Fungicidal powder. Contact and systemic fungicides for plants

When growing garden and indoor plantings, it is often necessary to use all kinds of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Caring gardeners buy plant fungicides that kill pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of fungal infection. If you provide the affected culture proper care, then it can be saved from death without much difficulty.

People who want to purchase an effective remedy for combating various fungi need to familiarize themselves with what a biological fungicide is. Its varieties are divided into two large groups of drugs:

  1. Contact.
  2. Systemic.

If we talk about the first category, then it includes funds that do not penetrate into the internal pathways of green spaces, but only cover the outer shells where the reproductive and vegetative organs are located. fungal microorganisms... The suppression of the pathogen occurs over a certain period of time and depends on the degree of damage and the effectiveness of the drug. The disease will be completely eliminated if processing measures are carried out at least 3-5 times with an interval of 10-12 days.

Contact fungicides are local in nature. They do not fulfill a therapeutic purpose, but only suppress pathogens that are located on the outer membranes or directly in plant tissues. Such processing excludes contact of aggressive chemicals with internal organs, so this does not affect the formation and ripening of fruits in any way.

Operating principle systemic drugs slightly different: when they hit the cultivated crop, they completely cover it interior, spreading through the tissues and introducing a number of changes in the physiological and biochemical processes that are carried out naturally... Over time, active substances enter the stage of decomposition in plant organs, resulting in the formation of metabolites. They are the ones suppress harmful fungus , preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

According to the adherents of contact fertilizers, the products formed during the decomposition process pose a great danger to plants, so it is better to refuse them. In addition, at least a month must pass before processing and harvesting.

Fungicides of chemical and biological origin

Chemical and biological fungicides for plants, the names say practically nothing to a novice gardener who has not previously had to fight fungal diseases on the surface of their plantings. Since in retail outlets presented a variety of fungicides for indoor plants(the names are usually very complex and obscure), this only aggravates the process of buying a suitable drug.

Most often, such funds are presented in the form:

  1. Powder.
  2. Suspensions.
  3. Emulsions.

Moreover, they can be divided into two large groups. By the type of composition, they are:

  1. Organic. They consist of active microorganisms that can suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi.
  2. Inorganic. They are represented by a wide variety of fertilizers with 4 hazard classes for humans and animals.

Majority experienced summer residents prefers organic biofungicides for plants, which are highly effective and at the same time practically harmless. Recently, the market offers a wide variety of similar preparations with contact action. Their manufacturing method is different from that used in the case of chemical type... The main component is active bacteria that provide depressing effect on pathogens.

Science has proven that contact biofungicides almost do not cause any harm to humans, fish, bees or warm-blooded creatures, while they are very good at fighting pathogenic organisms. Wanting to buy such drugs, you need to pay attention to the following popular types:

  1. Gamair P.
  2. Trichodermin.
  3. Alirin-B.
  4. Albite.
  5. Fitosporin.
  6. Baktofit.

For effective treatment of cultures affected by fungal infection, chemical fungicides are also used. They are in great demand due to the rapid suppression of the fungus with short processing times in minimal doses. However, do not run to the nearest gardening store and buy all available chemicals, because this may entail not the most pleasant consequences. Instead, you should pay attention to time-tested and experience-tested drugs that reliably protect various garden plants and practically do not harm them:

  1. Consento, KS.
  2. Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Copper sulfate.
  4. Tsineb.
  5. Tiram.
  6. Potassium permanganate.
  7. Soda ash that is stirred with green soap for good adhesion.

Important application rules

Start treating plants with chemicals contact action prohibited after flowering buds appear or before harvest. In turn, biological agents are suitable for the entire growing season, and some of them are used even at the stage of fruit ripening.

Before starting processing activities, you need to take a responsible approach to the issue of your own safety. For such purposes, it is used:

  1. Reliable protective clothing.
  2. Rubber gloves and goggles.
  3. Headdress.

After completing the work, the overalls should be sent to the wash, and the hands and face should be washed several times with soap and water.

