Violet Viola Medical Properties Description Application. Violet tricolor - therapeutic properties and contraindications

Tricolor violet, many known as pansies - This is not only a beautiful, but also a medicinal plant. It is actively used in decorative gardening, and few know about his medical properties.

Plant Description and Features

The violet tricolor is a herbian annual or a two-year-old plant with a rod-like, low-tech root, which is located in the soil almost horizontally. The stem triangular, branchy, empty inside, can reach a height of 10 - 45 cm. The wreath is flat, formed by five petals. The top petals are painted in blue or purple, Two medium petals are usually a little lighter, and the lower petal is yellow, with white divorces at the base. Flowers the violet three-color from April to late autumn, after which fruits appear on the place of flowers - small greenish egg-shaped boxes.

The range of distribution of this plant is very wide. Pansies can be found in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, Eastern Europe. Often this type of violet is noticing, captures large areas, becoming weed plant On the fields and lawns. Since the plant can be cultivated, it can easily be grown on fertile soil of its own garden.

Useful properties of the plant

The chemical composition of this plant is quite diverse, which allows the use of violet for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The tricolor violet grass contains the following biologically active substances:

  • flavonoids (Rutin, Orientin and Vitexin);
  • salicylic acid;
  • ursolic acid;
  • anthocian;
  • saponins;
  • inulin;
  • viline;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium).

Flavonoid Rutin reduces the permeability of capillary walls, and also strengthens them, dilutes blood and increases the elasticity of red blood cells. Vitexin expands the clearance of vessels, normalizing blood pressure, and stimulates the metabolism in myocardial cells. Salicylic acid has an antiseptic effect, ursolic acid stabilizes blood glucose levels and reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol. Anthocyanins produce a bactericidal effect, are antioxidants and are used in ophthalmology. Inulin is a prebiotic - a good nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora of a person. Tubils produce an astringent effect, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, stimulate regeneration processes and relieve inflammation. Ascorbic acid contained in the violet has a beneficial effect on the work of the immune system and strengthens the walls of the vessels.

The use of grass and therapeutic properties for diseases

The grass of the tricolor violet has a variety of healing properties due to its chemical composition. It is worth noting that the greatest number Useful substances it accumulates during flowering.

The use of infusions and bravery of this plant is recommended for the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis);
  • inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis);
  • inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia);
  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • lupus;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina;

With inflammation of the respiratory tract, the means with violet contribute to the discharge and removal of sputum, as well as the struggle with the causative agents of the infection. With the lesions of the cardiovascular system, the use of a tricolor violet helps to normalize the tone of the vessels and the rheological properties of blood, strengthen the vascular walls and prevent the growth of atherosclerotic plaques. In the case of gout, presence and pyelonephritis, this plant contributes to the removal of salts from the body.

Description of recipes

For prevention and treatment cold illness It is recommended to take a decoction, for the preparation of which the grass is used (dry stems and leaves). 20 g of chopped raw materials need to pour a glass of water room temperature and boil 15 minutes. Then a decoction to remove from the fire and leave for an hour, after which it is strain, dilute the glass of water and 3 - 4 times a day to take 1 tbsp. l.

Therapeutic properties of this agent include expectorant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. In case of skin diseases, compresses are made: 100 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water, they insist 1.5 - 2 hours, flickering, wetted into the infusion of gauze and applied to the affected areas.

Contraindications for use

With caution, the tricolor violet should be used by pregnant and nursing women. Means prepared on the basis of this plant contribute to the disheve of sputum due to irritation of the gastric receptors and cough stimulation. Such healing properties can be dangerous at bronchial asthma, as they provoke bronchial spasms. Other contraindications are aggravation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as acute glomerulonephritis. Valley-based funds can not be applied for longer than a month. Viline, which contains grass, in large quantities provokes vomiting and irritates the intestinal mucosa.

Few people know that the violet tricolor in the people has many titles: pansies, funny eyes, kamchuk, landcellion and so on. Pansies from ancient times served folk remedy From a variety of diseases, such as cough, gout, rheumatism, thrush, furunculosis.


This annual plant, indicated in Latin as Viola Tricolor, reaches a height of 20-45 cm. The stem of violet is straight, branched, deciduous and lying.

