Stabilization of wood. Wood stabilization at home: compositions and technology

Anacrol-90., It is an impregnating composition based on dimakryl polyester, which at a temperature (95 ± 5) ºС is rapidly polymerized to form a thermosetting polymer. This composition was designed to seal micropores and microcracks, preventing internal corrosion in products from black and non-ferrous metals obtained by casting or powder metallurgy. Wherein sealing process it occurs inside the metalsAt their surfaces, no film is formed, the surplus of the composition is removed by dipping into water (15-25 ºС).

However, the high penetrating ability, the ramless polymerization and the final properties of the resulting polymer, namely: its high strength and chemical resistance, in combination with an operation temperature from -60 ºС to +180 ºС, made very interesting use Anacrol-90. And for stabilization / conservation of wood.

Stabilized wood

Stabilized wood, by itself, very interesting material. Processed Anacrol-90.wood blanks are becoming an order of magnitude more durable (perfectly hold dynamic loads), resistant to various biological lesions, moisture-resistant, not susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet and temperature drops and most importantly. It is acquired a completely different appearance. Stabilizing wood, you not only improve its physical and chemical properties, Make much more durable, but it is advantageous to allocate and emphasize the structure of the tree itself, its unique beauty that people love and appreciate. Strengthen the same effect, you can apply dyes of various colors that make your product is more unique and more attractive.

The undoubted advantage of stabilized wood is that many soft wood rocks that are not suitable for many types of treatment, but at the same time having an extraordinarily beautiful drawing and texture, after stabilization become solid and suitable for creativity.

Also, the stabilized wood is perfectly processed: there will be no chips, cracks, bundles, and when polished - "darling". And, of course, the high quality "gloss", which appears when grinding and polishing.

And most importantly stabilized Anacrol-90. Wood, in sensations, remains the same tree, and not a piece of "frozen" polymer.

Wood stabilization methods Anakrol-90

Wood stabilization process, Anacrol-90., includes two stages: impregnation and subsequent heat treatment. Now, in more detail about each of them.

* The information provided below is a generalized experience of people who have been impregnated by wood for more than one year, achieved excellent results and shared their experience in the forums: and

Requirements for billets for stabilization

Before proceeding to the description of the stabilization process, I will remind you about the requirements that must be submitted to wooden billets to obtain a qualitative result. The impregnation process is the process of penetration of the solution (in our case Anacrol®-90) In the pores of the material, respectively, if the pores are "closed" (water, resins, salts), the composition does not penetrate them, and if they are too large (about 0.5 mm), it will not "hold" there.

Basic requirement: The tree should be as dry as possible. The recommended bruck thickness is not more than 40mm.


The method of impregnation can be chosen depending on which tree you will work and how much time you have on its processing. In total, three ways will begin with the simplest and affordable.

"Natural impregnation" - In this case, Bruks of Tree (Karelian Birch Birch, Berny Oak, Porous Cap, etc.) are immersed in the tank with Anacrol®-90(Bill, for this you can use the "cargo"), at the same time, the impregnation is carried out naturally, due to the capillary effect. The process takes 1.5-2 weeks, the tree ceases to absorb the composition and "ready-made" bars drown. However, the "absorption" is better to track, using scales, as some samples may not "drown", by virtue physical properties the tree itself or availability large number "Closed" pores. During the specified time, almost any tree is impregnated with all depth.

Undoubted pluses, in this case, are simplicity of the process and almost complete lack of equipment costs, minus - the impregnation time.

"Vacuum impregnation"- For this method of impregnation you need a vacuum chamber (it will look at its options below). Bruks of the tree, completely immersed in the capacity with Anacrol®-90 Have a vacuum chamber. Further, we pump out the air, while the composition, because of the abundance of the air leaving, begins to "boil". We are waiting for the end of the process of "boil", after which, in vacuum, withstand the bar for another 30-60 minutes. Return atmospheric pressure and, without getting a bar, withstand it in Anacrol-90. Another day.

The impregnation time decreases until one day, while the requirements for vacuum installation are not high, as well as costs for it, however, best result, gives the following way.

"Vacuum impregnation using overpressure" - This method, due to the initial costs vacuum installationThe most expensive, but allows you to quickly and efficiently get stabilized wood, even "solid" breeds. So:

1) Bruks of the tree, completely, immerseed into the tank with Anacrol-90. Have a vacuum chamber.
2) Pump air (residual pressure of about 0.015-0.025 atm.) The composition begins to "boil"
3) We are waiting for the end of the boiling process and withstand the bars of 15-30 minutes.
4) reset the vacuum to atmospheric pressure, after which, create an excessive pressure (about 4-5 atm.)
5) withstand 30 minutes and discard the pressure to atmospheric.
6) We repeat the items, from the 2nd to the 5th, two - three times.
7) control the (weighing) impregnation of the bar (often he just "sink").

