the arrival of doctors in anaphylactic shock

If despite all the measures, a person becomes more worse, allergic reactions appear, it becomes difficult to breathe - you need to immediately go to the doctor. However, the "ambulance" may be late if the victim will develop anaphylactic shock, therefore, they will have to act independently and immediately.

  1. Free the victim from the tight clothing that impede breathing.
  2. Type 1 ml of adrenaline in the syringe and enter 0.5 ml of the medication in the shoulder. Close the syringe and set aside the remaining dose.
  3. In another syringe, dial 3 ml of dexamethasone (3 ampoules) and enter the entire dose to the second shoulder.
  4. If the victim becomes worse, the remaining 0.5 ml of adrenaline remains.
  5. Take care so that the patient accepted an antihistamine tool by writing it with a sufficient amount of water.
  6. Transport affected by the medical institution. If, on the way, he starts to fall again, enter another 3 ml of dexamethasone.

Attention! Dexamethasone has a number of contraindications with which it is worth familiar with in advance.

With the lightning development of anaphylactic shock, the adrenaline can be prone directly through clothes. Very convenient for this purpose, autoinjectors already filled with medicine. You just need to remove the cap and for 5 seconds strongly press the device to the hip of the victim.

Elimination of symptoms: how to anesthetize the place of bite, remove the tumor, edema and itch

After first aid, it is necessary to continue to eliminate the consequences of the bite to the complete disappearance of the symptoms.

Medicinal preparations: how to anoint, process a damaged place

To remove the edema and eliminate the separation, the following drugs are taken:

  • Claritin;
  • Diazoline;
  • Zoda;
  • Zetrin.

In case of severe allergy, it helps facilitate the use of prednisolone, loratadine or diphrol. Children in such cases recommend Erius syrup.

It is also necessary to carry out local treatment with the help of ointments and gels. It helps to remove the edema:

  • Phenolic gel;
  • Ppi-balm;
  • Rescuer;
  • Insertline;
  • Menovazin;
  • Advantan;
  • Gardex;
  • Mosquitall.

If the pain from the bite of the wasp does not pass, you can take analgesic: Nurofen, Analgin, Spasmalgon, etc. For young children, it is allowed to use painful candles and syrups, and pregnant and nursing women before applying any pharmacy means it is better to consult with the doctor.

Suprastin, Prednisolone, Phenolic and Other Ointments, Glucocorticoid, Antihistamines - Gallery

Suprastin prevents the development of an allergic reaction
Phenolic in various dosage forms will help to cope with manifestations of allergies.
Prednisolone - glucocorticoid preparation appointed by the bite of wasps

Folk remedies: compresses, grafs and other

Parallel to S. medical treatment often apply folk recipes. Eliminate itching and swelling by attaching to the place of bite:

  • wet slice of sugar rafinada;
  • garlic or bow;
  • mint juice either dandelion;
  • olive oil or essential oil tea tree;
  • cashitz from soda with water adding;
  • summies from tea, as well as sophisticated plantain leaves, calangean, aloe, calendula, parsley;
  • compresses with lemon juice, weak vinegar solution, decoction of pyrhe flowers.

Compresses and bulls need to be changed on fresh, as soon as they are completely dried.


To eliminate the consequences of bite, 2 homeopathic preparations are used: Apis and Ledum. They can be taken inside or apply to the bandage and do outdoor binding. APIS helps from echoes and redness, and Ledum is effective if the skin has become pale and cold.

When you need a doctor: the wasp was pregnant, allergy was manifested

Before applying any drugs requires a doctor consultation. In addition, independent treatment of bite is prohibited in the following cases:

  • upon receipt of adults more than 3, and the child is more than 1 bite;
  • if the victim is a pregnant or nursing woman;
  • if the wasp bit in the neck, language or eye;
  • with the appearance of pronounced allergies;
  • if a person suffers from diseases of the heart or respiratory organs.

In all these cases, the "ambulance" is needed or delivery of personal vehicles affected by the hospital.

Is it possible to avoid the bite of the wasp

In the midst of the "aspen season" it is necessary to observe several simple rulesSuppose to prevent conflicts with these insects.

  1. Never swing your hands, trying to drive off the wasp - it is better to just move away from it.
  2. Try not to eat on the street, especially sweet and meat dishes. Do not drink on open air Beer and sweet drinks. Empty banks And bottles made of carbonated water is better to postpone away, as they embarrass insects.
  3. Do not use very smelling perfumes and do not wear too bright clothes - it attracts OS.

    You should not wear too loose shirts and tunics: there can be an insect for them, and get rid of it, not being branched, extremely difficult.

  4. We go barefoot only in those cases, if you are firmly sure that there are no axes in the grass.
  5. Use the tools to scare the OS.
  6. After trips to the cottage, make sure that there are no insects in the brought things and packages.

Assembling on nature, be sure to grab with them disinfecting, antihistamines and painkillers in case of collision with the axis. And allergicians are necessary in the warm season to take with him a document issued by a doctor, where the name is indicated, age, telephone, address, accurate diagnosis, contacts of the attending physician and measures to be taken with a bite. It is also not bad to carry with you the necessary medicines and the autoinjector with adrenaline in case of anaphylactic shock.

Resting in nature, try to avoid close neighborhood with the wasps and not to attract their attention. If an insect attack still took place, you need to have the victim first aid and carefully follow my well-being. It will save from unwanted complications and will allow not to spoil rest in nature.

How to remove the tumor after the up bite

Hello! A couple of weeks ago, I watched such a situation at the railway station: a young mother and daughter stood near the kiosk with food.

There was a few OS and one of them bit the girl. Her mother was confused and did not know what to do.

And the place of bite is noticeably swelling. I decided to help them and suggested a reliable way to quickly remove the tumor. Want to know how to remove the tumor after the bite of the wasp? What actions should be taken first? Then read the details in the material below.

What should I do if you were bitten by the OSA?

