Exterior finish of a saman house and ventilation device. The truth about the energy efficiency of saman houses house from Samana than to warm and finish

In order to protect against rain houses from a tree or Samana (clay with chopped straw), they are often trimmed by boards that are intensively rotated. And plastering the wall containing the body is not only useless, but also harmful. The coating cracks, the wall ceases to "breathe" and the fungus appears.

A more reliable solution - the use of modern plastic lining (PV), plus competent ventilation of the wall. You can even pave the insulation.

I cite a scheme of such a design (Fig. 1). Air through the ventilation hatch penetrates the space between the trim and the wall (or insulation), climbs up and comes around the roof. It is important that the ventilation gap is at least 1-2 cm.

Top covering her fiberglass facade plaster grid and nail with nails with plastic washers (cut 4 × 4 cm from baccasks). Under the washers we turn copper wire, taking the canvas.

In the center you feed the plaster dranco. The care of the wall is very simple: in the spring, we open the hatch, so that it can dry, and closing it for the winter.


Use for insulation foam, pressed plates glass gambles and mineral Wat on the aluminum foil It is impossible - these airproof coatings.

Finishing of the walls of a saman home and a ventilation device: drawings

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What is better to insulate the house outside? This question is worried about all owners. Cool temperature in the residential premises during the cold season creates discomfort, in addition, finances are spent on additional heating, And this is inappropriate.

Rule modern insulation Great. To choose the right heat insulation, you need to get acquainted with the technical characteristics of each.

External insulation: material selection

The market is modern thermal insulation materials Great. These are synthetic insulation, and natural. All of them differ from each other by technical characteristics - thermal conductivity, water absorption, specific weight, installation methods, durability and others.

Among the natural materials for insulation of the house outside, the following can be distinguished:

  • samam (clay + straw + additives);
  • keramzit (relevant in case of decisions of the owner outdoor wall in Polkirpich);
  • warm plaster.

Range synthetic insulationwhich can be sewn at home with outside, wider:

  • expanded polystyrene foam (normal and extruded);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foamizole;
  • mineral wool (basalt preferable).

All insulation can be divided into two groups:

  • for self-installation;
  • for professional installation.

To the first one includes any kind of plasters (samana and warm), polystyrene foam (foam and penplex), mineral wool, ceramzit.

Polyurethane foam can be attributed to perfect thermal insulation At home, only specialists will be able to enjoy (insulate), since the material refers to sprayed.

A similar situation with foaming (carbamide foam). it liquid thermal insulationFor the installation of which you need a special installation and high-quality protection of the insulation from moisture exposure.

In order to choose the right material, you need to decide on some conditions:

  • financial component;
  • insulation quality;
  • complexity / ease of installation.

The most expensive insulation can be called thermal insulation of the house outside the polyurethane foam. The cheapest option is the foam. In addition, he is light, so available self installation (Clean the house outside the day). For this insulation, the insulation does not need a doom, it is glued special glue straight to the wall.

Council. Polystyrene foam (foam / penplex) are demanding of the quality of the walls. Therefore, before insulation, they need to be put in order - to clear from the peeling old coating, check the level to deviate from the horizontal and align, if necessary.

The next option is the mineral wool. It is not demanding of the evenness of the walls, but it requires two-sided waterproofing and the installation of a ventilated facade, which attracts additional labor costs.

What insulation prefer? To answer this question you need to consider some specifications Each of them, as well as decide how difficult it is to strip the walls of the house outside with one or another material.

