Petunia on an alpine slide. Features of growing ampelous petunias in pots: selection of varieties, planting and care

Petunia is lovely unpretentious flower with a delicate aroma. A huge variety of colors and varieties allows you to create beautiful petunia flower beds. In modern landscape design these are some of the most popular colors. It is not difficult to care for petunia, it is a drought-resistant plant that is not afraid of heat. Petunia does not like only stagnant water. Petunia today has become an adornment of the club, rabatok, windows, balconies, flowerpots, flower beds, borders - wherever you can find it! Luxurious cascades of flowers of almost all possible shades delight us from the onset of summer to the coldest days.

Why is this flower good for a landscape designer?

This flower comes from South America, more specifically - Brazil, perfectly adapted to our more severe climatic conditions... Although petunias are planted today on all continents, even in Alaska. Like a considerable number of perennial plants, petunia is cultivated in our country as an annual plant.

For its reproduction, seeds are mainly used. When planting seedlings at home, you can start as early as March, so that by the end of April - beginning of May (depending on the climate), young plants can be planted in a flower bed. There is no particular sense in planting seeds in a flower bed - the seedlings need special care and it is best to plant the seedlings in open ground - this way you will wait for flowering faster, and the flowers tolerate transplanting well.

Breeders, due to the huge popularity of the plant, are busy breeding more and more new varieties, garden groups and hybrids.

Sometimes the flowers are so unusual that appearance capacity loses its meaning - as in this case, all attention will be paid to the stunning flowers of the Black Velvet variety

The variety of colors and varieties of petunias makes it possible to create the most varied and interesting combinations, turning the site into a flower garden with the help of one flower

The hybrid petunia has a powerful root system, which allows you to grow the plant in containers of limited volume. Hybrid petunias have more luxurious flowers, such properties make it possible to create beautiful vertical flower beds from them.

Compatibility of petunia with other flowers

Petunia is good no matter how you plant it. To create a round flower bed of petunias, you can use only one variety of the same color, for example, only hot pink or purple flowers... Whitewash the curb gently for a wonderful flower bed.

One of the simplest and most effective plantings of petunias - plants are planted in even rows different color... With the right combinations, a luxurious floral carpet is created

A beautiful round flowerbed with a central composition - a white border highlights the edging of large yellow marigolds. Three petunia colors used - hot pink, burgundy and white

Petunia also looks good in combination with other flowers - sеmper florens begonias, snapdragons, levkoy, crops with decorative leaves... It combines beautifully with marigolds, especially if large orange or yellow marigolds are planted along the edge of the flower bed.

At the beginning of summer they bloom pansies and primroses are also a good neighborhood for petunias. A combination on a flowerbed with bulbous - hazel grouses in the center, or lilies, irises, hyacinths and tulips - also looks good. Petunia grows well both in the sun and in partial shade, therefore it is also suitable for decorating the penumbra areas of the garden, especially in the company of hosts, or Virginia tradescantia. If you want to plant petunia in flowerpots, it can be successfully combined with pelargonium or fuchsia (although fuchsia is much more whimsical), or with balsam.

It is enough to show imagination, and an unusual flower bed can be created even in an old car, having previously updated it and painted the cabin

Today in landscape design everything original is welcomed. Why not use the hollow of an old tree as an ampelous petunia planting site. The composition is a feast for the eyes!

How can you make a beautiful flower bed?

Modern flower beds are not only carpet plantings, you can purchase special containers to create a vertical petunia flower bed different sizes fixed on the pole. Pick your favorite varieties and colors - and a vertical flower bed will decorate your site. Both monochrome and polychrome colors are good.

