Tangerine tree home care. Plant care

Spectacular pot culture- indoor tangerine - fell in love with many flower growers not only for its bright fragrant fruits ripening on New Year's Eve, but also for white flowers that exude a surprisingly delicate, incredibly pleasant aroma during flowering. Some cultivars of mandarin are capable of blooming all year round. Look at the photo, how beautiful the tree looks in the interior of the room. Mandarin is easy to grow and care for, it can be easily planted and propagated even at home. See for yourself.

Biological characteristics and common varieties

Mandarin (Citrus reticulate) is classified as extensive. The culture is a tree or shrub, reaching 5 m in nature. Of all citrus fruits, mandarin is the most winter-hardy and productive plant. It is able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -12-15 degrees. Mandarin trees begin to bear fruit in the second year of planting. Its flowers are slightly smaller than lemon flowers, but have a more piercing, strong aroma. Plants are usually grown indoors. dwarf varieties not exceeding 40-50 cm.

The tangerine tree can bloom and bear fruit at the same time

Of the common varieties, the following can be noted:

  • Mandarin Georgian seedless(Unshiu) - The most common in indoor culture due to its large fruits with a thin skin and juicy sweet pulp. Practically does not form seeds.
  • Mandarin Georgian narrow-leaved- the plant produces smaller fruits. The peel is slightly thicker than that of the Unshiu variety. The pulp is sweet, fine-grained and very juicy.
  • Mandarin Forged-Wasse- high-yielding, early ripening variety. It bears a lot of fruits even in a domestic culture. Able to bear fruit in the first year of planting.

Planting indoor tangerine

The cultivation of tangerine trees began in Ancient China, where orange-yellow fruits were available only to the rich - tangerines. Where, perhaps, the name of the culture came from. Nowadays, dwarf tangerine plants, already with bright fruits on the branches, can be easily purchased in many flower shops.

Young tangerine trees for indoor cultivation

After purchase, the plant is recommended to be transplanted into a fresh, suitable substrate for citrus fruits with an acidity of pH 5.5-7.0. The soil can be compiled independently by mixing in a 1: 1: 1: 0.5 ratio of leafy, soddy soil, manure humus and river sand... Take a pot for transplanting only 2-3 cm larger than the previous one - this will stimulate the tangerine to grow.

Features of growing and caring for tangerine

Indoor tangerine trees are very light-requiring. It is recommended to place them no further than 1 m from the window of the east or south side.

Attention! Citrus fruits (and mandarin are no exception) easily get used to light on one side, so tangerine tree sharp turns and rearrangements from one window sill to another are contraindicated. This causes a metabolic disorder. nutrients in the leaves, which leads to abundant leaf fall, and in some cases even to the death of the entire plant.

For development and optimal growth, tangerine will need a temperature of + 16-20 degrees in the spring summer period and + 12-15 - in winter. In summer and during flowering, carefully monitor the temperature indicators near the plant, as overheating threatens with wilting of flowers and fruits.

Mandarin responds very well to spraying

Pay particular attention to the leaf mass: carry out regular spraying and cleaning of the leaf plates. The flowering and yield of the tangerine directly depends on the condition and number of leaves. Watch the soil moisture in the pot: it should not dry out completely. Water only with warm, purified or settled water.

Important! All citrus fruits are excellent air purifiers, as they saturate it big amount phytoncides.

Top dressing

Fertilizing an adult fruiting tangerine tree begins in the summer and continues until the end of September. Give preference organic fertilizers- infused and diluted in a ratio of 1:10 cow dung... In the spring, before flowering, tangerine can be fed 2-3 times with complex fertilizer for citrus fruits.


Indoor tangerine can be propagated in two ways:

  • by rooting the apical cutting;

Cuttings are carried out at the beginning of summer. For rooting, means that stimulate root formation are used, since the cuttings do not give roots well.

Reproduction tangerine tree grafting on the stock

Vaccination is more effective and successful. As a rootstock, use self-rooted cuttings of lemon or seedlings of any citrus fruits.

Common diseases and pests

Most often, the plant is exposed to late blight, gray rot and scab. For prevention, it is recommended to carry out regular spraying with systemic fungicides.

Of the pests of tangerine trees, great harm is done by the scale insect, aphids, spider mite and thrips. To combat them, special natural or chemical insecticides are used.