Leaves can be elongated and oval shape. Plant flowers are quite large and differ not only in shape and form, but also in color coloring: blue, lilac, blue and purple. You can find yellow and white flowers. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer, starting from May and ending with August. In June, the elongated three-headed top of the plant, which stores seeds contributing to the further reproduction of the flower in June. The violet tricolor is a much miniature of an ordinary garden analogue and is always painted in three different colors.

Habitat area

Plant spread widely in countries Far East, throughout Europe, in some parts of Siberia and Central Asia. The violet tricolor prefers to grow in places of fertile soil, in valleys and pastures, between the bushes, on mixed and coniferous forest glads. Choosing an explosive soil, the plant can be accommodated on grain crops and sudok. Many bouquet lovers often disappear these flowers, not even guessing how much large quantity Useful and therapeutic properties they possess.

Distinctive characteristics

Violet is a herbaceous plant. The rod root has a characteristic brown tint. From the root can grow several stems branched in different directions. Often stem, like the leaves of violet, naked, but sometimes it covers small hairs. The lower leaves are growing in the form of long stuffs, and the tops have small stiffs and 2 horses. Plant flowers on oblong legs grow to about 1.5 cm in diameter. They are known as union, five-membered, incorrect, with multi-colored coloring petals.

Chemical composition

All parts of the plant, including flowers, stem and leaves, contain a plurality of elements: essential oil, vitamin C, coloring and tanning substances, polysaccharides, flavonoids (vetexin, orientine, rutin), saponins, kumarins and carotenoids. Ascorbic, Ursul, Winnocamean and Salicylic Acid are also present in the composition of violet. Vegetable roots have various alkaloids (nitrogen-containing organic compounds) In its composition. In addition, the plant includes a mucus that contributes to the relief of coughing attacks.

Useful and therapeutic properties

Determine the main direction of action of the plant is quite difficult. The wilderness of the violet flower is used both in folk and official medicine.

The violet tricolor contributes to expectoration, which occurs due to the flower of the mucous membrane and essential oil. In addition, the violet helps in the fight against such diseases: diathesis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, pleurisy, runny nose, helps with inflammation of the bladder and lungs. Various preparations with violet have antispasmodic effects are used in the fight against the thrush. The powder cooked on the basis of the plant serves as a good means against a variety of skin diseases, such as dermatitis, deprive, eczema, furunculese and others. In addition to the powder, the doctor can also register a violet tincture. It is worth noting that the overdose of the plant can provoke vomiting, and prescribe this tool is quite rare, which is caused by the lack of a directionally expressed actant in violet.


The scope of application of violet is determined depending on the particular part of the plant. For example, the leaves are used as a different seal, and flowers - for tinctures. In traditional medicine, the violet is used as an expectorant, and in the folk plant is used in the fight against venereal and nervous diseases, with cystitis, arthritis, stuttering, problems of the gastrointestinal tract and angina. The violet tricolor is used in dental purposes, prevents inflammatory processes and has an antiseptic effect. In phaques, violet is sold in the form of various syrups, extracts, gelatin capsules and powders.

Recipes of traditional medicine

The grass of tricolor violet is not one century used in alternative medicine as various tinctures, braveraries and teas providing a beneficial effect on the patients:

  • the infusion of the plant was used inside at the rate of 10 g of dried herbs on a glass of water. Drink 2-4 times throughout the day after meals with cough, gout, bronchitis, cough and cystitis. A decoction of 200 grams of water, in which 20 gr plants were welded, it was recommended to apply on the skin in the form of a mission, with various rashes, glans and itching. Bath, water in which is diluted with decoction, advise taking during diathesis;
  • the most common is considered aquatic infusion (NAPA). About 20 grams of grass are attacked in a glass of water, after which they use a quarter from the total amount throughout the day. Overdose in this case may cause intestinal irritation. Such a solution cleans blood well;
  • very popular teas based on a tricolor violet. Tea is preparing sufficiently simple: 50 grams of dried flowers are sealed with 1 liter of water. Take such tea it follows 5-6 times, drinking in half a compartment for sitting. Women recovering after a severe generic process, it is recommended to drink tea, which includes a tricolor violet. Components of this and other plants, such as a series, strawberries and walnut, Figure tea is added to tea, which contributes to the purification of the uterus. In addition to the feminine, people who want to increase the activity and activities of the kidney, patients with rheumatism, rickets, gold and articular rheumatism, drink tea, based on the violet tricolor. Application in medicine of such tea can be found quite rarely;
  • for blood purification, they prepare the following infusion: 10 grams of tricolor tricolor and crust cortex, 15 gr. Herbs of chicory, 5 grams of horsetail, fenhel fruit and elderprons are thoroughly mixed. Then, taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture, weave it 250 gr of water and, cover with a lid, insist for 15 minutes. They drink in small sips of 1-3 cups during the day in warm or chilled form.

