What flowers can be planted in the fall in the cemetery. What flowers can be planted in a cemetery: unpretentious and hardy varieties with a description and photo

Vera Vasilyeva asked what flowers to plant in her parents' cemetery:
“The fact is that there is no time to take care of the cemetery, but I want the plants to always look well-groomed. Tell me if you can plant some perennials. There are no other plantings like trees or bushes. "

Most people carry live flowers to the graves of relatives and friends, and some also carry seedlings to plant in flower girls. This topic is quite delicate, but there are some unwritten rules about choosing and planting plants in a cemetery.

In most cases, thuja or juniper, white-trunk birches and thin trembling aspens are chosen for planting on graves, but it is better not to plant trees on modern large-sized trees, unless dwarf varieties... Trees with powerful roots can damage graves, and trees that have fallen during strong winds- smash the monuments.

Among the flowering plants, there are also plants that symbolize mourning, and you can figure out exactly which flowers to plant so that they bloom all summer. For example, iris for many centuries was considered a funeral flower, and calendula translated from German means "flower of the dead". It is customary to plant it also because its flowers do not fade. The Germans plant sunflowers in the cemetery in memory of the deceased soldiers.

Among the inhabitants of Greece, the violet is considered a symbol of sadness. Probably, the tradition began from them - to plant Wittrock's violet on the graves. And from old Russian traditions it is customary to plant strawberries. Here you can see how to plant strawberries. Its berries are not eaten, but left to the birds. This goes back to the pagan period, when the first berry found in the forest was put on a stump so that the birds would carry it to the souls of the departed.

Before planting flowers on the grave, you need to find out what kind of soil is in the cemetery: black soil, sand or clay - and how much there is a sufficient amount of sun rays, since the choice of which flowers can be planted depends on this. Some of them can grow without problems in shady areas, develop without water, and some - vice versa. Also, there is no need to acquire rare varieties of plants, they can simply be dug up, today people are not afraid to do this at all.

Let's take a look at different ways to plant flowers.

In the form of a carpet

Choosing which flowers can be planted in the cemetery, you need to pay attention to those weaving along the ground and creating an elegant carpet of greenery. These plants include periwinkle, blooming with graceful blue flowers from the very beginning of the spring period, and from July it pleases with bright greenery. Advantage this flower- this is that it completely blocks the growth of weeds, giving the grave a beautiful, well-groomed appearance... The disadvantage is that this plant can crawl to neighboring territories, from which the relatives of people who rest in nearby places may not be delighted.

Like bundles

An excellent solution is to plant flowers on the grave, growing in bunches - iris or daffodil. By the way, the first is considered to be a funeral flower, so it is appropriate in cemeteries. It is necessary to plant such beams next to each other so that the soil is not visible. They bloom from about early spring to the end of May.

Choosing plants for the grave, you can see which ones the buried person liked, and plant these particular crops as a sign of respect. However, again, you need to take into account how whimsical they are to care for. For example, roses are unlikely to be able to take root on the meager graveyard soil, and the grave will look poor and unkempt.

What flowers are suitable for a cemetery?

Flowers on the grave should not be full of their own variety, although you can pick up such as periwinkle, so that the ground is covered with a green carpet, and above it there were blue-blue small flowers. In the photo below you can see this option. This type of plant will not allow weeds to break through the dense root system of periwinkle. Early daffodils, irises and tulips feel great without watering. They grow in bunches, that is, on Radonitsa you do not need to purchase artificial bouquets to decorate the grave.

Sun-loving cultures

If the grave is under constant sunlight, then plants should be chosen for which the following conditions are acceptable:

  • iris. This is one of the surest options for planting in a cemetery;
  • violet and pansies. These are the most unpretentious varieties of decorative flowers that are best suited for a grave. They delight with their decorative shape for a long period of time. Moreover, such flowers are unpretentious.
  • we cannot visit graves every week to weed graves, especially when it’s summer, so do not pass by low-growing perennials - calendula, echinacea and rudbeckia. Curbs from sedum, low phlox look great.

If you have time to clean up cemeteries a couple of times throughout the year, consider planting in spring with daffodils and tulips. They begin to bloom immediately after the snow melts, in particular, it is nice to see how bright green shoots appear from under last year's foliage, which brighten up the still bare unsightly soil. Special attention pay attention to the flowers of dwarf forms, because the size of the fence does not allow them to grow in breadth.

Perennial flowers

The most optimal and unpretentious variant of plants is perennials. They will be able to bloom for years without requiring constant and careful care. This category, in turn, is subdivided into several more types.

Tall perennials

We plant tall plants at the edges near the fence so that they do not obscure the monument or tombstone. Hosta, ostrich feather fern, tall hybrid irises, tall phlox, goldenrod, astilba - these representatives of the plant world will be an excellent solution for edging and planting around the perimeter. You can see this option in the photo below.

Stunted perennials

Among the stunted plants, we take a group of ephemeroids (spring and autumn) - dwarf tulips, crocuses, woodlands, crocuses, and muscari. It must be borne in mind that they are decorative only during flowering. But dwarf irises, which grow to about 18 centimeters in height, monetary loosestrife, saxifrage can bloom in the spring, but remain green throughout the season.

The advantage of herbaceous perennials is that they do not need to be renewed annually. Through vegetative reproduction, they cope with this moment on their own. For planting in a cemetery, you can use both tall perennials and medium or short ones.

Important: when planting flowers on a grave, it is necessary to take into account that rhizome perennials, thanks to the branched rhizome, can grow strongly, therefore this process must be constantly monitored by digging out excess shoots.

Layout and arrangement of the burial site

A grave in a cemetery is like a garden where memories of a person live, so planning can be quite an emotional moment that is filled with a special mood. Whether this kind of garden becomes ascetic, with only one grave, or a classic family burial with a couple of places, a bench, flower vases and candlesticks - it depends on the taste of the person who equips it.

Drawing up a plan for the burial site:

  1. Burial place

Let's see again where our kindergarten is located. A hill, a coniferous or deciduous forest, a depression, a sunny or shaded place - all this determines the selection of materials and colors. To have easy care, you need to think about all the points. If only coniferous varieties of trees grow near the grave, then the falling needles will clog the pebbles, so we will choose a different coating - it can be sand, slabs, and so on. If there is a dusty road nearby, then the polished monument will soon lose its beautiful appearance. If the soil is acidic, then we plant plants that like these conditions. When choosing flowers, we take into account how often you can water them. These are just examples of what to look out for.

You can sketch out a location in a graveyard and jot down layout ideas on paper. So it will be clearer right away. The place between the graves is covered with sand or grants, in rare cases you can choose a lawn, pebbles, mulch. You do not need to cover everything with the material, but only where you walk, place large plates or make a path of smaller tiles. It is better to coordinate the material and color of the coating with the monument.

