Installing Geberit: Application and all the subtleties of installation with your own hands. How to install Geberit installation with your own hands Embedded Tank for toilet Geberit adjustment

The Swiss company Geberit produces and delivers russian market Multiple installation models. Compact designs are popular with consumers due to reliability, aestheticism and simplicity of installation.

Features of installing Geberit

Installation Geberit

Installation Geberite is produced in two types of structures and three product lines. Block is designed for mounting in the niche of capital walls. The frame consists of a rectangular steel frame and components. Can be attached anywhere.

The Geberit system for WC is produced in three varieties: "Sigma", "Omega" and "Delta".

Sigma is a premium line. The consumer is offered wide spectrum design solutions Keys: from durable plastic to gilding. Delta is a budget offer with a limited set of buttons, no special differences in the functionality. Heberite Omega is designed for installation under the window in private houses with a scope roof.

Delta and Sigma series are produced in different versions: ultra-thin 8 cm, standard 12 cm, for persons with limited features. Plattenbau modification is designed for panel houses.

All products of Geberit differs in the following advantages:

  • saves the area in the bathroom;
  • allows you to install in any convenient place;
  • the possibility of selection for any apartment and a private house.

Installation can be purchased complete with a toilet.

Popular models

Model "Geberit Duofix Up100 458.103.00.1"

On the domestic market presented a wide range of products Geberit, popular models:

  • Geberit Duofix Up100 458.103.00.1 is attached to the wall and the floor, has an upper crossbar on the frame where the shelf can be built. The washes key is bought separately. There is a variation without an upper crossbar.
  • Plattenbau 458.125.21.1 - a set for panel houses. Features of the model - in fixing the frame to the wall. The fastener includes hairpins with a length of 50 cm and a special top bar, which allows you to carry out installation, ribbing pipes of the plumbing mine.
  • Geberit Duofix UP320 111.300.00.5 refers to the SIGMA line. It has the ability to connect a wide range of flushing keys in any design. Provides three types of control to choose from: pneumatic, mechanical or sensory. Installation is carried out in the profile, there are no wall fasteners in the configuration.
  • Geberit Duofix UP320 Plattnebau 111.362.00.5 refers to the SIGMA premium. Combines opportunities hidden mounting Together with diverse designer solutions.

The presented models differ in the framework of the framework and attribute to a budgetary or premium segment, depending on the control variations and key connections.

Standard equipment for Geberit installations for the toilet explores connecting nozzles, frame mount, shut-off valve, plugs, threaded studs, fasteners.

How to choose a suitable construction

The choice of a suitable model is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • Type of enclosing house designs. Only Plattnebau is suitable for panel.
  • Fastening option - to the floor, carrying or non-vacant wall, under the window.
  • Dimensions of the toilet. Basically, the models are presented with a width of 50 cm, a height of 112 cm, a depth of 8-12 cm. For persons with disabilities, the frame has a double width.
  • Price. The budget or premium equipment is selected.
  • Full or limited set of functions.

The installation of Geberit can be supplied with a toilet bundle, turn on the base keys, a specific control type.

Mounting and Connection Methods

Mounting design

Mounting methods depend on the type of construction. To install block and frame installation requires a marker, a set of plumbing keys, a perforator.

The block installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Determine the installation location. For standard bathroom, this is a niche with a stand or wall, behind which it is located. Previously, the riser or removal to it must be replaced with metalplastic.
  2. In accordance with the size of the frame make marking.
  3. Mark the height for fastening the dowels. The exact dimensions are indicated in the instructions.
  4. Perforator make holes in the wall and fasten the dowel.
  5. Mount the drain tank, connect the hose and tighten the necessary mounts.
  6. Connect water.
  7. Check how water is recruited and is flushed into the toilet.

Frame installation is assembled as follows:

  1. Collect the frame. The finished form of the frame will be height from 1.3 to 1.4 m.
  2. Secure the tank. The drain button is located at an altitude of 1 m from the floor, the wallile toilet - at an altitude of up to 0.45 m, the sewer tap - at a height of 0.25 m.
  3. When installing, use the level, otherwise the drain system will break. By level to set the vertical, place the holes for fastening the frame.
  4. Perforator to do holes for fasteners. Mount the frame on the dowel to the floor and to the wall.
  5. Take a water pipe to the drain tank.
  6. Connect the riser with the release of the toilet.
  7. Tighten the fasteners, check the tightness.
  8. Cut the size of plasterboard to close the frame.
  9. Secure plasterboard and produce finish finish Cafe or other material.
  10. Cut the toilet.

