What is Pini Kay (Pini Kay)? Fuel briquettes pini kay, sawdust Fuel briquettes pini kay.

Briquettes Pini Kay is a fuel that is obtained by processing waste wood. Made from wood waste, coal, vegetable, and also peat. It can be used for solid fuel boilers, stoves, fireplaces. It differs in the duration of burning, and is the main alternative traditional types fuel.

Pini Kay is characterized by high calorific value, slow smoldering. Briquettes quickly kindle and are not afraid of moisture. Burning is not accompanied by sparks and smoke. There is practically no ash left behind, and the chimney remains clean. The price is acceptable, but the main thing is that it is absolutely ecological fuel.

Fuel briquettes- This is a solid fuel, which is made from natural raw materials of wood origin. Mainly from sawdust, dust, tyrsy, which are pressed under very high pressure. Eurowood is formed using the natural substance lignin, which is found in any vegetation.
Pini kei fuel briquettes are also made from sawdust, but at the end they are fired to protect them from a moisture-resistant environment. That is why briquettes are stored much longer and are not afraid of rooms with high humidity. Basically, people are used to heating their homes with wood or coal. If we compare pini-key fuel briquettes for heating and traditional fuel, then it loses significantly against the background of a briquette:
- eurofirewood burns much longer than ordinary firewood. In order for a briquette to completely burn out, it needs 2 times more time, so this method of heating a house is economical;
- less than 1% of the weight of the ash briquettes remains, which cannot be said about coal or firewood. If you heat them, but you need to clean the stove often. Euro briquettes can be cleaned once a season. During this time, a certain percentage of ash accumulates - it can be used as a natural soil fertilizer; - Eurowood emits a couple of times more thermal energy;
— in the process of combustion of the briquette, heat is constantly released. In the case of firewood, it gradually decreases;
- if you heat the stove with the usual firewood, then soot, smoke and sparks are released. You won’t see this with European firewood - they have an even flame with a woody smell, not smoke;
– briquettes can be stored in any room – they are well packed in polyethylene and are not afraid of moisture with it. Firewood needs to be allocated a special dry place, otherwise if it is damp, then it will not burn.
Obviously, for heating a country or private house, it is better to choose an alternative fuel. The price of Pini Kay fuel briquettes will be slightly higher than the cost of ordinary firewood, but in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, briquettes are much better than both conventional firewood and coal.
The price of Pini Kay eurofirewood differs in cost, since it all depends on the quality of the fuel. There are eurofirewood of the highest quality and medium. High-quality eurofirewood is denser, burns longer, and therefore emits more heat. Medium quality briquettes burn faster, emit less thermal energy, but the price is much lower.
Different fuel prices are explained by different production costs. With careful pressing of raw materials, you can get a better product. With this approach, equipment becomes unusable faster - this factor is taken into account when pricing.
It is best to buy eurofirewood pini kay in bulk and of high quality. Although they will cost more, such fuel is cost-effective compared to conventional briquettes and firewood. You need to put less briquette into the oven than firewood, and much more heat transfer can be obtained. All eurofirewood moscow pini kay is mostly of high quality. To be sure of this, it is better to purchase directly from the manufacturer.

Eurowood pini cay from sawdust are made in the form of an irregular polyhedron with a hole in the center. For the manufacture of briquettes, pressing is used, surface firing (therefore, it is hard and black). This method of production gives eurowood high strength and resistance to moisture. They can be stored on the street and are not afraid that they will become damp or rot.

For today buy Pini Kay fuel briquettes possible at an affordable price. Compared to conventional firewood, they have a higher calorific value. Due cylindrical hole inside the briquettes burn beautifully, so they are great for fireplaces.

We have best price for fuel briquettes pini-kay . Compared to traditional fuel, prices are almost the same, but alternative fuel - eurofirewood is much better. The heat transfer is much higher and it is necessary to put briquettes in the firebox much faster than coal or firewood.

Fuel briquettes and eurofirewood pini kay for heating are able to hold a high flame over an hour and during combustion the temperature remains the same, and this is at least 4 hours. Charcoal after burnt briquettes can be used for barbecue - they give a good heat. Also in fuel briquettes there are no impurities, glue and other toxic substances. When burning in the house, you can hear a woody smell.