Polystyrene foam

Polyfoam and Penoplex - representatives of polystyrene foams. Differences between these insulation in price are essential. You can also say about their technical specifications:

  • Thermal conductivity. It has about the same in foam and foam polyplex, but the first 4 times higher water absorption (4% per day) than the second. Penoplex almost does not absorb moisture, therefore it is recommended for insulation of walls outside.
  • Strength / fragility. Polyfoam is folded in work, as the fragile and crumbs on the cut. Penoplex has a small-scale structure, besides, all cells are very firmly interconnected, therefore the material is much stronger than foam on bending and compression. It can be revealed by the usual or stationery knife, the cut will not crumble.
  • Combustion. Polystyrene foams belong to combustible insulation. However, modern embodiments are made with the use of flames, which significantly reduces the risk of random ignition. When choosing a material, pay attention to the labeling "G". G1 is a hard-flameable, self-fighting insulation. There is also a foam specifically for the insulation of facades - PSB-C-25F. The share of flavors in this composition is essential, so it is prohibited to use it for insulation inside the residential premises.
  • Sensitivity to solvents. The foam and penplex are sensitive to organic solvents, therefore, to decide the house, use polyurethane foam glue or dry compositions that are indulging in the instructions immediately before use.
  • The need for finishing finish. Both types of polyurethane foam must be protected from the effects of atmospheric phenomena. For these purposes, plastering on fiberglass mesh and further staining or applying cored plaster are used. Permissible to use warm plaster as additional insulation outside.

Important . Polyfoam and penplex pretty fragile insulation. Therefore, the layer plastering Must be small.

The minus of such thermal insulation of the walls is the love of rodents to arrange the nest in expanded foam. So that they could not get to the insulation, the installation is required. zero level of metal profile. In other ways, it is impossible to protect against the penetration of mice into the insulation.

Mineral wool

This insulation choose many and it is quite reasonable. Its technical characteristics are more than stacked:

  • Material is produced various densities, which allows them not only for the wall at home outside and inside, but also use it for heat insulation of the floor or roof.
  • Form of production of mineral wool - mats, rolls, plates, as well as foil insulation.
  • Basalt thermal insulation does not burn, withstanding heating to 1000 ° C. This allows it to be used not only for insulation of walls, but also for chimneys.
  • The thermal conductivity of the mineral wool is low.
  • Water absorption is artificially reduced due to the impregnation with hydrophobizers, however, during installation, it is still necessary to lay waterproofing on both sides of the insulation.
  • Rodents are indifferent to the cotton.
  • Material is inert to most chemical and organic solvents.
  • Watt is easy to work, so installation is available with your own hands.

Mineral wool installation technology on the walls outside and from the inside - on glue and frame. In the first case, the finishing finish of plaster (system wet facade), in second - siding, block house, porcelain stoneware (hinged and ventilated systems).

Frame technology Installation of mineral wool includes the following steps:

  1. The wall of the house is processed by an antiseptic and dried.
  2. Then the waterproofing is installed and the bars of the vertical dory are stuffed.
  3. The insulation is rebuilt in size and is installed in a niche of a doomle of the riser (unacceptable both "chat" of it and "protrusion").
  4. After that, mineral wool is tightened with a vaporizolation membrane.
  5. You can additionally install horizontal guides that will fix wool in niches.

Additional actions to properly enjoy the outside of the home of mineral wool, not required. Finish finish Such insulation - siding, block house, porcelain stoneware - any options installed on the frame or a doom.

Ceramzit and Samam

Natural insulation are cheap, it is not necessary to acquire them. Therefore, quite often the owners of private houses choose them. In addition, they are environmentally friendly, breathe that for many is attractive.

Walls of the house are insulated by clay at the construction stage. You can do this after it is completed, but for such insulation you need to put additional walls at a distance of about 20 cm from the main. Get well laying. The space between the walls must be isolated from moisture from entering and fall asleep with clay (mix the insulation of various fractions), then shed cement milk to reduce its sediment and increase strength.

Important . As an additional thermal insulation, the walls already insulated with the wall can be separated from the outside with warm plaster.

Samam is used to warm the walls of houses for a long time. But the technology of its compilation is complex. No one knows the exact recipe for plastering composition, since much depends on the quality of clay. Therefore, this method of insulation of walls outside is considered complex and time consuming (every time the master experiments). Warm walls need to be protected from moisture exposure, so they are whitening lime. The result of such thermal insulation is ecologically clean housein which it is pleasant to stay at any time of the year.

