Flowers for a shady garden name. Shade-loving perennial garden flowers: photos and names of plants, tips for care

Almost every suburban area is divided into certain zones - well lit and shaded. The areas of the plot in the shade often remain empty and look inorganic, and therefore we decided that it would be quite important to study shade-tolerant plants for summer cottages.

To tell the truth, almost every second dacha has buildings or mature trees that cast a lot of shadow on a young garden, vegetable garden and flower beds. Partial shade does not scare the plants, because they receive their share of the sun's heat and light during the day in any case. But what to do with areas that are not illuminated by the sun at all or are minimally illuminated? What plants can be planted for country house, under old apple tree or on the side of a new car garage? These questions are answered by specialists, who carried out painstaking work to select the necessary information, as well as study forums and collect a wide variety of opinions.

Today we will try to describe in more detail the zones of growing plants, choose annual and perennial flowers, shrubs, berry and vegetable crops for shaded areas.

Such a formation of zones and a selection of plants for growing in the shade are especially relevant for owners of standard summer cottages of 6-9 acres, where, frankly, there is not enough space, but you need to plant everything, oh, how much!

Determination of shading of the site and selection of plants

You should be very serious about studying the site for planting plants and the time of its shading throughout the day. Many of us are already familiar with the agricultural technology of popular summer cottage plants, and therefore it is not difficult to understand that not every one of them will be able to develop normally in full shade. In such an environment, only some species feel normal. ornamental plants. For the rest, you will need to choose areas with partial shading, where the sun is at least half the day.

Distribution of plants over the site

The problem of the correct distribution of plants in the country is very serious, because in small areas it is very difficult to figure out where and what will grow, how to correctly plant. Particular difficulties haunt newcomers who have just purchased a dacha and decide exactly where the vegetable garden, garden, flower garden will be.

Often trees are planted along the fence so as not to occupy a useful area in the country. But here you should choose the right side so that the shadow from the trees does not obscure large areas of the site. They can be distributed evenly throughout the country house, taking into account the distance requirements. In this way, it will be possible to form areas with partial shading and leave some areas with the greatest illumination for those plants that prefer the maximum light.

Summer residents are also accustomed to planting shrubs along fences and hedges, but here it is worth understanding that some of them will be in full shade from the fence or trees planted earlier. Therefore, the most correct solution would be to plant berry or ornamental shrubs closer to the center of the summer cottage, for example, to divide the territory into certain zones.

For flowers and berries, a place can be found everywhere, since we have studied technology for a long time vertical gardening and high beds... Besides, there are always such small architectural forms that involve growing flowers in higher elevations. You can also consider unique decorative flower beds, special garden sculptures, original pots in the country and other products, thanks to which the plants are provided with the maximum the right conditions for growth and development.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants

We are used to seriously confusing these concepts, believing that both plants can easily cope with dark areas in the country and endure conditions without sunlight. We recommend that you differentiate between concepts and when buying a particular crop, it is imperative to study agricultural technology, the requirements for choosing a planting site for a plant in the country. Remember, the shade is stable throughout the day, partial (a certain part of the day due to the sun's movement) or scattered (sunlight through the branches and foliage of vigorous plants).

Shade and soil

It should be understood that not only light conditions are necessary for the development of plants, but also certain soils and other conditions. Thus, in the dense shade cast by country buildings, dense plantings of shrubs or trees, they will feel good stonecrop escaping, kupeny, elecampane magnificent, heart-leaved tiarka, European clefthoof.

If you combine these dacha zones with well-moistened soil, then it is possible to plant black cohosh, primroses, hellebore, astilbe, dark geranium.

In areas with absent-minded shade, for example, under nuts or old apple trees, it is quite possible to arrange the planting of the umbilical spring, fragrant woodruff, lupins, daylilies. Some medicinal and fragrant plants will also grow here - peppermint, lemon balm, and others.

You also need to know that not only the moisture of the soil determines the possibility of the growth of some plants in the shade or partial shade, but also its composition. Thus, on sandstones and sandstones in partial shade, kupena, lily of the valley, periwinkle, violet, creeping tenacious and others feel fine.

Shade-tolerant shrubs

Interesting is the fact that in the shade orchard or on the fences delimiting summer cottages, you can often find shrubs that do not feel any negative from the shade. They grow and develop quite normally, without requiring special treatment.

But it is advisable to plant them in partial shade, scattered shade, under trees, since the complete absence of the sun seriously affects flowering.

Penumbra is also suitable for hydrangeas, it will not harm viburnum, elderberry. Ivy can also be planted in the same areas, girlish grapes, clematis.

Flowers and ornamental plants in the shade

In this section, we will present a small list of plant names that normally relate to shaded areas, and some are generally ready to live without sunlight.


The largest number of plants that love shade are among perennials. Due to the abundance of plant species, it is possible to create not single plantings, but whole tiered flower beds that will decorate the shady landscape.

Badan- a plant that prefers medium to dense shade. In such conditions, only flowering can suffer, but berry grows well.

Early flowering daylily prefers partial shade, but in strong shade, flowering is noticeably weaker. Modern daylily varieties are best planted in the sun.