Important!After impregnation, do not remove the solutions with a cloth, a napkin, etc., has a high penetrating ability, so when trying to wipe it, it will "leave" in the rag.

And do not forget, initially, the composition was developed for the impregnation of the metal, which allows (if necessary) to process the products of the metal / tree (the same knives) assembly. Excess composition are removed from the surface of the metal with dipping into water (15-25 ºС).

Curing compositionAnacrol-90 (heat treatment)

Thermal processing of blanks can be carried out in two ways:

1) In boiling water(or industrial oil) - impregnated blanks are tightly turning stretching stretch ( food film) and are placed in hot (boiling) water (95 ± 5) ºС, where about 1 to 1-2 should be withstanding (for metal products: 20-30 minutes, without film).
2) In the drying chamber(for example: furnaces, oven) - impregnated billets are placed in the furnace, heated to 120-140 ºС. The strongest (loose) wood must be wrapped, for example, in a package for baking, this procedure Need to prevent the flow process Anacrol-90.. Drying lasts from 2 to 4 hours, the process ends when the tree ceases to "soar" and there are no wet spots.

Important!In the case of a temperature of the temperature regime (for example: the billets were placed in the furnace heated to 90-95 ºС) the polymerization process will not occur properly, the composition will be as "rubber". If in the future try to correct the situation and subjected to the workpiece by re-heat treatment - this will not lead to anything, the composition will remain the same.

Application of dyes

For staining Anacrol-90., fat-soluble dyes are applied (in our company you can buy dyes of five colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black). To obtain other colors, it is recommended to mix dyes to dissolve in the composition.

  • Dosage dyes approximately (0.001 - 0.1) g per 1 kg Anacrol-90., no more, otherwise the whole mass will be dark and not punching light!
  • For sample you can add a dye at the tip of the knife with a half of the pin head.
  • Add selected dye to the desired saturation of portions of 0.01 g of dye per 1 kg Anacrol-90..
  • Stir the drill with a nozzle at least 5-10 minutes after each addition of portion of the dye.
  • Dyes can be mixed with each other, getting the desired shade.
  • When packing and kneading dye, wear gloves, glasses and respirator!
  • Harmful for breathing, avoid a draft (so as not to scatter around the room)!
  • Woman dyes from clothing almost impossible!
  • From hand and face can be laundered with alcohol or acetone.
  • Store the dye in a closed p / e package without air access (so that the moisture does not fall) at normal temperature.

Important!The amount of the dye added affects the stabilization process, the greater the dye added, the higher the temperature in the drying chamber should be.

Vacuum options

In this section, we touch the options homemade installations For the impregnation of wood using vacuum and overpressure.

The most simple, affordable and inexpensive way will be acquired, for example, the next set:

Snu (bank with a lid from the IKEA store) and the VAKS system (a vacuum canning system), which includes: a pump for vacuum canning of the NVR-3 and the COV COP-82. The price of banks, at the moment, is about 150 rubles and, somewhere, 350 rubles is the WAX \u200b\u200bsystem.

To create a vacuum, you can use and special container: Excirator (with a crane). Price (depending on the manufacturer, material, sizes) vary from 1500 to 13000 rubles.

The following "Popularity" are cases from filters Aquaphor. The design of the housing allows you to create both vacuum and redundant pressure without improving. For this, the "ideal" layout is suitable in their upper part. Price, depending on the size, changes from 5,000 to 11,000 rubles. However, the housing is only part of the installation. To create a vacuum and overpressure, you will need: vacuum pump, compressor and "body kit" (fittings, hoses), as well as instruments for pressure control (for example: RGGL Manovacummeter).

Vacuum pumps - There are many options, as budget we can offer the following: Vacuum pump Z 1,2 b MINI (VPBW-1S) - the price of 1500rub; Vacuum pump Z-1.5 (VPA 115) - price from 2200 rub; Vacuum pump VE115N (PR: Value) - price from 3200 rub.

Compressor - You can use automotive (vitol ka-u12050 "hurricane" - the price of 1200rub; Kachka K90 N - the price from 1500 rubles, etc.), however, to connect to the network 220V, another device will be needed: the DAYTON 220V converter - 12V with the cigarette lighter jack 15a (price of about 4000 rubles

If there is a desire to save (including on electricity), then as a universal device (replaces the vacuum pump and compressor) can be used vacuum pump Komowsky- This device is still available on sale, the price is from 4000 rubles. This instrument allows you to create a vacuum and excessive pressure just in the range required to us.