A diluted solution is used for processing, although some preparations are served fresh. As a rule, the instructions for use are attached to the box with the purchased composition, so you just have to strictly follow the advice and maintain the optimal consumption rate.

When setting up the sprayer, select the fine spray mode so that the emerging cloud of solution covers the crop at the bottom and top. When processing the green mass of plants that will be eaten (cabbage, sorrel, etc.), it is better to completely abandon chemical compounds. It is also recommended to start processing before flowering and fruit setting.

It is forbidden to clean the containers used for dilution of the solution in the reservoir. To do this, they must be placed in a specially designated place for disposal. At the same time, there should be limited access to the environment where fungicides and other chemical fertilizers are stored. The drugs themselves are preliminarily placed in a securely closed package.

Compliance with safety rules will avoid many troubles. V otherwise you can not only harm the culture, but also your health and the environment.

In addition to preparations for treating the external parts of plants, there are various fungicides for the soil. With their help, you can process the soil where the culture is grown in order to completely get rid of fungal pathogens, able to be stored in the ground until next season.

Gardeners resort to the use of fungicidal agents in the most extreme cases, when they have a good reason. This is due to the high toxicity of many of the available products. Before the procedure itself, it is important to carefully read the safety rules and step by step instructions... As for popular drugs, they may include:

  1. Oxyhom.
  2. Trichodermin.
  3. Green soap, etc.

Oxychom is a highly effective solution based on copper oxychloride and oxadixil, which belongs to the group of contact systemic fungicides that can fight many diseases of garden and indoor crops... Effectively eliminates late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot and other common diseases. The absence of toxic effects on human skin and green mass of plants makes it very popular and safe to use.

For processing, you must use a fresh solution, which is created as follows:

  1. One third of the water volume is poured into the tank of the spraying device, and then the stirring mechanism is started.
  2. After that, the required amount of fungicide is added to the composition and the missing part of the water is poured.

Only then can you start processing.

Particular attention must be paid to the purity of the water used to create the composition. It is advisable to take filtered distilled liquid free of any impurities or microorganisms. For 2 liters of water, one package of the composition is used, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out 3 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days.

Among the advantages of Oxychoma are:

  1. Effective systemic contact action.
  2. The result from spraying continues to last up to 14 days.
  3. Minimal toxicity with proper dosage.
  4. Economical consumption during preventive treatment.

Another excellent remedy for eliminating fungal and bacterial diseases is Trichodermin. It contains spores of a soil fungus, which can be called "Trichoderma lignorum", as well as a crushed grain substrate.

The tool perfectly eliminates about 60 varieties of soil pathogens that contribute to the formation of a wide variety of diseases (root and fruit rot, seed infections, macrosporiosis and many others).

After several procedures, an improvement in soil fertility and saturation of the root system of crops with additional vitamins is noticed, which increases the percentage of seed germination.

To apply the fungicide, you must follow the following step-by-step guide:

Such actions can protect the culture from imminent destruction.

Even with careful selection of quality seeds, abundant watering and a suitable substrate, many plants remain vulnerable to various fungal diseases. And if some only spoil them appearance damaging leaves or root system , then others lead to the complete extermination of the whole culture.

In order to prevent such unpleasant consequences, you should take care of reliable protection green spaces from developing infections, otherwise you will have to save the affected plant from an aggressively progressing fungus. In this case, sometimes you have to resort to chemicals, including fungicides. It is these drugs that demonstrate maximum efficiency in the fight against many diseases, so they should be present in the arsenal of every gardener.

When using such funds, it is necessary to defend the position of application minimal damage plant, preferring safe and non-toxic solutions. It is also important to carefully read the instructions and recommendations for use. In this case, the treatment of the plant will bring the expected success.

Attention, only TODAY!

Growing plants on household territories near private houses, summer cottages or country mansions is a favorite pastime of many summer residents and gardeners. But at different stages of such work, one has to look for effective methods to deal with an impressive number of dangerous diseases and pests, which, like an invisible attack, attack everything horticultural crops and turn them into trash. To avoid this kind of events, many summer residents choose special fungicidal preparations that quickly and effectively eliminate the problem by performing a comprehensive treatment of flowers, vegetable crops and other plants from the development of dangerous diseases.