How to grow a tangerine at home: video

Growing tangerine: photo

The tangerine tree in its popularity among gardeners is only slightly inferior to the laurel of the primacy of lemon. And this is not surprising: its bright fruits delight the eye, and the delicate aroma has a healing effect, improving mood and giving vigor. Tangerine trees adorn windowsills for many years - the main thing is to properly care for them. Moreover, it is not so difficult - the tangerine is not capricious.

A tangerine tree can be grown from a seed at home. For this, seeds are selected from the tangerines you like. In order for the seedlings to appear for sure, it is better to plant at least 10 pieces.

The bones are pre-soaked for several days. For this purpose, they are wrapped in damp gauze and placed in a warm place. The main thing is that the gauze does not dry out. After a few days, the seeds will swell.

As soon as the sprouts appear, the seeds can be planted. The shops sell special soil for citrus fruits. But you can make an earthen mixture yourself.

Soil for tangerine trees:

  • Sod - 3 parts;
  • Land -1 part;
  • Humus -1 part;
  • Some sand or clay.

Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot, then the prepared soil mixture is poured. The seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm. The earth is well moistened and the pot is placed in a bright place. But sprouted sprouts must be protected from direct sun rays in the first weeks. Otherwise, they will dry out.

It is worth knowing that trees grown from seeds will not themselves produce cultivated juicy fruits... In order to get tasty tangerines, a shoot from a cultivated fruit-bearing plant will need to be grafted onto the tree.

Video instruction for growing a tangerine from a bone

Lighting and location

Mandarin is a southern plant, therefore it loves light and warmth. For him, it is worth choosing windows facing south, southeast, southwest. It is important that the location is well lit.

However, the tangerine is not very fond of direct sunlight, especially in the summer heat. They can cause leaf burns. If the tree overheats under the rays, then chlorosis may begin - the plants will begin to wither and lose strength. Therefore, on too sunny days, the southern window is covered with a gauze curtain. In the summer, you can take the tree out onto the balcony. In a private house, he is even taken out into the street. However, in this case, the transfer is carried out gradually - first, the pot is placed in the shade. When he gets used to the new conditions, he is taken out to the site. If you immediately expose the pot to the sun, the tangerine can start to hurt.

In autumn and winter, the tangerine must be artificially illuminated. To do this, place lamps on the windowsill and turn them on during the day. Without this, the tangerine can start to hurt.

Temperature regime

Mandarin doesn't like cold. Optimum temperature air for him in summer +20 degrees, in winter - + 12-14. Buds and ovaries on a tree appear only at a temperature of + 16-18 degrees. If the room is always colder, then the tangerine will not bloom and the florist will wait in vain for bright fruits.


In nature, tangerines live in a humid subtropical climate. Therefore, for a comfortable existence, they must be constantly sprayed with water from a spray bottle. And you will have to do this several times a day. In winter, you will have to spray the tree more often, since the central heating greatly dries the air. But in no case should the tangerine be sprayed. cold water from the tap. It should be warmed up to room temperature.

Additionally, a bowl of water can be placed near the plant. Also, water can be poured into a tray on which a pot with a plant stands. In dry air, the tangerine tree is affected by pests - scabbard and spider mites.


In the summer, the plant is watered often and abundantly. In winter, it is enough to water it 2 times a week. The soil in the pot should not dry out completely - that the time for watering has come is indicated by the drying of the top layer of the soil.

Simple experience can tell if it's time to water. It is enough to take a pinch of earth in your fingers and squeeze. If it crumbles, it's time to go for the watering can.

Don't use tap water. Chlorine and other compounds contained in it alkalize the earth and cause chlorosis, in which leaves appear spots. Pre-boiling also does not give a positive result tap water... Firstly, this complicates care, and secondly, harmful elements still remain in the water. Some flower growers advise using hot water served centrally. It is less chlorinated and more soft. Previously, it must be cooled and defended for 24 hours. However, this procedure is advised to be done with any water for watering a tangerine tree.

In winter, water for irrigation is heated to + 30-35 degrees. Otherwise, you can overcool the roots of the plant and it will wither. In summer, the water heats up naturally during settling.

Additional care

Every month the tangerine needs to have a bath. At the same time, the soil in the pot must be protected with an impenetrable film. The leaves of the tree are washed with soapy water. This will help protect the plant from pests.

Important: so that soapy water, running down the trunk, does not saturate the ground, it is bandaged with a bandage.


The trees must be fertilized periodically. This is done for the first time a year in April. Further, until winter, the mandarin is fed every two weeks. This is done so that the tree develops well, buds and bears fruit. Summer dressing prevents the bitterness of the fruit. In winter, you do not need to feed the plant.

