Epoxy resin furniture - we design and manufacture ourselves. Epoxy table top and decorations: master classes Making a table with epoxy resin

Agree, a table made using epoxy resin looks pretty unique, original, and sometimes extravagant? Combining this material with wood, you can easily bring to life a unique and inimitable piece of furniture that can decorate absolutely any room.

Time does not stand still, as does fashion.

Interior design demands from us more and more new solutions and non-standard use of familiar materials. One of them is the well-known epoxy resin.

The rich properties of this material give us great opportunities in its application.

Once epoxy was used only as a two-component glue for gluing various objects, but now it is widely used in the execution of author's projects, dioramas, as well as in the manufacture of designer furniture.


Epoxy is quite easy to use, but it will allow you to create a new table with your own hands, or to update the old one, transform it beyond recognition. The strength and resistance of the hardened resin to chips, moisture, as well as temperature changes, makes products from it wear-resistant and durable.

Such a table will not change its color, will not deform and will not be covered with scratches and damages.

Design possibilities

Thanks to the coloring of the resin, you can get hundreds of color nuances from transparent to deep and rich tones, as you wish, as well as achieve the effect of various landscapes, from mountainous to marine, which is now very popular.

You can place any components of your choice under the fill: pebbles, shells, interesting twigs and leaves, different kinds sand, marble chips, dried flowers, as well as memorabilia and souvenirs.

Shabby pieces of wood, withered, eaten by bark beetles, larvae and voids formed from time to give a special beauty to the furniture. By filling such natural flaws with epoxy, you can achieve unrealistic special effects.

And by adding additional decor in the form of coarse sand to the gaps, alternating layers of resin with chips and sawdust, we will create the impression of frozen time.

Also, with the help of polymer resin, it is easy to create modern motives, investing in the countertop metal objects, semiprecious stones, glitter, foil. In addition, when painting the exposed parts of the wood with metallized paints, we will get fantastic effects and overflows.

For work we need wood, resin, any decor we like and boundless imagination.

Density features

First of all, it is important to know that, depending on the chosen decor, different fill viscosities are harvested. The working mixture consists directly of epoxy resin and hardener.

For the shallowest and most accurate filling, a more liquid mixture is suitable. So she will be able to fill in all the cracks in the tree and completely fill in the items selected for inlay.

A thick mixture, the so-called "liquid honey", better fit when creating unique volumetric shapes, beautiful streaks, lenses.

Methods for using epoxy resin

There are several spectacular uses for epoxy resin in furniture decoration.

Updating a dilapidated table

You need to take an old table and carefully process it sandpaper removing the worn-out layer of varnish or paint.

On the countertop itself, you need to make a side. To do this, you can take wooden slats and having cut the corners at 45 degrees, stuff them onto the edges. You can also take metal corners and create a frame around the canvas of the future countertop.

For inlay, we choose according to our taste: old coins, small tiles for the "apron" of the kitchen, or chips and pieces of wood of dissimilar shades and species. We dilute the resin and let it brew. In parallel, we lay out our decor on the table surface, and then carefully fill in the prepared glue.

If the filling height is not more than 5 mm, then the process is carried out in one pass.

For a higher profile, filling will have to be done in several stages, each of which is repeated after 48 hours. After filling, remove bubbles with hot air. It is enough to heat the filled layer and the bubbles will come out on their own.

The complete epoxy polymerization process takes 7 days.

After the resin has completely hardened, the sides must be removed, the entire surface must be treated grinder removing the resin layer. When the entire surface is thoroughly processed, it must be varnished, and after its complete polymerization, it must also be sanded and polished.

The choice of varnish must be approached no less responsibly. The varnish itself should be high-gloss and preferably with increased strength.

The beauty of the finished product directly depends on the properties of the selected varnish.

Second way. DIY table

First, you need to make the frame of the table from wood or metal and the base of the table top. It can be a solid canvas for pouring, or individual parts that will be embedded in the frame of the future table, only openings and corners will be poured. The result depends on what blanks do you use for the base... Thus, you can get an imitation of a stream, river, flooded ravine or fantasy relief.

If you take as a basis separate boards or pieces of wood, then they need to be fixed with mounting tape for the stability of the structure. It should also be remembered that on the reverse side of the future countertop, all holes are carefully sealed with masking tape or putty to prevent epoxy from leaking out.

V this option only imperfections of wood or gaps between the details of the canvas are poured. Epoxy for this filling can be either colorless or tinted.

Such countertops are processed as described above, after the resin has completely hardened.

Besides, this material gives us the opportunity to cut into already finished product openings, grooves or decorative holes, which will add uniqueness to your interior item.

You can learn how to make a coffee table out of wood and epoxy resin with your own hands in the next video.

Epoxy has unique characteristics that allow you to create aesthetic and incredibly practical things, from small decorations to floors in an apartment or house. Epoxy resin is also used to grout countertops.

Such a coating is not afraid of mechanical and chemical damage and looks really impressive, especially when using decoupage technique or something similar to it. The whole process will require personal protective equipment and accuracy, but no special tools or special skills are needed. Read more about the fill method in our article.

Material features

Two-component epoxy worktop potting pot containing hardener and resin. After hardening, the substance does not decrease in volume and does not become covered with cracks, it perfectly fills small irregularities. The material is moisture resistant, it cannot be scratched, but when exposed high temperature melts.

Usually, epoxy is an expensive material, but it turns out to be cheap when compared with analogs for treating surfaces with increased stress on abrasion, moisture and mechanical damage. Price epoxy potting As of 2018, it varies between 200 and 800 rubles per kilogram, the wholesale price will be even lower, 180-190 rubles.

When the countertop is poured with epoxy, the wood is stabilized: its pores are filled with resin. As a result, the tree becomes invulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, solvents, organics.

In addition to operational, epoxy resin also has decorative advantages. With its help, patterns, decorations, imitations are created. For example, a table with a flowing river pattern. Epoxy resin is excellent for coloring, and it also allows you to create various forms(the thicker the consistency, the lighter), although in to a greater extent this is more related to the glue than to the potting.

Advantages of an epoxy coated worktop:

  1. After drying, the substance does not shrink.
  2. After hardening, the surface becomes perfectly flat, like glass.
  3. Resistant to damage caused by mechanical stress (dents, chips, cuts).
  4. Impervious to moisture and aggressive cleaning agents household chemicals, therefore, does not need a special selection of care methods.
  5. Under the influence ultraviolet rays does not collapse.
  6. Looks impressive.

Epoxy resin for pouring countertops has its drawbacks:

  1. To make a high-quality fill, you will need to accurately observe the proportions of the components.
  2. It is necessary to work, observing the safety rules as strictly as possible.
  3. A sharp drop in temperature will lead to the appearance of white flocculent inclusions in deep layers.
  4. With strong heating, the material will release substances toxic to the human body.

Advice! The last two disadvantages are easy to deal with. To remove the white flakes that appear, warm the countertop to + 50-60˚ С. And so that toxins do not release during heating, cover the countertop with an additional protective transparent varnish.

There are several types of countertops made with epoxy:

  1. Made entirely of resin, no support. This type is most often found in the manufacture of coffee or coffee tables, for which significant loads are not planned.
  2. Made from board and epoxy coated as a protective layer. The role of the base can be played by a board made of any material: solid wood, multiplex, paneled surface, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB, etc. Before pouring, such countertops are often decorated (with a print, stencil painting, paper elements, according to the decoupage principle, mosaics, flowers, coins, shells - whatever).
  3. Combined, when the resin is alternated with fragments of another material, most often wood.

The base can have any shape (square, round), it is important to make the sides of the required height so that after the pouring has solidified, the side surfaces of the tabletop are smooth and even.

Advice! When choosing a material for decorating a countertop, remember that the more embossed the decoration, the thicker the fill layer will have to be made to dry, it will take more time.

Brand overview

There are several popular varieties of epoxy resin that craftsmen use to create countertops:

  • QTP-1130 perfect for creating a transparent desk top for writing or coffee table if the fill layer is no thicker than three millimeters. The resin is particularly transparent and self-leveling.
  • "Art-Eco" is most suitable for the production of thin layers, especially when a sufficient amount of hardener is added. In addition, this manufacturer produces excellent colors that allow you to give epoxy to any shade. Reviews about "Art-Eco" on the forums are different, there are good and bad. From negative points the appearance of a yellowish tint in the light and hardening is mentioned not completely.

