What day is cabbage. Sauer cabbage for the winter - cooking delicious and crispy blanks

One of the most popular dishes on our tables is salted and sauerkraut. It is rich in a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, and the amount of vitamin C is more than in citrus.

Sauerkraut dishes support immunity and improve digestion, lead cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

With the onset of autumn, we have a need for vitamins. The body signals the occurrence of cold and weakening immunity, and this is manifested by the desire to enjoy this dish. It is known that for the prevention of sharp respiratory and viral diseases, it is enough to eat a daily 100 grams of acidic cabbage.

In the cooking, there are quite a lot of recipes for her preparation, but how just a cabbage is preparing, with the same ease it can be spoiled. It is believed that the taste and quality of salting and quay - largely depends on the phase of the moon. There are even favorable and not favorable days Solutions and the boys of this vegetable.

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Why make cabbage harves on the lunar calendar

Our ancestors were engaged in harvesting vegetables after cover (Christian holiday). It is important to take into account which phase of the moon will be during the cooking dish. This was studied in practice not one year, and not even one century, and the following conclusions were made:

  • On the full moon or decreasing moon - cabbage will be soft and sour. The finished product will be more like a plug of mucus than a vitamin dish;
  • On the new moon, or rather, on the fifth-sixth day after the new moon, you need to rise from the yoke - then the cabbage will be tasty and crunchy.

Before squeezing cabbage, it is equally important to know, in which sign of the zodiac will be a satellite of the Earth, during the preparation of vegetable blank.

  • If it is the Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, and at the same time growing moon - you need to start work.
  • When the moon is in the constellation of cancer, Virgin or fish - it is better to refrain from the salting and frivors of vegetables.

Also for the billet, the cabbage should choose the correct variety, best, if it is late. Must be white, tight and strong. There should be no mustard in their taste.

Before recycling, the top green leaves need to be removed before processing.

Favorable and no favorable days of 2019 for salting and cabbage

January. The first half of the month (from 1 to 6 numbers) is not favorable. During this period, a decreasing moon, but from 12.01 and to 18.01 - a good time to start pickles and starts. Cabbage kochens, harvested these days well preserved and accumulate in themselves the greatest number Sweets that are needed for good fermentation. On January 19 and 20 - the growing moon in the constellation of cancer, January 21 - full moon, and then - a decreasing moon, so until the end of the month from January 18, it is better to refrain from junk.

February. The last winter month is February - the period when the human body needs as much as possible minerals and vitamins. It's time to prepare salty from cabbage. During the break, it will not just save all its nutritional values, and also will increase them. Na better days For its processing from 11 to 13, because during this period the growing moon in the Constellation of the Taurus. From the 19th comes adverse days associated with a full moon and a decreasing moon.
March. In the first spring month, after the 21st - time is not favorable for the soles. This is a period of full moon and a decreasing moon. From March 8 to March 20 - the new moon period, so you can deal with a cabbage, if possible, excluding 15, 16, 19, 20, since these days the moon will be in an unfavorable constellation.

April. Many hostesses prefer to pick up cabbage round yearSo that the vegetable dish on the table was fresh, tasty and helpful. A good time for its start-up and sings in April is the end of the first and second decades of the month, namely from 7 to 18.

May. In the warmest and beautiful month of spring, nature woke up and buffels with greens. Many still have a cabbage from last year's crop, but in no case should it be thrown away. For all the storage time, a lot of sugar has accumulated in it ... just just for her starter and salty. The first half of the month is from 6 to 18, with the exception of 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 - you can pick up cabbage.

June. In the warm regions of the country there are already the first early vegetables on the beds, and cabbage including, but the early grades are not suitable for salting and frivors. At the rapid cabbage, the leaflets are too gentle and will not give the desired taste of the dish, however, who have survived since last year late cabbage You can still pick up. Favorable days will be from 7 to 16 June. From the 17th, adverse days are coming.

July. In July, there is already nothing to saline and pick up. And the next start will be already from the new crop.

