Mystical secrets of moles. Moles on the face and their meaning

If the guy has such a mole, it says that, most likely, he will have the earliest and at the same time happy marriage. The same can be said about the Mountain over the right eyebrow. Mountain is enough big size It suggests that the guy with his chosen will live all his life.

A small mole or their scatter on this place is a testimony that although in the first early marriage a person will be quite happy, but it will be short of him for a short one and he will experience fate again, marrying again.

On the left eyebrows.

A person will have a late marriage, but not necessarily unhappy. The young man will pretty late for her family, but not because he does not like women, but because of a very serious attitude to the selection of a partner. The mole above the left eyebrow indicates a deeply feeling, but secretive nature. Such a guy can greatly worry about anyone, even the most minor event, besides, it is hard to reveal the soul in front of another person. Sometimes such people are pedantic to the degree of bore.

Between eyebrows.

Such a mole of men gives a tendency to thinks and reflections, often this decoration can boast philosophers. In ordinary life, such a person is quite scattered. He can leave at home a travel ticket, to completely forget about the date, do not entrust that he remembers even the date of his birth. However, if you ask him about the problem on which he reflects at that moment, such a guy will give out comprehensive information, and you will be amazed by his erudition.

If the Molenia is located between the eyebrows, but at the same time, the eyebrows dense and threw on the nose is a clear sign of jealous nature. Such a person has an exacerbid sense of owner, "River and Mosks" every time his chosen looks at another man.

On the right temple.

The man is smart, but sufficiently superficial. He could be glorified on any field chosen by him, but for some reason, driven only to him alone, but most likely, it simply does not see the meaning because of the natural laziness. This person is somewhat frivolous and in personal relationships. Such a guy today can desperately seek the attention of the girl, and the next day will hardly remember her name.

On the left temple.

Evidence of an outstanding mind, the guy is probably prone to thinking. Such a person easily gives all sciences, it almost does not apply effort to solve a complex task or theorem. However, he does and cause a boredom too long thinking over some kind of problem. He is very bored by teaching, third-party quick decisions and changing the genus of classes. Such a man feels comfortable where a sharp mind is required, rapid brainstorming, creative return.

On the forehead right.

The owner of such a mole loves to give orders, but not to fulfill them. Such a man will surely stubborn, possesses big powers Will, moving towards his goal, stepping through other people. He is a pity, however, he has an exacerby sense of justice. Good generals and politicians are often obtained from boys who have a birthmark on the right side of the forehead.

On the forehead on the left.

Fate disadvantaged a person quite high position in society. However, on the way to success, it often lies many obstacles. Thanks to the power of will and a solid character, such a guy, of course, will overcome all the obstacles, because for him a career in the first place. If such a man and marries, then not for love, but according to a sober calculation, which, by the way, is necessarily justified.

In the middle of the forehead or on the scalp.

Mountain, especially large, and even more so the birthmark on this place is thrusting the guy dizzying careers (remember at least M. S. Gorbachev). The purposefulness of such personalities is combined with extreme secrecy, these their secrets of men do not give off anyone, even the most close people.

Mole under the right eye.

The guy with such a mole is simple, "as three kopecks", and with his peculiarity, it believes that everything around should be the same. He is not able to understand complicated nature, everything is always easy for him. He will not ceremony with other people, but also does not wait for tactful handling. Such a guy is sociable, loves large companies, but, by the way, tend to impose their will and views. This is the Master to argue, and it does not convince him, even if he himself knows that he is wrong.

Mole under the left eye.

This is a sign that the guy is very not indifferent to the opposite sex. In a marriage, such a person is rarely faithful to his half, keep it quite difficult. But this does not mean that he is completely indispensable in ties. These men stay with a woman as long as they feel some kind of riddle, while it seems to them that the beloved can go to another at any time. But as soon as they realize that the woman is completely in their authority, feelings immediately cooler.

In the corners of the eye.

Such moles are a sign of a calm, balanced nature. All vital troubles are perceived by a person calm enough, with philosophical inhospitability. These people are usually somewhat phlegmatic, slowly, but surely go to their goal. You can be sure, over time, the boyfriend will become a good family man and will adore his wife. And in personal life, and in work such men are very responsible, they can be rejected on them.

Moles or roda spots on centuries.

The phenomenon is quite rare. The guy with such a birthday person is very honest, open and peaceful. He can be a beautiful friend, a wonderful companion, always with attention heers a story about your troubles and will definitely help in trouble. But he also requires the same respectful relationship, not deceiving himself, does not tolerate to be deceived him. This guy will not be friends with cunnings and dexteries, too he is straightforward, never forgives betrayal or betrayal, without undressing quarrels, trying to solve all the problems peacefully.

On the right cheek.

A man with a mole on the right cheek romantic, prone to stormy love experiences. Serenads under the window or a bouquet of amazingly beautiful roses in winter in the morning, it is in his spirit. Most of the time, such a young man hovers somewhere in the clouds, and it happens quite difficult to return to the sinful land. Going married such a person, the girl should be ready for the fact that she will have to take everyday routine concerns, after all, her chosen one worries not dirty dishes and the plated ceiling, but the perfection of the designs of air locks. True, if he was a little ashamed, he immediately jesked from the sofa, removes the whole house to the brilliance and put the table for a romantic dinner with candles. That's just what you will eat, this is not his concern, he is all of himself.

On the left cheek.

Mountain on the left cheek predicts a lot of difficulties on the way to success. Fate is not too favorable. However, the men of this type are not inclined to retreat, they are more confidently overcome by obstacles every time, due to which their character is tempered. And when such a person seeks success in life, it means one thing - a clean, honored victory, forged with her own hands, contrary to all adverse circumstances.