  1. Color spectrum

Color choices are also important, but don't get carried away with vibrant colors. It is better to have several shades and some bright accent... Background mostly green color, it can be combined with gray, purple and pink. For an accent, yellow, white, red are well suited. These flowers will always look great on a darker background. In a sunny area, they always stand out bright colours, and on the shaded one - light.

You can make the memorial site like a green lawn with a tombstone, a candle area, and a flower vase. Then there will be no need to worry that something has not been weeded out, not watered, thereby giving time that can be spent on caring for the cemetery, living loved ones, in order to talk and remember the events associated with the departed.

  1. Plant selection

The choice of plants is very difficult, because you always want something new. However, here, as in any personal plot, it is necessary to select plants that fit one another in color, style, texture and size. Fragrant thyme grows in sunny areas and looks good with undersized coniferous bushes.

You don't need to pick up capricious plants for the cemetery. Here it is necessary to plant unpretentious, not requiring special care and blooming at different times. You can see what grows on nearby graves so that it becomes clear how they look and feel in this place. Remember that the ground is acidic under the pine trees, and alkaline under the deciduous trees.

What to plant in a cemetery? Ground cover plants are mainly planted in these places. An important point: you can easily pick up needles and fallen leaves from them. You can also plant plants that themselves quickly multiply by shoots and do not grow very much, but these need to be limited regularly. Bulbous ones will also feel good here - daffodils, muscari, scilla, snowdrops and so on.

Subject to all the conditions of choice, you can decorate the grave of the deceased with beautiful cultures that will remind you of the person and make associations with this place more pleasant. You can enjoy the scent of beautiful plants, while remembering a loved one.

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Flowers are always brought to the grave of a deceased person, giving him the last memory. This tradition is adhered to in every country, regardless of religion and customs.

The burial place is often decorated with unpretentious perennial plants that do not require a lot of moisture. They can go without sunlight for a long time and grow all summer. The choice of such plants is very large, but you need to choose only the most suitable ones in order to adhere to age-old traditions and not break them.

What plants are best for decorating a grave?

Before you start decorating the grave, you need to determine the type of soil. She may be:

  • Sandy;
  • Clayey;
  • Chernozem.

In addition, you need to understand whether there will be enough sunlight for good plant growth. The choice of a variety of flowers for planting largely depends on this.

Exists unpretentious plants that are able to grow in the worst conditions, when there is no water and little sun.

You should not plant very rare plants in the burial place. They might just be dug people who aren't afraid to steal from the cemetery.

Carpet plants

When choosing flowers for planting in a cemetery, it is worth thinking about plants that are free to weave on the ground. They will create a very nice looking green carpet. The most suitable plant of this kind may be periwinkle.

The plant begins to bloom bright blue flowers in early spring, and with the onset of hot July, decorates the grave with lush green grass. The advantages of this flower include its ability to completely clog weeds growing nearby. The grave takes on a beautiful and well-groomed appearance,

The disadvantage is the ability of the plant to crawl to neighboring graves. Not all relatives of the other deceased may like this.

Bunch flowers

At the grave, flowers growing in bunches feel great. These include:

  • Iris;
  • Narcissus.

Note that iris has always been considered a funeral flower... It is suitable for planting on the grave of the deceased.

Such bunch flowers should be planted next to each other, with a minimum gap. It is desirable that the flowers completely cover the ground. The flowering of such plants begins in early spring and lasts until early June.


In addition to flowers, other types of plants can be planted on the grave. For example, small tree or a bush, will be an excellent decoration for the grave of the deceased. Of the wide variety of such plants, the most suitable for a cemetery are:

  • Juniper;
  • Aspen;
  • Thin birch.

Flowers that are suitable for planting in a cemetery

In the countries of the East, irises, called the flowers of the dead... However, over the years of tradition different nations strongly intertwined. That is why so many people visit the grave, bringing these purple flowers with them.

The Greeks express their sadness for the deceased with a dark violet or pansies. The traditional plant for expressing grief for a deceased person among the Germans is a sunflower.

Since ancient times, in Russia, the grave was decorated with strawberries. They were eaten by birds, symbolizing grief for the deceased. Of course, if it is very important to preserve symbolism and traditions, it is better to stick to your own choice.

However, you must always remember that any plant on the grave must be unpretentious, it must remain decorative for a long time. After all, we are not able to visit the grave very often to weed it. Therefore it is best plant perennial plants, low form. These include:

  • Echinacea;
  • Calendula;
  • Rudbeckia.

Curbs grown from phlox or sedum look great.

If there is an opportunity to visit the cemetery several times a year, you can think about planting spring flowers at the grave:

  • Tulips;
  • Narcissists;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Sandboxes.

These plants begin to bloom as soon as the snow cover completely disappears. Their green shoots will adorn the grave in early spring when the ground around is bare and unsightly. The grave is worth paying more attention to dwarf plants... The lattice of the fence will not give them the opportunity to start growing in breadth.

What is more important: the shape of the flower or its flowering?

The grave should not look very colorful from the planted flowers. Of course, you can create a green carpet from periwinkle, over which blue flowers will sway in the wind. The periwinkle herb will kill all weeds and prevent them from disturbing the beautiful appearance.

At the grave always very little moisture... The most suitable colors in this case would be:

  • Daffodils;
  • Tulips;
  • Irises.

These plants grow in bunches, therefore, the parent does not have to purchase artificial bouquets to decorate the grave.

I must say that the land in the cemetery is very poor, she never saw fertilizers. This is mainly clay and loam, so it is simply impossible to grow beautiful roses on it.

Best to be planted on the grave:

  • Juniper;
  • Aspen;
  • Decorative birch;

These plants have a shallow root system. It does not damage the monument. Trees take root well, they do not require any special maintenance.

If there is absolutely no time to care for the plants, you can plant a field bent around the perimeter of the grave. This small herb requires that the tops be pinched off only once a season.

To decorate a grave located in a cemetery, where little sunlight falls, you can plant:

  • Scylla;
  • Tiarella;
  • Daisies;
  • Waldstein;
  • Snowdrops.
  • Cloves;
  • Gypsophila;
  • Armenia;
  • Yarrow;
  • Alissum;
  • Thyme;
  • Decorative spurge.

If you carry out constant care of the grave, you can easy to grow annual plants... It is enough to constantly water and weed them. Fresh flowers on the grave will remind each person that his soul is immortal.

In any country, they bring to the grave of a deceased person beautiful flowers, in order to give him the last memory. And this is not connected with any particular religion or custom.