How nice in the summer time or early autumn Take a sweet Malinka, honey melons, fragrant pears or fragrant apples! However, sweet tooths are not only people! And what to do if the wasp was bitten - how to remove the tumor? Striped predators have a bad habit: attack people and hurts stating.

Sudden pain and swelling can break a pleasant summer rest, to spoil the mood. For you, we tried to collect advice to doctors and proven recipes that will help not be lost and take control of the unpleasant situation.

Quickly react, but without panic

If the wasp or bee was bitten, it is necessary to quickly assess the degree of lesion. Although the pain is quite unpleasant, burning and strong - there is no reason to panic. Behind the sharp pain occurs swelling on the affected area. The swelling is more pronounced if the injection of a small predator falls into the eye, in the nose, in the lip, or another section of the face.

Many are interested in: Does the Osa sting with a bite, how does it always happen when the bumblebee attacks or the bee? "Slender" striped-black predator of sting does not leave - it has a smooth, similar to the needle.

If the bee attacks, then the sting remains, because it has jar. Sometimes the refamps of individuals attack a person suddenly and cannot immediately understand which insect damaged.

So, the main signs, if the OSA was stung:

  1. pain and burning
  2. redness,
  3. swelling,
  4. temperature increase,
  5. feeling of tingling in the mouth
  6. nausea.

If only one individual attacked, then the swelling passes for 3-4 days, not reflected in the future on health or children or adults.

However, there are people who are inclined to allergies in the bite of refamped. In such cases, edema may be accompanied by rapid heartbeat, vomiting, urticaria, convulsions, high temperatures, which is difficult to bring down. A special danger represents the edema of the throat, because it can endure.

If the victim has an allergy to insect bites - treatment should be made immediately: hastily adopt an antihistamine drug or introduce adrenaline. In severe cases, you need to seek help to doctors so that an anaphylactic shock does not occur.

The striped offender can attack again. After receiving injury, try not to lose self-control, do not make sharp movements. Quickly leave the place where insects fly.

Kids can be frightened, their crying is often a long time it does not work out. Also acutely suffer from striped insects of old men and pregnant women, whose organism is not always able to cope with toxins. Therefore, the skillful assistance in the population is as important as first aid in the bite of snake.

Timely help - fast recovery

The first assistance in the bite of the wasp necessarily begins with a close inspection of the damaged body. Take into account if you fell a predator or gave, then the "instrument" can remain in the body.

Carefully remove it, trying not to crush the capsule filled with poison. Remember that a piece of sugar-raffinade, attached to the affected place, well absorbs poison. In no case, do not squeeze the poison, because the likelihood of infection is great.

Regardless of where the injection of a flying insect came - in the neck, in hand, in the stomach, any other place - take the necessary measures to quickly remove inflammation.

Let's deal with together if the wasp was bitten - what to do:

  • Treat the wound with any antiseptic - iodine, greenk, hydrogen peroxide, diluted with ammonic alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid. Our grandmothers for this purpose used 3% vinegar.
  • If there is a tablet aspirin - squeeze it, add some water and a casket. Lubricate the affected area. You can fix the bandage with an elastic bandage if the striped offender caused a "blow" into the finger or in the leg.
  • How to anoint if the medicines are not at hand? Take advantage of ordinary soap. Before this, rinse the affected area under the jet of running water.
  • Attach ice cubes wrapped in a bandage striped. You can apply a napkin, constantly wetting it in cold water. Well removes the swelling of Cashier from raw potatoes.
  • Drink more fluid so that toxic substances left the body faster - purified or mineral water, morse, fastening tea.
  • Soda compress will quickly eliminate itching. We prepare the solution: one teaspoon of soda dissolve in a glass of chilled water. Damn your cotton swab and attach to the patient a place for 20 minutes.

How to remove a tumor from the bite of the wasp if it is rapidly increasing? In this case, it is necessary to drink an antihistamine drug - "Diazolin", "Supratin", "Dimedrol", "Tueguil", "Phenistil".

Be sure to take into account that drugs have contraindications in some illnesses. For example, "diazoline" can not be taken with a stomach ulcer, and "DIMEDROL" - for diseases of the prostate gland, epilepsy.

If the child suffered

Bittered OSA: how to remove the child's tumor? This question is disturbing many parents when there is a long-awaited stay in the village, in the country or a trip to the sea. Fortunately, more often, the overflowing "scorers" is stuffed to the kids in a finger or hand. Worse, if the child bites the wasp in the face or hurt the neck.

Do not shoot a tumor with the help of preparations from the "adult" aid kit. Side effects from such drugs are worse than "noted" insects.

And yet, if the bite of the wasp occurred: how to remove swelling from the baby, how to quickly improve his condition? Do not forget that the child very sensitively catches the mood of adults. First of all, calm it and explain that the pain will soon subsight, and the wound will heal.

To remove swelling in children apply:

  • Specially designed preparations having age gradation. For example, are effective and pleasant to use Balms: "Gardex Family", "Insectline", "Picnic Family". For kids from 6 months - the "Rescuer" cream, up to one year - Balm "Gardex Baby". An allergic doctor may be discharged to treat the preparations of "Sentol", "Phenistil", and for prevention - "Supratin".
  • Summer alcohol or a solution of children's (antiseptic) soap for the processing of the affected area.
  • Verified by long-term practice Folk remedies - freshly prepared juice from the root of parsley or garlic, cashis from raw potatoes, crushed plantain leaves.

The child is subject to urgent hospitalization, if the sturgest occurred into the mucous membrane of the eye, the throat area. Before the arrival of the doctors, keep the condition of the baby under control!


Walking with the baby will take less hassle if your purse has a mosquito tool for children, drugs against insects, and with high sensitivity, medicines specially selected by allergists.

The means against ticks will make a safe rest in the forest.