  • "ED-20"- the main disadvantage is the increased viscosity of the substance, due to which it is very problematic to remove air bubbles from the mass. After some time, the table top made of "ED-20" loses its transparency and becomes yellowish. The forums of masters are filled with negative reviews about this material, the only advantage of which is its low cost.
  • CHS Epoxy 520 (hardener 921OP) is suitable for working with complex fillers (herbarium, coins, lids) and is the best and most demanded material for making countertops.
  • - differs in fluidity, and therefore is ideal for creating layers of small thickness and for working with fillers (coins, lids, flowers and grass), transparent.

  • PEO-610KE- resin Russian production does not turn yellow over time in direct sunlight and heat.
  • EpoxAcast 690 - when hardened, it will not turn yellow, even if it is exposed to direct sunlight or near heating appliances.
  • MG-EPOX-STRONG from company Epox is a popular and good quality product. On the forums, some recommend pouring the countertop exclusively with this resin.
  • Epoxy CR 100 - has excellent chemical resistance, wear resistance, antistatic properties.
  • - has strength, resistance to direct sun rays and water, is used in the manufacture of jewelry, pouring glossy coatings and 3D floors, creating decorative items.

Advice! When working with take one part hardener for two parts resin.

The quality of the filling will be different depending on the shelf life, there are fakes, and in some cases, factory defects.

As a rule, epoxy is mixed with a solvent immediately before pouring in a 2: 1 ratio.

In order for a do-it-yourself epoxy tabletop to turn out to be a real work of art, you should take into account several recommendations of professionals:

  • the resin hardens faster in a warm room;
  • in order to avoid deformation, the surface must not be heated from above;
  • next to a fire or in direct sunlight, the resin in a solid state begins to turn yellow;
  • do not stir the hardener with resin at high speeds - otherwise bubbles will appear and subsequently voids;
  • if bubbles remain in the layer after leveling, walk over the tabletop with a burner, the bubbles will come out - do not linger with the flame over one place;
  • the hardened substance exfoliates under the influence of strong cold;
  • it is imperative to cover the tabletop with a protective varnish, in otherwise when heated, the resin will release toxins;
  • if uncured areas or spots appeared during the pouring process, this indicates uneven mixing of the hardener with the resin due to the adhesion of the substance to the walls of the container;
  • to prevent uneven distribution of components, pour the potting mixture from one container to another several times while thoroughly mixing with a thick mixer, spatula or spatula. Try not to bring the instrument to the surface of the mass, otherwise there is a high probability of air bubbles.

Oftentimes, epoxy for pouring countertops is criticized negatively. As a rule, problems arise when the rules for working with it are violated. Respect the proportions, take into account the advice of professionals, and the work will give an excellent result.

In an effort to make the interior design of a house or apartment original and unique, many owners tend to use non-standard solutions and specific materials. An interesting option is a decoration of premises with tables made of epoxy resin. This substance, related to oligomeric compounds, is distinguished by high technical and operational properties. In this article we will consider best ideas how to make an epoxy table and how to construct them.

Manufacturing features

In the manufacture of furniture items, epoxy resins are not used in pure form, but in combination with special hardeners. The consistency of the resulting mixture depends on the proportions of the individual parts.

Decorating tables with epoxy requires coating the wooden base with a pre-prepared compound. Subsequently, when the product hardens, careful polishing is required. The resulting tabletop is characterized by increased wear resistance, as can be seen in the photo of the epoxy resin tables.

Precisely selected ratios of components determine the quality of the composition and the manufactured furniture product. If this condition is violated, then the strength may decrease, and the resistance to external factors will not be too high. The generally selected ratio of resin to hardener is 1: 1 or 1: 2.

In the production of tables and other pieces of furniture in a domestic environment, a cold-curing epoxy is used.

