Hardening of tomato seeds, pepper and eggplant. How to plant eggplants to seedlings: Rules of sowing, growing and care at home Correct sowing eggplant to seedlings

Eggplants are the favorite culture of many dacms, if we talk about it. Homemade eggplant caviar, stew, stuffed eggplants ... It is not difficult to dispose of the crop "Cell". Difficulties This culture causes it in its cultivation. On a thorny path from the seed to eggplant of the garden, there is a plurality of pitfalls. The first one is seeds.

You need to choose seeds depending on the area in which you are going to grow culture.

  1. First, it must be zoned varieties. Because only they can mature under climatic conditions, the nature of your area.
  2. Secondly, it is always better to acquire hybrids. This sowing material is characterized by an accelerated germination, can withstand diseases and pests.
  3. Thirdly, be sure to look at the timing of the packing of seeds and their shelf life. Do not waste your time and strength on sowing material with an expired period - the germination will be low, and seedlings are non-visual.
  4. Fourth, choose seeds prepared for landing in a special way - dued, granular, glazed, inlaid. There is a special shell around such seeds, in which all substances needed seeds for germination are located. This is a real "energy bomb", which is enough to sow and pour. In addition, the processed seeds do not need to be prepared for sowing.

But, as practice shows, the majority of summer residents prefer to act classical methods and prepare seed material to sow themselves. For them - a full cycle of preparation, compliance with all stages of which guarantees a good germination, strong seedlings, hardy healthy plants, big harvest.


Eggplant seeds refer to medium in size, compared to other seeds gardening crops. They are distinguished by relative "the same". Seeds are not alone in one, but close to it. Such a difference in size, such as the cucumber seeds, is not observed. But seed calibration is still needed. For what? Seeds of the same size planted in one container will give friendly shoots, will develop at the same speed, simultaneously will be ready for disembarkation and will not turn out and suppress each other in the process of growth.

Tip! This does not mean that small seeds need to be thrown away, but to sow only large. Single and small, and medium, but in three different containers (if there are containers) or in various cups of groups.

What is subject to mandatory selection is deformed seeds, painted in another, unnatural color, with stains, mold. Typically, the seed calibration that is sold in the store is carried out already at the stage of packing.

Verification check

Like cucumbers, eggplants check on the suitability of the seed material to planting soaking in three percent salt solutions. On a glass of water, this is about a teaspoon with a slide. Salt thoroughly stir so that there is no precipitate. Then the seeds are lowered into a solution in a free wide capacity (not in a glass). You can mix if air bubbles are formed to get rid of them. The seeds that surfaced, empty - they do not contain the embryo of the plant and are not suitable for sowing. The rest are washed with water, dried and sent to the next preparatory stage.

Tip! It happens that absolutely all seeds pop up. The vintage of unscrupulous manufacturers, dackets throw them away and go for new ones. Do not hurry. Perhaps due to non-compliance with storage conditions, seeds are overpower. Try to germinate them.


This method of preparation is usually applied to the tongue-free seeds with dimensions more than the average to which the eggplant do not belong. But if there is a desire to germinate them, you can take advantage of the same method as in the sprinkle of seeds of all sloom cultures. Washed out salt solution Seeds are placed on gauze. Marley is placed in a flat container (pallet, saucer) and is abundantly wetted with water. Seeds should be inside gauze, the fabric should not move, the temperature of the extension is high (it is best to put the tank on the heating device or next to it), but not higher than + 45 ° C. When they appear (or not) sprouts, at the same time check the germination.

Disinfectant events

If the seeds are not processed by the manufacturer and do not have a special shell, it is necessary to carry out disinfection. For this there are many methods. The most proven and traditional one is mangartan. Several misconceptions about this and errors that are allowed inexperienced gardens.

  1. The solution is rich, the better disinfection. Not. The solution should be one-surrender. It has quite rich, but not dark purple color. Otherwise, the embryo inside the seeds will just perish.
  2. The longer it is to keep, the more microbes will be destroyed. Not. Eggplant seeds in solution should be no more than twenty minutes.
  3. If the soil is disinfected, the seeds do not need to disinfect. Power bacteria often bears the embryo plant. Therefore, the soil processing will protect only the surface of the seed, which is not enough.


If you do not want to mess with germination, it makes sense to take advantage of growth stimulants. Yes, stimulants are "chemistry", but to aggressively affecting chemical preparations They cannot be attributed. These drugs contribute to the accumulation nutrients For better germination of seeds. They do not cause harm to plants. But the benefits of them can be huge and multifaceted.

