How appropriate is the impregnation of wood. Impregnated wood

For the production of impregnated wood, the company "Standard Wood" applies processing Tanalit®... Such processing is carried out in a special installation, the main part of which is an autoclave.

The impregnation process, or "vacuum-pressure-vacuum", consists of several stages:

  1. An initial vacuum removes air from the wood cells. Then the chamber is filled with Tanalit® protective compound.
  2. The hydrostatic pressure forces the protective compound to penetrate deeply into the wood structure.
  3. The vacuum removes the remains of the protective compound from the wood surface. The reduced pressure inside the wood draws in the protective compound from the surface.

As a result, the components of Tanalita ® are fixed in the wood structure in such a way that it becomes almost impossible to remove them. The wood receives long-term protection from fungus, insects, including termites, and weather conditions.

Impregnation process

  • Wood impregnated Tanalit® under pressure - tested and effective material for hedges, walkways, garden furniture, equipment for sports and playgrounds, as well as for use in building structures and exterior cladding of buildings.
  • Wood impregnated Tanalit®, protected by a unique highly effective preservative, the action of which is based on the patented technology for the use of copper treazoles. Tanalith provides long-term protection against the damaging effects of microorganisms (fungi, mold) and insects. Demonstrates high color fastness when used both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wood impregnated Tanalit®, approved by certified bodies in more than 30 countries around the world. Comprehensive laboratory and field testing of the impregnated timber has been carried out by Arch timber protection.

What is Tanalith?

Nowadays, almost any reasonable person understands that reliable and durable protection of wood can be achieved only by through impregnation in an autoclave. This method is called in Europe impregnation, and in Russia it is called the "vacuum-pressure-vacuum" method. Almost any wood product used outdoors, and often indoors, in Europe has a characteristic greenish tint. Green color Is the color of Tanalita®, the market leader in long-term wood protection in most European countries, including Scandinavia, as well as America, Australia and Oceania.

Tanalith® (Tanalith®)- preservative for wood biosecurity, which is produced by a British corporation Arch Timber Protection... It is applied by the impregnation method (vacuum-pressure-vacuum). Tanalit ® protects wood from rotting and insects for a period of 15 to 100 years, depending on service conditions, and is approved for use almost all over the world, including in Russia.

To ensure durability, wood and wood products must be protected. How much protection is required? Of course, this depends on the conditions in which the wood is used.

In Europe, according to BS EN 335, the service conditions of wood are divided into five classes (the so-called Hazard Classes, literally translated as hazard classes):

Hazard Class 1 - wood intended for indoor use, no risk of moisture, i.e. humidity during operation does not exceed 18%. This class includes almost all wood and wood products used indoors.

Hazard Class 2 - indoor use but with risk of humidification - there is a possibility that the humidity will exceed 18% during use. This class includes almost all construction and frame timber, as well as window frames, doors, walls, floors, partitions inside the building, etc.

Hazard Class 3 - Outdoor use, but not in direct contact with the ground. Here we will refer outer cladding buildings, ceilings, cornices and platbands, gates, pergolas, gazebos and much more. Sometimes Hazard Class 3a is also distinguished - the use of wood outdoors, but without direct contact with atmospheric precipitation, for example, under a canopy or under a waterproof paint.

Hazard Class 4 - use in direct contact with the ground. These are such elements as fence posts, cellars, floorings, joists, railway sleepers, telegraph and transmission posts and traverses, etc.

Hazard Class 5 - use in direct contact with marine and river water... These are supports for bridges, piers, fairways, etc.

The average lifespan of wood treated with Tanalite® is 60 years for Hazard Class 1 and 2, 30 years for Hazard Class 3 and 15 years for Hazard Class 4. And these are not just words, the company ArchTimber Protection has been on the market since 1917 and draws on the tremendous experience of the practical use of Tanalita®, as well as on a powerful research department.