Operate set design You can in a week.

The main types of breakdown and how to avoid them

The following problems may arise:

  • Thinking drain tank. In this case, you need to check the correct installation of sealing gaskets.
  • Leakage toilet bowl. The junctions are most likely poorly covered with a sealant. It is necessary to clean the seams and re-use silicone.
  • Toilet bowl. To solve the problem, you need to pull fasteners.
  • Stagnation in draining water sewage. The bias of the pipes does not correspond to the recommended in 45 degrees. We will have to make dismantling and front of the angle of inclination.

It is better to entrust the installation and correction of problems by a specialist in order to avoid errors.

Modern systems Installation from the Swiss company Geberite are used most often. This is high-quality fittings, ideally suitable for most types of toilet bowls. It rarely fails, and if it is repairing Geberit installation is easy to spend, without breaking the wall decoration. Inner system The tank is quite suitable for replacing and adjusting. It is about correcting malfunctions and will be discussed in the article.


The system installation of the suspension toilet has undoubted advantages over standard tanks: it is the wasched high-quality mechanisms, and big choice Buttons-keys, and the ability to install the room with any interior. The main advantage - it can be hidden.

But no matter how high-quality equipment, it has a property fail. What contributes to this and how to repair the installation of the toilet, consider below. So, the types of breakdowns can be the most different. Let us dwell on the most common:

  • Tank flows (the reason, most often, in the bottom valve);
  • The tank is not filled (the reason is to clog the filter or water supply hose);
  • Continuous tank filling (reason - in the output of laying or its improper installation);
  • Faults of the drain mechanism (reason - in the wrong choice of disinfectant)

Eliminate all these and others possible malfunctions Easy through the hole of the drain button. That is, dismantle the partition or break the tile does not have to. Simple repair installation of the suspended toilet, a specialist conducts through an audit window, because all the parts of the system are easily removed and extracted.

How to repair the installation system yourself

As mentioned above, quality repairs Perform only masters. But you can and independently take up the work, after studying the pre-repair of the tank with the installation of the video, which can be viewed below. It is clear and simply talking about how to make dismantling of equipment, how to remove the installation button and rinse the GEBERI bulk valve.

The procedure for dismantling the installation system Geberit:

Accordingly, the installation assembly after all necessary reconstructions is carried out in reverse order.

How to wash the inlet valve installation

By installing the installation system, after a while you can see that the water is overflowing through the valve and falls into the tank. This is the signal that, due to harmful impurities, which are in the water, clogged the inlet valve of the system. It is not necessary to rice to rice, as it is easy to fix it yourself, having looked at a small video on the topic.

To begin with, removing the valve itself. In principle, to remove it completely, there is no need. It is enough to unscrew the lid and remove the rubber gasket. Here it will have to be thoroughly rinsed under a strong jet of water. For reliability, rinse and valve cover.

Now we collect everything in the reverse order and see that the fault is eliminated. Such a lie can independently repair the installation of the suspension toilet.

Repair of reinforcement in the installation of Geberit video on the device and repair

Repair and maintenance of the drain tank video

Repair of valve and drain tank membranes

The Swiss company Geberit has been successfully manufactured by the manufacture and implementation of various sanitary equipment.

For example, the company produces components for drain tanks, supplying parts for various world concerns, as well as independently creating ready-made products.

Great popularity uses geberit system For toilet bowls. High performance and acceptable value make these devices very popular in the market.

Read more about fittings

Design (drain fittings Geberit), located in the toilet tank, works when it is flushed. The draining mechanism consists of such elements:

  • The tank is a container in which water is stored. The plumbing hose can be supplied either from the bottom or on the side. As a rule, the tank volume is about 8-10 liters.
  • The shut-off system is a mechanism responsible for filling the tank, as well as the cessation of water supply when its level reaches a given maximum.
  • Drain system - works when the button is pressed or the button lever rises - depending on constructive features execution.

The lever models are now produced less and less - they are displaced by modern pushbons, which are more convenient, more beautifully look and allow you to use the modes of flushing. When exposed to the (lever) button, an opening opens through which water from the tank enters the bowl of the toilet bowl. The hole closes when the container is empty.