However, at the same time, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • low cost of material without losses in technical characteristics because the costs will be large;
  • low viscosity of the composition without the presence of bubbles after stirring;
  • preservation of volume during curing;
  • the hardening process should be slow, which will create patterns;
  • for visual effects, it is advisable to choose transparent types of resin.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you decide to make a table from epoxy resin with your own hands, then you need to take into account the main advantages of this material:

  • no serious shrinkage during drying, preservation of shape and color;
  • not susceptibility to deformation and mechanical stress;
  • the ability to create original designer table models;
  • resin compatibility with other decorative elements - coins, stones, shells, rubber, corks, etc .;
  • the possibility of using dyes and paints of the phosphorescent type;
  • moisture resistance and impermeability;
  • resistance to the action of chemical components and detergents.

The main disadvantage of making tables from epoxy is the high cost. Up to several tens of liters of the mixture is spent on the manufacture of one product. You should also take into account the possibility of bubbles appearing on the surface of the composition.

Manufacturing technology

To get a quality product, it is important not only to properly dilute the mixture, but also to follow the instructions on how to properly make a table from epoxy resin. First, the surface to be treated is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. Wood surface primed. Ignoring this requirement leads to the formation of bubbles when the mixture is absorbed by the porous structure of the wood. They will spoil the look of the table.

After that, you can prepare a mixture of resin and hardener in the required proportions. Dyes and decorative components are added to the prepared solution. Then the mixture is covered with a wooden base.

Table decoration decorative elements need to think it over in advance. All required parts are laid out on the surface of the wood before epoxy is poured. Lightweight parts, such as shells, must first be glued to prevent them from rising to the surface of the mixture. The resulting bubbles are removed with a stream of air from the building hair dryer.

The first setting will begin in a quarter of an hour. However, this is not enough to start grinding. Grinding should be done only after complete drying. The product is aged for 7-10 days, after which it can be used.

It is important not to forget to cover the surface with protective varnish after finishing the sanding work. Moreover, it is desirable to do this in several layers. This will prevent even the smallest release of toxic components.

Varieties of products

Many craftsmen are interested in the question of what kind of epoxy table can be made. There are no particular restrictions - it all depends on the imagination. We will consider some options.

Crack imitation

The tabletop and the body of the table will look original if they are decorated with a bark beetle or simulate damage by a fungus. Filling cracks with epoxy creates unique patterns, and you can make holes and crevices yourself.

The cavities can be filled with a brush and a spatula. After hardening, the excess is smoothed out with a grinder, since the composition should only be in the cracks. On top of the coating, a protective varnish is applied, which will also provide brightness.


Transparency or monochrome

The workpiece must be cleaned and degreased. Before applying the resin, the wood is primed. This prevents the formation of bubbles. The diluted epoxy is placed in a mold. The desired pigment is added for the color effect. The color combination is provided by several dyes.

The poured countertop is kept for 15-20 minutes, and the bubbles that appear are removed. After two days, the table is sanded and polished, and after a week the product will be ready for use.

The use of fillers

First, you should choose the right items as decorative fillers. These can be lids, pebbles, shells. The surface of the workpiece is degreased and, if necessary, treated with paint.

Dry fillers are placed on the workpiece and, if necessary, glued to the surface. Epoxy is poured in one layer, if the parts are small in height - up to 5 mm. When large sizes, in the presence of large recesses, the resin is placed in several levels with a break in application between them for 2 days.

To make a piece of furniture aesthetically pleasing, you must follow the rules for pouring the table with epoxy:

  • cover workplace plastic wrap;
  • limit the possibility of dust entering the workpiece;
  • the presence of water and its penetration into the mixture can damage the countertop;
  • at a large number the material has a higher solidification rate;
  • acceleration of curing is possible by increasing the temperature;
  • the grinding and polishing of the product affects the quality of the table.


Designer models of tables can be created by simulating natural landscapes on the countertop using epoxy. These can be rivers, seas, lakes.

Photoluminescent paint provides a green glowing effect, and making a geographical map on the tabletop will help to make the interior unusual. It is only important to be careful and attentive in work.

Photo of epoxy tables


Modern and non-standard furniture manufacturing techniques are becoming more and more popular. For example, a wood / epoxy table is an excellent alternative to conventional products. At the right approach you can create real design things. This can be a great idea to start your own business. First of all, you need to figure out how to make a table out of epoxy resin and wood with your own hands and where to start.