The modern market for heating materials is very wide and full of offers to buy different types fuel, the energy efficiency of some of them can be questioned. In turn, in this article you will find information about fuel briquettes from manufacturers that are currently considered brands and leaders in their field. We will talk about the features of fuel briquettes from Ruf, Pini Kay, Nestro and Nilson.

Fuel briquettes

Fuel briquettes Ruf

Ruf is a manufacturer of fuel briquettes, consisting of sawdust and waste of good hardwood and softwood. For all that, the composition does not contain bark and other illiquid materials of the wood industry.

Fuel briquettes Ruf do not contain chemical substances glue based. And this is their main advantage. This is due to the technology of manufacturing briquettes on a special complex of technical devices.

As for the production technology, Ruf briquettes are made in two stages:

  1. Drying, which is necessary to reduce the percentage of moisture in wood chips and sawdust.
  2. A hydraulic press that produces self-forming timber material into briquettes.

The output is briquettes, appearance brick-like.

Fuel briquettes Ruf

Specifications fuel briquettes Ruf.

It is unlikely that these indicators will be informative for ordinary person. For example, let us give the parameters of other types of fuel according to some of the characteristics.

This information is enough to understand that Ruf fuel briquettes are quite effective. This is confirmed by the reviews of the owners. country houses.


On the network you can find a lot of reviews about fuel briquettes of this manufacturer. And mostly good ones. Users note the following positive traits fuel ruf:

  1. No characteristic crackling, as well as sparks flying out.
  2. High heat output with long burning.
  3. Good moisture resistance.
  4. Practicality in application.
  5. It is possible to increase the heat output of the boiler if briquettes and logs are evenly placed in the combustion chamber. In addition, fuel consumption will decrease by an average of three times.
  6. Fuel briquettes Ruf from birch dust do not leave soot and tar scale on the walls of the furnace, which in turn makes maintenance of the boiler much easier.
  7. The manufacturer's briquettes do not require much storage space. In addition, the cleanliness of the warehouse will always be.

Fuel briquettes Pini Kay

Fuel briquettes of this manufacturer are popular due to their unique characteristics, and have many positive feedback users.

It is worth saying that Pini Kay fuel briquettes should be stored separately from other materials and substances. Subject to following conditions products can lie for a very long time:

  • it is required to store briquettes in a covered warehouse at a temperature from plus 5 to plus 40 °C;
  • relative humidity should vary between 30-80%;
  • briquettes should not come into contact with water and aggressive media;
  • to prolong their shelf life, it is better to remove products from the sun.

Fuel briquettes Pini Kay

Technical characteristics of Pini Kay fuel briquettes.


Reviews of fuel briquettes from this manufacturer are mostly positive and are as follows:

  1. Pini Kay fuel briquettes do not pollute the surface in contact with them during transportation and storage.
  2. Universal shape and small size, allowing you to stack briquettes tightly on pallets.
  3. Small ash content of 3%.
  4. High density, exceeding the parameters of wood by 2.5 times.
  5. High bulk density. This option is of interest to many buyers. They compare the figure with 300 kg/m³.

Fuel briquettes Nestro

The production of Nestro fuel briquettes is carried out at hydraulic presses with the creation of back pressure with a collet. These products can be in diameter from 50 to 90 mm, and in length - from 50 to 100 mm. Packed in bags.

Since the Nestro fuel briquette is a compressed fuel, it needs little storage space. In addition, the high density eliminates the penetration of moisture inside and subsequent decay, so they can be stored for a long time.

Very little torch or liquid is required to ignite Eurowood. A couple of briquettes are usually enough for a fireplace. After ignition, they burn with an even flame and spread a woody smell, and after combustion, beautiful coals remain, maintaining a high temperature for a long time.

Fuel briquettes Nestro

Lay down and dry. About alternative sources most have not heard. But for example, in Europe, most of the population switched to alternative fuels: pellets and briquettes. Today I want to tell you about fuel briquettes, show their pros and cons.

Fuel briquettes, or eurofirewood - solid biofuel, are made from recycled trees, including wood chips and sawdust. The birthplace of Eurowood is Germany, where briquettes have been used since 1984.

Briquettes are produced according to next technology: The sawdust is heated to high temperature and pressed on a special press. Due to the high density of 1.1 kg/dm3 and the special lignin glue, fuel briquettes do not fall apart and can be stored for quite a long time under any conditions. At the same time, they take up little space, and give a little more heat than ordinary oak or birch firewood.