August. In August, the cabbage can only be salted. For her, the kochens of early varieties are used. Taking into account the fact that they are too fragile and soft, you should choose the most elastic vegetables. 10 days this month - favorable for salting, it is from 5 to 14 numbers. If such a cabbage is soldered, it will turn into a mixture similar to porridge.
September. With the arrival of autumn, in September, the middle cabbage has already matured on the garden shops. Tight and juicy kochens can be used for chance and salting, although the cabbage will not be so good and long stored as late. The billets make it in small quantities, waiting for the ripening of the necessary varieties. Since the beginning of the month, and until September 13 - favorable days for the preparation of soles. Then there is a full moon phase and a decreasing moon.

October. The most time ripening late sorts of cabbage. For the soles, it is best to use such varieties as - mydor, Geneva, Glory and Belarusian. Choosing Kochan should pay attention to the fact that it should be tight and elastic, white or gently creamy color. Weight no more than five kilograms. The best days, for the preparation of blanks from the new harvest - from 1 to 9, more than 30 and 31 October.

November. The most correct I. best time For salting of white cabbage in 2019. It's not scary if someone did not have time to remove the beds in time, and the cabbage grabbed the first frost. Despite, on light frostbite, it is perfect for the soles. Days for her workpiece, from the beginning of the month - November 1 and to 11. Next, from 12 to 27, the unfavorable period will come, after which, by the end of the month it is possible to continue.

December. With the onset of the first month of winter - December, the best days for salted and sauer blanks begin with 1 number. Therefore, in addition to the cabbage, the hostesses are trying to sleep all the cooked to processing, vegetables. This period ends 11 numbers. After there is a full moon and a decreasing moon. From December 28, and until the New Year holidays, the cabbage can be continued. This is the time of strict post, to the Christmas holidays, and you have a hearty, crispy and vitamin salt and sauer cabbage on your table.

Cabbage - by itself low-calorie productBut if you fill it with lean oil - it will give piquancy in taste and increase the calorie content of the dish.

Our ancestors, preparing the Summer Cabbage of Trick, noticed all the signs. They looked at the Luna phase, and on the day of the week, which was preparing. It was believed that the vegetables of the female genus are salted and quashaty on the women's days of the week - this is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Then the pickles were obtained on fame, well and long kept.

No less important role Cabbage plays the cabbage in the Salt and Zakvaska. Previously, we used wooden cadkeeles and barrels. Nowadays began to use glass jars or enameled containers, and someone uses plastic buckets.

Do not store cabbage in aluminum dishes. In the process of fermentation, the metal will be oxidized, and this will adversely affect the quality of the product.

Cabbage can be safely called the most important product in the human diet. Sauerkraut not an exception. Cooked by best recipes, it turns out surprisingly tasty. Therapeutic properties of this vegetable were known in Ancient Greece. The juice from its leaves helps in the treatment of colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and a 12-rosis. It helps to get rid of constipation and liver diseases, eliminates swelling, heals purulent wounds. Cabbage juice is able to rejuvenate the skin, so that it is used in the manufacture of cosmetic masks and other skin care products.


Can be used different types Cabbage: red and white, Brussels and Savoy, Broccoli and Beijing, color and many other varieties. From this vegetable can be cooked a large number of most a variety of dishes But the leader in this menu is the sauer cabbage. This is a very tasty product that can be consumed as an independent dish and use as a side dish to meat dishes. From the sauer vegetable make filling for pies, pancakes, dumplings, etc.

In winter, such a product is an indispensable source of vitamin C. In addition, the vegetable contains the most important for the human body trace elements - zinc, iodine and magnesium. It helps to regulate the metabolism and leads to the norm of the intestinal microflora, enriches the body with valuable enzymes and microorganisms.

Folk medicine recommends using sauer cabbage when various ailments. With its help, healers cure not only the usual cold, but also severe diseases like bronchial asthma and even epilepsy. Helps vegetable in a sauerpea when avitaminosis, elevated temperature, gastritis, hemorrhoids, burns, cuts, insect bite. It is indispensable for heartburn, liver diseases and other diseases.

As scientists found out, sauerkraut has specific substances that are able to suspend the growth of cancer cells. Especially relevant in the case when malignant neoplasms form in the intestines, lungs, lactic glands. In addition, the sauer vegetable returns male strength.

How to choose a cabbage to kap?

To break the vegetable, it is prepared in different ways:

  • bolted with a knife or special shredding;
  • finely chopped in a special wooden brother;
  • cut the halves or quarters.

