Warm floor How many meters one contour. What is the length of the warm floor pipe be optimal? How the calculation is made

In order to avoid unnecessary costs and technological errors, which can lead to partial or complete rework of the system with their own hands, the calculation of water warm floor is made in advance before laying. The following introductory data is required:

  • Materials from which housing are built;
  • The presence of other heating sources;
  • Room area;
  • The presence of outdoor insulation and glazing quality;
  • Regional location of the house.

It is also necessary to determine which maximum air temperature in the room is required for the comfort of tenants. On average, it is recommended to make the design of the water floor circuit at the rate of 30-33 ° C. However, such high rates During operation, it may not be needed, a person feels as comfortable as possible at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

In the case when additional heat sources are used in the house (air conditioning, central or heating system Etc.), the calculation of the warm floor can be focused on the average maximum indicators of 25-28 ° C.

Tip! It is ultimately not recommended to connect warm water floors with their own hands directly through central System Heating. It is advisable to use a heat exchanger. Perfect option - Fully autonomous heating and connecting warm floors through the collector to the boiler.

The efficiency of the system directly depends on the material of the pipes by which the coolant will move. Use 3 varieties:

  • Copper;
  • Polyethylene or stitched polypropylene;
  • Metal plastic.

W. copper pipes Maximum heat transfer, but quite high cost. Polyethylene I. polypropylene pipes They have low thermal conductivity, but they are relatively cheap. Optimal option In terms of price and quality - metal plastic pipes. They have low heat transfer flow and acceptable price.

Experienced specialists primarily take into account the following parameters:

  1. Determining the value of the desired t indoors.
  2. Correctly calculate the heat loss at home. To do this, you can use the calculators programs or to invite a specialist, but it is possible to produce an approximate counting of heat loss yourself. A simple way to calculate the warm water field and the heat loss in the room is the average value of the heat loss in the room - 100 W per 1 sq. meter, taking into account the height of the ceiling not more than 3 meters and the absence of adjacent unheated premises. For corner rooms and those in which there are two or more windows - heat loss are calculated based on the value of 150 W per 1 sq. M. meter.
  3. Calculation How much will the heat loss of the contour on each m2 heated water system.
  4. Determining heat consumption on M2, based on decorative material Coatings (for example, in ceramics of heat transfer higher than that of the laminate).
  5. Calculation of surface temperature taking into account heat loss, heat transfer, desired temperature.

On average, the required power for every 10 m2 laying area should be about 1.5 kW. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account paragraph 4 in the above list. If the house is well insulated, windows from a high-quality profile, then 20% of power can be distinguished on heat transfer.

Accordingly, with an area of \u200b\u200broom 20 m2, the calculation will occur according to the following formula: Q \u003d Q * x * s.

3kW * 1,2 \u003d 3,6 kW, where

Q - Required heating capacity,

q \u003d 1.5 kW \u003d 0.15 kW is a constant for every 10m2,

x \u003d 1,2 is the averaged heat loss coefficient,

S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Before starting the installation of the system with your own hands, it is recommended to draw up a scheme, accurately specify the distance between the walls and the presence of other heat sources in the house. This will make it possible to calculate the water floor capacity as accurately. If the area area does not allow you to use one contour, then properly plan the system based on the collector installation. In addition, you will need to mount your own wardrobe for the device and determine its location, distance to walls, etc.

How many meters optimal length loop


It is often found information that the maximum length of one circuit is 120 m. It does not quite correspond to the truth, since the parameter directly depends on the diameter of the pipe:

  • 16 mm - Max L 90 meters.
  • 17 mm - Max L 100 meters.
  • 20 mm - Max L 120 meter.

Accordingly, what more diameter Pipeline, the less hydraulic resistance and pressure. So it is a longer contour. but experienced masters Recommend not to "chase" for the maximum length and choose pipe D 16 mm.

It is also necessary to consider that thick pipes D 20 mm are problematic bending, respectively, the laying of the laying will be greater than the recommended parameter. And this means the low level of the efficiency of the system, because The distance between the turns will be large, in any case there will have to make a square contour of the snail.

If one contour is not enough to heat a large room, then it is better to mount a two-door floor. It is strongly recommended to make the same length of the contours to make the surface of the surface area uniform. But if the size differences are still not avoided - an error is allowed 10 meters. The distance between the contours is equal to the recommended step.