Hosta- a plant that is not only not afraid of the shade, but also just loves it. The only requirement is moist soil.

Aconite Feels good in shady areas, but like most, prefers moist soil.

Astilbe- shade-tolerant plants, but prefer partial shade or partial shade.

For dicenter partial shade and shade with well-moistened soil is also the best place to live in the country.

Brunner- a cute and absolutely picky plant that will survive in any shade. But you should be careful with him, as brunner grows quickly.

It blooms beautifully in the scattered shade of a young garden doronicum.

Lily of the valley and cyanosis - almost classic plants for shade and partial shade in the country.

In addition to this list, lupine, swimsuit, fragrant violet, periwinkle, arizema, tiarka, majestic chinus, ostrich, primrose and many others feel great in different shades.


It's worth starting with pansies choosing different varieties which and when planted in shaded places at different periods of the warm season, you can easily achieve flowering from spring to autumn.

Digitalis- a tall biennial plant that copes well with a lack of sun, but always subject to agricultural technology.

If you need to plant something in full shade, remember forget-me-not, which, by self-sowing, will soon create a whole carpet of pretty flowers.


It is quite difficult to choose from annuals, since there are not so many lovers of shaded places here.

Balsam- copes with partial shade, but in full shade suffers from a lack of flowering.

Fragrant tobacco- excellent and sufficient beautiful plant that can be planted in diffused sunlight in a young garden.

Ever-flowering begonia- suitable for shaded flower beds and single plantings.


Almost all bulbs love sunlight, but there are some exceptions that thrive with minimal light.

Most small-bulbous, flowering of which begins in early spring, can grow in the shade of a garden or shrub. These are crocuses, woodlands, white flowers, snowdrops.

Daffodils, which still bloom brightly and do not change the vertical position of the stem, are positively related to the shade in the garden.

All this applies to flowers and ornamental plants, for which now you do not need to look for some special place in the summer cottage. Hosts, ferns, periwinkles - in the shade and partial shade, they will easily grow and show the expected result.

What vegetables can be grown in the shade?

There are shade-tolerant vegetables and other garden crops, and in the country there are almost half of them. That is, you will not have any problems with growing food if you find them small area between bushes or in the partial shade of a garden.

In addition, there is always the problem of placing light-loving plants, which need to be in the sun for at least 5-7 hours daily. As an example, we can cite the most popular tomatoes in the country (although there are enough such plants). So, if there is no place for all light-loving plants at the dacha, you can always use the materials of our website and arrange tall gardens in several tiers, to come up with special designs of pipes or boxes, to plant tomatoes in containers and pots, for example, creating a "heavy flower garden" on a trellis in this way.

If there is enough space for such plants or you have already coped with their placement, we still have a lot of plants that can be planted in the shade.

By the way, to this issue it is better to approach from the other side - when calculating the planting of light-loving plants, start from the shade-tolerant ones and, placing them in suitable places, fill the remaining sunny areas with light-lovers!

So, vegetables that grow in the shade. With proper agricultural practices, you can expect a good harvest from these crops even with minimal sunlight. Here is a short list of things for which you will not need to look for a place on the territory of the cottage for a long time - beets and beans, lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli, onions, parsley, garlic and many more.

Garden crops in the shade (according to summer residents)

Regarding the following list ... it is not recommendatory, but purely conditional, since we chose the opinions of summer residents in it, talking about the possibility of growing certain garden crops in places with a lack of sunlight. Here are just a few of the most interesting ones:

  • Sorrel and garlic do an excellent job with full shading. Sometimes in such zones, you can collect a good harvest of carrots, but this culture is still better to be in the sun sometimes. In addition, it is possible to grow upright beans, peas in the shade of trees; often you can even see the planting of a cucumber here;
  • In regions with hot summers, tomatoes grow well in partial shade. Of course, they need sunlight, but not always an excess of it is good for tomatoes. In the shade of a young or even old garden, you can grow the entire line of green salads;
  • Red currants grow in the shade of a tall hedge. Lack of sun affects the rate of ripening, but not the quality of the crop. Horseradish grows nearby, a little further away, in partial shade - rhubarb, Chinese cabbage, zucchini ... everything gives a normal harvest, if looked after.

These opinions from summer residents from different regions, and therefore it can be seen that depending on the climate, plants can relate to the shade and the sun differently.

As trees and shrubs grow, the shade of the area increases. For many gardeners, shaded areas are a real problem. Although, in reality, making a beautiful flower bed under apple trees or planting shade-tolerant shrubs near a house or a fence is quite simple. You need to choose the right plants that are suitable for these purposes.

Before choosing shade-tolerant plants for the garden, it is necessary to determine the level of illumination of the site: places with little sun and those into which no light penetrates at all.

Pay attention to shade-tolerant plants examples and photos of which are presented below, this will help you choose the right one suitable seedlings for planting and growing in shaded areas.

Shade-tolerant shrubs are perfect to fill in shaded spaces or to smoothly divide an area from trees to grassy areas.

Privet (lat.Ligústrum)

Differs in dense branching, unpretentious to the ground, resistant to droughts, but does not tolerate frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully wrap the privet bush for the winter with a cloth or burlap.