What are the high benefits of systemic fungicides, why do such drugs have excellent antifungal and anti-stress properties, and what products deserve to be in your garden because of their performance and reliability?

It is important to understand that there are organic and inorganic drugs. In any case, both the first and the second type can be the only solution to combat various pests of a fungal nature. Currently, the list of systemic fungicides is overflowing with mass various proposals... The list of available products is very extensive and constantly expanding, so choose the right product for your personal plot anyone can.

Biological plant fungicides are special substances biological origin that serve effective remedy for the prevention, prevention and control of fungal infections, insects and other pests that can harm indoor flowers or garden crops. Most drugs are indispensable for providing reliable protection seeds during the dressing period.

If we translate the term from Latin, then it will mean "killing mushrooms". Timely application of fungicides for indoor plants or garden and garden crops will preserve plant health, improve yield indicators, and prevent the development of dangerous mycoses. For this reason, every self-respecting summer resident should responsibly respond to the need to purchase such drugs for his site.

Characteristics and basic properties

At correct operation fungicides for plants, the protection of fruit and vegetable crops, as well as indoor plants, will be maximized. Such funds effectively fight against disease-causing fungi and prevent their further development. If you don't know how to do right choice, you cannot figure out the names and models, trust the professional employees from hypermarkets for the home, garden and vegetable garden or study the mass of available articles on the portals of the country economy. Tips like these will help you make the right choice, which is perfect for specific circumstances and situations.

Fungicidal substances may differ depending on some parameters that determine the strength of the effect. To make the right decision when choosing the right drug, you should take into account such features.

By origin, fungicides are divided into:

  • organic (biofungicides, which are made up of certain bacteria);
  • inorganic (drugs created using complex chemical reactions and compounds).

According to the degree of decomposition, there are:

  1. inorganic fungicidal preparations that persist in the soil for a long time and have a great effect on pests;
  2. models of biological origin that have environmental safety and harmlessness for environment and soil;

By the strength of the impact:

  • formulations of herbal ingredients. They are considered “softer” and safer, but their effectiveness is not high enough;
  • formulations based on chemicals that work much faster, but very often contain toxic components and can harm the human body;

Other features

Also, fungicides can be divided into different groups according to the nature of their distribution over plant tissues:

For the purpose of operation:

  • for soil treatment;
  • for dressing pre-prepared seeds;
  • for spraying during the growing season;
  • for effective prevention of fungus;
  • as a universal composition (sometimes it is used when processing cultivated conifers);

It is important to note that recently there has been an incredible increase in the popularity of biofungicides, which are distinguished by a more gentle action and good performance. Many summer residents and flower growers refuse to use chemicals, fearing that they may harm the plants and the quality of the soil. Very often, such agents cause various diseases in humans, including a complex degree of poisoning, if the basic rules of care were not followed during processing. In turn, biological fungicides for plants are especially effective in protecting indoor flowers and agricultural crops that are used for food.

Application features

Fungicides are presented in the form of special powders that are introduced into the soil or seed dressing, as well as in the form of solutions intended for spraying plants. Some types of drugs will be effective at different stages of life and development of fruit and vegetable crops. When it comes to combating fungal infections of different crops, then it is necessary to follow the basic safety rules, protecting yourself from negative impact active substances:

Failure to comply with any rules can lead to various negative consequences, cause an allergic reaction or poisoning. It is better not to risk your health and pay close attention to the mandatory preparation for the upcoming procedure.

The use of preparations for indoor flowers and horticultural crops

For effective prevention of fungal diseases, contact and systemic fungicides... At home, experts recommend using biological agents that contain active bacteria. When operating in city apartments, compositions in the form of emulsions, solutions and powders can be used. Concerning chemical fungicides, then they can be applied before the beginning of the growing season or after the end of flowering and collection fruit harvest... Biological products are suitable for use at any time of the year, and some products can also be used when harvesting fruits.