Tanalit-E® can be used in various fields:

  • Construction timber used in public buildings and in agriculture;
  • Bridges;
  • Fairways, waterways, piers and other timber for river and sea objects;
  • Noise barriers along roads and other noise sources;
  • Avalanche barriers;
  • Fences and barriers along roads;
  • Fences around livestock farms (except for farms for rodents, deer and other animals that can gnaw wood);
  • Land retention systems;
  • Power and telegraph poles.

This is how Arch Timber Protection's director of international sales comments on the European Commission's decision. Malcolm Jones:

First of all, it should be recalled that CCA-based preservatives have been used effectively and safely for more than 50 years. This is reflected in the fact that the European Commission directive does not apply to CCA-treated wood that is already in use. Woodworkers can feel complete confidence that they have produced a safe and high-quality product throughout the entire period of using SSA, and they can also be confident that no restrictions will be imposed on the use of previously treated wood. Arch began developing a chromium and arsenic-free preservative as an alternative to CCA preservatives since the mid-1980s. The developed product Tanalit-E® has now firmly taken the leading position among preservatives without chromium and arsenic practically throughout Europe, in the USA, Australia and countries Of the Far East, including where there have been laws restricting the use of chromium and arsenic for a number of years. The high performance of Tanalita-E® combined with its environmental friendliness allows our customers to be competitive, especially in the face of the growing demand for treated wood from the consumer-oriented market. Tanalita-E®, a new generation product, is based on copper and organic biocides (azoles). Tanalit-E® is approved in many countries around the world for residential and garden construction, landscape architecture, children's playgrounds etc.

Modern wood processing technologies make it possible to nullify all the disadvantages natural material: susceptibility to decay, high moisture-absorbing capacity, favorable environment for microorganisms and insects. The main methods for obtaining high-quality building material are heat treatment and impregnation of wood.
Let's take a look at each of these processes.

Heat treatment.

Heat treatment of wood takes place in special ovens at a temperature of 185-230 degrees. None chemical substances are not used. Physicochemical processes occurring in wood transform the usual material into thermowood with increased resistance to the influence of atmospheric factors and corrosion and with improved thermal insulation qualities.

Scientific research in the field of quality improvement construction timber, carried out in the last decade of the last century in many European countries, led to the development of high-temperature technology for wood processing. Finland is the main supplier of thermowood to the world market.

First, the wood is dried in a special chamber. The moisture necessary for the vital activity of microorganisms is drawn out of the material. The duration of this stage depends on the initial moisture content, species and dimensions of the wooden beam.

Then, in a sealed heat chamber, the wood heats up to 180-230 degrees for 2-3 hours. The water vapor present in the chamber prevents the wood from igniting, and its molecules become participants chemical reactions occurring in a high temperature environment.

The next operation after the heat chamber is the hardening of wood. Under the control of devices that keep the moisture content of the material within 5-7%, it is cooled. The tree must not be allowed to dry completely, because it will become brittle and difficult to work with.

As a result of a complex process, the structure of the wood changes. The natural color darkens. The thermally modified wood acquires a noble dark shade uniform throughout its depth.

Due to the loss of moisture (humidity decreases 4-6 times), thermal boards are a little lighter than initially, but at the same time they do not absorb moisture, do not swell and do not change shape even when immersed in water. Any changes in humidity and temperature environment do not affect the quality and appearance thermowood. The need for antiseptic processing of the material completely disappears.

The virtual absence of moisture in the material increases its thermal insulation properties, which allows them to be used in hot rooms (baths and saunas) and as facade cladding and interior walls houses. Thermowood is also widely used in the manufacture of window frames, doors, flooring, furniture and other products.

Impregnation (conservation).

This technology of impregnation of wood in sealed chambers at high pressure with special antiseptic agents provides deep penetration substances into the structure of wood.

First in vacuum chambers all moisture is removed from the tree. Then under high pressure wood is impregnated protective equipment... As a result, the service life of products from a canned board is infinitely increased, even under conditions open air... The wood acquires light shades of green or brown, it is not afraid of moisture and decay. At the same time, the impregnated board is odorless.