We use the gifts of Mother Nature

More our grandmothers knew how and what to treat at home the sturgesting of small refamps of predators. Fast healing of a broken knee or first aid for fainting without medical preparations was familiar to them.

Let's learn and we will learn to use products that are always in the house. After all, if we bite the bee or a yellowish predator - you can not lose a minute.

To remove the tumor, attach to the wound:

  • Compress from fresh juice lime, lemon or calendula.
  • Surved bulb, having a tomato or a broken clove of garlic.
  • Cashitz from food soda and water.
  • Licked in the palms of calangehene leaves, pies or twigs of wormwood.
  • Water compress from aloe tincture or golden usy.
  • Grated green apple.
  • Validol tablet moistened in water.

You have swollen hand at night: what to do? What helps better in this case? Even in ancient times, the scientist and leakage Avicenna recommended when the OS was used to apply a chamber.

Prepare a remedy at home is very simple - leaflets and flowers of plants scroll into the mortar. Attach the "green compress" to the wound - inflammation will pass, the pain subsight. This means can continue treatment the next day.

To remove swelling, you can use applications from blue or white clay. Cosmetic clay is easy to buy in every pharmaceutical kiosk. In the prepared clay powder, pour some water and alcohol, knead how the dough and roll the layer. Attach it all night to the wound, lock the elastic bandage. By the morning, the clay "pull out" the entire tumor.

Let your rest do not disturb small flying predators! In the "Ospen" period less use cosmetics with sharp odors. Do not chase the yellow-black insects, go around the site of their mass accumulation. Have you always have protection tools with you.


How to remove swelling on the second day after the bite of the wasp?

It must be remembered that the bite of the wasp should be the reason. Often it happens because of:

  1. the invasion of a person on the territory of an aspen nest, which is a direct threat to the uterus, as well as eggs and larvae;
  2. stormy human activity: sharp, aggressive movements that can be perceived by the axes, as a sign of danger;
  3. insect receptors irritation, which is caused by a sharp smell, which comes from a person.

If we compare the bite of the wasp and bee, then the first is more dangerous: the fact is that when the bee bite in the body of a person remains her small, rough sting together with a small piece of the stomach, which leads to the death of an insect; Aspen sting, on the contrary, very sharp, and also carry poison. In addition, after the wasp is stuffed, they just fly away.

The poison of the wasa is a substance that gets into the body causes an alkaline reaction, as well as the emission of histamine. It is because of it and swelling occurs, irritation (rash) pouals, and a strong itch begins. Unfortunately, the main danger lies precisely in the re-bite, because it can cause an allergic reaction.

Symptoms that arise due to an axis bite are different, and it is connected, first of all, with individual characteristics organism. In addition, the degree of poisoning is important. The main symptoms of intoxication:

  • The pain, which is peculiar to the pulsating nature, that is, the attacks appear periodically;
  • At the place of the Red Spot, where there was a bite, a strong burning is felt;
  • In addition, there is a swelling of a damaged area;
  • It is also possible to strengthen the pain and the appearance of various rashes;
  • There is a possibility that hemorrhage may occur;
  • If the bite came to the area of \u200b\u200bthe head or face, then the symptoms will be sharper;
  • A child or woman will have an increase in body temperature;
  • Swells not only throat, but also language, sky, most often leads to difficulty breathing.

What do we have to do?

First of all, it is necessary to know that the edema of any part of the body, in which the bite was produced is a manifestation of the struggle of your body with a pathogenic toxin. This response of the body is common enough. Plows can remain for a long time.

It is not necessary to be very nervous if an allergic reaction did not arise, then the bite is harmless to you. What can a person do to reduce the bite of the wasp and how to remove the swelling that was formed on the second day?

To begin with, it is necessary to wait 48 hours, because during this time the swelling will fall and do not need to do anything - this is a normal body reaction.

However, it often happens that swelling reaches large sizes Or causes discomfort. In this case, it is possible using an antihistamine tool, which will help stop the production of histamine, and therefore stops painful sensations and swelling, get rid of unpleasant consequences.

Unfortunately, this drug has a lot of contraindications, as well as groups of people who are not recommended to use this drug (pregnant, children under 14).

After the bite, in no case can alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to use as much liquid as possible, because it will bring harmful toxins from your body.

At home, to reduce swelling at the site of the bite can bag tea, as well as the plates of the plantain, fresh onion or juice of parsley.

It is important to remember that the need to call ambulance is mandatory if:

  • a child was bruoked. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist, especially if the bites are more than five;
  • more than ten bites of the ASS in an adult - also the reason for which it is necessary to cause an ambulance;
  • there was a strong damage to the throat or mucosa;
  • in humans there is an allergic reaction to the poison of the OS;
  • symptoms of bite do not pass within three days.

Osin poison - fatal for man. So, if the human body is bruiting half a second OS - this will lead to death.

That is why, there are a number of measures that should be taken if the wasp was bitten:

  • Be sure to wash the place of bite water room temperatureIt is recommended to use soap.
  • If you have in the wound, you should pull it out. You will be helped by a tweezers or needle.
  • Wipe the place of bite with a car, which is moistened with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol tincture.
  • It is recommended to use a cold compress, such as ice or a cold mug with water.
  • Be sure to drink anesthetic, so as not to tolerate pain, but the place to fool the masses or cream with hormones.
  • To neutralize toxins, you can drink aspirin tablet into the blood.
  • In no case are not sick of the bite, otherwise you can bring a bacterial infection in it!
  • If you or in a person who was bitten, there is an allergic reaction, then adrenaline must be introduced.
  • If it was not possible to independently improve the situation - it is necessary to call an ambulance.


Basic actions to remove edema from the bite of the wasp

The bite of the wasp is always accompanied by an edema from a minor swelling to the threatening life of edema respiratory tractto be removed urgently. First aid, folk tips, medicines.

After the wasp was stung, first of all, pain arises. It is sharp, burning, intense. Following her, in a short time, the swelling is formed at the site of the bite of the wasps, as the result of a pronounced inflammatory response of the body to penetrate the Osin poison.