Two and more moles on the left cheek say that their owner, alas, will always be poor. Even if he ever lucky in his life (let's say, "it will fall on his head" a lot of inheritance), the money will still not be delayed for a long time, you will go through your fingers. But if the moles on the cheek are adjacent to the mole on the nose, the person will achieve respect, will make a good career, although it all equals only at the end of his life path.

On the nose.

Unlike women with such a notmer, a man with a mole on the nose is guaranteed success in all its endeavors. Good luck is always on his side. The man of this type is so confident in his own irresistible, which in a dream sees himself crowning special, and in reality in any circumstances is free and harmonious as fish in water. As a child, such a person most likely walked in pets and was always in the center of attention. It can be somewhat spoiled, but only because everything in life is lighter than others. Hence the tendency to progress. The creative potential of such men is huge, often the beautiful actors and directors are obtained. However, a family union with a similar person requires a lot of peaceful forces and continuous control over their behavior.

If the guy in addition to everything has a habit of constantly touching the mole of his hands, be sure that you have a complete egoist. He is accustomed to that he is always lucky, and on this basis he believes that it stands on the step above other people. Everyone must be pleased, well, the wife, first of all.

Near the right nostril.

This is a sign of a carefully hidden tendency to theft. From guys having a major molest on right nostril, often finished kleptomans are obtained. This may be a consequence of painful envy to the owner of the desired subject or simply a specific painful state. The value of someone else's thing can be negligible, but the hands of Kleptana to her do it.

If the mole is barely noticeable, this vice is not manifested throughout the human life, although in the depths of the soul he repeatedly imagined himself as thorish. The best way Pay off the dark energy, take up races.

Near the left nostril.

Such a mole testifies to the tricks and human proquireness. This guy is always on everything on everything, it can easily circle anyone around the finger. He does nothing just like that, each of his act pursues some mercenary goal.

Such men are very dodging, from any situation manage to get out of the benefit for themselves.

Above the upper lip.

Sign of funny lav and sensuality. Often, such a guy of the company's soul, merry and balagen. Do not mind to learn for the girl you like, he knows the sense in love, easily fascinates the beautiful floor. This is a real connoisseur of luxury, good food as well beautiful women. It's easy and easy to khat with him, but attempts to start with him serious relationships are doomed to failure, he immediately goes away.

If he marries ever, only on the girl who will choose himself.

In the corners of the lips.

The guy easily turns relations with girls, loves women's society, prone to love adventures. It can be an excellent friend, but it is difficult to count on serious relationship. Even if this seducer swars in eternal love and friendship, it is worth a pretty thought, after a few days he can forget about his promises, having adopted another passion. The personality windy and passionate, most likely, has an impressive appearance, is well aware of his attractiveness and skillfully use it.

Under the bottom lip.

Such a person is completely given to the feeling that covers him, it is very passionate and self-chained in the love of nature. However, quickly and sincerely falling in love, such men are as rapidly cooled. It is safe to say that in the life of these impulsive subjects, they expect both dizzying ups and completely murderous crash. Unfortunately, their lotion depends rather from the circumstances of the circumstances than from its own actions.

On the chin on the right.

Slute success in all matters and happy marital marriage (although, most likely it will be late). Such a person is usually powerful and reliable. He does everything in detail, not in a hurry, rarely has higher education, thinks quite slowly. In the chosen profession, such people appreciate the stability and a decent income, usually quickly climb on the service staircase, although there are no significant heights. To the choice of the wife of a man of this type, they also fit very thoroughly, marry only once and in marriage happy, worship his wife's "second half."

On the bottom of the chin on the right.

The evidence that a person will take to the patronage of high-ranking persons predicts good luck in affairs and trips. Such a person is waiting for luck and pleasant acquaintances in the way. It is safe to say that the guy will choose such a profession that suggests long and frequent business trips. He is gambling to change the situation more often. To suffer can not be bored and besides, it is simply not able to engage in any one-name activities. Of these people often get excellent travelers, geographers, geologists and, oddly enough, the commitives. If you see a man with a mole on the bottom right part of the chin, engaged in trading, be sure he will not only be a product, but last year's snow, and at home you will wonder how managed to lay out so much money for completely unnecessary things.

In the middle of the right side of the chin.

Such a mole promises a lot of prosperity in life. And even if he does not shine big money in life, everything can change everything, and he will definitely become rich. Money loves such subjects, maybe also because they do not spend them on trifles and have a big talent for proper managing finance. They love to risk, but the risk mostly justified. Such a person may be somewhat misfortune, but only for foreign people, and not for their loved ones.

On the chin on the left.

Most often, the guy with such a mole is distinguished by immeasurable kindness and latitude of nature. In childhood, he probably brought his home selected on the street on the street or pigeon with an overbound wing. He is still trying to help everyone, no one wants evil, with everyone in good relationship. Such a guy is very generous and uncanyten, can give the last shirt completely unfamiliar man. A little sentimental, be sure to remember the date of the first kiss or the outfit of her girlfriend on the day of their first meeting. Communicate with such a person is very easy, he good friendand in the future - an exemplary spouse.

On the right ear on top.

This mole is called the "Fortune Pet Sign", this is a real notice of happiness. We pass almost unknown failures, he is successful both in personal life and in professional activity. Such people often disappear Jack Pope in the lottery, they are incredibly lucky in every gambling. Having met a guy with such a mole, do not let him down from myself, perhaps the part of his luck will come to you.

On the right ear in the center.

It is possible that man is hotbed and cruel. It is better to stay away from it, remaining nevertheless in a friendly relationship. Have such an enemy enough sad perspective. He can strive you all my life just because in trolleybus you happened to his leg. While in the power of anger, he does not control itself, and then it often repents, although it is not in a hurry to correct his mistakes. If a person has a mole in the center of the right ear, it is combined with a mole on the right nostril, he does not avoid prison.