For feeding, use any complex fertilizers that are sold in stores. There are special fertilizers for citrus fruits.

You can enhance fruiting with the help of the so-called fish soup. 200g of small fresh fish is boiled in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes. The strained broth is cooled and added to the complex fertilizer.


Pruning allows not only to form a beautiful crown, but also accelerates the onset of the fruiting period. All weak branches must be removed. Apical shoots are periodically pinched. Then the tree begins to bush, the crown becomes denser and more beautiful.

In young trees, in the first years of flowering, part of the buds must be pinched off. This will preserve the vitality of the plants. Otherwise, they may become depleted and bear poor fruit. The fewer flowers there are, the larger and more beautiful the fruits will be.


The plant is transplanted once a year in the first years of life. Then, when the fruiting period begins, the trees are replanted every 2-3 years. This is done before the plant grows. The ideal time is March. If time is lost, it is better to skip deadlines. An untimely transplant can lead to the fact that the tree will hurt for a long time or even die. If there is room in the pot, sometimes it is enough to replace upper layer soil and drainage.

Pest control

White dots on the underside of the leaves and twisted leaves, in which a cobweb can be seen, indicate that the tangerine has struck a tick. To destroy it, you can use garlic tinctures, tobacco dust, laundry soap.

1 tablespoon of dust is insisted in a glass of boiling water for 6 hours, then mixed with 10 grams of soap. The plant is sprayed with this solution. It is enough to carry out 3 procedures every 6 days.

To prepare the garlic tincture, grind the head of garlic and insist in a glass of boiling water for 2 days. Then they act in the same way.

When damaged by a scutellum, brownish growth spots appear on the leaves along the veins. They fight the shield with the help of such a solution:

  • 1 tsp machine oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l of washing powder;
  • 40 g of laundry soap;
  • 1 glass of water.

This solution must not come into contact with the soil. It is applied to leaves and branches. After 4 aces it is washed off in the shower. The tree is processed 3 times every 6 days.

At good care a tangerine tree will bear its first fruits in the third year and will then produce up to 50 tasty and juicy tangerines. Caring for him is not that difficult. The main thing is that it must be regular and constant. And then the tangerine tree will definitely reward with beauty and harvest.

Citruses, including tangerines, contain a lot of vitamin C. You can try growing them yourself. The tangerine bonsai is a wonderful ornamental plant that brings home bright colors and a pleasant aroma. It is known that the smell of this fruit not only improves mood and invigorates, but also relieves headaches. An evergreen citrus tree can maintain its flowering period for most of the year and bear fruit even at home.

It is not difficult to become the owner of a wonderful indoor tangerine. Moreover, you can even grow a tangerine in a pot on your own, from a bone.

Planting stages

It should be noted right away that there is a simpler option. You can buy a ready-made seedling in a specialized store and plant it immediately in the ground. You can even purchase already fruiting adult plant, which will only need to be put on the windowsill, providing it home care.

But for those who are not looking for easy ways, you can independently plant and grow indoor tangerines at home.

Step 1. Materials

The seeds of the fruit of this fruit are required. It is better to take at least a dozen, since no one has canceled natural selection yet. Not all seeds will be able to sprout, not all sprouts will be able to break through the soil. To get suitable seeds, you need to take a ripe fruit: the larger and juicier, the better.

Step 2. Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners know that any seed requires a preparatory period before planting in the ground. For some time, the tangerine seeds must be left in humid place. Perfect option- wrap them in a cloth and leave, maintaining a moist environment. After a couple of days, the seeds will be ready for planting: small sprouts will appear on the seeds.

Step 3. Landing in the ground

Usually indoor tangerines are able to grow in the most ordinary soil, but it is worthwhile to approach the choice of soil for a plant responsibly. First to the bottom flower pot a layer of small stones or expanded clay is laid out for soil drainage. Next, the rest of the soil is laid out, where the sprouted bones are placed. They need to be placed not too deep, but not at the very surface of the soil. The ideal planting depth is 5 to 7 cm.

Unless you need to water it, but not too abundantly and very carefully. In less than a month, young shoots will begin to peek out of the soil.

Even if the experiment fails, do not be discouraged: it does not always work out as planned. You can always try planting a tangerine again at home using previous experience.

Care of young seedlings

At the very beginning, it is important to produce proper care for young shoots. The pot with the plant must be placed correctly, finding the most suitable place for it. Indoor tangerine loves good lighting, and in dark places, it begins to wither and may die. But direct sunlight in a large number can burn young shoots. Until the stems of the tangerine tree are sufficiently strong, it is better to remove them from the risk zone. The task is not entirely simple - the container with sprouts must be constantly illuminated and reliably protected from the direct sun.

