What to do when a young apple tree gets rusty. Brown spots on an apple tree - the reasons for the appearance and methods of dealing with the disease

We are accustomed to the fact that only metals rust. Unfortunately, plants are also susceptible to "corrosion". What is apple rust?

What is rust?

General definition

A disease known as apple rust is caused by the fungus Gumnosporandium tremelloides of the genus Phragmidium. It is especially dangerous if you have an ordinary juniper growing in your garden. It is here that the causative agent of the disease appears, which is then transferred to the tree. In winter, spores accumulate, "canned" and live in needles or juniper branches until spring. So they can persist for several years. With the onset of warmth, the spores develop, passing to the leaves of the apple tree. Thus, infection occurs. The disease is very widespread. Plants of the southwestern, southeastern regions of Ukraine, as well as the Crimea, suffer from it more often.

The first signs of the disease

For the first time, symptoms can be detected in the summer, when the foliage of the plant develops well. Convex rounded spots, orange or brown, appear on the upper plate of the leaf. Instead, there may be rust-colored stripes. The spots have black blotches (spermogonia). Places of accumulation of spores - etsidia - are located under them. They look like conical outgrowths. Later, the etsidia open up like a "star", throwing out a mass of the smallest disputes.

At the same time, the lower part of the leaf is affected by yellow spots. With a powerful defeat, the foliage dries up, then falls off. This process is facilitated high humidity air, windy weather. Then the spores spread faster. The wind can carry them up to 50 kilometers.

All of these symptoms are clearly conveyed by the photo.

Where else does rust develop?

Much less often, the disease affects the branches, trunk, even the fruits of the tree. Young shoots are most vulnerable. They will no longer give healthy growth. The sickest die off. Others are developing. But after 2-3 years, wood cracks in the affected parts. The bark is cracking at the trunk. The fruits are deformed, stop growing, fall off.

Why is apple rust dangerous?

In diseased trees, photosynthesis and metabolism are disturbed. Since spores pull moisture out of the plant, the water balance suffers. This explains the falling off of diseased leaves, fruits, shoots. The plant is missing nutrients... As a result, the quantity of the crop decreases, its quality deteriorates.

Control measures

What needs to be done to destroy plant rust with its consequences?

  • If a juniper grows in your garden along with fruit trees, then you need to get rid of it! Dig this place deep. You can shield the apple tree with other green spaces. They will delay disease-causing spores. However, infection is unlikely to be avoided.
  • If the plants are already infected, then immediately remove all diseased parts (leaves, shoots, branches, fruits). For pruning branches, take 5-10 centimeters below the damage. Then spray with one of the chemicals: Bordeaux mixture 1%, Topaz, cuproxat, 0.4% cineba solution, Vectra. Repeat twice more every 10-14 days.

Apple tree rust prevention methods

  • Eliminate the practice of planting fruit trees with conifers in the same area. So you save yourself unnecessary problems.
  • In the spring, before the buds appear, it is necessary to clean out the old affected areas until healthy wood appears. Then disinfect them copper sulfate 5%. After - coat with garden putty.
  • Treat trees with antimicrobial agents (fungicides). Spray as soon as the leaves open. Repeat after two weeks.

Now you can provide proper care to their fruit trees, and do not allow such a dangerous phenomenon as apple rust.

A disease is a disturbance in the life of a plant due to the action of pathogenic factors that may be associated with infection, weather anomalies or agrotechnical blunders.

Weather anomalies and low agricultural technology most often lead to non-infectious diseases, which can become the first phase of the appearance of fungal, bacterial or viral invasion.


For your information: Non-infectious diseases are easily eliminated by an effective influence on the leading pathogenic factor (introduction of necessary microelements, sanitary pruning, protection of the tree from frost).


Diseases caused by pathogenic organisms that have penetrated the structure of the plant. Penetration is possible through damage to the integument, with water, with sucking insects.


Mycoses - damage by spore pathogens, phytopathogenic microorganisms that create germination of mycelium and spore conidia in the body of the host plant. The most common:

  1. Scab. Disease of the first weeks of plant growth. It is caused by the marsupial mushroom Venturia inaequalis, which can give life to several generations per season.

    It affects both leaves and fruits, appearing on them in the form of gray or black spots with a light rim.