Cotoneaster (lat.Cotoneáster)

It stands out in dense branches with foliage of a dark green hue, which turns red in autumn. Small flowers of pinkish or white color are not very decorative, unlike the black and bright red cotoneaster berries that appear by the beginning of autumn.

Mahonia holly (lat.Mahōnia aquifōlium)

A plant that loves shade and moist soil. Magonia will delight with green foliage all year round, and in April and May - spectacular yellow-gold flowers.

Dogwood (lat.Córnus)

This shrub is often empty with the ornamental Derain White, due to the similarity of the names. But unlike him, it bears fruit, delicious and sweet and sour. Due to its resistance to frost and unpretentiousness, it is especially popular in central and northern Russia. Its foliage, which changes color depending on the season, looks great both in summer and winter. It is also called Dogwood.

Forsythia (lat.Forsythia)

Chubushnik (Latin Philadélphus)

It is also called garden jasmine. The bush, planted in a shady area, grows and blooms beautifully. Most varieties of chubushnik tolerate drought and winter well, and are not particularly demanding on the soil.

Snowberry (Latin Symphoricárpos)

Great during fruiting. Snowberry fruits - greenish-white with a reddish blush or pearl pink, will delight the eye until late autumn.

In a place inaccessible to the sun, you can organize a beautiful flower bed using blooming shade-loving plants.

Hellebore (lat.Helléborus)

It will delight you with yellow or cream flowers for two weeks in May, and the rest of the period with beautiful and bright foliage.

Forest Hyacinth (Latin Hyacínthus)

It grows well under trees; in early spring, a large peduncle is covered with many small bells. When growing Forest Hyacinth, precautions must be taken because the plant often causes skin irritation upon contact.

Lily of the valley (lat.Convallária)

Loves the shadow very much. Its white, fragrant flowers appear in May and June. In August, the stems are covered with bright orange berries, which look delicious. The plant is considered poisonous, so you need to supervise young children. Used for medical purposes.

Trillium (Latin Trillium)

Differs in dark green broad leaves. Blooming white in June, smoothly changes color to pinkish, and then turns red. The plant loves shade, but requires aeration of the soil.

Digitalis (Latin Digitális)

It grows well in places inaccessible to light, a year after planting it gives whitish, pinkish-orange or purple flowers.

Dicentra (lat.Dicéntra)

Flowering begins in May and ends in September. Dicenter flowers are crimson or bright pink.

Brunnera (lat.Brunnera)

A perennial plant with blue or creamy small flowers, the leaves of which are especially decorative and a wide variety of colors.

Each houseplant also needs certain conditions under which it will thrive and feel comfortable. Not all of them tolerate even slight shading. Therefore, it is very important to know which flowerpots are best grown on windowsills and terraces on the south side, and which on the north.

Soleirolia or Helksina (Latin Soleirolia soleirolii)

The plant belongs to the ground cover of the Nettle family. Perfect for server side, shade tolerant.

Sansevieria three-lane (Latin Sansevieria trifasciata)

The most beloved species of sansevier by flower growers. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is widely used for landscaping office space and public places, shade-tolerant.

Common ivy (Latin Hedera helix)

Suitable for vertical landscaping. Due to the large mass of leaves, the plant is considered one of the best for air renewal in the house.

Philodendron climbing (lat.philodendron hederaceum)

The most popular type used for landscaping kitchens and warm verandas in the house (called the house loach). Requires abundant watering from spring to autumn (the land should not dry out) and limited in winter (once a week is enough), unpretentious to light.


A herbaceous plant with beautiful flowers, grows well in fertilized, moist soil, belongs to the shade-tolerant.

Begonia (lat.Begoniaceae)

The plant prefers moderate watering (no more than a liter of settled water per week, it is best to just spray the leaves and maintain the humidity in the room). With a strong flood of water, the roots begin to rot, and the flower dies. Today, there are hundreds of varieties of begonias. Blossoming - prefer bright lighting, but require protection from direct sunlight. Decorative leafy - shade-loving.

Nephrolepis (Latin Nephrolépis)

From the genus of ferns. Best grown on west, east and north windows. It is a shade-tolerant indoor plant - it will be an excellent decoration for any garden.

Adiantum (lat.Adiantum)

With tough petioles and delicate leaves, it requires constant protection from the rays of the sun and stay in partial shade.

Dracaena (lat.Dracaena)

The shrub grows on the east and west side, does not like the direct light of the sun. It is considered a shade-tolerant plant.

Rapis (lat.Rhapis)

Prefers diffused light, but can also be in direct sunlight.

Hamedorea graceful (lat.Chamaedorea elegans)

A small, slowly growing palm tree. Requires moderate light or light partial shade, as well as protection from direct sunlight.


If your orchard is developing well and occupies a large part of the site, this is not a problem. Thanks to our catalog of plants, everyone can easily choose exactly such shade-loving perennials for the garden that they like.

At any summer cottage there are places that are constantly in the shade - behind the house, garage or under fruit trees... Gardeners often wonder how to make sure that these territories do not gap with black holes of black soil, but please the eye with variegated colors. And then a problem arises, since most flowers and ornamental plants still prefer to grow in the sun. However, there are a number of shade-loving plants for summer cottages, by planting which you can create the most beautiful flower arrangements... In this article, we will get acquainted with decorative perennials that prefer to grow in the shade.