To decorate the grave, perennial flowers for the cemetery that are not demanding in care are often used, which do not need a lot of water for normal growth. They grow throughout summer period and do not need a well-lit place. There are quite a few types of these plants, but it is worth planting only the most suitable ones on the grave in order to avoid violating age-old traditions.

The most suitable plants for decorating graves

To begin with, you should find out exactly what type of soil is on the grave, namely:

  • clayey;
  • sandy;
  • black earth.

You also need to determine what kind of illumination on the grave: a large amount sunlight or partial shade. This will affect the choice of plant variety. There are plants that are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. They are not afraid of partial shade and drought.

Carpet plants

For decorating the grave, those plants that weave along the surface of the ground are excellent. Over time, they will grow and form a beautiful "green carpet". Periwinkle recommended as a carpet plant most suitable for planting in a cemetery.

At the very beginning of the spring period, very cute flowers bloom on the periwinkle, painted in a rich blue color... In July, the grave will be covered with lush, bright green grass. Such a flower is able to suppress the growth of weeds. Thanks to him, the grave always looks neat and well-groomed.

However, periwinkle has advantages and disadvantages, in addition to the fact that it grows quite strongly and is able to move to a neighboring grave.

Bunch flowers

Plants that grow in bunches are excellent for cemeteries, for example:

  • narcissus;
  • iris.

Iris at all times was considered a mourning plant. In this regard, it can be safely planted on the grave.

It is recommended to plant such plants on the grave as close to each other as possible, while it is better not to leave empty spaces between the bushes. It is best that these bunch flowers cover the entire surface of the grave. They bloom in early spring. In the first days of June, their flowering ends.


If you don't want to plant flowers, then you might consider replacing them with other plants. So, for example, a compact tree or shrub is perfect for this. The best choices for planting in a cemetery would be:

  • juniper;
  • thin-stemmed birch;
  • aspen.

You should not plant large trees in the cemetery, the fact is that their powerful root system can spoil the monument, and this will also deprive the possibility of burial next to this grave of another deceased.

Flowers suitable for decorating a grave

In eastern countries, irises have long been called "flowers of the dead." But for a long time, the traditions of different peoples have mixed, and in this regard, now a large number of people are striving to take beautiful purple iris flowers with them to the cemetery.

In Greece, it is customary to put pansies or a dark violet on the grave of the deceased. And the Germans, in order to express their sadness for the deceased, use sunflower flowers.

Also in ancient Russia there was a tradition to use strawberry bushes to decorate the grave. The ripe berries were pecked by birds, and this was a symbol of sadness for the deceased person. If you wish not to break the tradition, it is recommended to choose yourself what suits you best in this situation.

However, when choosing suitable plants, it must be borne in mind that they must be unpretentious. And also such flowers should retain their attractive appearance for a long time. The fact is that rarely does anyone have the time to frequently visit a cemetery to take care of flowers and remove weeds. Experts advise to opt for compact perennials. For example:

  • calendula;
  • echinacea;
  • rudbeckia.

Sedums or phloxes can be used to form grave borders. They will look very beautiful and will keep their shape for a long time.

You can also decorate the grave with lovely flowers that bloom in the spring. However, this is only if you have the opportunity to visit the cemetery several times a year. So, for planting you can use:

  • daffodils;
  • sandboxes;
  • tulips;
  • forget-me-nots.

After the snow has melted almost completely in the spring, these plants will begin to bloom. They will decorate the grave at a time when it will be gray and dull everywhere. If you planted dwarf flowers in the cemetery, then they should definitely be given large quantity attention. The fact is that if there is a fence on the grave, then these flowers will not be able to grow in breadth.

What to look for: flowering or flower shape?

Remember that plants should be planted so that during their flowering the grave does not look very variegated, but neat. So, an excellent option would be to plant a periwinkle, which will create a beautiful "green carpet", and also plant cute blue flowers. In this case, the grave will look well-groomed throughout the season, because the periwinkle will prevent weeds from growing.

Also, when choosing a plant suitable for planting, it should be borne in mind that it must necessarily be drought-resistant. The fact is that on the grave itself there is almost always a low moisture content. So, to the plants, drought tolerant, relate:

  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • irises.

Such flowers are bunchy and look very beautiful during flowering. In the spring, it will be possible not to spend money on the parent's on artificial bouquets, since such flowers can completely replace them.

It should be remembered that the soil on the grave is in almost all cases poor, since no one has ever fertilized it. Often it is loam or clay. In this regard, it is simply not suitable for growing, for example, a rose bush.

  • aspen;
  • juniper;
  • decorative birch.

The roots of such trees do not go deep into the soil, so they are not capable of damaging the monument. Such plants have a high survival rate, and they grow and develop normally without any human intervention.

In the event that you have absolutely no time to visit the cemetery in order to provide care for the planted plants, it is recommended to plant a bent field along the perimeter of the grave. Such small grass only needs to pinch off the tops once a year and that's it.

For shaded graves, plants such as:

  • thiarella;
  • waldstein;
  • scilla;
  • daisies;
  • snowdrops.

The most drought-resistant plants suitable for decorating the grave are:

  • gypsophila;
  • yarrow;
  • decorative spurge;
  • Carnation;
  • Armenia;
  • alissum;
  • thyme.

If there is time for a relatively frequent visit to the cemetery, then it is quite possible to plant annuals on the grave. However, they need to be watered regularly and weeds removed.

The sacred and spiritual significance of cemeteries, resting places of ancestors and people dear to us, blessed memory and sorrow, many associate not only with majestic tombstones, but also plants that transform gloomy landscapes and fill them with a special atmosphere. A tribute to the memory, special respect for the departed, the desire to worthily honor their contribution to our lives ... To plant flowers on graves and decorate the territory adjacent to the tombstone, everyone pushes something of their own. But special beauty and symbolism turns any plant into a sacred instrument, fills fresh flowers with new meaning. Not all cultures are equally good at tackling this daunting task. But there are plants more than appropriate for graves.

Flowers of memory. Plants that can be planted on the grave

  • Principles for the selection of plants for landscaping a grave
  • Noble textures of ground covers
  • Plants for flowering accents on the grave

Principles for the selection of plants for landscaping a grave

Cultures that are suitable for sacred use, planting on graves and cemetery grounds have one amazing thing in common - simplicity and subtle yet expressive beauty. Most often, we notice in cemeteries pretty, familiar from childhood plants, which are especially expensive and especially emotional.

The grave has no place for pretentious exotics, catchy "aristocrats" and curiosities, colorful and unrestrained flower beds.