    With early infection, the ovaries crumble, or the apple tree gives cracked, one-sided fruits. The spread of the disease is facilitated by dense, poorly ventilated plantings in the garden.

  2. Common (European, or ulcerative) cancer. The causative agent is the marsupial mushroom Nectria galligena Bres. In apple trees, cancer has an open and closed shape:
    • in the open form, deep non-overgrowing wounds on the bark acquire a reddish border of conidia with spores, form thickenings that turn into ugly growths. The consequence is drying and dying off of branches, bark, sap-conducting layer of wood.
    • with a closed form, the growths tighten the wounds with influxes and tumors, leaving a decaying gap, but the outcome of the disease does not change.
  3. Cancer is dangerous for trees of all ages, but in to a greater extent- old, with weakened immunity.

  4. Black cancer- a consequence of infection by the fungus Sphaeropsis malorum. Disease development:
    • brown spots;
    • bark wounds
    • overgrown with lumpy spore-bearing growths;
    • the acquisition of a black (charred) color by the bark, cracking and chipping of the bark;
    • spotting appears on the leaves, they fall off, like the fruits, if they do not fall, they are mummified.

    Defeat in the flowering phase - flowers dry up. The plant becomes susceptible to black rot. Only strong, frost-resistant trees are able to resist the disease.

  5. Root cancer. Fungal infection affects root system trees, forming cancerous growths, which, when decaying, are spore carriers.
  6. Cytoporosis(stem rot). The reason for the appearance of the disease is a violation of the integrity of the bark due to sun-frost burns, the effects of drought, and the weakening of systemic plant care. Fungus pycnidia quickly sprout through the loose blackened bark of the stem and branches, which dry out instantly.
    The lesion expands its area, covering the entire surface of the trunk. The process is irreversible if microorganisms have damaged the cambium. Only timely sanitary pruning of branches and autumn whitewashing of the trunk can protect against cytoporosis.
  7. Apple tree rust. The home of the pathogen fungus is the juniper, on which it hibernates and retains its viability for a long time. At favorable conditions(humid, warm and windy) the spores are transferred to the apple tree, where they manifest themselves as bulging rusty spots with black blotches.
    The spots indicate etsidia (places where spores accumulate): on the back of the leaf plate, they look like conical outgrowths. Extensive damage leads to drying out and shedding of foliage. Sometimes rust captures young shoots, branches, trunk, fruits. The bark cracks, the fruits fall off. Disruption of photosynthesis leads to inhibition of growth and fruiting.
  8. Powdery mildew- fungal infection of young shoots, inflorescences and fruits. Old trees, neglected gardens can provoke the disease.

    The plant is covered with a brown bloom, the leaves roll up and fall off, the same happens with the flowers.

    Infection at the beginning of the growing season leads to the death of the plant.

  9. Milky shine. Fungal infection with basidiomycete. It can develop on individual branches or cover the entire plant. The first sign is a light gray with a pearlescent shade of fragile leaves. The root cause of the disease may be: freezing of the bark, improper watering, lack of minerals in the leaves and young shoots.
  10. Moniliosis(fruit rot). The pathogen settles on fruits in a cool, wet period. Brown, pubescent with a gray bloom, the spots grow rapidly, turning the apple into a soft, inedible fruit. Such fruits fall off or are mummified. There are special manifestations of rot on the apple tree and in the storage of fruits:
    • black rot (the fruit turns black without sporulation);
    • bitter rot (brown spots are places of spore formation, the fruit acquires a bitter taste);
    • gray and pink rot - the color of the mycelium (quickly spreads to neighboring fruits).
  11. Phylosticosis(brown spot). The causative agent is Phyllosticta. It affects the leaves of the apple tree with brown, dark yellow or grayish spots of various configurations.

    It looks like a pesticide burn, but ends with the death of leaf tissue and the transformation of the epidermis into a transparent film.

    Premature leaf fall leads to the drying out of the plant. The "Autumn striped" variety is especially sensitive to this disease.

  12. For your information: Methods for combating fungal diseases are reduced to:

  • sanitary pruning (spring and autumn);
  • spraying with a disinfectant solution;
  • whitewashing of trunks;
  • deep loosening of the near-trunk soil.