Examples already assembled installations You can look at the forums (in themes: "Wood stabilization option", "And again stabilization / drying of a tree")

Important!For more economical use impregnating composition Anacrol®-90, as well as in order to increase the service life of the buildings of your installations (for example, plastic housings from filters are destroyed upon contact with Anacrol®-90) We advise you to use additional containers (for example: plastic bottles from drinking water). In these containers poured Anacrol®-90, Wooden blanks are stacked, after which they are placed in a vacuum chamber.

We did not consider the use of industrial installations, because first, they have a fairly high price (the vacuum chamber costs about 60 000 rubles, the pump-compressor - from 20 000 rubles) and secondly, it will not care that it would apply this equipment to stabilize Woods, it will need to finalize.

Anacrol-90. Storage conditions. Safety requirements.


Anacrol-90, To prevent spontaneous polymerization, it is necessary to store without access sunlight, at a temperature of +5 ºС to +25 ºС (briefly, up to +35 ºС).

Temperature during transportation: from -40 ºС to +35 ºС.

When stored is not allowed. Anacrol-90. Metals or Metal particles enter the manufacturer to the manufacturer with impregnation. Anacrol-90., transfusion in the process of use in the working container or capacity, should be stored separately, because With its return plum in the container of the manufacturer, it is possible to enter it the dirt and the formation of the polymer, which will make the composition unsuitable for further use. Warranty shelf life - 1 year.

Safety requirements

When storing and operating the composition Anacrol-90. Does not highlight harmful substances in concentrations dangerous to the human body. In accordance with the classification according to GOST 12.1.007 impregnating composition Anacrol-90. Refers to low hazardous substances of grade 4.

Anacrol-90. Do not explode, but it burns when entering the source of fire. Near the place of work with open fire, sparking sources are not allowed. Works must be organized in compliance with the requirements. fire safety According to GOST 12.1.004 and PPB 01-03.

Fire extinguishing: Air-mechanical foam, carbon dioxide, powders or sand. It is not recommended to use water products and water. When extinguishing large straits, use foam, PSB-3 powder; For small foci - carbon dioxide, PSB powder.

Provisionfirst aid in emergency situations

With inhalation exposure Anacrol-90. - fresh air, peace, warm.

When orally exposed to (ingestion) - abundant water drink, activated carbon, salt laxative. If you get into the skin and in the eyes - remove contaminated clothes, rinse the skin with water with soap, and wash your eyes large quantity water. In all cases, further, seek medical attention.

P.. S..

I would like to add that to obtain a high-quality and stable result, it is necessary to comply with the technology of stabilization and everything is important here: what kind of tree variety you so much, the size of the blanks and their quality, the amount of the dye added, the time and conditions of impregnation, temperature modes, subsequent grinding and polishing.

These are subtleties, but they are usually kept secretly, they are them that provide a qualitative result.

Good luck to you in your exciting business!

Wood stabilized is a product obtained after a long and far from simple process Processing wood material. Stabilization is considered rather, art than handicrafts, since the master has to apply all his experience, fantasy and talent to make a really valuable sample.

A solid tree with an amazing imagination is an excellent pattern formed as a result of long and painstaking labor. The resulting material serves as the basis for spectacular and unusual handles of knives, female jewelry and various souvenirs. These products can be bought by paying a round sum, or do it yourself.

Why stabilize wood

Any tree, even such durable and noble breeds as an oak or ash, sooner or later, amenable to various destructive factors. It is abruptly, deformed, absorbs moisture or, on the contrary, it dissolves. To extend the service life wooden productsThey are covered with various impregnations, paints, emulsions and varnishes. These substances retain material, preventing premature wear and forming a dense protective layer on its surface.

Benefits of the material that has been processed

Wood stabilized does not require applying any solutions, because it is saturated special means. The technology of stabilization provides for the filling of the pores and the cavities of the raw materials by the preservative, which, after frozen, turns the tree into the material with completely new properties:

  • high density, hardness and durability;
  • resistant to temperature drops and changes in humidity indicators in the environment;
  • complete immunity to the effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • ability throughout a short time to be in an open flame without losing quality characteristics, changes in appearance and deformation;
  • impermeability for any oil;
  • resistant to the effects of organic solvents.

In addition to all listed, wood stabilized is extremely beautiful. Transparent or colored impregnation emphasizes the natural pattern of wood fibers, creating sometimes incredible and magnificent patterns. You can process the resulting material both manually and mechanical methods.

Stabilization methods (conservation) of wood

On a large scale, stabilized wood (photo of its samples you can see in the article) is made on specialized workers in such workshops, chemical solutions and impregnation of the required quality are used, in addition, the organization and compliance with the right technology is available.

The tool that is used for the described process serve:

  • oil (often linen);
  • paint;
  • polymer impregnation or resin.