For such a special place, completely different cultures are needed, “merged” with our culture and memory, endowed with special significance for millennia. You must have noticed that even in the failed years at the cemetery, those plants that wither in city flower beds and in our gardens bloom in a particularly magnificent and solemn way. Perhaps the key to everything is in the meaning that we give them, in a special symbolism, in the fact that each plant is more than just a beautiful flower.

When choosing flowers for the grave, consider what preferences for plants the deceased had, whether certain cultures were especially dear to his heart. If you cannot make a choice according to this parameter, then choose cultures that fascinate you, awaken special emotions and seem to you the most touching. Choose plants with your heart - and you will definitely find the right one. Be discreet, concise, respectful. If you decide to plant flowers on the grave, making it thus well-groomed and beautiful, then you must not forget that the main thing is not showiness, but a sense of proportion and tact.

The color palette also matters. Green or silvery green should be the main, dominant color. Blooming accents are set using white, blue, and red and pure pink shades. Warm, sunny colors are used less often, but they are not at all banned: here it is better to rely on intuition than on certain standards.

But despite the fact that the choice of plants for graves should be more emotional, under no circumstances should you forget about practicality. Plants will grow in a limited amount of soil, often quite specific - sandy or clayey in composition, depleted, of poor quality, far from the best in terms of looseness and drainage, almost always dry. And in order to survive in the ground, plants must be, first of all, unpretentious and hardy.

For landscaping tombstones, it is better to use perennial plants that can grow for decades without transplanting and dividing. And, of course, all plants must have frost resistance corresponding to the growing region. An important parameter that you simply must take into account when choosing is how often you visit the cemetery.

After all, if you live far away and rarely visit the grave, planting fast-growing ground covers can result in their uncontrolled spread. And plants requiring constant care will die.

In this case, it is better to choose conifers, including creeping junipers, which will forever keep the memory and not lose their beauty.

Perennial flowers in the cemetery

The crops that are used in landscaping in cemeteries can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Tapeworms - shrubs and trees that frame the monument, decorate the area around it. Such plants are never planted on the grave, they are placed as a background for a tombstone, to create a harmonious balance between a massive structure and the environment, they are used in the design of neighboring territories. But even in this case, compact trees and shrubs that do not have deep roots are chosen - yew, pine, barberries, hydrangea, viburnum, weeping birch, derain white.
  2. Perennials that create a continuous covering on tombstones, carpet and texture crops.
  3. Seasonal accents - both perennials and annuals, designed to decorate the grave at certain times of the year, playing the role of living bouquets.

Noble textures of ground covers

The main, basic plants for decorating the graves were and remain ground covers. And it's not just about their ability to fill the soil and create coverings that look like luxurious carpets, which are very decorative. These plants are not afraid of close proximity, are able to adapt well, do not require weeding from weeds and constant care, but at the same time they are well controlled.

Phlox subulate(Phlox subulata) creates very decorative pillows in sunny places. He is modest and unassuming, grows well, undersized. The spring splash of color gives way to the serene beauty of the carpet the rest of the year. This plant will take root well both in large and small areas, it goes well with granite and marble.

Byzantine chastetz(Stachys byzantine) is another favorite. Its noble silvery-velvety foliage on the tombstones seems especially solemn, calm, constant. Like a luxurious fabric, the chastetz masks the soil and symbolizes unshakable values, eternal memory. One of the advantages of this perennial can rightfully be called the ability to look equally good in the sun and in partial shade.

It brings similar silvery textures to graves and yaskolka, but it has a much brighter flowering, modest, pretty, simple. But the greens of the chickweed are not so spectacular, and the ability to grow only in the sun is inferior to the chisel. Yaskolku(Cerastium) is best used as a border plant.

Iberis evergreen (Iberis sempervirens). © Dean Morley Herbal clove (Dianthus deltoides). © T. MA Vinca. © godpasta

A calm but neat background forms and Iberis evergreen(Iberis sempervirens), and other classic species of this plant. Its dark, vibrant greens and frothy blooms appear both modest and dressy at the same time. This plant is able to tolerate partial shading, allows for classic color palette and modest beauty.

Tenacious creeping(Ajuga reptans) has earned the title of one of the most unpretentious ground covers for a reason. It grows in dense sod, and the ability to choose leaves with in different shades green and purple colors allow you to create a soft noble background that does not distract attention from the spiritual. It is one of the best ground covers for filling soil, curbing weeds, and complementing more ceremonial parade accents.

In many countries, the periwinkle is considered the memorial plant. Periwinkle(Vinca minor) grows well in the shade, under the canopy of typical woody trees, often used in the design of cemeteries - birches, firs, cypress trees, thujas, rowan trees. It fears neither a lack of light nor a brighter location, grows relentlessly and has evergreen foliage. And the touching funnel-shaped flowers, competing with the spring sky with their dazzling blue, look especially piercing against the background of dark glossy foliage. This plant, considered a symbol of memory, eternal love, is endowed with magical and mythological significance and is more than appropriate in the design of cemeteries.

Also a symbol of immortality, like periwinkle, is considered one of the most versatile garden perennials - ivy, or curly(Hedera helix). It is able to curl and braid any surfaces and supports, forms surprisingly beautiful effects of green tombstones. But ivy needs control. He can easily hide everything under him, braid tombstones and spread to neighboring ones.

Juniper is prostrate, or horizontal (Juniperus horizontalis). © Kjeannette © Kulerina Common heather (Calluna vulgaris). © esta_ahi

From ground cover, you can also use in the design of graves:

  • creeping junipers(Juniperus) the most compact varieties;
  • beautiful shade-tolerant ground cover with very bright greenery European clefthoof(Asarum europaeum);
  • waldsteinia(Waldsteinia) with the same bright deciduous carpet and yellow flowers like buttercups;
  • saxifrage(Saxifraga), are able to help in landscaping even the most problematic areas, combining well with different types of stone and helping to drape the gravestone itself with touching shoots;
  • rejuvenated(Sempervivum), also growing even in extreme rocky or sandy soil.

Alternative to groundcover - able to fill the soil and create continuous sod garden perennials with increased endurance:

  • garden geraniums(Geranium) and their luxuriant foliage create a very beautiful backdrop and seem especially quivering;
  • host(Hosta) (expanding can fill the soil on the tombstone no worse than any ground cover);
  • stonecrops(Sedum) and cleaners(Hylotelephium), unpretentious, hardy, fast growing in carpet plantings, withstanding extreme drought and bright sun;
  • thyme(Thymus), fragrant, textural, very beautiful in carpet compositions and tolerates dryness well;
  • heathers(Calluna), which will help to arrange graves with acidic soil specific in composition and characteristics;
  • lavender(lavandula) with its aroma, calm and noble beauty;
  • a symbol of grief and sadness, long used in the design of graves wormwood(artemisia): their gray-silver foliage looks noble, and perfectly conveys sorrow and solemnity, noble sadness.

