Warm plaster for interior use with no characteristics. Insulating plaster: pros and cons

In construction, two main methods of insulating the outer walls of structures are used - the construction of false walls with further filling of the resulting space with insulation or pasting the outer surface with foam sheets. Due to the simplicity installation works and cheapness, such insulation methods attract attention. When for some reason it is impossible to use such thermal insulation options, apply warm plaster for outdoor work. On the construction market such material appeared relatively recently, but due to its high cost it has not yet become widespread.

Types of warm plaster and its composition

The finishing material is made on the basis of cement, and as filler, most often, foam granules, expanded clay crumbs, crushed pumice or perlite sand are used.
Most universal view is a plaster with filler and s expanded vermiculite, obtained during the heat treatment of the rock of the same name. A good option is warm plaster for outdoor work, masonry can be done with your own hands. Material with mineral filler can be used for indoor and outdoor finishing works, moreover, it has a pronounced antiseptic effect.
Sawdust plaster consists of clay, sawdust, paper fragments and cement. Due to this composition, the material is suitable for finishing external surfaces. If sawdust plaster it is applied for internal works and applied to concrete or wooden walls, then during the drying of the plastered surfaces, it is necessary to ventilate in a timely manner - this will help to avoid the formation of fungi and mold. It should be noted that the period of complete drying of the walls can last up to 2 weeks.

For interior decoration, plaster, which includes expanded polystyrene, lime, cement and other components, is considered the most suitable and reliable type of building material. This is the most common option for a finishing material, so it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the description of its characteristics. However, it is worth remembering that warm plaster for outdoor work with your own hands must clearly master the technology.

Using warm plaster

Such material is used not only for exterior decoration, but also for thermal insulation:
gender and floor slabs;
window and door slopes;
the basement of the building;
cold and cold risers hot water;
for blocking the joints of floors and walls;
giving interior walls soundproofing;
to increase the thermal insulation of walls erected using the well masonry technology, which is popular today.

Comparison of material with traditional insulation

First of all, attention should be paid to the effectiveness of applying a layer of material to the facade of the building. For clarity, let's make a comparison with a surface insulated with foam sheets or mineral wool, followed by applying a layer of plaster on top of them. The comparison will be carried out in three directions: density, moisture absorption and flammability.
During the analysis, it was found that warm plaster 10 times heavier other thermal insulation materials, this means that due to the heavier walls, you will have to take care of laying a more reliable foundation.

To obtain heat savings indicators similar to those given by expanded polystyrene or mineral insulation, a layer of warm plaster will have to be applied 1.5-2 times denser. Based on the calculations made, it was established that the layer thickness should be 100-200 mm, with a recommended maximum of 50 mm. It is not difficult to guess that you will have to apply plaster to external and inner surfaces walls. V further walls will need to be processed primer and decorative putty... Do-it-yourself warm plaster for outdoor use has a number of distinctive properties.
Follow the main advantages of warm plaster can be noted:
application option on uneven surfaces;
high speed of plastering walls;
the possibility of applying without the use of a reinforcing mesh;
good adhesion (compared to other finishing materials);
lack of metal components that can become "cold bridges";
impossibility of surface damage by rodents after finishing.

Material application technique

The technology for performing finishing work using warm plaster does not differ much from the method for applying conventional plaster.
First of all, you need clean the surface walls from debris and dust, treat it with deep penetrating impregnations. In addition, experts recommend using a special plaster grid... The surface of the wall should be well moistened before applying a layer of warm plaster.
Usually, the entire package of dry mix is ​​used for preparation, but it is important to note that the ready-made solution should be used within 2 hours. You can apply the composition mechanized way or manually... If, when turning over, the scooped up composition holds well, then the warm external plaster has a good consistency and is ready for use.
Since the composition is applied in layers, you will need the most simple tools:
putty knife;
Master OK;
The thickness of each layer should not exceed 20 mm. In this case, it is important to apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried, that is, after about 4-5 hours. Duration drying period depends on air humidity and temperature environment so it may take a little longer. The mixture is applied to the wall with a spatula, in smooth movements from bottom to top. If too much plaster is applied to the surface, it will start to creep.

Time will help to ensure the quality of the work. After a few weeks, you need to inspect the surface of the walls and, if mistakes were made, they will appear in the form of swelling, cracks and geometry changes premises, which is checked using building level or a plumb line. Moreover, 1 running meter horizontal and vertical deviation of no more than 3 mm is permissible.
Due to the fact that the thickness of the warm plaster layer does not exceed 50 mm, and the surface does not have fiber, the statement about sound insulating properties material. Especially, finishing material does not have the elasticity that will be sufficient to extinguish pops, harsh sounds and knocks.