The result of the work of professionals is expensive, but those who want to get a product from such an unusual material should not be upset. There are several ways using which homemade masters make a product similar to the factory.

The stabilized wood can be made of raw materials with a beautiful pattern of fibers and an explicit texture. Optimal option Speakers of hardwood wood:

  • birch;
  • maple;
  • elm;
  • chestnut.

A cap is called thighs on branches, trunk or near the roots of trees, its fibers are closely intertwined with sleeping kidneys. Capped wood is considered fairly expensive material due to its density, rarity and beauty of the picture.

Stabilized wood at home is made in compliance with the required temperature mode, vacuum and a certain level of pressure.

What ways are soaked in wood

After selecting a suitable raw material, the master starts directly to the impregnation phase. Depending on the size and quality of the source material, as well as taking into account its capabilities and preferences, it chooses one of several ways:

  1. Thin blanks can be impregnated with quite low temperatures (cold impregnation).
  2. Hot impregnation. It lies in soaking or cooking blanks in special solutions. In the hot state, their consistency becomes more liquid, which helps the substance penetrate the fibers.
  3. The use of a vacuum chamber (pumping air from wood cavities). This makes it easy to fill the released capillaries and pores impregnating.
  4. Creating overpressure in the chamber, where the container with a solution and wood was previously placed. The process provokes the air outlet from the fibers and the replacement of the vacrestated place.

Wood stabilized: completion of treatment, polymerization

Polymerize the workpiece by drying. Some types of compositions may be self-hardening, others have to be subjected to intense drying at high temperatures. Polymerized wood gets extra weight, new color and properties.

Result proper fulfillment This stage becomes stabilized wood. Its hands (photo of the finished sample is placed in the article) The wood is treated, as a rule, those masters who subsequently plan to sell the resulting material.

Often, these craftsmen are engaged in the manufacture of exclusive wood products that are well suited as gifts and souvenirs. The most commonly used stabilized wood for knives (handle), casing lighters and handles, boxes, as well as a variety of decorations (beads, bracelets, medallions).

How to stabilize the wood with the composition "Anacrol-90"

This impregnation is optimal for use at home, as it is quite simple to find, and the fluidity allows the composition to penetrate in all the pores of the workpiece. Some masters prefer to apply but this is a more viscous and rather capricious agent. For its successful application, experience, patience and adherence to technology are needed. In addition, the resin cannot be used when processing wood coniferous rocks.

To preserve the wooden billet "Anacrol 90", such materials and tools should be prepared:

  • wood;
  • impregnation;
  • vacuum installation (for its collection you need several large plastic containers, cranes, plastic tubes);
  • vacuum pump;
  • compressor;
  • instrument determining pressure force (pressure gauge);
  • oven or aerogril.

Little billets (about 3 cm thick) soak much faster and easier. By the beginning of stabilization, the tree should be dry.

How is wood preservation

It should be noted that the use of a transparent solution emphasizes the natural beauty of the tree, and the use of pigments or colored types of impregnation allows you to create a unique and unique pattern.

Sequence of work:

  1. The tree is placed in a container with a solution, following the liquid completely covered the workpiece.
  2. Purify air until air bubbles disappear.
  3. They give impregnation to stand at about twenty minutes, after which they create in the container (2-4 atm). This procedure requires the use of the compressor and pump.
  4. After the half-hour break repeat the process.

Completion of wood stabilization

To get really high-quality material, you need to repeat the described procedure several times. The number of cycles depends on many factors (size of the workpiece, variety of wood, wood quality). The master can determine the degree of readiness of the stabilized workpiece by that sinking it or pops up in solution. The impregnation went successfully when the tree fell to the bottom.

Next, the workpiece is pulled out and dried in the oven or in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. To judge how dry wood dried, you can, considering wet spots on its surface. When they are not at all left, drying can be stopped.

The treated wood becomes much more densely, which makes it easier to polish and form products.

Knowing how stabilized wood is made, what it is and for what purposes is used, it can be used by its independent manufacture.

This process is extremely fascinating, he can please and surprise with his results of a patient craft. Do not fear failure, because, as they say, "The Master's business is afraid"!

Wood is one of the most sought-after construction and decorative materials. However, some applications require higher operational parameters material. This applies to strength and resistance to negative external influence.

To improve the main parameters of the material, there are special processing technologies, one of which is the stabilization of wood. It allows you to create durable, practical and attractive materials with unique characteristics.

Advantages of the procedure

Stabilization is a special type of wood processing, which provides for safe filling of pores by protective compositions.

The main goal is to maintain the decorative properties of the tree with the increase in the indicators of strength, hardness and resistance to external factors. Such effect is achieved through the use of special compositions that have the ability to polymerization.