The main ingredients for chairs are salt and cabbage. Additives can be diverse: bay leaf, carrots, apples, cranberries, dill seeds, cumin, fragrant pepper, pumpkin, beet and much more. Very important, what cappist use. Best to choose late varieties. Forks should be with crispy, white and juicy leaves. For the starter, many mistresses choose large quocheans, as waste from them will be much less than from two small.

When is it best to pick up cabbage?

What number should you pick up cabbage? In Russia, it was started to pick up differently and depended on it from the region. In some edges, they proceeded after September 27, that is, after celebrating such church holidaylike the elimination of the Cross of the Lord. Residents of other regions began to chant the vegetable no earlier than Sergiev of the day, which falls on October 8.

Best row vegetables lunar calendarBecause there are favorable and unfavorable days for this. The most unfavorable time is the full moon, as the vegetable is obtained soft, tasteless and quickly flies. In such a period, it is forbidden to saline and all other products except beet. In addition, it is worth abandoning the conservation when the moon is under the sign of the Virgin, Cancer and Fish. Food prepared under these signs is spoiled very quickly and covered with mold.

Solither cabbage is best at a decreasing phase of the moon, immediately after the new moon, usually on the third or sixth day. And make this vegetable preferably on the growing moon, especially if it is under such signs as Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius, Lion, Capricorn. Footded on such days cabbage is obtained crispy, tasty and stored for a very long time. If it is sleeping on days under such signs, then it should be taken under them. If you get it in unfavorable days, then the likelihood that it will dry and form bacteria.

How to pick up cabbage?

How to pick up cabbage so that it gets delicious? Optimal option Provides the following ingredients:

  • cabbage - 10 kg;
  • salt - 200 g

The selected vegetable is cleaned, bold or chopped, peat with salt, add to it required amount Carrots or other "amplifiers" taste and laid in the prepared capacity. Cabbage laid N. ebolstered portions and tampering her fist or a special wooden brush. This is necessary in order for between the layers as few air. After will be laid last layerTop with clean cabbage leaves, and they are covered with a dense rag made of natural fabric. In the container on top of the cabbage stacked a flat plate desired size, and it is installed in the oppression - a liter or two-liter jar with water. If the vegetable is very juicy, then the plate will immediately hang out the weathered juice, which is not worth cleaning.

How many days can be kailing cabbage?

Now this vegetable should break. To do this, the container is left at room temperature for 5 - 7 days. Every day you should shoot the oppression with a plate and pour cabbage to the bottom, best wooden stick. It helps to leave bitterness. Every day the amount of juice covers the plate will be less and less. After some time, the cabbage will smell the sauer, then it is cleaned in a cold place for fermentation.

Thus, the cabbage is not so simple. For this you need to know right days and the phases of the moon, only in this case it turns out very tasty and crispy. Saving cabbage for the winter is a wonderful Russian tradition, thanks to which the body receives all the necessary vitamins during the cold season.

Summer cabbage is a tasty and vitamin billet, which is easy to cook, but just spoil. To the salting every time managed to fame, find out when to salt cabbage in the lunar calendar in 2018, find out the favorable phases for the process. Earth satellite has an impact on fermentation processes used for frkowing vegetable. Consider this feature, deciding to make the preparation of crispy and fragrant blank per year of the dog.

How to solit cabbage

Delicious and crispy sauer cabbage is not obtained from every mistress. There will be high-quality components for dishes, a proven recipe and a suitable day. The cooking technology will not cause difficulties. The vegetable is finely cut by S. (Cleano Calling), grated carrots, salt, sugar, spices, optional, is added. The ingredients are mixed, the mixture is tamped into glass containers. The fermentation process takes place for 1-3 days at room temperature, the finished treats are sent stored on the refrigerator shelf.

In addition to traditional fashion Exquisites with carrots, there are ways to prepare a salty treat with the addition of a variety of plant products. With additions, the workpiece will acquire a special taste, but does not lose useful properties. From additives use:

  • apples;
  • caraway;
  • beet;
  • lingonberry;
  • prunes;
  • quince;
  • grapes;
  • basil;
  • pumpkin;
  • bulgarian pepper.