On the right ear from below.

A man with such a mole of natural on rarity quick-tempered and windy. The guy flies through life, like a moth, who does not seek anything and nothing particularly wanting. Today he is with one girl, tomorrow with the other, and the day after tomorrow with the third and confident that it is in the order of things. It does not tolerate when indicating its flaws, while instantly explodes. But his rage passes as quickly as it arises.

On the left ear on top or in the center, evidence of the tendency of nature to adventure adventures.

The guy's head is always full of some plans, and from time to time he is trying to embody them in life, which he does not always succeed. This young man from the category of people who are constantly being brought into some story. It is he who has to answer for a broken showcase, although his whole wine is only that he passed by, it is his bus that is confused, although there were several more people nearby, it is in his wallet in a crowd. At the same time, it remains to be surprised how this "happy loser" manages to get out of all of all, to remain whole and unscathed or get rid, which is called a light fright.

On the left ear from the bottom, Speaks about modesty and human timidity, and than the Molenia is larger, the more shy man.

A guy with such a "noted" is difficult to get acquainted with people, it is very difficult for him to cope with his shyness and freely talk to the girls. Over time, of course, a person becomes relaxed, but still he cannot finally overcome his timidity.

Molenia on the left or right cheek can tell a lot about their owner. Mistores on the face and body carry information about past lives, talents and the future of man. You can immediately learn a lot about yourself or randomly encountered people.

In the article:

What does the Molenia mean on the left cheek

Molenia on the left cheek speaks of sensuality. The family life of its owner will be difficult - with such a character it is not easy to find a partner who can do without clarifying relationships. The owner of this label is constantly required novelty of sensations, and he will try to diversify the relationship with new connections. These people are capable of self-sacrifice, but for a long time their patience is not enough.

New sensations are required not only in love, but also in other spheres of life. So people are difficult to work in the same place. They often choose a job that implies business trips, a variety of activities and leaves space for imagination. A complex nature may make it difficult for relationships not only with his spouse, but also with colleagues, relatives and friends.

Molenia on the left cheek talks about depression. Its owner will definitely begin to suffer from this mental disorder if his life becomes gray and monotonous. The only way to get rid of the unpleasant emotional state - keep an active lifestyle and try to get as much bright impressions as possible.

Another meaning of the mole on the left cheek is an interest in creativity and art. Creative skills Not always pronounced, but you like to go to the exhibitions, collect albums with pictures of great artists and can not spend the day without high-quality music. Interestingly, the desire for a variety is manifested here - you often change your preferences, although there are directions of art that you like more than others.

What does the mole of the right cheek mean

Scarlett Johansson

Molenaya on the right cheek says that you are a good friend, you know how to communicate with relatives and easily find a common language with a person of any age and worldview. Your beloved person can be called the happiest - it's hard to find more suitable for family life man. You are true and devoted, have a pleasant character and do not like to lie. Distinguishes the owners of such marks and passion, sensuality and ability to express their emotions.

Molenia on the right cheek speaks of jealousy and excessive irritability. It happens that your bad mood affects others - you can't keep yourself in your hands. In family life, this can be compensated for by passion and bright temperament - you really have "hot" temper. However, if the spouse wishes to go to your opinion, it expects a rapid clarification of relationships.

People with such labels on the face are of great importance attach to the physical side of love. For many of them, sex is the basis of relationships. Such a person is not capable of gentle feelings, although rarely rude without much reasons. If you do not touch the hot temper and jealousy, perhaps family life will be quite safe.

Owners of such marks have a habit of taking everything close to heart. You will have to learn to pay less attention to everyday troubles, because constant resentment and irritation make a person unhappy. In the long run, depression is possible.

Mountain on the cheek: general meaning

Mountain on the cheek Marilyn Monroe became the same famous symbol as curls and bright lipstick

Any mole on the cheek makes a woman attractive. Several centuries ago in fashion were so-called flies - artificial moles that were stuck on the face of the court ladies. However, in the Middle Ages and the body considered.

It is now assumed that the basic meaning of the mole on the cheek is the attractiveness in the eyes of people. You know how to seduce, attract attention to yourself and use it for your own purposes. Natural charm and charm does not give you the opportunity to stay unnoticed.

Another distinctive feature of people with moles on cheeks is special talents. Even a housewife is able to surprise you with its skills. Perhaps it prepares excellent baking or creates real masterpieces from beads.

People with moles on the cheeks are prone to depression, if the main components of a happy life are not available to them. Believe it or not - to solve you.

The importance of the moles will help you learn more friends and can become interesting way pastime.

In contact with

Moles on the cheek is natural decoration Any woman. And even a man acquires a drop of femininity, when his mole is on his cheek. Mountain on the cheek Merlin Monroe attached playfulness and charm. But few people think about the relationship of the location on the cheek of the moles and the nature and fate of man.

Causes of appearance

If you have a mole on the cheek, this may mean Hormonal changes in your body or leakage of any disease. Also, moles on the cheek may occur with a long stay in the sun.

What does the mole mean on the cheek?

The meaning of the mole on the cheek in women

Moles on the cheeks in women - this is a sign of natural charm.. Such women are real "magnets" of views.

Women who have a mole on the cheek, very talented. Even if it is a simple housewife, then surely you will find a lot of outstanding abilities in it, let's say, it is beautifully embroidered with a cross or virtuoso bakes various cakes.

Mole on the left cheek Near the bottom century speaks of very sensual nature. These people will have to survive enough in the marital life. But they need experiences and they need a permanent novelty in personal relations.

Mole on the left cheek on the cheek He says that this person is inclined to depressions. He has a difficult character and he can find a reason for his experiences everywhere. He is constantly needed in life new sensations.