This is a rather time-consuming and responsible process, to whose organization needs to be achieved with full responsibility and comply with the priority of actions in accordance with the selected technology.

Thanks to preservation, wood acquires the following characteristics:

  • density and hardness;
  • resistance to elevated moisture, temperature and ultraviolet drops;
  • resistance to ignition;
  • impermeability for paintwork compositions;
  • resistance to chemical and biological effects;
  • inertia to deform and rotting;
  • decorativeness and aesthetics;
  • susceptibility to manual and machining.


The technological process of stabilization of wood is divided into two stages - impregnation and polymerization.

Depending on the type, size and quality of the feedstock, as well as considering its own capabilities and preferences, it is possible to stabilize the wood in the following ways:

  1. Cold impregnation. Most available way Stabilization of small billets, which provides for soaking wood in the cold composition. The duration of impregnation is from 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the type of raw material. Different oils are used as preservative compositions - walnut, tung, hemp and linen.
  2. Hot impregnation. Complex variant of the conservation of volumetric wood products. The duration of impregnation can be up to 2-3 days and provides more deep penetration Hot compositions in wood fibers.
  3. Processing vacuum. Such a processing method provides for the use of a vacuum chamber. Air pumping from the chamber is accompanied by the removal of the existing liquid from the wooden billet placed inside. Next, a stabilizing solution is supplied to the chamber, which is designed to fill out open pores of wood.
  4. Pressure treatment. A similar way is similar to the previous one, the difference is that the preservation of wood is carried out using high pressure, not a vacuum. The wooden billet is placed in a container with a liquid and is installed in the chamber. Under the influence of high pressure, air is removed from the pores, and emptiness is filled with a polymerizing composition.

Stabilizing formulations for wood

Many masters who wish to master the conservation technology of wood products at home, are interested main question - How to stabilize wood?

There are many effective tools that are used for similar purposes:

  • oil
  • paint-art,
  • epoxy resins
  • liquid glass,
  • brine,
  • oliflas
  • birch juice,
  • compositions for vacuum processing,
  • polymers.

Epoxy resin.

Often to stabilize wood used epoxy resin.. To increase fluidity, the composition is recommended to breed alcohol. The technology of stabilization of wood by protective epoxy resin is similar to that suitable for working with polymer components.

Despite the availability and convenience of applying, epoxy resin has some disadvantages. The main one: the duration of the polymerization and the likelihood of boiling in the vacuum chamber. In addition, such a remedy is not suitable for conservation of coniferous wood.

Liquid glass

In the process of wood processing with liquid glass on the surface, thin protective filmResistant to other dyes. For this reason, liquid glass is often used to stabilize constructive elements or decorative products that are not subject to further processing protective compositions.

Liquid glass, or silicate glue, provides reliable protection From infection with mold, fungus and pathogenic microorganisms. Compared to other antiseptic compositions, it is resistant to elevated moisture, ultraviolet and high temperatures.


Less in demand for stabilization of wood is a salt solution. It will take 1 tbsp. l. Salt and liter cold water. The treatment of wooden billets is carried out by boiling by boiling for 2-3 hours.

Many experts argue that a similar means for conservation can be used after preparing a certain workpiece or wood products.


The main components of the olifes are vegetable oils subjected to heat treatment. Preheating oils helps to increase their resistance to elevated moisture and ultraviolet. The special solvent in the composition of the oils increases the viscosity and drift, which makes it possible to use it for the preparation of putty and primer mixtures, varnishes and paints.

Olife is widely used for processing wooden structures, decorative elements and tools. It provides reliable protection against rotting, destruction and deformation. To stabilize the tree indoors, it is better to use natural olive, composite and alkyd compositions are suitable for external work.

Composition for vacuum chamber

For a vacuum chamber used special composition To stabilize wood. Similar saturation technology (impregnation) provides the penetration depth protective equipment From 0.3 to 5 cm, depending on the tree of the tree, while the pressure in the vacuum chamber can reach 12 kg / kV. cm.

The specialized hermetic device has impressive dimensions: length - up to 15 meters, diameter - from 0.5 to 3 meters. It is equipped with a special reservoir for stabilizing solutions, input valves, pressure sensors and control unit.

The duration of one saturation cycle can be from 3 to 6 hours.

Birch juice

No less popular is the preservation of wood with the help of natural birch juice. The billet is exposed to the composition in the vacuum chamber, and then the drying passes at a temperature of 90 degrees.

For the preparation of a stabilizing solution in birch juice, various dyes are added.


Often, modern impregnations based on polymers are used to stabilize wood. The most sought-after are:


Polyester impregnation for wood, which is influenced by high temperatures turns into a thermosetting polymer. Due to high strength, resistance to chemical exposure and temperature changes, the composition is widely used for the preservation of small cracks and pores in the wood.


