Fungicidal solution for plants. Get acquainted with fungicides - drugs to combat plant diseases

Fungicides in crop production are chemical or biological substances that are overwhelming fully or partially causative agents of fungal and other plant diseases. Translated from Latin "Fungicides" means "killing mushroom" (Fungus - Mushroom and Caedo - I kill).

Depending on the chemical structure of fungicides, they are divided into inorganic (for example, colloidal sulfur, copper sulphate, copper chlorine), organic (for example, carbamic acid derivatives, quinones, benzimidazole based drugs)

Depending on the nature of the impact of fungicides divide on
True fungicides - act directly on the mushroom cell;
pseudophungsides (immunizers) - act on the causative agent only when ingested on the molecular, intracellular, sub-cell level, disturbing its livelihood and leading to death;
Microbial antagonists are the strains of the pathogen, which increases immunity in the plant and resistance to pathogens of fungal infections.

Fungicides are used
For prevention (preventive, or protective fungicides)
For the treatment of fungal infections in plants (therapeutic, or eradicating fungicides)
To immunize plants.

Fungicides can serve
For the processing of seeds (these are crosses of seeds, they act on causative agents of diseases that are transmitted with seeds or exist in the soil, help reduce the number of processing of vegetative plants)
For processing greenhouse-greenhouse soil (act on causative agents of plant diseases, which are in the soil, for example in a greenhouse)
for processing perennial plants During rest (destroy pests during rest: in early spring, late in autumn, winter)
For plant treatment during the growing season (used in summer, as a rule, preventive action)
For storage processing (to protect agricultural products during storage)

Fungicides on the nature of the distribution in plants are contact and systematic.

Fungicides of contact (or local, or local) action Are on the surface of the plant and cause the death of the causative agent of infection when contacting him. As a rule, the time of action of contact fungicides is limited, as they are washed off when rain and irrigation, depend on the wind and other manifestations external environmentmay simply have a low ability to hold on the plant. Contact fungicides more often have a prophylactic effect. Apply from the end of the XIX century.

System action fungicides Penetrate all tissues of the plant and do not depend on weather conditions. Their effectiveness depends on the rate of penetration into plant tissues. Systemic fungicides affect directly on the pathogen of fungal infection or as a result of metabolism in the plant, which allows to destroy the causative agents of an infection that is deep in plants tissues. Apply from the second half of the 20th century.

Biological fungicidesmodern drugs, safe for humans and ambient, do not accumulate in plants and fruits, as they have a non-chemical impact on causative agents of diseases and infections, have high efficiency. Biological fungicides consist of bacteria that cause the death of certain species of pathogenic fungi.

Depending on the number of active substances, fungicides are simple, combined, requiring joint use with other drugs or fertilizers.

Methods for using fungicides:
spraying plants and soil
Pouring plants and soil
Seed etching
Fuligation of seeds and storage (destruction of pests and causative agents of plant diseases to poisonous couples and gases)

Rules for the use of fungicides:
Strict adherence to doses and alternation of the used drugs, since over time, the causative agent produces resistance to the active substance of the drug.
Strict adherence to doses and processing time, so as not to cause a plant burn, accumulation harmful people The fetus substances, the destruction of warm-blooded and environmental pollution.
Conducting processing in the means of protection (bathrobe, glasses, gloves, respirators, special shoes, etc.)

When choosing a fungicide, pay attention to its active ingredient, denotes "DV"! Preparations with different names can have the same active ingredient, which will not allow you to properly carry out treatment or prevention (that is, alternate DV).