In order to reduce inflammation, stop pain, remove swelling after the bite there are not difficult recommendations.

The magnitude of the edema depends on many factors:

  1. volume of poison in the skin and vessels;
  2. individual reaction of the body;
  3. oS type;
  4. bite Places.

Poisonous composition

The poison of different OS is somewhat different. Especially dangerous if it is a "road" wasp. Their body is elongated, striped and slender. The composition of the Orsine poison in different proportions different species Includes substances that:

  • Damage the walls of skin cells.
  • Cause inflammation and swelling.
  • Terminal cells are destroyed, contributing to the development of an allergic reaction.
  • Toxicly affects nervous cells, breaking the nerve impulses.
  • Some times enhance the emission of histamine as the main mediator of the allergic reaction.

Given the composition of the Osin Poison and its influence on the formation of an inflammatory response and edema, the following measures should be taken to reduce these manifestations:

  • Maximum block or slow down the spread of the poison after the bite.
  • Reduce the severity of inflammatory response and edema.
  • Keep the severity of an allergic reaction.

In order to decide how to remove the edema, it is necessary to find out whether an allergic reaction to the poison of the wasps has a place, that is, whether the immune system has coped with the poison without manifestations of allergies. The severity of allergies, the danger of its manifestations for life, the age of a busting person is also important.

Delete a sting

Many first cases seek to remove the sting. It is correct only in part and justified if bites the bee. Its sting has a jar, it breaks and usually remains in the skin. The sting of the wasp sharp and smooth. It, as a rule, does not remain in the skin. With the exception of those cases when the wasp was killed on the skin, therefore left the sting in it.


Then you need to try to remove it neatly tweezers. It is not difficult to do if the hand was tangled, but it is extremely problematic when the facial bite, for example.

Unfortunately, you can not always immediately see what kind of insect bitten. The site of the bite of the wasp looks like pink red chish swelling with a red point inside, which is a trace of the puncture of the sting.

Do not correctly squeeze the poison. It is dangerous to do it, as the capsule is damaged. Then the poison will fall with blood in larger quantities Immediately. Then inflammation and swelling will be much more.

How to get rid of the swelling in the absence of allergies

If the bite the man does not have allergies on the poison of bees and the OS, then the swelling itself will fall, even he will not do anything with a bite for 2-4 days. The immune system of a healthy person is able to cope with the poison of the wasp independently.

In order to reduce swelling, you need to lubricate the place of bite with an antiseptic (iodine, ammonia, vinegar) and impose cold. Cold narrows vessels. It will prevent the spread of the Osin poison.

And in the meantime, he will collapse in the tissues at the place of bite. The less it will, the less inflammation and, therefore, swelling.

If edema - a symptom of an allergic reaction

The danger of bites is that many do not know whether they are allergic to the bite of OS or not. And bites are always unexpected. No allergic reaction may not be on the first bite. However, it may arise in the second or fifth time. This phenomenon in medicine is called sensitization.

If the allergic reaction of the immune system is moderate, then the edema can reach large sizes. It may not provoke threatening states of states, but will not allow a person to lead a normal lifestyle.

The edema of the age can be so significant that a person will not be able to open his eyes. If the hand deserves, the pain and its swelling will drop the volume of the usual movements.

At the same time, it is extremely necessary to impose cold compress. You need to do it as soon as possible. In addition, it is necessary to lubricate the affected place by anti-allergic or anti-inflammatory ointment (phenyatil gel, advote, hydrocortisal ointment). It is recommended to drink at least once an anti-allergenic drug (Suprastin, Tuesegil, Dimedrol).

On this distribution of the edema can stop. But it can be the beginning of a severe allergic reaction with swelling of the respiratory tract, high temperatures, headache. Then the emergency challenge is required, the use of steroid hormonal drugs intravenously, adrenaline.

The cold in the place of bite and swelling, the removal of the sting is priority recommendations for reducing edema. In addition, you can use the following tips:

  • If you attach a piece of sugar-rafinad to the place of bite, then it will draw part of the poison. It is necessary to do it without losing time.
  • From the tablet aspirin, loss in powder and mixed with a drop of water, you need to do Cashitz and smear the place of bite. This will reduce the severity of inflammation and edema.
  • Cashier from the rubbed raw potatoes, which is not difficult to do any mistress, will well remove the swelling. If the whole hand has swollen, then it is worth to smear not only the place of bite, but also the entire area involved in swelling.
  • Soda compress from gauze. Bandage moistened in a solution from a teaspoon of soda and 100 ml. Water must be attached to the patient place for 20 minutes.
  • Fresh-free juices from parsley, plantain, garlic can be used to make a compress, relieving inflammation and swelling.
  • It is recommended to apply a cut-down bulb, a green apple, a lime, lemon slice, lemon, chopped aloe leaf, moistened in the water of the validol tablet.
  • Compresses from scalar videos.
  • It is recommended to make a compress in place the edema for several hours of white or blue pharmacy clay. So, if the hand has swollen, then you can, clarine, wrap it from above the bandage and leave such a compress for the night.

For children, the "Picnic Family" balms, "Gardex Family", "Insectline", the "Rescuer" cream, Gardex Baby Balm for children under the year. If the wasp was stung a child in the neck, eyes, be sure to immediately seek help.

The most pronounced swelling occurs if the wasp is sting in the nose, the lip, eyelids. Especially dangerous bites with subsequent eductions in the eye area, neck.

So, if a person has an allergic reaction, it is impossible to slow. Edema can increase to significant sizes in a short time.

The body will respond to the penetration of the poison on the increasing temperature, rash, difficulty with breathing up to its termination due to the reduction of the lumen of the upper respiratory tract of the exhaust mucous membrane. Then the help is in the intensive care unit.