The violet tricolor, the properties of which are very multifaceted, interacts perfectly with other vegetable forms, allowing you to cure many different diseases.

For example, when cystitis, you can cook a bath with such a collection of herbs: five parts of birch leaves and currant, two pieces of tricolor violet, 3 parts of the soul, 4 pieces of videos and 1 part of eucalyptus leaves are well mixed. Then, 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 1 liter of water and brought to a boil. After the agent has been invested, it can be used.

Tri-color violet beneficial features Its manifests from the treatment of many diseases. The remedy is prepared from fresh flowering plants. It is appointed with various eczema, skin rashes, milk and itching in the vagina. The tincture gives positive results in the fight against sweating and with rheumatism.

Cosmetology: The use of tricolor violet

Due to the mucous and moisturizing components, the plant is widely known in cosmetology. The tincture and messengers are used in the treatment of diseases of the sebaceous glands of the face and head, with purulent inflammations and eels.

Often, the violet insists a few hours with vegetable oil, after which it is ready for the treatment of dry seborrhea. Combining a violet with such plants like a chamomile, dandelion and others, you can get a wellness and useful decoction, applied to the skin and hair of the head after another wash. Many people suffering from dry skin, prepare plant oil, connecting a violet with ordinary oil and warming it for half an hour. After that, the finished mixture is used as a means that contributes to moisturizing and improving the skin, which is based on the violet tricolor. Therapeutic properties of grass are widely used in various areas of cosmetology and medicine.

Plant blank

The process of the workpiece and collection of the flower begins in the season of flowering or at the time of the formation of buds.

The violet is a tricolor, the use of which is very wide, is broken with hands or cuts with scissors. Dried flowers and leaves in dry and protected from exposure sun ray place. Pre-head and leaves of plants are laid out on cotton fabric or another pure Material. It is necessary to regularly turn the drunks. Dry tricolor violet flowers should be stored in wooden or glass Tare. For 2 years.

Side effects

Not all people have a well tolerate teas and tricolor violets. For some long-term use, allergic reactions are beginning to appear, disappearing immediately after stopping the reception. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician before treating and using violets. This will help confirm the diagnosis, avoid the manifestation of a negative reaction and make sure the selected course of treatment is correct.


Some people with long-term use or increased portions suffer from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and rash. It is not recommended to combine violet ordinary and tricolor. Do not forget that the violet is three-color, the use of which can be found almost everywhere - poisonous flower, therefore, compliance with the established doses and standards plays important role. The poison contained in the seeds of the plant can harm animals and people by causing an intestinal disorder and irritation. In the case when a long-term use of violet is needed, it is necessary to take a break for 1 month, after which the reception can be continued. It is also not recommended to use a violet in a fresh form due to its toxic properties.

It is worth noting that the violet tricolor, the beneficial properties of which are known worldwide, gives in successful cultivation on the cottage plot, balcony or even on the windowsill. Pre-taking care of seeds and soil, the plant is sown at the end of June or early July. The first sprouts will appear after two weeks, and at the third week, when the sprouts will stand, they are transplanted from each other for a short distance. The plant easily tolerate frosts, so does not need additional insulation. Regular watering, feeding and departure will provide long blossom and fragrance of any garden, balcony or flower beds.

Violet - not only beautiful flowerwhich is often planted in the gardens and the flower beds. This plant belongs to the category "Medicines", has a number of useful properties and is successfully applied in medicine. There are several types of plants under consideration, but for medicine, it is certain tri-color violet, or how is it commonly called lovers-lovers, pansies.

Note: If the collection of violets is carried out on their own, then you need to be attentive at the same time. In the meadows is growing too tricolor violet, but she is much flowers smaller And they contain very few useful substances in their composition.