The causative agent is a unicellular microorganism widely represented in wildlife, which became famous in the second half of the 20th century. All bacterial lesions are called bacteriosis.

For your information: Quarantine is prescribed for bacterial infections: the plant affected by the infection is destroyed; the place where it grew is disinfected with chlorine copper; The land remains in the deposit for 2 years.


For your information: There is no other type of struggle against a viral infection, like uprooting, burning all affected parts, quarantine.

Visual signs of disease diagnosis

For your information: Prevention of diseases of fruit plants is always more effective and cheaper than treatment at the peak of the development of the disease. Prevention requires knowledge in predicting the result and conscientious systemic plant care.

The suburban area is usually divided into several sectors: a residential area with outbuildings, a garden area where loved ones are grown vegetable crops, flower beds and a recreation area, which includes herbs, flower beds, ornamental shrubs, including conifers. An obligatory part of the dacha is a garden and a berry, and in it are your favorite pears, apple trees, cherries, plums, cherries, quince different terms ripening. The berry is rich in several varieties of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, irgi, sea buckthorn. The garden and berry area is beautiful during the flowering period. But a period comes, and the blossoming leaves are covered with small yellow-brown dots, which gradually grow into large spots. Rusty-yellow spots with fiery eyes cover the upper side of leaves of apple, pear, plum, gooseberry, currant. It becomes clear that this is not mechanical damage or the treatment of plants with the wrong drug (for example: a herbicide instead of a drug for diseases), but a real disease. Trees and shrubs are affected by "plant" or "biological" rust.

Rust on currant leaves caused by the fungus Cronartium ribicola. © Marek Argent

The causative agent of rust disease and its development cycle

Spores are carried by wind and insect pests (ants, aphids), causing multiple damage to the leaves of fruit plants. Dispersion of ripe spores by the wind can provoke mass infection of garden crops of the same species over long distances.

Once in the host plant, the spores germinate, and the mycelium spreads inside the tissues throughout the culture. Rusty yellow spots on the leaves of trees and shrubs affected by the disease are an external manifestation of a fungal disease, which is collectively called rust. V summer period on the underside of the leaves of diseased plants, outgrowths appear in the form of threads on apple trees or nipples on pears. This has formed a controversy, ready for the defeat of the hosts.

The group of rust fungi is distinguished by the ability to form in the development cycle different types dispute. These spores can go through the entire development cycle on one or different plants. On these grounds, they are divided into 2 groups:

  • monoecious,
  • heterogeneous.

Monoecious rust fungi re-infect the host and other plants of the same species: apple tree, other species and varieties of apple trees; pear, other varieties of pears, etc.

A group of various rust fungi usually develops on two different plants, but ends the development cycle, as a rule, on fruit crops Oh.

  • For apple trees affected by various rust fungi, the main host of the fungus is the common juniper;
  • for pears - Cossack juniper;
  • for plums - anemone weed.

Pine, spruce and other conifers are strongly affected by rust.

From berry bushes currants and gooseberries, raspberries are strongly affected by rust. Their intermediate hosts are sedge, Weymouth pine. Cedar pine - intermediate host of black currant

By spring, growths (pustules) appear on the intermediate host, in which mature spores (basidiospores) are located. When they rupture, yellow dust or "rusty powder" is poured out. These are ripe spores that fly up to 60-100 meters under wind gusts and infect leaves, young shoots and fruits of fruit crops.

Fruit crops are the intermediate host for rust. Diseased leaves of fruit trees and horticultural crops dry out and curl up. Early leaf fall begins. The condition of the plants is deteriorating. The yield and quality of fruits are sharply reduced. If protection measures are not taken, affected trees and shrubs will die.

Rusty fungus Currant Kronartium on Weymouth Pine. © Marek Argent

Measures to protect plants from damage by rust fungi

To protect garden and berry plantings from rust, a set of measures and their constant implementation are required. Protection will not bring an effect with a single treatment, especially against various fungal diseases.

Protective measures can be divided into several groups:

  • preventive;
  • agrotechnical;
  • chemical;
  • biological.

