How to grow homemade mandarin? Correct care, reproduction, disease and trimming of home mandarin. What Mandarin to grow home decorative tangerine tree at home

Seed reproduction The habitual strawberries are gardening, unfortunately, leads to the emergence of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries is an alpine strawberry, you can successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this culture, consider the main varieties and features of agrotechnology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether to allocate her place in the berry.

Often at sight beautiful flower We are instinctively leaning to feel His adolescent. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: Night (pollinated by night butterflies) and daytime, whose pollinkers are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for a flower plant and designer, because we often walk in the garden in the afternoon and rest in your favorite corners with the onset of the evening. We never put the fragrance of favorite fragrant flowers.

Pumpkin Many gardeners consider the queen of beds. And not only because of its size, the variety of forms and colors, but also for the taste, useful qualities And rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large number of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health. round year. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to learn how to get the highest possible crop.

Eggs in Scottish - incredibly tasty! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing complicated in cooking. Scottish eggs are a welded egg, wrapped in meat minced meat, panned in flour, eggs and breadcrumbs and fried in deep fryer. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if there is a fryer, it's just great - even less trouble. Also need fryer oil, so as not to light the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flower Cudbolas Dominican is fully justified by the status of a tropical miracle. The heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Kubola - a fragrant star with a difficult character. It requires special conditions of maintenance in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, the best (and more chocolate) candidate for the role of indoor giant does not find.

Curry from chickpeas with meat - satisfying dish for lunch or dinner, cooked based on Indian cuisine. This curry is preparing quickly, but requires pre-training. You need to pre-dunk in large quantities cold water For several hours, it is better for the night, water can be changed several times. The meat is also better to leave for the night marinade so that it is juicy and gentle. Then you should boil the chick to readiness and then prepare recipe curry.

Rhubarily can not be found on each garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is just not prepared from the rhubarb: soups and soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied and marmalade, and even wine. But it's not all! A large green or red rosette of a plant leaves, reminiscent of a burdock, performs a beautiful background for annual. It is not surprising that rhubarb can be seen on the flower beds.

Today, in the trend, experiments with non-barinal combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, steel plants with black inflorescences became very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not just introduce you to the assortment of plants with aspid-black inflorescences, but also teach the use of similar mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwich - sandwich with cucumber, sandwich with chicken, sandwich with cabbage and meat - an excellent idea for fast snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. In these sandwiches, there is no Luka, if you wish, you can add pickled on the balsamic vinegar in any of the sandwiches, this taste will not spoil. Quickly cooking snacks, it will stay to gather a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietary group, the age of seedlings suitable for landing in open sadThe following: For early tomatoes - 45-50 days, the average time of ripening - 55-60 and later deadlines - at least 70 days. When planting tomatoes seedlings in a younger age, its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But the success in obtaining high-quality yields of tomatoes also depends on the thorough fulfillment of the basic rules for disembarking seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants The "second plan" of Sansevieri does not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative-deciduous stars suitable for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme endurance only in one type of sanseviercy are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - the sockets of Sanseseieri Khan. Collectable sockets of their hard leaves create striking groups and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar It is pleasant to surprise the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful for working with plants days lunar calendar. Garden and garden in June can be practiced throughout the month, while adverse periods are very short and still allow you to engage useful work. There are optimal days for crops with landings, and for trimming, and for a water branch, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan - inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for ordinary lunch and for the festive menu. Pork will prepare quickly, veal and chicken - also, so this meat is preferably for the recipe. Mushrooms - Fresh champignons, in my opinion, the most good choice For home stew. Forest gold - Boroviki, butter and other youths are better to harvest for the winter. The boiled rice or potato mashed potatoes is perfect as a side dish.

I love decorative shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, nontrivial coloring foliage. I have a different Japanese spirea, Barbaris Tunberg, black elderberry ... and there is one special shrub that will tell in this article - a bubbler Kalinoliste. To implement my dream of a garden that does not require much care, he, perhaps, is suitable. At the same time, it is capable of very diversifying a picture in the garden, and with spring and to autumn.

Many amateur flower flowers sometimes had the idea of \u200b\u200bplanting a bone from mandarin. But will the tree not only grow, but also be froning with fragrant fruit? So that it happens, it is necessary to carry out the correct care at home for the tangerine tree.

In nature, there are many varieties and species of this plant. They are distinguished by the height of the crown and its shape, the number of fruits, their color, taste and aroma. For homemade cultivation Suitable a tree that will have a small number of small fruits, as well as small sizes.

Some types of tangerine wood:

  • tangerine - has a lot of advantages among other varieties and is wonderful for cultivation in the apartment;
  • mandarin Wavy - pleases with a neat crown, the fruits have a diameter of no more than 7 cm;
  • small-flowing group - the main representatives are Shiva-Mikan (has a sour flavor), as well as Mukaku-Kishiu and Chisa (sweet varieties);
  • hybrids.