Our business valuation:

Initial investments - from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is medium.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

Features of wood and epoxy tables

Epoxy resin furniture is unique appearance and transforms the home environment. Working surface epoxy table has the following advantages:

  1. Excellent performance.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Resistant to moisture.
  4. Easy maintenance.
  5. Variety of design solutions.

Epoxy resin is a transparent substance with a 3 D effect. When solidified, this substance solidifies and retains the desired shape... Epoxy comes in a variety of states. Some are suitable for working flat surfaces. When dry, the composition retains its original volume. The advantage of the material is its price. Approximately 200-280 rubles per kg.

Varieties of epoxy tables

Can be used with epoxy different shapes wood. These can be saw cuts, board trimmings, logs and old wood. The design of the product can be supplemented with spruce branches, pebbles, shells, corks and coins.

The following design options are worth noting:

  1. To do glowing table luminescent powder can be added to the resin.
  2. Resin is used as a finishing option for countertops to fill imperfections.
  3. The epoxy table-river looks spectacular. The role of the coastline is played by wood of an unusual configuration. The result is the effect of a river flowing over the surface. This uses a cast resin insert between two pieces of wood.
  4. An interesting solution can be a table filled with epoxy resin. In this case, resin is used as a canvas, and wood as an additional decor.

Tables - rivers were first invented by Greg Klassen, but the designer uses glass and black walnut as materials. Epoxy resin technology requires meticulousness and meticulousness.

How to make a table?

To make money on the manufacture of unusual tables, it is worth understanding what the technology of their production consists of. To make a table out of wood and epoxy, you need a base.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. You can take a piece of wood or plywood as a base. In the latter case, the product can be given any shape. The future tabletop can be round or oval.
  2. To keep the fill on the surface, the sides should be attached to the base. They can be plastics.
  3. The substrate must be dry and clean. Then you need to lay out the design blanks on the surface.
  4. Then the table is poured with epoxy resin. If the thickness of the countertop is not more than 0.5 cm, then the liquid mass is poured immediately.
  5. If the thickness is greater, then the filling is done in several stages.
  6. After pouring the first layer, you need to wait two days. Then the procedure is repeated.

If bubbles appear in the process, then they are dispersed with a hot hairdryer. To avoid the formation of bubbles, it is necessary to treat each workpiece with resin. After the layers have hardened, the sides must be removed and sanded off the edges and surface.

With epoxy resin can be renewed old furniture... To do this, you need to clean the surface, remove the varnish, apply a layer of paint, and then fill it with resin. The complete polymerization process takes a week.

You can make a partial fill. Flaws in wood can be natural, that is, the surface is corroded by bark beetles and fungus. They can also be made artificially. When pouring the mixture, the holes on the back side can be sealed with mounting tape so that the resin does not leak out.

Features of the business of making tables based on epoxy resin

Before starting a business in the manufacture of epoxy resin tables, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of this production. First of all, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq. M. There are no special requirements for the premises. But it is important to take into account that it will often be necessary to manufacture countertops with a non-standard configuration.


Therefore, you need to choose the right tools and equipment. It is worth stocking up on the following inventory:

  1. High power milling cutter.
  2. Jigsaw for cutting sheets.
  3. Grinder.

The compulsory equipment of the mini-workshop is an assembly table. To make a table from solid wood and epoxy resin, you will need a certain consumable... These are sanding pads, glue gun, trimmers and clamps.


Also important point are the raw materials and suppliers. You can purchase chipboard panels, plywood or wood sheets. It is worth considering different offers and choosing the most acceptable option. Elm cuts, as well as ash and oak boards are suitable for production. In addition to wood suppliers, you need to find good sellers of resin, varnish and oils. For some structures, the services of a welder and a carpentry workshop may be required, where basic processing is performed - sawing and grinding.

Despite the seeming simplicity of such furniture, special skills and knowledge will be required for the manufacture of countertops. You may need to take a special carpentry course. Special attention deserves a sales market. Manufacturers often work directly with furniture companies.


The amount of costs depends on the volume of production. The price of a table made of epoxy resin and wood is usually three times higher than its cost.

At the stage of starting a business, the costs can be as follows:

  1. The purchase of materials is 50-200 thousand rubles.
  2. Payment for rent of premises - 15-20 thousand.
  3. Conducting an inexpensive advertising campaign - 3-10 thousand rubles.