Preventive measures against damage by rust fungi

  • Systematic examination of horticultural crops in order to diagnose diseases.
  • Keeping the site in a state free from weeds, especially sedge, anemone, milkweed, which are the intermediate hosts of the disease.
  • Cleaning the garden from falling leaves. It is better to burn diseased leaves outside the site.
  • Cleaning from the site of plants that serve as the main host of pathogenic fungi, or simultaneous treatment of both types of plants (junipers, conifers).
  • For a garden and berry plot, only zoned and rust-resistant varieties and hybrids of fruit and berry crops should be used.

Agrotechnical measures against damage by rust fungi

Observe the requirements of agricultural technology recommended for the crop, especially in terms of irrigation. Avoid stagnation of irrigation water under trees and shrubs. In a humid environment, fungi multiply especially quickly. Be sure to monitor the onset of the disease in prolonged (7-10 days) wet weather.

Annually, in spring and autumn, it is necessary to whitewash the stem and skeletal branches of horticultural crops with a solution of freshly slaked lime with the addition of clay and glue (for better adhesion), copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate, cineb, cuproxate).

After the leaves have completely fallen or in the spring, before bud break, carry out sanitary pruning. Remove all branches and bark showing signs of disease (covered with bumps or growths) orange), capturing 10-15 cm of a healthy area. The branches freed from diseased bark should be treated with copper or iron vitriol, cover with garden varnish.

Dig up the trunk circles in autumn or spring and treat the soil surface with a 5-7% solution of urea or ammonium nitrate, alternating with a 4-5% solution of copper sulfate.

Be sure to treat tree crowns with antifungal drugs. In the spring, additionally arrange a shower of microelements with substances that help strengthen the immunity to diseases.

Destroy juniper, other conifers and not fruit plants, herbs sick with rust. Treat their location several times with boiling water or copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid or other anti-rust preparations.

Rust stains on the leaves. © Jose Maria Escolano

Rules for the treatment of plants with chemical preparations against damage by rust fungi

In private plots, it is not recommended to use chemicals to combat crop diseases. If preference is given to chemicals, then the working solution for spraying must be prepared strictly in accordance with the recommendations. Of the drugs, give preference to pesticides of systemic, systemic contact and contact action.

Take all sanitary protection measures (high shoes, closed clothing, hat, goggles, respirator, gloves). At the end of the treatment of plants, change clothes and take a shower.

To process plants in the morning after dew has melted before 11 o'clock or after 16-17 o'clock in the evening in dry, calm weather.

Drain the remains of the pesticide into a special pit or a place inaccessible to children, animals, birds.

Finish treatments with pesticides 30-35 days before harvest (unless otherwise required in the recommendations) and never process plants during flowering.

To reduce the load on plants, it is better to spray with tank mixtures, combining several drugs against diseases and pests in one solution. Before mixing, first check the preparations for compatibility.

Anti-rust chemical treatments

It is possible to offer (as examples) several schemes for the treatment of plants affected by rust. They are easy to prepare, but require strict adherence to the recommendations.

Experienced gardeners (no doubt) have in their arsenal other compositions of tank mixtures, but in any case, use chemicals requires attention and processing at certain periods (phases) of plant development. Usually, all treatments are carried out before and after flowering, so as not to destroy beneficial insects(bees, bumblebees, predatory insects- ground beetles, ladybirds).

1. Before bud break, treat the trees with a 2 - 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid. Repeat the treatment with 1% solution during budding and after flowering. The last treatment should be carried out at the beginning of the growth of the fruit.

2. In the same phases, treat the first time with 1% copper sulfate (blue spraying), the second - with copper oxychloride, or ordan, oxychom. You can use the drug Abiga-Peak. Carry out the third spraying with cuprosil or 1% Bordeaux liquid. Some gardeners recommend repeating spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid again after 10-12 days.

3. Effective against rust chemical fungicide topaz. Three times treatment is sufficient to protect against rust. Treatments begin in the budding phase, immediately after flowering and in the growth phase of the fruit.

4. The first and second treatments should be carried out with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid. It can be replaced with Kuprosil, champion. Carry out the third treatment with colloidal sulfur or thiovite. For the fourth treatment, you can use the drug "propi plus", any other drug that acts on several types of fungal diseases.

Rust on goat willow leaves. © dejayM General form on a rusty bush. © dejayM

If it is undesirable to remove the primary source of infection (juniper, other conifers), then both types of plants are simultaneously treated. For the destruction of fungal at the main sources of rust infection, the following treatment schemes can be recommended. Please note: when processing junipers, conifers, weeds, at the same time continue processing fruit and berry plantings with the recommended preparations.