Treatment of edema from the bee bites and the OS with medical drugs and folk remedies

Such a situation may arise spontaneously, so information on possible methods of treatment must be known to everyone. How to remove swelling from the bite of bee or wasps, as well as actions in the event of an allergic reaction, our article will tell you in detail.

Features of the bee bite

Only unrecorded people believe that the attack occurred quite unexpectedly. In fact, bees do not bite anyone just like that. The fact is that during the attack, the insect loses its sting, and hence she is doomed to death.

To go to such a sacrifice, just to make a man, to put it mildly, stupid, therefore, for the bee, this is a kind of act of self-sacrifice in a truly dangerous and conflict situation.

The reasons for the attacks of bees for people:

  • protection of the territory;
  • threat for hive;
  • sharp movements near the insect;
  • Attempt to select prey.

The last option is mainly happening according to the following scenario. You just enjoy a picnic on fresh airand insects notice fruits or sweet foods. There is a "conflict of interests", during which both parties are most often suffering.

Of course, this is not a reason to completely stop the exits on nature, especially since the random bee can well fly into the apartment.

The main thing is to know exactly what you need to do after the bee bite. All necessary events are described in detail below.

How to remove edema

The mechanism of the bite has its own feature. At the same time, a little poison is injected, but the skin remains in the skin with the reserve of the rest of the poison. First of all, it is necessary to remove it, trying not to damage the bag with poison. If this manipulation has passed successfully, the swelling will not be so extensive.

What to do with a bite:

  1. Pull out the sting. To do this, use a sufficiently sharp item that needs to be slightly cutting the skin.
  2. Rinse with a disinfecting solution. It can be a manganese or alcohol, even a hydrogen peroxide or a alcohol cologne will come down, if there is nothing at hand.
  3. Attach cold. You can use ice or frozen foods, if it is impossible, use the handkerchief, moistened cold water Or the back of a metal spoon.
  4. Take antihistamines. It is especially important to do this if there were no allergic reactions previously not to the insect bites. In this case, urgent help may be needed, so it is worth contacting the medical institution.
  5. In severe pain, an anesthetic agent can be used, for example, "menovazin" or a solution of "ice". Specialized creams will help to quickly remove the swelling, for example, "phenyatil" or "ppi-balm".

The bee poison will be out of the body, if you give a victim to abundant drink, and skin surface with anti-pollegenic ointments of local action. The bite finger or limb can be bandaged, ensuring peace, and it is recommended to remove the bandage no earlier than the next day.

Features of the bite of wasp

This insect shows great aggressiveness and is able to bite several times, releasing poison in large quantities. The sting of the wasp is a smooth, so it does not remain in the human body. The aspen poison causes a strong reaction in the case of allergies, and the bite's place is painful and swells right in his eyes.


Especially very injury occurs in case of bite in the face, throat or mucous membranes. In such situations, it is very important to deliver the victim to the medical point in time, especially if the bites were somewhat.

The following symptoms may quickly appear from the bite of the wasp:

  • dizziness;
  • severe pain in a bite and surrounding areas;
  • The damaged place can be swollen quickly;
  • nausea and even vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • Strong itching;
  • Tingling and numbness in the language, even if the bite was in the limb.

If the victim becomes worse, there is a big swelling and soreness, it is necessary to go to the hospital urgently.

A special injection against anaphylactic shock is able to save life, so it is impossible to slow down in any case.

If you know that insect bites cause an allergic reaction, it is necessary to warn others about such consequences. World practice proves that in such situations appropriately wearing an informational bracelet that can report on the characteristics of the body, even if you are unconscious.

How to remove swelling and tumor

Such situations do not tolerate delay. The branched place can be swollen very much, and if we are talking about larynx or eyes, you need to act quickly and competently.

  • attach the ice or cold objects to the place of bite;
  • lubricate with disinfecting solution;
  • inspect the place of bite, detecting foreign objects or stings of insects;
  • take advantage of pharmaceutical preparations with antiallergic effect;
  • if it is impossible to use medical remedies, folk recipes are applied.

It is especially important to navigate in time if the insect was horrid the child. It is necessary not only to handle the wound correctly, but also calm the baby. IN summer time Serious cases can occur when eating ice cream and other sweets.

The insect can get into the mouth or larynx, and the bite in these places almost immediately leads to difficulty breathing and a powerful edema.

How to remove such symptoms, was previously described, and folk remedies will help in emergency cases before the arrival of physicians. If the bee or axle bited a child to a year, to contact a specialist needed anyway.

Folk Methods

If the insect was sturned in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, throat or chest, it is necessary to act immediately, because the edema can interfere with vital functions. If the wasp was bited and the hand was swollen, the leg or the attack occurred in the finger, the folk methods of pain relief and edema are suitable.

These funds are good with their trouble-free action, as well as accessibility, because pharmacy drugs can not always be at hand.

How to remove the tumor folk remedies:

  • Mix soda with a small amount of water and attach the resulting cleaner to the place of bite. After 10 - 30 minutes, the edema will disappear, as well as soreness.
  • The extracted activated carbon also relieves pain and swelling. For effective treatment Compresses with coal must be changed every hour.
  • The tea tree oil has proven well, which has the ability to pull the poison from the wound.
  • In nature, you can take advantage of the compresses from the seafront, clean region, mint or parsley. To do this, it is necessary to grind a bit of plants, and after attaching to the wound and bandage the bite's place with a clean cloth.
  • Unusual means - to apply ordinary raffin sugar to the bite. This will pull the poison, and the wound will be faster.
  • Aloe juice is an indispensable tool for all occasions. It will help to displaced and remove the swelling, and also accelerate healing. It is best to squeeze the drops of the juice directly to the place of bite immediately, and after repeating every 5 - 10 minutes to remove pain and swelling.
  • Raw potatoes will perfectly help in this case. Potatoes can be attached to the location of the cut, as well as use the crushed clench in the form of a compress. As soon as the composition heats up, it is necessary to replace the compress the new one.
  • Olive oil will be able to remove swelling. To do this, you need to cool a small amount, and after lubricate the branched place.
  • Onion juice or cutting vegetable can also quickly remove inflammation and pull out poison.