Useful properties of a tricolor violet

The composition of the plant under consideration is very rich and listed all the ingredients there is no point. But it is worth allocating ascorbic acid, essential oils, Salicylic acid, mucous polysaccharides, tannins, tannins and saponins. They do the violence useful plantwhich is actively used in medicine.

To understand where the plant under consideration can be used, it is worth familiar with its useful properties. For example, a tricolor violet has an expectorant and wound-healing, soothing and blood-purging, antimicrobial and coorative, antibacterial and anti-lopeful properties. Such a wide "spectrum of action" causes frequent appointment of tea, infusion or decoction from the considered representative of the Flora as the main drug in folk medicine and as an auxiliary in the official.

Most often, the tricolor violet is used in the following cases:

In addition, the plant under consideration perfectly helps to cope with that long heal, and medications Do not have a positive impact on regeneration processes. The drug plant under consideration is actively used and, but it should be immediately revealed - decoctions and tea from the tricolor violet will only help in the case of light poisoning when there are no intoxication symptoms.

The violet tricolor is capable and feeding the skin, it makes it more elastic and elastic - these properties determine the active use of the plant under consideration in cosmetology. Extracts of this garden flower added in the production of creams, ointments and gels in industrial way.

Contraindications for the use of violet

Despite the fact that the plant under consideration has a massive properties, it has both contraindications for use. IN first of all, you need to exclude the use of decoctions and tea from violet tricolor pregnant women. Such a contraindication is due to the fact that this plant tones the muscles of the uterus, and this can provoke premature birth or early. But it is worth knowing that such a contraindication applies only to the means from the tricolor violet, which are used inside. All external means can be safely used - they will have a beneficial effect and do not harm the fetus.

Conditional contraindication of the application of the disease under consideration is other liver diseases. This means that the patient should consult with the attending physician and receive permission from it to eat decoction and tea from the plant under consideration as a medicament.

Note: It is very important to use products made on the basis of a tricolor violet, in an accurate dosage. With a unauthorized increase in the dose, the digestive system can happen -, and.

Recipes based on tricolor violet

Classic infusion

It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of crushed vegetable raw materials and pour a glass (about 250 ml) boiling water, leave it for 2 hours. Use ready-made infusion in individual dosages:

  • for the treatment of rickets in childhood - 1/3 cup four times a day;
  • with insomnia and diseases of the respiratory tract in adults - on ½ glacking four times a day.

The duration of the use of infusion from the tricolor violet is 5 days. Next, you need to take a break in 7 days and repeat the course of treatment if necessary.

Syrup with respiratory diseases

You need to take 4 tablespoons of fresh flowers of the tricolor violet, pour them with 1 liter of boiling water and leave it to be 8-12 hours (it is convenient to prepare the remedy for the night). In the morning you need to strain the remedy, pour 1, 25 kg of sugar into it and cook on low heat until syrup works. A couple of minutes before the end of the boards of the syrup into the tool, add juice of one lemon.

Use the finished syrup is needed 1 teaspoon at least 6 times a day. This dosage is suitable for both adults and children. The syrup from the tricolor violet contributes to the rapid removal of sputum from the bronchi, which relieves the cough and facilitates the patient's condition.

Vinegar Flowers tricolor

The medicinal plant under consideration helps to cope with intense, there is a positive effect even with! Cooking the vinegar is easy - you need 3 tablespoons of dry violet flowers tricolor pour 50 ml of table vinegar and leave for 10 days in a dark and cooler place. Periodically (1 time per day) the vessel must be very shabby.

The physical remedy is filled and used for rings to the temples and the back of the headaches of different character.

Brigade for the treatment of skin diseases

A decoction of violet is prepared by a tricolor classic way - with 200 ml of boiling water take 1 tablespoon of dry, crushed vegetable raw materials. Boil means for 15 minutes, then cooled and filter.

Use a ready-made means for row, compresses and appliques in the treatment of various skin diseases, including.

Useful tea

Prepare it in conventional method - 200 ml of boiling water lay 1 teaspoon of dry flowers of tricolor violet and insist for 20 minutes. The resulting agent is used as welding for the preparation of ordinary tea. To improve its taste, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the cup, but not sugar.

This plant from the considered plant should be used to those people who are diagnosed with blood disease. The duration of use is not limited.