Plants for flowering accents on the grave

But even the best ground cover plants have a limited period of maximum decorative effect and rather short flowering times. To create a continuous flowering sequence on the grave, to place touching small accents that, like living bouquets, will serve as a symbol of the memory of the dead, bulbous accents and the most modest of garden flowering perennials should be added to the ground cover.

Spring has the largest selection of seasonal plants suitable for mood and atmosphere. Touching forms, laconicism and expressiveness, quivering fragility of favorite spring flowers seem to emphasize the passage of time, enhance the feeling of fragility of human life.

Optimal both in size and in unpretentiousness muscari(Muscari) - an option that will allow you to add touching accents and save yourself a lot of trouble. They are ideal for graves due to their color and miniature size, which does not detract from the ability to grow and look elegant.

But the choice is not limited only to muscari. Begonias(Begonia), primroses(Primula), croplands(Colchicum), lilies of the valley(Convallaria majalis), daffodils(Narcissus) compact varieties, violets(Viola) are also appropriate for landscaping tombstones. But tulips and other bulbs that need to be dug, it is better not to plant.

Primrose, or Primula (Primula). © Pascal Kestemont Mouse hyacinth, or Muscari. © MrSmartass Byzantine strawberry (Colchicum byzantinum). © Harry Harms

The second half of the year also has its own favorites. Poppies(Papaver), considered a symbol of sorrow and grief - a good choice for summer flowering accents, and when it comes to perennial and annual species.

No wonder he earned his popular name and gelichrisumimmortelle(Helichrysum). Yellow buds and silvery greens look very elegant, the plant has both simplicity and beauty of details. Dwarf varieties delphinium(Delphinium) look like living bouquets, strict, aristocratic and sad. Corresponds to the mood of cemeteries and prim-cold beauty lily(Lilium) and dwarf varieties daylilies(Hemerocallis). And at the end of summer, a seemingly unapproachable, somewhat severe anaphalis(Anaphalis).

Can be used in landscaping graves and dwarf or ground cover roses, which will give aristocratic restraint to the appearance of the tombstones and will look like living bouquets. Occasionally planted and peonies, both herbaceous and tree-like, but their place is not on the grave, but among tapeworms surrounded.

Boxwood looks good at any time of the year. Small trimmed spheres boxwood(Buxus) or other shrubs cut from this, symbolizing immortality, will help to place catchy, expressive, architectural accents on the graves.

Letniki are also used in the design of graves. They help to set accents and add color to beautiful greenery, keep the grave well-groomed and elegant, close bald spots and give special touching to plantings for symbolic dates.

Marigolds (Tagetes). © Rolf Müller © marim Eschscholzia. © randomtruth

The best of the annuals that can be planted at the grave:

  • pansies(viola tricolor), bright, elegant and touching at the same time;
  • daisies(bellis) with their modest beauty;
  • forget-me-nots(myosotis) with their quivering brightness and cuteness, symbolic and touching;
  • marigold(tagetes), symbolic plants that adorn graves in late summer and autumn;
  • garden carnation(dianthus caryophyllus), including herbal clove(dianthus deltoids), which reproduces well by self-seeding;
  • escholzia(eschscholzia) with their bright flower saucers and acicular greens with a cold color;
  • gomphrens(gomphrena) with a touching scattering of spherical cherry blossoms and other dried flowers.

Places where loved ones have found peace are of great spiritual and sacred significance. What plants to plant on the grave and in the flower garden? Fresh flowers will not only decorate the resting place, but also fill it with a special atmosphere. The role of natural plantings is that they symbolize reverence, a tribute to the memory of those who have passed away. Planting vegetation in flower girls is needed so that the burial site looks well-groomed. There are special plants that have been planted in cemeteries from time immemorial.

What flowers to plant on the grave

Rapid rhythm modern life does not leave much time for regular trips to the cemetery. As a result, many people prefer to decorate burial sites with perennials. It should always be remembered that the flowers on the grave should not be too large and bright. Periwinkle, for example, covers the grave flower girl with a solid carpet, over which small light blue bells bloom in early spring. It is also famous for the fact that it does not allow various weeds to take over the soil.

For centuries, irises, daffodils and tulips have been planted on graves. These perennial tuber-bulbous plants require little or no watering. Care comes down to timely pruning of withered leaves and replanting every 5-6 years.

The main rules for the selection of plants

When deciding what flowers are best to plant on the grave, one should be guided by fairly simple rules.

  1. Modest flowers are suitable for sacred use.
  2. It is not bad if the plants do not require regular maintenance, are unpretentious, and are resistant to drought.
  3. When choosing plants, you need to remember what the deceased loved. Each person has some favorite color shades. You can also rely on your own taste, because you are not strangers to the deceased, whose grave you are caring for.
  4. The main thing is a sense of proportion. Flowers in the churchyard should not look too flashy.
  5. Large trees should not be planted. Over time, they will grow and create problems for nearby graves. It often happens that trees or large branches fall on monuments and severely damage them. It is much better to plant dwarf varieties on the grave. White-trunk birches, thuja, juniper are perfect.
  6. Before planting something, ask what kind of soil is in the cemetery. Some plants like black soil, others like sandy soil, others like clayey.
  7. Certain types of flowers do not tolerate shaded areas, into which the rays of the sun practically do not break through.
  8. It is not recommended to purchase expensive varieties, they can simply be dug up for the purpose of resale.

All plants used for landscaping graves can be divided into four groups:
1. Mosses. Interest in mosses has grown significantly at the present time. They are extremely hardy, protect the soil from erosion, multiply easily, and prevent the growth of weeds. Moss is an evergreen organism, therefore it will decorate a flower garden all year round... In hot seasons, mosses simply switch to a state of sleep, and with the first raindrops they quickly wake up.
Among the many varieties of mosses, rejuvenating, sedum, subulate bryozoan (Irish moss) should be distinguished. These in their own way beautiful plants quite unpretentious, fit well into the cemetery landscape.
Mosses love shaded areas; it is recommended to add a little peat to the soil before planting.
2. Tapeworms- these are shrubs or small trees with which the burial site is planted. They create a certain background for the tombstone. ... The most popular are the following tapeworms:

  • barberry;
  • weeping willow;;
  • viburnum;
  • juniper;
3. Ground covers- perennial plants that create a continuous “carpet” on the flower garden. They are not afraid of the neighborhood with other colors and create a unique texture of the coating.
  • Phlox subulate forms a lush, undersized cushion of greenery. It perfectly takes root and grows, harmoniously combines with natural stone.
  • The Byzantine purse has noble velvet leaves. Their appearance contributes to the formation of a calm and solemn atmosphere.
  • Carestium is great for creating curbs. This framing plant thrives on both sunny and shaded areas.
  • The creeping insect has a variety of leaf colors, which allows you to implement all sorts of design projects.
4. Seasonal flowers serve to decorate gravestone memorials at certain times of the year. They are much preferable to live (and even more so plastic) bouquets.
  • Muscari is a great option for spring, conveying a sense of the fragility of human life. The plant is small in size and brings touching motives to the design of the monument.
  • Begonias, primroses, May lilies of the valley, different varieties violets are also great for spring decoration of a tombstone.
  • Poppies have long been considered a symbol of sadness and bloom very beautifully in the middle of summer.
  • Immortelles will be a glorious decoration in August. In addition to the original flowers, they have “silver” foliage that ennobles the flower garden.
  • At the end of summer, anaphalis blooms, giving the memorial a certain severity and inaccessibility.
  • Boxwood (Buksus) can be grown in all seasons. The crown of the plant can be trimmed in the form of a ball, cone or cylinder.
  • Marigolds are good for decorating graves in late summer and autumn. They are very touching and do not require constant maintenance.
  • Heather (Caluna) will be useful when decorating flower beds on poor acidified soils. This species is also characterized by increased drought tolerance.
  • Ornamental types of wormwood have expressive light silvery leaves that convey sorrow and noble sadness.

The site presents flowers for the grave perennial (photo with names). If necessary, you can consult by phone with our specialists. We are waiting for your calls.

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What plants to plant on the grave

What flowers to plant on the grave. Decoration and decoration of graves with flowers. Annuals and perennials. Artificial and natural flowers. Flower beds and vases at the monument.

Since ancient times, people have planted various flowers, trees and shrubs in the cemetery to transform the landscape of this mourning place. A well-groomed and aesthetically designed burial place is a manifestation of care, love and a tribute to the deceased. In different cultures, there are different ideas about what flowers can be planted on the grave, but in this matter, it is important to take into account, in addition to traditions, also the features of the site:

· Type of soil. Most often these are clay, sandy soils or chernozem;

· Lighting - an area open to the sun or in the shade;

Climatic conditions - temperature regime throughout the year and the amount of rainfall.

For Russian climatic conditions, it is necessary to choose unpretentious plants. They must tolerate drought, frost well, be resistant to diseases and insects. It is also not recommended to plant rare and expensive vegetation, as there is a risk that it will simply be stolen. Preference should be given to simple varieties with discreet laconic beauty.

When landscaping the burial sites themselves, choose small flowering species without a powerful root system. Trees and shrubs are needed to decorate the territory and frame the monument. They visually balance the massive tombstone, allowing it to look harmoniously in the surrounding landscape.

Remember that many trees or shrubs can grow over time, affect adjacent areas, damage a gravestone or monument. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to compact breeds. Good options can be considered thuja, aspen, ornamental birch. These trees have a high survival rate, grow well on nutrient-poor soils - clay, sandy soils, loam.

You can also plant in a cemetery:

· Mountain ash. She looks picturesque at any time of the year, even in winter, when bright red clusters contrast with white snow;

· Apple tree. Not every variety is suitable for a cemetery. In addition, apple trees are susceptible to various diseases. Their main advantage is their amazing spring bloom;

· Cherries. Photophilous, frost-resistant and unpretentious tree with excellent flowering;

Weeping willow. You need to choose low varieties.

As for the shrubs, the following varieties are chosen for the cemetery:

· Chokeberry. It can be shaped both as a bush and as a tree. Aronia practically does not require care;

· Hydrangea. Shrub with very beautiful flowering that needs abundant watering and regular pruning;

Viburnum. It is characterized by abundant flowering and bright berries of a ruby ​​hue, demanding for watering;

· Cotoneaster. It tolerates heat well and does not need artificial watering. The cotoneaster blooms beautifully, and in the fall small red berries appear on it;

· Juniper. Coniferous plant that looks equally good at any time of the year. Grows normally on difficult soils, but demanding on light conditions. If the site is in the shade, then it is better to give preference to other breeds;

· Barberry Thunberg. These shrubs can have a wide variety of colors - from bright green to deep red. They tolerate both drought and frost perfectly.

Flowers form the basis of the plant decoration of the eternal resting places. They can be perennial or annual. The first type is used to create a continuous vegetation cover on a tombstone. Annual crops are good for seasonal accents. For example, they can play the role of living bouquets during a traditional visit to the churchyard on Radonitsa.

The basic crops in the design of burial sites are ground cover. They are able to fill the soil and form continuous decorative carpets. These perennial unpretentious flowers do not need constant care, adapt to weather changes, and do not require weed protection. These plants include:

· Periwinkle. It is considered the main memorial symbol in many countries. It grows well in the shade, therefore it goes well with trees traditionally used in the design of burial sites (birch, thuja, mountain ash). Periwinkle grows continuously and has evergreen foliage;

· Common or curly ivy. It is considered a symbol of immortality. It is able to wrap around any surfaces, forming green fences and tombstones, therefore, it requires periodic pruning, otherwise it can completely braid the monument and spread to neighboring areas;

· Subulate phlox. A low-growing, drought-resistant plant that creates decorative carpets in well-lit areas. The flower goes well with granite and marble;

· Byzantine purse. It has silvery velvety foliage, which gives the tombstone calm and solemnity.

Even the best ground cover flowers, despite the fact that they practically do not require maintenance, have one significant drawback - short flowering times. In order for the monument and tombstone to always be buried in greenery, it is necessary to place seasonal accents from perennial or annual plants... Well suited for this role:

Muscari - the best option for unpretentiousness, color and size;

When choosing plants for planting in a cemetery, you need to take into account that they are conventionally divided into three large groups.

Tall plants - trees and shrubs - are planted along the grave fence, not on the site itself. They should not interfere with free passage to the site with the grave, interfere with neighboring sites, weed.

The plants framing the monument itself on the grave must be very unpretentious, resistant to bad weather and look dignified as long as possible. Undemanding perennial plants with decorative foliage are chosen for this role.

And the third group of plants for the cemetery is unpretentious annual flower beds and ground cover plants. These are seasonal plants that are planted in the cemetery in the spring every year.

What to look for when choosing plants for a grave

Plants for landscaping burial sites should be undemanding to soil conditions. These should be flowering or decorative-leaved unpretentious plants of "minimal care": winter-hardy, drought-resistant - living quietly from rain to rain - or, for example, shade-tolerant, not particularly susceptible to diseases and pests, which do not require frequent division and transplantation, special feeding and shelter for the winter ...