Transparent liquid composition based on thermotransmissible polymer components is intended for reliable wood preservation. It is comfortable and easy to use, suitable for applying in industrial and home environment.


Transparent polymer composition, including optical pigments, which is intended for the polymerization of wood. On viscosity and density resembles water, but at a temperature effect turns into a solid coating. Provides protection against moisture, ultraviolet, biological infection, emphasizes the natural structure of wood fibers.


Enamel on an alkyd basis with the addition of dyes and fat-soluble pigments. It is intended to stabilize wood inside and outside. Processed material has unique properties polymers, but it remains natural and safe as wood.

Unstabilized wood is inclined to change the internal structure and color, deformations and the appearance of cracks. If the material is used for internal decorative finish, then this problem is especially relevant. You can buy ready-made stabilized wood, the cost of which will be much higher than that of untreated material. And you can save money by organizing the conservation process itself with the help of available protective agents.

For these purposes, you can use ready-made polymer compounds - "Pentacryl", "Anacrol 90" and others - or prepare them on their own.

Forms for impregnation should be chosen with a small margin, because some of the funds will be used for test work, after which you can begin the conservation of a wooden billet or product.

The right choice of protective agents for a specific breed of wood and compliance with stages technological process Let get the desired result.

Hmm ... This topic was interested in me when the knife caught fire ... Rather a knife for a knife. I doubt, of course, in the academality of this term. For example, in the article on bending wood used the phrase "wood stabilization" in another sense - as the ability of wood structure to restore its physicochemical properties after the effects of temperature, solvents (in wide sense) and physical impacts that change the plastic properties of wood for the time. So in that article, it was more about the stabilization of the curved form ... And the article climbed into the top on the topic of this article.

Agree to getting on a specific request for articles that the request does not correspond to, you begin to annoy whether on the search engines, or on the authors of such materials. Therefore, in order for the visitors to the site found out something useful, I will write that I know about this. Article review ... places.

So, under stabilization of wood Most understands the result of a peculiar "conservation" of wood, in which its operational properties are improved by an order.

Canning or stabilize wood with different materials:

Impregnation of hot flaxseed oil (eco-friendly and "food" option);

Impregnation with various exotic natural oils, for example, poppy, nut, hemp, white acacia, liamantia, oil of pine and spruce seeds, elderberry, wood (tung), perille, niger ... (all listed in the oil article fully polymerized. become solid ... for comparison sunflower oil not polymerizes)

The digestion of the tree in the zhivice (resin of coniferous rocks);

Chelyabinsk sleepers are so harsh, because they are impregnated with coal oil;

Impregnation with wax, both natural and artificial additives;

Impregnation with artificial compositions, which for drying form solid, such as varnishes, paint, impregnation, olifa, liquid plastics (polymers) ...

The other day I will combine natural "stabilizers": linseed oil, beeswax (excellent antiseptic) and carnab wax (the most brilliant, solid and refractory) for impregnation cutting board*** For food products. You will pull the waxes on a water bath in flax oil and soak hot.

On the left, granulated purified beeswax, on the right - the records of the carnubsk wax (on the touch as a fragile plastic).

The essence remains one - in the pores and the wood cells, a preservative substance is introduced, which can react with the "tree" and / or which is polymerized by itself.

It is possible to conditionally divide the technology of wood stabilization into two major stages:

Process of impregnation I.

Polymerization process.

Can be soaked in the following ways:

Cold impregnation (suitable for small and thin blanks);

Hot: Exposure / Cooking in hot compositions, which are usually more fluid in hot, and is better polymerized;

A vacuum method (wood is placed in the chamber, from which the air rolls out, it comes out of the pores of wood ... and poured the preservative composition, which penetrates well in them);

Under pressure (wood is placed in the chamber and in the stabilizing composition, and the excessive pressure is injected ... under pressure, air in the wood almost disappears by volume, and its place in the pores occupies a preserving composition).

Polymerization process It can help both the pressure and temperature. For example, when processing a bamboo temperature, sugar, which is in it, caramelizes, giving bamboo wood new improved properties and brown color of different shades.

Wood, which has undergone the stabilization procedure:

More severely;

It has a different color, depending on the technology and the materials used (for example, green pores);

It has stabilized physicochemical properties of a polymer reinforced by wood fibers that change little under the influence of unfavorable conditions.

[Comments / Discussion]

Kirill Boronin (15:01 10/27/2017)
Hello. I cut various products from wood, asked to make a mortar and pestle. I think to make a beech, but I would like to maximize the resistance of the tree friction. We usually impregnate your work with mineral oil and bees wax.