It is necessary to use the means immediately, and if the victim has an allergic reaction or strong swelling, it is better to seek qualified help.

The tumor after the bite of an insect - the phenomenon is quite common. Sometimes she arises even in response to attacks, it would seem, quite harmless creatures, like small flies and mosquitoes. And after the strucks of the axes, bees, sheds, bumblebees, some riders and predatory clouds of tumors appear almost every person, and often they can achieve impressive sizes.

The reason for the appearance of a tumor in response is the active response of the body's immune system on enzymes and toxins administered by insect under the skin. In the course of the inflammatory process, lymph is accumulated in soft tissues, which causes a natural increase in their volume.

But the wasps, hornets and bees in the attack are injected under the skin a fair dose of poison, which is able to destroy the cell walls of the tissues and initiate powerful inflammation, often accompanied by an allergic reaction. Depending on the strength of the human immune response, the tumor can be both small and very extensive, up to the swelling of the whole limb or a significant part of the body.

On a note

Speaking about insect bites, many people understand the attacks of other arthropods: spiders, scrolophedr, scorpions and ticks, which, generally speaking, do not belong to the insect detachment (insect only 3 pairs of legs).

Tumor as a normal body reaction on bite

If there is a slightly foot from the bite of an insect, a hand or a cheek, then before painting and talking about "terrible allergies", it should be noted that a minor tumor and swelling is a completely normal reaction of a healthy body to enter it outsiders in vigorous biologically active substances.

The poison of the majority of insects (and poisonous spiders) contain a group of substances causing cell destruction and leaning their contents in the intercellular space. The body of the injured person regards the insect toxins and the contents of damaged cells as a substance dangerous for it and attack them. In addition, their presence in the intercellular space is harmful and can lead to disruption of metabolism in tissues.

The poison of the hornets, OS and some spiders causes everything else, also the destruction of the walls of small blood vessels, which often leads to subcutaneous, and in particularly dangerous cases (with mass cuffs) - and to internal bleeding.

In the photo - a tumor after the bite of a harder:

In the damaged place begins to actively pour blood, and in addition to this, an increase in the volume of the intercellular fluid occurs. In such conditions, the body is easier to mobilize its resources to neutralize poison.

So, a minor tumor or swelling as a result of an attack of any segregated is the norm, therefore it is not worth a particularly worried in such cases. Another thing is when the insect bite was swollen, for example, all or a significant part of the leg, hands, faces, or swelling began to spread throughout the body.

This is an excessive reaction, often being a sign of the development of hazardous allergies. With such tumors and edema, definitely, it should be struggling, and as soon as possible.

TO characteristic symptomsAppearing after attacks of arthropods, the following can be attributed:

Often, the temperature of the victim increases the temperature of the victim, the feeling of burning is felt - this is also a normal phenomenon. It is worth the alarm when the general and strong increase in body temperature occurs - this is the signal that the process acquires generalized, and the patient may need to be hospitalized.

Speaking O. possible consequencesYou should not forget that the same person insect bite of insects can cause different degrees and nature of the symptoms. In many ways it depends on where the bite came. So, for example, insect bite in the eyelid sometimes leads to a complete swelling of half of the face and closing the eye, at the same time on the back or wrist, the bump arose will cause much less unpleasant consequences.

"We strongly frightened when my husband had a foot after the insect bite. It turned out that this is such a water scorpion, he lives in all ponds and crawls along the bottom. The husband thought that the branch came and did not give much attention, and then his beginning torture. When he came out of the lake, he had a foot on his foot, and then a strong redness and swelling appeared, the whole leg became similar to the barrel. It was terribly terribly. At the same time, it says that there is no painful pain, only in the place of bite. I still persuaded him to go to the hospital, myself was driving. The doctor told us that such a strong swelling from the bite of an insect is rare, especially since the water scorpion. For a couple of days, this tumor kept kept, in several places the bruises performed. Somewhere in a week, the swelling completely slept, but at all, he did not interfere normally walk and swim well. "

Svetlana, Chelyabinsk

When you need to fight with a tumor?

In some cases, the degree of manifestation of the tumor from the bite of an insect is redundant and requires treatment. These situations include:

  • allergic tumors and swelling;
  • tumors affecting internal organs or respiratory system;
  • inflammation arising in response to the introduction of a secondary infection in the wound from bite.
  • insect bite inflamed after a few days - this is a unique sign of infection of the wound;
  • edema spreads more and more, in different parts of the body from the bite of an insect, rashes and blisters appear;
  • signs of general intrication of the body appear: dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, heat;
  • in the place of the insect bite appears an extensive injection (the formation of pus is a consequence of tissue damage);
  • from the bite of an insect eye, the eye, tongue or larynx - in the first case there is a risk of serious damage to the eye, in the last two - a suffocation can occur.

In all listed cases, it is necessary to take into account that the first aid funds can serve only in order to facilitate the state of the victim to a visit to the doctor. Do not turn such assistance in long-term aircraft.

"I don't even know what to do. Two days ago I was bitten some small wasp, and so far there is a red spot on the place of bite, it hurts and hurts. It seems not to spread out, but bitten this nasty insect exactly in the place of the belt from the trousers, and it is very uncomfortable now to wear it. Immediately after that there was still nothing, and then just swollen and so without change is still holding. Tell me, do I need to somehow deal with it or wait until it goes away? "

Oksana, Mozhaisk

Anti-inflammatory means

As a rule, special gels, creams and ointments from insect bites use for the processing of edema and developed inflammation. The most popular of them can be attributed to:

  • Phenyatil;
  • Levomecol;
  • Advantan;
  • Flucinar;

With these means, inflammation from the insect bite can be smeared independently, without a doctor's prescription, given only contraindications to a specific drug. As for the anti-inflammatory funds taken inward, they must be prescribed exclusively the doctor - independent techniques of such drugs (steroid and nonsteroid) can cause the body significant harm.