“Anti-vandalism” is still on the agenda, which means that the assortment of plants should be simple and affordable, without varietal delights.

Plants for a cemetery must provide long-term decorative effect. It is necessary to take into account the effect that they produce not only during, but also before and after flowering. By the way, it is better to choose the assortment so that on the traditional days of visiting the cemetery, there are always flowering plants at the grave.

Before planting trees and shrubs on the grave, you should definitely consult with the cemetery administration to find out if there are any restrictions (for example, on the height of the woody plants used).

What trees and shrubs can be planted in the club

They are decorative all season long, and most importantly, they are extremely unpretentious.

Black chokeberry

Deciduous shrub up to 3 m in height. Ornamental throughout the season - it has whitish leaves and beech-red shoots. But it is especially beautiful in September, when the leaves turn purple-red, and black fruits ripen on the branches. Chokeberry blooms in late May - early June with white or pale pink flowers.

It is very unpretentious, it does well without watering and feeding. But it is important to take into account that over time it grows and the bush reaches 2 m in diameter. You can plant it near the fence.

Ottawa barberry

A very beautiful shrub, appreciated for the bright color of its leaves. The shade depends on the variety, but in general they are all in burgundy-purple tones. The height also depends on the variety - the bushes can be from 1.5 to 3 m.

Unpretentious. Withstands frosts down to -35 ° С. Grows on all types of soil. Drought-resistant and shade-tolerant. Rarely affected by pests. It tolerates gas-polluted urban environment well. Recovers quickly after mechanical damage.

Barberry Thunberg

This shrub in culture is usually no higher than 1 m. It is valued for its bright leaves - they are green, zloty, red, purple with all shades of transition.

Tunberg barberry is unpretentious. Varieties with red leaves love light, while green and yellow ones can grow in the shade. Easily tolerates frost. Grows well without fertilizing and watering. You can plant it along the fence.


An evergreen ground cover shrub with long creeping shoots that can reach a length of 1 m. The periwinkle has very beautiful leathery dark green leaves, so it is decorative all season until the snow. But it looks even more impressive at the time of flowering, when azure-blue, funnel-shaped flowers up to 2 cm in diameter rise above the bushes. Blooms from late April to mid-May.

There are varieties with red, pink, purple and white flowers, but they are less hardy.

It is undemanding to lighting, it can grow both in the scorching sun and in dense shade. Any soil is also suitable. In spring, it is useful to cut the bushes tightly, leaving a length of 6-8 cm. Otherwise, it will grow too much, because its creeping shoots take root easily.

Hanging birch Tristis

It is interesting for its weeping, openwork and spreading crown with thin, vertically hanging shoots. The tree is 10-15 m high and 6-10 m in diameter.

Photophilous. It is undemanding to soil and moisture - it grows equally well both in dry and in humid places. Drought-resistant. Frost resistant.

This birch tree is suitable for planting near a fence.

Common cherry

This fruit shrub is famous for its unpretentiousness, therefore it is ideal for planting in a cemetery. You can plant both tree cherries and bush forms.

Cherries are good for planting near a fence. And in order not to cut out the growth every year, plant Shubinka or Vladimirskaya - they either do not give growth at all, or there is very little of it.

Coarse Elm Pendula

A tree up to 5 m high with a beautiful crown - it has a flat top and hanging branches. The leaves are large, 15-20 cm, dark green, rough.

Photophilous, but can grow in partial shade. Winter-hardy and unpretentious.

Suitable for planting near a fence.


Shrub up to 3 m high. It blooms very beautifully - with white shields up to 15 cm in diameter. Moreover, it blooms for a very long time - from July to October.

Grows well in partial shade. Tolerates short-term drought. On open areas in winter, hydrangea can freeze slightly, but in spring it quickly recovers. And if the cemetery is old, with an abundance of trees, then it winters well under their protection. However, it should be planted away from large trees, because they take away moisture from it.

Derain white Elegantissima

A very spectacular shrub up to 3 m high and the same diameter. Its branches are spreading, flexible, beautifully intertwined. Young shoots are interestingly colored - olive green. And closer to autumn, they turn red and become burgundy-red.

This variety has very beautiful leaves - they are slightly wrinkled, gray-green with a wide white stripe. The flowers are white with a pink tinge, collected in inflorescences-shields. And then the white fruits ripen.

The tree does not require leaving. It tolerates frost well, in spring it does not get wet in melt water.

Red oak

Massive tree up to 25 m in height. Slender, with a dense crown. The leaves are thin, shiny, reddish when blooming, dark green in summer, in autumn, before falling off, turn red again.

Frost resistant. Wind-resistant, not picky about fertility - even acidic soils can withstand. Resistant to pests and diseases, including powdery mildew.

Spruce prickly Glauka

The tree is up to 15 m high.It differs from other spruces by its long protruding tetrahedral very sharp needles, the color of which can vary from green, blue, or dove-gray to almost white - this depends on the wax coating on young needles, the thickness of which is different for different forms ate. By winter, the plaque gradually disappears, and the crown changes its color to dark green, and the needles become more rigid.

Glauka spruce grows slowly, with an annual growth rate of 30 cm in height and 15 cm in width.

Photophilous. Frost resistant. Undemanding to soil and moisture.

Serbian spruce

The tree is about 30 m high. This spruce is interesting for its very narrow pyramidal crown, rather than resembling cypress trees.

Winter hardiness. Unpretentious to soil and climatic conditions.

Willow weeping gnome

A low tree up to 3.5-5 m high with a beautiful, weeping, spreading crown up to 5 m in diameter. Annual shoots are thin, long, the lower branches hang down almost to the ground. In the first years of life, it grows slowly.

The variety is light-requiring. Any soil is suitable. Drought tolerant. Resistant to pests and diseases,

Purple willow nana

A small shrub up to 2 m high with a beautiful semi-round shape. Leaves are silvery green.

Photophilous. Grows on any soil. This willow is drought tolerant. It tolerates urban conditions well.

Irga canadian

Shrub or small tree up to 5 m high. Very beautiful throughout the season. Irga also blooms beautifully, its buds are collected in falling brushes of 5-12 pieces. The petals are snow-white or vanilla-cream.
Unpretentious, grows on any soil, is not afraid of even severe frosts.

Kalina gordovina

This is a tree or shrub up to 6 m high. With a very beautiful leaves- from above they are dark green, and from below - whitish, pubescent. It blooms effectively - at the beginning of summer, the bush is covered with an abundance of creamy white inflorescences. But it is even more interesting at the time of ripening of the berries - in one brush they are of different colors: t black and red.