Hydraulic step between turns

The uniformity of the surface depends on the magnitude of the turn of the surface. Usually use 2 types of pipe styling: snake or snail.

Snake preferably to make indoors with minimal heat loss and a small area. For example, in a bathroom or corridor (as they are located in a private house or apartment inside without contact with the outer environment). Optimal step Loops for snake - 15-20 cm. With this type of laying of pressure loss, approximately 2500 Pa.

Snail loops are used in spacious rooms. This method saves the contour length and makes it possible to evenly warm the room, both in the middle and closer to the outer walls. The loop step is recommended within 15-30 cm. Experts claim that the perfect distance of the step is 15 cm. Pressure loss in snail - 1600 Pa. Accordingly, this option of laying is more profitable for the installation of the system's power efficiency (you can cover a smaller useful area). Conclusion: Snail is more effective, it drops less pressure, respectively, above the efficiency.

The general rule for both schemes is closer to the walls to the walls need to be reduced to 10 cm. Accordingly, from the middle of the room loop loop contour gradually seal. Minimum laying distance to outdoor Wall 10-15 cm.

Another important moment - You can not lay a pipe on top of the seams concrete slabs. It is necessary to make a scheme so that the same location of the loop between the joints of the plate on both sides is observed. To install, with your own hands, you can draw a diagram of pre-on the black tie chalk.

How many degrees allowed when the temperature drops

Designing the system In addition to heat loss and pressure involves the temperature differences. Maximum difference - 10 degrees. But it is recommended to navigate 5 ° C for uniform system operation. If the specified comfortable temperature of the floor surface is 30 ° C, then the direct pipe should be supplied about 35 ° C.

Pressure and temperature, as well as their losses, are checked in crimping (checking the system before finishing pure screed). If the design is performed correctly, the specified parameters will be accurate with an error of no more than 3-5%. The higher the drop T, the higher the floor flow rate.

Without preliminary calculations impracticable. To get pipe length, power all heating system and others required valuesThis will require an online calculator to enter only the exact data. On the rules and nuances of the calculation, you can learn more.

General data for calculation

The first parameter to be taken into account before the calculations is the choice of a heating system: it will be the main or auxiliary. In the first case, she must have a greater power to warm the whole house. The second option is applicable to rooms with low heat transfer radiators.

The temperature of the floor is selected according to the construction standards:

  • The surface of the floor of the residential premises must be heated to 29 degrees.
  • At the edges of the room, the floor can heat up to 35 degrees to compensate for the heat loss through the cold walls and from the draft that proceeded through the opening doors.
  • In bathrooms and zones with high humidity optimal temperature - 33 degrees.

If the arrangement of the warm floor is carried out under the bottom parquet Board, It is necessary to take into account that the temperature should not exceed 27 degrees, otherwise the floor covering is quickly spoiled.

As auxiliary parameters used:
  • Total pipe length and their step (mounting distance between pipes). It is calculated thanks to the auxiliary parameter in the form of configuration and room area.
  • Heat losses. This parameter takes into account the thermal conductivity of the material from which the house was built, as well as its degree of worn.
  • Flooring. Choice outdoor coating affects the heat-conducting ability of the floor. Optimal is the use of tile and porcelain stoneware, as they have high thermal conductivity and quickly warm up. When choosing a linoleum or laminate, it is worth acquiring a material that does not have a heat insulating layer. From wood coating It is necessary to refuse, since such a floor will almost not be heated.
  • Climate locacywhere it is built with a warm floor system. It is necessary to take into account the seasonal change of temperatures in this region and the most low temperature in winter.

Most of the heat of housing goes through it thin walls and low-quality materials window construction. Before performing the heating system under consideration, it makes sense to insulate the house itself, and then calculate its heat loss. This will significantly reduce the energy consumption of its owner.

Pipe calculation for a warm floor

Water warm floor - connection of pipes that are connected to the collector. It can be made of metal-plastic, copper or corrugated pipes. In any case, it is necessary to correctly determine its length. To do this, it is proposed to use a graphical method.