So that the cabbage billet is guaranteed to come out crispy, use special components, with tanning substances in the composition. It may be an oak bark or horseradish root. Oak bark can be purchased at the pharmacy. Enough a teaspoon of one of the two components per kilogram of cabbage so that the treats have acquired a crunch. The components will give a spike snack, harmoniously combined with the main ingredient.

Which cabbage is better to shed

To the choice of the main component for the journey, come thoroughly, the taste of the dish depends not only on a good day along the lunar calendar, but also from its components. For salting, only thoroughly caused, clarified kochens suit. If the cabbage is not enclosed, its leaves will be dark green. It is not recommended to salt such a product, as a mustard will appear, and juits will not be enough. Casuals Use tight that did not burst, not dedicated. Cabbage variety Choose late, for example:

  • Belarusian;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Sava;
  • Present;
  • Menza;
  • Kharkiv.

Not all winter varieties are suitable for salting. From Amagra and Kromon will not work with a delicious workpiece, even subject to the rules of the salting. Dutch and Chinese varieties are also not suitable for chairs. To prepare the workpiece, it is better to use kochens grown on their own bed. This is how their quality and safety is guaranteed. When buying a product besides external view, pay attention to his taste. If the cabbage sheet is grieved, do not buy a Kochan, otherwise everything will be in vain.

What kind of salt

Significant component that should be carefully chosen for the recipe - salt. To solit the product, you cannot use iodized salt. Iodine slows milk-sour fermentation, which should be actively qualitative results. The trace element will trigger the darkening and softness of the finished product. Choose a stone salt of medium, large grinding.

What is better to shed

On the taste qualities The finished salt cabbage is influenced by not only the day of the moon calendar and the selected products, but also the packaging used for salting. Traditionally use barrels and bans of wood, but three-liter glass jar or enameled saucepan, sometimes used plastic container. It is forbidden to salt cabbage using aluminum dishes. When storing, the vegetable will acquire the taste of metal, will dare and will become unsuitable for use. Thoroughly wash the container to be frozen, treat with boiling water before laying the cabbage billet.

When it is better to pick a cabbage on the lunar calendar

No one year is known, hundreds of years ago ancestors harvested cabbage cochanis in this way. During the long period of the recipe, it was possible to identify the pattern between the phase of the moon and the taste of the finished product. Experimed by the way it is clear to which moon it is possible to salt cabbage, and when it is impossible. Soft and sour blanks will be able to pick up a product for a full moon or a decreasing moon. To make the treat crispy, tasty, look for in the lunar calendar 5-6 day after the completion of the new moon. This is the most favorable time to shed a vegetable.

Another calculation system has been developed, taking into account not only the growth or decrease of the moon, but also a sign of the zodiac in which the satellite of the Earth is on the day of the salmon. To prepare the blanks, choose those days a year when the moon grows, and the day finds under the sign of the Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn. It is not recommended to pick up any foods when management gets a virgin, fish, cancer.

In January

The lunar calendar will prompt when you can pick up cabbage in the first winter month. From January 3 to January 16, the moon is descended, so it's not worth doing the salting. The best time for blanks - from January 18 to January 29. Use the last decade of the month to make an amazing vitamin dish from the useful vegetable. If you are using varieties, designed not for chairs, but for storage, do the preparation of the workpiece by the January day. After a couple of months of storage, such a kochan accumulates a sufficient amount of sugar required for fermentation.

In February

When February comes, the human body is sharply lacking nutrients and vitamins. Take care of yourself and loved ones, prepare a delicious sauer cabbage. This vegetable will save all its beneficial properties and even imagine them. Favorable february days for salting cabbage will last from 17 to 28. In the first half of the month, it is not recommended to cook salted treats.

In March

The second half of March (from 18 to 28 people) is a great time for product workpiece. The remaining dates of this month Lunar calendar Soldering cabbage does not recommend using to prepare a sauerous dish. March 17 will appear new Moonfollowed by a period suitable for fermentation. If you did not have time to cook cabbage in the lunar growth phase, transfer cooking for the next month.

In April

Stripping the owners who remained white vegetable varieties until the middle of spring, the cabbage in the lunar calendar is better to start from April 17 to 28. Fresh fruits will appear very soon, so it is necessary to actively spend last year's reserves. If you break all the souls from the autumn, the cabbage can perish. Lovers are better to make billets not too large parties.