Technological stages of the impregnation process

Protective compounds used for wood preservation do not contain substances harmful to health. The resulting building material is absolutely environmentally friendly. It can be used to make frames and floor coverings open buildings (terraces and verandas), rafters and roof battens, fences, window and door frames.


This method deep wood impregnation is widely used for impregnating garden furniture, fences and terrace boards, floors, wooden products for streets, etc., for which a high degree of protection is required.

The impregnation process, or "vacuum-pressure-vacuum", consists of several stages. In the first step of the process, an initial vacuum removes air from the cells. wood... Then the chamber is filled with a protective compound. In the next step, the hydrostatic pressure forces the protective compound to penetrate deep into the structure. wood... In the next step, the vacuum removes the remnants of the protective compound from the wood surface. The reduced pressure inside the wood draws in the protective compound from the surface.

As a result, the protective components of the preservative are fixed in the wood structure in such a way that it becomes almost impossible to remove them. The wood receives long-term protection.

Manufacturers of impregnated wood use modern environmentally friendly antiseptics and fire retardants.

Advantages of impregnated wood:

- impregnated wood is excellent for building and finishing material. Unlike thermal wood and WPC, impregnated wood can be used not only as a decorative and finishing material, but also as a constructive material. Thermowood cannot be used as a structural material because during heat treatment it becomes very fragile and becomes very fragile. WPC products containing polymers are subject to strong deformation. WPC products bend and change their shape. Impregnated wood remains unchanged throughout service life... It is not subject to deformation, like WPC, does not prick like thermowood. Wood of deep vacuum impregnation is actively used in the construction of structures and structures. For example, it is widely used in frame house building, v road construction... Canned, non-rotting lumber is used as rafters and logs,

impregnated (canned) wood not subject to decay,

- it can be in direct contact with soil and water,

impregnated sawn timber does not require additional protective treatment throughout the entire service life,

European manufacturers impregnated (canned wood) products give a guarantee for their products up to 75 years. The real service life of impregnated sawn timber is much higher and can exceed 100 years,

unlike thermowood and WPC products, impregnated wood has increased fire resistance,

- impregnated wood - eco-friendly material... Deep vacuum impregnation wood is not harmful to people and pets,

impregnated wood saves money, time and labor compared to conventional lumber. Even thermowood requires oil treatment or special composition to prevent cracking. Impregnated wood eliminates these hassles and troubles.

Comparison of impregnated wood with other building materials:

Specifications Impregnated wood Thermowood KDP Concrete structures
Refractoriness Increased fire resistance Low fire resistance, requires fire retardant treatment Low refractoriness, burns with emission harmful substances High refractoriness
Susceptibility to rotting, decay Does not rot Does not rot Does not rot Does not rot
Deformability, constructiveness, construction properties Does not deform, does not dry out, wide application in building structures Increased prickling, drying out. For decorative purposes only. Not used for construction purposes. Scratches, deforms, quickly loses its original appearance. Not used for construction purposes. High thermal conductivity compared to wood (does not hold heat). Great weight.
UV exposure Does not affect UV exposure, cracking UV exposure, fading Does not affect
Environmental friendliness Does not smell, does not get dirty, does not harm people and animals Has a smell May release harmful substances when heated Depends on the area of ​​application
Additional protective treatment Not required throughout the entire service life Requires additional processing during operation Requires additional processing during operation
Life time Up to 75 years warranty 15 year warranty 10-year warranty Depends on composition and care
Production cost Low cost, up to 30-50 rubles. per m2 High production cost, 1500-3000 rubles. per m2 High production cost, 800 rubles. per m2 Average cost
Market price RUB 600-700 per m2 From 3000-6000 rub. per m2 From 1500-2000 rub. per m2 3000-4000 rub. per m2

Canned food of the 21st century. Impregnated wood. 31.07.2014 01:58

1 .