What material stop

After analyzing the installation technology and some of the quality of insulation, it is easy to determine which one to choose. The simplest I. cheap way - Looking outside the house with foam. More expensive and high quality - Pesoplex. Mineral wool refers to breathable materials, but it is necessary to equip the ventilated facade. Polyurethane foam is not demanding of the quality of the walls, it sticks perfectly to them, completely isolates the house from the penetration of cold air and moisture, but the price of such insulation is high. Heat insulation natural materials - on an amateur. They are cheap, however, they require substantial labor costs.

Living in saman structures note that due to the high massiveness and thermal inertia of the walls of heavy saman, in the summer they are cool in them, and in winter, the oscillations of the outer temperature affect the temperature in the house. However, the walls of heavy material are not always fairly energy efficient, and you have to warm them.

Heavy monolithic walls or complicated from the blocks by strength may not give up brick
The wall of heavy samana, dense and without voids (density100-1600 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bis close in its thermal conductivity to efficient (hollow) brick or foam concrete (depending on the ratio of clay and straw in the material) and has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.3- 0.6 W / (M × OS).

It will be the warmer, the larger the content of the straw.

In the conditions of Ukraine, the thickness of the wall with such thermal conductivity of the material should be about a meter, which is difficult to implement and unprofitable by labor costs.

Therefore, the wall of heavy saman is usually made with a thickness of 40-50 cm, and then insulated and plaster.
Saman requires application parProtable insulation. The polystyrene was excluded, the mineral wool enthusiasts of saman construction are considered non-elastic.

Experts recommend using the reed (reed) that does not absorb moisture, does not rot and has a tubular structure with air inside the stems. It is used in the form of mats, laid at least 10 cm and firmly fix on the wall of the dowels.

In the light self-made a lot of straw, so it cannot be used to build carrier structures and requires the framework of the framework.

On top of the insulation, 2-3 cm of clay or lime plaster is applied (the latter is more durable).

The coldest places of any home - corners.

The advantage of saman technology is the ability to avoid problem areas by making rounded corners Outdoor walls, slightly increase their thickness.

Easy samana

The walls made of light material do not have high inertia, but have a high energy-saving ability (with a density of 500 kg / m³ and below the material can be used as thermal insulator).

Their thickness can be 25 cm, but it is possible to blow through (like a sewer) and, as a rule, the walls are made with a thickness of 30-40 cm. The denser of the saman is rambling, the warmer.
Due to the fact that in the design of the walls there is a framework, the density of the lung of Samana can be significantly reduced, achieving high level thermal insulation thinned wall. Even with a wall thickness, 25 cm house does not require insulation.

However, in this case it is important to apply a solid plaster and eliminate the formation of slots to avoid through blowing.

The slots may occur with a loose styling and shrinkage of the material around window Rams, in places in contact with the samana with a frame, while cracking plaster. However, they are easy to smell, renew the plaster ( sAMED HOME Easy to repair).

For the insulation of the floor in the house usually use crumbs or lightweight saman.

Good day! I ask for help in the repair and insulation of the old samanny house. House 37 years buildings. SAMAN size 20x20x40. Over the past years so compressed that he became like a stone. It was necessary to disassemble a part of the corner - barely worked to do it, the blocks of the Samana with each other were firmly concluded. But the house is cold. The windows were replaced by modern, the slopes and window sills "on the conscience" are shown - it does not blow from them anywhere. The house is covered with bricks "on the rumble". The foundation is also manot. Cold floor. Heating from the boiler - the rooms are batteries and pVC pipes. But even with frost at 10 degrees - cold walls. How to insulate the house?

Olga, Salsk, Rostov region.

Hi, Olga from Salsk Rostov region!