In May

When the last month of spring comes, everyone is looking forward to the appearance of fresh vegetables, but if last year's cabbage has been preserved on the shelves of your basement, apply it to prepare the workpiece. Consider the influence of the moon on the fermentation process, use high-quality products to get a good result. For perfectly delicious and crisp cabbage, a decreasing or full moon is not suitable - only a young month. According to the lunar calendar, the saline is better from April 17 to 28.

In June

At the beginning of the summer, you can already pamper yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits, fill with their help the lack of vitamins in the body. If the reserves of last year's cabbage have not yet been exhausted, use kochens for the pickling. The moon will grow this month from 14 to 25 June, the dates are suitable for the preparation of pickles. Early cabbage is not suitable for salting, do not wait good result from early kochanov.

In August

If you are collected big crop early cabbage, Note that the early kocheans are not stored for a long time. The varieties are used for salting, but too soft products that do not have sufficient elasticity may result from becoming a casual mass. For salting, choose the most dense kochens, without cracks or damage. Cooking the workpiece is better from 12 to 24 August.

In September

Start of autumn - ripening time middle-timed varietieswhich are suitable for cooking. Of these, you can get a crunchy, tasty snack, if you choose and take into account the most favorable days for the cabbage salting of September 2018. Growing Moon from 10 to 24 Number - Suitable time for picking salts. The vegetable prepared on the specified time will be well kept and it will turn out to be crisp and piquant.

In October

Autumn - the best season for salting cabbage. In the October period, salting varieties have already slept, the counters are full of ripe fruits at an affordable price. Choose a variety of glory, Belarusian, Mydor, Geneva and others. The optimal weight of the kernel for salting is from 3 to 4 kg. In October, it is possible to harvest the sauer cabbage of the future, focusing on the lunar calendar. Favorable days - from 10 to 21 October.

In November

The perfect time to salting the autumn vegetable continues. Even the kochens that were taken first frosts are suitable for the salty. The people claim that not only lunar phases affect the quality of the finished product, but also the selected day of the week. To keep the workpiece for a long time and turned out to be fame, engage in cooking on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays. In November, the moon grows in the period from 8 to 21. Combine both observations to get a guaranteed delicious result.

In December

The fermentation processes in December are maximally active from 8 to 20 December. Use the time to prepare cabbage and sauer blanks from other fruits and vegetables, starting with apples and ending with eggplants. According to the observations of the hostesses, the most delicious snack will turn out in the middle of the growing moon cycle. This date on the lunar calendar falls on December 14. Check out the observation on your own experience.


Various signs tell us a lot. They suggest a person how to do what to do in one way or another. Following such information, it is possible to easily perform any task, including concerning both cooking and picking solutions. For example, many people want to know when to shed cabbage to folk signs. After all, it will help make the dishes really tasty, crispy and fragrant. And what kind of person does not like sauna with Tmina, or cabbage apples? This is because the universal dish, which can be used as a snack, and use to prepare acidic.

When do you need to pick up cabbage for folk signs?

According to popular statements, this workpiece should be done in the days of the full moon. You can determine them in the lunar calendar. Wonderful if these dates fall on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is believed that if this folk signs are observed, the cabbage salting will pass quickly and easily, and the dish itself turns out to be very crispy. Is it really, it is difficult to say difficult. But many people say that this statement really "works" and when they kiss cabbage on this take, it turns out more juicy and crunchy. Although there are those people who claim to engage in salting in full moon, on the contrary, it is impossible. It supposedly means to spoil the dish. Which one will take to believe is unknown. There are fans of one approach and the other.

If you still decide to configure that it is not close to salt the cabbage, but it is not close, and it is necessary to do the workpieces now, do not worry. There are other best days for salting cabbage according to signs. Such dates include the so-called "men's days of the week." This is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. By the way, according to folk signs, ideal is considered if they fall out for the new moon.

In the days mentioned, you can safely engage in cabbage savings. It turns out no worse than that that will be prepared in the full moon. Many people, by the way, prefer to wait, which will fall on the "Male Day" and engage in the billets in this date. According to them, the cabbage turns out even better than the full moon.

Which is folk admission Believe, each person should decide. However, in many families there are their own traditions, including concerning cabbage salts. Do you use these "prompts" or not, choose only to you.

When is it better to pick up cabbage on the lunar calendar?