Since the briquette has a high density, it burns for quite a long time. The calorific value of raw - 1800 kilocalories per kilogram, dry - 3600, and a fuel briquette - about 5000. If 4-5 kg ​​of firewood burns in half an hour, then the same amount of eurofirewood burns in 2-4 hours.

If in the production of briquettes deciduous trees are used as raw materials, then the briquettes have a low ash content. And if coniferous species are used as raw materials, then high ash content. When burning a briquette, there is practically no waste left.

When burning wood or coal, a small amount of fuel during combustion turns into soot, which subsequently clogs the chimney. If every few years you do not clean the pipes with aspen wood or special means, this can lead to a fire. With hardwood fuel briquettes, this problem does not arise - no more than 7% of non-combustible particles remain, and consumers do not need to clean the equipment every time.

The quality of fuel briquettes depends on several factors:

  • Density, it should be above 1kg dm3.
  • Absence of dirt, impurities and stale raw materials.
  • Quality equipment
  • The right workflow

The fact that the briquette is made from high-quality raw materials and in compliance with technological standards is evidenced by its natural color and the absence of odors, except for the smell of wood.

For example, a birch briquette, for example, should be white, from pine and other conifers- light yellow.

There are three recognized briquette standards - RUF, NESTRO and PINI&KAY. RUF fuel briquettes, in the form of a brick, were the first to appear on the market. They are made from birch, pine needles and oak.

Fuel briquette NESTRO is a cylinder, as well as other types, it almost does not smoke during combustion, and coal remains after combustion.

The PINI&KAY standard is subjected to heat treatment and due to this it is maximally resistant to mechanical influences. It is ideal for a fireplace insert, and attracts consumers with an unusual polyhedral shape with a hole inside. All types of fuel briquettes are compact and occupy several times less space than firewood. You can store fuel briquettes in any room, provided that they are protected from moisture.

Not only have clear benefits for the consumer, but also save Natural resources. The transition to eurofirewood is a concern for the environment, that is, for our health. After logging, paper production, mountains of sawdust and wood dust remain. It is dangerous to burn them because of the threat of fires and it is impossible to store them indefinitely at the enterprise. Thus, the production of fuel briquettes is both a solution to an urgent problem, and a stop to unnecessary logging for firewood, and convenience.

In Sweden, where the state is doing everything to improve the living standards of the population, eurofirewood is used in most villages. So far, few people have heard about fuel briquettes in our country, but slowly progress is being made, and some people are starting to use fuel briquettes.

Fuel briquettes pini kay today are very often used for making fire in a fireplace, stove and for burning wood heating boilers. They are good for country house, and for a bath, and for a brazier and even for a fire. When burning, the briquettes do not give sparks, practically do not crack, do not “shoot”, almost do not smoke at all. Unlike ordinary firewood, pini kei does not need to be dried, they flare up quickly. It is very important that the Eurowood does not include any chemical additives and glue. They get their shape using the pressure of a screw press, in which the natural gluing substance lignin is released from the sawdust. Thanks to this manufacturing technology, the density of briquettes reaches 1.4 kg/dm 3 . During the combustion of this type of fuel, you will not feel any pungent foreign odors, the surrounding air is not filled with harmful chemical compounds.

Pini kay is a solid polyhedral cylinder with through hole in the center. This creates an additional draft of air through the briquette, which helps to easily and quickly start a fire and maintain it even with not very strong draft in the furnace.

This type of fuel is made from dry sawdust, which is compressed under high pressure, and at the end is slightly burned on the outside. The result is logs of very high density. Polyethylene packaging - 12 cylinders each, as well as the hardness of the briquette, allow them to be folded for the whole winter just under a canopy outside. They are also very convenient to stack for storage or transportation. Due to the fact that the briquettes are packed, there is no garbage from them at all, unlike firewood.

Pini kay is one of the densest (denseer than Ruf) modern fuel briquettes. Therefore, they have the most long burning, which is very convenient - you do not often need to throw them into the oven. The ash content of pini kay is very low, which allows you to clean the chimney less often than conventional firewood.

Buying Pini Cay euro firewood means that your heating costs will be significantly reduced!

An excellent replacement for fossil fuels: coal, gas, fuel oil, etc.

The name comes from an Austrian company that produced briquette presses.

The pini kay price in Moscow is one of the lowest!