If the bushes are healthy, then as a prophylaxis they are treated 2-3 times during the warm period with the following preparations: fast, bayleton, zineb, Bordeaux liquid. It is recommended to process plants in early spring and in late autumn with the drug cuproxat.

Other copper preparations, and spraying plants up to 6 times per growing season (they are not used for food), with mandatory processing in late autumn and early spring. Special preparations saprol and ditan were released. Spraying with these preparations is carried out alternately with an interval of 7-8 days.

To increase the resistance of junipers and other conifers to rust and other fungal diseases, it is advisable to treat plants with micronutrient fertilizers and immunostimulants.

For the processing of juniper, a special preparation, saprol (triforin), has been proposed. Spraying begins in early spring and continues the entire warm period with a gap of 7-10 days.

It is systematically necessary to inspect and remove diseased shoots. If the bush is badly damaged, it can be cut off completely, leaving 1-2 living buds at the base. Dig up the soil around the pruned bush. Introduce full fertilizer for digging with nitroammofosk, preferably kemir. Late autumn or in the spring, treat the soil with urea or ammonium nitrate (5-7% solution), mulch. It is more expedient to transplant the trimmed bush to another place, on greater distance from fruit and berry plantings.

Protection of soda and berry plantings from rust with biological products

To get an environmentally friendly harvest in summer cottages, it is necessary to use biological products for protection. They are developed on the basis of effective microorganisms and do not harm the health of humans, animals and beneficial insects. Biological products are non-toxic, do not accumulate in fruits and other parts of plants. The protective effect of biological products is about 3 weeks. They can process plants up to harvest.

They are easily mixed with other biological products in tank mixes, which reduces the number of treatments against various pests and diseases. However, their effective action is manifested only in a certain range of positive temperatures (from +12 to +18 ° C) and in exact observance of proportions in the manufacture of working solutions. If the requirements are not met or if only 1-2-3 treatments are carried out, the effect will not appear.

In the gardener's first-aid kit, there must be a set of biological products for the processing of vegetable, horticultural and berry crops. To protect plants from rust, trichodermin, planriz, phytosporin-M, gamair (bactericide), phytodoctor, gaupsin are used. The latter drug stands out for its double action. He not only destroys fungal diseases, but also a number of pests.

Juniper blister rust (Gymnosporangium juniperinum). © SB_Johnny

Preparation of working solutions of biological products


To destroy rust and other fungal diseases, a working solution is prepared at the rate of 100 ml of a biological product per 10 liters of water. Spraying begins with the budding phase and continues throughout the growing season (except for the flowering period) 2-3 times a month.


Effectively protects garden plants from many fungal diseases, including leaf rust. Differs in a strong growth-stimulating effect on plants. For spraying, use a working solution of 50 ml of planris per 10 l of water.


According to the list of effective suppression of pathogenic fungi, it is equal to planriz. The consumption rate of a biological product per 10 liters of water is 30 g. Spraying is carried out for the entire growing season 2 times a month. Phytodoctor increases immunity to diseases and promotes the active development of fruit and berry crops.


For spraying plants during the growing season, a working solution is used, consisting of 15 ml of a biological product per 10 liters of water. The same solution can be used to process fruits during storage.

For processing plants, along with working solutions of individual biological products, tank mixtures can be used in next composition: in 10 liters of water, dissolve 100 ml of biological products of trichodermin and haupsin, 50 ml of planriz and ekoberin, add 30 g of phytodoctor. Check the products for compatibility before mixing. Spray trees and shrubs (all) every 10 days throughout the growing season.

The article contains only a few biological products. Having studied the effect of other biological products, you can independently select tank mixtures and painlessly for environment and family members to grow healthy, organic crops.

The apple tree is a favorite tree of most gardeners, and this is due to the fact that the crop is easy to care for, and it is unpretentious. Wide range the use of fruits, leaves and flowers in everyday life further adds to the popularity fruit trees... Apple trees, like other plants, are susceptible to various diseases arising from some negative factors. It is worth considering in more detail the reasons for the appearance of brown spots on the foliage, and how to deal with rust on the leaves of an apple tree.