It is worth knowing that the violet tricolor can provoke a powerful allergic reaction of the body. Therefore, experts recommend first to check how the body will respond to the introduction of a decoction or tea. It's easy to do this: syrup / decoction / infusion / tea is used in small quantities (literally 1 sip) and for 30 minutes carefully monitor well-being. If there are no changes, you can safely use tools for treatment. If the use of the means is external, then it should be applied to inner side elbow bend and also for half an hour to wait for the skin reaction - the absence of redness, itching and swelling indicates the normal reaction of the body. Often, the long-term use of funds based on the plant under consideration leads to the appearance of peeling of the skin, itching, redness, disorders of the digestive system - these symptoms indicate the development of allergies, so you need to immediately abandon the fund used and consult with a specialist.

Three-color violet (tricolor) or famous in the people as pansies - is famous for not only with its delicate beauty, but also the ability to heal various diseases. Ancient Greeks who insisted the leaves and flowers of the plant on wine were known about her therapeutic properties. It was believed that such a drink gives the forces to the patient and promotes rapid recovery. Today, this plant is known more than in antiquity, the composition of the plant was studied, therefore its use for treatment was justified. What kind ofrapeutic properties shows a violet tricolor, there are contraindications to it? We will discuss these issues right now.

Violet tricolor - wonderful leak

The tricolor violet is a herbaceous plant growing mainly on the Caucasus meadows, Western Siberia and in Europe. In all countries where this flower grows, it is used in folk medicine. In addition, the beneficial properties of violets are also recognized in traditional medicine - it is used in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of a number of drugs and homeopathic agents.

The chemical composition of the plant is quite diverse and saturated. In the above-ground part of the flower, scientists have found salicylic acid and a number of its derivatives that can have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Due to mucous inclusions, this kind of violet effectively treat cough. As part of the leaves and stalks of the plant, the following substances were found - ascorbic acid, tanning substances, coumarins, essential oils, flavonoids, tannes, polysaccharides, as well as acids (ursol, wine-eyed).

Due to this composition, the pansies are successfully used for the treatment of arthritis, gouts, acneezes on the skin and dermatitis, cough and other diseases, including the digestive tract.

Therapeutic properties of violets

One of the most pronounced therapeutic properties of the flower is an anti-inflammatory effect. No wonder the teas and decoctions from the pansies are recommended for the use of people suffering from diseases of the joints and kidneys. In a similar way, the violet helps and with purulent inflammations - furunculese and eels, and even with hard-time wounds and ulcers. With such diseases, the grass not only relieves inflammation, but also inhibits the reproduction of malicious bacteria, disinfects the skin.

The violet tricolor is an indispensable tool from cough, and it is used even with serious respiratory tract diseases - tracheake, bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Ramars from the aboveground flower helps to improve the destruction of the resulting mucus and soften airways.

The sedative action of the plant allows you to use it during insomnia, nervous disorders and overexcitation. Teas and decoctions help get rid of disturbing thoughts and relax. With infectious diseases of the intestines and inflammatory processes in the digestion organs, the herbal part of the violet is also effective. The use of bravery and infusions of the pansies contributes to the elimination of malicious bacteria and removes pain syndrome.

Readers "Popular about health" should be aware that Hypertensive violet tricolor is also useful - it is able to reduce blood pressure. This plant has a diuretic effect, so it is recommended to drink during diseases of the urogenital system and edema of various origin. When cystitis will help the baths from the raccara of the above-ground part of the violet.

Methods of application of the plant

IN official instruction The tricolor violet grass contains information how to properly prepare infusion from this raw material. If you bought grass in filter packages, then brew 2 bags of glass boiling water in a brewing chairs or a thermos. Insist for at least 3 hours. Finished infusion drink three times a day on a tablespoon. Such a dosage is shown if you use raw materials as an expectorant or diuretic.

If the raw material in the box is not packaged by sachets, then the recommended dose for brewing on a glass of water is 1 teaspoon (3 grams). Accordingly, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are taken per liter of boiling water.

Contraindications of violet

Despite all the abundance of useful properties, the violet tricolor has contraindications. For example, decoctions and teas with its addition cannot be drinking pregnant girls, since this plant leads to a molded muscular tone. It is dangerous - fraught with the miscarriage or prematurely started generic activities. However, it is not forbidden to use the plant externally.