The material on the creation of multi-tiered and raised flower beds will also be useful:

For such compositions, ampelous varieties of petunias are especially well suited - in this case, they will hang down and give special charm flowerbed

Option # 2 - "living tower" mesh flower bed

A vertical petunia flower bed can also be created using a mesh. You will need a netting, pot, cloth, and seedlings. From the mesh we make a frame in the form of a cylinder, place a fabric inside the frame, put a pot down the right size, the structure is covered with earth. We water the earth so that it settles, we add it, if necessary, we compact it along the entire volume to the pot. Then we cut the fabric in several places and plant it in the gaps and at the top of the plant structure. Now all that remains is to water the "tower" and watch how it transforms into an amazing flower garden.

The idea that a flower bed is just a flower carpet is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Vertical flower beds that came to us from Europe allow us to create original compositions on sites of any size

Option # 3 - a flowerbed of window boxes

Can be done vertical flower bed using window boxes - for example, on the wall of a barn, arranging them in an interesting order. Both common and ampelous petunia will grow in them, which will look good with pelargonium, verbena, lobelia and ivy.

To create such an interesting country-style composition, window boxes, an old work wheelbarrow and a cart were used. In containers, petunia and pelargonium form an excellent combination

Option # 4 - a flower bed of petunias in a gravel garden

Today, many people arrange a gravel garden on their site - it's not difficult, but it looks very interesting. Among decorative cereals, liliaceae, a plot of petunias will also stand out effectively - free some of the soil under a flower bed, protect it with a plastic border and plant flowers - a dark petunia looks especially impressive against the background of gravel - burgundy, purple.

Petunias are quite often used when it is necessary to break a rock garden or rockery. They are great for delicate compositions.

Option # 5 - a flower bed using paving slabs

You need to choose a tile rectangular and lay it out in a certain order - you get an original decorative border, in the frame of which you can plant any variety you like.

Paving slabs in this case are interesting solution- easily and special costs you will create a beautiful flower bed

It is not for nothing that summer residents fell in love with petunia - for all its unpretentiousness, it has decorative properties that few garden flowers can match.

There are flowers that don't need to be imagined. It is worth seeing petunias in the garden, flower beds, and it becomes clear without words, this is an ideal summer garden. With its help, it is easy to implement the most daring design ideas, and for vertical gardening he's just a godsend.

I just want to exclaim: "You are good in all of you, darling, attire!"

Lady Perfection Hispanic

She broke into the world of decorative floriculture not so long ago, some 200 years ago. Exactly what burst in. The petunia flower looks like a sultry beauty with an admixture of common blood, eclipsing the flower aristocracy. A strong, hardy, unassuming plant by the tireless cares of breeders acquired an aristocratic gloss, from a naive village simpleton it turned into a Lady of perfection.

The homeland of the popular annual of the Solanaceae family is South America, from where it spread throughout the planet, up to the Arctic Circle. The wild ancestors of our heroine were not particularly beautiful, at least they thought so until the first hybrid plant bloomed. Since 1834, the magical transformation of a modest summer plant begins, the hybridization of which was undertaken by eminent breeding companies of the USA, Great Britain, and Japan.

Today it is the best-selling flower, the seeds of which make up a third of the world's assortment.

What for which flower bed to choose?

Plant breeding has progressed and continues to progress in several directions.

  • There was an enlargement and improvement of the flower - the result was varieties with simple, double, fringed, corrugated petals.
  • Various forms of plants were created - tall and compact, spherical, curly.
  • The color was improved and multiplied. Petunia flowers are available in all shades of the rainbow, with the exception of yellow and orange (which is what breeders are working on today). There are varieties that are monochromatic, two-colored, with edging along the edge, contrasting veins, and a star-shaped pattern.

How not to get lost when choosing varieties and hybrids for the garden?

Large-flowered group

Large-flowered petunias include hybrids and variety series, the flower of which is 7–12 cm in diameter. They are also the most beautiful representatives of a large family - bright, juicy, with unusual petals.

Examples of variety series:

  • Pikoti F1 (petals with a white border and a corrugated edge);
  • Falcon F1 (flower with contrasting venation);
  • Hit Parade F1 (early, full range of colors);
  • Daddy F1 (rich color with contrasting veins);
  • Ensign F1 (blooms until frost);
  • Red Mon F1 (corrugated edge of the petals).