Video - tricks in sowing seed eggplant to seedlings

What are stimulants and growth regulators


FROMwrite a potash salt. Produced in tablets. Promotes the rapid germination of seeds, the growing of new roots and apparent roots, the appearance of bulbies-kids in bulbous colors, the formation of new tubers in clubnelukovichny.


Stimulator growth of roots "Korninen"

Similar to heteroacexin, can also be produced in tablets or powder. This drug is actively used when planting young seedlings fruit and decorative shrubs, trees, roses. Also, Korniner helps to take care of any cuttings and takes from resting the bulbs of hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, gladioli, begonia and dahlia tubers.


Contains hydroxicaric acid. It not only stimulates energy seed, education and root growth, but also contributes abundant blossomand also increases plant disease resistance. Zircon protects plants from the lesion by phytopathogenic bacteria and viruses. When applying the zircon, the synthesis of chlorophyll in plant tissues is activated, it also carries protection to the cells from harmful radiation of ultraviolet. For a better effect, the zircon is used with heteroacexin or rhoin preparations. The solution is added C and B1 and charcoal.


Alcohol solution of epibrasynolide, according to the action of similar with vegetable phytohormones. It is very good to soak seeds for further cultivation in adverse conditions or on controversial soils.

Plant treatment with stimulants occurs in two ways. If the drug in powder, roots, bulbs or cuttings are dipped into water, and then into powder. Seeds are driven by powder. From tablets (as well as from powder), you can make a solution and immerse the plants in it for the time specified in the table.


Holding seeds is necessary only if you are going to grow eggplants in the open soil and sow seeds when it is still cold. In this case, they are placed in gauze, moisturize and hold two days in the cold (optimally zero degrees). In the case of cultural culture, the seedlings at home, it will be necessary to order seedlings before landing in the open soil holes.

Eggplants do not grow in sowing open sad. Our summer is not enough so that the harvest can fully mature. It is possible to grow culture in the protected greenhouse soil. This will give a fifty-percent harvest guarantee. Optimally - growing seedlings in the apartment and land it into protected ground. In this case, you can get a return from seed 100%. But first you need to choose the seeds correctly. And then - carefully prepare them for sowing.

Eggplants have long received a permanent resilience on our garden sites. Taste qualitiesThe usefulness of this representative of the Parenic family is appreciated by the majority of lovers of gardening. At the same time, gardeners are familiar with the whims of the vegetable, its fortune and demandingness to care. Problems may arise at any stage of cultivation, including when landing and the appearance of the first sprouts. Healthy and high-quality seedlings are the key to the future harvest. Good start Created to minimize many further difficulties. Consider the main issues related to the cultivation of eggplant seedlings at the stage of seedlings.

Deadlines for the appearance of the first germs

With properly organized landing and creating comfortable conditions Eggplazan seeds ride 7-10 days after sowing. The speed of germination depends on many factors. The main one is a favorable temperature regime. Capacities with seed seeds are recommended to be placed indoors with air temperature not lower than +25 o C.

Important! If the temperature ranges from +15 to 18 ° C, then the seeds can give shoots, but they will have to wait much longer.

When sowing eggplants should also pay attention to the depth of the seal. If the seed material is placed in the soil more than 1.5-2 cm, then the threat of the death of the seedlings will arise. With a favorable outcome, the first shoots will appear much later than the specified period.

The optimal depth of seeds of eggplant seeds in the ground - 0.5-1 cm

Why sprouts do not appear

If the shoots of eggplant did not appear in the laid time, then first of all it is necessary to find the cause of this problem to prevent the error repeating. The main reasons for the non-city seed can be several:

How to speed up germination of eggplant seeds

To grow seedlings, eggplant seeds plant approximately for 75-80 days before the subsequent landing in the ground: 7-10 days must be seeds for shooting, a time period of 65-70 days is considered optimal for transplanting to a permanent place. If for some reason the landing time is not met, then it is better to progress and carry out measures to accelerate the germination of seeds. To reduce the risk of unsuccessful sowing, experienced gardens advise:

Stimulation of seeds

The application of the incentive method reduces the interval from sowing to the first shoots for several days. Most often use elementary soaking in the solution of a suitable growth stimulator, which in a wide range offer trading networks. This is Energy, Epin Extra, Zircon, Novosil, Ribav Extra and others.

Photo Gallery: Preparations for stimulating the growth of eggplant seeds

The drug has flexible applications and can be used almost on all cultures in an open and protected soil without disturbing the current cultivation technologies.
After treatment of epinoma-extra seeds, the seeds germinate faster, the stability of plants to frost and disease increases Zircon increases the germination of seeds, improves the rooting of the seedlings Novosyl - a highly efficient natural preparation obtained from the conifers of the Siberian fir, which has a heter-regulating, fungicidal action
Energy is used to soak seeds, applies to spraying floral seedlings and vegetable crops

Note! Before soaking seeds in stimulants, it is recommended to hold them in water for swelling. For these purposes it is better not to use a simple, but talu Water room temperature.