Is it suitable for my goals linen, tung or some safe for use with food mixture of wax oil? How fast will wood become?

Vecchio Albero (06:47 21.05.2017)
Good afternoon, interested in stabilization of slab large sizesWhat makeup it is better to use, and what method of stabilization will suit it better? Thank you
Andrew (00:58 07.05.2017)
Andron, I think such bars are flooded with multi-colored polymers approximately as in the techniques of "drawing on water". Look in the search.
Andron (16:39 06.05.2017)
Hello everyone!
Tell me how to stabilize the bars of wood in two or more colors?
Thank you
Andrew (07:36 03/24/2017)
Alexey, all the methods of "real" stabilization of large boards and shields are quite expensive and laborious. Of the relatively available, you can select a vacuum method. Of the easiest, but less efficient, you can advise the impregnation of hot oil. Most likely soaked only upper layer And therefore it is desirable to use open-ended wood like ash or oak. Or you can look towards the thermal extension - it is more stable, but it can still be a story.
As an experiment you can try to soak the wood with two-component soil for exotic wood. This viscosity soil like water and when drying becomes like "glass".
Alexey (16:21 03/23/2017)
Hello. Interested in the stabilization of the shield of the allolmelnoe, which will be on the street, which way it is better to use that it does not lead. Cold impregnation, hot impregnation, vacuum methods, under pressure, or maybe what kind of way? Can you still add wax? What kind of polymerization method is better to use and whether the difference will be?
Andrew (20:36 03/13/2017)
Maxim, the essence of stabilization in full impregnation of wood. Breed B. ready House impregnate unreal. Even if you just impregnate the top layer of the bar, it will be long and expensive.
Maxim (05:53 03.03.2017)
Hello. Interested in log stabilization, more precisely breed house. What way it is better to do and what ???? I can safely flax oil the best way?!?!?!
Andrew (20:56 05.01.2017)
Sure you may. Depends on the effect you want to achieve. Dyes and pigments should be compatible with substances stabilizing wood
Elnur (13:21 04.01.2017)
Is it possible to add dyes to get unusual colors of wood, and what better (pigments, dyes, fat-soluble)
Andrew (02:59 08.12.2016)
In such matters I answer by mail.
Marseille (13:05 04/21/2016)
Interested in stabilization of wood of bulky sizes (steps, boosters, carved sculptures, etc.).
Kozhevnikov Nikolay Gennadevich(19:11 25.03.2015)
Kind...! I do not know your name and patronymic, I hope to get acquainted. I would like to figure out the following: Is it possible to make a workpiece for the butt and zevya hunting rifle from stabilized wood ??

To work with the wood, uses its hands and snap. Even if the master has enough experience, unprepared wood can not reduce every effort. This indicates the need to stabilize the material. If not to expose it to such an impact, the structure can disappear and swallow.

Working with soft varieties in the type of aspen, linden and pines, you will notice that this requirement is not so critical because they are not used for responsible structural elements. But crackled window cylinding Or the cracked spoon can still spoil the mood.

Maching chair I. kitchen facadesThis wood is rarely used. The question of the predictability of the material in ready product Important for carpenter. To exclude cracking and warping, there are methods, one of which is stabilization.

Technologies can be different, some are complex, others - simple, third - and at all high-tech. Today it is customary to use concentrated acids and affect wood temperature and pressure. At home, it is difficult to implement it.

But if you do not intend to retreat from the venture, you can pay attention to the Solovetsky monastery, which stands for several centuries. Some elements of the building were not affected by time. Decorative details, roofing and steps do not violate the ideas about the durability of wood. The secret is salt. To stabilize wood at home, you will need to prepare the electric tile and bucket.

Use salt to stabilize

To prevent cracking and warming and warming, it is necessary to prepare a tablespoon of salt on 1 liter of water. Some masters use different concentrations. Wood will need to be cooked in salt water until the active selection of foam does not stop. This will indicate that the material is ready.

Wood stabilization at home at the next stage provides for drying blanks. They must be removed from the liquid and leave when room temperature. If there is a furnace, then the elements can be put to the top of the subtop. Three days later you will get stabilized material.

Some masters claim that the cherry should be dried for a very long time, sometimes it takes up to 2 years. By appearance Stabilized and ordinary wood will be different. The part that was in the brine will take a little bit. You can clean and polish the surface. Color shades can be aligned. Wood sometimes acquires a pearl hue.

What happens during stabilization

After reading the information above, you were able to understand that the external material after stabilization changes. If it is interesting which processes occur inside, it can be recalled that wood is a mixture of ether-containing components, lignin and cellulose.

The first component of coniferous breeds is a gulin. It makes rosin and turpentine from it. As for the Grenadila, it has this ingredient of oil with a specific taste and smell. If you want to understand why after stabilization of wood at home, the material "releases", then you can present cellulose in the role of reinforcement, while Lignin will become concrete.