Due to variety varieties, any colorful will find for itself the kind of homemade mandarin, which will be approached by the taste of fruits and their appearance. But it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions for the cultivation of this plant. For example, the best in the apartment is surrounded by a variety of Unshu, since it is not bad to carry low temperatures and lack of sunlight.

Mandarin Tree: Growing Nuances

Get fruit from homemade mandarin will be only a few years after landing. And it is worth considering that in most cases, subsidiaries from germinated bones do not retain the taste properties of the maternal bush. At home, small and sour fruits are almost always obtained, which will perfectly decorate the interior, but are not suitable for intake. To convey the quality of the parent with a new tree, it will be necessary to multiply the Mandarin with a shilling or vaccination.

Plant requires suitable conditions For its growth, therefore, it is necessary to highlight a sufficient amount of free time.

How to grow from bone at home?

For the cultivation of mandarin, bones of almost any kind are suitable. However, it is important to study the peculiarities of one or another variety in advance. It is also necessary to pay attention to the soil and shape of a pot for planting. So that the plant climbs and strengthened, you need to properly plant bones.

Selecting planting material

To fall out tangerine tree From the bone, it will be necessary to pre-germinate it. To do this, it is recommended to wrap planting material In several layers of gauze and thoroughly moisten it with water. After a couple of days, small sprouts will begin to be brought from the bones, and they themselves will significantly increase in size and swell. Then they can be seated in the prepared ground.

Also for the landing will fit fresh bones that have not yet managed to dry out. They will not be needed in advance, and the likelihood of shoots increases significantly.

Requirements for the soil and pot

The tangerine tree will not grow in acidic soil, so the flower can necessarily follow this.

To prepare their own substrate, you will need:

  • 2/5 humoring;
  • 2/5 of the forest land;
  • 1/5 sand.

You can also purchase ready-made soil in the store for crop production. The soil must have a non-acidic medium (neutral pH) and approach mandarins. Peat as a soil coma is not suitable.

How to plant?

As the first container, ordinary plastic cups or small transparent pots with a diameter of no more than 10 cm can be used. For each bone, it is better to prepare a separate container.

It is preliminarily necessary to do a small hole to a depth of 4 cm in the soil, gently put a bone and cover the ground. The substrate throughout the extension should be wet, respectively, it will be required to moisten as necessary. The room temperature in the room should reach 20-25 degrees.

On average, the extension of the mandarin takes from 2 to 4 weeks. If several sprouts appeared from one bone, the weakest must be removed carefully.

Transplant Saplings Mandarin

The first transplant of young seedlings is carried out when the root system fully fills the container. This explains the recommendation to land seeds in a plastic cup or another transparent container - so the flower industry will easier to observe the growth of the roots of the plant.

The young tree will need to pull out of the first pot together with the earthen room and translate into a suitable container. bigger size. Perform a transplant will be required every year until the mandarine starts to bring the first fruits.

Will it be froning a tree grown from bone?

If you make the right care for this plant, it will be fruitful, it will be mandatory. True, it will happen not earlier than in 3-4 years. It should also be remembered that decorative plants with pretty acid fruits grow from the bone in most cases.

Mandarin Tree: Care

The appearance, as well as the taste properties of the fruits obtained, fully depends on the proper care of the plant of the genus citrus. It will be necessary to comply with all the conditions of cultivation, to properly water the green pet and fertilize the soil in time.

Growing conditions

The most suitable place for mandarin will be the windowsill on the southern or eastern window. Here the plant will feel comfortable, as loves bright and scattered sunlight. From direct rays, the tree will need to be contacted.

The air temperature should not fall below 16 degrees in summer periodAnd in winter, Mandarin withstands "freezing" to 12 degrees above zero. In the cold season it is important to provide a plant reduced temperature and wintering. If this does not happen, the fruits will not have to wait for the next year.

Attention! The main feature Mandarin is addictive to one-sided lighting. The flower can not often turn around its axis, as it can drop the leaves from stress and even die.

How to water?

Also, the flower will need to know how to water the tangerine. This plant loves moisture very much, so in the summer period it must be watered every other day. In winter, watering is reduced and tangerine will have enough moisture intake in the soil once a week.

In the summer, it is necessary to spray the leaves several times a day, while not tasty water flowers. Next to the plant also recommended to put a small container with water to maintain the optimal level of humidity.

Fertilizer and subordinate

Be sure to carry out feeding, starting them in March and ending at the beginning of autumn. During this period, kidneys are actively developing, which will require the receipt of mineral fertilizer.

What should be in the feeding:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

Mandarin can also be fertilized using a dormant-diluted dilution in water in the proportion of 1 to 10. It follows one time and a half weeks, alternating the type of feeding. In winter, fertilizers are reduced to once a month.