Almost always the system is offered complete, already collected and ready for operation. If it fails, it can be replaced separately.

It should be borne in mind that if Geberit was installed, then it is necessary to change it on the same one.

The drain system is located from two main elements: lever and siphon. The latter is needed to prevent water leakage: it covers himself drainer. As a rule, the type of siphon resembles Vantuz.

The lever buttons actuates the siphon that rises and opens the drain.

Recently appeared additional elementwhich is connected to the button (as mentioned above). Her pressing drives the lever of the button that lifts the siphon.

Moreover, many models are equipped with double buttons - which allow you to empty the tank completely (with full presses) or partially (respectively, with partial).

Product classification

One of the ways to classify the drain mechanism is the manufacturing material. The most common plastic and bronze. Such products are perfectly coping with tasks set before them.

The use of such materials is relevant for the reason that they are neutral to corrosion under the influence of moisture (in contrast to metal structures).

Heberite is high-quality plastic elements, and they almost do not inferior to bronze.

You can also classify drain mechanism (tank) on constructive features:

  • button - modern solution: Drain occurs by pressing the button (tank);
  • exhaust (lever) - outdated example, when it is necessary to pull the rod lever up.

Installation (push-button options) is divided into types:

  • full descent - when the button is pressed, the entire volume of the tank merges;
  • dual-mode use - the button is divided into two parts, which makes it possible to use only part of the volume of water in the tank: when the water is first pressing, the water starts, and during the second - the feed in the tank stops.

In addition to the options considered, there is another modern solution - installation. it comprehensive system For hidden installation of sanitary ware.

Due to the special design, a number of advantages are formed:

  • communications are aesthetically hidden;
  • the space in the room of the bathroom is saved - which is very important, if we consider that there are often spaces in them very, very little;
  • plumbing fasteners - suspended;
  • simple installation and configuration of Geberit fittings.

Installation distinguishes two types of installations:

  • block - tank with fastening; implies fixation on the capital wall, the elements are hidden in the niche, only the drain button and conclusions for connecting communications are displayed;
  • frame - allows you to carry out the installation on the capital walls, as well as on the tank or its partitions. there is corner models: With the fastening on two walls.

The block system is less, however, the frame opens more opportunities for use.

Frame reinforcement (installation) for Geberit toilet produced in three types:

  • universal;
  • for installation on lightweight walls, such as plasterboard;
  • to secure on carrier walls, such as bricks.

As for Geberit installation systems, you can select two main groups of devices:

Child Nuances

You need to choose drain reinforcement, focusing on the model of the toilet. After all, the solution should be constructive - the differing models will not be able to docile.

So, if the use of classic toilet is supposed, then the drain fittings must be selected appropriate. In this case, you can count on the reliability of products, the design of which is verified by many years of operation.

If a more modern solution is used - installation, it is necessary to take into account the features of the conditions in which the installation and adjustment of the Geberit fittings and the system as a whole will occur.

In this case, you can use a device that allows you to control it contactlessly, only approaching or removing from the sensors.

An important factor when choosing - price. The cost of ordinary reinforcement Geberit is located in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 25. As for installations, in this case, of course, the price will be somewhat higher - about $ 200.

In essence, this criterion is restraining when choosing a suitable fittings, as well as the entire plumbing equipment.

IN otherwise Installations won W. classic solutions For aesthetics, ergonomics, functionality and durability.

Montage Nuances (video)

Setting the mechanism

The finished toilet offered in the store always comes with the installed and configured mode of operation of the reinforcement. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to configure it.

This can happen when replacing - installing the entire new node or individual parts.

There is nothing particularly difficult in this - so that the plumbing has not necessarily cause such work (and for such work it will be required to pay at least $ 5-10).

Now - in fact, to the way this work is performed. Initially, we consider how to properly adjust the height of the valve location:

  1. The thrust is disconnected from the overflow pipe.
  2. A retainer retaining "glass" is pressed.
  3. Rack - moves up or down, if necessary.

Now we'll figure it out, in which sequence the water level in the tank is regulated:

  1. The position of the "glass" changes - it is required or raised or lowering it. At the same time, from the top of the part to the upper edge of the tank should be at least 45 mm distances.
  2. The overflow tube is installed above the maximum level of fluid, at least 20 mm above. At the same time, it should be lower than the top of the rack - by 70 mm at least.