Unfortunately, nothing real, except for the councils, I can not be useful. Farously you live from me to come to you with employees and try to correct the situation.

From the existing practice I can say the following. There are builds that, how many would not be insulated, and they still remain cold.

And in order to create a comfortable temperature in the room, you must have a permanent powerful heating system. What is associated with high fuel costs or other energy resources.

Let's first distract and strive for purely theoretically.

You have a sufficiently durable samoyed house covered outside the brick installed on the edge, which was done for more beautiful decor outside. Most likely between samannaya and brick masonry There is no insulation. As a result, the walls make up an array accumulating that temperature modewhich is dictated mainly by an outdoor temperature background.

It is clear that heating indoor space Several increases the temperature of the walls, but not sufficiently. In addition, the surface of the ceiling is largely in indoors (indirectly and attic room and roofs) and gender.

Based on these tedious theoretical conclusions, it follows that in order for the temperature inside the house to be leaving for accommodation and at a very cold season, it should be insulated, and rather, to isolate the receipt of the cold for all these surfaces. Including windows and doors that are Conditioners of cold.

You write that the windows are made on conscience and cold through them does not pass. On the door going to the street too should be heat curtainsAnd in short - the tambura-adapters or the similarity of the curtains are constructed.

Therefore, it remains to insulate the walls, gender and ceiling.

Most often, when planted with saman walls, the insulation is laid with bricks in problematic homes between the saman and brick. Since you have not done, then you follow one of two options. Either outside the house. Either inside the house. For your case, the second option is likely. Because if you do insulation outside, it suffers to drown a heating system.

Ideally, insulation in such cases are made as follows. The walls are squeezed by clapboard, which is mounted on lighthouses (cranial lump in cross section 75/50 millimeters). There are 50 millimeters with a thickness of 50 millimeters between the beacons. Then the air gap of 25 millimeters is left between insulation and clapboard. The insulation on both sides is placed by a vapor barrier film. The distance between beacons usually makes 600 millimeters, multiple sizes of most insulation.

That is, once again, in order, all the technology of wall insulation.

On the saman walls are fixed vapor insulation film. Anchors-self-drawing to the walls are attached 75/50 lighthouses with installing them on the edge. Between the beacons are fastened with "fungi" (self-pressing with plates or special purchased) insulation. The second layer of film is mounted on the lighthouses. Get air clearance of 25 millimeters between her and insulation. The lining is nailed (other materials like plywood, various panels, stoves, etc. can be installed instead of it.

The insulation of the ceiling from the inside of the room is produced by a similar method as the insulation of the walls. In addition, in the attic space, the floor can also be insulated by laying insulation (ranging from clay and ending mineral plates or rolls).

Floor insulation is a special conversation. This warming is sometimes more important insulation walls, as not always under the house there is a warm basement or underground. If there is an opportunity, then the base and overlap over the basement are ashamed about the same scheme as described above. If there is no basement, the sample and in the risen, then the cardinal alteration is not excluded. When the entire old floor is revealed for a decent depth.

That is, the floorboards are dismantled, lags are removed to a certain depth. After that, the new floor is mounted in the form of a puff cake. Soil is aligned, waterproofing from the frontieroid or its analogues is stacked. Approximately 15 centimeter layer of clay. Then reinforced concrete screed Thick from 5 and above centimeters. Fit sex lags, antisept. Fill the floor.

It is clear that the matter is all pretty long in time and material costs. Related to many inconveniences on the end of the furniture or dragging it from place to place so as not to interfere with the work. Possible dismantling of pipes heating system and its batteries, as it is necessary to move them from the old walls by the amount of 75 millimeters plus the thickness of the material of the walls. The internal useful volume of the room will also decrease on a double such size. It is also possible to reduce the height of the room by lowering the surface of the ceiling and floor lifting.

But ultimately, the thermal regime inside the room rises and you will feel much better than the previous one.

There are, of course, many other insulation options. But the most frequently used.

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