The tangerine tree must necessarily be exposed to direct sunlight, without which it will not be able to grow and develop normally.

Immediately after the first shoots appear, it is important to feed the young citrus... The algorithm of action does not differ significantly from feeding an adult plant.

Adult plant care

When growing a tangerine at home, it is important to understand that the plant is adapted for hot countries, where droughts often occur. Therefore, excessive watering will be detrimental to the plant. When indoor tangerine is watered too often, it begins to shed its leaves. But it is also not worth rushing from one extreme to another.


An ornamental mandarin variety is still not a cactus, at home it requires regular irrigation.

A tangerine grown at home, in addition to watering, requires care and nutrition. It is about feeding the plant.

It is necessary to feed the plants, because frequent watering washes out organic and mineral substances. Understanding this is crucial in growing tangerines at home. V different time Years, mandarin behaves differently, which affects the amount and frequency of the required nutrition.

It is especially important to feed the indoor shrub in the spring, when the mandarin is making its main growth.

The frequency of feeding should not exceed twice a week. Fertilizer must be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can seriously harm the plant: instead of the necessary minerals and organic matter, homemade tangerine can get poison. Fertilizer and fertilizing mixtures indoor plants are sold in stores, both specialized and in large hypermarkets. When choosing a top dressing, it is advisable to focus on fertilizers for citrus fruits.

Tangerine home tree requires feeding in much to a greater extent than his garden cousins. Potted soil, unlike open ground, is not able to regenerate organic and mineral substances eroded during irrigation. A garden tangerine doesn't need to be fed as often, but home tree care is another matter entirely.

Although the tangerine tree is not a capricious and difficult plant to care for, it is still worthwhile to put in some extra effort in addition to watering and feeding. Let's say a few more words about how to care for a decorative mandarin so that the tree will always delight the eye with its beauty.


As the tree grows, the indoor tangerine must be transplanted. While the bush is growing, it is advisable to renew the "place of registration" every year. After the plant reaches the age of seven, the expansion of its living space is required once every two years.

In order for the tree to bear fruit well, it is better to remove excess ovaries at the flowering stage.

The more potential fruits grow, the more energy and nutrients the tree will spend on growing. In order not to deplete the mandarin tree, it is advisable to leave only a part of its flowers, the strongest ovaries. Although the “harvest” will be less, more micronutrients will be put into each fruit. Therefore, the fruits will be larger, tasty and juicy. The indoor tangerine is an ornamental plant, not a garden one. Therefore, the health of the tree should always be a priority.

When the ovaries form into small fruits, it is advisable to tie the tree crowns to a support. As tangerines grow and get heavier, they risk breaking the fragile ornamental stems of the tree. The bush can be damaged without additional help. Broken branches can lead to serious tree disease.

Diseases and pests

When growing a tangerine, you cannot provide it with proper home care without protecting the plant from pests.

Types of indoor trees

There are several varieties of the tangerine tree. Some of them fit perfectly into the culture of home ornamental plants.


The most popular is the Unshiu mandarin tree variety, a variety of Japanese mandarin trees. The height of an adult plant rarely reaches 1.5 m. tangerine unshiu more tolerant of the cold and extremely fruitful.

Dwarf form

The dwarf or, as it is also called, mountain tangerine, Kovano-Vasya, is also popular. This variety of the Vasya group, which at home is capable of reaching a meter in height, although usually the growth of the plant stops within the range from 40 cm to 80 cm.


You can also highlight the room Clementine. This is a mandarin crossed with an orange. Differs in bright and sweet fruits decorative mandarin varieties of Murcott, which translates as "honey". The early ripening variety begins to bear fruit in the summer, in contrast to the aforementioned varieties.

Other varieties

A small tangerine Shiva Mikan tree like Murcott is an early variety with small fruits.

But despite the fact that the mentioned varieties of tangerine trees are specially bred decorative varieties, even an ordinary garden tangerine remains quite short at home, regardless of care.

Whichever variety you choose in the end, the result will be a spectacular decorative tree with beautiful flowers and bright, aromatic fruits.