If you have usually reduced pressure, then drugs and decoctions, which contains a tricolor violet, you should not take. With the detected allergy, this plant should also be treated with any means containing the components of the raw materials of the Tricolor's violet. Children up to 12 years old doctors are not recommended to be treated with medicinal plant. Contraindications also include the following states - a stomach ulcer in an aggravated phase, a biliary disease, as well as the lactation period.

Such a gentle and cute flower, violet tricolor, therapeutic properties exhibits quite bright enough, but there are many contraindications to it. Therefore, do not begin to treat thoughtless, without consulting with the doctor. Perhaps some health problems available from you will be aggravated when you will be treated with pansy eyes. To avoid this and get the expected effect of taking drugs based on this plant, you need to have some knowledge and experience in the medical sphere.

The properties of the tricolor violet, its beauty was valued, always used. Violet or pansies in Ancient Greece It was a symbol of Athens. In the Middle Ages, Christians saw divine symbols in its contrast decoration - three faces of the Holy Trinity and all-seeing Ochao of God Father.

Next, the color of the violet lost its divine halo and now her name is simply pansy eyes or brothers, frach forests, fraternity garden, glisher, gold, Ivan da Maria, Kamcugu, semi-arm, Troitskaya seed and others.

Numerous folk names indicate a peculiar flower color, various therapeutic properties.

Scientific names Viola - ancient Roman name of all violets. Species titletRIKOLOR three plus color is translated, that is, the tricolor, characterizes the color of three colors.


It may be an annual or two-year-old plant high to 40cm with a thin urine root and a triangular stem.

The leaves are regular, oblong. Flowers come out of the sinuses of the leaves, develop at the ends of the flower. Five rinket petals of various colors and size. Two top petals stretched deeper, 2 side bright rounded, lower larger than everyone else. The fruit is an egg-shaped box with three sash, one socket.

Growing the violet tricolor throughout our country, except of course northern districts. As a communal plant can be found in Siberia.

This is a light-loving plant, open habitat, makes only very weak dimming. It is found - meadows, edges of fields, edges, forest glads, rates, along the edges of peatlands, on uncovered turbine shores of the reservoirs, curbs of country roads.

Similar view - violet field. It has the fact that self-polls, it has white upper flowers, medium bright yellow, lower petals, the wreath is equal to a cup or a little longer. In the composition of the violet tricolor and violet field the same. Field allowed to use along with a tricolor.

Growing viok

In order to good and long blooming is necessary, watering, feeding full mineral fertilizers, sunny or a bit darkened place with loose, rich nutrient substances Soil.

Two blooms, three weeks, then the decline begins. The second half of the summer bloom is resumed. To extend remove the flashing buds, seed boxes. Winter tricolor violets are good if there is no flooding with spring floods.

We breed seeds, cuttings. When the plant blooms depends on the landing time. To get blossom in early spring Seeds plant the end of June on the ridge. Beginning of September the seedlings land a permanent place at a distance of 15-20 cm, where they will winter. With this method, bloom is abundant, the flowers are large.

For flowering per year, sowing is seeded in a greenhouse, house boxes Martha Month. Seeders permanently dive, at a permanent place - the end of May. There will be blooming from late June to late autumn.

Urine root system Allows you to transplant in any phases of development.

The drawing is used to preserve the purity of the variety. May, June cut off shoots with nodes, plant on the darkened ridges with a depth of 0.5 cm and a distance of 5 cm. The first days spray several times per day, covered with wet paper. Rooted in a month, bloom the end of summer or autumn


Three-color violet grass is cut off with a knife during May-June flowering, fold a paper bag. Dry well ventilated premises, interfering with raw materials. Sew preferably as quickly as possible. Store two years

Violet tricolor composition


  • saponins up to 14%;
  • mucus;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids - Rutin, Violacverthicin, Violatin, Isoitecin, Orientin and others;
  • carotenoids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin R, E;
  • kumarina;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives;


  • essential oil;
  • rutin
  • anthocian glycosides;
  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids and other useful substances.

Violet tricolor medicinal properties

FROM therapeutic goal Stems, leaves, flowers, applied as decoction, infusion or tea.