Formation and cropping

Often, at home, it is not necessary to form a crown, since the varieties originally have decorative View. From crop, it will only be necessary to pour shoots during their germination from the bone. If the plant gave birth to severe fruits, it should be tested to the support.

How to instill mandarin at home?

The vaccination is also one of the methods of reproduction of the mandarin. To achieve the goal, it will be necessary to take plants with a thickness of a barrel of at least 0.5 cm, and the insert age should be about 1-3 years. Escape is cut off from that plant from which they want to get a subsidiary. He must have one kidney and a sheet.

How to instill Mandarin:

  1. Perform the letter in the form of a letter of T. length should be no more than 2 cm.
  2. The boron in the place of the cut gently move away, put the trees there.
  3. Then the bark must be returned to the place, and the incision to smell the garden Warrier.
  4. It remains to wrap the place of vaccination with a tape.

Successful vaccination is characterized by the yellowing of the cutting and falling out of it. If this did not happen, the escape turns.

The tree itself must be placed in an improvised greenhouse from an ordinary polyethylene package. In a month, it will be necessary to cut off with a dive with the help of a sektor, by performing a cut of the defect, remove the isolent and smear the slice of the garden water.

Fighting diseases and pests

Mandarin tree is sick just like any other home plant- due to improper care. The appearance of diseases affects the inappropriate humidity and microclimate in the room, as well as the lack of the necessary elements in the soil.

The following diseases are most common:

  1. Anthracnose. It is manifested by the yellowing and falling leaves with the deformation of the crust. For treatment, the "phytosporin" processing is used. The affected part of the plant is recommended to destroy.
  2. Citrus gommos. Red spots are formed on the trunk. This may occur due to improper landing, damage to the trunk, the absence of the necessary drainage or oversupply of fertilizers. It is possible to correct the position by treating cracks with a slight solution of mud. From above, it is necessary to smell them with a garden boiler.
  3. Scab. It looks like small transparent spots, which are subsequently transformed into gray warts. To cure the plant will help a triple spraying with burglar liquid.
  4. Cobbled tick. Manifests a web on the leaves. Initially, it is necessary to remove pests from the mandarin with the help of an old toothbrush, and then spend a contrast shower. Soil should be sprinkled with ash. Repeat the procedure will be required after a half weeks.

If you care for the tangerine tree in all the rules, you can get a wonderful living decoration in any interior. When bright orange fruits begin to bloom on it, it necessarily raises the mood to the owner and attracts the attention of all guests at home.

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!

Room Mandarin among the abundance of plants, according to many florists, occupies a special place. Decorative bush pleases the cheerful and bright coloring fruit and leaves. Leather leather and wide. It is believed that light and thin fragrance can help get rid of headaches, relieve anxiety, irritation, give a feeling of cheerfulness and increase the mood. How to grow a tangerine tree related to citrus plants, find out further.

How to grow mandarin at home

Attaching the Tree of Mandarin's Tree at home, see two ways to solve this task. In farms, fruit citrus trees are obtained by vaccination. If you want to enjoy juicy tangerines, you can perform such a procedure yourself. At home, you can prepare seeds and grow a tangerine tree of them, not forgetting to follow all the rules of care. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made seedling.

Buying a ready-made sapling

Deciding to grow homemade Mandarin at home, buy in a specialized online store garden crops or frustomanic ready sapling. Often sell plants having a closed root system, i.e. Immediately in the earthen coma or pot, packed in the package. In the first case, you will need a mandatory transplant to the container. If you are looking for more economical option, it is best to take advantage of the second way, i.e. Growing citrus tree from a bone of ripe fetus.

Growing mandarin of bone

This method of cultivating the decorative citrus tree at home can bring some moral pleasure. Although it will take an order of magnitude longer than the purchase and transplant of the finished seedling. For the extension, you will need to select a few bones from juicy, sweet and ripe fruits to increase your chances of success. Selected seeds predetermine in warm water. To do this, place them between 2-3 layers of gauze and put on the saucer.

As Marli dryed, do not forget to moisturize it for several days until the bones are swollen. If you do not have the opportunity to wait a few days, then try to soak ordinary seeds in water for 2-3 hours, adding several drops of "epina" into it, which is a growth stimulator. As soon as the first sprouts proceed, you can plant a bush into the ground. In general, any novice florist can competently prepare the seeds of this exotic plant.

Mandarin Earth

Prepare a pot or a regular seedling box, and fill it with a layer of soil to transplant the crumpled seeds there. Despite the fact that room Mandarin It is unpretentious in relation to the soil, the specialists still strongly recommend treating this time seriously. It is best to use a mixture consisting of:

  • 1 pieces of leafy land;
  • 3 parts of the turf soil;
  • 1 parts of the overloaded cow manure;
  • clay;
  • sand.