If you pay attention to the multilayer structure that you have to create indoors or on the facade of buildings to keep them warm, there is always a desire to simplify it. Should be modern materials, which will help ease the work of plasterers and finishers, while increasing the speed of work. The main thing is that their quality does not suffer.

How can we replace, for example, the now common wall insulation with polystyrene plates? The solution was found - with insulating plaster. The process, I must say right away, is more laborious, but the effect of it is much higher. The use of building dry mixes for outdoor work has again shown a wide range of its use, and it is not difficult to purchase them in stores and on the construction markets today.

What can be offered

In order to replace 2 standard insulating layers, consisting of a fixing mesh and insulation, with insulating plaster, there are the following methods:

  1. Take a dry mortar based on cement, but it should use perlite sand instead of the usual one. In addition, the composition should contain a powder of pumice, expanded vermiculite, expanded clay crumbs, sawdust or expanded polystyrene balls. These components give the plaster good insulating properties. Gradually, the sand is already being replaced by foam glass in granules.
  1. Use special insulating plasterboards. They are usually not often used in construction due to distrust. Many cannot decide whether it can really become an alternative to conventional insulation or dry mix. Although manufacturers strongly advise this way insulation, hoping that over time, builders will believe in it.

Advice: if you want to significantly reduce labor costs when insulating walls, then use plaster insulation boards.

  1. Make your own insulating plaster.

In principle, it is not so difficult to make it, the technology consists in mixing the following components in a dry state:

  • clay;
  • paper pulp;
  • sawdust;
  • cement,

in the ratio: 1: 2: 3: 1/5 part.

If you do not use cement, which is also possible, the plaster will turn out to be too loose and soft, but quite suitable for decorative work.

  1. Sawdust, where sawdust is the basis. You can also make this mixture yourself. Such mixtures should be used exclusively indoors, and during the drying period of the walls, ventilate them well for about 14 days.
  1. In expanded polystyrene, polymer granules play a leading role.

Tip: Apply the insulating plaster to the surface in the same way as usual, using long trays and spatulas. Move slowly from bottom to top.

Where is used

Insulating plasters will be useful wherever it is necessary to insulate internal and external walls buildings, although the price of this material is not the cheapest.

It should be highlighted:

  • thermal insulation and is not done so often;
  • sound insulation when applied outside or inside;
  • door processing and window slopes, which allows not only to insulate them, but also to give them a beautiful appearance;
  • protection of sewer and water supply risers from cold temperatures;
  • thermal insulation of ceilings and floors.

Tip: Perform any construction work with a tool you trust.

Pros and cons

No perfect building materials, each has its own pros and cons. In the case of insulating plaster, it should be understood that it is simply inappropriate to compare it with ordinary plaster. Other methods of insulation are more suitable for her. The advantages of the material include the speed of work.

Common scheme:

  1. Install a fixing grid on the working wall.
  2. Then attach the insulation.
  3. Then do the plastering work.
  4. Finish the process with finishing plaster.

With insulating plaster:

  1. Cover the working wall with insulating plaster.
  2. Apply a finishing plaster on top.

The fact is obvious.

More simple circuit is obtained due to the fact that:

  • the master does not care about the final appearance of the surface, due to which he can prepare almost 180 m 2 of the surface in a working day;
  • not installed reinforcement mesh... Only used on corners and in difficult places;
  • there is no need to level the wall before applying insulating plaster;
  • the material has excellent adhesion, thanks to which it can stick to any wall, which is especially attractive for novice builders, for whom "adhesion" is the main stumbling block.

In addition, heat-saving plaster has good vapor permeability. Thus, the material is superior in this indicator Styrofoam. It also lacks any "cold bridges" that are typical when attaching foam, when you have to use metal dowels.

So it turns out that the technology used today, which has been "perfected" over the years, is a multi-layer structure. At the same time, this material includes two layers in one layer - plaster and insulation.


  1. Weight. The mass of the layer has to pay for the speed of work, and it exceeds similar standard layers by 10 times, which requires the installation of a more solid foundation. The layer thickness will also be rather large - it exceeds, for example, from mineral wool almost doubled.
  2. Requires finishing. Such plaster is not a finish, which is applied on top after priming, or decorative plaster is used over it.
  3. Cost of work. She, alas, is quite big for this building mixture.