On millimeter paper on scale or in full size, the future contour is watched heating element"After selecting the type of laying of pipes. As a rule, the choice is made in favor of one of two options:

  • Snake. Selectable for small residential premises having low heat losses. The pipe is located like an elongated sinusoid and stretches along the wall to the collector. The minus such styling is that the coolant in the pipe gradually cools, so the temperature at the beginning and end of the room can be very different. For example, if the pipe length is 70 m, then the difference can be 10 degrees.
  • Snail. Such a scheme assumes that the pipe is initially laid along the walls, and then bent 90 degrees and twisted. Thanks to this laying, it is possible to alternate cold and hot tubes, getting a uniformly warming surface.

By choosing the type of laying, the following indicators are taken into account when implementing the paper on paper:
  • The pitch, permissible in the helix, varies from 10 to 15 cm.
  • The length of the pipes in the circuit does not exceed 120 m. To determine the exact length (L), you can use the formula:

    L \u003d S / N * 1.1where

    S. - area covered by contour (m?);
    N. - step (m);
    1,1 - stock coefficient for bends.

    It should be understood that the pipe should be located a one-piece segment from the output of the pressure manifold and to the "return".

  • The diameter of the paved pipes is 16 mm, and the thickness of the screed does not exceed 6 cm. There are also diameters 20 and 25. Ideally, the more this parameter, the higher the heat transfer of the system.
The temperature of the coolant and its speed is determined on the basis of the averaged values:
  • Water consumption per hour with a pitch diameter of pipes at 16 cm can reach from 27 to 30 l per hour.
  • To warm the room to a temperature of from 25 to 37 degrees, it is necessary that the system itself is heated to 40-55 ° C.
  • Reduce the temperature in the circuit to 15 degrees will help the loss of pressure in the 13-15 kPa housing.
As a result of the application of the graphical method, the input and output of the heating system will be known.

Calculation of water heating floor

It is beginning in the same way as in the previous method - from the preparation of millimeter paper, only in this case it needs to be applied not only contours, but also the location of windows and doors. Scaling drawing: 0.5 meters \u003d 1 cm.

To do this, it is worth considering several conditions:

  • Pipes must be installed along the windows to prevent substantial heat loss through them.
  • The maximum area for warm-aluminum arrangement should not exceed 20 m2. If the room is more, then it is broken by 2 or more parts, and for each of them a separate outline is calculated.
  • It is necessary to withstand the mandatory value of the walls to the first branch of the contour at 25 cm.
The choice of a dimeter of pipes will be influenced by their location relative to each other, and it should not exceed 50 cm. The magnitude of heat transfer per 1 m2 equal to 50 W is achieved with a step of pipes at 30 cm, if it turns out more when calculating it, it is necessary to reduce the pitch.

Determine the number of pipes is simple enough: to pre-measure their length, and then multiply it to a large-scale coefficient, to the resulting length add 2 m to supply the contour to the riser. Considering that permissible length The pipes are in the range from 100 to 120 m, it is necessary to divide the total length into the selected length of one pipe.

The parameter of the substrate under the warm floor is determined on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which is obtained after the length of the length and width of the room. If the room has a complex configuration to obtain an accurate result, it must be divided into segments and calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach of them.

Examples of calculating water heating floor

Next, you can familiarize yourself with two examples of the calculation of water heating floor:

Example 1.

In the room with a length of the walls 4? 6 m, the furniture in which it takes the almost fourth part of it, the warm floor should take at least 17 m2. For its execution, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are applied, which are stacked as a snake. It is withstanding a step at 30 cm. The laying is performed along a short wall.

Before laying pipes, it is necessary to accumulate the scheme of their location on the floor in the most suitable scale. In total, there are 11 rows of pipes in such a room, each of which will be 5 m long, everything is 55 m of the pipeline. Another 2 m is added to the resulting length of pipes. It is just such a distance to withstand before connecting to the riser. The total length of pipes will be 57 m.

If the room is very cold, it may be necessary to pave double-circuit heating. Then you should be stocking at least 140 m pipes, such a length of the pipeline will help to compensate for a strong pressure drop at the output and at the system input. You can make every contour different lengthsBut the difference between them should not be more than 15 meters. For example, one circuit is performed with a length of 76 m, and the second is 64 m.

The calculation of the warm floor can be carried out by two methods:

  • For the first method, the formula is applied:

    L \u003d s? 1.1 / B.where

    L. - pipeline length;
    B. - laying step measured in meters;
    S. - heating area, m2.
  • In the second variant, the tabular data shown below apply. They are multiplied by the contour area.

Example 2.