The main cause of rust stains is due to the presence of fungus. Fruit crops planted next to conifers... With their growth, one can find on the leaves of apple trees the appearance of star-shaped outgrowths, on which new spores are formed, which in spring time will be carried around by gusts of wind to garden trees... After infection, the disease spreads through the leaves, shoots and fruits.

The most unfavorable regions for rust on apple trees are the South, South-West, South-East regions of Ukraine and the Republic of Crimea.

The period of active development of the fungus and how it is dangerous for the apple tree

The disease is of a fungal nature and, after damage to the tree, interferes with the ability of the leaves to photosynthesize. The yield is markedly reduced due to disruptions in water-mineral metabolism. The tree begins to wither right before our eyes. First, a rusty coating appears, then brown spots appear, then brown ones.

Additional damage is done to young shoots, from which it is already useless to wait for a harvest. Severe damage causes the death of young trees. Most often this happens at the beginning of summer - in June-July.

As soon as the disease is identified, it must be treated, in otherwise you can lose all the fruit trees in the garden. Rust-affected apple trees die in a few years, during which the fungus develops more and more.

Signs of tree disease

Any stains on the foliage, or if the leaves have curled up, is a signal to the grower. Rust becomes visible from the moment the foliage blooms. Special attention need to be given to plants in the last spring months.

At the first appearance of rust, it is necessary to start treatment in order to prevent the spread of infection throughout the garden and to protect future fruits.

Systemic fungicides to fight fungal infection

To get rid of rust, fungicidal agents are most often used as control measures. They are best used in identifying a disease. The most effective are drugs related to contact or systemic contact.


  • "Strobe";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Vectra";
  • Tsineba;
  • "Poliram".

All funds have approximately the same effect aimed at destroying the fungal colony. There is a defeat of spores, which, thanks to the active particles of the drug, will no longer be able to give rise to fungi.

Universal drugs include systemic fungicides, thanks to which, if applied correctly, you can completely heal the garden from red leaves and disease.

As for dosages, drugs are diluted in the following amount per bucket of water:

  • "Strobi" - 2 grams;
  • "Topaz" - 2 milliliters;
  • Vectra - 2 grams;
  • "Poliram" - 2 grams.

All of the above funds are diluted in the same amount, and therefore it is difficult to make a mistake in the manufacture of a medicinal solution. But "Teneba" is added to water in the amount of 40 grams.

Worth knowing: if horticultural crops have been treated for scab, then you do not need to additionally spray the trees from rust. The chosen remedy will have an effect on both pathogens.


The tool belongs to powerful drugs to fight the fungus. The release form is liquid or powder. One tree needs 2 liters per 10 square meters. Processing is carried out up to several times with a 14-day break between them.


The drug has several advantages that allow you to use the product at the time of flower formation. The fungicide poses no danger to bees.

Processing can be carried out at low temperatures, high humidity... The agent is effective against various fungal diseases, it is especially successful in combating rust.


The active ingredient in this powerful drug is called bromuconazole. For young tree two liters of the diluted product is enough. Adult fruiting apple trees are sprayed with a solution of 10-15 liters.

The spray agent can be used a maximum of 3 times and must not be mixed with other products.

Copper preparations for the treatment of the disease

The rust fungus is successfully attacked by Bordeaux liquid, which is considered to be one of the most well-known methods of treating the disease. A working 1% solution is used.

The first time the garden is cultivated in the spring when more or less warm weather is set. In hot weather, it is strictly forbidden to use the product due to the threat of burns on the trees.

There are also drugs that can fight rust on an apple tree.

"Blue Bordeaux"

It perfectly replaces Bordeaux liquid, has a granular form of release. The product dissolves easily in water. The advantage is that the solution is suitable for use in inclement weather.

Blue Bordeaux destroys pathogenic colonies along with spores. The tool is contact.

"Abiga peak"

The main substance is copper. The drug also belongs to the contact group of substances. The product must be applied to the affected areas of the tree. The drug will not penetrate into the inner layers of the tree.

It is necessary to know that the use of "Abiga peak" is possible only in dry weather. To obtain a working solution in a bucket of water, you need to dilute 50 grams of the drug.