Important! Before starting planting plants in the country, it is advisable to investigate the summer cottage for the presence of shade in a particular period of the day and highlight the following categories: 1) areas with constant shading throughout the day; 2) areas with partial shade (only during a certain period of the day); 3) areas with diffused (rarefied) shadow (from other taller plants).

If you are just looking for information on which garden flowers are suitable for partial shade, we advise you to take a closer look at Astilbe. it herbaceous plant The saxifrage family comprises 40 species and over 400 varieties. It grows from 15 cm to 2 meters. Blooms in June-August with panicle inflorescences of red, white, pink, purple flowers. It has large leaves that form a lush openwork bush. Lives on average five years.
Growing conditions. Prefers diffused shadow. It grows well on any soil, however, long-term flowering can be achieved by planting astilba in soil with a close location of groundwater. Unpretentious care. Loves good watering. It tolerates winter well, only sudden changes in temperature can be fatal for it.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and shoots.

Application. It goes well with badan, irises, lily of the valley, podophyllum, hellebore. It is used in mixed flower beds, on rocky hills, in flower beds.

Aconite (wrestler)

In the review of plants for partial shade, aconite (Acónítum) is indispensable. It is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant of the buttercup family with a stem height of 50-150 cm. It includes several dozen varieties. It blooms from July to the end of October with racemose inflorescences of blue, white, purple, yellow color... The plant is considered poisonous because it contains alkaloids.

Did you know? O poisonous properties aconite has been known for a long time. Different nations used it to poison predators and enemies, poison for arrows and spears.

Growing conditions. Grows in humid places in humus-rich soils. However can also put up with different soils, except for sand and stone. He does not like stagnant moisture, strong waterlogging can ruin a flower. Feels good both in the shade and partial shade. Does not require special care measures. Frost resistant.

Reproduction methods. Propagated in several ways: seed, dividing the bush, tubers, cuttings.

Application. Looks spectacular next to peonies, astilbe, irises, rudbeckia. It is used both for mixed flower beds, flower beds, and for wall decoration, it can serve as a screen to cover any unattractive building or outbuilding.

One more flowers for shady places cannot be ignored - Brunnera. This perennial plant of the borage family with beautiful large leaves and forget-me-not flowers in inflorescences rightfully bears the title of long-liver, since it can live up to 10-15 years. It grows as a spreading bush, reaches a height of 40 cm. It blooms in May. Beautiful from the end of April to the first frost. In culture, two types are used.
Growing conditions. Grows on clay, moist soils. You should not plant this plant in full shade - in this case, it will lose its decorative effect: the stems will stretch out. When planting it in the sun, you should ensure abundant regular watering. Brunner is easy to clean. The plant is very hardy - it can withstand temperatures down to -29 ºС.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by division of rhizomes, root processes, seeds.

Application. Her mixborder partners can be hellebore, primrose, female fern. Brunner is also planted in curbs.

The list of shade-tolerant perennials also includes the dicentra (Dicentra), a herb that attracts attention with its heart-shaped flowers. Another name for the dicenter - "broken heart" - came from the legend about the unhappy love of a French girl Jeanette. The perennial has about 20 varieties. The height of the flower varies from 30 cm to 1.5 m. The flowering period is May-June, the flowering period is about a month. The flowers are bright pink or white in drooping arcuate inflorescences. The leaves are green with a bluish tinge, giving the plant beauty even before flowering. "Broken heart" has a high immunity to pests and diseases. The flower is frost-resistant, but requires shelter for the winter.
Growing conditions. It grows well in moist soils with drainage and a sufficient amount of humus. It can be planted both in a sunny area and in the shade of trees, but it blooms earlier in the sun. Requires good watering, regular loosening of the soil for oxygen access to the roots and weeding. It is also necessary to remove wilted flowers in time.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by dividing the bush, by root cuttings, less often by seed.

Application. Forms interesting flower arrangements with daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, brunner, saxifrage. Used in mixborders, on an alpine slide.

Light shading loves Doronicum - a perennial from the Asteraceae family. The genus has 36 species. It blooms with large yellow flowers, shaped like a chamomile. Flowering begins in May, lasts about a month. It grows rapidly, forming lush bright bushes. Differs in high frost resistance. The recommended duration of growth in one place is three to four years.
Growing conditions. When planting doronicum, it should be borne in mind that it only tolerates partial shade, in absolute shade it completely loses its decorative effect. Becomes unattractive after flowering.

Important! When planting plants, you need to clearly understand the meaning of agrotechnical requirements for illumination: what is full sun, partial shade, shade and rarefied shade for plants. Full sun means the plant has been in for more than three hoursin a dayin direct rays; "Partial shade" - about three hours in direct sunlight in the morning or evening, with a shade in the middle of the day, or good illumination without direct rays throughout the day; "Shadow, shady areas, full shadow" - three hours of direct daylight in the middle of the day and limited lighting throughout the rest of the time; "Thin shadow" - partial penetration of sunlight during the day (for example, through the crowns of trees).

