Standard door handle height interior door. What height install the handle for the interior door? Which height install the handle of the interior door

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The range of products presented in the market of interroom doors amazes with its diversity of forms and colors. In addition, products have different dimensions that meet any customer requirements. Most often, depending on the number of sash, the width of the door design changes. However, most often the height of the doors and installation sites of the handle are standard.

In most cases, the door canvas comes complete with a box that is an important detail all design. The product has a P-shaped form and is installed around the perimeter of the doorway. Thanks to the frame, the door fixation is made. The size of the box differ significantly from each other and depend on the dimensions of the door canvas. therefore the best solution It is the acquisition of a prefabricated kit.

The manufacture of the frame is made by comparing BRUSEV. In this case, the box can have a width in the range from 15 to 40 mm. The reliability of the design is achieved when using a frame of 30-35 mm wide. The thickness of the product depends on the depth of the walls and for the convenience of installation should be equal to it.

Height interior door With technological gaps and a box directly depends on the size of the web itself. In the absence of a threshold in general value The dimensions of the structure include the size of the frame in 40 mm, the upper gap, which is 3 mm and the plane itself.

Standard dimensions

About 30 years ago, all interior doors in the country had absolutely identical parameters in the form of two approved by standards Values:

  • The door height in 1900 mm for technical premises in the form of bathrooms, bathroom or kitchen;
  • The height of 2000 mm is provided for the doors in the living rooms and bedrooms.

In this case, the height of interroom doors, in most cases, are standard 2100 mm. Such doors are labeled M21.

Currently, the dimensions of the door cloth are more diverse and mainly depend on the size of the floor from the floor to the ceiling. There are about 30 guests regulating the recommended dimensions of the door structures. However, these indicators are not mandatory to use.

Manufacturers mainly produce products based on their own calculations. In addition, the finite size of the product affects the configuration of production equipment. Thus, the standard steel interior doors with a height of cloths ranging from 1900 to 2300 mm.

Non-standard sizes

Given the variety of products manufactured and their dimensions, the concept of non-standard design is doubtful. These products include a number of cloths of very rare sizes from 2.3 to 2.5 m wide, requiring special installation conditions. Their installation is possible in apartments and houses with the size of the floor walls to the ceiling from 2.8 to 3 m.

The manufacture of doors above 2.5 m in residential premises is unacceptable from an engineering point of view, even in the case of an individually designed house.


In any situation, even assuming the dimensions of the doorway, necessarily takes into account the magnitude of the walls in the flooring from the floor to the ceiling. The most acceptable dimensions are:

  • At the height of the walls at 2500-2600 mm doors in 2000 mm;
  • For the wall height in 2600-2800 mm, interior doors in 2100 mm are acceptable;
  • The ceiling at 2800-3000 mm allows you to install door structures with a height of 2200-2300 mm.

Most often, the installation of doors height in 1900 mm is due to the design features of the design of the entire premises. The widespread use of such small openings is inappropriate, because it may be insufficient for comfortable fracing furniture items.

However, at present, thanks huge amount individual projects and redevelopment, the most common sizes of the height of the door structures are 2100-2000 mm.

In the case of installing non-swollen door system, and arches either sliding structures, canvate can have any height, including the maximum possible.


Undoubtedly, the dimensions of the door canvases are increasingly dependent on manufacturers. Most European factories produced products from 2.1 to 2.3 m. This is due to the features of the forms of the design of the box and the door canvase. Their doors have no straight angles, but roundings with a small radius. Such a feature arises due to the use of rounded transitions from one frame element to the next. Thanks to this, the door is forced to increase by 10-30 cm.

Options for door handles

Many manufacturers of door structures at the time of sale are mounted in the canvas all the necessary accessories, including handles. The height of the handle is almost in each door of 1 m from the floor. It is possible to purchase cloths with grooves prepared at the same level, but without the handles installed.

Products that do not have at the time of sale or installed door handles, no grooves harvested under their installation, in most cases are equipped with a special reinforcing timber installed in the place of the intended installation. Thanks to such insertion, the installation of the handle and locks will be quite simple. However, in this case, the recommended height of the handle is 1 m. The permissible deviation is upwards or down from the nominal value should not exceed 10 cm.