It is required to carry out a warm floor in the room with a length of the walls of 5x6 m, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 30 m2. In order for the system to work effectively, it should damop at least 70% of the space, which is 21 m2. We assume that the average heat loss is about 80 W / m2. So, the specifics will be heat loss 1680 W / m2 (21x80). The desired temperature in the room is 20 degrees, the pipes with a diameter of 20 mm will be used. They lies 7 cm screed and tile. Dependence between step, heat of heat carrier, density heat flux And the diameter of the pipes is presented in the diagram:

So, if there is 20 mm pipe, to compensate for heat loss 80 W / m2, it will take 31.5 degrees at a step 10 cm and 33.5 degrees at a step at 15 cm.

The temperature on the floor surface is 6 degrees less than the temperature of the water in the pipes, which is due to the presence of a screed and coating.

Video: Calculation of warm water floor

From the video, it will be possible to find out the theory of hydraulics associated with the arrangement of warm floors, its application to calculations, an example of calculating water heating sex in a special program online. First, simple circuits of connecting pipes for such a floor will be considered, and then more complex options for which all the nodes of the heating heating system will be calculated:

With independent computation, errors may occur. To avoid them and check the correctness of the calculations, you should use computer programswhich laid correction coefficients. To calculate the heated floor, you need to select the pipe laying interval, their diameter, as well as the material. The error of computing on the online program does not exceed 15%.

Today, the "Warm Paul" system is very popular among the owners of apartments and private houses. The overwhelming majority of those who have autonomous heating, or has already made the installation of a similar design in their housing, or think about it. They are particularly relevant in homes where there are small children who crawl and can be molting without appropriate heating. These designs are much more economical than other heating systems. In addition, they are better interacting with the human body, because unlike electrical option Do not create magnetic streams. Among them positive qualities It should be noted fireproof and high efficiency. In this case, the heated air is evenly distributed throughout the space of the room.

The principle is that under the coating, the highways are paced, according to which the coolant circulates - as a rule, water, heating the surface of the floor and the room. This method is very effectively coping with heating provided right calculation Designs and if its installation is performed correctly.

System mounting options

There are two principles by which the installation of warm water floor can be performed - the floor and concrete. In both embodiments, the insulation is used under the water floor circuit - it is necessary so that everything is warm up and heated housing. If the insulation does not use, there is also a space from below, which is completely unacceptable because it reduces the effect of heating. The insulation is made to use Penoplex or Penophol. Penoplex has excellent thermal insulating properties, pushes moisture and does not lose its properties in a humid environment. It has good resistance to compression loads, convenient in operation and inexpensive. The foam has a foil layer, which serves as a reflector of thermal radiation inside the apartment.

The first option lies in the fact that the contour is put on the flooring from the insulation - polystyrene foam, foam or other suitable material. Contour cover with top or other coating from above. Step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. We perform a thin black screed;
  2. We put the sheets of insulation with grooves for the highway;
  3. We put the highway and carry out crimping;
  4. Cover from top of a substrate from foamed polyethylene or polystyrene;
  5. We put on top of the finish coating of laminate or other material with good thermal conductivity.

The second option looks like this:

  1. We carry out a thin concrete tie;
  2. On the tie to put the insulation;
  3. The insulation is laid out the waterproofing, on top of which we are placing the contour co-altangopol;
  4. At the top fix its reinforcing MM and fill with a concrete tie;
  5. On the tie to put the finish coating.

Controlled temperature with two thermometers - One shows the temperature of the coolant entering the highway, the other is the temperature of the reverse stream. If the difference ranges from 5 to 10 degrees Celsius, it means that the design is working normally.

Methods of laying loose water floor circuit

When we carry out installation, the highway can be laying out in the following ways:

For spacious rooms, a simple geometric configuration is to apply the snail method. For small rooms complex form It is more convenient and more efficient to use the snake method.

These ways, of course, can be combined with each other.

Depending on the diameter of the highway and size of the room. The smaller the laying step, the better housing warms up with high quality, but on the other hand, then the costs of heating the coolant, materials and installation constraints increase significantly. The maximum step of step can be 30 centimeters, but it is impossible to exceed this value, otherwise The human foot will feel the difference in temperatures. Near the outer walls of the heat loss will be more, so the step laying the highway in these places should be less than in the middle.