Tip: use vermiculite insulating plaster when insulating hard-to-reach places and wooden floors, as well as where mold or mildew may appear, rodents and insects will start.


Below is a detailed instruction of the process:

  1. Prepare the surface by removing the remaining solution and dusting it. In special cases, it is possible to apply a penetrating impregnation or mesh to the wall to strengthen the structure.
  2. Moisten the surface to be treated with plenty of water.
  3. Prepare the mixture according to the instructions on the package. According to the recommendation, it will need to be worked out in 2 hours.

  1. Apply the plaster in layers up to 20 mm thick. Each subsequent one - not earlier than in 4 hours.
  2. The final result of the work will be visible after 2-3 weeks.

Tip: use for insulation plastic windows insulating plaster, which in this case will be able to reveal its potential.

Errors during work

  1. The mixture is poorly prepared.
  2. The term of its use is overdue, no more than 2 hours.
  3. Laying is carried out with a layer of more than 20 mm, due to which the mixture slides off the surface.
  4. The previous layer is not dried before applying the next one. It should be understood that in the conditions high humidity air, in particular in autumn, the drying time increases.

As soon as the composition of the usual one was slightly changed, a completely new material- warm plaster. Manufacturers attribute unique qualities to it and declare that the material can be used as an independent one. So what is it true or just another cunning marketing ploy? How to choose the right warm plaster for the facade and interior work, how to apply it, and in what cases can the material really be used as a full-fledged heat insulator?

# 1. Warm plaster composition

Warm plaster was named for its low thermal conductivity compared to conventional plasters. Similar results were achieved by replacing the usual with special heat-insulating additives.

The composition of warm plaster includes such components:

Usually the material is supplied in the form of a dry mixture, and it is enough to dilute it with water before application. Craftsmen prepare warm plaster on their own, but the composition "works" in any case according to one principle: heat-insulating additives, together with air bubbles, create a powerful barrier to cold. Tests show that a layer of warm plaster of 5 cm is equivalent in thermal insulation to a wall of two.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material is about 0.063 W / m * 0 C. This indicator is somewhat worse than that of extruded polystyrene foam and even, which introduces some peculiarities in its application. In regions with cold winters, warm plaster cannot be used as an independent thermal insulation - it is usually applied as an additional layer of insulation and plays crucial role in the elimination of "cold bridges" that arise during the installation of tiled and roll insulation... In areas with mild winters, warm plaster can even be used as the only warmth. insulating material, but much depends on the thickness and material of the walls. In the future, we will check all this by calculations.

# 2. Advantages and disadvantages of warm plaster

Warm plaster has become widespread due to its weighty advantages:

Now about disadvantages:

No. 3. Types of warm plaster fillers

The properties and scope of use of warm plaster are strongly influenced by the type of filler. The following materials can be used:

  • sawdust... The composition of sawdust warm plaster, in addition to the sawdust itself, also includes clay, paper and cement. The use of such "gentle" and sensitive to negative factors external environment components does not allow the use of the composition for insulating the facade, but such warm plaster is excellent for interior work, especially since it can even be applied to wooden base. Internal thermal insulation will improve efficiency;
  • crushed perlite obtained from obsidian, which swells during high-temperature processing with the formation of a mass of air bubbles inside, which increases thermal insulation properties material. The only negative is increased hygroscopicity, so such plaster needs reliable waterproofing;
  • expanded vermiculite obtained from mica, the material can withstand a wide range of temperatures, has antiseptic properties, is lightweight, absolutely resistant to fire, can be used for exterior and interior decoration, but, like perlite, it is afraid of moisture, therefore, requires enhanced protection;
  • balls from foam glass obtained from foamed quartz sand. It is the most preferred material for filling warm plaster, as it is not afraid of moisture, fire, has good thermal insulation qualities, can be used for facade and interior work, does not shrink;
  • as mineral fillers, in addition to vermiculite, perlite and foam glass, are also used expanded clay crumbs and pumice powder... These materials cannot boast of high moisture resistance and are inferior to analogues in many other qualities, therefore they are rarely used;
  • expanded polystyrene used in warm plasters together with cement, lime and some other additives. These are relatively inexpensive compounds for universal use, but due to the flammability of expanded polystyrene, they are not used so often. In addition, the surface of the plaster comes out too soft, and therefore requires mandatory finishing.