Indoor flowers need intensive protection from a wide variety of pests and diseases, so their use should be mandatory. Otherwise, the intensity of development of dangerous diseases will be very high.

With regard to the use of a solution and powder on a fungicidal basis for the garden, then such preparations will be effective in soaking the seeds. They can also be added to the soil when loosening and digging. This will prevent the development of fungus in the soil and protect it from development. dangerous pests... Spraying is carried out in early spring and towards the end of the fall, which is effective method for antifungal treatment of crops, especially such as peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

In order for the use of the drug to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to properly dilute it in accordance with a certain proportion and general rules... So, the cultivation of the fungicide is as follows:

Experts do not recommend preparing too large amounts of fungicides. Also, do not leave the solution open during storage. This can lead to dire consequences, including the poisoning of people or pets, who may accidentally drink some of the composition.

Features of the choice of an effective drug

When it comes to choosing a fungicidal agent, you need to know a number of subtleties and features that will greatly simplify the upcoming purchase. In the process, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​treatment, the types of plants treated, the degree of toxicity and the extent of the lesion. You should also take into account the advice of professional agricultural technicians, gardeners, gardeners and connoisseurs of different flower plants... Do not forget that in nature there is a mass of pathogenic fungi that can be resistant to any chemical composition, therefore, from time to time, the drugs used must be changed by others in order to increase their effectiveness.

Among the most popular fungicides that have worked well against different diseases and fungi, the following can be distinguished:

Before you buy one of the products you are interested in, carefully study the instructions and treat the selection of the appropriate proportion with all responsibility. This will avoid negative consequences in the future and really spend effective prevention or treating plants in your backyard.

Having little experience in plant growing, most summer residents get lost, approaching a stand with agricultural chemistry in a store. Such an abundance of names, types of packages, dosages can turn anyone's head. However, don't panic. Going shopping for garden protection products, first of all, you need to imagine what this garden has to be protected from. As practice shows, the season preventive measures on the site opens fungicide treatment.

Fungicides for plants

During the season, the garden and vegetable garden enter into great amount relationships in their environment. Plants react not only to weather conditions, watering, feeding, but also to contacts with living organisms: bacteria, fungi, insects and mammals (moles, for example). Most of these relationships end up badly. Unfortunately, what is natural for nature looks like an encroachment on the harvest from the side of the summer resident. Therefore, an extensive program is being carried out to reduce the number of unwanted "guests". The means that are used for this purpose constitute one large group - pesticides. Each separate subgroup is responsible for its own sector. So, insecticides fight insects, herbicides allow you to remove from the site weeds... But the treatment with fungicides is carried out in order to destroy fungi, bacteria and prevent or treat diseases caused by them.

There are several classifications of plant fungicides. Any plant breeder, both practicing active use of agrochemistry, and striving to reduce external influence, it will be useful to know the following parameters.

By origin, inorganic and organic preparations are distinguished. There is a separate list of biological fungicides, but they are worth talking about separately.

Inorganic fungicides approved for use in personal subsidiary plots are copper and sulfur-containing preparations. Mercury-containing ones were also previously used, however, due to toxicity for humans and, often, for plants, the latter type is no longer used.

The name of the copper fungicide is widely known. The most popular - copper sulfate Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride are also the most commonly used.

Copper preparations with constant exposure in increased doses are toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals. The element tends to accumulate in the ground and in fruits. Therefore, to work with such substances, it is imperative to follow the instructions and do not exceed the recommended dose and frequency of use.

Fungicide treatment - danger to humans

Preparations containing sulfur are ground sulfur, collodion sulfur and lime-sulfuric broth. They have established themselves as prophylactic agents against scab, powdery mildew, atracnose. Greenhouses and hotbeds are pollinated or fumigated with drugs.

Also, iron preparations ( inkstone), manganese, potassium.

Organic fungicides

Organic plant fungicides are products based on different classes chemical compounds... There are a sufficient number of them. The compounds act differently on the fungus, so their effectiveness in treating the same disease on the same plant will differ.