Some fungicides allowed for personal subsidiary farms

Abiga Peak, Hom- CHlocked copper - Fungicide contact action, Designed to combat mushroom and bacterial diseases of many vegetable, fruit and flower crops.
Alicin-B. - DV Bacillus Subtilis strain B-10 Vizr - biological bacterial fungicide of the attending, immunizing, protective action. From root rot, wilts, muced dew, peronosporosis, rust, phytofluorosis, paste, gray rotted on potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, currants, strawberries, indoor and garden plants and seedlings.
Albite - DV poly-beta-hydroxyma salted acid - a complex efficient biological product, a universal plant growth regulator with the properties of fungicide and complex fertilizer.
Bactofitbiological preparation To combat mushroom and bacterial diseases of grain, vegetable, fruit and berry crops, colors and medicinal plants.
Bordeaux liquid - DV copper sulfate three-axis - tested by the time of fungicide from the paste, moniliosis, kokkkikosis, fruit rot and various spots of fruit and berry crops. Does not cause burns.
Bordeaux mix - DV copper sulfate + calcium hydroxide - contact fungicide to protect against disease complex (phytoofluorosis, cockclock, rust, pass, curlyness, etc.)
Gamair. - DV Bacillus Subtilis strain M-22 Vizr - biological fungicide To suppress the pathogens of root rot, withering, mildew, perronospos, rust, phytofluorosis, alternariasis, paste, moniliosis, gray rot, Tomato bacterial cancer, etc.
Glocladin - DV Trichoderma Harzianum Strain 18 Vizr - Mushroom Fungicide. Forms in the soil developed fungal and successfully compete with pathogenic mushrooms. Protects and suppress root rot, withering various etiology, ascohithosis, anthracnose, alternariasis, gray rot from tomatoes, cucumbers, floral seedlings and room colors.
Healthy Earth - DV Carboxin, Tiram (TMTD) - new drug For soil disinfection for floral (except indoor) plants.
Healthy lawn - DV Carboxyne, Tiram (TMTD) - suppresses rot and mold of lawn herbs
Sulfur smoke bomb (FAS, climate) - DV sulfur - destroys causative agents of diseases, infections, mold, fungi, insects in basements, vegetables, greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses.
Kompularux - DV Tsimoxanil, copper composite - against phytoofluorosis, peridosorosis in potatoes, onion on ripe, cucumber and tomato open soil.
Kurzat R. - DV CIMOKSANYL, Copper Copper - from potato diseases, vegetables and grapes.
Maxim - DV Fluudioxonyl - one of the most effective drugs To protect against fusariosis, phomose, risocontoniosis and other diseases transmitted through the soil. For pre-sowing processing of tubers of seed potatoes, seeds of grain and other cultures.
Ordan - dv Tsimoxanil, copper chloropusi - combined drug Fungicidal action to protect potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and grapes from a complex of disease.
Planries - Biological preparation against vascular mucous bacteriosis, phytoofluorosis, fusarious wilting, rhizoconial root rot, pithy root rot, gray rot, monilosis, mildu, oidium in cabbage, potatoes, cucumber of protected soil, strawberries, apple trees, grapes.
Forecast - DV Propiconazole - system fungicide wide spectrum Actions to protect strawberries, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries from mildew, gray rot, rust, anthrax, septoriosis of leaves, purple spottedness, anthraznosis, septoriosa leaves.
Profit Gold - DV Famoxadon, Tsimoxanyl - modern fungicide of systemic action for the protection and treatment of tomatoes and potatoes from phytoophluorosis, onions from alternariasis, grapes from Mildew.
Rajak - DV DiFenokonazole - systemic fungicide to protect apple, pears, beets, potatoes and tomatoes from pasta, mildew, alternariosis.
Respect - DV Imidakloprid, Pencikuron - Pre-Summary Treatment of Potato Potatoes from Rhizoctoniosis, Parsh Ordinary.
Soon - DV DiFenokonazole - the attending fungicide of systemic action against the brush, mildew, alternariasis, kokkomicosis, leaf curlyness, gray rot, spottedness in fruit and flower crops, roses and decorative shrubs.
Strobe - DV Crezoxim-methyl - the drug of systemic action against the brush, pulse dew, a sage fungus, "flying", alternariasis on an apple tree and a pear.
Tanoc - DV Famoxadon, Tsimoxanyl is a combined system of system action from Mildew, phytoofluorosis, alternariasis, perronosporosis in grapes, outdoor soil tomatoes, potatoes, onions.
Tiovit Jet. - DV sulfur - against pulse dew, oidium and custom tick On an apple tree, pear, gooseberry, currant black, grapes, roses.
Topaz - DV Penkonazol - systemic fungicide to protect currants and flower crops from pulse dew and rust.
Phytolavin - DV phytobacteriomycin - biological fungicide against root mucous membranes and vascular bacteriosis, leaf bacteriosis, black legs for cucumbers and tomatoes of protected and open soil, apple.
Phitosporin - DV Bacillus Subtilis strain 26 d - biological preparation from a complex of mushroom and bacterial diseases of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, strawberries, apple, carrots, floral garden and indoor crops, black currant, roses
Chorus - DV Ciprodinyl - fungicide of systemic action against brush, moniliosis, powdered dew, alternariosis of seeds, fruit rot, kokkkikosis, etc. on an apple tree, pear, peach, plum, cherry, cherry.
Chistocevet - DV DiFenokonazole - fungicide of systemic effect against pulse dew, gray rot, spottedness in flower and decorative cultures.

Fungicidal action also possess:
Ash - Drocery potato tubers before landing, process wounds, sections on tubers and roots flower plants.
Zelenk - They burn wounds and other damage on the tubers and the bulbs of flower crops.
Soda calcined (linen) - 0.3-0.5% solution with the addition of soap (30 g per 10 liters) are used to combat pulse dew.
Potassium mangartanomioxid (manganese) - 0.1-0.15% The solution is used against the black leg, fusariosis, bacteriosis in seedlings and vegetable and floral crops, for pre-seed treatment of seeds, bulbs, clubnellukovitz, rozing of garden plants for 2 hours, for disinfection of equipment and tools.

Ancient fungicides: Wine, cow watering, vinegar, salt solution.

Fonggicida plants
: cypress, marigold , calendula , garlic , Horsetail, wormwood bitter and others.

These are substances that partially suppress or destroy causative agents of diseases various plants. There are several classifications of this type depending on the action, chemical characteristics, as well as a method of application. Next offer full list Fungicides represented as a list of the most popular plants with names and descriptions for them.

"Consense": principle of operation and composition

With such a task, the preparation "Consense" perfectly copes. This innovative development with a wide range of action.