Consists of nitrogen and copper acetate. If you prepare a 0.25% solution, then it will neutralize all fungal spores.

The product is suitable for root watering. The benefit of the product is that it destroys rust and saturates the soil with useful components.


It can be used both prophylactic and remedy... The leaves are covered with a protective layer, and therefore the fungus cannot infect and spread throughout the apple tree.

During the fight against rust, conditions are created that are completely unsuitable for the fungus, but complete destruction cannot be achieved. You need 60 grams per bucket of water. The tool is contraindicated for use when hot weather is established.

The next group medicines against red spots on the leaves and damage to fruits, preparations containing sulfur are used.

Colloidal sulfur

The greatest effect occurs if the agent comes into contact with the affected culture. It is important to remember that colloidal sulfur is not used when trees are blooming.


The main component is sulfur. Convenient form of release, quickly and well dissolves in water. Does not generate dust.

Basic biologics

Biological agents against rust stains and diseases of apple trees differ from other agents in that they improve immune system fruit crops and increase resistance to fungal diseases. Negative consequences not detected when in use.

The funds do not pose a danger to:

  • of people;
  • flora;
  • insects;
  • pets.

When using biological agents, the crop is completely safe for both adults and children.


If brown rust occurs, it is advisable to use this agent. The drug in the amount of 50 ml is added to 10 liters of water. Planriz effectively fights fungus and enhances the growth of young trees.


Refers to a very common means with a wide range of effects, including successfully combating rust. You can prepare a working solution as follows: dilute 100 ml of the product in 10 liters of water.

The first treatment is done after the buds have opened, and then twice a month throughout the season. When the apple trees begin to bloom, the product is not used.

"Fitosporin M"

Preparation with huge amount positive feedback from gardeners. Trees can be processed throughout the growing season. To obtain a solution, you need to dilute 15 ml of the product in water - 10 liters.

It is possible to process not only trees, but also crops that are difficult to store.


Has established itself as a successful fungus control agent. To prepare a working solution, you need to dilute 30 grams of the product in 10 liters of water. Fruit trees are cultivated every 14 days during the growing season.

You can start spraying from the moment the buds begin to bloom. Stop using the product before harvesting the apples.

Tank mixtures

Now it becomes clear how to use biological preparations, if you wish, you can make a combination of several funds at once. The use of tank mixtures is a very effective method for combating fungus.

Everything is very simple to prepare, for 10 liters of water you need to take:

  • 50 ml Planriz;
  • 50 ml "Ekoberin";
  • 100 ml "Trichodermina";
  • 100 ml "Gaupsin";
  • 30 grams of "Phytodoctor".

If the trees are already affected by the fungus, then it is necessary to process the culture up to 3 times a month, from the moment when the buds bloom and until the time of harvest.

Technology and processing time

If the leaves of the apple trees are covered with rust, then you can fight the infection as follows:

  1. On the first day, as soon as diseased shoots appeared, they must be cut 7 cm lower than the affected area. Obligatory destruction of the source of the spread of the disease, for example, a diseased juniper. The trunk circle is cleared, the soil is treated with copper sulfate in the form of a solution.
  2. On the second day, spray the apple trees fungicidal solution... The choice of the drug depends on the growing season. Juniper also needs to be treated with the same product.
  3. On the fourth day, potassium monophosphate is used for foliar feeding of apple trees. Use of potassium humate for watering.
  4. On the seventh day - treat the fruit trees together with the juniper with the same fungicide that was chosen earlier.
  5. On the fourteenth day - ash liquor is used for processing apple trees.
  6. On the thirtieth day - a new one is chosen fungicide against fungus.
  7. On the thirty-seventh day - another fungicidal treatment.
  8. On the fortieth day - potassium monophosphate is used for foliar feeding apple trees.

After the harvest is harvested, the apple trees undergo sanitary pruning, shoots are removed from the stem or root suckers. It is necessary to whitewash the trunk and the lower parts of the skeletal branches. "Fitolavin" is used to treat trunk circle, mulching is additionally applied.

The beginning of the next season - copper sulfate is used to spray trees when the buds begin to bloom. You also need to process the juniper.
Before flowering begins, apple trees are processed using a tank mix.