Information about which compound is the basis of the drug is quite specific. For most plant breeders, reading the instructions will not come in handy. However, it is still worth asking about the compound class of the selected agent, for example, if it turns out to be ineffective.

In some cases, fungi and bacteria can become resistive in the active substance, that is, develop resistance. Or the breeder may delay the treatment, and the infection will still occur. Then to achieve good results in the fight against plant disease, an integrated approach must be taken. That is, alternate drugs that are different in origin, and in the active substance, and in the mechanism of action.

An integrated approach for processing plants

On sale you can find products that include nitrogen-containing derivatives of pyrimidine, pyrazole, phenol derivatives (chloro- and nitrophenols), etc. Antibiotics of non-medical importance are a separate class of fungicides for plants. Phytolavin (phytobacteriomycin) and trichothecin are widely used. They have not only fungicidal properties, but also to some extent immunomodulatory (stimulating plant growth and development).

Separately, it is worth mentioning the relatively new, but already become popular and highly demanded biological fungicides. They include a bacteriological or fungal culture. The principle of action of such drugs differs from inorganic and organic compounds... Also, bacterial cultures behave differently with plant pathogens. Some strains can be dangerous for pathogenic fungi, since they themselves infect and destroy the pest. Others are a kind of "grafting" of the plant, increase its immunity and make it resistant to bacteria. The drugs can be used with both prophylactic and therapeutic purpose, however, are better at preventing disease.

Fungicide treatment

Biological fungicides

It already has several commercial names: bactophyte, phytosporin, gamair, etc. At the same time, almost all the products on the market are enriched with microelements and, often, humic acids, which additionally stimulate the plant and increase its stress resistance and immunity. In addition, for preventive purposes, the use of biological products safely. These benefits of biological fungicides make them very attractive to organic growers.

Fungicide treatment can be carried out both for prophylactic purposes and for medicinal purposes. However, not all disease prevention agents can actively treat it. To avoid infection or minimize the consequences thereof, it is worth approaching the treatment systematically: use a complex of contact and systemic fungicides (about them), and also pay attention to the active substance of the selected drug.

Below are some of the names of fungicides and their active ingredient (class of chemical compounds).

  • iron vitriol - ferrous sulfate;
  • colloidal sulfur and ground sulfur - sulfur (the first is finer);
  • copper sulfate is sulfate, respectively, of copper;
  • Bordeaux mixture contains two active substances - copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide (aka milk of lime or slaked lime);
  • Hom - contains copper oxychloride;
  • Tiovit jet - sulfur.

Organic plant fungicides:

  • Amistar Trio, Amistar extra, Quadris, SK products contain azoxystrobin;
  • foundazole - the active substance benzimidazole;
  • Vectra drug - bromuconazole;
  • a number of drugs, including the well-known Raek, Skor, Discor, Chistotsvet, contain difenoconazole;
  • Penncoceb, Ditan 45 - mancozeb;
  • Topaz - the active substance is penconazole;
  • Agrolekar, Prognoz and Chistoflor contain one active ingredient - propiconazole;
  • Rovral - iprodion;
  • The next group of drugs - Favorite CE, Foliant CE, Forus CE - have the main substance of the class of triazoles, triadimefon;
  • Means for dressing seeds Maxim - fludioxonil;
  • Bravo - chlorothalonil;
  • Switch, Horus - cyprodinil.

List of biological fungicides

We should also mention Fitolavin, the active ingredient of which is an antibiotic of the streptotricin group - phytobacteriomycin.

List of biological fungicides for plants:

  1. Alirin, Baktofit, Gamair and phytosporin contain in different proportions the bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis;
  2. Glyocladin and trichodermin are drugs, the active component of which is the mushroom culture of Trichoderma harzianum.
  3. Agate 25 is a bacteriological strain of Pseudomonas aureofaciens.

Knowing what is the peculiarity of systemic fungicides, you can choose the right drug for the treatment of a flower garden and vegetable garden, collect a rich harvest in the vineyard and garden. You will not be scared fungal diseases plants because you will know how to prevent and treat them.