If you want to configure the partial plum (in push-button models) - it is required to move its float higher or lower (relative to the overflow tube). An example is in the video below.

For the same procedure, only performed for complete drain, you need to move the damper itself (relative to the "glass") - an example in the video below.

From such an adjustment will be changed (in a large or smaller side) the amount of water that will be washed when pressed the button.

Tip! Such products are produced serially, so worry that there are no details during the repair, it is not necessary, especially since the package includes everything you need.

There are several issued modifications, and each has its own individual technical features, but the principle of their work is the same. The main difference is the type. It happens:

  1. block;
  2. frame.
  • The first type has one significant disadvantage, since it can be mounted exclusively on capital or bearing walls. Do it in the central part at home Or, impossible.
  • The second type is deprived of this shortage, but has some reservations when fixing.

In addition, there are options that differ in appearancethat allow you to put toilet Not at the wall, but in the corner.

Learn this or that option is easy: the block is deprived of the sliding frame and consists exclusively of such components as:

  1. armature;
  2. fasteners;
  3. decorative fittings.

Choose the mount depending on the place where you plan to install the plumbing.


Before starting the main process, it is necessary to prepare the workspace and get the appropriate tools. You will use the following:

  • perforator;
  • with drills (including concrete);
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • spanners of the appropriate size;
  • knife and Bulgarian with plasterboard cutting nozzles;
  • putty knife;
  • marker.

Of the additional supplies We use:

  1. dowels installed in mounting holes;
  2. silicone sealant;
  3. mounting foam;
  4. screws for GLC;
  5. finish.

If the procedure is carried out in a residential room, first of all need to dismantle the old chairs and remove.

The next step can be the movement of the sewage hole in accordance with the conceived. This can be achieved using special devices - adapters made of plastic.

Note! This procedure will require a dismantling of the part.

To do this, the floor around the hole is deepened using the perforator and fix the adapter on it. Next, the free space around it is poured cement-sandy solution or self-leveling mixture for gender. To the next stage it will be possible to start after the final drying of the solution.

How to assemble a frame model for suspension toilet?

  • Component materials collected framework on which tank. Adjust the height, horizontally and vertical position with the help of a burst and screws fixed on the frame.
  • The finished product will reach almost one and a half meters in height. At the same time, its components will be at the next height of the floor level according to the standard:
  • In the case of using non-standard plumbing tools, these values \u200b\u200bcan be adjusted in the same way as the distance between the chairs' stools. To extend the service life, professionals are recommended to replace the metal racks with plastic in the presence of an appropriate size.

Note! It should be noted that between the floor and assembly requires a 2 cm technological gap.

  • Next follows the installation of the product. It is necessary to do this with a clear consequence of horizontals and verticals. If necessary, this uses the level, plump and marker, which are noted mounting points and lines. According to them, the finished frame is screwed to outdoor coating in preliminary drilled holes with dowels installed in them.

Important! When drilling holes in the floor, remember that the heating system can occur inside it. In case of damage to the front repair work can triple.

  • Do not forget that the height of the frame and the horizontal correspondence varies with screws, and check the quality of the execution by the construction level.
  • Then it will be necessary to connect the plumbing with a flexible hose, and to the outlet of the sewage - the corresponding complete fittings. If necessary, it can be replaced by corrugated analogue, after which it is possible to conduct a final test for the tightness of the compounds.
  • Finishing should be drowning holes and install mounting pins.

How to collect a block model?

A feature of this type is its versatility. In most cases, it can be used for outdoor and hinged toiletzesHowever, the installation will differ slightly.

  1. First, it will take markup, namely, apply the symmetry axis and to apply other points and lines according to it. Their position and the required distance between them can be found from complete instructions. On the installed marks, it is drilled or made a hole with a hammer of the hole, and the dowels are installed in them.
  2. Next, you need to fix the drain tank and connect it with the hose to the water supply.
  3. At the final stage for suspended stools, you need to screw the pins, and in the case of the outdoor - make new marks on to subsequently drill them and fix the fasteners, after having done the same procedure with your knee. For their connection, special fittings are used, called cuff.

On a note! It may also be necessary to close the bolts and connect the button if it was not done by the manufacturer.