How to plant mandarin in pot

To grow decorative mandarin, do not use peat, which often zaksats, quickly dries and does not have special nutritional properties. This component is available in almost all those mixtures that can be bought in specialized stores. Do not forget about the drainage layer. Put the dry container at the bottom of the dry container or small ordinary pebbles, after which fill the pot composition from the above components. Then put in the ground to the depth of 5-7 cm swollen bones. Potted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place.

Drainage soil

To form a lush and bright bush, it will be necessary to pay attention to the drainage of the container in which it will grow. As already mentioned, put a pot on the bottom of Crushed stone, a small pebble clamzit, but if you don't have any of the hand in your hand, then use the fragments of ceramic dishes. Before planting the mandarin and styling of the soil, be thoroughly rinse drainage. In general, it is necessary in order to excess the soil fluid output to the pallet. Due to this, it is necessary to effectively prevent the stagnation of liquid and the roasting rot.

Where to place a flower pot with escape

Caring for tangerine at home requires a competent approach, a particular importance is the placement of a tree, which will delight you with its beautiful leaves and flowers. From the created conditions will depend on the start of flowering and growth activity. The room plant needs bright and good lighting. When the day is shorted, add artificial light. Do not make a sharp transition, because Plant can reset its young leaflets.

How to care for a tangerine tree

Active growing and beautiful tangerine tree is the result of systematic and proper care. For indoor decorative plants need to be created comfortable conditions with a certain temperature and humidity level. We should not forget the same on the peculiarities of watering, because in complex situation A bush can reset its foliage to reduce the amount of moisture evaporated from the surface. When the branches begin to be fruit, they should be tied to the support. Should not forget about possible pests and diseases.

Air temperature and humidity

The best temperature regime for a tangerine seedling is the temperature of B + 15-18 degrees in the warm season and +12 degrees in the winter. In faster weather, the plant begins worse fruit and blossom - buds and wounds at this time are weakly formed. It is important to avoid sharp drops Temperatures, but so that the plant becomes stronger, it must be hardening, i.e. Help him adapt to changes in lighting and temperature regime. To do this, in the spring during the afternoon, bring the plant to the closed veranda or balcony.

It is very important for mandarin and air humidity. In hot dry days and winter, when heating dries in the room air, you need to spray often decorative plant - Sometimes up to three times a day. You can put on the windowsill bowl with water or some other humidifier, for example, imitation of the fountain, waterfall. When the bush starts blooming, perform spraying carefully to avoid moisture from the flower and buds. Better replace this procedure with regular rubbing sheets.


Without a sufficient amount of light, decorative room mandarin will not grow big. The easiest way to put a container with a plant on the windowsill of the southern part of the house, but this is fraught with the burns of the leaves. A more acceptable option is the side of the eastern or southeastern windows. If the south side will be the only possible choice, then in the spring and summer you will have to diaten the plant. In the winter time, the southern window will be the best place For a seedling. When shortening the light day, add artificial lighting, using special phytolampa.

How to water a room mandarin

The tree needs regular and frequent watering. In hot time, carry out 2-3 times a day. In the winter period of the year, when maintaining good moisture, there will be a 2-time watering in a week. Water for this procedure is better to pre-pour into the container, for example, in a bottle so that it managed to stand and warm to room temperature.

With a short-term disadvantage of moisture, the tangerine tree will not die, but at the same time it can throw off part of the leaves or the whole foliage. On the "bald" places, fresh greens will no longer appear, so try to avoid an unexpected leaf fall. The leaves will appear only in new branches. The benefit of the plant will not go for use, because This will lead to the appearance of fungal diseases.

Than to feed the tangerine tree at home

The whole growing period, i.e. From April to September, the village needs fake. Every week it must be fertilized by organic or mineral fertilizerswhich can be alternate. Especially in need adult trees growing in close tanks, and without transfers and soil updates. In one week, the plant can be watered with a solution of liquid cowboat, and a week later - to process with garden complex fertilizer, specially intended for citrus trees. Before the feeding should be pouring the soil.

Mineral mixtures based on potassium and nitrogen phosphorus

In a specialized garden shop, you can purchase a ready-made composition for citrus. Ensure that the solution includes minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Conduct feeder recommended in the morning. The temperature of the solution should not be less than +20 degrees. Perceptivity to the recommended recipe for the preparation of the nutrient solution. Here the rule is applied - it is better not to pretend than to pour. Excessive concentration, excess fertilizer can lead to a stem or leaves burn and even to the death of the plant.

Organic fertilizers

Mandarin tree can be fed as mineral and organic fertilizersAnd best of all alternate them. To prepare a natural nutritional composition you will need cow manure or bird litter. Instruct part of the dry component in 10-12 parts of the water, insist the resulting composition from 2 to 4 days, after which you make small portions. Soil before that, be sure to moisten.