Polypropylene or stitched polyethylene serves material for the manufacture of pipes. If you are using polypropylene pipes, it is worth selecting an option with fiberglass reinforcement, since polypropylene when heated has a tendency to expand. Polyethylene pipes When heated, they behave well and the reinforcement is not required.

Water floor loop length

The length of the water circuit of a warm floor is calculated by the formula:

L \u003d s \\ n * 1,1, where

L - Lenapeti,

S - Square of the heated room,

N - laying step length,

1.1 - Pipe reserve coefficient.

There is such a concept as the maximum water loop length - if we exceed it, the effect of the reverse loop may occur. This is a situation where the coolant stream is distributed in the highway in such a way that the pump of any power cannot lead it in motion. The maximum loop size directly depends on the diameter of the pipe. As a rule, it is within borders from 70 to 125 meters. Here plays a role and material from which the pipe is made.

The question arises - what if one outline of the maximum size is not able to warm the room? The answer is simple - we design a double-circuit floor.

Installation of a system where two-circuit design is used, no different from where one contour is used. If the two-circuit does not cope with the task, add required amount The loops, how much it is possible to connect to a homemade collector for a warm floor of polypropylene.

The question arises - how uninvatura in size may differ from the other in the design, where they are more than one. In theory, the installation of a warm water floor design assumes an equal distribution of the load and therefore it is desirable that the loop length is approximately the same. But this is not always possible, especially if one collector serves several rooms. For example, sizes in the bathroom will be explicitly less than in the living room. In this case, balancing fittings aligns the load on the contours. Size variation in such cases is allowed to 40 percent.

Installation of the design of warm water heating is allowed only in those areas of the room where there will be no overall furniture. This is due to an excessive load on it and so that in these areas it is impossible to provide the right heat transfer. This is a space called useful Square premises. Depending on this area, the number of design loops depends on the laying step.

  • 15 cm - up to 12 m 2;
  • 20 cm - up to 16 m 2;
  • 25 cm - up to 20 m 2;
  • 30 cm - up to 24 m 2.

Warm floor installation - what else needs to know

By installing a water heating system, a few more important things should be known.

  • One loop should heat one room - it should not stretch it into two or more rooms.
  • One pump must serve one collector group.
  • When calculating multi-storey housesserved by one collectors, the flow of the coolant should be distributed, starting from the upper floors. In this case, the heat loss of the floor on the second floor will serve as an additional heating of the first floor premises.
  • One collector is able to serve up to 9 loops at a contour length of up to 90 m, and with a length of 60-70 m - up to 11 loops.


Warm water heating systems are extremely convenient and efficient. Their installation is quite realistic to perform on its own. The correctness of the calculations, accuracy and care of all work, accounting for all features and trifles play a big role. After all the work, you can enjoy warm comforted and comfort of excellent heated room with a floor, which is so nice to walk barefoot.

Gasket heating pipes under floor covering is considered one of better options Heating at home or apartment. They consume less resources to maintain the specified temperature in the room, exceed standard wall radiators in terms of reliability, evenly distribute heat indoors, and do not create separate "cold" and "hot" zones.

The length of the water heat circuit is the most important parameter that must be determined before mounting work. The future power of the system, the level of heating, the choice of components and structural nodes depends on it.

Options for laying

The builders use four common pipe styling schemes, each of which is better suited for use in the room of various shapes. From their "drawing" to a large extent, the maximum length of the circuit of the warm floor depends. It:

  • "Snake." Sequential laying, where hot and cold line, go for each other. Suitable for the premises of an extended form with separation into zones of different temperatures.
  • "Double Snake." It is used in rectangular rooms, but without zoning. Provides uniform heating area.
  • "Corner snake." Sequential system for placing with equal length of the walls and the presence of a low warming zone.
  • "Snail". A dual layout system suitable for the units close to the square without cold sections.

The selected laying option affects the maximum water floor length, because the number of pipe loops and the bend radius, which also "eats" a certain percentage of material is changed.

Calculation of length

The maximum warm floor pipe length for each contour is calculated separately. To obtain the necessary importance, the following formula will need:

W * (d / shu) + shu * 2 * (d / 3) + K * 2

The values \u200b\u200bare indicated in meters and mean the following:

  • W is the width of the room.
  • D - the length of the room.
  • Shu - "STOCK STOCK" (distance between hinges).
  • K is the distance from the collector to the connection point with contours.