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, there is also a whole set of funds folk Medicinedesigned to help the victim. If the insect bites are swollen, for example, a foot or hand, the following folk remedies can be used:

  • planting leaves juice;
  • crumpled leaves of parsley;
  • aloe leaves;
  • calendula tincture.

The main disadvantage of folk remedies is their relatively low efficiency: if the tumor is small, then there is no particular sense to treat it, but if a generalized reaction began, the juice of the plantain and calendula, alas, will not help.

As a rule, folk remedies are used only to reduce pain in the place of bite, without landing at the time of their great hopes regarding tumor relief.

Instructions for the treatment of tumor after insect bites

Depending on how much time has passed since the bite, treatment can be carried out by different means. So, if the tumor just started to appear, it will be enough to attach a cold compress to it (It narrows blood vessels, and will also reduce the absorption rate of poison in blood).

Especially relevant such assistance in the bite of an insect in the eyes - one compression in this situation can be enough to not lose view due to a tumor for a couple of days.

While the place damaged by insect hurts, and the tumor increases in size, it is not necessary to neglect, for example, by coating or phenyistil - these tools have an antihistamine effect, not allowing the allergic reaction to develop.

If you notice that the tumor or swelling from the insect bite is beginning to be threatenly spread to all new parts of the body, you should immediately call Ambulance And get advice on the phone. Often, in such cases, doctors recommend taking antihistamines (diphroll or suprastin). It is even better not to tighten and take the victim to the hospital, or call doctors to the house - because it is possible that after a while the situation can become critical ...

Also, in no case can not be slow when the localization of the tumor and swelling in vital places - for example, on the throat. If a cold compress does not help, then it is necessary to cause an ambulance brigade, since the continuing swelling of the respiratory tract may eventually lead to their full overlap.

Specificity of inflammation at different parts of the body

According to statistics, most often the bites of stinging insects fall on human limbs. If a leg or hand is swollen from such a bite - the situation, of course, an unpleasant, but completely tolerant, although the injured limb may even take an awesome look.

"Last summer, I was bitten some insect, my hand was creepy, and so I couldn't smooth my fingers. It seems nothing unusual, but really terrible, so that it is not left forever. Somewhere we went with such a pillow somewhere, and then gradually passed. Although after a bite, a couple of weeks left a seal on back side Palm.

Yaroslav, Ramenskoye

Significantly more serious is the situation when, for example, a hornet or axis jam in the eyes, eyeway, lip or language. After such a bite, the tumor prevents a person to fully live, perceive information from the world, speak. In addition, some symptoms appearing after such an attack can seriously threaten health, and sometimes the life of the victim.

"It was terrible when a small bee bit her eyes. It walks such a garden, and half of his face has swollen like a ball, even bit a little. We showed a doctor, he says that we were lucky and nothing terrible, it will take place. Now it seems like a little bit open, and yesterday I could not even move. "

Alexander, Vladimir

In conclusion, I once again want to pay attention to the fact that if the symptoms of general poisoning appear as a result of the insect bite, rash throughout the body, shortness of breath, nausea or extensive swelling, the victim should be taken to the hospital. Even the bite of one bee in some cases can cause strong allergic reactions and lead to anaphylactic shock.

You can never know for sure exactly how the body will react to the poison that fell into it, and during excessive carelessness, it may not even be time to call the "ambulance". Therefore, after a bite, carefully follow your condition or the state of a person close to you, and if the first alarming symptoms appear, call the hospital.

Useful video about different reactions for insect bites: from edema to anaphylactic shock


OS bites can deliver a lot of trouble affected people. In case of untimely rendered to the help of the poison, which insect injected into the wound through the sting, can provoke the swelling of the tissues, the development of the strongest pain syndrome and allergic reactions. That is why it is so important to know how to prevent the bite of the wasp, how to remove the edema and at home to cope with other unpleasant consequences of the attack of this insect.

Why the wasps show aggression

Most often, the wasp is attacking a person for self-defense purposes. Starting factors for the manifestation of aggression can be:

  • sharp movements, attempts to driven or catch insect with hands;
  • stupid irritation household chemicals, fruit, berries, sweets, cosmetics and perfumery;
  • creating a real threat to the Osin nest and the larvae, eggs, the uterus in it.

Unlike the bee, the OSA may be painful adult or child several times in a row. Smooth and acute aspen sting remains in the wound only if the insect dies during the bite.

Symptoms of bite

Each person suffers the bite of the wasp in its own way. The severity of symptoms does not depend not only individual features The body of the victim, but also on the number of bites, the localization of the wounds, the volume of poison injected into it.

The main signs of the aspen bite become:

In people who suffer from allergies to the masculine poison, the reaction of the body's hypersensitivity can develop. Signs of this pathological state become:

  • the strongest swelling in the field of bite, the swelling of the neck, face, limbs;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • skin irritation, the appearance of unusual raw elements on it;
  • pain in chest and stomach;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • pallor skin.

With severe allergic reactions, the affected person loses consciousness.

First aid

Immediately after the up bite, it is necessary:

  • quickly, but carefully leave the place, challenged insects;
  • remove the sting if it remains in the wound after the bite;
  • disinfection wound with hydrogen peroxide, diamond green, iodine, alcohol or other antiseptic;
  • pull out a part of the poison from the wound, applying a tablet of activated carbon or a piece of raffinad;
  • impose a sterile bandage to the bite;
  • to drink at least 2 liters of warm tea or water that will help bring toxins from the body;
  • abandon the time from physical exertion, alcohol and dairy products;
  • take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tueva and Others);
  • treate not combing and not rub the branched place.

With the appearance of any symptoms of allergies, the axis poison should be abandoned by the attempts of self-medication and seek as soon as possible for the qualified help of physicians.