Since ancient times, tangerines have been used as decorative domestic trees by noble and wealthy families, growing them in greenhouses or winter gardens, because a flower of both garden and homemade tangerine exuded a wonderful aroma. Today, mandarin is available at home. Growing a tree is pretty easy. Care also does not require any special efforts. But this noble tangerine bonsai in any interior will look spectacular and stylish, giving the surrounding space more positive and colorful. Therefore, even if you had doubts about whether to mess with a citrus tree or give preference to another ornamental plant, discard them. Home trees will invariably delight their owners, bearing juicy fruits, delicate aroma and great mood.

The spectacular pot culture - indoor tangerine - fell in love with many flower growers not only for its bright fragrant fruits ripening on New Year's Eve, but also for white flowers that exude a surprisingly delicate, incredibly pleasant aroma during flowering. Some cultivars of mandarin are capable of blooming all year round. Look at the photo, how beautiful the tree looks in the interior of the room. Mandarin is easy to grow and care for, it can be easily planted and propagated even at home. See for yourself.

Biological characteristics and common varieties

Mandarin (Citrus reticulate) belongs to the large group of Citrus fruits. The culture is a tree or shrub, reaching 5 m in nature. Of all citrus fruits, mandarin is the most winter-hardy and productive plant. It is able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -12-15 degrees. Mandarin trees begin to bear fruit in the second year of planting. Its flowers are slightly smaller than lemon flowers, but have a more piercing, strong aroma. In indoor conditions, dwarf varieties are usually grown, not exceeding 40-50 cm.

The tangerine tree can bloom and bear fruit at the same time

Of the common varieties, the following can be noted:

  • Mandarin Georgian seedless(Unshiu) - The most common in indoor culture due to its large fruits with a thin skin and juicy sweet pulp. Practically does not form seeds.
  • Mandarin Georgian narrow-leaved- the plant produces smaller fruits. The peel is slightly thicker than that of the Unshiu variety. The pulp is sweet, fine-grained and very juicy.
  • Mandarin Forged-Wasse- high-yielding, early ripening variety. It bears a lot of fruits even in a domestic culture. Able to bear fruit in the first year of planting.

Planting indoor tangerine

The cultivation of tangerine trees began in ancient China, where orange-yellow fruits were available only to the rich - tangerines. Where, perhaps, the name of the culture came from. Nowadays, dwarf tangerine plants, already with bright fruits on the branches, can be easily purchased in many flower shops.

Young tangerine trees for indoor cultivation

After purchase, the plant is recommended to be transplanted into a fresh, suitable substrate for citrus fruits with an acidity of pH 5.5-7.0. The soil can be compiled independently by mixing in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5 leaf, turf soil, humus and river sand. Take a pot for transplanting only 2-3 cm larger than the previous one - this will stimulate the tangerine to grow.

Features of growing and caring for tangerine

Indoor tangerine trees are very light-requiring. It is recommended to place them no further than 1 m from the window of the east or south side.

Attention! Citrus fruits (and tangerines are no exception) easily get used to the light on the one hand, so sharp turns and rearrangements from one window sill to the other are contraindicated for a tangerine tree. This causes a disruption in the metabolism of nutrients in the leaves, which leads to abundant leaf fall, and in some cases even to the death of the entire plant.

For development and optimal growth, tangerine will need a temperature of + 16-20 degrees in the spring-summer period and + 12-15 - in winter. In summer and during flowering, carefully monitor the temperature indicators near the plant, as overheating threatens with wilting of flowers and fruits.

Mandarin responds very well to spraying

Pay particular attention to the leaf mass: carry out regular spraying and cleaning of the leaf plates. The flowering and yield of the tangerine directly depends on the condition and number of leaves. Watch the soil moisture in the pot: it should not dry out completely. Water only with warm, purified or settled water.

Important! All citrus fruits are excellent air purifiers, as they saturate it with a large amount of phytoncides.

Top dressing

Fertilizing an adult fruiting tangerine tree begins in the summer and continues until the end of September. Give preference to organic fertilizers - infused and diluted in a ratio of 1:10 cow dung. In the spring, before flowering, tangerine can be fed 2-3 times with complex fertilizer for citrus fruits.


Indoor mandarin can be propagated in two ways:

  • by rooting the apical cutting;

Cuttings are carried out at the beginning of summer. For rooting, means that stimulate root formation are used, since the cuttings do not give roots well.

Propagation of a tangerine tree by grafting on a stock

Vaccination is more effective and successful. As a rootstock, use self-rooted cuttings of lemon or seedlings of any citrus fruits.

Common diseases and pests

Most often, the plant is exposed to late blight, gray rot and scab. For prevention, it is recommended to carry out regular spraying with systemic fungicides.