The approximate cost of tables ready-made for one running meter varies from 12,000 rubles. By calculating the number of manufactured products in meters per day, you can find out the revenue and profitability. The approximate value of profitability is not less than 40%. Buy a table made of epoxy resin and wood good quality it is possible at a price from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the material used and the craftsmanship. 25-30 thousand may cost a little coffee table, and the price for dinner table may exceed 110 thousand.

You can find customers through social media. networks or ads on Avito. In case of large production, you can create your own website. Not the best way sell products through furniture boutiques, where they can get lost among the variety of all kinds of products.

Nuances of making tables at home

Before you start making tables from epoxy and wood at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of the process. It is important to decide on the choice of epoxy resin. These products must be transparent and have a low viscosity. This will provide excellent fluidity and tight filling even hard-to-reach places... Due to the transparency of the resin, different effects can be achieved:

  1. Fill all kinds of decor items - dry leaves, stones, pictures and shells.
  2. Organize original lighting.
  3. Tint the resin.

The room must be well ventilated. You can create forced ventilation... The temperature should not exceed 22 degrees. Dust and elevated level moisture can ruin the slab and epoxy table.

For the formwork, you will also need a certain material. The form or formwork is made of plexiglass, plastic or plywood. You will also need release agents such as wax.

To mix epoxy, you will need a bowl, a stirring stick and two measuring containers. Read the instructions before mixing. The proportions of the components may vary depending on the manufacturer. First you need to measure out the resin and then the special hardener. Then you need to wait until the resin has reached a suitable consistency. Composition in liquid state suitable for filling all corners and cavities. The thick consistency is used as an adhesive.

To make a high quality epoxy table, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. The resin hardens poorly when high humidity... Condensation can escape from the air. To prevent an unpleasant phenomenon, you can hang a film over the countertop.
  2. The mixture will harden faster if the worktop is placed on top of the battery. It is impossible to heat from above, as the surface may become uneven.
  3. It is necessary to prepare personal protective equipment - respirator, goggles and gloves.
  4. The tabletop may turn yellow from exposure to UV rays.
  5. All horizontal surfaces in the "resin attack" zone must be covered with polyethylene.
  6. If the bubbles do not come out well, then it is recommended to warm up the surface. construction hairdryer or spray with acetone from a spray bottle. These manipulations will reduce the surface tension.

A table made of wood and epoxy resin can become an exquisite and extraordinary piece of furniture. You can take the old one as a basis, but still sturdy table that you do not want to part with. A little effort, and the standard furniture that has lost its appearance will turn into an exclusive one.

In addition to the aesthetic effect, the epoxy worktop with wooden base will delight the owners with new qualities:

  • after curing, the decorative layer will retain its volume, will not shrink, and will be perfectly even;
  • the surface will become resistant to mechanical stress, fading;
  • moisture resistant properties will appear, which is important for kitchen furniture;
  • easier maintenance - wiping with a damp cloth is enough to maintain cleanliness.

Resin can be coated with wood, chipboard. The decorative layer will not hide the natural texture. It can be beaten by laying dried plants, coins, stones on the surface. Most important stage work - to make the so-called formwork - the sides around the finished countertop, so that the material after pouring does not spread. After drying, they are removed.

The procedure is approximately as follows:

  • the old countertop is cleaned of the previous coating - varnish or paint;
  • if desired, lay decorative elements;
  • make sides around the perimeter;
  • the surface is poured with resin.

For the drying period, the table must be protected from insects and dust. To do this, pull on a prepared frame plastic wrap... The curing time depends on the layer thickness and usually takes 2-3 days.

Those wishing to develop the topic epoxy table may try other versions. For example, make a tabletop without a base, transparent, with original decorative elements. Option without support surface - light coffee table. The most advantageous shape is round. As a casting form, use organic glass or chipboard, the sides are made of an aluminum profile. In order to separate the product from such a base after solidification, it is smeared with parquet mastic, petroleum jelly or sprayed with a special spray, and the sides are rubbed with a mixture of paraffin and turpentine.

Another design option is a combination of transparent and wooden fragments. The choice is a matter of your taste.