First, the remedy has a double effect on the plant:

  • systemic (the drug penetrates into the inner tissues of culture in order to remove the disease);
  • translaminarian (The action turns out to be on the leaves, performs the function of the intermediate stage between the system and surface effect).
The "Consente" removes the phytoofer on, onions, cucumbers and other cultures, accelerates the growth rates of plants, protects against the emergence of new infections. In addition, the drug struggles with false mildew on and, gray and white rot, dry spot. "Consense" has a kind of cream suspension.
The concentrate is sold both in small bottles and in large bottles and canices of up to 5 liters (suitable for owners of large land). The drug is used for prevention and treatment, regardless of the development stage of the disease.

As part of the funds of two active components.

  1. First - Propamocarb hydrochloride - stops further reproduction of fungus, violating its life processes and membrane.
  2. Second component - Fenamidon. This component, penetrating the plant, leads to the fact that the spores fungus cease to form, the phytoofer does not apply to other plants or its parts. The double effect rendered leads to the death of the fungus.

Plant protection lasts up to 15 days. Thanks to this, spray tomatoes will need to be less likely, which means that the consumption of means is reduced.

TO biological fungicides For plants include Agat-25K. He acts not only as a defender of plants from diseases, but also contributes to an increase in the level of yield. The composition has a beneficial effect on the development of plant roots and significantly increases the germination of seeds. Usually it is used in gardening, but can also be treated with this drug as prevention.

The active ingredient composition is bacteria and bioactive creatures of microbial and vegetable origin. Release form - fluid consistency paste, packaged in jars for 10 g. For processing 1 spoon, the means dissolves in three liters of water. Plants should be sprayed every 20 days about 3-4 times a season.

- The contact type of fungicides containing copper composite in its composition. The latter, interacting with pathogenic disputes, has a property to highlight active copper, which inhibits their growth and respiration, which suppresses the preferential number of proteins important to the spread of pathogens.

It is effectively fighting with bacterial and fungal diseases on technical, ornamental, floral and fruit cropsoh. , Vine and forest plantings can also be treated with this drug.

Did you know? To determine the level of acidity of the mixture, it is lowered by 3-4 minutes of an iron nail. If, after this time, a red copper flap appeared on the rod, the proportions were not allowed.

Processing plant crops need during the lack of wind either at low speed. In mandatory, you need to use the respirator or at least a gauze bandage. Rubber gloves, safety glasses and tight clothing - mandatory attributes when working with "Abiga".

Biological preparation, overwhelming fungal diseases Sadovy I. indoor plants. Destructively affects, and.

For a declined water bucket worth using 2 tablets of the drug. Such a solution is made of sick plants. If you need to spray, the concentrate should be more saturated - 2 tablets per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to conduct no more than three treatments, while observing the temporary interval in 5-7 days.

The drug is not dangerous, both for people and animals, fish.

biological fungicide contact type. Material substance for the environment. Destroys virusesprovoking plant diseases, and can also be applied as garden crops. Additionally, it is capable of improving the level of yield.

Did you know? Contact fungicides remain on the surface of the plant, and do not penetrate the inside of the tissues. This means that it is necessary to especially qualitatively apply a working solution to the culture to achieve an effective result.

Batophite biopreparation is used to protect plants from pathogens of microorganisms, including meal dew. Fruit-berry cultures are the most suitable plants for the use of "bastophith", since it is precisely the most effective composition. The drug is recommended to use in cases where there is no possibility to treat plants with chemicals.

"Bactofit" works best if you use it in cool weather. It is allowed even during frequent precipitation. It is important to apply the tool at least one day before the rain. The re-procedure must be carried out approximately 5 days later.

Cuttings and seeds before landing are also often treated with "bastophit".

The strongest means of exposure to fungal and bacterial diseases It is considered.

To prepare such a remedy should be used (forgered), copper vigorous and water. 300 g of lime is quenched with water and added to 2-3 liters of hot water. Similar manipulations are carried out with copper vitrios in a separate dish (not iron).

Each of the solutions are gradually adjusted to a volume of 5 liters, this time already using pretty cold water. The solution of lime via double gauze is filtered and a mixture is introduced to it. copper Kaper. It is important to actively stir the working mixture.

Need to follow the correctness of proportions. The mixture should be bright blue. The poison in this age creates copper, the lime works as a neutralizer of acidity. Insufficient lime quantity can burn the plant.

Bordeaux mixture must be used on the same day when it was prepared. It is possible to increase the storage period before the day, but only if you add sugar to a mixture (7-10 g of sugar per 10 liter of solution).

Bona Forte (Bona Forte)

Bon Forte is the composition for complex care for home plants (older than one year). Room plant treatment is carried out in three stages: Treatment and prevention from and insects, feeding fertilizers (after 3-7 days), stimulating the growth of green mass, immune system (in a week).

Fungicide "Bon Forte" is very effectively affecting the causative agents of mildew and other types of fungal diseases, rust. This composition is sold in the form of plastic ampoules 2 ml in each. For a solution, 1 ampoule of substances and 5 liters of water are needed. Processing is carried out very carefully so that the solution is evenly mixed with all the leaves. The means is not subject to storage.

Contact fungicide "Bravo" apply in the fight against fungal diseases wheat, vegetable crops and loved by everyone.

The active substance is chlorotalonyl. It is ideal for combating and medport -. You can use the preparation with extensive temperature range. It protects the plant for about 12-14 days.

The tool is fully compatible with most other fungicides.