The meaning of the mole on the cheek in men

In a man mole on the left cheek He is a sign of a large talent that begins to manifest from childhood. Such a mole was the famous Russian composer Alexander Glazunov, who wrote the first symphony in 16 years.

Mole on the left cheek closer to the ear Speaks about a person who is capable of self-sacrifice.

Mountain on the right cheek near the lower eyelid It suggests that the surrounding of this person is great lucky. These people are very true and generous, especially the "second half." They are very passionate and deep in love, these are sincere people.

Mountain on the right cheek near exterior corner eyes suggests that you are passionate nature. Your love is characterized dramatically from the owner of the moles described above. You are irritable and jealous, from the partner, do not tolerate disobedience.

Mountain on the right cheek from above near the eye She said that her owner without a residue was given to passion and love joy, he had no constancy. He is sensitive, but can love with difficulty.

Mountain on the right cheek in the center Indicates that its owner is a hot-tempered person. Only carnal love and frequent quarrels prevail in personal relationships.

Bad if you have molenaya is on the right cheek near the ear. You will most likely be unhappy in life, for a long time to look for the meaning of existence. This is because of the tendency to take everything that happens very close to the heart and worry very much.

Mountain on the right cheek on cheek It suggests that you have excellent organizational abilities and boldly make decisions.

We have already written in the previous article, which means the form of moles on the human body. Let's now find out what the moles will tell on a particular part of the body. Indeed, it is believed that from where the birthmarks are located not only in nature, but also the fate of a person.

The location of the moles on the body

What does the mole of the forehead mean

Mountain on the forehead, located close to the nose or above the eyebrows, speaks of a big mind and insight. The majority of such a mole can become state Worker, wise politician, diplomat.

Such people are capable of great affairs, they have a colossal reserve of energy, which are able to minimize the mountains. But the main thing for them is not to overdo it. Mountain on the forehead over the bridge has great value In the images of the deities in Buddhist temples. This fateful sign can be both fatal and happy for a person.

It is believed that a little higher than such a mole is a mystical "third eye", which allows you to see the energy structure of people and everything that surrounds us. A man with a mole on the forehead over the bridge is able to discover the secrets of the emergence of invisible energy threads between people.

It may well become a medium and clairvoyant. But very often surrounding take such a man for a crazy. Indeed, people with such a sign are often suffering from the strongest attacks of headaches that can lead to mental disorders. But it is also believed that such a person in the past life is more than others managed to improve the karma.

Mountain at the top of the forehead

Such a mole is of particular importance, if, besides her, there are no other moles on the forehead, and it is located on the border of the forehead and hairproof head. If it is right, its owner has large organizational abilities. The owner of such a mole is capable of behaving, his dreams and ideals extend far beyond their own destiny. It is little worried about material well-being. If he is obsessed with some kind of idea, it is useless to argue with him. Such a mole is more common in women.

What does the mole mean on the cheek

Mountain on the cheeks, under the eyes speaks of tenderness and kindness of women. If it is located on the left cheek closer to the ear - this is the sign of the greatest self-sacrifice. Sometimes a man can fall in love with a woman thanks to one only such a mole. It is not by chance that women dream of such a mark and secretly envy the owner of such. Molenta near the eye, on the temple and on the cheek can serve as a strong newspaper. The most mystical way is the fascinating speech will act on everyone, but not on the one who really needs it. This sign often passes from generation to generation and often serves as a sign of noble origin for both women and men.

The meaning of the mole on the cheek

Mountain on the cheeky characterizes very decisive people. All their lives they can devote to the struggle in the name of a noble idea. This is especially brightly manifested in humans with a mole on the right cheek. Mountain on the cheekbone most often happens the only on his face or stands out so much that it is simply impossible not to notice it. Such people are always unsurpassed speakers, they use authority in the team, can become leaders, leaders, and in the worst case - instigators.

What does the mole mean on the head

Mountain on the pests, under the hair, it happens in great thinkers, people who can renounce everything earthly. If the mole is hidden under the hair on the back of the head, its owner is a very secretive person, water from past lives could make some non-resident act, even the murder. As a rule, he himself cannot explain why he does not want to share with someone his problems. A closure, alienation is characteristic signs of behavior of such a person.

If the Molenia is only a small spot, a person can live all his life, and without learning that he has it. If the Molenka performs a bugor and it is easy to detect, its quality is much stronger. However, it should not be too pessimistic to treat moles on the back of the head, it is better to try to get rid of negative character traits.

Mountain on the ears

Holders of moles on the ears, as a rule, are extremely boastful, tend to exaggerate their advantages and forget about the shortcomings. However, these quality they seem to be protected from reality, as not too confident in themselves, as it is often perceived by side. In the lower manifestations, such people do not hold words, they can deceive, even steal.

In a person intellectually developed, with high self-consciousness, Mountain on the ear will always indicate originality in the vision of the world. Such a person in his own way treats reality, not afraid to stand out from the crowd. People with moles on the ears can not be weak. Their insecurity is temporary phenomenon. They know how to overcome difficulties and cope with their complexes. If the mole is hidden in the ear, it may indicate a disease nervous system, as well as on violation of metabolism.

Mountain on Gubakh

Such a mole is usually noticeable only in people with pale lips. It is very difficult to establish here to accurately, whether it is, because the lips are often inflamed and exposed to action chemical substancesThus, the impact of "manifesting" lipstick can cause a change in pigmentation. Spots on the lips may also appear in avid killers. However, this will also have a value, maybe somewhat less than the personnel.

Anyway, a mole or a pigment spot on Red Kimeggub talks about human weakness, about his inability to be responsible for the actions performed. People with such a sign, as a rule, are postponed for later. They are often slaves of bad habits, especially for men.

Inflammation of the red border and stains on it also appear if a person has a habit of frequent lips. This habit talks about the inability to cope with carnal desires, about sweetness.