Development of such a standard was carried out under a person with an average growth of 1.7 m. With the inconvenience of using such door structures, it is necessary to purchase a solid cloth and perform independent installation Handles at a comfortable height.

Definition suitable for place handle

For determining comfortable height Location door knob Two similar methods of the work of measurements are used:

  • By wrist level;
  • In the height of the elbow.

In the first case, it is necessary, being near the door, lower your arms along the body. In the wrist area on the door is made a pencil mark. Further, 20 cm. The handle located at this height is counted on this height, it will be very convenient to use for a person.

Also, it is enough to note the location of the elbow of a person. In most cases, the height of the handle, independently installed in the interior door, based on the described methods is almost the same.

Children's room

Despite the fact that the children are very difficult to reach and use the handles intended for use by adults, the installation of individual door handles is not an idea. An additional hole in the canvas can significantly ruin it. appearance. And the additional handle itself will quickly quickly become unnecessary.

The best way out in this situation is the installation of the handle with the pressure type of the mechanism into the interior doors. In this case, for the convenience of using the product, it is enough to sue a thick thread or a lace. In this case, the door will easily open when a child without special efforts pulls down the rope. Undoubtedly, the device will be simply removed.

Self different shapes, styles and colors from famous brands.

The new door is installed, however, it is also necessary small, but at all important details. One of these parts is a door handle. But in order to open and close the canvas, it was convenient, you need to know at what distance from the floor it should be a door handle.

Standard installation of door handles

There are two main options, the first - according to the standard, the second - as convenient.

What is the standard? Usually handles on the input and set the intermedine of the canvas, i.e. At an altitude of 1 meter. Specialists this height has been defined as the most convenient to close, or open the canvas. The average human growth in Russia is about 170 cm, and the length of the hands is about 70 cm, from here and leaves 1 meter (170-70).

However, every person is individual, and perhaps the standards are not at all suitable. After all, the main thing is to subsequently to you and your households it was convenient to use the block. In this case, the distance can be defined independently.

There is a simple but reliable way: Go to the door and lower your hand. Where your hand ends, make a mark, and add 15-20 cm to it up and calmly install the device.

There is another way, very similar to the previous one: Bend the hand in the elbow by 90 degrees, and at this level, make a mark on the canvas. It turns out, by the way, the same as with the adding centimeters.

However, it is not worth measuring the distance, standing at each door with a bent hand. It will be very convenient if you just measure how much you got in the first case, and take these sizes to other designs. If the knobs are everywhere on the same level, it is psychologically convenient for all members of your family.

It happens, true that the distance is determined not only by your desire, but also the appointment of the whole design or its design, as well as the peculiarities of production.

For example, children's. In this case, the meter for the child is clearly high. But it's not reasonable to make a handle, because it will grow up, and then what is the ugly hole on the door after the "raising" of the handles?

The answer is simple: they are different. In this case, it is very convenient to use a pressure structure - even if the child does not reach, you can hang the lace, securing it at the end of the handle. And then everything turns out like in a fairy tale: Derni for the rope, door and open. And when the child is growing, just remove the lace - and the owners are satisfied, and the door is a whole.

Features of production

Well, in the case of the peculiarities of production, everything is not so rosy. There are doors from MDF, on which the place for a lock or handle is labeled in advance. They are made of medium density chipboard. This is a marked place at a standard altitude of 1 meter, and it is in this place that wooden barberwhich is convenient to embed the handle. Deviations are allowed, but not more than 10 cm up or down, in the rest of the places such doors "empty", so that the knobs do not like everything in them.

There are two standard heights Installation of door handles from the floor: either 90 mm or 1 m.

Door handle height 90 mm.

The first thing to note is that the height of the installation of the handles on all doors in the apartment should be the same. IN otherwise The knobs that are installed below will be strongly rushing in the eye, even though the doors would not stand nearby. When the handle is installed at an altitude of 90 cm from the floor, the door looks slightly higher than it actually is due to the "low waist", which the handle forms

Minus setpoints at such a height.

This height door handle has one minus. Plumbing retainer, which is always located under the hand, will be too low.

Door handle height - 1 meter.