Home Mandarin Care Rules

So that your tangerine tree is as bright and pleasing to the eye as in a photo of one of the journals about gardening, give care of it. Many of the rules listed above behind the plant seedling are applicable to a grown trees. Additionally, it is necessary to carry out periodic trimming of the branches and the sepure of the tops of the shoots. Also, remove all the dried twigs, leaves and stretched down shoots. Such measures will help to form compact mandarin with a lush and thick crown. We should not forget about the need to reset.

Partial removal of flowers

In order to avoid excessive load on the tree in the first years of fruiting, it is recommended to pour flowers. Leave only a few flowers on the tangerine trunk. In this way, you can achieve fragrant and large fruits, not exhausting the plant itself. Let there be only a few beautiful and fragrant flowers on the plant, but afterwards you will enjoy beautiful and large fruits.

Paging the tops of the twigs

As the tree grows, it is necessary to periodically perform the sepitude of the tops of the shoots. It is necessary so that the tree has a thick and lush krona. For proper formation It will turn the room to real decoration. You can achieve this with the help of controlling the growth of the tops and shoots that you need to delete from time to time, i.e. Capture. When each new sprout appears, perform the tipping of the top when forming 5-6 leaves. It is necessary to get rid of the wolf (strong shoots), rapidly growing from the root itself.

Removal of stretched branches and dried leaves

Delete the stretched twigs in a timely manner, dried leaves so that your exotic tree has grown really lush and fruit. Often home mandarin try to grow as a dwarf tree. For this purpose, remove the growing tops of shoots to the desired length. As a result, your works will not disappear - you will get delicious fruits with a thin skin, easily separated from the pulp.

Why mandarin dumps leaves

In case of non-compliance with the basic rules of leaving the tangerine tree, diseases arise. Do not ignore the threat that different pests can represent. These include red spider ticks, shields, citrus felts. Dropping leaves does not always indicate the presence of the disease, because This can occur during the relative rest period during cold days.

What to do

If the cause of dropping foliage was pests, then wipe all wood leaflets with special solutions. Enough several procedures to get rid of all unwanted guests. The yellowing of foliage can be a signal that the plant is missing minerals. During nitrogen deficit, yellowing begins with the lower leaves. In addition, Mandarin can react so on the absence of the desired amount of moisture, lack of light. Rearrange the plant in a well-lit place and do not forget to water regularly.


The most economical way to get a mandarin seedling is to grow it from a seed. This approach will take you a lot of time and patience. If the tree is already there, and you want to receive offspring from him, then choose the following methods:

  • The reproduction of the tanks, which are well-formed tree twigs. Choose an adult branch with a thickness of 4 mm thick and sufficient long to burn the branch and pin it to the ground. You do not need to separate the branch from the bush, just cover her ground. The top will perform on the surface of the soil. Take a touch in a wet state. When new roots are formed at the drain, separate the branch from the parent plant.
  • Reproduction is carried out with stalling. For this purpose, the so-called air chains are used - the cuttings are rooted by "weight". An adult escape is cut off around, cutting a border of a width of about 1 cm, after which it is treated with a wound, wind with moss sphagnum and polyethylene (loosely). It is necessary to maintain the resulting "doll" in a wet state before the formation of roots - it will take several months.

How to transplant mandarin at home

The plant begins to need to transplant when the container becomes close. For young tangerines, such a procedure should be carried out annually, and for trees from 7 years - every two years. Do not transplant the plant during flowering, it is better to do this at the beginning of spring. A new pot must be a few centimeters more in diameter than the previous one. The root neck during the transplant is not worth deepening, because May be damaged. Excess kidney is poured, after which they move to a new container with drainage and soil.

Fighting pests

Of particular importance for caring for a tangerine tree is a struggle against pests. Citrus B. more than exposed to them. This is due to the fact that they have a very attractive fragrance. Read more about ways to combat:

  • Aphid. If there are few insects, then rinse the stem with the leaflets with a solution of the household soap.
  • Damaged flush leafs can be treated with a leaf of wormwood or nettle.
  • Garlic water is a good tool.
  • To combat sputum ticks at home, use garlic water, household soap, tobacco dust. Create a mixture on them to spray.


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Mandarine tree belongs to the citrus family. It is evergreen and does not dump foliage even in winter. Today there are many species of this plant that can successfully grow and be fron at home.

The most popular of them are considered:

  1. Konheinchin- The most popular grade grown on an industrial scale. In nature, it can reach up to 3-4 m of height. But at home this species is too whimsical and with proper care can grow only up to 1 meter.
  2. Inchiu- Popular and unpretentious appearance. Easily tolerate a decrease in temperature to -5 degrees. The fruits are very sweet and fragrant almost without bones. Ideal for growing at home.
  3. Tangerineit is distinguished by stretched fruits and thick skin. Mandarins are very sweet and tasty, but have a specific sharp smell that not everyone likes.

In addition, breeders removed a variety of hybrid species, which are more enduring and unpretentious, and therefore care for them will not be much difficulty.