Imagine an ideal building material that is easy to process It does not require special care and maintenance during operation, has a service life that disappears for decades, does not emit harmful substances and can be in contact with a person for an unlimited time and costs at the same time at times cheaper than analogues! Do you say such an ideal does not exist? And ... you are wrong! This article will focus on a relatively new, but already widely recognized and trusted, building material- impregnated wood.

Let's take a closer look at all the stages of production of this material:

1. So, stage one, finished goods collected in a stack, which is placed in a special installation - an autoclave. The autoclave lid is hermetically closed, Vacuum pump begins to create a vacuum inside the cavity of the autoclave, a vacuum is also created inside the board. The stack is kept in at increased discharge.

2. At the second stage the vacuum pump is turned off, the high pressure pump is turned on. The culmination moment of impregnation comes - due to the fact that inside the wood there is still vacuum, and outside under high pressure the solution is already pressing, intensive absorption of the protective solution takes place. The consumption of the working solution can reach up to 500 liters per one cube of wood!

3. The final touch remains- the pressure is equalized to atmospheric, the solution is pumped out, a secondary vacuum is created, thus removing excessive moisture stacks.

4. After that, the pressure is equalized to atmospheric and the lid of the autoclave is opened - that's it, the wood processing is over, there was ordinary wood - it has become impregnated!

Passed through a vacuum - experienced pressure.

What properties does impregnated wood have?

The properties of impregnated wood are truly unique: such wood does not rot , is not susceptible to deterioration of most of the pests, can be completely submerged under water or on the “ground-water” or “ground-air” media section for an unlimited time, does not need additional protection and processing. All the positive properties of wood, such as low thermal conductivity, high aesthetic properties, environmental friendliness , the ability to act as load-bearing structures , the same is preserved, because during impregnation the internal structure of the wood is not disturbed.
The characteristic pistachio shade, by the way, after a while turns into golden, coloring with any wood materials is also allowed.

Where is impregnated wood used?

The range of application of impregnated wood products is very wide and extensive. This is for example:

Recently, there have been more frequent messages from our regular customers that they have found them in some stores and on construction markets products that outwardly resemble autoclaved impregnated wood. This "impregnated wood" is made in garage conditions using primitive improvised means in the form of a brush or soaking in bathrooms and the cheapest antiseptics.

Selling such "products" would-be sellers get momentary high profits and do great harm to the very concept of "impregnated wood" since superficial application with a brush cheap trains or soaking in the bathroom does not give even one hundredth of the protection provided by autoclaving wood using the airborne technology using the IMPROPULSE algorithm.

How to distinguish real impregnated wood from counterfeit wood?



impregnated wood


"impregnated wood"

Appearance, color

Up to a few centimeters.

The marginal part of the wood (sapwood) is impregnated deeply, the core is impregnated worse, but still not enough to ensure reliable protection, depth. On the cut of the product, the depth of impregnation will be clearly visible.

Within a few microns. An unreliable surface layer that does not even provide temporary protection.


Ask the seller to make a control cut, you can see the degree of impregnation on the cut. average value on the product is less than 1-2 mm - before you counterfeit.

Environmental friendliness

A high degree of environmental friendliness when using antiseptic Tanalit E. The composition used is absolutely safe, impregnated wood can be in contact with people and animals for a long time.

It is not known with what formulations and on what basis the counterfeit is processed. chromium, arsenic, lead, as well as carcinogenic substances.


Check whether the type and name of the protective compound is specified in the purchase agreement.

Life time

Depending on the operating conditions, the service life is 30-60 years. The company PSK-STROY NN gives a unique guarantee - 50 years for protection against decay.

Service life of a few years, will rot quickly and without the possibility of recovery


Check with the seller for how long and under what conditions the guarantee is given. Counterfeit sellers do not give any guarantees.

Visit to production,

demonstration of the autoclave in operation

Good manufacturer there is nothing to hide, on the contrary, many production facilities are the pride of the company. PSK-STROY NN works openly, it is possible to visit production and demonstrate equipment in operation, it is possible to process lumber in the presence of a client.

A visit to the production facility is impossible, the reasons are different, but their essence is the same - you will never be shown a working autoclave.