Fungicide "Vitaros" is the composition of the contact system used for processing planting material When disembarking coordinates and indoor plants. Processing are subject to seeds and bulbs. "Vitaros" suppresses any manifestations of causative agents of diseases, not only on the surface, but also inside the plant.

A tool in ampoules in 2 ml and bottles per 10 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml are for sale. The order of 2 ml is used per 1 liter of water. The planting material is soaked in a solution for 2 hours.

To protect plants from diseases and therapeutic impact on them, you can purchase Fungicide "Vectra". The drug is able to destroy phytopathogenic fungus and contributes to the recovery of the plant. It is applied against septoriasis, gray rot, mildew.

The working solution consists of 0.2-0.3 ml of the "Vectra" fungicide and 1 l of water. The drug retains its effect on affected plants within 12-15 days.

Biological fungicide "Gamiir" applies to therapeutic and preventive purposes In relation to room and garden plants. It effectively affects leaf bacterial origin, phytoofluorosis and milderous dew, for keel and.

The solution for irrigation is prepared on the basis of the proportion: 1 tablet means of 5 liters of water. For spraying - 2 Tablets "Gamaira" on 1 liter of water. Plant should be treated 3 times, following the interval in one week.

Available in the form of soluble powder, from which a working solution is prepared. For each plant, the dosage is selected individually, so it is necessary to read the instructions for the composition. When preparing the working fluid, the powder is first bred in a small amount of water, and only then bring to the desired volume.

Important! The prepared working mixture should be used on the same day. Mixing with other drugs is prohibited.

The prepared solution is evenly sprayed by plants in the morning or in the evening in dry weather and with minimal wind activity. Culture leaves are uniformly wetted.

To carry out the disinfection of trees seedlings, you first need to remove the growths on the roots, and then place them in the prepared solution for 2-3 minutes (but not longer). After the procedure, the root system must be a variety of clear water.

"Mikosan" - the drug of biological type of impact, which is used to garden and houseplants. The tool works by increasing the resistance of crops to pathogenic fungi. The substances included in the "Micosana" stimulate the production of lectins in the tissues, which destroy the malicious mushrooms and bacteria.

Important! The fungicide "Mikosan" does not destroy the source of the disease, and helps the plant effectively fight him independently.

Makes sense to apply tool on initial stages Manifestations of any spots on the leaves of plants. If the disease has developed for a long time, "Mikosan" will not be able to manage with it.

"Ordan" - a fungicide, which is produced in the form of a wetting powder of cream or white color. In one bag - 25 g. It effectively affects the pathogens of diseases of tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, grapes and other crops, eliminating them from phytoofluorosis, peridosporosis, mildew and.

The working solution is prepared before its direct use (5 liters of water accounts for one package "Ordan" (25 g). First, the powder must be dissolved in a small amount of fluid, and then bring to the right volume, mixing the solution thoroughly.


Preparation absolutely not phytotoxic. On sale enters bags of 4 grams. Prepare a working solution of 4 g "Oxychoma" and 2 l clean water. Processing plants follows no more than three times every 10-14 days.

"Planries" - universal and very effective tool. This drug effectively protects plants from, white and gray rot, alternariosis, fusariosis, phomose, verticillosis.

He is completely biological and is distinguished by a unique effect. In its composition "Planries" has bacteria that, after entering the soil together with the treated planting material, begin to actively settle root system Plants and produce enzymes that also suppress the development of root rot. Moreover, these bacteria also contribute to the increase in the overall immunity of vegetative crops.

The "forecast" is a fungicide of chemical impact. Protects such cultures as currants, from attacks of pasta, spotty, mildew and other diseases.

The composition has a new active ingredient, which is characterized by a high level of efficiency. The drug works as a protective, healing and prophylactic agent.

It is necessary to spray plants before flowering, during the growing season and after the harvest was assembled.

"Profit Gold" - contact-system fungicidehelps in the fight against alternariasis, phytoofluorosis and other diseases of fungal origin. The main active substance of cimoxanyl, which is quickly absorbed by the leaves of the plant, penetrating inside, and Famoxadon, another component of the drug, on the contrary, remains on the surface for a long time.

The drug is presented in the form of dark brown granules with a slight specific smell. In 1 sachet may contain 1.5 g, 3 g, or 6 g.

The dosage of the drug "Profit Gold" to create a working solution is selected individually to each culture. Prepare the remedy should be immediately before it is planned. During the growing season, it is necessary to spray in three stages, with a break of 8-12 days.

Important! The preparation "Profit Gold" can be combined only with. Means with an alkaline reaction combined with "Profit Gold" can not be. Also prohibited simultaneous use of the drug with any other fungicides.

When working with the composition you need to protect the skin and airways. In case of violation of such rules, poisoning is possible or damage to the skin. Empty tool from under the means must immediately burn.

"Raek" - Fungicide, differing long protective action period. It is applied to fruit cultures in order to protect them from such pests as kokkkikosis and mildew.

Available in the form of ampoules, volume of 2 ml of substance, as well as in bottles of 10 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml. It starts to work for 2 hours after use. Prepare a working solution using 1.5-2 ml of the preparation on 10 liters of water. Processing is recommended no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

"Sump" is a drug that is an analogue of "Raek". Apply it in the fight against malievable dew, passion and oidium.

To obtain a ready-made solution, you need to take 3-5 ml of the composition and about 10 liters of water. Acts "Sump" within one or two weeks.