Petunias of this group will look great in the design of carpet flower beds, paths, lawns, as shown in the photo of the flower bed below. By and large, these are universal flowers that are suitable for both open ground and container landings.

Compact multi-flowered petunias

The advantage of the large group of multiflora petunias is a compact, branchy plant with an abundance of medium-sized flowers (ø 4–7 cm). And also their cold resistance, resistance to wind and bad weather. Hybrids are more decorative than varieties. They are less spreading and form a bush that looks like a blooming ball.

The following series of hybrids are very popular among florists.

  • Merlin F1 (compact multi-flowered plants up to 25 cm tall, with a two-color color);
  • Mirage F1 (with double flowers);
  • Pram Time F1 (plentiful, richly colored flowers with wavy petals).

Compact petunias are purchased for laying lawns in the garden, alpine slides, as in the photo below, decorating balconies, all kinds of raised flower beds.

Unpretentious floribunda

And if you want a lot of flowers and not small ones? There is an intermediate group - floribunda. Her gramophone is relatively large, up to 8 cm in diameter, flowering is abundant, among other important advantages - unpretentiousness to care, nutrition, heat and wind resistance.

The most advantageous varieties of this group look in bulk - on large flower beds, flowering monograms on the lawn, in the design of cascading flower beds.

Examples of variety series:

  • Sonya F1 (bright purple, crimson, burgundy flowers, with venation, star, edging of petals);
  • Silebrity F1 (represented by 13 colors, is not afraid of rain and heat).

Queen of vertical flower beds - ampel group

Petunia in hanging flowerpots, flowerpots, balcony boxes - who has not admired the photos of vertical flower beds with this weaving beauty? Ampel varieties and hybrids differ from other representatives of the genus in the ability of branches to grow mainly downward, falling down in beautiful lashes. In vertical gardening, the annual confidently occupies the largest niche, pushing far aside its closest competitors - pelargonium, nasturtium, fuchsia, verbena.

Note! A significant disadvantage of many forms of ampel petunias (surfinia, for example) is predominantly vegetative reproduction. This does not always suit people who are inexperienced in floriculture, for whom it is more familiar and understandable seed propagation... Fortunately, recently hybrids have appeared that can be obtained not only by cuttings, but also sown.

What can you offer lovers of weaving petunias?

  • Surfiniya (numerous series with large solid colors of saturated color, there is terry varieties);
  • Supertunia (7 varieties of purple-crimson shades);
  • Wonderwave or Fortunia F1 (bright gramophones with a dark throat, propagated by seeds);
  • Conchita (abundantly flowering, medium-sized flowers (up to 5 cm), bright, with contrasting venation).

Ideas, options, photos of the design of vertical flower beds

Bright, long-blooming gramophones can decorate any flower garden, but vertical flower beds for petunias look especially advantageous, which, moreover, are easy to build with your own hands.

Alpine slide

The first option is related to the use of climbing plant in the embossed garden. If there is an alpine slide, a few compact petunia bushes will dilute the interesting, but, in general, rather modest subalpine flora. Here, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Since petunia is a light-loving, heat-resistant plant, plant it on the sunny side of a stone hill. Choose colors that are discreet so as not to contrast with the general style of the flower garden.

Flowerpots, flower pots, hanging baskets

A simple option for vertical landscaping is planting flowers in hanging containers. With their help, they decorate balconies, stairs, porches, patios, gazebos, decorate walls, openings.

For such mini-flower beds, it is necessary to purchase varieties adapted to growing in a small volume of soil. This is an ampelous group, in particular, surfiniya, supertunia, as well as representatives of the "multiflora" class. Low-growing plants have a developed root system, capable of maintaining the plant for a long time at the peak of flowering.

Raised flower bed

Raised flower beds provide room for imagination. This is a ground structure that rises above the level of the site. Vertical flower beds for petunias of a similar plan can be made with your own hands from scrap materials.