Popular tangerine hybrids include:

  1. Climene.Shees are narrow and elongated, and the fruits are bright and juicy. Especially this variety is valued for its taste and aroma.
  2. Minnela- It is a hybrid obtained from the crossing of grapefruit and mandarin, so the fruits have a bitter taste. Fruit size can be different, bright color, red-orange. The skin is dense and removed hard.
  3. Tangorait is characterized by large fruits that can reach in diameter up to 15 cm. The taste is very sweet and juicy. In addition, there are several varieties, with a motley color not only leaves, but also fruits.
  4. Allandalean unpretentious plant, giving a large crop in the form of very sweet fruits. Yes, that's just finding the seedling of this hybrid is difficult enough.

Mandarin Tree Care

So that the tangerine tree is not only pleased with its foliage and flowers, but also gave the fruit, he needs to properly care and create comfortable conditions.

To do this, consider such important factorslike lighting, air humidity, feeding, etc.

1. Location

It is not difficult to guess that bright lighting is particularly important for the tangerine tree. It is especially important in the cold period of the year, so placing the pot in the southern part of the apartment.

Southwestern or southeastern sides are also perfect. But do not forget to give the plant during the heat so that it does not receive burns.

In the period when the weather outside the window is warm enough, it is better to place the village on the balcony or a veranda. If you live in a private house, you can touch the plant straight with the pot.

Before transferring a tangerine tree in the sun, he needs to give time to get used to direct rays. With this purpose, the pot is put in the half and only after a while they are transferred to the site.

2. Temperature mode

It is very important to ensure the tangerine tree optimal temperature regime.

In the summer it is worth maintaining the temperature in the range of 15-18 degrees, and in winter - 12 degrees. If you do not observe the temperature regime, then it can not wait for the appearance of fruits.

3. Air humidity

The level of humidity must be high enough. To achieve this, the plant regularly spray several times a day. It is necessary to do this both in the summer and in winter. It is also recommended to locate a small vessel with water near the pot.

If the humidity of the air is too low, various pests, such as a pavement tick, etc. begin to spread very quickly.

4. Lighting

Throughout the year, the lighting should be bright, but at the same time there should not be straight sun rays. In too hot days, it must be contacted, so that there are not stains from burns on the leaves.

5. Spraying

The tangerine tree must be sprayed all year round 2-3 times a day. This is especially true if the plant is located in a room with central heating. For spraying use the dilated water temperature.

6. Poliv

For watering of the tangerine tree, it is possible to use only warm outstanding water. In summer, watering should be abundant, and it is better to cut it in winter to 2 times a week.

7. Support and fertilizer

Starting from April and to September, the tangerine tree must be actively feeding. This uses complex fertilizers such as mineral and organic.

It is better to give preference to special fertilizers for citrus plants. Make feeding every week, pre-watering the village.

In winter, the feeder can completely stop or reduce it to a minimum.

Fertilizer for citrus plants is so important, since it is this factor that affects the taste of fruits. If it is timely feeding in the summer in a timely manner, then the mandarinks will not be pattering.

8. Trimming and pinching

In order for the tree to have a neat look, and the fruits appeared as soon as possible it must sometimes cut. Reliable to get rid of weak and sick twigs. In addition, you can crop extra branches to betray the desired shape.

In time, pinch the top shoots. Thanks to this, the tangerine tree will begin to branch more actively.

9. Transplant

Like others houseplants, the tangerine tree must be periodically replant:

  1. Young specimens - 1 time per year.
  2. Fruit trees - 1 time in 2-3 years.

The transplant is carried out in March until the plant starts to actively grow. If you spend this procedure later, it can adversely affect the state of the tree.

In the case when young copies have not yet completely filled the pot with their root system, then only the drainage and upper layers of the substrate can be changed.

When transplanting, do not really destroy the earthen kom and carefully contact the roots, so as not to damage them. Also watch the root cake be over the soil at the same level as in the old pot.

The soil for tangerine tree may differ depending on its age. For young plants use the following mixture:

  1. Sheet snake.
  2. Sand.
  3. Humus.
  4. Cherry earth.

All components must be used in the 1: 1: 1: 1 proportion.

The substrate for an adult tree is characterized by the fact that the delicate land must be taken not 2 parts, and 3. In addition, it is desirable to add a small amount of oily clay.

10. Diseases and pests

The tangerine tree is very vulnerable towards such pests as a web tick and a shield.

Soil after the procedure should be sprinkled to sprinkle ashes. If necessary, after a week, all actions repeat.

There is also a more radical method of combating pests. The tree can be treated with special drugs that are sold in ordinary flower shops.

In order to strengthen the effect, you can cover the plant with polyethylene and leave under such a cap for a couple of hours. Remember that the fruits after such treatment cannot be eaten for at least a week.