Fungicide "Sort" almost non-toxic For people and animals and completely non-toxic for.

Important! If mushroom disputes appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.

The drug "is a fungicide, which is used to treat various fungal diseases of vegetable and fruit crops. Admissible use and relative to the grape vines. It effectively copes with pulse dew and peridosporosis.

Release form - granules that dissolve in water. In one pack of 200 g of the drug. Before processing plants, 0.4 ml of granules should be diluted in 1 liter.

An important advantage of this tool is the admissibility of its use during flowering. Also, the "strobe" is not dangerous for bees. This fungicide is completely picked up atmospheric precipitation. Moreover, the drug works well on wet foliage, and at low positive temperatures.

Important! Use the drug "Staters" two seasons in a row is urgently not recommended because it causes the appearance of resistance.

Tanos - Fungicide, the main active substance of which is Cimoxanil. It was he, penetrating the leaf fabric penetrating, may be therapeutic effect even 1-2 days after infection.

The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It is used to protect plants from potato diseases, tomato and bows. What is important, the drug "Tanos" is stable to washing, since it is characteristic of the plant to bind to the natural wax and form a peculiar film on the surface.

Systemic non-phytotoxic fungicide is used in the fight against rust, gray and, powdery dew. On 10 liters of water accounts for 2 ml. The means used in the fight against mildew and 4 ml of the composition against rust.

To get a more noticeable effect, apply "Topaz" at the first signs of the disease. Processing plants need once for one or two weeks. Fungicide will act already happen 3 hours after use.

Did you know? Systemic fungicides in two or three hours after treatment penetrate the inside of the tissues of the plant and begin to act, which makes it not worrying about sudden atmospheric precipitation. Rain does not wash the remedy from the surface of the plant.

In relation to man and animal, the preparation "Topaz" moderately dangerous. As for birds and fish - the means for them is not toxic.

"Triphodermin" is called fungicide biological Fashion of impact. With it is treated and carried out the prevention of root system infections decorative plants and room colors. Often it is called the "Soil Help". In the solution of this drug, the seeds can also be carried out by irrigating the plants of the working fluid prepared on the basis of the preparation "Triphodermin".

It contains the disputes of the soil mushroom, which, penetrating into the ground, are able to destroy more than 60 species of different pathogens, causing fruit and root rot, phytoofluorosis, risoctonyosis, etc.

The form of the drug - powder 10 g in one package. The finished working solution is stored up to 1 month, but only in the refrigerator and at a temperature not higher than +5 ° C. However, before reapplying the solution, it is necessary to warm up to the usual room temperature.

Preparation "Trehodermin" absolutely safe both for humans and for animals, bees, fish, etc. He is also not phytotoxic.

"Trikhofit" is another biological fungicide, fighting with a number of diseases, in particular with gray and root rot.

On sale is presented in the form of a suspension in plastic bottles. In the preparation of the working solution, they take 25 g of the drug on 1 liter of water. You can not use too warm water. A finished mixture is poured soil, additionally or instead of watering, you can make a foliage.

The preparation "Trikhofit" is lowly toxic for humans, so it can be used not only in the garden and garden, but also in conditions of the house.

Effectively deal with a considerable amount of fungal diseases of the leaves and seeds helps - fungicide and a wide range of systemic exposure. It is used in the process of treating crop diseases and as a means for their prevention.

During the season, more than two plant treatments cannot be allowed in the form of watering or spraying, since the pathogens will be resistant. To avoid this, it is recommended that 1-2 seasons are not used from the agent of benzimidazoles.

Biological bactericid "Phytolavin" apply in order to prevention Rineli root system, moniliosis and anthraznosis.

It is available in the form of a water-soluble concentrate in ampoules or vials. There is also a format of a canister of 1 and 5 liters.

The drug is not phytotoxic, but, it means that it will not destroy the useful fauna. It is starting to act quickly, because it easily penetrates the tissue of cultures.

- Contact fungicide, which refers to microbiological preparations and is intended to protect against fungal and bacterial diseases of indoor, gardening, garden and greenhouse plants.

On sale is presented in the form of liquid, powder and paste. Applied, usually, in order to prevention of diseaseAnd processing is subject to both seeds and bulbs before landing and all cultures in the future (on a regular basis).

The phytosporin is influenced immediately after use. The properties of the drug are stored with an extensive range of temperatures. It can even be frozen, it will not affect the efficiency of work. Before use of the solution, the working fluid should be insisted for 1-2 hours.

systemic Fungicide, which is used at the beginning of the season to protect against pasta, moniliosis of seed and bone cultures, in order to suspend the development of malical dew during the fenofase period.

The interval between the applications of "Horus" is from 7 to 10 days. The temperature from +3 ° C to +20 ° C will not reduce the effectiveness of the product neither during spraying, no later. But at a temperature of more than +25 ° C, efficiency is significantly reduced.

The feature of the drug "Horus" is the fact that the tool quickly penetrates the plant: it starts to act literally after 2 hours. That is, even if it suddenly rains the drug will still work.

It will help to deal with the disease of vegetable, fruit and decorative cultures - system-local Fungicide, having in its composition composite copper.