Doronicum loves well-drained soils and abundant moisture. Blooms longer on light, loose, slightly acidic, fertile soil. Feels good with moderate and even watering.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds.

Application. Doronicum belongs to the plants of the second plan. It should be planted in a company with plants that have a long period of decorative preservation, for example, with aquilegia, hosta, rogers. Also goes well with daffodils, tulips, irises. V landscape design it is planted in mixborders, rockeries, rock gardens.

Volzhanka (Aruncus) always attracts attention - first of all, by the size of its spreading bushes, abundant flowering white panicle inflorescences and delicate aroma... Aruncus stems can reach a height of up to 2 m.Duration of flowering is two months: June-July. It can grow in one place for 15-20 years.
Growing conditions. Volzhanka can equally grow both in open areas and in the shade. However, in direct sunlight, the bushes do not grow well. For planting aruncus, light moist soil with good drainage is selected. The plant is very unpretentious, needs minimal care: regular watering and pruning of faded inflorescences. Resistant to cold weather (requires shelter for the winter), diseases and weeds.

Reproduction methods. Dividing the bush, green cuttings, seeds.

Application. The flower looks beautiful both singly and in groups. Volzhanka is usually planted next to low-growing plants. It looks good with astilbe, hosts, spireas, barberry, shitnikov. It's a good idea to hide unsightly buildings behind lush aruncus bushes.

An excellent plant for a shade garden is the Mimulus. In the homeland of mimulus - in America - another name for this flower is common: monkey flowers (monkey flowers), due to some similarity of the flowers of the plant to the face of a monkey. The genus of sponges includes 150 species. The stems of the plant grow up to 60 cm. Depending on the species, they can be different in shape. The color of the flowers is monochromatic or leopard. It has two flowering periods - in spring and autumn.
Growing conditions. Mimulus should be planted in slightly shaded areas in fertile, loose and moist soil rich in peat and humus. Pinching is recommended.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Application. They are used in the frame of curbs, rocky slides, mixborders with lobelia, phlox. Some species are suitable for planting in outside windows and balcony boxes.

If you want to cover shady areas with a carpet of flowers, the Saxifraga is a good choice. It is a ground cover plant from the saxifrage family, numbering 250 varieties. Saxifrage stems reach a height of 5 to 70 cm. They are annual, perennial shoots are. Flowers are small: 1.5-2 cm in diameter. They are varied in color: white, pink, red, etc. The flowering period begins in May, lasts about a month.

Did you know? The Latin name for saxifrage comes from the words "saxym" and "frango", which translate as "rock" and "break." This is explained by the fact that in nature this plant is most often found in rock crevices.

Growing conditions. Planting, growing and caring for saxifrage will not be difficult. The name of the plant itself suggests that it is not demanding on soil and watering, is capable of growing on poor soils (always with good drainage) and does not like waterlogging. Does not tolerate direct sunlight and dislikes full shade (may affect the decorative effect of the leaves). It is characterized by high winter hardiness. Young plants require shelter during the winter.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, rosettes.

Application. In decorative culture, saxifrage is planted between stones, on slopes, artificial rocks, in a rock garden.

One of the most unpretentious perennials for penumbra is the swimsuit (Trollius). In addition to its unpretentiousness, it attracts the attention of gardeners with large bright yellow and orange flowers... The genus of swimsuits has 20 varieties. The stems of the plant grow up to 90 cm. It blooms for about 20 days, starting in May. In one place, a bather can decorate a garden for 10 years.
Growing conditions."Troll flower" (this is also called a swimsuit) can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, although in the latter case it loses its decorative effect and loses its growth. Fertile moist soil is suitable for planting a plant. Although it can grow in poor soil. The only thing that the swimsuit does not like is stagnation of groundwater. Can hibernate without shelter.

Reproduction methods. The swimsuit can be propagated by dividing the mother liquor, sowing seeds.

Application. A beautiful neighborhood is obtained from a swimsuit and a catchment area, muscari, delphinium, woodland, magnolia, bells.

The well-known lily of the valley (Lilium convallium) is also suitable for planting in the shade. It is a short plant (20-25 cm in height) with dazzling white small flowers in the form of bells and a delicate aroma delight their owners in May-June. The leaves remain green until July.

Did you know? Wild lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book.

Growing conditions. The flower loves moist, organic-rich soil. Grows well in the shade of adjacent trees or bushes. In full shade, it stops flowering. Does not require care, if correct fit can grow on its own for several years.

Important! When working with lilies of the valley, it is necessary to protect your hands with gloves, since all plant organs are poisonous.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by dividing rhizomes and very rarely by seeds.

Application. Plant lily of the valley next to aquilegia, fern, lungwort and you will get a beautiful tender flower bed. This flower is also used as a groundcover and for forcing.