Kalina gordovina is not afraid of frost, tolerates drought and air pollution well.

Shrub cinquefoil

Shrub about 1 m high, with a dense crown. There are some varieties with yellow flowers, but there are also white, pink, red, orange flowers.

Photophilous, does not bloom in the shade. Drought-resistant. Frost resistant. Cinquefoil can grow on calcareous soils, but does not grow on compacted soils.

Juniper chinese

It is good because it is decorative all year round: both in winter and in summer. This juniper has many varieties that differ in shape, size and color - there are green, and blue, and golden, so that you can create a whole composition from them. Compact forms can be planted inside the fence.

Frost resistant. Drought tolerant. It grows on any soil, but loves light.

Bubble plant

This is perhaps the most unpretentious among the ornamental shrubs. It has many varieties with different leaf colors: green, golden, red, orange, purple.

Grows on any soil. It does without watering. Frost resistant. The gallbladder can grow in the shade, but the color of the leaves is brighter on the sun.

Robinia pseudo-acacia

People call it white acacia, but in fact, it has nothing to do with acacia. Robinia pleased large tree, up to 25 m high. Grows very quickly. It blooms beautifully with white tassels.

Photophilous. Drought-resistant. Grows on any soil.

In addition, mountain ash, common lilac, spirea, western thuja and crown mockery are well suited for a cemetery.

Perennial plants for planting in a cemetery

Their list is quite extensive. All of them are unpretentious, grow without care.

  • Astilbe
  • Badany
  • Periwinkle
  • Harlequins
  • Botanical tulips
  • Buzulniki
  • Loose mint

  • Verbeynik point
  • Volzhanki
  • Carnation herb
  • Geranium

Caring for the graves of relatives is a common phenomenon in our society. However, not everyone succeeds in visiting the cemetery often. But at the same time, I want the grave to always look neat. Today we will tell you what flowers can be planted in a cemetery to create a well-groomed look. Consider perennial crops with photos and names.

Such plants must endure the absence of watering, prolonged frosts for a long time, because the opportunity to come to water, to shelter for the winter is not always there. Flowers should not require complex maintenance. Pruning, replanting frequently, and pest control are negative factors when choosing flowers for a cemetery.

Flowers and other plants must have the following qualities:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to drought or excess moisture;
  • disease resistance.

Flowers and shrubs planted in the cemetery should not need frequent division, replanting, additional shelter during the winter.

At the same time, after flowering, the plants should look neat. When making a choice, it should be borne in mind that rare and expensive flowers can be dug up by dishonest people.

Flowering ground cover plants

Creeping flowers are great for planting in a cemetery. Such plants create a dense cover that gives decorative view burials. Ground cover flowers prevent weeds from germinating.

The plant can grow in any soil. During the season, periwinkle grows by 7 square meters. This culture can be planted in the shade and in the sun.

  • withstands prolonged frosts (leaves with green leaves under the snow);
  • does not need special care;
  • tolerates drought;
  • flowers are colored blue, red, white, lavender;
  • propagated by seeds and dividing the bush.

Perennial plant up to 10 cm high. Creeping shoots with dense foliage. Flowering begins in July and continues until frost. Flowers can be white or pink.

The plant thrives on rocky soil, in the shade and in the sun. Sedum propagates well by seeds or cuttings.

In addition to this species, the following varieties of sedum can be planted in the cemetery:

  • Kamchatka species, variety "Golden Carpet". The flowers are yellow, the first buds appear in July. The root system is lignified, so the plant is not afraid of frost;
  • false view, varieties "Raspberry" and "Kokeinum". These sedum varieties form a purple carpet. Plants prefer sunny areas, but can grow in the shade. They endure frosty winters;
  • bent sedum, Blue Forest grade. Forms a carpet up to 15 cm high, blooms in the third year after planting. From August to September, bright yellow flowers appear on the plants.

This plant prefers sunny places, but can grow in the shade without prejudice to flowering. can develop on any soil. Tolerates drought and low temperatures. For planting in a cemetery, varieties are used that do not exceed 25 cm in height.

  • "Candy Strips" - plant height 15 cm, white flowers with a red border. Blooms until the end of August in favorable weather, possibly re-blooming in autumn;
  • "Esmerald Blue" - flowers of a heavenly purple hue, plant height about 15 cm;
  • "Pearl Beauty" - this variety grows rapidly, flowers are purple in color. The first buds appear in early May.
  • "Main" - this variety has small flowers of a snow-white shade, plant height 10 cm.

Bunch flowers

The question of what flowers can be planted in the cemetery sooner or later arises before each person. Here is an example of perennial plants that grow in compact bushes (photo, see names below).

This culture has about 100 varieties. Iris leaves are flat, gathered in a bunch at the base, they look beautiful and original even without flowers. Flower petals can have a wide variety of shades. Most often, iris flowers are purple, blue, yellow, less often varieties with an orange, pink, white tint are found.

Beautiful flowers, with white or yellow-orange petals. The leaves are narrow, deep green. Flowering lasts 1.5-2 months, depending on the variety. The bushes of this plant look neat and can serve as a good backdrop for other crops.

The earliest tulips bloom in April. Flowering lasts 15 to 30 days. This group includes the following varieties: "Christmas Marvel", "Diana", "Flair", "Prins Carnaval".

In the second decade of May, Mendelev and Darwin begin to bloom. Tulip bulbs are planted in autumn from mid-September to October.

The main condition for the rooting of bulbs is a temperature of about +9 degrees. If time permits, then at the end of May you can sow the seeds of annual plants, which multiply by self-sowing. It can be calendula, samoseyka poppy, snapdragon, kosmeya.

Other perennials

Among the perennials in the cemetery, you can also plant the following plants:

  1. Dicenter. This plant does not need any special care. Original flowers in the shape of a heart attract the eyes of passers-by. Dicenter propagates by dividing the rhizome or cuttings. Plants can be used in group plantings.
  2. Cornflowers. Flowering begins in June and continues throughout the summer. Cornflowers reproduce by dividing rhizomes or seeds. The color of flowers is blue, light blue, yellow and even pink.
  3. Lupine. Undemanding plant to care for. Its seeds can even sprout between tiles. Flowers can be red, blue, white and pink. Lupine propagates by seeds and cuttings.
  4. Nivyanik. Seeds are sown from late March to April 30. Flowering begins in June, some varieties bloom twice a season. Often garden varieties have white petals and a yellow center. Nivyanik can be simple and terry. The plant is frost-resistant, does not require special care.

Today we told you what flowers can be planted in the cemetery. As a rule, perennial plants are planted near the graves (see photo with the name above), but biennial flowers can also be used. Among them are pansies, Turkish carnations, forget-me-nots.