Moles in language or mouth

Moles on the mucous membrane of the mouth are often in women. About the Motherland In the language, the owner can find out often only from doctors, since inconvenience, as a rule, it does not feel from this and does not feel the birth itself. A man with a mole in the language may have very weak health, but nevertheless live to deep old age. All his ailments - from the imperidity inherent in him. Such people are extremely sensitive, dangerous and suspicious. They are a lot
they say and almost do not know how to listen. Sometimes such a person can impress the slightly "abnormal" because of his habit of leaping from the topic to the topic. They often change the mood. People with a mole in the language are distinguished by incontinence in statements and often suffer from it. However, such people are almost always ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, rejecting dubious advice around others.

What does the mole of the neck

The Men Molenia on the neck speaks of his impassiveness, numerous weaknesses, the absence of willpower. His mood is often changing, in childhood it can be very fusing. The weather has a great influence on such people sharp drops Pressure in the atmosphere.

Men with their mole on the neck can be highly developed intellectually and spiritually, but almost always they are not able to fully implement their data. They are not fighters, although they can be excellent professionals in their business. They will certainly be ahead of a more dodgy and successful competitor.

A woman with a birthmark on the neck can be very volatile at the apparent conservatism. She changes her tastes, addiction, life credo. Under certain circumstances, it can change her husband, but for nothing will hide it and immediately in all he admits. At the same time, it can be very gentle, love without regardless and even completely devote himself to one-sole man. She will always protect home, creating comfort, sometimes with elements of a mantle. But in his vision of life will never rely on other people's advice, rejecting even the modest wishes of more sophisticated people.

A child with a relatives on her neck will always be a pet with his parents. His whims will be plowed, it will be allocated from among other children, even if he does not deserve it. Parents will always create an artificial authority, believing his chosenness and convincing it in this personally.

A woman with a mole on her neck often repeats the fate of his mother. For example, if the mother had one marriage, most likely the daughter will also have one marriage. The same applies to the emergence of children. If the mother has several children, the daughter is likely to have the same and with a similar range of birth.

But among people with moles on the neck there are personalities of lonely, isolated, not capable of creating families. As a rule, their life principles Based on the denial of generally accepted norms. They need to overcome vices such as bile, envy, sloe.

Moles on the shoulders

Moles on shoulders carry a lot of information. People with moles on the shoulders as if the heavy wear is attached - this is a cargo of problems not solved in the past. Mountain on the shoulder, and with it and some kind of problem can be transmitted from generation to generation, children will make the same mistakes as their parents, while someone does not interrupt this closed circle and will not come out of it.

People with moles on shoulders - strong personalitiesBut they constantly lack determination to make something else with ease, they often envy those who, not possessing, in their opinion, deep knowledge can somehow get confused in life. They can be very stubborn, suffering from their own inflexibility more than anything.

But they can be loyal to their chosen one or choices before self-denial. People with moles on the shoulders are few, patient, they will perform any work.

Moles on the chest

Such moles are a symbol of the biggest love for all people, a sign that everyone can count on forgiveness and cleansing thanks to a person marked with this sign. At the same time, Molenia on the chest indicates that its owner will devote himself completely to the love that carries in itself, not retreating and without renounced.

Such birth spots have more important For women, rather than for men. Women can have moles (for example, on the bottom of the left), which are able to influence fate in different ways - either to cause love and worship, or create a substantial and short-lived passion from a woman.

In ancient times, such moles were considered the most dangerous signs of fate. It was believed that the woman would certainly be a victim of unhappy love or a fateful drama. Mountain on the chest on the right is a calmer sign. The owner of such a sign will be a good wife and mother. Her feelings are constant, and the aspirations are correct. Most likely, she will have few love adventures.

The Men Men on the Breast means that he is capable of all-consuming clean love and loyalty. Such signs are often found at widers who cannot re-marry. Moles on lactic glands and under them can talk about the deepest sense of maternal love, which can be experienced in life.

Women marked with such naughty spots are designed to raise children. They are very caring and affectionate mothers. If the moles are more from the left side or on the left is the only mole, this means that the woman is able to completely devote himself to the family. Perhaps she will not be decided for a long time to make a child. It will seem to her that it is not yet sufficiently prepared to become a mother. But if a child appears, she will raise him in all the rules, and on the ability of the whole child's life, maternal love will warm him. If she has no children, she gives the non-painted maternal love with her husband, parents, close. Care, as a rule, is an integral part of its profession - teacher, doctor, etc.

Moles on the nipples

Moles on the nipples is not a very good karmic sign. Such a mole warns of a possible disease. If the mole on the left nipple - a person is subject to heart disease, if on the right - an accident may occur in his life, after which he will receive disabilities.

Molenia under the breast indicates the cunning character of its owner. The speck on the left says that the woman is capable of any intrigue and does not happen any means in achieving the goal: it can damage the rival, send the misfortune to her and her children. Such a woman seeks to get in the husband of a man of non-free, burdened family. It is likely that she will have more than one marriage, but every time she will dodge her husband from a foreign family.

Mountain under the right breasts characterizes the woman is extremely business. Her deceit is not as dangerous for loved ones. But those with whom it works, it will be difficult. Such a woman at work is not implementing agreement and easily uses almost any competitors available to it. But this sign allows a lot to achieve in life.

The man has such a sign as if emphasizes his dignity and at the same time all his vices. If a man on the bottom of the chest (under the nipples) has many moles, he is not very strong in spirit, most likely, he should not trust, but this is if there are many small moles, more than a dozen. One or two noticeable convex moles, on the contrary, they talk about his ability to dedicated actions. Men with a mole under the left nipple are very romantic, among them and navigators, and travelers, and pilots. Men with a mole under the right nobility are very noble, they are usually faithful husbands and caring fathers.