  1. Of the cut off car tires different diameters... They are used to make round containers, fill them with soil and put them on top of each other like a pyramid. The second option is cut from sheet metal the bottom of the tire diameter, the resulting containers are strung on a metal rod, rigidly fixed by welding.
  2. From old baskets, buckets, bags. The material for the construction of the landing tank does not play a role. It is important to beautifully fix the raised flower bed, to beat it with elements of garden decor. But even if this did not work out, the blossoming summer plant, gradually expanding, forms a blooming ball.
  3. From asbestos-cement or plastic pipes large diameter... The pipes are cut into pieces different heights, dig them into the soil, grouping 3-4 pieces. The inside is filled with a fertile substrate and petunias are planted. You will get a beautiful multi-tiered cascade.
  4. From flower pots and pots. For the base, take a flowerpot of large diameter. It is filled with soil and "pinned" to the ground with a strong metal rod running down the center. Pots for the future petunia are strung onto it, as shown in the photo below, the raised flower bed is filled with soil.

Flowerbed-cascade or tower

A variant of a raised flower bed is a cascade of flowers. It is performed from metal mesh with large cells and agrofibers (lutrasila, burlap).

Using a mesh, a cylinder of the required height and diameter is built, the inside is lined with agrofibre, filled with fertile soil. Flowers are planted on top, as well as on the lateral surface, making cuts in the agrofibre through the mesh cells.

Flower bed-tree

If there is a dead tree in the garden, do not rush to uproot it. It will serve as an excellent basis for a vertical flower bed.

Along the perimeter of the crown in internodes they are attached planting containers, better wide and not very high. Ampelous annual hybrids are planted in them. Such trees look more stylish if one plant variety is used. For those who love a holiday in the garden, flowers of different colors are planted.

Flower arch

Arched structures are not uncommon on household plots... This form is often used in the construction of gazebos, covered patios, driveways or alleyways. One of the options for decorating it is a flower pot with ampelous petunia.

There are several options for attaching landing containers:

  • hanging baskets;
  • balcony boxes are attached to the crossbeams;
  • tie "soft" planting containers made of agrofibre, etc.

When constructing an arch, the main thing is not to overdo it - after all, you still need to take care of it.

Flowerbed as an art object

Petunia is a fertile material for creating floral art objects. Think this is only available to advanced landscape designers? But even if nothing original comes to mind yourself, you can spy on it.

Features of growing petunias in small containers

There is no doubt that do-it-yourself vertical flower beds for petunias are beautiful and unusual. But in order for the flower in the garden to be, as in the picture, you need to properly care for the plant, enclosed in a small container. And here there are secrets.

  1. Choose planting material, originally intended for container farming.
  2. Lay in humus-rich soil when planting. Don't forget drainage. Add hydrogel to the substrate - these are balls that retain moisture and release it gradually. Put in long-acting fertilizers in case you forget to feed on time.
  3. Ampel plantings need more frequent watering, because they have no connection with deep soil layers.
  4. In addition to watering, practice spraying, especially in hot weather. Use a fine sprayer to avoid damaging the delicate petals.
  5. To make the plant happy with bright abundant flowering, you need weekly liquid top dressing with full fertilizer. Make sure that the composition contains potassium.

With these simple, but important components of care, your petunias will bloom until frost, causing genuine and well-deserved admiration of others.

Methods for forming a flower ball from petunias

Petunia is graceful and delicate flower, loved by many summer residents for its unpretentiousness and decorative qualities. We will tell you how to grow and care for beautiful petunias in the garden, and share ideas for use. flowering flower decorating country buildings and landscape design of the site.

Petunia (Latin Petunia) - herbaceous perennial plant originally from South America. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is grown as an annual. Many varieties and hybrids have been bred, differing in the type of growth, the height of the bush, the shape and colors of the flowers.