To speed up the appearance of germs, natural growth stimulants can also be used:

  • aloe juice. Choose the juicy leaves of the plant and placed them for a week in freezing Camera For freezing. After that, the greens are crushed (without use metal objects) And press juice. Before use, juice is bred by water in proportion 1: 1. In aloe seed solution, it is recommended to withstand for 4-6 hours;

    Aloe juice improves seed germination and increases plant immunity

  • infusion of onion husk and ash. Handfather onion husk and a teaspoon of ashes poured hot water, insist for three days, Focus. In the obtained infusion, eggplant seeds are soaked for 2-4 hours;

    Lukovo-ash infusion enriches seeds with necessary minerals and microelements

  • to prepare a honey solution, one teaspoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of warm water and 5-6 hours are soaked in it seeds.

    Honeyming has long been used as an effective growth stimulator

Important! Only one of the proposed methods is used to stimulate germs. Exposure time in the growth stimulator should not exceed 8 hours.

Video: Pre-sowing processing of seeds by biopreparations for germination stimulation


Accelerates the appearance of germs for the procedure of seeding. It is most reliable to spend it in containers with wet sawdust. Such material is convenient because fragile roes are not damaged when removing before planting.

Note! If you have chosen fabric, gauze or cotton discs to germinate, then planting seeds in the ground should be carried out immediately after they proceed, without waiting for the rustling of the roots that can doctors into the fabric and break at extraction.

For the extension, the stimulated seeds lay out between the layers of the selected moistened material and placed in a warm place (+ 25-27 degrees). It is necessary to constantly ensure that the material does not stop. At night, the capacity can be covered cellofanic film. This will create an additional greenhouse effect and will protect the seeds from drying out. During the day, cellophane shelter can be removed.

Eggplant seeds will be thrown on 5-7 days after soaking

Important! At too large quantities Fluids in the dishes seeds will inevitably die from the abundance of moisture and lack of air!

Care for seedy

To raise a strong and healthy seedlings of eggplants, which will continue successfully at a permanent place, it is necessary to properly care for those who appeared by shooting.

Temperature regime for eggplant shoots

  • if before the appearance of germs, it was necessary to adhere to the temperature in the range of 22-27 degrees of heat, then after the appearance of sprouts, the temperature is recommended to reduce to + 15-17 ° C and for a week to hold germs in the specified mode. At this temperature will be fixed and developed root system seedlings;
  • after a week, two daily temperatures are raised to the initial level. It is recommended to adhere to + 25-27 o'clock on the sun and about + 15-17 o'clock at night. In cloudy weather, daytime temperatures should be + 20-22 o C.

Strong and healthy seedlings can be grown under the condition of compliance with the correct temperature mode

When placing tanks with seedlings on the windowsill, difficulties may arise associated with the cold of frozen windows or an overspendent heat from heating radiators. Therefore, it is necessary to provide protection from cold glass (not to put the capacity close to the glass, make a layer of foam rubber or other insulation), and heating battery Cover the tight fabric for uniform heat distribution.

Watering shoots

It is very important to correctly water the emerging shoots of eggplant. If possible, then use to watering melting or rainwater heated to room temperature. Water from under the tap should be upset. Water seedlings as the soil drying, usually once a week.

In a room where it contains seedlings, it should not be too dry, because eggplants are southern plants, so they do not like dry air. Air humidity increases spraying or installing open containers with water. Periodically, the room is ventilated, not allowing drafts.

The emerging seedlings are pulled neatly, not blurring the soil and not barring a gentle root part of the stem

Important! Excessive humidity is harmful to seedlings, it contributes to the development of many diseases, including the black leg.

Requirements for lighting

When organizing illuminations, it should be proceeded from the fact that the oversupply of light shoots are not terrible, the problems arise with its disadvantage. It is best to place containers with shootouts on the windowsill overlooking the south. Here the seedlings will receive a sufficient amount of light, and they will not need additional lighting.

Important! When placed on the south side of the window, it is recommended to tighten the gauze, which will save young plants from sunburn.

On the windowsill and western windows, seedlings will have to additionally highlight lamps daylight. On the northern windowsill seedlings of eggplant is better not to post. The lack of illumination will lead to stretching seedlings and diseases.

For full growth, eggplants need a lot of light

Note! Each 2-3 days of the container with seedlings, turn on the windowsill so that all sprouts are evenly illuminated and a sufficient amount of light and solar heat was obtained.