Ribs located below

Such moles in women are evidence that they cannot control themselves in anything, often hysterical with low intelligence. Such a woman can arrange a spread of any occasion, it does not care if the presence of foreign ones during the scandal does not care. Sometimes she needs not only sedatives, but also assistance to psychiatrist and serious treatment.

Moles on the waist

Women with moles on the waist all the time need to keep themselves in their hands, control their statements. In men, Moles on the waist is usually a sign of indecision, cowardiness. A man with a moleside below the ribs often turns out to be a big egoist. It is subject to panic during natural Disasters, the car accident is afraid, robbers, etc. It is always difficult for such a person to cope with his problems alone. He can get rid of fear of fear if he gets extra energy from someone.

Moles on the hip.

The birthmark on the thigh in a woman speaks of a tendency to grate, especially if it is located on the leg of the back. Such a spot indicates an extreme dependence on the mother. The owner of a similar spot can early may lose his father or will be brought up without a father. However, it may be faithful for men.

In childhood, such children stand out among the peers. They are considered "White Raves", in any society are neither. Women's marriage with such rimpheam stains is extremely difficult. They are rarely happy in family life, because if we get married, it is too late when you can no longer afford a child.

It should be noted that the quality of the stains are brighter than brighter than the brighter itself. The presence of such a sign also talks about positive aspect: A person will enjoy outstanding abilities that will be able to implement one way or another. In his fate there will be many discoveries, as a rule, relating to their own personality. Creativity and work will always go around. Even if it is a completely simple person, he will have a talent to make something with his own hands or a poet talent. Such people are able to foresee the future.

Moles on cheeks

Mountain on the cheek in a man says primarily about the nature of character, the cattleness, originality, if it is located on the right. This mole is impossible not to notice. Women with a mole on the cheek enjoy the attention of persons of the opposite sex more often than others. For a woman, such a mole is a sign of her natural charm. In addition, the Mountain on the left cheek may indicate impassable in actions, a tendency to depressions and even the hysteriousness of its owner.

Mountain on the left cheek indicates a large talent, which manifests itself in man since childhood. It may be the talent of the artist, writer, composer, astrologer. This is especially characteristic of men. Such people have a phenomenal memory, possess the talent of communication with people.

Moles on centuries

Moles on the eyelids always produce a crazy impression, especially if they are big. A man with a mole in the right century poorly tolerate stressful situations, he immediately flows into panic, and sometimes he does not understand what he does, very often he lacks life energy.

Mountain on the left century is characteristic of a person who has always prevailed over the mind. Usually he is very dreaming, can change his views and beliefs several times a day, is inconsistent in love. A woman with such a sign can easily be captivated first who will be interested in her, and joy will get married, and then with the same ease of ease.

Mountain over the upper lip

Such a birthmark of a woman on the right side always talks about cunning, cruelty of his mistress. A woman with a mole above the upper lip is usually charming, but has a powerful character, strong in spirit and almost always suppresses a man with whom will connect his fate. In case of failure, it can recoup on his partner, bringing the situation to the absurdity. Such women are not distinguished by a gentle attitude towards children or her husband, but they manage to make a career, to achieve position in society.

What do births mean nose

Moles on the nose are in sociable people. Mountain at the tip of the nose speaks of a light character, about the presence of a sense of humor. In women, this mole indicates some frivolity in behavior. The owner of such a mole and study, and in work is often limited to what lies on the surface, without deepening in the secrets of the educational subject or profession. Such people can often change jobs, educational establishmentsBut to boast satisfaction from the position occupied, as a rule, they cannot. All of them are Zyibko, frivolously, temporarily. Such people can replace life goals with momentary desires.

People who have a mole at the base of the nose on the cheek are always better than others know how to act in one situation or another. They seek to give advice, and most often really reasonable. They are often treated for help friends in difficult moments of life, share secrets and never regret it - a person with a mole at the base of the nose can keep other people's secrets. He can be a good lawyer.

Mountain at the base of the nose to the left of the man is a rare amazing sign. Such people can "talk" with the stars, work wonders, interpret dreams.

What is the birth of a mole on the chin

Moled on the chin in a man speaks of power. Such people are perfectly aware of what they wish. Sometimes it indicates despotic, a tendency to aggression, and at the same time will and the ability to bring any business to the end. To achieve their goals, they do not neglect any means. So people are difficult to prove anything. The more Molenia, the more stubbornness. They are characterized by the feature of the dictator.

Mountain on the chin on the right of men speaks of cosiness and greed, on the left - about the purposefulness, the desire to go ahead, to self-improve. In women, on the contrary, the birthmark on the chin on the right is a happy positive sign giving her faith in their strength, optimism, generosity. Such a woman will always be disturbed by wisdom, tact, listen to the ability. Usually such people achieve a high position in society. Mountain on the chin on the left of a woman's token of weakness, egocentrism, bad inclinations, indulging in their whims.

Mountain on the temple.

Its in no case should be confused with a mole on his forehead. Mountain on the temple at the left eye is of extremely sentimental people. This also applies to men and women. At the same time, it is absolutely unnoticed. Externally, a person is always calm, most often he hides his emotions. This manifests itself the more, the closer to the mole to the hairproof.

Unconsciously people seek to hide the birthmark on the temple under the hair. Women are carrying bangs, men rarely stand. A man with a mole on the temple often suffers from headaches, he may have something wrong with the blood supply of the brain. It happens that he cannot remember the elementary, for example, where he was last night, and at the same time the owners of such a mole are weird sensations: at a certain point he suddenly understands that all this was once already, and he knows exactly what Now hears or what follows. His dreams come true, and sometimes after many years after they dreamed, such people can keep some dreams or sense of childhood in mind. Perhaps at a young age, they do not differ much from the peers and they do not at all show their importance to neither acute intelligence or outstanding abilities. All this they acquire thanks to efforts and performance.