Systemic insecticides and fungicides what is it

Systemic plant protection drugs penetrate the leaves, move through plant cells, protect and treat the disease from the inside. Insecticides relieve plants from harmful insects, and fungicides against fungal diseases.

In addition to systemic drugs, there are those that act locally, protecting the plant from pests by contact, from the outside. Such drugs are used mainly for the prevention of infections.

Systemic insecticides are most effective against insects and the Colorado potato beetle, whiteflies, scale insects and aphids

By choosing systemic insecticide, you need to read it chemical composition on the package. Insects can develop an addiction to the drug if treated with it constantly. Therefore, for alternation, it is necessary to choose fungicides from different chemical classes.

The most popular systemic insecticides include:
1) Prestige, KS (combines the properties of an insecticide and a fungicide).
2) Biotlin (from aphids, whiteflies, etc.),
3) Mospilan (from colorado potato beetle, scabbards, etc.)

Effective systemic fungicides against mildew, coccomycosis, moniliosis

TO effective drugs relate:

  • Previkur Energy. Effectively protects tomatoes and cucumbers from black leg, root and root rot, peronosporosis and late blight.

  • Horus. It helps to cope with moniliosis, coccomycosis, keeps crops from rot, mildew, etc. It belongs to the chemical class of aminopyrimidines.
  • The combined preparation Ridomil Gold helps to effectively fight mildew and other diseases. Provides protection for potato tubers during storage.

The best systemic insecticides for thrips, caterpillars, bedbugs

Confidor is a systemic insecticide that is used to combat aphids, thrips, whiteflies.

For most crops, one treatment is sufficient. Resistant to washout and hot weather. Easy to use: pour the solution into a sprayer, pump up pressure, spray the solution onto the plants until the leaves are completely wetted.

Insecticide Inta-vir is effective against thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars. To induce the working solution, 1 tablet of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. The drug is used at the first signs of plant infection, but no more than 3 times per season. Plants cannot be processed during flowering.

The best systemic fungicides for scab, late blight, oidium, late blight, anthracnose

There are effective combined fungicides on sale that combine contact and systemic action: Acrobat, Sandofan M8, Oksikhom, Poliram, etc.

Fungicides containing several active substances that belong to different chemical groups have a wide range actions and can be used against many fungal diseases: Archer, Falcon, Mikal, Ryder, Thanos, Alto Super, etc.

Systemic insecticides for conifers, indoor plants, fruit trees list

Conifers are susceptible to attack by various pests. The choice of the drug will depend on which pest you need to fight:
- to combat bark beetles they use - Clipper, Bifenthrin, BI-58, Krona-Antil;
- with ticks - Flumayt, Floromite, Appolo, Borneo, Envidor, Fitoverm and Aktellik;
- with shield and false shield -, Confidor, Actellik;
- with Hermes - Commander and Aktara;
- with sawflies - Aktellik, BI-58, Fury.

For the treatment of indoor plants, the drug is also chosen depending on the type of pest that attacked the flower:
- to combat aphids use - Karate, Inta-vir, Iskra, Fas, Khostakvik;
- with mealybug- Fitoverm, Confidor, Aktara, Calypso, Tanrek;
- with whitefly - Aktelik, fufanon, Intavir;
- - Aktellik, Fitoverm, Agravertin, Neoron.

To combat pests in the garden, it is effective to use a set of measures - pruning branches, whitewashing trunks, feeding and spraying. When fighting the moth, drugs are used - Insegar, Karate; from ticks - Neoron; from aphids - Khostavik and Fitoverm.

Treatment with systemic fungicides (for example, Topsin-M)

The active ingredient of Topsin-M is theophanate-methyl. The drug is toxic not only for pathogenic fungi, but also for some insects and soil nematodes. Use the fungicide before or after flowering.

To guide the working solution, 10 or 15 grams of powder are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic to humans and animals, therefore, it is necessary to direct the solution and carry out processing, observing all safety measures.

Wear protective clothing, goggles, gloves, respirator. The working solution is used immediately after guidance for the prevention of diseases and their treatment. Grapes and currants are processed before flowering and after harvest.