Competent subcord

Well-fastened soil for seeding can provide small seedlings with sufficient nutrients. If the shoots of eggplants have green velvety leaves, they are strong and native, then the extra feeder can only harm them: it stimulates too active growth and early bootonization. Insufficiently severe shoots can be sealed a week after the appearance of phosphoric fertilizers (25 g per 10 liters of water), which will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the root system of the seedling.

Feeding is carried out by waterborne fertilizers and only after watering

With the appearance of the first real leaves, you can feed the shoots of nitrogen-potash fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of plants and protect them from most diseases:

  • potash Selutyra (tablespoon on 10 liters of water);
  • ammonium Selutyra (1 st. Supplement) + sulfurish potassium (2 tbsp. spoons) on 10 liters of water.

Expressing eggplant seedlings: elimination and prevention

High-quality and healthy shoots of eggplants should look like squat and strong. If seedlings stretched out, then you first need to establish the reason why it happened. All problems are focused in the influence of external factors, since neither pests nor the disease of the eggplant provoke the stretching of seedlings. Most often, seedlings are pulled out due to violation of the rules of illumination, temperature regime, watering and feeding, as well as riding crops.

Pulling seedlings is not a disease, but it will attract the most unpleasant consequences.

Note! The extrusion of eggplant seedlings can be as a consequence of one of the listed causes and their aggregate.

Table: The reasons for pulling eggplant seedlings and solving problems

Cause of stretching seedlings Decision
Increased air temperatureLower the round-the-clock seedling temperature to + 17-18 o
Bad illuminationObserve the lighting mode. You can use additional lighting ultraviolet lamps or install mirrors so that the plants hit the reflected sunlight
Excess polishNormalize seedlings watering mode
DisadvantageUse for sowing well-fastened soil. Timely hold a balanced feeder shooter
Eranny fertilizer applicationPulling plants can be a sign of excess potassium in the soil
Incorrectly selected volume planting. In close conditions of the growing root system, there is not enough space for normal development, it feels uncomfortable, it adversely affects a sapling.With obviously insufficient landing container, transplant seedlings
Titchen landingComer sow. Optimum time for thinning - the formation of the second present sheet
Sour soilIn advance and correctly prepare soil for seedlings. Add wood ash or dolomite flour into it.

Suspending the pulling of germs can help the following activities:

  • paging the kidney of growth over the second real leaflet;
  • running in the tanks well warm and dry ground. It will help the plant better to root, and pulling will suspend. In the absence of free space in the container, it is possible to increasing the walls of the landing container using a dense polyethylene or a parquet substrate.

Note! The possibility of drawing seedlings is easier to prevent than to eliminate the consequences of this phenomenon.

Video: Pulling seedlings and how to fight these

To get a good harvest of eggplants, it is necessary to thoroughly work on growing healthy seedlings. Specific efforts and fulfillment of the basic rules will protect you from problems, the foundations will be laid good harvest Delicious and valuable vegetable.

Eggplants are voluntary for a long time, the most early varieties will need more than 100 days from germination to technical ripeness of fruits. Sowing on seedlings begins early, and for a long time before the appearance of shoots, it deprives the possibility of transmitting in the event of an unsuccessful result. Therefore, the increase in the germination of eggplant seeds has great importance.

How much seeds shoot

After how many days, eggplant seeds germinate, depends on many reasons. In different varieties, the periods of germination differ, it matters a year of collecting seeds or the time of their storage - even though they are considered suitable for up to 8 years, but it is best to part with seeds 2 - 4 years of storage, then it is noticeably reduced.

If you sit dry unprepared seeds, you can wait for results up to 25 days or even longer. Therefore, before planting, all vegetables are carried out with a sowing material a number of activities that are aimed at cutting the period of the unknownness, to identify possible infesses.

Terms of germination are often dependent on the air temperature at which it occurs, the lighting mode, even the depth of the seed seed into the ground, the very quality of the soil.

Video "How to check the germination of seeds?"

From the video, you will learn how to check the germination of eggplant seeds.

How to raise germination

It is advisable to check the germination of bought seeds in advance. For this, they take them 10 - 14 pieces, placed on a wet fabric, wrapped with polyethylene, kept warm. A few days later (it can pass from 5 to 15, the cloth needs to keep wet all the time) will appear tiny sprouts. An acceptable is the result of 50%, it means that every second seed will germinate. If the result will be lower, it is better to buy another sowing material.