The length of the warm floor circuit, obtained as a result of the calculations, further increases by 5%, which includes a small stock for error leveling, changing the radius of the pipe bending and the connection with fittings.

As an example of calculating the maximum pipe length for a warm floor on 1 contour, we take room at 18 m2 with the parties in 6 and 3 m. The distance to the collector is 4 m, and the laying step is 20 cm, the following is:


It is added to the result, 5% is added, which is 4.94 m and the recommended length of the water heating floor circuit increases to 103.74 m, which are rounded to 104 m.

Dependence on pipe diameter

The second most important characteristic is the diameter of the pipe used. It affects the maximum length of length, the number of contours in the room and the power of the pump, which is responsible for circulating the coolant.

In apartments and medium-sized houses, pipes 16, 18 or 20 mm are used. Optimal for residential premises is the first value, it is balanced in terms of costs and performance. The maximum length of the water heat circuit 16 is 90-100 m, depending on the selection of the pipe material. It is not recommended to exceed this indicator, because the so-called "locked loop" effect may form, when, regardless of the pump power, the movement of the coolant in communications is terminated due to the high resistance of the fluid.

To choose optimal solution And take into account all the nuances, it is better to contact our expert for advice.

Number of contours and power

Installation of the heating system must comply with the following recommendations:

  • One loop to the room of a small area or part of the big, stretch the contour into several rooms is irrational.
  • One pump on the collector, even if the stated power is enough to provide two "comb".
  • At the maximum length of the warm floor pipe 16 mm, 100 meters the collector is installed no more than 9 loops.

If the maximum loop length of the heap 16 pipes exceeds the recommended value, the room is divided into separate outlines that are connected in one heating network Collector. To ensure the uniform distribution of the coolant throughout the system, the specialists advise not to exceed the difference between individual loops in 15 m, otherwise the smaller contour warms up much stronger than the greater.

But what to do if the length of the heat-inside of a warm floor of 16 mm pipes differs to a value that exceeds 15m? Balancing reinforcement will help, which changes the amount of coolant circulating on each loop. With it, the difference between the length can be almost twice.

Temperature in the rooms

Also, the length of the circuits of a warm floor for 16 pipes has an impact on the level of heating. To maintain a comfortable medium in the room, you need a certain temperature. For this, the water pumped in the system is heated to 55-60 ° C. The excess of this indicator may adversely affect the integrity of the material of engineering communications. Depending on the purpose of the room on average we get:

  • 27-29 ° C for residential rooms;
  • 34-35 ° C in corridors, hallways and passage rooms;
  • 32-33 ° C in rooms with high humidity.

In accordance with the maximum length of the heat-mall circuit, 16 mm in 90-100 m, the difference in the "entrance" and "output" of the mixing boiler should not exceed 5 ° C, another value indicates a heat lifter on the heating line.

Here are the topics such as: the maximum length of the water heat circuit, the location of the pipes, optimal calculations, as well as the number of contours with one pump and whether two are identical.

Seven times the folk wisdom calls. And you can't argue with it.

In practice, to embody what has repeatedly scrolled in the head, not easy.

In this article we will talk about the work related to the communications of warm water floors, in particular, pay attention to the length of its contour.

If we plan to install a water warm floor, the contour length is one of the first questions that need to be dealt with.

Location of pipes

The warm floor system includes a considerable list of elements. We are interested in the tubes. It is their length and determines the concept of "maximum warm water floor length". Stop them must be given to the features of the room.

Based on this, we get four options known as:

  • snake;
  • double snake;
  • angular snake;
  • snail.

To do proper laying, each of the listed types will be effective for the heating of the room. Miscellaneous may be (and, most likely, there will be) Metage pipe and volume of water. From this will depend on the maximum length of the water heat circuit for a particular room.

Main calculations: Water volume and pipeline length

There are no focus here, on the contrary - everything is quite simple. For example, we chose a snake version. We will use a number of indicators, among which are the length of the water heat circuit. Other parameter - diameter. Preferably use pipes with a diameter of 2 cm.

Consider the distance from the pipes to the wall. It is recommended to fit in the range of 20-30 cm, but it is better to place pipes clearly at a distance of 20 cm.