Standard and more generally accepted option is the installation of the door handle at a distance of 1 m. From the floor. Most doors, if it is standard canvases, have a height of 2 m. Thus, the handle divides the door exactly in half, forming two equal halves - on top and bottom. In this case, the retainer that is always installed under the handle is much more convenient to use, as it is not as low as in the first case.

The installation distance of the plumbing retainer from the handle depends directly from the mid-scene distance of the lock. Possible rangelists of locks are 75 mm., 85 mm., And 90 mm.

If the handle and the plumbing retainer has a massive, large outlet, such as That wisely will choose the lock with the largest mid-scene distance. Otherwise, the handle and the retainer will be visually stripped to each other. Between large sockets will be a very small distance that is aesthetically not very beautiful.

Install the handles above or below are not accepted.In any case, one of two options always remains your choice and taste. The installer should only recommend your vision to you, but fulfill everything clearly on your instructions.

Modern interroom door is a complex system consisting of a variety of details, each of which performs its own function. Sophisticated product work is caused by the choice of components and the correctness of their installation.

For example, a door handle, small but important elementdetermines how comfortable design will be in operation. A convenient opening and closing of the sash directly depends on such a parameter as the height of the handle of the interior door.

What should be the height of the interior door handle?

At what distance from the floor should be installed this detail Accessories?

Standard option

Most manufacturers release door structures in which the height of the installation of the interior door handle is predetermined in advance. At a distance of 1000 mm from the floor, or just in the center of the sash, the grooves are already slaughtered under the accessories.

Even if there are no grooves, doors interroom MDF. The economy class in this zone is equipped with a special bar, designed for a more comfortable handle and lock knob. When installing accessories, you can deviate down or up, but not more than 100 mm.

This standard was developed for the average Russian, the growth of which, as researchers believe, is 170 cm, and the length of the hand is 70 cm. However, this height of the interior door handle can not be approached by everything.

Determination of the convenient location of the fittings

To find out at what distance from the floor should be mounted the product, you can conduct a small study.

Become near the door, lower your hand at that point, where your palm ends and the wrist begins, make a mark. Count up 20 cm. It is in this place that you can install a handle without fear that it will be inconvenient to use it.

The location of the fittings is determined by the one where your elbow is when you closely approached the door. The result coincides with previous calculations.

Pen in the children's room

The problem can be solved with the help of a push product and a lace attached to it. While the child does not reach the knob, he can open the door, just pulling the lace.

What height is attached door handles?

what height is attached handles on the door?

I install door handles like this: I come to the door of sideways and I note the pencil the place of the palm of a free hanging hand, I add 10 cm up and location found. Optimally for any growth. By the way, my height is 178.

105 is an ergonomic standard. No need to invent anything. I am I tell you as an architect.
210 - Hand reach zone in standing position
197 - Door height
195 - Upper limit level of convenient reaches
190 - Maximum height of the shelf
180 - Maximum height of the placement of controls
176 - Hand reach area in the sitting position
175 - Maximum indicator placement height
160 - Eye level in standing position
140 - 80 Wall Circuit Switches
135 - the limit height of the vertical indicator for using standing.
120 - Barrifying grille for equipment
110 - Balcony Fencing
118 - Eye Level Sitting Men (175) Seat (43)
105 - Door Handle
100 - the minimum height of the fender lattice
80 - Height of the placement of controls, height of planing machine, workbench, lower limit zone
75 - 70 - Desktop
68 - 65 - Table for typewriter
60 - Minimum Foot Space
60 - the depth of the wardrobe
50 - Minimum control height Sitting
43 - Seat for Men
40 - Seat for a woman
30 — optimal height Step steps
15 -17 - the optimal height of the stairs

Firstly, this should be strictly individually, since the growth of residents of a certain room can fluctuate within the limits of at least 1.5 meters to 1.9 meters, and, accordingly, each person will be a convenient arrangement of the handles ...

This is somewhere around the level of the buttock or slightly above ...

On average, the door handles are set by default at an altitude of 1 meter from the floor +/- 10 centimeters.