The seeds were stored, most likely, with a low temperature, to awaken the ability of growth, they need to be held in heat for several days. Many gardeners bring seeds home a month before sowing, first they simply lie somewhere at room temperature, then for a day - two of them are placed near the battery or another heating device. You can speed up this process, placing the sowing material for 25 minutes in hot water (+50 degrees), after such a warming up, they are still kept in the refrigerator. So simultaneously with the awakening, disinfection occurs and hardening the seeds in a thermal way. You can conduct their stratification, placing alternately in the fridge for the night and in the room for a day about a week. The most common way to disinfection sowing material - soaking it in a bright milgantin solution for 25 minutes.

Accelerate the gelage culture to accelerate the seeds and increase their germination will help soak in growth stimulants. Can be bought in the store special means, Dilute according to the instructions, soak the seed material at the specified time. You can use sodium humat, nitroposk, aloe juice or infusion wood ash. Some manufacturers all events for disinfection and preparing for sowing have already spent, their seeds are sold covered with a colored sheath of nutrients.

You can still after the described place to put the nuclei for germination into a wet fabric or cotton wheels, to be bought with polyethylene, put it in heat. The result will be visible after 4 - 5 days.

When and how to plant seeds

Eggplants are thermal-loving plants so that the seedlings quickly began on the garden, it needs to be planted when the soil is already pretty enough, and the air temperature will rise to +25 degrees. This is due to the region from the end of May to the first half of June. By this time, seedlings should reach the age of 60 - 75 days, so that she went well, and the harvest managed to achieve technical maturity by the end of summer. For some time (10-15 days), it is necessary to plan on receipt of germs. Based on these deadlines, the time of sowing is calculated, in the south it may be the end of February, and in the middle lane - the second half of March. At the end of winter, they usually begin to prepare eggplant seedlings for landing to a greenhouse.

Prepared or even sprouted seeds are placed in a light nutritious ground for a small depth, close with glass or film, put in a warm place with an air temperature at least +25 degrees. With the advent of the first weets of the sprouted seeds, the dishes with them are brought out. And after the appearance of sproutures, small eggplants are removed into a light room with a temperature at +16 - +18 degrees for a week.

Rules of proper landing

Eggplants really do not like transplants, their roots are usually injured, and then you need the time that the plant will come to themselves and stuck in a new place. That is why it is desirable not to dope, but to use individual dishes for cultivation. It can be a ceramic pot, special cassettes for seedlings, plastic cups with a volume of at least 0.5 liters, peat cups or tablet. The dishes should have drainage holes for the flow of excess water.

The soil needs to choose a light, fertile, but necessarily finely phrase so that the sprouts do not meet additional resistance during germination. Sometimes gardeners sift it in a dry form. The dishes need to be washed and quiet with boiling water, and the soil is disinfected, shed by a hot heatman solution. Some prefer to warm up 20 minutes in a hot oven or freeze half an hour, and then defrost. Methods are all good, most importantly, kill pathogens of diseases and pest larva.

Seeds are put on wet warm land, pour 1 - 1.5 cm thick on top of the dry ground. 2 - 4 seeds are placed in the individual dishes, then you choose the strongest sprouts from the most strong sprouts, and the rest plunder or cut off from the land itself. If the material is sewn into general containers or boxes (followed by picking), then it is placed in the grooves at a distance of 3 - 4 cm between seeds and 5 - 6 cm between the furrows.

The dishes with sowing are covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect, removed into a warm unlit place. At this stage, it is important warm, the light will need when the seedings will appear above the ground.

Why not shoot eggplant seeds

Prepared seeds should give shoots in 5 - 7 days. Different varieties It is advisable to sow in different dishes, they may differ in the appearance of shoots. If a week over the surface of the earth does not appear, it is already a reason to think about the reasons and check all the stages of preparation, sowing and care.

Non-quality seeds

Seeds It is advisable to buy in specialized stores from the proven manufacturer. This can be a certain quality assurance. Responsible manufacturers on the packaging indicate the collection time of seeds, approximate time of sowing and alleged gear.

Before sowing, it is necessary to check the seeds for the germination. It is possible to remove poor-quality seeds, placing all sowing material in salted water for 3 - 5 minutes.

High-quality will be devastated to the bottom, poor-quality can be splashing directly with water, all the same those that remained on the surface will not sprout.

Wrong watering

Delay the appearance of sprouts can wrong watering. If we cut the land, it will break through the grains, having deprived it. This is especially dangerous if the soil is not very light, contains a lot of clay.
Too dense soil may require great effort from germinating seed, even the showering by more than 1.5 cm can be a problem that postponing germination for several days. Not in vain recommended grains not to push, but simply decompose on wet ground, fall asleep in general dry ground.