Preventive measures to prevent infection

Any disease can be defeated if treatment is started in a timely manner. Protective measures can help keep the infection from spreading. This practice is called prevention, thanks to timely measures taken, garden trees can be saved.

To prevent the formation of fungus, you must:

  • cleansing the garden - after the harvest is harvested, it is recommended to remove plant residues to the maximum;
  • compliance with agrotechnical measures (timely processing, top dressing, correct watering);
  • the use of fungicides for the treatment of apple trees;
  • planting varieties resistant to fungal diseases.

If you inspect fruit crops in a timely manner to identify diseased trees and start treatment on time, losses can be avoided. Any ailment is always easier to prevent than to cure.

Why is juniper dangerous for an apple orchard

Not many gardeners are aware of the dangers of juniper bushes to apple trees. It is in them that rust pathogens arise and remain. Spores of this fungus are carried by the wind or on the legs of an insect to apple trees. V winter period rust is in the needles of a juniper, and in the spring it comes to life and again attacks the apple tree.

In order to interrupt this process and not be left not only without a crop, but also without the whole garden, you should either get rid of the juniper, or transplant it from the apple trees over a long distance. Young shoots are especially susceptible to the influence of the fungus.

We are accustomed to the fact that only metals rust. Unfortunately, plants are also susceptible to "corrosion". What is apple rust?

General definition

A disease known as apple rust is caused by the fungus Gumnosporandium tremelloides of the genus Phragmidium. It is especially dangerous if you have an ordinary juniper growing in your garden. It is here that the causative agent of the disease appears, which is then transferred to the tree. In winter, spores accumulate, "canned" and live in needles or juniper branches until spring. So they can persist for several years. With the onset of warmth, the spores develop, passing to the leaves of the apple tree. Thus, infection occurs. The disease is very widespread. Plants of the southwestern, southeastern regions of Ukraine, as well as the Crimea, suffer from it more often.

The first signs of the disease

For the first time, symptoms can be detected in the summer, when the foliage of the plant develops well. Convex rounded spots, orange or brown, appear on the upper plate of the leaf. Instead, there may be rust-colored stripes. The spots have black blotches (spermogonia). Places of accumulation of spores - etsidia - are located under them. They look like conical outgrowths. Later, the etsidia open up like a "star", throwing out a mass of the smallest disputes.

At the same time, the lower part of the leaf is affected by yellow spots. With a powerful defeat, the foliage dries up, then falls off. This process is facilitated by high air humidity, windy weather. Then the spores spread faster. The wind can carry them up to 50 kilometers.

All of these symptoms are clearly conveyed by the photo.

Where else does rust develop?

Much less often, the disease affects the branches, trunk, even the fruits of the tree. Young shoots are most vulnerable. They will no longer give healthy growth. The sickest die off. Others are developing. But after 2-3 years, wood cracks in the affected parts. The bark is cracking at the trunk. The fruits are deformed, stop growing, fall off.

Why is apple rust dangerous?

In diseased trees, photosynthesis and metabolism are disturbed. Since spores pull moisture out of the plant, the water balance suffers. This explains the falling off of diseased leaves, fruits, shoots. The plant lacks nutrients. As a result, the quantity of the crop decreases, its quality deteriorates.

Control measures

What needs to be done to destroy plant rust with its consequences?

  • If a juniper grows in your garden along with fruit trees, then you need to get rid of it! Dig this place deep. You can shield the apple tree with other green spaces. They will delay disease-causing spores. However, infection is unlikely to be avoided.
  • If the plants are already infected, then immediately remove all diseased parts (leaves, shoots, branches, fruits). For pruning branches, take 5-10 centimeters below the damage. Then spray with one of the chemicals: Bordeaux mixture 1%, Topaz, cuproxat, 0.4% cineba solution, Vectra. Repeat twice more every 10-14 days.

Apple tree rust prevention methods

  • Eliminate the practice of planting fruit trees with conifers in the same area. So you save yourself unnecessary problems.
  • In the spring, before the buds appear, it is necessary to clean out the old affected areas until healthy wood appears. Then disinfect them with 5% copper sulfate. After - coat with garden putty.
  • Treat trees with antimicrobial agents (fungicides). Spray as soon as the leaves open. Repeat after two weeks.

Now you can provide proper care for your fruit trees, and prevent such a dangerous phenomenon as apple rust.