No. 4. Calculation of the thickness of a layer of warm plaster

To determine whether it is possible to use warm plaster as an independent insulation, you will have to perform a simple calculation, taking into account the region where the house is located, the thickness and material of the walls:

  • the calculation begins with determining the value normalized resistance to heat transfer of the outer walls of the house... This is a tabular value, predefined regulatory documents(for Russia - SNiP 23-02-2003). For Moscow, according to the table, this value is 3.28 m 2 * 0 C / W, for Krasnodar - 2.44 m 2 * 0 C / W;
  • define resistance to heat transfer of the walls of the house, for which we need to divide the thickness of the wall by the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material. Let's make a calculation for two houses. One is located in Moscow and is built of, the thickness of the walls is 0.5 m, the thermal conductivity coefficient from the table is 0.58 W / m 0 С, therefore the heat transfer resistance is 0.86 m 2 * 0 С / W. The second house is located in Krasnodar and is built from D600, the wall thickness is 0.4 m, the thermal conductivity coefficient from the table is 0.22 W / m 0 C, the heat transfer resistance is 1.82 m 2 * 0 C / W;
  • payment additional insulation ... For a house in Moscow, this is (3.28-0.86) = 2.42 W / m 0 C. For a house in Krasnodar (2.44-1.82) = 0.62 W / m 0 C;
  • payment a layer of warm plaster, its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.063 W / m * 0 С (maybe a little more, depending on the composition and manufacturer). For a house in Moscow 0.063 * 2.42 = 0.15 m, for a house in Krasnodar 0.063 * 0.62 = 0.04 m. Since it is better not to apply warm plaster with a layer of more than 5 cm, and its weight is decent, then for a Moscow house, it is better to look for another option for insulation, and warm plaster can be used in addition. For a home in Krasnodar, warm plaster can be used as an independent insulation.

A more accurate calculation can be carried out if we take into account the heat transfer resistance of all finishing wall materials, and also take into account the number and size of windows and the mass of other parameters. It is easier to do this in special construction calculators, but you can already understand whether it is worth considering warm plaster as an independent insulation from the above calculation.

Despite the manufacturer's assurances and calculations proving the effectiveness of warm plaster, it is not very often used as the main insulation in residential buildings... She usually, dachas, is used to eliminate cold bridges, to process window and doorways... It is better to use insulation outside, but if this is not possible, it can be applied inside to complement the external insulation.

No. 5. Warm plaster manufacturers

You can save and make warm plaster with your own hands... The most versatile and inexpensive solution is obtained using perlite or vermiculite. It is necessary to mix 4 parts of vermiculite or perlite and 1 part of dry cement. The thoroughly mixed mixture is diluted with a solution of water with a plasticizer. The latter can be purchased at the store, or can be replaced with PVA glue at the rate of 50-60 g of glue per 10 liters of plaster. The mixture is diluted with a water-based adhesive and constantly stirred for homogeneity. The solution should have a thick consistency. After cooking, he is allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes, and you can start applying the plaster.

No. 7. Applying warm plaster

The process of applying warm plaster is simple and easy to do with your own hands:

  • preparing required amount solution;
  • the wall is also cleaned for better adhesion, but many builders simply moisten the surface with plain water;
  • it is better to carry out the plaster on the lighthouses, although some neglect this rule. As beacons, an aluminum profile is used, which is fixed with putty, the use of prepared plaster is allowed. The evenness of the exposed beacons is checked by the building level;
  • modern ready-made compositions of warm plasters make it possible to do without additional mesh reinforcement, but when applying a thick layer of insulation and at the corners, the use of mesh is desirable;
  • the process of applying warm plaster is not original and identical. The solution is placed on the trowel with a spatula, after which it is applied to the wall with rubbing movements from bottom to top between the beacons. The surface is leveled by the rule;
  • within 2 hours after application, the solution remains plastic, so blemishes can be easily corrected. During this period, beacons are removed, the cracks are rubbed with the same solution. If desired, the surface can be treated with a decorative trowel or textured roller to achieve an interesting effect. If a flat surface is required, then after the plaster has dried, it is necessary to apply a thin leveling layer and smooth it with a plastic float;
  • the thickness of one layer should not be more than 2 cm, otherwise the plaster will begin to fall off. If it is necessary to apply it in several layers, then after installing the first one you must wait at least 4 hours. The surface dries completely after 48 hours, then you can start working on it. final finishing... If it is necessary to process a large area of ​​the wall, then it is better to use the machine method of applying the plaster.

Warm plaster is used today for, for outside and inside, for insulating facades and ceilings, as well as for sealing cracks and cracks, for processing window slopes. At correct preparation, application and calculation, the composition fully meets expectations.

Recently, among the thermal insulation products in the construction industry, a new material has appeared, which has received the unofficial name warm plaster. In addition to the functions of ensuring the protection of the walls of the building from environmental influences, the composition plays the role thermal insulation material holding energy inside the building.

Speaking about plastering walls, the question of the laboriousness of the work comes to mind, the need to attract specialists with experience and qualifications, but with the classical application of a sand-cement mixture on the walls, the problem of wall insulation is not solved. With thermal insulation or "warm" plaster, one problem during construction will be reduced.

When insulating, warm plaster is used for the facade and interior work. It is highly energy efficient, but remains an inexpensive building material.

Material composition

For the manufacture of traditional plasters, cement, sand, water, and, if necessary, mineral additives are used to add strength or frost resistance to the final product.

Heat-insulating plaster has the properties of both insulation and cement mixture.

This effect is achieved by applying a special recipe to the production of material. The most common substances that are used to dilute a material to improve its energy-efficient properties of steel are:

  • expanded vermiculite;
  • sawdust;
  • expanded clay granulated crumbs;
  • crushed pumice;
  • granular polystyrene foam.

Manufacturers and prices

The production technology of the material appeared not so long ago, but there is already competition among manufacturers. Nowadays the most famous is the heat-insulating plaster of three brands: "Mishka" or "Warmix", "Umka" and "Knauf". Below is a description of each of them.

  • Heat-insulating mixture "Umka". V last years popular material. It has won fame as a product suitable for decoration works indoor spaces... The basis of "Umka" is granulated silicon balls. It has vapor barrier properties, does not absorb moisture, absorbs sound waves, and is an excellent thermal insulator. Silicon balls are odorless and harmless to human health. In addition to increased thermal insulation properties due to granular ceramic balls, the plaster composition acquires increased strength with a lighter specific gravity... The application of such a mixture on the surface of the walls does not require additional processing with soil compounds or the installation of a reinforcing mesh. In the construction markets "Umka" is sold at a price of 100 rubles per 1 kg.

  • Warm plaster "Bear" or "Warmix". Someone confuses these two materials, but they have one manufacturer who rebrands the brand. Like the previous insulation, "Bear" in its untreated form is a dry mixture, which is diluted with water in the required proportions before being applied to the surface. The finished composition has high adhesion properties to any surfaces, which eliminates the need for treating the walls with primers. It is excellent sound and vapor barrier material... "Bear" has the positive properties of a competitor and is used as thermal insulation plaster for outdoor work. The price in the store per kilogram of "Bears" starts from 120 rubles per kilogram.

  • Thermal insulating composition "Knauf". Manufacturers have taken care of the versatility of the final product. Knauf can be applied to any type of surface. Even floor slabs are insulated and plastered with a mixture. Due to the fact that the plaster composition is applied both manually and using machine mechanisms, a person has the opportunity to save time during the production of work.

On the construction market by the manufacturer, the mixture is presented in a wide range of products, each of which is designed for specific tasks. By adding additives in production, the tasks of endowing the final product with the properties of frost resistance, moisture resistance, or other others are solved.

Impact negative temperatures during the operation of the building does not provide negative impact on her chemical or physical properties... Initially, the material is provided with high strength parameters, which gives additional protection to the capital structures of the building.

Types of warm plaster

Technically, the material has the properties it needs due to the addition of insulating materials to the base. There are three types of mixtures in composition.

  • Vermiculite based plaster. This additive is produced by thermal treatment of vermiculite rock. Expanded vermiculite has antiseptic properties, protecting wall coatings from the formation of harmful fungal formations. This lightweight mineral filler is added to ready-made dry mixes, making it suitable for use in facade works and interior decoration.
  • Plaster mix containing expanded polystyrene foam granules. The content of expanded polystyrene makes the plaster excellent thermal insulation. In addition to this insulating material, the composition includes cement, lime, special additives and fillers. It is suitable for use as a warm plaster for exterior and interior construction work.
  • Another view of this thermal insulation mixture called "sawdust" , since, in addition to cement, sawdust, clay, paper are added to it. Due to the content of additional components, thermal insulation plaster for interior work is used for thermal insulation. Such a warm plaster for the production of outdoor work on outside the walls are not resistant to constant moisture. However, it is also suitable for interior work. When insulating walls with such a composition, keep in mind that during the period of solidification of the solution, it is necessary to ensure constant ventilation of the room. The "sawdust" solution is applied to brick and wooden walls. Setting time is about two weeks. If at the same time you do not ventilate the room, then as a result, the surface of the finish will be covered with mold or mildew.

Heat-insulating cement plaster Knauf Grunband

Warm Knauf plaster Grunband. The Knauf product line itself is well known, but among them there are the most popular. Fractional components are not more than 1.5 mm in diameter. Application is carried out in two ways: manually and using electrical equipment.

This mixture is also used in addition to performing the basic functionality. It also helps to solve other problems, such as:

  1. Application waterproofing coating on the walls of the facades, basements, sanitary rooms and other rooms with high humidity.
  2. Strengthening the surface of the facades. The high characteristics of the Knauf Grünband mixture in the field of resistance to physical exertion help to protect the walls from impact external conditions associated with natural shrinkage processes of soils under the building. As a result, no cracks form on the surface.
  3. Decorative tasks. The structure makes it possible, through simple manipulations, to turn plaster layer in the finishing decorative element of wall decoration. As a result, no additional painting works, except for the final color of the surface.

Knauf Grünband is sold in retail outlets in a container of 25 kilograms. One bag, when applied to a wall with a thickness of 1.5 cm, is enough to treat a surface with an area of ​​1-1.4 square meters. m.

Work progress

Insulating plaster is applied to the surface of the walls along traditional technology... Before starting work, the surface is cleaned of dust and flaking elements. Some types of warm plasters do not require priming, but for better adhesion, priming will not be superfluous.

Mixing of the solution is carried out in construction containers with a volume of at least 50 liters.

On the packaging it is written how much liquid will need to be added to the mixture according to the technology. Some plasters harden in a short time, so you should carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer in order to avoid culling the material.

In order to save time, the execution of work is entrusted to experienced teams who have already made more than one object using this technology.

Plaster, suitable as insulation for the facade, is applied in the same way as that used indoors. When working with it, it is important to pay attention to the frost resistance properties of the material, its adhesion at sub-zero temperatures... In the process of plastering the facade with warm plaster with your own hands in winter period there is a risk that the mortar will not adhere to the frozen wall surface. In the future, the layer will move away from the wall, and the material will have to be thrown away.

The material is applied to the walls in several layers. At the same time, each layer is not made thicker than 20 mm, and it can be applied no earlier than 4 hours after the previous one. For the production of work, experienced specialists use construction trowels in two sizes: wide and small. The quality of work is checked using two-meter rules with a level. This should be done 3 weeks after the end of the work. The deviation of the plane from the level, as a rule, should not exceed 1-3 mm.

Preparatory stage

Plastering for facade insulation will require more preparation before starting work than indoors. High-altitude work requires strict adherence to safety measures, the use of only certified equipment and building structures to ensure the safety of work. Before starting work, the elements protruding from the body of the capital structure are removed from the surface of the outer walls. After the completion of the general construction work, the bricklayers do not remove the pieces of the dressing fittings. They are cut to avoid injury in the future.

Reinforcing layer works

When the planning and preparation phase is over, it is time to apply the warm facade plaster... In modern realities, this stage often begins with disappointment, since it turns out that the differences on the treated walls are too great. Although mortars have great strength characteristics, sometimes this is not enough to do without using a reinforcing mesh as a bearing base.

The reinforcing layer is technologically designed to withstand loads from its own weight. Manufacturers report that their products do not require the provision of mesh reinforcement. In this matter, it is worthwhile to additionally monitor the problem with obtaining expert advice, and then make a final decision whether to reinforce the base under the plaster layer.

Advantages and disadvantages of warm plasters

Warm plaster for interior construction work is not ideal. Like any product, it has its pros and cons. Below is a description of the positive and negative traits for general group heat-insulating plaster mixes.

Positive traits:

  • no deformation changes over time, durability;
  • high strength;
  • absence of components harmful to health in raw materials;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • high adhesion properties;
  • the ability to apply to any type of surface;
  • in most cases it does not require a reinforcing layer.

The negative properties of the material include two points.

The thermal insulation properties of the material are lower than that of classic heaters. To ensure similar properties, it will be necessary to create a layer of solution 1.5-2 times thicker than with conventional thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation compound is rarely used as a top coat. After drying, it requires final processing with materials more suitable for this.

Mix consumption

Plastering walls with the help of hired personnel can be accompanied by unnecessary material costs. The control over the production of the mixture by the builders is ensured by calculations based on the data of the manufacturers of the thermal insulation material.

Consumption ranges from 10 to 18 kg per sq. meter. The consumption of warm plaster for outdoor use will be up to 25 kg per sq. meter, so a thicker layer must be applied to the outer walls.

Have different manufacturers numbers may vary, but not significantly. Consumption will increase if the surface of the wall has too many irregularities, as well as due to the overspending of builders for scrap. It is worth paying attention to these points.

How to make warm plaster with your own hands

When it is not possible to purchase a ready-made mixture, then you should try to make it yourself. Do-it-yourself warm plaster is made in a simple way. It is important to note that for its manufacture it is not enough just to add granules of insulating raw materials to cement-sand mixture... A special plasticizer is used.

For the manufacture of the composition you will need plain water, cement, thermal insulation filler (vermiculite) and plasticizer. PVA glue is used as a plasticizer. The ingredients are mixed in proportion: for one part of cement, four parts of filler. PVA glue is enough 50 grams per bucket of cement. Add water to the required consistency.

Plastering the surface of the walls with a self-made composition takes place in three stages:

  1. The plasticizer is diluted in water.
  2. A filler is added to the cement. The finished mixture is mixed until smooth.
  3. The dry composition is diluted with a liquid, and the resulting solution is allowed to settle for 15 minutes.

After finishing preparatory work the product is ready to use.

Warm and comfortable construction country house requires the solution of often very complex and contradictory problems. For example, to save on materials and, at the same time, not to increase your costs in the future when operating the house, to make the house warm and comfortable. Warm plaster can help in solving such a problem.

A somewhat unusual name accurately reflects the purpose of the material. At its core, it is a building mixture with thermal insulation properties. She acquires them through the use of materials with low thermal conductivity. The composition of warm plaster is usually as follows:

  • porous filler - expanded polystyrene granules, perlite sand, foam glass (expanded glass), etc.;
  • a binder mixture, which is usually cement, lime, gypsum and their mixtures;
  • polymer additives - plasticizers, hydrophobizing, air-releasing, etc.

Familiarization with the composition of warm plaster allows you to understand what its good thermal insulation properties are based on. This is due to the presence of a porous filler, literally filled with numerous air bubbles. And he, as you know, is a good heat insulator. So it turns out that after applying warm plaster to the wall, it turns out to be, as it were, protected by an additional layer of heat insulator.

Properties of insulating plaster

The advantages of warm plaster are not limited to thermal insulation. The composition of the mixture itself suggests what possibilities this material conceals in itself.

  1. Fire safety. Warm plaster with a mineral filler (perlite, vermiculite, foam glass) is not flammable at all and belongs to the NG class according to the classification system. The exception is heat-insulating plaster based on expanded polystyrene foam, it is combustible and belongs to the G1 group.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. Traditional insulation materials (mineral wool, polystyrene) emit harmful substances, which is not the case with warm plaster.
  3. Multifunctionality. In addition to the thermal insulation coating, warm plaster can serve as a material for decorative finishing and used as a topcoat. At the same time, it can be used to level surfaces.
  4. Thermal insulation characteristics. It should be noted that heat-insulating plaster is not inferior in its properties to traditional materials. A layer of such plaster 5 cm thick is equivalent to laying two bricks or two to four centimeters of expanded polystyrene.
  5. Physical characteristics. Heat-insulating plaster is much lighter than traditional plaster and during installation practically does not have an additional effect on the foundation and walls. In addition, it has high adhesion to all wall materials.
  6. Practical application of warm plaster- it is easy to work with it and this does not require special qualifications.

About fillers

In many ways, the properties of insulating plaster are determined by the type of filler. The filler can be:

  1. Sawdust. When using them, it turns out the cheapest, but least efficient view warm plaster.
  2. Expanded polystyrene. Foamed polystyrene has good sound and heat insulation characteristics, has good adhesion. But this combustible material and at the same time it releases toxic substances.
  3. Perlite is a material obtained from volcanic glass (obsidian) heated to 1100 ° C. At this temperature, obsidian begins to swell, becomes porous, it forms a large number of air bubbles, as a result of which the material acquires thermal insulation properties. Thanks to them, it finds application in various materials as an additive providing these characteristics. One of the use cases is called perlite plaster.
    The disadvantage of perlite is considered to be high hygroscopicity, which requires the use of additional materials to protect it during finishing.
  4. Vermiculite. Mineral belonging to the mica group (the so-called intumescent mica). Materials based on it are able to withstand temperatures from minus 260 to plus 1200 degrees Celsius. During firing, it significantly increases in volume (up to 50 times), resulting in flaky particles. By its properties, vermiculite is similar to perlite, it is absolutely non-flammable and non-toxic.
    The disadvantages of a mixture in which vermiculite is used as a filler are the same as for perlite plaster - high hygroscopicity, which requires additional costs for protection.
  5. Foam glass. This is foamed silica sand, the structure of which includes closed glass cells. Foam glass is a waterproof and fireproof material, very durable and does not shrink, does not need additional protection. However, thermal insulation plaster based on it is inferior in its characteristics to materials using perlite and vermiculite.

About application and protection

Warm plaster is used for interior and exterior works. As already mentioned, due to the porosity of the filler, air bubbles act as a kind of insulation. Moreover, warm plaster is usually used as additional element thermal protection, and allows you to save on heating in winter time and air conditioning in the summer.

The point is that insulating plaster will be applied in addition to the protection laid down in the design of the building. It is irrational to use it as the main protection. According to calculations with a thickness brick wall 51 cm insulating plaster should have a thickness of ten centimeters, with a smaller wall thickness - the thickness of the layer of heat-insulating material should be even greater.

However, when using modern building materials (ceramic blocks, foam concrete), it is quite possible to reduce required thickness plasters, since these materials, unlike bricks, themselves have good heat-shielding characteristics. However, even in this case, warm plaster will be useful precisely as an additional protection, increasing the overall thermal resistance of the building.

Options for obtaining thermal insulation plaster

At interior decoration such material is convenient to use in places with complex configurations, as well as to increase overall thermal protection. By the way, it is quite possible to make a mixture for additional thermal protection yourself. Do-it-yourself warm plaster can be obtained in the following way:

  • it is necessary to mix three parts of sawdust and one part of cement;
  • then add two pieces of paper pulp;
  • add water;
  • the resulting mixture must be mixed to the state of a normal solution.

If it is to be applied to wooden surfaces, then it is necessary to fill the shingles, in otherwise the material will not stick to the surface. Brick or concrete base must be pre-moistened before applying plaster to it.

The warm plaster obtained in this way, the reviews of which who used the described method of obtaining are very positive, according to outward appearance resembles cardboard. Its heat resistance is four times higher than that of ordinary plaster

Another method of making warm plaster with your own hands differs from the above, and gives universal material, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. To do this, use:

  • cement, 1 part;
  • vermiculite or perlite, 4 parts;
  • plasticizer;
  • water.

All components are on sale, PVA glue can serve as a plasticizer, fifty to sixty grams per bucket of cement. Everything is prepared very simply. First, PVA glue is diluted in water, then it is necessary to mix dry cement with a filler and add water with a plasticizer, achieving a thick, but plastic mass.

After the mixture is ready, let it stand for 15 minutes, stir again and you can start working. A similar thermal insulation plaster, reviews of which those who used it are commendable, are successfully used in different options for interior and exterior decoration.

Industrial materials

However, apart from the possibilities self-made, you can use the finished product. The industry successfully produces various types of similar material, for example, Knauf Grünband heat-insulating plaster. She is plaster mix(dry), intended for all types of work, based on sand, cement, filler in the form of expanded polystyrene (granules) and hydrophobic additives and has water-repellent and thermal insulation properties.

Another option could be Haunkliffe insulating plaster. It includes a composite filler (manufactured by the manufacturer), basalt fiberglass, sand, cement, polymer binders.

Warm plastering

A mixture, such as warm Knauf plaster, must be diluted before application. Dilute the entire volume (bag), observing the dosage and stirring time specified in the instructions. The result should be a plastic, lump-free mixture. She is ready to go in a few hours.

The surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust before applying the material to it; plastering can be done at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. Apply the ready-made mixture with a spatula and level (rub in) using a grater or rule.

It is not recommended to make the layer thickness more than 2.5 centimeters, if you want to get a greater thickness, then you need to make several layers in succession. The surface can be painted after two or three days. After 28 days, the layer acquires maximum strength, and the thermal insulation ability will reach its maximum value 60 days after drying.