Here, too, argued about the switches and about the handles and locks and about the Eurostandards, so came to common conclusion Door handles, and accordingly, the locks need to be design at an altitude of 80 cm from the bottom of the door, and not the floor, on the floor there can be a carpet with a pile of 10 cm lying. I will explain why, firstly, the children, secondly, when installing the above, people can touch the handles and injured the hand brushes, it also occurs in the dark when it is spoiled by a person often hits the top of the brush or fingers about a highly located handle and a third aesthetic appearance, if the handles and shrestle B. door box They are above, then they seem to look beautiful, and at the level of 80 cm a person needs to be made specially bent and look, that is, he sees only even platbands and door fittings. I also want to add, all this is good, but there is one but! In each door there is a frame (these are carrying thick bars, along the edges and a few horizontal jumpers) So here the locks and handles need to be embedded in them, in a thick frame in place where it is enhanced by a horizontal jumper, and not higher or lower (adhering to rules or what then standards) otherwise the design will significantly lose in rigidity and reliability!

Usually, the door handles are installed standard at an altitude of 100 centimeters from the floor.

How to install handles on interroom doors

But if you install yourself, it is worth considering the growth of those who live in the apartment. Therefore, you can set the handles on 5 centimeters above or vice versa below. Just consider that the handles of all interior doors in your apartment were at the same distance from the floor.

Doorknobs Mixed at an altitude that will be comfortable for residents of the house or apartment.

1000mm is considered as height. It all depends on the height of man, but if you take medium height People, then it turns out that way.

After all, no wonder by default in the program architing door handles are placed at an altitude of 1m.

105 is high, but 100 cm from the floor level is just right

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What height install the handle for the interior door?

The handle is an important part of the "cake" of the interior door, because from the correctness of its installation and the choice will directly depend on the comfort and simplicity to use the entire design, and the hypermarket of interior doors "Door" will help. Most manufacturers offer to install the door already with existing handles and other attached accessories. The height of the arrangement of the handle in this case is standard and, in accordance with GOST, is 100 cm from the floor.

If the handle is not installed, the models can both have and not have grooves for its mount. In the second case, in the zone of the alleged fixation there is a special bar, which allows you to install the handles and the lock quickly and simply. Here the height is determined independently, but the "limit" of the deposit up and down should not exceed 10 cm.

The height of 100 cm is focused on a person with an increase of 170 cm. But considering that this parameter can vary significantly, the optimal option is to purchase the door without fittings and designated grooves and fix the handle in the place that best suits everyone in the house.


To finally decide on a suitable height, you can follow the following rules:

  • On the wrist. It is necessary to approach the door close, the hands are lowering along the housing.

    How to decide on the height of the interroom handle

    At the wrist level, make a mark and retreat up to 20 cm. The resulting height is optimally suitable for a person who has done measurements.

  • On the elbow. It's all easier here: with a dense approach to the door, the location should be made at the elbow level.

If you take advantage of both methods at the same time, the result in the end should turn out to be approximately the same. No need to make similar measurements for each door. It is enough to install the label on one, measure the resulting distance and measured it on other interior doors at home.

Pen in the room for a child

The height obtained as a result of the above-described measurements of adults is not suitable for children - the child will not reach the handle. On the other hand, additional grooves will negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the structure. Optimal option - Use the pressure handle pressure mechanism and attach the lace to it. The child pulls behind the lace - the door easily opens. When children grow to suitable growth, the lace is reputable.

It is worth considering that the correctly selected height of the arrangement of the handle is not the only one important moment. The element itself should be high-quality and reliable, easy to press. Especially for children. Check this moment stands during the purchase. Only in the amount of product quality proper fastening Provides the convenience of using the interior door.

Expert hypermarket of interroom doors "Door" Zakirova Victoria

Regardless of the modification, each door is considered the most complex design with their individual elementsPerforming specific functions. When installing the unit, all component parts are equipped with accessories, each individual product has its special place. It is necessary to decide what height install the door handle.

What can affect?

The difficulty in making a decision in a particular case, several factors affect immediately, which will be discussed below.

  • Variety of door design. On the interior door made of an array, the door handle can be placed anywhere. It is important to remain only one criterion - convenience for households. If we talk about the panel models of the doors, then things are more difficult, since such an interroom door is a frame with inserts that are often completed too thin. For example, such inserts can be plastic or glass. And in this case, it makes no sense to mount the door handle to the elements from such a material, because, firstly, it will simply hold it for a long time, and secondly, it can be absolutely impossible. The handle can only be fixed to the frame and place it will have to be higher than the door lock. Here are just locks cut in different ways - everything depends on the location of the horizontal jumper on the frame.