Sold in bags of 20 and 40 g. Effective in the treatment of text apple trees and pears, rotten plum fruits, Mildi grape vine, Curlyness of peach leaves.

The working solution is prepared at the rate of 40 g of substance on 10 liters of water. 2-3 processing for indoor plants and up to 5 treatments for garden crops are recommended.

High levels Efficiency in the fight against pulmonary dew, spotty and gray rotting is distinguished by the drug "Ceratovolov". In plant tissue, after processing, The agent penetrates for two hoursSo the probability of rain is washed down to a minimum. As for the period of protection of the drug, it lasts it can be about two weeks.

The "purexvet" is produced in the form of a high concentration emulsion. To prepare a working solution for treating flower plants, it is necessary in 5 liters of water to dilute 2-4 ml of the drug. Processing should be carried out at the first symptoms of diseases and in for prevention.

You need to choose fungicides based on the type of plant and the directness of the disease that threatens him. Before the preparation of the working solution, it is necessary to carefully reread the instructions, as well as take care of the protection of the skin and respiratory tract.

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440 once already

Fungi are a serious problem, they contribute to the development of various diseases of the striking flowers, garden plants, vegetable and berry crops, soil. In order to protect vegetables and fruits from diseases, as well as prevent re-infection, gardeners use biological fungicides for plants. Below we will give a list of biofungicides with names and description.

Application of fungicides

Fungicidal preparations are used in several ways.

  • Drytention. Seeds and tubers of plants are treated with fungicide (dry powder or drug dissolved in water) before sowing / landing.
  • Spraying and pollinating. Overhead parts of plants are treated with a solution of fungicide using sprayers. Often spraying spend several times per season: as a rule, early spring and late autumn. Also in this way, greenhouses and storage are often treated.
  • Making to the soil. Fungicides in the form of powder are introduced into the soil at Popile, and the soil is shedding with drugs that are dissolved in water. It destroys pathogenic fungi living in the ground.

Toxicity of fungicides

Types of fungicides

Depending on the form of a substance, such mixtures are sold in the form of powders, emulsions, liquid solutions or emulsions. In this case, any of the forms easily dissolve in water, which simplifies the processing process.

Depending on the composition of the mixture, two types of fungicides are distinguished:

  • inorganic;
  • biological.

Inorganic is a mixture of various chemicals (up to 4 grade hazard for humans). The basis for such mixes is hammer or colloidal sulfur, mercury chloride, chlorine copper or copper sipop.

Biofungicide Abiga Peak

It contains composure of copper. Local biological preparation in the form of suspension. It is characterized by what has a wide range of action. His destination is to destruction of fungi, which are formed on the grape vines, on vegetable, technical, fruit, ornamental cultures, as well as on plants of medicinal use and colors.

It has moderate toxicity, if you meet the recommended doses, it is not phytotoxic. Proportions: 40 g / 10 liters of water.

Biofungicide Hom

Fighting with the disease of vegetable, fruit and decorative crops will help the "HOM" - a system-local fungicide, which has a composure of copper in its composition. Sold in bags of 20 and 40 g. Effective in the treatment of text apple trees and pears, shuffle plum fruits, Mildi grape vine, peach leaf curly. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 40 g of substance on 10 liters of water. 2-3 processing for indoor plants and up to 5 treatments for garden crops are recommended.

Trehodermin biofungicide

This biological fungicide is highly efficient when combating pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases. The biofungicide contains the controversy of the soil fungus Trichoderma Lignorum and the crushed grain substrate.

The drug is able to eliminate more than 60 varieties of pathogenic organisms, which cause various diseases, including:

  • root rot;
  • seed infections;
  • fusariosis and other troubles.

The action of active substances causes an improvement in the indicators of the soil fertility, the rapid saturation of the root system is additional nutrient substances, as well as an increase in the germination of the planting material.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

To prepare a suspension, where the seeds are clumsy, it is enough to take 10 grams of the drug and dilute it in one liter of water. If the tool is used by watering plants, the optimal dosage will be the same as in the previous case. When watering, it is important to deliver a suspension right under the root using the average portions of water.

A ready-made solution for spraying is created as follows: 10 grams of funds are resolved on 5 liters of water.

Triphodermin has excellent prophylactic effects during transfers. In this case, the rate of consumption is determined as follows: on a 25-centimeter (in diameter) a pot is used as the amount of the drug that is placed on the tip of the knife.

Biofungicide Mikosan.

Allows you to protect fruit and vegetables from fungi, bacteria and viruses. The mechanism of action is based on the penetration of mushrooms in the cells of plants and the destruction of cells affected by pathogens with causative agents of diseases. The active ingredient "Micosana" was allocated from the cells of the genush genus Ruta. It penetrates plants cellular tissues and stimulates education in enzyme plants. They have the opportunity to destroy the cell membranes of phytopathogenic fungi. It can effectively apply during the period of fruiting. Useful properties Very much: enhancing plant immunity. Improving mineral nutrition of plants is safe for people, insects and animals, it contributes to increasing the activity of intravenous microorganisms. The drug provides a high and long-lasting protective reaction of plants from a large spectrum of disease, increases the stability of plants to adverse climatic conditions.

Biofungicide alin-b

Biological fungicide to suppress fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis Vizrol-10, titer 109 CFU / D), close in its composition and action to phytoosporin. It is recommended: as arapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of mushroom diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.

Hazard class: 4 (low hazard substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomophun and the environment

Biofungicide Gamiir

Gamiir is a biofungicide, which is applied against:

  • bacteriosis, spare, bacterial cancer and rot (bacterial diseases),
  • parsh and moniliosis (mushroom diseases).

This drug prevents the development of bacterial and mushroom diseases of seedlings and adult plants. Produced in the form of tablets.

To any owner of the site is important to grow strong and healthy plants and collect good harvest. And when our vegetables or trees are sick, we are looking for funds to help them cope with the disease.

For a long time I was only a supporter folk remedies struggle, doubted ash, sprayed herbal irons, watering the earth with lactic serum and did not apply any chemicals.

But the tomatoes from year to year were painful in the phytoofluoro, the mildew was spread on the cucumbers, the peppers did not give a crop because of the black spot, and the apple trees and plum were affected by a pair.

But it turned out that I was in vain refused to the modern chemical means of struggle, as today they created such drugs that are treated quickly and do not harm human health. I even had "pets" among these funds - the preparations of the Sorrow and oxych.

The article will describe the most commonly used drugs to combat fungal diseases and the action of these funds on them.

Fungicides are kerchiefs, whose effects are directed against fungal diseases of crops. From Latin, this word is translated as "mushroom" and "kill."

For the development of any fungal diseases in stimulating conditions is high humidity, warm, any, even minor injuries of stalks, cuts, sunburns.

The fungi is easily transferred to the wind, rain, they have been kept in plant residues for a long time, soil is transferred insects. More than 80% of diseases affecting garden crops, it is precisely on fungal diseases.

The treatment of sick crops occurs due to the presence of sulfur, copper, phenols, salts, mercury in them. Thanks to these tools, treatment and effective prevention Vegetables, trees, green crops.

In the greenhouses they disinfect the soil.

Fungicides are produced in powder, granules, emulsions, suspensions. All of them are easily dissolved in water, which facilitates their use.

They are not poisonous for bees and man with accurate doses and executing instructions.

To properly apply fungicides, you need to know what their purpose is and for what purposes each of them is intended.

Types of classifications Groups
General classification Chemicals, which contains toxic chemical compounds.

Biological means consisting of microorganisms that destroy pathogenic mushrooms.

CHEMICAL STRUCTURE Inorganic. In the composition of funds there are compounds of metals (mercury, manganese, nickel, copper, sulfur), which overlap the access of oxygen to disputes, destroying them in this way

Organic contain derivatives of phosphate, nitrogen, chlorine compounds and acid salts

Action on disputes of mushrooms Therapeutic agents eliminate pathogenic fungal

Preventive - do not give to develop diseases, forming a protective film

By the introduction method Contact funds do not fall inside, but remain on external surface Leaves and skes

Systems absorbed into all parts of the plant, stop the place of infection

In the goal Disinfection of soil in greenhouses;

Sweating of the seed material;

Protection of plants in early spring and autumn;

Treatment during the growing season

Types of fungicides


Used to handle vegetables, bushes and trees, as well as for room colors. The composition contains composure of copper. Produced in the form of a powder in the packages of 4 grams (the package is divorced in 2 liters of water). Use 3 times over the summer every 15 days.

Bordeaux mixture

One of the most popular funds of this class, contains copper vigorous and lime. For independent manufacture It is important to comply with the proportions in order not to burn with leaves and stems.


Excellent fungicide, quickly acts on the fungus. More often used for fruit trees and vineyards. The working mixture is prepared, pouring 5 ml of bulk in 10 l of clean water. Multiplicity - 4 times.


Triphodermin is a biological agent, which contains live disputes in its composition. It destroys putrefactive foci when rooting roots and fruits. At the same time, it improves the state of the soil, the practice is called its "soil healing".

Used to combat 60 varieties of malicious fungi. It has the appearance of a bulk powder in bags of 10 grams, diluted in 5 liters of water. When transplanting indoor flowers, a pinch of the means is thrown into the transplant capacity.


The effect of the means begins 3 hours after use, is well absorbed by the plant, can accumulate in the soil. First of all, used to combat flies dew.


The switch is used to protect against all variations of rot, protects the plant at all stages of the development of the disease. When using the means, the preservation of fruits and vegetables increases. The bees are limited to 24 hours.

Gardeners use a switch as a prophylactic agent when growing roses.


Biological natural fungicide consists of mushroom disputes. It has a form of fluid, paste or powder. Can be used with other plants care products.

The advantage of the means is that it can be applied in the period of dissolving flowers, the formation of uncess and harvesting crops.


The chorus is used for treatment in the occurrence of rotting of a different nature on fruits and berry shrubs.

It can be used at temperatures close to zero (+ 3 ... + 5 ºС), which makes it possible to process trees in the dissolution of the kidneys. Does not arise to the monilial burn. Fasted in packages of 3 grams, divorced in a bucket of water.

3-4 applications for the summer.


The main purpose of this fungicide is to protect Seyan and the bulbs from Rotina. Apply before carrying out landing and cleaning for storage. Available in suspension in 2 ml ampoules or in bottles of 10, 50, 100 ml. Soaking time - no more than 2 hours.


The substance is used to protect against fungal diseases for almost all agrocultures, in addition, it is lengthened by a period of aging vegetables. Applied throughout the growing season. His advantage is that it can be used during the ripening and harvest period.

Produced in the form of a suspension. On plants and colors grown in room conditionsUse with caution.


One of the most poisonous substances for people and animals, 2 class of danger. Perhaps perfectly in the destruction of the fungus, penetrates the leaves and roots, can be used for disinfection of seeds. Produced in packages of 10 grams, diluted in a bucket of water.

Many specialists and gardeners consider it the only effect. One of the best - for orchids. It is not recommended to use in residential premises, as it is produced in the form of a powder substance, it does not dissolve in water and when used is fluttered in the form of dust.

Fonggicides. (from Latin Fungus - Mushroom and Caedo - I kill) - chemicals from a group of pesticides. These drugs destroy or warn the development of the dispute or mycelium pathogenic fungi, as well as bacteria that are pathogens of certain plant diseases.

Protective fungicides Used for processing healthy plants In preventive purposes to prevent their incidence.

Medicinal (eradicating) fungicides - Preparations, processing which is carried out after the plant's foundation on the plant. The active substance of therapeutic fungicide inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms, causing diseasesand leads to the recovery of the plant.

Systemic fungicides - Modern chemical drugs that can move along the vascular plant of the plant and protect a new increase that appeared after processing. Typically, systemic fungicides have attending effects, but can also be used in preventive purposes. They are quickly absorbed by the plant, and therefore their effectiveness is not much dependent on precipitation.

Contact fungicides Protect only those parts of the plant to which they are applied are strongly dependent on precipitation and have only a protective effect.

Prothers of planting material - Chemicals: With their help, they conduct pre-sowing processing (soaking) of seeds to protect future shoots from diseases and pests, and also tremble on bulbs, tuberukovitsa, tubers and rhizomes of plants before planting. There are drugs of narrow-controlled effects: either for the prevention of possible diseases, or against pests. However, the preparations of comprehensive action are currently used.

Many fungicides are toxic drugs, and the feasibility of their use at home should be justified. A convincing request for the use of drugs to read safety instructions when working with toxic substances.

The most common drugs of fungicidal action:

Fundazoll Powder (DV - Benomyl). A broad systemic fungicide to combat many fungal diseases can be carried out prophylactic and treating spraying. Used as a seed gel before sowing. Used in the threat of fungal diseases for watering or spraying plants in prophylactic purposes with a solution prepared from 1 g of powder and 1 liter of water. Leaves whitish spots on the leaves. It has weak nasty smell. Hazard class - 3.

Topaz (DV - Penkonazole). Ke 100 g / l. Systemic fungicide Preventive and attending action from class of triazoles. Means for protecting plants from a wide range of fungal diseases (pulse dew, rust, oidium). Preventive, and attending processing are possible. The drug has no smell, moderately dangerous for humans and animals, not toxic for birds and useful insects, dangerous for fish. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Phytosporin-M. (PASTA) (DV Bacillus subtilis 26 d, 100 million CB / g) - biofungicide to protect plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. It is mainly used in preventive purposes (processing of seeds, tubers and bulbs before planting, periodic spraying or watering plants in order to prevent incidence in the collection). Malotoxic, not dangerous for plants themselves and bees. Hazard class - 4.

Triphodermin The air-dry consists of an argument of the soil mushroom Trichoderma Lignorum (about 10 billion disputes in 1 g) along with a grain barley substrate on which it has grown. Biological treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and decorative plants, rehabilitation of the soil mixture.

Maxim, COP (25 g / l of Floodiochesonila) Proverster of bluish flowers from rot (Fusariosis, gray rot, etc.). Contact fungicide to protect the planting material (bulbs, tuberukovitsa, etc.) floral crops and seed potatoes from diseases during the storage period and before planting. The drug can be used to spray the roots and rhizomes of floral crops when dividing bushes and before planting. The drug is not phytotoxic, moderately dangerous substance for humans and animals. The drug is toxic for fish, prevent falling into reservoirs. Hazard class - 3.

Vectra (DV - Bromuconazole). Ke 100 g / l. The means of prophylactic and attending action to protect against malicious dew, paste and other fungal diseases. Without smell. Available in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Soon (DV - diphenokonazole). Systemic fungicide of the class of preventive triacs and attending action to protect against malicious dew, paste and other fungal diseases. There is no smell. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Hom , Oxych (copper chlorock). Fungicide, designed to combat vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops (phytoofluorosis, antrase, bacteriosis, rust, spottedness, etc.) toxic for fish: not allow in reservoirs. The last treatment with the drug can be carried out 20 days before harvest. Hazard class - 3.

Copper Kuner (copper sulfate, 980 g / kg) - fungicide designed to spray fruit and berries, decorative trees And shrubs from the paste, moniliosis, anthrax and other diseases, as well as for disinfection of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Hazard class - 3.

Colloid sulfur (Powder) - low-toxic healing fungicidal agent. Used when signs of pulse dew, paste. The last treatment with the drug can be carried out 3 days before harvest. Hazard class - 4.

Bordeaux mixture - traditionally used, relatively ineffective fungicidal agent. Represents water solution Copper mood and lime. Used for the prevention and treatment of phytoofluorosis. Leaves stable white spots.