The tangerine tree can be grown even from the bone, but this method is not particularly common. The fact is that the fruits from such a plant can be waiting for more than one year, as it begins to be fruit through 10, or even 15 years.

Even if you are lucky, it may turn out that the resulting mandarinks to taste will be bitter. You can, of course, have an eyepiece or vaccination from another citrus plant, but in this case the result may not be as expected.

The easiest way to reproduce the tangerine tree with stalling. Root cuttings in a pot, covered with a jar. Young plant Start bloom and fruit already in a year.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why fall leaves from tangerine tree?

When the leaflets fall out occasionally and in small quantities it is a natural process. If the foliage began to turn intensively and fall out, then this may say that the plant is not enough lighting, it is incorrectly poured (they are poured, poured) or a significant temperature difference occurred when the tree is translated into the winter mode.

The leaves became brown. What is the reason?

As a rule, the tangerine leaves become brown due to excess fertilizers.

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to adhere to all the rules for the care of the plant. It is also necessary to periodically process the leaf processing with soap foam. But be careful, and make sure that soap water does not get into the substrate. To prevent it, it is enough to cover the pot with polyethylene.

Evergreen tangerine tree It became a frequent guest of home oranges and winter gardens. Even in ordinary apartments you can find miniature citrus plants, After all, they not only please the eye of the flower of their greens, but also give several dozen fragrant fruits annually. True, it is not easy to achieve thick crowns and abundant fruiting, there are special rules of watering, feeding and trimming, which are necessary for a tangerine tree when leaving at home. Certain difficulties in growing citrus rooms can deliver some troubles for flowers.

Bone seedling

There is nothing easier than buying a ready-made grafted seedling in a fruitful or in the online store of garden crops. Most often sells a tree with a closed root system: immediately in pots or in a room of land, packed in the package. In the second case, a transplant is required to the container.

But for the gardeners, the cultivation of a citrus tree from the bone of ripe fetus is much more economical. In addition, many make moral satisfaction when plants are grown from scratch, although it takes a lot more time.

For germination, you need from ripe, juicy, sweet fruits to select a few stones to increase the chances of success. Mandarine bones Different with good germination. As in the case of the seeds of many cultures, the bones are preferably not immediately placed in the ground, but to pre-dock them. To do this, they are placed between 2-3 layers of pure gauze and put on the saucer. You need to moisturize for several days as it dry, until the bones are swollen. As soon as the first sprouts will be processed, the plants are time to plant in the ground. If there is no possibility to wait a few days, then the bones are soaked for 2-3 hours in water with the addition of several drops of "epin" (growth stimulator).

Package with land for citrus trees can be bought in special stores. If there is no such nearby, then the soil is prepared independently, mixing the leafy ground, overwhelmed manure and turf soil. This mixture can add river sand. Adding clay or peat to the substrate is not recommended. Drainage (ceramzit, large gravel) and a mixture of soil are poured onto the bottom of the pure potty, container or other capacitance. Located bones to a depth of 5-6 cm. The place for the pot is important to determine well-lit, but without hitting direct sunlight so that young sprout does not get burns. Under favorable conditions, the sprout will seem from the ground in 2.5-3 weeks. From this point on, you can begin feeding the future of the village with organic or mineral fertilizers, as the useful substances are quickly washed out of the ground during irrigation.

Room Mandarin Care


As a permanent place for the pot, it is recommended to choose a brightly lit room, because without a sufficient amount of light, decorative mandarin will not grow large, it will be painful. It would seem that the easiest to put the container on the southern side of the south side of the house, but it is fraught with burns of leaves. A more acceptable option will be the choice of Southeast or East. If the south side is the only possible variant To install a pot with tangerine, the spring and summer day the plant will need to be shared. But in winter, on the contrary, the southern windowsill is a good place for a sapling. When shortening the light day in winter, it is necessary to include additional lighting - special phytolamba.

Temperature and humidity

The best temperature is for a tangerine seedling + 15 + 18 ° C in the warm season, and about +12 ° C in winter. In a faster weather, the tree begins worse fruit - it blooms badly, weakly forms buds and wounds. Air humidity is very important for Mandarin: in hot dry days in summer, as well as in winter days when central heating He dries air, it is necessary to spray a tree often, sometimes up to three times a day. You can put on a windowsill bowl with water or other humidifier air (imitation of the waterfall, fountain, stream). Too dry air often provokes the appearance of pests, such as ticks, shields and others. During flowering, spray the tree must be carefully. To avoid moisture from entering buds and flowers, it is better to replace spraying with regular rubbing of the leaves.

Hardening. So that the plant becomes stronger, it should be hardening, that is, help adapt to changes in temperature and lighting. To do this, in a spring time, during the day you need to make a seedlock on the balcony or a closed veranda (or at least open the window).