Grow petunia seedling method from seeds. Bush forms are also propagated by cuttings. The seeds of the plant are very small. Sow them superficially. Sowing in snow has proven itself well. Planting dates depend on the type of petunia: ampelous varieties are sown at the end of January - February, bush forms can be sown in March.

Germinate petunia in a well-lit place, at a temperature of plus 20 to 23 degrees Celsius. To do this, equip mini-greenhouses, covering the containers with film or glass. Seedlings appear in 7-10 days. At first, they develop very slowly and require attention to themselves - watering from a spray bottle, removing condensate, round-the-clock lighting.

With the appearance of real leaves, petunias dive twice. After the first pick, the seedlings are fed with calcium nitrate, after the second - with mullein infusion or any complex fertilizer for flowers (Florist, Kristalon, Skotts).

When the seedlings reach 7-10 cm in height, they are pinched for better bushiness. On ampel varieties, this procedure is not carried out. In May, seedlings of petunias are planted in the garden. For her, they choose the sunniest and sheltered place from the winds. The soil should be light and water-absorbing. Sandy loams and loams with neutral acidity, well filled with humus or peat, are well suited for petunias.

Between seedlings of small-flowered bush petunias maintain a distance of 15-20 cm, large-flowered - 25-30 cm, ampelous - 35-50 cm.When planting in pots, it is important to provide a sufficient amount of land, otherwise lush bloom you can't wait. For bush forms of petunias, a capacity of 5 liters is enough, for ampelous ones - 10 liters, for vigorous varieties (Typhoon, Tornado, Taydal) - at least 30 liters.

Further care for petunias includes regular watering, weed removal, pruning of faded inflorescences. The soil should always remain loose and not dry out.

They feed petunias in the garden, photos of which demonstrate all their beauty, every 10 days. For this, drugs such as Crystalon, Planton, Florist, Agricola, Kamera, Skotts are used. Petunia is also responsive to organic applications.

Prevention of diseases and pests of petunia

Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, petunias develop strong immunity to diseases. Irregular watering, poor lighting, thickened plantings can reduce it.

Diseases such as galls, tobacco mosaic and necrosis, potato and tomato viruses cannot be treated. Affected plants should be destroyed immediately. To prevent these ailments, petunia needs to be regularly treated for aphids - the main carrier of viruses.

In case of infection with fungal diseases: powdery mildew, rot, spotting, black leg - petunias are treated with a solution copper sulfate... Biological products are also effective against fungi - Fitosporin, Gaupsin, Fitolavin.

Of the pests for petunias are dangerous: aphids, thrips, whitefly, spider mite... Spraying with insecticides - Aktara, Konfidor, Aktellik will help to cope with them.

The use of petunias in landscape design

An unpretentious and bright petunia, a photo in the garden of which is presented in the article, will decorate any flower bed. They use it in solo plantings in flower beds of various shapes and in the design of mixborders, in rockeries and for vertical gardening, in hanging pots for landscaping pergolas, gazebos, balconies, terraces.

Beautiful petunias in rectangular flower beds, planted in even rows. You can use one shade of colors or combine contrasting colors. In round and curved flower beds, petunias are often used to outline borders.

Petunia will become bright accent in rockeries and alpine slides. Among conifers and grasses, petunia looks very original. Also in rocky gardens, ampelous forms of petunias are used to decorate large boulders.

The vertical cultivation of petunias in the garden is very popular.

For these purposes, use stands with various pots, bags, wooden pallets, metal mesh, pipes.

For creating original flower beds designers use all sorts of tools at hand. These can be: broken pots, old beds and other furniture, garden cars, car tires, basins, bathtubs.

Petunias in the garden: design, photo mixborders, combination with other flowers

On flower beds, petunias look favorably next to pelargoniums, marigolds, snapdragons, verbena, balsam, levkoy, especially if you choose contrasting colors of flowers.

Deciduous perennials - hosts, bruners, ornamental cereals, cineraria - can serve as a background.