Incorrect temperature

The temperature is most comfortable for the appearance of spheres, the temperature ranges from +25 to +28 degrees. It is at such a temperature that they will appear after 5 - 10 days, unless, of course, the soil temperature is the same. More low temperature It will delay shoots, below +18 degrees can even deprive the hopes for their appearance, as well as above +30 degrees.

Video "Sowing seeds to seedlings"

From the video you will learn how to sow eggplant seeds to seed out.

Immediately I confess: I do not like eggplants and grow them only from scientific and aesthetic interest. They are very demanding on the conditions of cultivation and besides beautiful - so it's worth tinkering with them, even if they do not eat them. In this article, I will tell you in detail about how I do this and give some recommendations from educational literature and specialized periodicals for professional vegetables.

Selection of varieties

For several recent years I grow three varieties and one hybrid:

  • "Diamond";
  • "Black Handsome";
  • "King of the North";
  • "Epic" F1.

Sometimes I add the fifth for the sake of the experiment, but in 2018 I will not, because the big sowing of barberries is planned, and the plot is not rubber. By the way, no "fifth" was not yet better listed above.

Dates of sowing eggplant to seedlings

Ranger varieties from the appearance of complete germs to the technical ripeness of fruits takes place about 100 ... 119 days, at the secondary-120..140, and all this time the temperature should be about 25 ... 27 degrees during the day and slightly lower at night. In most regions of Russia, this weather is only in July, and all summer together with cold rainy days lasts 100 days. Therefore, we plant an open soil or greenhouses are already quite adulted seedlings. The optimal age is 70 ... 75 days.

Eggplant landed at a permanent place when the threat of return freezers passes. In the Moscow region they are usually planted from June 1 to 10 under light shelter, and 5 ... 10 days earlier - to greenhouses from polycarbonate. In open ground in conditions Middle strip Eggplants do not always have time to give a normal harvest.

So, for the cultivation of the seedlings, we need about 70 ... 75 days + 12 days should be laid on the germination of seeds. In this way, optimal deadlines Seed landing - 2 and 3 decades of March. I sow eggplant on March 10 - even if the beginning of June is cold, seedlings will not turn.

In Siberia and in the Urals, sowing time is shifted even more - there eggplants are often sown in February.

Preparation of soil mixture

I am preparing a soil for planting eggplant at the seedlings in the fall. The mixture consists of humus, compost (actually leafy land), large career sand and neutralized peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1. In fact, it is not because it is the only one possible variantAnd because I have these components. Compost can be replaced with turf, and peat peat apart. If there is no humoring, you can add a similar amount of humus instead.

The resulting mixture is better to leave on open air until spring. It will freeze, dishonor, it will go normal for soil processes, etc. In such a carved mixture of seedlings, it grows better than in cooked immediately before sowing.

Two weeks before sowing eggplants, the prepared primer must be transferred to the heated room. Before the size of the soil according to the boxes, I add mineral fertilizers - Ammonium sulfate, sulfate potassium and dual superphosphate. All in the amount of tablespoons with a slide on a big bucket.


Is it possible to use the finished soil?

You can, if you are confident in his quality. With this, domestic producers have problems.


The same soil mixture is suitable for. In principle, seedling other vegetable crops also grows well in it. This is a universal lightweight mixture - it provides a favorable air and aqueous mode, has optimal acidity and contains everything necessary for the development of young plants.

Capacity selection and preparation

Capacity for seedlings of eggplant should have a depth of at least 10 cm. In the bottom it is necessary to do drainage holes. If it is impossible to make holes, a 1.5-minute drainage layer is placed on the bottom ... 2 cm. It is best to use clamzite, but gravel or large sand is also suitable. I still do the holes.

So, we fall asleep in the container - it is necessary to pour so much so that the pot or box remains to the edge or a box. Two days before seeding, I abundantly watering the soil with water.

On the day of sowing the soil, it is necessary to mix again, then neatly align and slightly seal. For this purpose, you can use the usual way.

Treatment of soil of fungicides

I know that many authors recommend shedding a mixture with a dark solution of mangalls or biofungsides, but they do not use them. In light soil mixture with favorable air regime Root rotes are developing extremely rare. Therefore, two days before sowing, I just abundantly watering it with water.

Preparation of eggplant seeds to sowing

  1. If the seeds are processed in advance (dried), they can only warm them in a dry way. In addition, carefully split a pair of dragee, make sure that the seeds are there.
  2. If you plant raw seeds, I recommend using warming up and driving. In many sources, bubbling is also recommended, but it seems to me, it is advisable to apply it only for the very rare seeds (when everyone is on all gold) or on large volumes (when + 2% of the germination give decent savings).