The distance between the tanks is 30 cm. The width of the pipe itself is 3 cm. In practice, we obtain the distance between them in 27 cm.
We now turn to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

This indicator will be decisive for such a parameter of warm water floor, as the contour length:

  1. Suppose the room in our 5 long, and the width is 4 m.
  2. Laying the pipeline of our system always begins with a smaller side, that is, from the width.
  3. To create the base of the pipeline, take 15 pipes.
  4. Near the walls remains the gap of 10 cm, which after it increases on each side by 5 cm.
  5. The plot between the pipeline and the collector is 40 cm. This distance exceeds those 20 cm from the wall, which we talked above, because in this area you will have to install the water pumping channel.

Our indicators now make it possible to calculate the length of the pipeline: 15x3,4 \u003d 51 m. Fully contour will take 56 m, since we should consider and the length of the so-called. The collector site, which is 5 m.

The length of the pipes of the entire system should fit into the allowable range - 40-100 m.


One of the following questions: What is the maximum length of the water warm floor loop? What if the room requires, for example, 130, or 140-150 m pipes? The output is very simple: it will be necessary to make more than one contour.

In the work of the water heating floor system, the main thing is effective. If we need 160 m pipes on the calculations, then we make two contours of 80 m. After all, the optimal length of the water heating circuit should not exceed this indicator. This is related to the possibility of creating equipment. required pressure and circulation in the system.

It is not necessary to make two pipelines completely equal, but it is also not desirable that the difference is tangible. Experts believe that the difference can be quite achieving 15 m.

Maximum water heat loop loop length

To determine this parameter, we must consider:

The listed parameters are determined primarily by the diameter of the used pipes for warm water floors, the volume of the coolant (per unit of time).

In the installation of a warm floor there is a concept - the effect of the so-called. locked loop. We are talking about the situation when the circulation on the loop will not be possible regardless of the power of the pump. This effect Inherent in the situation of pressure loss, calculated 0.2 bars (20 kPa).

In order not to confuse you with long calculations, write several recommendations verified by practice:

  1. The maximum circuit of 100 m is used for pipes with a diameter of 16 mm from metalplastic or polyethylene. Perfect option - 80 m
  2. Contour in 120 m - limit for a pipe of 18 mm from stitched polyethylene. Nevertheless, it is better to limit the range of 80-100 m
  3. From 20 mm plastic pipe You can make the outline in 120-125 m

Thus, the maximum length of the pipe for warm water depends on a number of parameters, the main of which is the diameter and the pipe material.

Do you need and are it possible two the same?

Naturally, the ideal will look like the situation when the loops have the same length. In this case, no settings will be needed, searching for balance. But that's B. more than in theory. If you take a look at practice, it turns out that in the warm water floor it is not even appropriate to achieve such an equilibrium.

The fact is that it is often necessary to lay a warm floor at an object consisting of several rooms. One of them is emphasized small, for example - a bathroom. Its area is 4-5 m2. In this case, there is a reasonable question - is it worth it to adjust the entire area under the bathroom, fractioning it on tiny sites?

Since it is not advisable, we approach another question: how not to lose pressure. And for this, elements such as balancing fittings are created, the use of which is the equalization of pressure loss in contours.

Again, you can use calculations. But they are complicated. From the practice of working on a warm water floor, we can safely say that the spread of contours is possible in the range of 30-40%. In this case, we have every chance to get maximum effect From the operation of warm water floors.

Despite the considerable amount of materials on how to make the water floor alone, it will be better to contact the specialists. Only masters can evaluate the working plot and, if necessary, "manipulate" the diameter of the pipe, "cut" the area and combine the laying step when it comes to large areas.

Number with one pump

Another often the result is: how many contours can work on one mixing node and one pump?
The question is, in fact, it is necessary to specify. For example, to a level - how many loops can be connected to the collector? In this case, we take into account the diameter of the collector, the volume of the coolant passing through the node per unit of time (the calculation goes to m3 per hour).

We need to take a look at the serviceport of the node, where the maximum bandwidth coefficient is indicated. If we carry out the calculations, then we will get the maximum indicator, but it is impossible to count on it.

One way or another, the device indicates the maximum number of connectivity - as a rule, 12. Although, according to calculations, we can get 15, and 17.

The maximum number of output in the collector does not exceed 12. Although there are exceptions.

We saw that the installation of warm water floors is a very troublesome business. Especially in that part of it, where it is about the length of the contour. Therefore, it is better to contact the specialists in order not to redo it, then not quite successful stacking that will not bring the effectiveness that you expected.