  • Type of door handle.All accessories for the opening may differ in the type of construction, the attachment method, form or size. This one more reason why the specific standards for calculating the height for fastening such an item in principle may not be if we take into account the huge range of door structures.
  • Members of the family. During the installation of the door handle, it is necessary to take into account the growth of every person living in the house, and even the youngest children, because to the handle, which is too high, the baby will hardly reach the knob.
  • Pets. For some reason, such an indicator, as the presence of pets, when installing door handles is not taken into account. And this, of course, in vain, because if the handle is installed on the right height, the dog, for example, can always open the door. The question is here in the other - whether the animals are allowed to enter all the rooms at home.

As it turned out, a certain standard in height, on which the handles should be attached to the interior door, no. You just need to be installed in such a way that at the time of opening or closing the interior door there were no inconvenience. Therefore, for each door, the mounting place must be chosen individually, taking into account all the features of the opening and the canvas itself, where the door handle will be mounted.

Exceptions are considered to be ready-made models of door structures with the already produced and applied with marking for each element of fittings. In this case, only consolidate all the necessary items in the special sector will remain.

FROM budget door or homemade designwho was purchased in retail, the issue of installing the door knob to decide the owner independently.

How to determine the height?

In the first version, we consider the possibility of orientation on family members, that is, to the growth of household, which is considered to be average of all living in the house. Deciding with the one who in the family has an average height, you need to put this family member iniquing to the sash with omnounced hands. Right at the wrist level plus an additional 200 mm up and the point of an acceptable height should be placed on which the handle on the interior door will be installed.

A second option to solve the issue with the mounting of the door handle, will be the following: It is necessary to draw the same actions that were described above for the first option (you need to choose from all households of one with an average growth and put it to the door sash). However, it is not necessary to perform a mark this time not at the distance from the floor to its wrist, and to the level of the elbow joint. There is no additional shift from the received markup in this case.

Measurements can be performed first and second way - as a result, it will be almost the same result, but with a small difference.

Usually on the door to the children's room, the handle put a little lower, so that the kids are more convenient to use the door. However, children grow pretty rapidly, and replacing the doors every 3-4 years and not practical. Besides high-quality interroom designs Not available, and driving constantly fresh holes to reinstall the fittings every time it does not want anyone. In some cases, it is advisable to install a push door handle, and then bind to it some beautiful decorative lace - you can solve the problem of opening the door for a small child. After 5 years, the lace can be removed - the child will grow up and get free to the door handle.

When for any reason the plot under the accessories determined by the manufacturer is completely not suitable, it is necessary to shift the door handle below, above or sob. Here should be considered standard width All frame registers of the panel door design (its size is 100 mm). It is for this reason that in such a canvas the holes are categorically impossible.

Also should be taken into account the features of the fastener of the door design. Sometimes the interroom door is specially lifted. For example, this is necessary in the case when you need to increase the ventilation intensity or, on the contrary, to install decorative spawning. Such a shift up should be taken into account at the time of the calculations of the height indicator for the future mounting of the door handles.

The gap from the handle to the floor should not change and can be only one meter.


The whole process of installing door opening accessories performed in several stages.

  1. Start work follows from the marking of points, which, after drilling, will turn into the necessary holes. The first height that needs to be measured is for the future attachment of fittings for interroom door design. Carry out the marking with horizontal lines and very neat. But the vertical lines are usually noted by the center, where the fittings itself will be located. In the area of \u200b\u200bcrossing the lines drill holes for mounting the lock mechanism and door handles.
  2. Immediately after drilling, go to the installation of fittings. Usually in the manual, the manufacturer indicates all necessary actionsTo make installation correctly and efficiently.

After fixing the handle, you should make sure and check the reliability of the installed accessories. The result of the manipulations of the manipulations - the lock should easily close and open, like the door itself, without any problems.

As practice shows when all the necessary nuances are taken into account, it is absolutely easy to calculate the correct height for attaching the handle.

Read more about what height you need to install the door handle, you will learn from the following video.