Eggplazan seed riffling

I did not find any scientific work in which effectiveness would be assessed in different ways Drancing. Textbooks for vegetable growing and authoritative publications recommend the following options:

  • Soaking in 1% warranny solution for 20 minutes, then washing clean water And drying.
  • Soaking in solution that contains 1% of manganese and 0.5% boric acid for 20 minutes. After soaking, the seeds are washed and dried.
  • Soaking in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide at a temperature of about 45 ° C - it is believed that the peroxide not only disinfects the seeds, but also increases the germination and energy of germination. Tomatoes really have such publications. It is not necessary to rinse, the peroxide is quickly destroyed.
  • Soaking in phytiolyavine solution with a concentration of 0.3%.

I use potassium permanganate, simply because it is more accessible and guaranteed effective.

Heating eggplant seeds

Dry seed warming is carried out for 30 minutes at a temperature of about 45 ... 50ºС. After that, the seeds are cooled at room temperature.

Wet heating is carried out in water with a temperature of 50 ... 55ºС for 30 minutes. After that, the seeds are cooled with water room temperature and dried. It is advisable to warm up to sowing or soaking.

Is it possible to check the germination of eggplant seeds, immersing them in salty water?

It is believed that the full-fledged seeds will drown, and empty, unsuitable for planting will pop up. This is not quite so. First, in my experience, the essential part of the surrounding seeds is also sprouting - simply because they can be light for various reasons. Secondly, the seeds of the second and subsequent years of storage is changing density, and often almost everything pops up. In general, if you need to check the germination of the batch of eggplant seeds, it is better to just germinate them on Marle.

Depth of sealing and landing scheme

The depth of the seal is 0.5 ... 1 cm. Deeper than 1.5 cm close definitely.

Planting scheme - 2 x 4 cm. If you plan to sow eggplant into common boxes, the seedlings will later have to disassemble (so-called dicing). You can immediately plant seeds into individual pots of 0.5 liters. The capacity of a smaller volume is uncomfortable, because loose soil dries in them too quickly.

After sowing

Eggplant - a thermo-loving plant: at temperatures below 15ºС, its seeds do not germinate at all, but optimal temperature For germination, seeds is 25 ... 27ºС with soil moisture of about 80%. If you simply put a box with a future seedlings on the windowsill, such conditions will not achieve. Therefore, after sowing, the seeds should be sprinkled with soil and pour with warm water from the spray.

Then the boxes and pots are covered with glass or film and put in the warmest place - in the usual urban apartment it is located in the bathroom under the bathroom.

In the future, the boxes are revealed daily to air the soil and, if necessary, pour it out. After the first germs appear (they usually appear on 8 ... 12 day after sowing) boxes are transferred to the lightest place and are additionally shoved.

Eggplants are loved, probably many dackets. Therefore, even a beginner will be able to grow these wonderful and useful vegetables on its site, if you find out some of the peculiarities of their cultivation. Let's talk about these secrets in our article. Surely even experienced gardeners learn something from it for themselves.

Popular Methods for Growing this Culture

In this publication, it is worth learn about the preparation of eggplant seeds to land on seedlings. Eggplant appeared from India, but very loved and got widespread. Since this culture is southern, it is thermal-loving and does not tolerate even small cooling, and also loves abundant watering. The soil respects light and rich. Therefore, to create all these conditions for growing an Indian guest is your task to get a rich harvest.

Like any vegetable, eggplant can be raised in such ways:

  • Sun seeds into the soil.
  • Grow seedlings from seeds.

But since it develops eggplant of any varieties, including hybrid, for quite a long time, almost anywhere in our country, planting seeds in open ground is not practicing. But to grow it to seedlings - this is exactly what we will be about to tell.

Since its seedlings does not tolerate lowering the temperature below +10 -12, do not even think to grow it at + 15.

From the first germs to ripening fruit passes on average, four months, and this is with properly prepared soil. So that open way It is possible to grow eggplants only in the southern regions of Russia. And even there, many gardeners still prefer to start growing seedlings, remembering the capricious character of this vegetable.

So how to prepare correct seeds for growing

A note is worth to take several options for disinfection and soaking seeds, although each experienced gardener can have their own characteristics and secrets in this matter.

Interesting fact: eggplant growing technique and bulgarian pepper Almost the same, they may even grow in neighboring beds, but it's not worth putting them into place at all. The quality of future seedlings directly depends on the quality of the preparatory work.

What time frame is to sow.

If we consider the appropriate time, then you should not trust instructions on the package. Climatic conditions All over the country are different, and cultivation and harvest depend on them directly. Therefore, not trusting the instructions and the Internet, we look at:

  • Climate features in the region.
  • The timing of ripening of this variety.
  • Open or closed cultivation methods are recommended to this variety.