The effect of temperature will destroy the connection between these materials, as a result of which the reinforced concrete becomes plastic. Internal voltage will be removed. Pretty important role At the same time plays salt. It makes the boiling point above 100 ° C, which is enough to destroy the cell membranes of wood.

The main objectives of stabilization

Wood stabilization at home may be needed for multiple drying acceleration. This distinguishes the process from natural. The use of the technique allows you to exclude the warping and eliminate cracks during and after drying. Wood acquires antiseptic properties and becomes more durable.

Description of the impregnating composition "Anacrol"

If you are looking for a stabilization substance, "Anacrol-90" should be considered. It is an impregnating mixture made on the basis of dimakryl polyester, which at a temperature of 95 ° C is cured into the thermosetting polymer.

Material resistant chemical substances type:

· Alchays;

· Alcohols;

· Tosola;

· Petroleum products;

· Transmission oils;

· Dissolving salts;

· Solutions of acids;

· Freon.

The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication "Anacrol-90" is the elimination of corrosion, sealing in micropores and microcracks of porous structures. The composition is compatible with sealing technologies, humid and dry vacuum methods, wet vacuum pressure and dry vacuum pressure. Microdefect size can reach 0.1 mm.

The mixture includes latent polymerization initiator, so chemical properties are stable with long-term storage. The impregnation process can be easily controlled. Its duration and curing time is minimal. Stabilized wood can be subjected to hydro and pneumatic tests, as well as exposure to crimping.

From the surface, the composition is removed by washing in water. On the environment It does not have harmful effects. Wastewater decompose on the treatment of biological structures. In order to get stabilized wood, it will be necessary to spend 3.5 g per kilogram of material, which is slightly more compared to the cost liquid glass. Maceless polymerization, it guarantees high-quality sealing For the entire life of the product.

Properties of liquid material

As a chemical basis, Diemecrylic polyester is. Specific gravity Reaches 1.10 g / cm³. According to the appearance of "Anacrol", is a movable liquid that can have colors from light yellow to brown. Dynamic viscosity can be 15 MPa * p. Typical polymerization time at 95 ° C is 8 minutes.

Properties of cured material

The cured material can be operated in air at temperatures from -60 to +180 ° C. A short-term effect of temperature can reach 200 ° C. Without oxygen, the temperature range expands and represents the limit from -60 to +250 ° C.

Instructions for use

The process of stabilization of the substance described above includes two stages: impregnation and heat treatment. The method of impregnation is chosen depending on which tree you will work with. The most accessible and simple technology is natural impregnation. Bruks are immersed in a container with a substance, and exposure is carried out naturally due to the capillary effect.

Wood stabilization "Anakrol" at this stage takes up to 2 weeks. The tree ceases to absorb the substance, after that the finished bars are drown. Binding is recommended to track using scales, because some samples cannot drown because of physical properties or presence of closed pores. During this time, almost any tree is impregnated with the whole depth.

The wood stabilization fluid can also be used for vacuum impregnation. This uses a special camera. Bruks are completely immersed in the container that goes into the chamber. Air is pumped out of it. Because of the abundance of oxygen overlooking bars, the composition begins to boil. The process ends, and then the products are kept in such a state for about 60 minutes. After the return of the atmospheric pressure, the bar is not removed, but remains in the liquid for another day.

Using birch juice

The stabilization of the tree birch juice is also quite popular. The technology remains almost unchanged. The composition should affect the material in vacuo, and after the workpiece affects the temperature in 90 ° C. On the principle of imported branded stabilizers, the substance is mixed with dyes. The composition is distinguished by transparency. It is just breeding pigments that almost do not change the color.

Polymer use

As polymers for stabilization of wood, the expert will be "Buvit". This one-component substance eliminates the problems during dosage and mixing the activator. The composition is characteristic of high penetrating abilities. After baking, it becomes more solid and dense, allowing you to reduce the absorption of moisture with stabilized bars.

"Bouvit" to stabilize wood has a transparent color. Its viscosity and density can be compared with the density and viscosity of water. The polymerization temperature reaches 90 ° C. In the process of this, it becomes more solid and dense. Use the substance at home. It includes optical additives that emphasize the structure of the wood.


Wood without stabilization over time can change its structure and color, to brew and be covered by cracks. If you use it to finish the premises, this question is especially relevant. You can purchase stabilized material in the store, but it costs much more expensive than the usual, untreated.

If you want to reduce drying time, then the stabilization is recommended especially. You can carry out such work yourself. For this, the market today provides many decisions, among them various polymers and mixtures such as "Anacrol-90" should be distinguished.