Treatment of edema folk remedies

In order to eliminate pain and edema after the bite of the wasps, you can take advantage of the methods and means of alternative medicine.

Exterior means

Means for intake

  1. Thoroughly washed and crushed nettle roots (3 teaspoons) to insist within an hour in a glass of boiling water. Infusion to have a day.
  2. Prepare a collection of birch leaves and field chemistrytaken in equal volumes. Pour a tablespoon of naked vegetable raw materials into the pan, pour 1.5 glasses of water and boil 4 minutes. Filtered decoction to drink 6 tablespoons once every 3 hours.
  3. Heat a glass of water to 60 degrees, pour out 4 tablespoons of flax seeds in it, insist 2-3 hours. To drink in the infusion of salvo.

It is important to understand that many folk remedies have side effects. Before applying any of them, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, having received the appropriate advice from a physician or an experienced fittime.

- It is somehow harmless and not very scary. But if the wasp bit really, and the pain from the bite is far from "fabulous", and the tumor grows right in his eyes - you need to do something, but it is necessary to take immediate action. No need to underestimate the danger of bites of this insect. Unlike the bite of bee - the bite of the wasp is much more painful and trouble from him more serious.

Attack and its consequences

Osa Jalite man in any available place. Even clothes, if it is not of dense fabric, will not protect from the penetration of aspen sting. It should be aware that the wasps can bite repeatedly, up to five times, and perhaps at the same place.

With each bite, the insect injected poison and simultaneously distinguishes special enzymes that the wasp signals about the attack and attracts to the aid of their fellows.

If you were bited by the OSA - immediately leave the place where it happened, but do not swing their hands and do not run. Just calmly, but quickly go to a safe place. Since the poison of the wasps may be a strong allergen - immediately accept any anti-allergy drug. By this you do not give to develop an allergic reaction, which can be very serious, up to an anaphylactic shock. Then you should carefully examine the bite and try to remove the edema.

Dangerous edema mucous membranes

If you were stipulated by an axes in one of the places with unprotected mucous membranes - eyes, nose, lip, or even a language - immediately attach something cold to the place of bite. It may be ice from a refrigerator or even a frozen piece of meat. The cold will help stop the development of edema.

But be sure to use the cloth or the handkerchief, do not apply the ice directly. Open human mucosa shells are very delicate and easy.

It is not uncommon when the axes jam in the mucous side of the inner side of the lip or even a language. It will also help the cold and can be gained in the mouth of the icy water and hold as far as minutes, not swallowing.

When the UK bite in the face of the face or neck is possible the development of swelling of the quinque, when a strong tumor occurs in places where subcutaneous fiber is developed - lips, eyelids, cheeks. It is a truly "impressive" spectacle, right up to completely floating eyes and the inability to open them. Therefore, it does not matter, allergic you or not, be sure to accept the antihistamine drug. Such drugs have a property to remove the swelling of any body tissues.

Torch and limb

No less dangerous bits OS in hand, legs and other parts of the body. If the hand has swollen, except for the priority of the cold, process the bite of iodine or alcohol. You should not use the green, it will immediately dry and closes the wound, and the poison that fell there needs to be "pulling out."

Prepare a salt solution, a teaspoon of salt on a glass of water, and make a bumble. A napkin impregnated with a solution should be kept at least an hour at the site, periodically wasting it. Salt solution can be replaced with soda solution.

If the swelling at the site of the bite, in spite of everything increases, it means that the poison of the wasa hit the place saturated with blood vessels. You can put a tight bandage and try to stop the further spread of toxin in the circulatory system. But, as a rule, it does not always give the desired result, since the poison applies very quickly.

With a tumor on the foot best tool - This is a napkin moistened in the ice salt solution and fixed by adhesive plane or bandage. The skin on the legs of the person is quite dense, the blood vessels are located somewhat deeper from the skin surface, so if the fixed bandage does not interfere with walking, we carry it as much as possible until the edema is completely eliminated.

If the leg has twisted in the foot area or between your fingers, how much you can wash this place with soap. Then place the foot in the basin with a cool salt or soda solution. Perhaps the procedure is not very pleasant, but in any case useful.

Folk Methods

There are many ways to remove or reduce swelling after the aspen bites. It is natural, because the wasps bite a person from time immemorial, and people have learned to use many plants, fruits and other remedies when need to quickly decide - how to remove the tumor.

The first thing that is worth trying is the bulb-cut in half. Luke juice is an excellent antiseptic and has tanning substances. Half of the bulbs carefully soda the place of bite, it will remove itching and slows down the development of edema.

Instead of onions, you can take half of the lemon. Source properties have crude potatoes. Its composition has starch capable of disinfecting the wreck. An excellent means is considered to be a leaf of aloe, cut along. On the interior sides Cut sheets Make small notches with a knife for better selection of juice. Apply to the edema and fix the bandage.

The pharmacy tool "Validol" is also able to reduce swelling. Shake a little on the napkin and attach to the place of bite. The composition of this drug includes alcohol and mentholic oil, which, in turn, have disinfecting, soothing and vasodilating properties.


Not rarely after the bite of the wasp, the tumor may appear only the next day. Sometimes it is accompanied by an increased temperature. Such a reaction of the body to the masculine poison is quite normal, and if you fulfill all the above recommendations, you can avoid dangerous consequences.

If nevertheless, you immediately looked at the bite, then when the symptoms appear "late" symptoms, accept aspirin or ibuprofen, make a cold compress with a vinegar diluted in water - two tablespoons on a glass of water. During the day, drink more fluid, it will help to "wash" the poison from the body.

If you are attacked by the wasp and were dragged, and maybe more than once - use the most available toolsTo reduce the toxic effect of the Osin poison to your body. Do not neglect folk remedies - many of them give excellent results. Carefully "listen" to your body and, if you feel much worse - be sure to see the doctor.