From landing seeds to the ground before disembarking, the seedlings in the prepared place takes place on average 60 - 70 days. Therefore, it is very important to comply with certain conditions. Experts believe that the seedlings planted on a permanent place after 70 - 80 days, the strings are larger, and therefore the yield in general will be higher, so the seedlings to plant better at this age. But also pay attention to the ripening rate of the selected variety.

Select the seed containers and select the right soil.

Above, we have already mentioned the demanding of this vegetable to the soil. So for seedlings it is worth cooking special mix. Now the gloodniks have now acquired peat tablets. They are very comfortable, especially if you choose their size and their pH, and not to dry out.

The best acidity for eggplant is 6.0 - 6.7. So for the soil, it is also worth sticking to these parameters.

And you can still mix the soil according to the following scheme:

  • 2 parts of high-quality purchased soil.
  • 2 parts peat.
  • 1 part of the calcined river sand.
  • 2 parts compost.

You can add to it a little - slight ash and superphosphate as a fertilizer. All this thoroughly mix and decompose into prepared forms. The form can even be ordinary plastic cups. Of these, it will be very convenient to transplanted bushes, the root system of which does not tolerate damage, which may accidentally turn out when transplanting from a total container. Different varieties need to be separated from each other, as they can vary.

We are preparing seeds to sow.

The best season for buying seeds is January - February - months. In February, you can already land seeds to obtain seedlings. Before buying, it is worth the most careful way to get acquainted with the characteristics of the variety and the method of its cultivation.

In conscientious manufacturers, seeds are already high-qualityly processed and they are not necessarily pushing at home again. You can immediately plant them into the moistened soil and irrigate from the sprayer as needed. But just in case we will analyze the process of preparing seeds, who knows, suddenly come in handy.

If you yourself get seeds for subsequent landing, be sure to specify the year of collection. If the seeds were stored for more than four years, then they should not be planted, so the germination of them is already in question.
The following stages include the following steps in the preparation of seeds to land

  • Disinfection.
  • Processing growth stimulant.
  • Germination.

The third point can not be used if you are confident in the manufacturer of seeds and the quality of its products. But in any case, the preparation starts with disinfection. Consider a couple of the easiest and most common ways.

First. Let the thermal and chemical processing scheme.

Our seeds are placed in very warm water (+50 - 52c) and keep there at least 25 - 30 minutes, without removing the dishes from the warm place, so that the water does not cooled over time.

  1. Then immediately put the seeds for 2 - 3 minutes in cold water.
  2. In a 0.01% solution of potassium humate or sodium, we withstand them for at least a day at room temperature.
  3. Second. They used our grandmothers, so he is most common.
  4. In the solution of 1.5% of the mangartee with the seeds of 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse seeds, all this is done in room temperature.
  6. You can also additionally place them in the epin solution, acting according to the instructions. But still, with the second way, the infection inside the seed can remain.

After disinfection of our seeds, you can go further processing for better growth and development.

To improve the growth of eggplant seedlings, you can apply the following tools:

  • "Baikal M1"
  • "Novosil".
  • "Ideal".

If these are not, then in the store you will definitely recommend their analogue. If the seeds were treated with a growth stimulus, then you can not germinate them. IN otherwise We put the seeds in gauze and wait for their germs.

Eggplazhan seeds have one curious feature - in addition to the solid shell, they still have protective filmwhich prevents germination. Otherwise, in nature, hitting the ground, they would sprout in the fall. But it is this film that does not give the course to this process. And therefore in February and March you can wait for shoots for a very long time, and the processing of growth stimulants makes sense.

Now you know how to prepare eggplant seeds to landing. But in addition to the above information, it is recommended to consider some more advice.

The abundance of light is an important factor for the germination and further growth of the seeds, so we put our cups with seeds planted into the illuminated 12 hours (as a rule, artificially) place, and by the next 12 hours we remove them into the shaded place with a slight decrease in temperature, all mimics them Further stay in a permanent location with more natural conditions ambient. Phytolampa for lighting will be as impossible by the way. You will understand that your seedlings are not enough light on the thin, stretching into the height of stalks.

When watering cannot be used cold water. Only warm and estate day! Observe the watering mode as drying soil, and the death-filled eggplant of death is similar! BUT cold water It may become a source of infection for rapid plants.

Despite the fact that the eggplant is considered a capricious plant, if adhere to the instructions on the packaging and tips of the experienced gardens, do not be lazy to support favorable conditions, then you will succeed and the harvest will be prevented in the best possible way!