Mountain on the right temple can often meet with fortune-telling. It is believed that it is better to hide it from prying eyes, as other people's views are able to "jiggle" the talent of the owner. However, such a mole can fill a person and deprivation. As a rule, such people are too rapid by the Father.

Moles on his stomach

Such birthplace spots in something have a similar meaning with signs on the waist. Moles on the stomach can indicate a tendency to the panic fear, almost an animal. The owner of such a mole can manifest the courage, not to speak his fear. However, often people with similar notes die with a sudden death from the break of the heart.

Moles on the stomach are visible, as a rule, from birth. Their location is largely connected with the internal bodies that are in this part of the body. People with moles on the stomach can be slaves of their passions, their desires. This is manifested in non-firouting food, carnal pleasures, alcohol abuse. Mountain on the belly on the left can be in people who constantly change sexual partners. If Molenia is located in the center of the abdomen, such a person can achieve a lot with his efforts, will. But he, as a rule, a heaven, arrogantly in food and drinks.

Mountain on his back

If it is closer to the shoulders, a person has a great demand for himself and others. Most likely, he will play sports and require the same from his loved ones. Such people often go hiking, are poured with cold water, being accustomed to this young children. Despite such attention to its physical development and contrary to all efforts, people with a relay on their backs like good health just do not possess.

If there are many moles at the top of the back, this suggests that the person was born weak, will hurt much in childhood, and in the youth to suffer from incomprehensible weakness. Often, such moles indicate the lungs, especially for men. For women, such a sign indicates bronchial diseases with asthmatic complications.

According to Slavic, beliefs, Mountain on his back is a sign of betrayal from other people. It is possible that the owner of the Moleniki was brutally suffered from the deception and betrayal of a loved one. He and now behave carefully. To a greater extent, this warning concerns women, although they just have births on the back much less often than men. For a woman with a mole on his back it is very important to live in such a way as to even make thoughts about a possible betrayal from loved ones, otherwise the existence may end the neurons, hysteries, impaired psyche.

If a person is confident in herself, he forms his behavior with his attitude towards himself to himself. A man with a mole on his back is a thoughtful interlocutor, a reliable partner, a good professional. It has talents in many areas of life. If he takes his studies, necessarily becomes an excellent student or the best in the group.

Moles on her arms

Molescence inner side The wrists are very vulnerable people, and if there are two spots and more - it speaks about hypersensitivity to any manifestations of rudeness and inattention. A woman with a mole on the inside of the left forearm makes the impression of good, compliant, unprotected. As a rule, she has a lot of moles on the body - necessarily there are moles on the temple, neck, hips. If the Molenia is located and on the right wrist, the woman very skillfully uses his visible insecurity, a man is ready to wear her on his hands and protect from any trouble.

Women with moles on hands are usually very happy in marriage. If Molenia is outside forearm, woman gives her beloved maximum comfort, her gentle hands possess some magic power - For whatever it fell, everything is wonderful. Its energy is compatible with almost any person. There is only one condition - he must love her truly.

A man with a mole on his right hand also has good energy. He is not necessary to be strong physically, having pumped muscles - things and people and so submit to his will. Hands of such a man can perform the most thin workThey do not get tired and do not fall in the most difficult moments of life. Such men are optimistic about life, capable of making money, be very independent. You can count on such a man and rely.

If a man has two notable moles at the forearm, he is able to wear a beloved woman in his hands on his hands. You can also say that two moles on the right hand are a sign of loyalty.

Moles on the elbows characterize a very varying and unsuitable person. Especially if they marked the inner side of the elbow bending. The owner of such moles can often suffer from strikes and injury injuries, trauma. However, the elbow joints in such a person can themselves be very painful, can disturb him with sudden painful sensations.

In general, to moles on the elbows and kneadingly treat very carefully - do not hurt them once again and not injure. The fact is that these moles are the endings of the most unstable energy channels. They attract negative energy from ambient. These may be negative emotions, splashing by other people, someone's resentment or evil thoughts.

The most interesting thing is that people with moles on the elbows themselves are not able to convey to someone their negative emotions, they all walign in themselves. Therefore, they sometimes have to be very hard. As a rule, it is impossible to benefit by such people bypass existing rules. But in life will be achieved by itself, with their own hands.

Moles on the fingers

If such a sign is on a nameless finger right hand, at the base, in the personal life of a person will be disappointment. It is possible that the owner of such a mole may suffer so suffer from experienced sensations, which is capable of imposing on his hands. In his life there may be divorces, breaking relationships. Man with such a sign when marriage is desirable to cover the mole wedding ring And try never to shoot it.

This spot is generally better not to show anyone, and since it is located in such a place where it is not curled, then only the ring can save marriage. Unmarried and undelated, it is recommended to wear a ring on the site of the mole, so as not to stay alone forever.

People with moles on the fingers are susceptible to the silt, exposure negative energy. There is I. positive side This sign. As a rule, such people are large arts in embroidery, knitting. Focist and illusionists have similar specks. The owner of such a mole is the famous David Copperfield.

In addition, there is a belief that to the fingers of such people "money and sticky". There are signs that people with moles on the fingers can be thieves.

Moles on the palms

Such signs are very rare. They have a huge impact on the fate of a person and during life can disappear and appear again. Everything that is on the palms is: lines, points, stains, - is under the jurisdiction of the Chiromantia - the science of predictions on the signs and lines of the hand. Chiromands special attention Cleanness, depth and length of lines on human palms. So, any spot (which may be a mole) on one of the main lines either on one of the hills of the palm of the hands of a man of misfortune, illness, unrequited love, loneliness. It should be borne in mind that chirromants can determine appearance Person's character lines and predict his fate, as well as tell about the predisposition to various diseases.