Room Mandarin needs frequent watering. In particular, hot days will have to water it 2-3 times per day. In winter, when maintaining a sufficiently low temperature and good humidifier of air, a two-time watering will be sufficient for a week. Water for watering is recommended to pre-pour in bottles or other capacities so that it stands and warmed up to room temperature.

The tangerine tree will not perish with a short-term disadvantage of moisture, since to reduce the loss of water, he will throw off all the leaves or part of the leaves. At the "bald" branches, fresh greens will not grow, it will appear only on new branches, so everyone is trying to avoid an unexpected leaf fall. But no less dangerous is the frequent transfusion of the tree of water - fungal diseases can develop.

Transplant and subordinate

Growing and care for a young Mandarin seedling implies annual transplantation into a larger capacity. Root system The tree is growing very quickly, hesitates the earth along its entire surface. The transplant consists in changing the drainage layer and in the addition of land. If, pulling out a village with a lore earth, it becomes clear that the places for the growth of the roots in the pot were quite enough, then it is possible to replace the drainage layer, insert a tree back with the same land and pouring the surface layer of the soil. Annual transplant is made until March before the commencement of the vegetation. The root neck should not be deepened when transplanting, it needs to provide the same level relative to the surface of the soil.

The entire growing season, from April to September, the seedling needs feeding. Every week it needs to be fertilized by mineral or organic fertilizers, you can alternate them. Especially in need adult trees that grow in close pots, and without transfers and soil updates.

So, in one week you can pour a solution of liquid cowboat, and a week later, a ready-made comprehensive fertilizer "for citrus trees", bought in the store. The finished composition must necessarily include nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Before the feeding, which is recommended to conduct in the first half of the day, the soil should be poured. The temperature of the nutrient solution should be no lower than +20 ° C. It should accurately comply with the recommended recipe for cooking.

Here the rule is true: it is better not to pretend than to pour. Excess fertilizer, its excessive concentration, leads to a burn of leaves or stem and even to the death of a tree.

Adult plant care

We will analyze how to care for an adult tangerine tree at home. Many of the above rules for the care of the mandarin seedlings are applicable to a graceful plant. But as the tree grows, the need for periodic trimming of branches and the sepiques of the tops of shoots is added.

Like all other trees, mandarin preferably removed dried leaves, sprigs stretched down down shoots. But these measures will not help form a compact church with a thick and magnificent green crown. Home mandarin is trying to grow as a dwarf plant, so the crown shape like a bonsai tree. For this, the growing tops of shoots are pouring (removed) on the desired length. For example, it is possible on each sprout to pinch the top after the appearance of 5 leaves. Heavily harm the growth of the tree and the formation of a beautiful crown so-called wolf - shoots growing from the root. They need to be removed.

Council. In the first years of fruiting, in order to avoid excessive load on the plant, florists are recommended to quarreled tangerine flowers. Leaving only a few flowers on the trunk, you can achieve large, fragrant fruits, not exhausted plant.

An adult tangerine tree in a pot also needs a transplant. Unlike young seedlings, the fruit-burning tree is enough to transplant in 2-3 years. During the procedure, the drainage is necessarily replaced, the surface layer of the Earth and is being added required amount Soil. Earth team is desirable to disturb as little as possible.

When tying fruits, the trunk of a tree and the fruiting branches must be tie to the support to avoid their detergent.

Reproduction of homemade mandarin

The most economical way to get a mandarin seedling is to grow it out of the bone. But if the village is already there, and the flower water wants to receive offspring from him, he chooses one of the following ways:

  • Digging. In an adult plant, a branch is selected with a thickness of at least 4 mm and length sufficient for the branch to jump and pin to the ground (preferably in a separate, nearby pot). The branch from the bush is not separated, and the ground is cheated, while the top of the branch performs on the surface of the soil. The touch is maintained in a wet state, adding a root-forming agent several times. The branch is separated from the parent plant, only when new good roots are formed at the drain.
  • Air chains. The cutlets rooted "weight." An adult escape is cut off with a circle, cutting a bark of 1 cm wide. The wound is treated with a "heteroacexin" or "root", wrapped with moss sphagnum and transparent polyethylene (loosely, in the form of a cone). This "doll" needs to be kept in a constantly wet state until the roots begin to form (it may be necessary for several months). When the roots become well noticeable through the polyethylene, the rooted branch is cut and planted in a separate pot. Preferably to create young seedlow Greenhouse conditions, covering the pot with a transparent lid or package.

Fighting pests

Even when granting a full-fledged care tangerine, flowerflows sometimes face such a problem as pests. The most common are the following:

  • White throats;
  • Shields;
  • Red sputum ticks.

All of them are able to bring irreparable damage to the plant, so when pests are found or with the slightest suspicion of their appearance, it is necessary to wipe the leaves or spray all the wood with special preparations, such as accutelle or phytodeterm. Insecticidal and acaricidal drugs are important to use in strict accordance with the instructions for use!