In the pots, the mix-planting of petunias with pelargonium, begonia, fuchsia, succession, verbena, nasturtium is successful. You can also create petunias compositions in the pots. different types.


Petunias are loved by gardeners for their unpretentiousness, long flowering, bright colors. In landscape design, they are universal - they decorate flower beds, houses, gazebos, balconies with these flowers. By turning on imagination, with the help of petunias and improvised means, you can create original compositions in the garden.

How to make your garden or balcony bright, fresh and blooming all summer long? It is enough to plant a petunia.

And how to do it correctly, we will describe below.

How and when to plant petunias for seedlings?

If you want blooming petunia to delight you already in April, you should plant in February. Then it is necessary to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp and keep the temperature within + 15-22 degrees.

However, it is best to start planting the seeds of the plant in the second half of March. If the petunia grows on the south side, you no longer need to illuminate it with a special lamp.

Petunia refers to unpretentious plants, but it is recommended to use fertile soil for sowing, containing sand, humus or leafy soil. + 17-19 degrees - the optimum temperature in the room for petunia seedlings.

Prepare seedling cassettes or small cups. Then plant your seeds with soil in them, but do not sprinkle on top.

Moisten the soil slightly and cover your seedlings with glass or transparent film to create a small greenhouse. Petunia will grow better and faster if used with snow. Cover the seeds you have sown with them.

Periodically ventilate the room and water the seedlings a little, you can use a spray bottle. But don't overdo it! The ground should be slightly damp, not wet. Excessive moisture can destroy plants.

The first shoots will appear in about 10 days. After the first shoots get stronger and several leaves grow, transplant the plants into separate containers.

Petunia care consists in regular watering and feeding with nitrogen or complex fertilizers. This should be done about once every two weeks.

Planting petunias in plant pots should not be earlier than May (depending on the climate in your region). If you do this earlier, then you must definitely monitor the temperature and cover the plant with glass jars when it gets cold.

How to grow petunia in a garden or in a pot?

Most often, gardeners grow ampelous, large-flowered or terry varieties. New shoots appear due to the self-seeding of the petunia, so it is necessary to weed out the extra stems in time, otherwise they can interfere with the rest of the plants.

The soil is suitable fertile, containing sand or clay, and the place should be well lit by the sun. Petunia doesn't like shadows.

This plant loves moisture, so it is necessary to constantly water it at the root. But remember that too much water will make the petunia sick. It is also necessary to feed this beauty once every 10 days during flowering. A complex inorganic fertilizer with useful minerals is suitable for this.

How to make a lush bush? In the first stage of growth, remove the middle shoot at the level of 3-5 internodes in the center. Then repeat this procedure with the side stems as well.

Growing this plant in a pot is a little more difficult than growing it in a garden. The soil should be loose and nutritious and retain water well.

To do this, add perlite or hydrogel. Make sure the petunia always has moisture.

5 secrets that will make petunia grow better

  1. Observe simple rules below and your petunia will delight the eye for a long time.
  2. Large amount of soil. The plant has strong roots and needs a lot of soil, so don't plant more than two petunias in a 10 liter container.
  3. Frequent fertilization. Feed the plants with nitrogen 2 weeks after replanting the seedlings. And when the first buds appear, fertilize the petunia with phosphorus or potassium. If the leaves of the plant turn yellow, feed it with iron (about 3-4 times in total every 5 days).
  4. Keep track of the amount of moisture in the petunia, the soil should not be dry.
  5. Remove flowers that have withered in time.

Feed petunia seedlings with a solution of EO at a ratio of about 1 tablespoon to 10 liters of water.

Photo of petunias on the site

You can decorate your site with a vertical flower bed with minimum costs and with the beneficial use of free space.

Vertical petunia flower beds take up little space and look amazing.

We will describe in detail how to make a vertical flowerbed on our own in this article.

Types of vertical flower beds

Vertical flower beds are divided into several subspecies, depending on the type of structure and the method of its attachment:

  • terrestrial
  • exalted
  • wall
  • suspended.