Experts claim that the growing moon, it is 5-6 days - the best time to pick up cabbage. It also has a particular importance, which days can make cabbage. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (the so-called men's days) are considered more suitable for this process (the so-called men's days). Such a crunchy sauerklaste can turn out when the moon takes place on such signs of the zodiac as Capricorn, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus and Aries. Learn to pick up cabbage how to pick up cabbage for the winter? The recipe for the preparation of this vegetable is quite simple and does not contain complex ingredients. To do this, you will need: white cabbage; carrot; Spices (leaflet laurel, stone salt, black pepper peas, horseradish leaves and currants, several dill branches). How to pick up cabbage for the winter? Pretty simply, if you adhere to the following recommendations. Cabbage is washed, clean from the upper leaves and chopping with a thickness of about 5 mm. Carrot wash and clean from the peel. For her grinding, a large grater is perfect. At the bottom of the container, in which you will fold the cabbage, you must lay out some of the above seasonings. Mix cabbage and carrots, salt and reversal with hands. Then in several layers you need to ravage vegetables in barrel or tub. On top it is recommended to put the oppression, the role of which can be perfectly played by a large ordinary stone. It is important not to forget to shoot a foam that will form in the process of coating cabbage. A week later, the sauer vegetable can be boldly to eat. Sai cabbage: some tips If you are interested in the question when it is better to pick a cabbage on the lunar calendar, remember the following recommendations: the full moon is the most inopportune moment for this process. Cabbage will be too acidic and soft, quickly spars. This vegetable will be covered with mold if it is frown on the days of the week when the moon passes through such signs of the zodiac as fish, maidging and cancer. Cabbage turns out quite tasteless and stored for a short time. It is not recommended to pick up cabbage in the days of female monthly. In this process, it is impossible to use a neural salt. Cabbage, sauced in a barrel, is undesirable to open. It accelerates the fermentation process, in addition, a vegetable can simply dry or, as grandmothers say, "weathered." On the days of the lion, cancer and the virgin is not allowed to get cabbage from the tank. It is believed that this can contribute to the formation of bacteria and the rapid dryness of the vegetable. The sauerkraut is extremely useful for the human body. In order to maximize its properties, it is important to comply with uncomplicated recommendations. The first thing is important, which days can make cabbage. Secondly, some errors in the process of cooking should be avoided. Cooking method So it came that moment when you can pick up cabbage: the date is just suitable, all the kitchen utensils in place, products are also available. So everything is ready to proceed directly to the cooking process. We take the cabbage and cut it with a knife or shinku on a large special grater. If you do everything is required as quickly as possible, then the second device suitable better Total. If the value is aesthetics, and not speed, then take the knife. We cut the kochens into two parts, and then shield against the leaves from the center. Now we fold the crushed product in the prepared large basin. We rub or cut the carrots and other components: apples, berries, and so on. All mix and salt. And now the most pleasant cooking process - it is necessary to roll the sleeves and doubt the cabbage as if the knee dough. After that, impose on a future snack No. 1 rift and wait until it processes. Sauerkraut as medicine About useful I. medical properties This product is written many articles. Such a salad plays the role of a peculiar "sanitarian of the intestinal and gastric tract", because acetic and lactic acids that are present in it suppress the growth of rotary bacteria. And people who suffer from overweight are simply obliged to make this low-calorie delicacy in their diet, helping to burn fats. It has a lot of fiber. It binds carbohydrates, which contributes to their rapid removal from the body. During the way to shed cabbage, I would like to know what else useful properties She possesses. The sauer-colored vegetable contributes to a better digestion, regulates the acid-alkaline balance, leads to normal levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. Caution! May be dangerous There are a number of diseases in which the use of sauerkraut can be dangerous. These ailments include: pancreatic pathology, renal failure, hypertension and rock formation in the gallbladder. High level Official content of organic origin in this salad can provoke the exacerbation of all the above-described diseases. Also, experts do not advise the traditional Russian delicacy to those who have problems with thyroid gland.
Eat on health and get vitamins, especially now, when winter on the street, and the body needs the missing trace elements. In December 2015, the growing moon - from December 11 to December 25
Full moon will be December 25
The most favorable days when it is better to pick up cabbage - from December 12 to December 21
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