At the beginning of summer, in the garden, you can admire the flowering of bright candlesticks of the perennial lupine (Lupinus). This plant belongs to the legume family. People call him "wolf beans" because his name comes from the word lupus - wolf. The inflorescences of some types of lupine can reach a size of 1 m, and the plant itself grows from 50 to 150 cm. Flowers are of different colors: red, white, yellow, purple, pink, blue; there are tricolor. The period of life is five to six years.
Growing conditions. The flower is very drought-resistant - its wild cousins ​​grow even in deserts. It can grow both in the sun and in partial shade or under diffused lighting. The soil for planting it should be loamy or sandy loam with low or neutral acidity. It does not cause any particular difficulties in leaving. Periodic loosening of the soil and removal of weeds is desirable. For the winter, the bushes should be spud and covered.

Reproduction methods. Lupine is propagated vegetatively - by cuttings, or seeds.

Application. It can grow both alone and in a group planting in a flowerbed in the background next to irises, lilies, delphiniums, hosts, astilbe.

The rows of flowers growing in partial shade and shade are supplemented by spectacular perennials of Rogersia (Rodgersia). At first glance, these decorative deciduous plants of the saxifrage family are remembered for their very large and beautiful finger or feathery leaves, which acquire a red or bronze tint in autumn. Rogersia blooms with a high (1.2-1.5 m) panicle of pink-white or cream color. The flowering period is July.
Growing conditions. Rogers is unassuming to leave. The best place to plant it will be an area in partial shade. The plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, it can grow on any garden ground... Loves frequent watering.

Reproduction methods. Rogersia can be propagated by dividing rhizomes, leaf cuttings and seeds (rarely).

Application. Rogersia will become an exotic decoration in mixborder, rabatka, rockery. It will add a special touch to your pond. Looks very nice in combination with fern, incense, hosta, bells.

Even novice gardeners can grow another unpretentious, but very beautiful and fragrant shade-tolerant perennial - cyanosis (Polemonium caeruleum). In height, this plant reaches 40-120 cm. Its inflorescence is rather high, collected in a panicle of blue, white bells. Flowering occurs for a long time in June-July. Sinyukha has medicinal properties.
Growing conditions. It is better to select the soil for this plant light, moderately moist, slightly acidic. Although, in principle, a perennial is not particularly picky about soils. It is resistant to frost, disease and pests. Loves moisture.

Reproduction methods. The flower propagates by dividing rhizomes, green cuttings and by seed.

Application. Since after flowering cyanosis loses its attractiveness, when planting it, care must be taken that it is next to plants that have a longer decorative period. It adjoins well with hosta, iris, badan, primrose. It is successfully planted in flower beds and mixborders.

The genus (Symphyandra) unites 10 species. In nature, these are perennials, in culture they are grown as biennial plants. This flower interesting primarily for its inflorescences - drooping paniculate or spherical with flowers-bells of purple or white color. Bloom in June-August. Reach a height of 15-30 cm.
Growing conditions.
Basically, symphianders prefer sunny areas, and only two of its varieties - drooping and Asian - are able to put up with penumbra. Prefers loose soil with good drainage. From leaving her, they will arrange just watering in a drought and removing faded inflorescences.

Reproduction methods. Propagated in two ways: by sowing seeds and cuttings of basal processes.

Application. Lands on alpine coaster, for border plantings, in rockeries and mixborders.

Another unpretentious shade-tolerant plant is the host (Hosta) or function. This ornamental deciduous plant can decorate any suburban area and garden. Its main attraction is the leaves: large, often two-colored, with edges, of various shapes. Also beautiful are the flowers-brushes of the hosts - simple and double, white, blue, pink, purple colors. The height of the stem is generally 60-80 cm, but there are dwarf (15 cm) and giant (1.2 m) species. The flowering of the hosta is usually inconspicuous, and the more beautiful the leaves are, the more faded are the flowers. This perennial belongs to long-livers - it can grow without transplanting up to 20 years. To date, about 400 host hybrids have been bred.
Growing conditions. The choice of a site for this plant depends on the variety you prefer. Among the hybrids, there are both sun-loving and flowers for planting in partial shade and in full shade - it all depends on the color of the leaves: the darker the leaves, the more shade-loving the plant. The composition of the soil for planting this perennial is desirable rich in humus, slightly acidic or neutral, well-drained. The host will not survive on sand or loam. Loves moisture.

Reproduction methods. Hosta propagates in three ways: by cuttings, dividing the bush and seed.

Application. Hosta is a great backdrop for flowering crops. Suitable for curbs and flower beds.

When planting plants that prefer shade, consider the fact that often their beauty lies not in flowering (for most of them it is modest, unlike light-loving relatives), but in foliage. In addition to the fact that correctly selected perennials can be a decoration for your garden, they are also an excellent way to control weeds.

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What flowers can be grown in the shade? - This question is relevant for any amateur gardener. In a garden full of trees and shrubs, it is sometimes difficult to find open areas for flower gardens that will be illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

According to the requirements for illumination by sunlight garden plants subdivided into light-loving, shade-tolerant and shade-loving. We have prepared a small list of popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennials... These perennial flowers are suitable for planting in shady and lightly shaded areas of your garden. They tolerate shade well.

Shade-tolerant perennials can be grown under the canopy of trees and shrubs, in the shade of a house. They can grow and bloom with more or less direct sunlight.

Host "Cadillac". Photo: Hardyplants.