  • the violet tricolor removes inflammation, has a diuretic, enveloping effect;
  • infusion is used as an expectorant - pertussis, sharp respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia;
  • the grass of violets cleans blood, useful - angina, arthritis, atherosclerosis, , rickets, epilepsy, dysentery;
  • varicose disease, glaucoma - eat 30-100mg violet flowers daily. Flowers contain rutin strengthening the walls of capillary vessels, lowering eye pressure;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • kidney;
  • female diseases, headache;
  • difficult urination, cystitis, inflammation of appendages;
  • as enveloping, anti-inflammatory - gastritis;
  • toothpro, paradontosis;
  • three-color violet an antique agent for getting rid of the milk strip, eczema in small children (infusion is added to the water where food is prepared);
  • outwardly, inside the infusion from the violet grass - acne, skin tuberculosis and other skin diseases;
  • wounds, ulcers pour a tricolor violet grass powder;
  • bad smell of mouth;
  • herb powder - as an expectorant 1g adult, 0.5g children;
  • summies, baths - exudative diathesis, eczema, allergic diathesis;
  • as an addition to the main treatment of decoction, the infusion of herb violets is used in cancer;

Infusion of grass: 20g dry raw materials, 200ml boiling water, withstand 2h thermos, filing. Use 100ml twice a day.

Plate grass: 1st.L. Crumpled raw materials, a glass of boiling water, cook a quarter of an hour, a confusion of 45 minutes. Filter, residue to squeeze, bring the volume to the original water to the original. Drink 1/3 Packana four times a day after eating

Tincture violet: 25G Flowers, 10ml alcohol. Drink 25-30ml three times a day before meals. Evening rinse 10ml of the tincture of 200 ml of water. Good tool - angina, flu, inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Arthritis rheumatism, gout, arthritis: dining spoon of dry grass, 250ml boiling water. Leave shooking for two hours, to see. Take 1st.L. 3 times a day.

Tea from violet: the grass is brewed in the ratio of 1:10, they warm 1/4 hours. Use 1st.L. 4 times a day.

Exudative diathesis: 8g dry plants, 300ml of water, insist night. In the morning boil, drink an empty stomach with sweetened milk for three weeks.

Excracement remedy for colds: 20g Herbs, 200ml boiling water, after three hours to profit. Take 1st.L. four times a day.

Phial Oil: 100ml olive oil, 2st. Dry flowers of violet tricolor, 1st.l. Leaf Buddra Plush Mix, Cooking 10 minutes Water Bath. Inuscible closed dishes before cooling, strain. Use for the treatment of skin diseases.

Cold, GCT, Kidney disease: cutlery spoon of violets, 250ml boiling water, withstand the water bath for 15 minutes, when it is cooling strain, sampling. Drink 100ml 2 times.

Diarrhea, diuretic: 2h.l. Tri-color violets, a glass of boiling water, after 10 minutes to strain. Drink a glass 3 times. Use for compresses, row with inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Bloodstuff: 20G Grass violets, 1l boiling water, withstand the thermos 10 hours, filing. Drink a glass 3 times.

Fees with violet

Bronchial asthma: Take the same amount by volume of the tricolor violet, the plantain of the large, kidney of the pine of the ordinary, creeping. 2st.L. Collection, 250ml boiling water, withstand half an hour. Same. Drink 1 / 3start 4 times a day after meals.

Restoration of pancreas functions: A tricolor violet grass is a tricolor, herbs of a large, grass ledge, hormour herbs. Different, corn fish. Cutlery spoon pour 250ml boiling water. Finish before cooling, to appear. Drink a glass 3 times a day warm before meals.

Gareen arthritis: 2 Pads - the root of the burdock, the grass is a three-part, part - a tricolor violet, a crackling rhizome, tolnica leaves. 1st.L. Collection, 250ml boiling water, after an hour to profile. Reception - 1/2 Started four times a day.

Psoriasis: 1.5st. The herbs of a tricolor violet, herbs clean the large pour 250 ml of boiling water, after a hour. Drink 0.25ml 4 times an hour after eating. At the same time, hot baths with a cleanliness.

Climax pathological: Two pieces of violet grass, three parts of the crust of the cortex, the root of licorice. 4st. Mixes, liter boiling water, after half an hour to strain. Drink 200ml in the morning, make a few sips in the evening.

Violet tricolor contraindication: In case of overdose, long-term use is possible, diarrhea, itching rash.