Of the pests of tangerine trees, great harm is caused by the scale insect, aphids, spider mites and thrips. To combat them, special natural or chemical insecticides are used.

How to grow a tangerine at home: video

Growing tangerine: photo

An evergreen tangerine tree will all year round to give pleasant emotions and a harvest of fruits. Caring for him at home is not so difficult, but certain conditions must be observed.

Tangerine tree: how to care at home

Choosing the soil for a young tangerine tree

For good health and fruiting, it is necessary to choose a soil with the following composition: leafy earth (1 part), turf (2 parts), quartz sand (1 part), humus from cow dung (1 part). Using this composition, you can create the necessary conditions for plant survival.

You can sprout a mandarin shoot yourself. It takes patience and time. You can germinate it from seeds in sawdust, just like an orange, while maintaining sufficient moisture.

What kind of soil do adult trees like

For adult tangerine trees, a slightly different ratio of soil parts is needed: 1 part of leafy soil, 3 parts of turf, 1 part of humus from cow dung, 1 part of a sandy component and a little bit of high-fat clay. By replanting a grown tree in such soil, you can achieve its rapid rooting and fruiting.

Bone tree

You can grow a tangerine tree from the seed of a ripe fruit. When it is removed from the pulp, it must be wrapped in gauze or cloth and constantly moistened with water. The bone will swell and the sprout will hatch. Then you need to plant it in the soil. Alternatively, you should place tangerine seed into the middle layer of the hydrogel and wait for the sprout to appear.

Where to plant a tree

When choosing a place for a tangerine tree, it must be borne in mind that it must be well lit. Mandarin loves light in abundance. On a very hot day, it is still better to shade the plant in order to avoid burning the leaves.

A house tree is best planted in a wooden tub or flowerpot from natural materials... It is best to place it on the south, southwest and southeast windows. In winter, it is best not to open the window for a long time. With the onset of spring, the plant can be taken out onto a balcony or loggia. In the hot season, you can create a retractable awning for shading.

How to get a tangerine tree drunk

Growing tangerines is troublesome. Plain water it should not be watered. Moisture for watering must be defended and warmed if it is cool.

In winter, watering is enough 2 times a week. It is better to draw a watering schedule so as not to overdo it. In summer, it is best to do this several times a day. In hot weather, this must be done carefully so that water does not get on the leaves.

Leaves that are dampened in heat can burn.

Grow and fertilize

The choice of fertilizer for the tangerine tree is best made in favor of organic and mineral complex products. It can be as costly fertilizer for citrus fruits or as simple slurry from cow dung.

Before fertilizing the soil, water it thoroughly. Top dressing must be done in summer, but in winter it is better to stop it.

A tree that is fertilized bears juicy and tasty fruits without bitterness

The houseplant should not be kept in the same flowerpot. The reservoir needs to be changed as the mandarin grows. If the plant is forced to stay in the same flowerpot for several years, it is better to increase the feeding. Since homemade tangerines can also bear fruit, it is very important to monitor the fertilization of the soil.

Pinching and circumcision

Proper pinching leads to the fact that the tree begins to branch strongly and increases fruiting. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the branches. It is necessary to pinch the tops of young shoots. It is better to cut off excess and weakened branches.

Cuttings, layering

The tree is propagated by seeds, by cuttings, by air layers, by grafting. Each of the methods is suitable for different trees... Old trees with well-formed branches are suitable for propagation by air layers. Only certain varieties of the tangerine tree are bred by cuttings.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate

Planting the seeds is successful, but in this way you have to wait a long time for the fruits. Fruiting is accelerated in grafted plants.

Before grafting a tree, it is very important to speed up the movement of the juices. This is done with abundant watering. Immediately before grafting, it is necessary to check how the bark is moving away from the trunk. It is necessary to make an incision just above the place of future budding and try to very carefully bend the layer of bark.

On the branch, which must be grafted to the stock, remove all the leaves and leave only the petioles. This is done to prevent moisture evaporation. It is better to choose a vaccination site 5-10 cm from the ground. The bark in this area should be smooth, free of buds or thorns. Then, with a light, careful movement, it is necessary to make a transverse incision at this distance and another one perpendicular to it, going from the center of the incision downwards by 3 cm.

The incisions made in the bark must be pried off with the bone part of the knife and raised. Then you need to return everything except the top edge to its original place. Then you need to quickly take the prepared bud from the scion and insert the peephole into the T-shaped incision made on the rootstock. Wrap insulating tape over the graft area and remove it when the kidney is engrafted.