Chiromantia is built on the teaching on the effect of planets on the fate of people. Thus, it is closely related to astrology. Total called seven planets. Venus carries love - a thumb. Jupiter - the symbol of power - forefinger. Saturn determines fate - middle finger. The sun, on whom the vital successes of man dependes, his talents - unnamed finger. Mercury is responsible for the practical embodiment of plans - a little finger. Mars and the Moon have their own hills on the palm: there is a holmik under each finger, the binding of the ruling planet of this finger (under the index - the hill of Jupiter, etc.). Below Mercury hill (under the little finger) is located Mars Hill, even lower than the moon. There are still basic planetary lines, each of which is directed to a specific planetary hill.

Due to the fact that the moles located on the palm of the person can talk about any changes in his fate, you can "read" those aspects and areas of life that may be subject to the influence of moles. A man who has a molest on his palm can make their lives with their aspirations to change its natural abilities in the direction of self-improvement, overcoming the circumstances. People with moles on the palms are often led by a harmful lifestyle, they fundamentally deny the generally accepted foundations, relating to the number of elected, not like others. However, surrounding may also not take them, frightening their coldness and abnormality, bordering egoism.

Mountain on the hip.

Moles on the hips characterize a person, forever tommy, some kind of forebodings. He often has an unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen, which can then go on hips and knees. The owner of such a mole, especially if it is on the inside of the hip, can be attached to cramps. It can long output from equilibrium external stimuli - too bright sun, loud music, crowds of people around. Making something important, he is often distracted by insignificant details. Non-understanding dreams with unthinkable plots are often shot by the Mountain on Hip. This may be a sign of the effect of severe karma. Karma owner of these signs can be corrected only if it never will look for consolation in wine or shoot with alcohol nerve stress. A man with a mole on the hip is important in time to learn to recognize signs of fatigue or nervous tension And immediately give rest to your body.

Enough importance for it has communication with nature, tireless sports, as well as an attraction for art and good music. People with moles on the hips located on the back of the body have the gift of foresight, prophetic abilities, mystical properties. Sometimes they can drop the phrase, which will later come true with stunning accuracy. If such a person does not engage in occult sciences, it will be a wonderful surgeon, teacher, priest.

What do births mean knees

Moles on the knees are extremely impatient people. If there are specks on both knees, then this quality is enhanced even more. For people with moles on the knees the worst thing is to wait for something. They are not able to calmly stand at the stop waiting for transport - immediately begin to be nervous. They need to try to own themselves, since their nervousness can harm them constantly. In transport, they fierce all the way and dream only to get there to get there, go out and run forward. They have a quick gait, always hurry, even if a slow walk is needed. Starting some matter, they already imagine the final result and are not too carefully referred to the process itself.

If there is a thoughtful and careful partner near them, their business will go with glitter. Such people read books, passing by several pages, in the cinema and the theater constantly look at the clock. They eat quickly, but they can be endlessly arrogant in food. They are important to be constantly in motion, so they are very restless.

Women with moles on the left knee are married to the first challenger's fearing - just not to think about the fact that the years go that everyone around has already been overlapped and have children. Owners of such signs seem to always spit the time. In fact, they often lose a lot - the ability to enjoy small joys, to be observant, not to make mistakes that have already arose on the way before. Carmo-energy reasons have great influence on the behavior of people with moles on the knees. Most likely, in the past life, such a person was in constant fear, was forced to hide from someone. Maybe he strongly suffered for his philosophical beliefs and did not dare to defend them.

The feeling of fear is very persistent, karma is extremely difficult from him. At the same time, the person himself sometimes does not understand what exactly forces it sometimes to run somewhere, because he doesn't even explain it to this. Such people need to be very well above themselves. If a person who has a mole on the knee is able to rise above the circumstances, to defeat his vices, consciously improve intellectually and achieve his goal, he will certainly become a well-known personality.

Its achievements will be seen by many people. It will always stand out from among others. He is able to entail like-minded people, his word is able to inspire any idea to others. Such a person can be useful, and is dangerous - it all depends on what kind of goals he will be in front of him.

Moles on the shin

A man with a mole on the shin very easy to rise. He constantly strives to conquer the peaks in the literal and figurative sense of this expression. There are many climbers, athletes and circus artists among people with moles on the shin, as well as dancers.

A man with a mole on the shin is very moving, speaks well with his body. As a rule, he has a lot of fans, it may take a frivolous attitude towards personal life, but almost always tied to the woman who loves truly.

Mountain on her legs in a woman emphasizes the beauty of her feet. It is like the last point that the creator put in his creation. A woman with such a familiar can be considered a truly perfection. Her beauty is very natural and unique. She usually dances perfectly, possesses musical abilities.

In her life can be quite a lot of fervent hobbies. However, it will never be fading as a frivolous woman, as she knows how to look a laptop. Her talent is to stay a woman in any atmosphere. Mountain, who appeared on the leg of a woman in the course of life, indicates all those signs mentioned above. But always, these wonderful qualities, a woman will acquire as a result of personal efforts, improvement and intellectual development. This is especially significant if the mole is on the right foot.

Such a woman will always influence his partner with the best side and in marriage will certainly become a happy and faithful girlfriend. The career of her chosen will receive a significant takeoff only due to the fact that she will love her husband.

Moles in the footsteps

In the footsteps are located great amount Important energy points, so the moles that appeared here from birth, in no case cannot be ignored. In addition, the moles in the footsteps are the most poor among all others in terms of health. They often be reborn in malignant melanomas.

Moles and any other spots arising from a person during their lives may first of all speak of signs of serious diseases. At the same time, the mole on the heel can talk about the vitality of man. He never flashes his legs, as the mole is capable of attracting the heating man with energy.