Perennial flowers for slightly shaded areas of the garden

These perennials prefer partial shade. They will thrive in partial shade conditions. These flowers love the sun, but they only need to be in the open sunlight for a few hours a day. Partial shade is when an area is illuminated by the sun in the morning or afternoon, approximately 6 hours during the day.
Of course, in sunny areas, these perennial plants will bloom more abundant and longer than in the shade.

(Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don)

Anemone oakravnaya
(Anemone nemorosa L.)

Alpine catchment
(Aquilegia alpina L.)

The center is magnificent
(Lamprocapnos spectabilis(L.) T. Fukuhara)

The center is beautiful
(Dicentra formosa(Haw.) Walp.)

Julia's primrose
(Primula juliae Kusn.)

Japanese primrose
(Primula japonica A.Gray)

(Paeonia L.)

(Scilla L.)

Sedum large
(Sedum maximum(L.) Suter.)

Corydalis noble
(Corydalis nobilis(L.) Pers.)

Caucasian ash *
(Dictamnus caucasicus(Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Grossh.)
Photo: Øyvind Holmstad, Karlafg, Juan José Sánchez, dalbera, Danny Steven S., KENPEI, Meneerke bloem, Poco a poco, Axel Kristinsson, Bjoertvedt, Rolf Engstrand, Hedwig Storch.

Perennial flowers for shady areas of the garden

In almost every garden there are shady areas under the crowns of old trees. What to plant in a shady garden?

Not all plants can grow under trees. Only species resistant to root pressure coexist under the canopy of old trees. Therefore, it is worth planting flowers with a shallow root system under the trees.

Most shade-tolerant plants are spring-flowering. Nature itself took care of them: they bloom when the trees still have almost no leaves, and they have enough sunny color.

From shade-tolerant plants, one should not expect abundant long flowering, large, double flowers. Shade-tolerant plants decorative, primarily due to their foliage and appearance(habit). Therefore, a shady garden is mainly an ornamental deciduous garden.

These perennials are suitable for planting and growing in shady areas of the garden. They tolerate shade and lack of sunlight well. They can be grown under the canopy of trees. Fill areas of your garden with them that the sun rarely sees. And then a beautiful shady garden will grow on your site all summer long.

Badan thick-leaved
(Bergenia crassifolia(L.) Fritsch)

(Vinca minor L.)

Volzhanka ordinary
(Aruncus dioicus(Walter) Fernald)

Saxifrage shady
(Saxifraga umbrosa L.)

Cuneiform saxifrage
(Saxifraga cuneifolia L.)

May lily of the valley *
(Convallaria majalis L.)

Lunar come to life
(Lunaria rediviva L.)

(Pulmonaria L.)

(Helleborus L.)

(Digitalis L.)

Ferns *

Liver noble
(Hepatica nobilis Mill.)

(Galanthus L.)

Soldanella mountain
(Soldanella montana Mikan)

(Hosta Tratt.)

Astilboides lamellar ( Astilboides tabularis
(Hemsl.) Engl.)

Darmera thyroid ( Darmera peltata(Torr. Ex Benth.) Voss)

Rogers horse chestnut ( Rodgersia aesculifolia Batal.)

Fragrant violet
(Viola odorata L.)

Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed ( Epimedium L.)

Spiked raven * or black spiked raven * ( Actaea spicata L.)

Thyroid podophyllum ( Podophyllum peltatum L.)

Apical pachisandra ( Pachysandra terminalis Siebold & Zucc.)

An ordinary lady's slipper or a real slipper ( Cypripedium calceolus L.)

Photo: Salvor Gissurardottir, H. Zell, Epp, Jerzy Opioła, Hectonichus, Hans B., Hedwig Storch, Wildfeuer, Jebulon, Meneerke bloem, Jonas Bergsten, Redsimon, Zdeněk Pražák, Qwertzy2, nestmaker, Wbraus Hästers , Fritz Geller-Grimm, brewbooks, Andrey Korzun, Sten Porse, Algirdas, Manuguf.

* Poisonous plants. They require great care and adherence to safety measures in contact with them. If you have small children, then you should refuse to grow these plants in your garden.

Most shade-tolerant plants are primroses. They bloom in spring, when the trees do not yet have dense foliage, so they have enough sunlight to bloom.

The corners of the garden that are not illuminated by the sun often look abandoned, because hands reach them last. Whatever you plant, stretches out and dies without light, unless you specially select shade-loving flowers. It is believed that there are few such plants in nature, but this is not the case. They are mainly represented by perennials.

What are shade-loving flowers

Not all plants are the same about the sun's rays. Flowers that cannot tolerate excess light are called shade-loving. As a rule, such specimens have thin leaves. Ideally, they should only be illuminated by the morning sun for about 3 hours.

Shade-loving perennials

When developing a darkened area, they start with low-maintenance plants, for example, bulbous ones. The choice is quite wide: daffodils, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths. Usually they are planted under trees, they have time to bloom before the crown is covered with foliage. Minus bulbous - early death of the aerial part, in June the foliage dries up.

Throughout the summer, the following shade-loving perennials retain their decorative effect.

For the bizarre shape of the flowers, the Germans called this plant "elf shoes". We are talking about aquilegia (catchment). Thanks to the taproot, it stores moisture and minerals, so it will endure occasional watering. Poorly tolerates transplantation, it is better to propagate by seeds. Majority garden forms withstand frost without shelter.

When preparing a planting site for aquilegia, the soil is dug up with the addition of humus or compost

Plants with paniculate inflorescences look picturesque. Like burning candles, they banish the darkness of Astilba. Tolerant of moisture stagnation, grow in areas with high groundwater, long-term drought can not stand. They winter well when mulching with bark.

Astilba bloom begins in July and lasts 25–35 days

Perennials with decorative leaves are highly valued. One of them is large-leaved brunner. This moisture-loving plant prefers poor soil. The characteristic feature is the impressive white patterns on the leaves. Propagated by dividing the bush in late summer.

Brunner needs high humidity air, therefore grows well near water bodies

Large plants rarely like shade. The exception is Volzhanka, or Aruncus. Openwork greenery and paniculate inflorescences will decorate the shaded garden. Not picky about the structure of the soil, but picky about the composition, so the planting pit is filled with humus. Needs abundant watering. To retain moisture, the ground around the bush is mulched with needles.

Because of its spectacular look, Volzhanka is often used in a solo fit.


Recently, fantastically beautiful shade-loving plants have been bred. Of course, these are geychera, striking with the catchy color of the leaves. They are unpretentious, but they die due to root locking, so drainage is required. The rosette grows, it must be spilled annually. The root zone is mulched with gravel chips. They winter well under the shelter of oak foliage.

Heuchers love light soil with the addition of coarse sand and crushed bark.


Plants, whose ancestors lived under the canopy of the forest, prefer shade even now. These include unpretentious types of garden geraniums: forest, red-brown and Robert. These are cold-resistant flowers. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture, therefore sand is added to the soil for them. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Perennial geraniums of forest species are responsive to feeding with ash

Ground covers are attractive in that, growing, they occupy a large area that does not require weeding, since weeds are suppressed. One of these plants is the tenacious, or Ayuga. It grows in any conditions, but without direct sun it forms a luxurious dense carpet. Ideal for beginners, requires almost no watering.

The most spectacular survivors - with variegated leaves


Flowers with thin petals will not last in the scorching sun and day. Therefore, in the shade of a house or trees, forest types of bells are planted: broad-leaved, dotted, nettle-leaved. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture. Winter shelter will not need.

All bells are disease and pest resistant

Ferns grow well on acidic moist soils. For example, kochedzhniks survive in the lowest and dampest places. Varieties with red and silvery leaves create a fabulous atmosphere in the garden. Propagated by dividing the rhizome. Winter-hardy.

All varieties of kochedyzhnik look very sophisticated.


There is a plant that a modern garden cannot do without. This is the queen of the twilight - the host. Its corrugated leaves, sometimes with white or yellow streaks, emerge from the ground late, at the end of May. But the rest of the time, the host is overshadowed by the beauty of its green counterparts. Unpretentious, prefers cultivated loams.

Variegated hosts are not planted in deep shade, several hours of morning sunlight are needed so that the leaves do not lose their varietal color

When choosing hosts, keep in mind: the closer the shade of the leaves is to blue, the more shade-loving the host is.

Review of shade-loving perennials - video

Shade-tolerant annuals

Plants that live for one year usually bloom luxuriantly. But they need to get a lot of light for photosynthesis. Therefore, there are almost no shade-loving annuals. But there are shade-tolerant specimens that have enough sunlight before lunch, however, the flowering will not be so abundant.


Plants with delicate foliage and flowers are suitable for the eastern exposition of the house. Lobelia is often chosen in modern gardens. Ampel varieties fall nicely if planted in containers. Grown through seedlings.

Lobelia is often planted at the feet of taller partners, such as ferns.


Among annuals, blooming from June to frost are most popular. Nasturtium fits perfectly into this category. Its yellow, orange, scarlet flowers seem to hover over rounded waxy leaves... The plant is moisture-loving, but for a generous flowering, it is watered only after the soil dries out.

Nasturtium does not tolerate transplanting well, it is better to sow it immediately to a permanent place

Bright yellow flowers revive the shadow. Among the annuals, the most unpretentious are rudbeckia. They require moderate watering, give self-seeding. They grow on any soil. There are varieties with orange flowers.

All types of tobaccos are moisture-loving

Each garden has little-visited shady corners. The whimsical plants planted there often dry up due to our forgetfulness. Thus, a tender lungwort died without watering. On such sites, I advise you to settle a periwinkle or tenacious.

In the shady places I visit, perennials grow beautifully: oak anemone, spotted loosestrife, geranium, broadleaf bellflower, hellebore, Virginia tradescantia, hosta, yaskolka. They are always in sight, so I do not forget to provide them with moisture in a timely manner. The most capricious is Brunner, I water it every day in the heat.

The neighbors decorated the shady areas with lilies of the valley, daisies, primroses, Siberian irises, and hosts. Everything grows and pleases.

For planting in the shade, it is better to choose bulbous and perennials. Annual flowers bloom poorly without the sun. For beginners among centenarians, it is better to choose plants that do not need daily watering. To keep the inflorescences and leaves large, fill the soil in front of the humus before planting.