The shape and general appearance of vertical flower beds may differ slightly, since each of their creators is guided mainly by their own imagination.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vertical flower beds have some advantages:

  • they are quite beautiful, you can decorate with them;
  • take up little space;
  • they can be moved;
  • minimal effort to till the soil.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • the need for frequent watering;
  • plants, due to the limited amount of soil, need regular additional feeding;
  • the soil is severely frozen during the cold season.

However, vertical flower beds are excellent. design solution for the garden, wonderfully in harmony with the landscape.

Suitable varieties of petunias

To buy excellent petunias for a vertical flower bed, you need to be guided by such criteria as the abundance of flowering and disease resistance, as well as resistance to aggressive environmental conditions.

Pay attention to the following new varieties:

  • "Blue Spark Cascadia" - purple flowers;
  • Supertunia Silver - light lavender color;
  • "Prism Sunshine" - lemon color;
  • Lavender Storm - large pink flowers;
  • "Pretty Much Picasso" is an unusual specimen, the colors of which combine green, pink and purple, and has silvery foliage.


Consider the most popular options for making vertical flower beds for petunias:

    1. From containers... Special containers for a vertical flower bed have been on sale for a long time. All you need is to choose the options that match the color.

    1. From the mesh, or rather from the mesh and agrofilm... A frame is bent from a metal mesh and a cylindrical pot with an appropriate diameter is inserted into it. The inside of the frame is covered with agrofilm and fixed. Before backfilling the substrate, the frame is equipped with a hose with holes for watering from the inside. Sprinkle the resulting structure with earth. Water the earth with water, let it settle and fill up an almost full pot, then plant the plants.

    1. From car tires... In this case, there is no need for a frame, and the tires themselves can be painted for greater decorativeness.

    1. From construction mesh and stones... The manufacturing principle is similar to the option from mesh and agrofilm.

    1. From PVC pipes ... Take two tubes and drill holes in them. The outer tube will sprout petunias, and the inner tube will be used to supply water and fertilizer. The irrigation tube must be wrapped on one side with electrical tape, and completely covered with non-woven material.

Note: a similar flower bed is the best option in order to grow petunias.

    1. ... On the fortified base, the pots are pushed through the drainage hole in a checkerboard pattern.

    1. From plastic bottles ... All you need is to cut them lengthwise, attach them to the wall, and fill them.

    1. Out of the bag... Handles are sewn to the bag and filled with soil. On the one hand, cuts are made, where the plants are planted. The bag is hung up, and its bottom is covered with oilcloth so that water does not seep out during watering.

Remember: in a vertical flower bed, petunias grow in conditions of a minimum amount of substrate, so they must be fed and watered in a timely manner, otherwise the plants will quickly die.

  1. From old pallets... The base must be made of wood or plastic boxes. Burlap, mesh and straw are laid at the bottom of the box, then soil is poured and petunias are planted.

Caring for petunias in vertical beds

To grow beautiful petunias in a vertical flower bed, it is not enough just to make the flower bed itself and plant flowers, it is also important to take proper care of these seemingly not too whimsical flowers.

  • pamper flowers with special long-acting fertilizing, rich in minerals and trace elements (read about feeding petunias at home). From the beginning of summer, you need to feed petunias with complex fertilizers in liquid form, which are diluted in water intended for irrigation;
  • place a flower bed in a sunny part of the garden;
  • water abundantly;
  • in order to avoid chlorosis and others, fertilizer with iron must also be added to too hard water;
  • systematically remove faded leaves and flowers so that new buds form faster;
  • pinch long shoots up to the fourth bud;
  • during showers, it is advisable to hide the pots under a canopy;
  • for planting petunias, select capacious containers with drainage holes;
  • watering once a day, in the morning or in the evening.

Petunias are quite unpretentious colorful flowers that are easy to grow even in small vertical flower beds. Even a beginner can do it.

From this video You will learn how to make a vertical petunia flower bed with your own hands: