Clean the apartment with a candle. Why do you need to cleanse the house of negative energy? Home cleaning with salt

If you want to create coziness and happiness in your home, you need not only to put things in order regularly, but also know how to cleanse the house from negative energy... It is quite simple to do this on your own: there are certain practices that we will share.

You have probably noticed more than once that some people breathe easily and freely at home, while others have an oppressive atmosphere. It's all about energy - it can be positive or negative and directly affects well-being and emotional condition of people.

Cleansing the house from negative energy is necessary:

  • If you want you and your household to be healthy and energetic
  • Strive for happiness and harmony
  • Want to fill your home with positive energy
  • You want to be successful, realize yourself in life and easily achieve your goals
  • You suspect that the home environment is not good.
  • Bought an apartment and want to get rid of the energy of the previous tenants

If any of the above applies to you, use the practices that we will recommend below.

How do you know if there are traces of negative energy in your home?

If you are sick, the doctor will first diagnose and then prescribe treatment. You need to act in the same way - first check whether you really need to cleanse the space of negativity.

The verification methods are as follows:

  1. Light a wax church candle and walk around the apartment. Take a look into every room. If a candle emits a lot of smoke, and the flame "dances", it is restless and chaotic, then there is reason for concern
  2. Observe the behavior of pets. In a house with negative energy, they behave extremely restlessly. They try to run out of the apartment when the door opens, go to bed exclusively near the entrance. In advanced cases, pets get sick, run away
  3. Houseplants also respond well to the energy of the house. If even unpretentious indoor flowers do not take root in your apartment, and the presented bouquets wither very quickly, then cleaning the house from negativity is necessary

After you find that something is wrong with your home energy, proceed to purify the space.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy: simple ways

Before doing difficult spiritual practices, do basic things. Few people know, but quite ordinary actions can transform the energetic atmosphere of your home.

Do a general cleaning

In a house where chaos and chaos reigns forever, there will never be positive energy.

  1. Get rid of all the accumulated junk. A lot of unnecessary things are often stored in people's closets - the habit of leaving something "useful" for a rainy day works. Conduct an audit of the wardrobe, disassemble documents, decorations, get rid of unnecessary trifles. Leave only those items and things that you regularly use or that bring you joy.
  2. Wash windows and mirrors to a shine. These objects are energy reflectors. A dirty mirror, glass with stains is the reason that negative energy accumulates in the apartment. Therefore, carefully monitor the cleanliness of all reflective surfaces.
  3. Wash everything: the insides of the cabinets, household appliances, clean the furniture. Less dirt means more light energy in the house

Advice: define for each item in the house its own place and make sure that it is always stored where it should be.

Mend everything that's broken

It is also very important to make sure that there are no broken, outdated, unused things at home. That's why:

  • Repair leaking taps, remove blockages in pipes. All this overlaps in to a greater extent monetary energy
  • Throw away equipment that is outdated and not used. It can be an old iron, TV or vacuum cleaner, which are kept "just in case"

Getting rid of trash and fixing broken things is already a colossal step towards clearing the house of negative energy. You will feel that after general cleaning it became easier to breathe.

Even if you always have order at home, do not skip these points - in any house there is a certain amount of unnecessary things that are stored on the mezzanine.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy: effective techniques

Only after you have followed the previous recommendations, proceed to energy practices. They are as follows:

  • Believers can walk around the premises with lit wax church candle, sprinkle the corners of the rooms with holy water, read prayers asking to bless the dwelling
  • After an unpleasant person has visited your apartment, wash the floor with salt water. Used water must be poured outside the house - it can be in the ground. Preferably in a place where people rarely go. This ceremony will wash away all the negativity that came to the house with an ill-wisher.
  • On sunny days, open windows to ventilate the area. At this time, mentally imagine how positive, fiery energy enters your apartment and fills the space.
  • Use positive affirmations and visualizations while cleaning. Mentally visualize pictures of a happy and prosperous life. Thank the household for everything, praise them. Wish every family member success, health and happiness

Finally, change your mindset to a positive one:

  • Stop complaining, criticizing, and offended. In moments when such emotions visit you, mentally pull yourself back and formulate what you are going to say in a calm manner.
  • Never look to blame: take responsibility for your own life. Always try to understand with what actions and thoughts you have attracted a problem or an unpleasant situation.

Watch a video about cleansing the house of negative energy:

Compliment people more often, do not envy, but rejoice in other people's successes, thank your family, praise them

Internal changes always lead to external changes: as soon as you feel positive energy within yourself, the surrounding space will imperceptibly change and be cleansed of negativity.

Our home means a lot to us. This is the place where we love, dream, rejoice at our achievements, laugh, worry, sad, create a family, and just live. Only in our home can we open up, become ourselves, throw off all masks, hypocrisy and falsehood. If this is not the case, then the energy of the apartment needs to be cleaned. If a person feels uncomfortable at home, the apartment urgently needs urgent help.

There are situations when you don't want to return home. Being in it becomes something impossible, unbearable. Insomnia begins to haunt, a feeling of incomprehensible fear, conflicts appear, it would seem, out of the blue, flowers perish.

All these factors indicate that you have settled and lives in your house. You may have heard about this. And even once faced with such a phenomenon. The surrounding space around us works like an energy vampire, so we cannot resist negative energy, protecting ourselves and our home from it properly. What can be done, how to cleanse the house from the accumulated negativity?

Widely known effective method- lighting of the living quarters by the priest. However, church traditions allow resorting to this only once, and then in case of moving, after overhaul or under other similar circumstances. Re-lighting is very rare.

In the past, the rite of illumination of living quarters did not exist. Believers themselves sprinkled the corners of their homes with holy water, filled them with the aromas of the fragrance of special resins, while reading prayers. Nowadays, you can also make it a rule to go around your house once a week with a church candle, prayers and holy water. The bottom of the candle should be wrapped in foil or plain paper to prevent drops of wax from falling on the floor, this is very important.

After you have lit a candle - go with it to the front door from inside the apartment, start moving around the house from left to right, while reading prayers. Be sure to go to every room. Remember that you only need to move around the house counterclockwise, because this very movement is a symbol of devastation. In your mind, try to imagine how all the negativity burns out in your house along with the flame of a candle. When you go around the whole room, you must go back to the front door, put a candle near it and let it burn out quietly. Carefully wrap the rest of the wax from the burned out candle in foil or paper, take it outside and be sure to bury it in the ground. After completing the cleansing ritual, fill the space of the house with the scent of incense. With the help of this simple ritual, you can cleanse your home of the negativity that has appeared, and do not give it the opportunity to accumulate, form destructive clots of energy.

Another method known to our ancestors is to cleanse the house with the sound of bells. Bell ringing has the ability to cleanse the surrounding space, restoring harmony in it. This is not an assumption, but a fact proven by research. The ringing of bells increases the vibrations in the surrounding space, and since negative energy has low vibrations, it is dissipated under the influence of the healing bell music. If you combine ringing with prayer, you can achieve incredible results.

It is better to take this rite of passage as a rule; a single procedure will not give a tangible result. The ritual is only good when used regularly. It is not at all necessary to carry a bell of immense dimensions home. For the cleaning procedure, a small bell or a regular audio recording is suitable.

Also, in an efficient way cleansing the apartment of negative energy is washing floors with a decoction of wormwood. It is important to wash the floor with your hands, without using various mops and washing vacuum cleaners. So, you not only cleanse your home, but also create a special protective aura in the room. Water after washing the floor must be poured outside the house.

Vampire trees - aspen, linden and bird cherry are active absorbers of negativity. Make a small block of any wood with your own hands, put it in the house, in the place where you feel discomfort. But be very careful, along with negative energy, the tree can take your strength, so do not stay near the bar for a long time. The bar should be replaced with a new one every month.

And last uncomplicated method to help you deal with negative energies in your home. Take a few onions and cut them in half. Then place each onion, cut side up, in the center of every room, including the bath, kitchen, and closet. The onion should lie down for 12 hours, after which, without touching the onion with your bare hands, put it in a bag and throw it away or bury it outside your home so as not to accidentally harm anyone. During that time. While the onion is in the rooms, it will absorb the negativity that has accumulated in your house.

Do not forget that your home is your fortress, and your well-being, mood and health depend on the atmosphere that will reign in it. Maintain that harmony and a kind atmosphere, thanks to which you will be able to work beneficially, create and relax within the walls of your apartment.

Energy is all around you.

It is present in the cells of your body, in the foods you eat for breakfast, in the people you meet on your way to work, and even within the walls of your apartment!

To maintain harmony and balance in your life, it is necessary that the flow of energy inside you and AROUND you flowed unhindered.

Moreover, it is IMPORTANT that the space around you (including people with whom you constantly intersect) matched your inner vibration.

You can work as long as you like to raise your own vibrations, clear away the debris of the past, heal your traumas and root out limiting beliefs ...

BUT if you come back home and plunge into negativity, all your work goes down the drain.

It can be difficult and time-consuming to influence your loved ones, but to clear your own apartment of negativity everyone can. And fast!

How to understand that it is necessary to clean energy in the house

A few of the many possible signs:

  • You experience strange feelings in the house, which seem to be "nowhere" to come from. For example, fear, irritability, lethargy ...
  • Often children are naughty and pets are restless
  • Something like a poltergeist is observed in the apartment - incomprehensible knocks, creaks. Either disappear for no reason or things break.
  • To you hard to concentrate on your sense of home and family. All the time, extraneous thoughts about work, some worries, problems of other people are spinning.
  • You are a very sensitive person and read any energy. Once the balance in your home is out of balance, you are "uncomfortable", do not find a place for yourself.
  • You feel the "swamp" in your life, stopper for purposes or finance... This is often a sign of energy stagnation in the home.

What should you do if your mood is at zero and you wake up inexplicably anxious and even more tired than before going to bed?

How to cleanse the house of negativity and put protection

There are many ways to cleanse the energy space in your home. I will share the tools that I used myself at different stages of my life.

Choose those techniques that resonate the most with you.

1. General cleaning in the house

Every time you clean, you cleanse your home of negative energy.

Knock out carpets, wash curtains, wash windows, vacuum chandelier)
Take care of rearranging furniture.

Before starting the general cleaning express intent, that you are energetically cleaning your apartment and harmonizing its energy.

2. Getting rid of trash

Get rid of all unnecessary, dirty, ugly - and immediately notice the changes in energy.

Old things that you have not used for a long time not only accumulate negative energy, but also block the inflow of fresh energy.

In places where unnecessary things accumulate, energy stagnates, and you observe stagnation in your life: lack of creative inspiration, dullness of everyday life and despondency.

Restore the natural movement of energy by getting rid of old junk!

Throwing out the next thing, washing away the dust, clearly imagine what unnecessary qualities and situations you are freed from.

3. Sea salt to cleanse the negative

Helps get rid of negative energy and promotes the circulation of balanced energy inside your apartment.

Can be used in pure form(salt crystals) or when dissolved in water.

Salt crystals have an amazing ability to absorb negative energy.

How to cleanse the house of negativity and protect with salt

  • Place plates of salt in all corners of the room (especially the one where the family gathers and where you sleep). The salt should be in an open area, not in a cupboard. Remember to change your salt every 2 months.
  • Scatter large crystals sea ​​salt on carpeting... Vacuum the carpet after about an hour. Be sure to discard the dust bag in the vacuum cleaner.
  • Make a saturated saline solution by placing 5-6 tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. Rinse the floor in all rooms with this solution.

Sea salt can also be used for balancing and cleansing for yourself.

Take a salt bath with 1 to 2 handfuls of bath salt in the water. You can also rub with salt soap (there is one) to wash away negative energy from yourself. hard day at work.

Rubbing with salt soap or bathing in a salt bath narrows the boundaries of your etheric field, literally returning you to your body.

4. Cleaning low vibrations with sound

Sound is one of the strongest vibrations physically felt by your body.

Loud sound is capable of effectively destroy dense negative vibrations... Helps dissipate stagnant energy.

How to cleanse with sound

  • Walk the perimeter of the room clapping loudly... Approaching the corner of the room, make a few vigorous claps, from bottom to top. At some point, you will hear an echo from the claps. This means that you have done a good job and you can finish. After patting, be sure to wash your hands under running water.
  • Take the bell with clear sound and call them the whole apartment- from the front door to the bathroom, reversing Special attention on corners and furniture (see paragraph above).

Keep the bell as close to the walls as possible, ringing at such intervals that the sound is NOT interrupted. Ring until you feel the sound of the bell has become richer and thicker.

  • Use sound of Tibetan / crystal bowls to cleanse and harmonize space.

Sit in the center of the room you intend to clean and play the bowl until you feel the energy in the room change.

  • Hang the wind chime at the entrance to the apartment. If you live in a private home, you can hang wind chimes in several places around the house to cover a larger area.

Note: Whichever instrument you use, the sound should be pleasant to your ear.

5. Incense and essential oils for removing negativity

One of the few ways that even men use))

To cleanse the space, you can use incense sticks, aroma lamps, use an aerospray, or just drop the oil on a special stand and place it around the room.

You can choose the essential oil for cleaning and protection "wisely", listening to the advice of experts (the infographic below will help you with this), or you can choose based on own feelings and preferences.

Personally, I prefer to taste them by the scent)

6. Green plants to harmonize space

Houseplants not only provide oxygen to your home, but also infect the space with a positive, enhancing the circulation of vital energy.

Many indoor flowers are protectors and donors. This means that they are able to process negative vibrations and return them already in the form of positive radiation.

The most useful and strong plants are considered geranium(harmonizes space, protects), Cactus(draws in and neutralizes the negative), ficus(extinguishes aggression) primrose(soothes conflicts) rosemary(relaxes and gives good dream), cyclamen(promotes family unity and understanding), begonia(literally sucks in negative energy), aloe(doctor).

But! In addition to plants useful for humans, there are vampire plants... These are those indoor flowers that rob space and the people in it.

Any plant can become a vampire if it lacks care and nutrition. Sick, dying plants also suck away strength. Try to go out or get rid of them.

There are also indoor flowers that can be unsafe to be found in your home. Tradescantia causes concern, fern drains a lot of energy, ivy"Survives" from the house of men, it is even called by the people "muzhegon". Some species lianas create a "suffocating" atmosphere in the house.

It is dangerous to have in the house monster... This is greedy tropical plant, which draws energy from your household. Its place is in public spaces where the flow of people is constantly changing.

Very bright or odorous flowers ( roses, orchids) require a lot of your care and attention. If you are by nature a gentle person, or energetically weakened, these plants will have a destructive effect on you.

7. Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Lords

Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Ascended Masters are not sources of energy in and of themselves.

They serve as channels that conduct energy through themselves.

Therefore, be careful in choosing what you hang on your bedroom wall.

At one time, the energy codes of Janosh, mandalas drawn especially for me by friends and reproductions of the Archangel Michael were hanging on my wall.

By way of illustration (from top to bottom):

Mandala Safety, made by our participant and volunteer - Maria Velichko, mandala Tea drinking - a personal gift to me from the Mystic, code Protection from Janosh and Archangel Michael performed by V. Suvorov.

8. Candles for clearing stagnant energy

Candles symbolize the element of fire. And fire is a wonderful tool energy conversion.

It is no coincidence that candles are used in rituals of liberation from the past, healing, and religious rituals.

For energetic cleansing at home, it is best to use wax, but any - even aromatic ones - will do.

The procedure is similar to cleaning with sound. Walk with a candle starting from the front door and further, along the perimeter of each room, clockwise.

You can linger in the corners a little longer doorways, as well as in places where the candle will emit black smoke, spray wax or crackle.

A sign that can be completed - the candle burns quietly and exactly anywhere in your home.

Now you know, how to cleanse the house of negativity and put protection the best way. It's time to act!

But do not overdo it ... knowing you, I say right away: it is recommended to clean the apartment 1-2 times a year. This is quite enough.

But you can nourish her with love and light every day!

So what will you do TODAY to cleanse your home of negativity?

The home in which a person spends most of their time can be affected by negative program directed by an enemy or ill-wisher. Every person needs to know how to cleanse an apartment of negativity.

If you clean the apartment of negativity in time, you can avoid negative consequences- household illnesses, money problems and lovers' quarrels. Home is the place where there should be no negativity and magical "dirt".

Negative energy in the house

How to properly clean the apartment from the negative? House cleaning is carried out for two reasons - to prevent problems in monetary and emotional terms, or to get rid of accumulated problems, the consequence of the antics of ill-wishers. To clean an apartment or house is within the power of every person, regardless of belief in higher or otherworldly forces. Walls, furniture and everything that surrounds households is cleaned from negativity.

Removing a program - a negative, induced by an ill-wisher is a simple and simple matter. Consistent actions will help get rid of all everyday problems that annoy a person. Cleaning the home for prevention and protection is the easiest way to prevent money problems and avoid conflicts in the family.

Envy, anger, thirst for revenge - there are many reasons that push people to target damage or evil eye.

Enemies perceive any situation in their own way and, out of despair, resort to the most radical measures. Pointing spoilage on home or an apartment is one of the most popular ways to deliberately harm a person, hit him on the sick person. It is difficult to get rid of this kind of negativity, because various problems are rarely associated with damage. A woman and a man can independently film the program, even those who have not previously encountered esotericism and magic.

Living quarters diagnostics

You can check an apartment or dwelling at any time convenient for a person. Carrying out the procedure yourself or resorting to the help of a magician - the decision remains with the owner of the living quarters. To diagnose an apartment for the presence of negativity, a simple ritual should be performed. It is better to carry out the ceremony alone without prying eyes and ears. Even a beginner, not only an experienced magician, can clean a home space with a candle or salt.

The first step for a person who suspects damage is to inspect the living quarters. It is not enough just to look at the apartment, you need to examine every corner of it. Corruption through the lining is the most popular among professional magicians. If no attributes have been identified for inducing a negative, then you can safely proceed to the second stage of diagnosis - a ritual to determine damage.

Negative energy leaves a trace, like dirt on the floor or stains on glass. A ceremony that can reveal this trail does not save you from damage. Diagnostics is just the beginning of cleaning up your home space. Additional rituals will be required to remove the evil eye. Prayer before starting the diagnosis will help to find inner strength for further struggle. You will need a candle for the ceremony. It is necessary to go around every corner of the room with the fire of a church candle. For support, the prayer "Our Father" is read.

If the candle fire is calm and it does not smoke, there is no negative energy in the house. If all the wax has darkened from the soot, the fears of a person are not unfounded. Cleaning the apartment without diagnostics is not carried out. Other signs of spoilage to help confirm the evil eye:

  • bad feelings that arise only in the house;
  • feeling that someone is in the house;
  • constant knocking or squeaks of unknown origin;
  • bad behavior of children and animals in the house - they cannot be near negative energy;
  • permanent breakdowns in the house.

Signs of spoilage, the results of the rite of checking negative energy with a church candle are good reasons for carrying out additional rituals. Cleaning will not only free up the room, but will also help household members to establish all areas of life. You don't need to be afraid of negative energy, you should fight it and return the evil eye to the customer.

Each person can correctly remove spoilage with holy water, silver, salt and attract only positive energy. For these purposes, you do not need to study magic for many years or conduct multi-stage rituals. Only faith in a good outcome and help higher powers will allow you to overcome all difficulties. Defending your territory is not stupid and not dangerous. Only protection shows how valuable for a person his family hearth and the mood of his relatives.

Energy cleaning methods at home

If there is a desire, then there will certainly be ways to implement it. How to cleanse your own home from the evil eye? The simplest and most difficult task at the same time is to undo the damage that a professional magician has brought. On the one hand, a trace of destructive energy can be found in a matter of minutes, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to get rid of them. The magician who knows his stuff puts severe damage... They literally take root in a person's home, causing irreparable harm to all household members.

To protect yourself and your family, you should clean up in any convenient way:

  • universal cleaning of the house from bad energy;
  • cleaning the home with salt;
  • rituals with a broom to get rid of destructive energy;
  • protective ritual at the door.

Energy purification is needed not only from enemies, but also from the negative thoughts of envious people. Thoughts, words and thoughts sent into space become energy that harms the whole family. The most terrible damage is considered to be fueled by hatred and anger. It works for a long time and is removed harder than a simple evil eye through the lining.

The simplest technique for eliminating a bad energy program is cleaning the house in combination with magic rite... After the damage is gone, protective blocks are set without fail, which will not allow enemies to harm the house again. Your family hearth should become a fortress.

Universal cleaning at home

Cleaning is called universal, which is suitable not only for a special occasion, but also as a prophylaxis. By clearing the dwelling in advance, the man or woman prevented trouble. Cleaning an apartment or private houses consists of several stages. Consistent actions will help get rid of problems of any kind.

For cleaning, you need regular table salt and home stuff... Several stages of cleaning the house from energy waste:

  1. Spring-cleaning. The universal law of the Universe is to get rid of the old in order to get something new. Without general cleaning, searching for linings or diagnosing a home is a waste of time. By cleaning every corner of the house, a woman or a man, they purify their own soul. You don't have to hold on to things that are no longer useful or joyful.
  2. Throwing away unnecessary trash. Saving and saving are habits that many people have. The accumulation of useless waste not only takes time, but also energy. Do not be afraid to lose what is no longer needed. After cleaning, you need to send everything that is outdated for a long time to the trash bin.
  3. Cleaning the room with salt. For these purposes, ordinary table salt is useful. With the help of small white grains, it will be possible to absorb all the negative that has accumulated in the house. Salt cleaning is the simplest and most effective for beginners.

It is not recommended to do serious cleaning without the help of an experienced magician. You will need several saucers for cleaning with salt. Plates with small handfuls of salt are placed in all corners of the house. There is no need to hide salt under a sofa or in cabinets; it should be in a conspicuous place. The contents of the saucer are changed every two months.

Another way to clean is to sprinkle salt on the carpet and sweep well after an hour. It is recommended to wash the floors saline(high concentration of salt, diluted with water) floors and walls in the house. Salt baths in combination with effective cleaning will remove negativity from your own body. Simple actions will not allow someone else's influence to penetrate into a person's home and life.

Cleaning the house with incense

Essential oils can help you cleanse your room, work and living quarters. For cleaning, use incense sticks with a pleasant and soothing scent. Orange peel or basil oil is the best choice. Such aromatic substances will allow you to destroy all negativity in a short time.

Herbal pads will be a talisman for your home. They are hung up to hang in closets, closets or in prominent places. You can add a couple of drops of essential oils to dried herbs. Simple and effective amulets serve a person for several years.

How to put protection?

Without the set protection, repeated negativity from the enemy cannot be avoided. The most in a simple way how to protect living space - connect your own energy. To do this, you should daily visualize the wall around own apartment... Create a mental shield. Daily practice will become better than invisible protection from negative energies.

House cleaning, negative removal


You don't need a reason to protect your own home. Everything that depends on a person - he must do without expecting concessions from fate. Damage through the lining or negativity, directed at a distance, affects the whole family.

Children, adults and even babies suffer from such actions of the enemy. Sitting back is stupid and dangerous, so cleaning should be done at least once a year. A safe and life-saving procedure will allow you to thrive without depending on other people's moods and desires.

Hello everyone. The knowledge of ancestors will tell you how to cleanse the house of bad energy. Just follow all the steps strictly according to the prescribed rules in order to get a fresh, lively home.

Clean your home regularly

If the apartment has no energy at all, this is unpleasant, but even worse if it is full of unhealthy, black energy. This brings endless abuse to its inhabitants, constant fatigue, lethargy, outflow of funds, illness, but the most dangerous thing is the collapse of the family. Therefore, the house must be regularly freed from the dark aura.

How do you know if your home is full of bad aura and is waiting for "treatment"? Symptoms will tell about this:

  • Start to crawl different insects: ants, cockroaches, flies;
  • Things are often lost;
  • The disease affects not only the residents, but also the animals living in the house;
  • Wither, perish houseplants, flowers;
  • Bulbs are on too often;
  • Household appliances often fail;
  • Various sounds, indistinct noises are heard;
  • It is unclear why offensive odors appear;
  • Doors and vents are opening by themselves, slamming;
  • Taps often break, water drops out of them, pipes leak, drafts appear;
  • All household members are constantly quarreling;
  • Inhabitants of the dwelling appear apathy, lethargy, drowsiness, which has come from nowhere;
  • Heavy dreams are dreamed, and after sleep vigor and good mood do not come;
  • People come to the house, the openness of some has to be doubted;
  • Someone died in this house.

Have you found 3 matches of the above signs? It's time to think about how to restore positive energy your home.

How do I clean my house?

It is not difficult to free housing from any "evil spirits". By doing simple rules, you can easily deal with this problem. Energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, just like you do a large cleaning of all rooms.

1. Getting rid of your negative energy

Before cleaning your home, first remove all negative charges from yourself. To do this, take a shower with salt. It has long been known that salt is the conductor of energy. She can collect and store both light and black energy.

Therefore, using ordinary salt, you will wash away that energetic dirt that has accumulated not only over the course of a day, but also over many years. That is, it will "eat" all the energy waste, from which you yourself, without thinking about anything, suffered for a long time.

So, you need to get under the shower, then on the wet body, apply table salt with gentle circular movements. Try to spread salt all over your body except your hair. Do not rub in roughly so as not to hurt yourself.

Then get under the shower, rinse off the salt. At the same time, mentally ask for water so that it wash away all the negativity from you.

Treat the water in your own words as if it were alive. Let your words be unfeigned and come from the heart. You will immediately feel relief, both in your soul and in your body. Your body will become clean, and your soul will become light, joyful.

Water with salt will cleanse well your soul as well as your body. It will seem to you that you have thrown off some overwhelming burden. It really is! The energy mud that leaked with the water was extremely heavy.

2. Preparation for cleaning the home

Now let's start cleaning the aura of our home. You need to dress in a dressing gown or tracksuit. Remove all jewelry, be it leather, metal or plastic, to be energetically free.

First open the vents, windows, front doors (if possible). If there is a draft, this is good, all black energy will go through it. It is desirable that there is no one in the apartment at that moment. You shouldn't be distracted from serious action.

The first thing to do is to throw out old, old things. What is considered old? That didn't work for a year or more. They suck in a dark charge. Don't feel sorry for these things. If they are in good condition, then give them to people - make room for new, really necessary things!

Repair the broken equipment, and if it cannot be repaired, get rid of it without remorse. Free yourself from useless books, magazines and other paper trash. Leave the books to the libraries, and hand over the paper.

Throw away all cracked dishes, even those with a subtle crack. It is through it that the positive charge leaves, which means that everything home well-being... A particular danger is posed by chips on the dishes, through them there is a strong leak of light energy.

Do not fold unwashed dishes, especially at night! Whole flocks of subtle living beings (spirits and ghosts) will gather to her, feeding on the smells of the remaining food.

Accumulations of evil spirits will badly affect your physical health and psyche. In the Vedas it is said that if there is dirty dishes in a house, then before sunset, a person must leave this home, this is the meaning of dirty dishes.

Do not store dirty clothes, wash more often, make sure that things are not torn, if you cannot sew them up, send them for repair. If you follow these rules, you will soon notice how great your life will change from cleanliness in the kitchen, in the cupboards!

So, you got rid of the trash, along the way wiping dust and mirrors. Wipe the mirrors with a damp cloth in a clockwise circular motion to remove the negative charge with the dust.

Better yet, remember how many years the mirror has been hanging with you - make so many circular movements with a wet cloth. This will completely erase all the negative information that the mirror has absorbed over the years. If you don't remember, do 13 laps.

3. It's time to fumigate and sprinkle

Prepare sprigs of heather, St. John's wort or thistle, as well as a bowl of water, preferably thawed. Better yet, with a saint, the tap does not fit.

First, spray every corner of the house with this water, then moisten your face and hands, but do not wipe it, let it dry. Then set fire to the branches of plants, fumigate the whole apartment with smoke, not forgetting about the corners. Do not forget to imagine how all the energy mud goes away.

4. How to clean the house with a candle

Take a few church candles... If they are not there, a white household candle will come in handy. Place a small circle cut out of white paper over it to protect your hands from the negative energy that the melted wax will collect.

Light a candle, starting from the front door, slowly go around all the rooms in a clockwise direction. Why from the front door? It is considered the place where the dark charge rushes in the first place.

Burn the door especially carefully. Go out the door, stand on the outside, run a candle along its perimeter from left to right.

Handle well peephole, then the entire surface, handles, bell. Then go to cleaning inside, do the same as for the outside.

Take the door processing very seriously, because a properly cleaned door will not allow any unwanted information to break into the house.

Next, start moving around the perimeter of the dwelling clockwise, looking into every dark corner, not forgetting about the furniture, and in the hallway, about shoes and clothes. Pay special attention to mirrors, windows, corners, hangers, it is here that a lot of debris accumulates, which spoils the aura of housing.

Next, work the walls along a sinusoid - either lifting the candle up, then lowering it down. Listen to your inner voice, it will tell you where to stop to work more.
Thoroughly clean the bathroom, especially the mirror, switches, handles, and the door itself. In the bathroom, you wash, washing away the dirt from yourself, so energy debris settles on all surfaces of this room.

But the most powerful collectors of negativity are household appliances:

  • a computer,
  • microwave,
  • fridge,
  • television,
  • electric kettle.

And the computer and TV are a real breeding ground for dark forces. Pay more attention to them, clean longer than ordinary things.

Go to the bed, cross it three times, and cross the bedding. Start at the headboard. Do not forget to burn the toilet, utility rooms. In the toilet, thoroughly clean the toilet bowl - the main collection of negative information. Let her go away forever, for this well "burn" the toilet bowl.

After cleaning, you will still have candle ends, throw them immediately into the trash can, then immediately take them to the trash can.

5. Cleaning hands after cleaning

When you finish cleaning, remove the remnants of the negative energy from your hands, where it will certainly stick. Wash your hands with soap, then salt, do not dry, let your hands dry themselves.

Then squeeze your hands, remember, stretch your fingers, rub the palms of both hands clockwise. Then just shake your hands to remove any negative debris. You will spend about 10 minutes cleaning your hands.

6. Repeat cleaning

How do you know if you cleaned properly? Light a candle, let it burn to the middle so that molten wax forms on the saucer, look at it. If you see an ugly shape, and the wax itself has dark spots, then the dirt is still lingering. If the wax is clean, will flow from the candle in even light streams, then your apartment is well cleaned.

For prevention ...

Light candles more often in all rooms, but especially where something is constantly happening. The purifying power of fire is great! Therefore, feel free to arrange romantic evenings, light many candles, or simply, in the evening, light them to create a cozy, homely atmosphere.

Use natural scents

More often use natural scents or incense in the form of essential oils, aroma lamps. They will clean the aura of your home well, cheer up its inhabitants, improve well-being, and double the creative potential. Find "your" scent.

How do I clean the floor?

To heal the energy at home, wash the floors with water, to which a decoction of herbs has been added:

  • sagebrush,
  • St. John's wort,
  • Pine,
  • succession,
  • juniper.

At least occasionally cleaning the floor with your own hands, without a mop, will improve the aura of your home. Put a few drops into the water essential oil for air disinfection, purification of the aura. For these purposes, smells are suitable:

  • eucalyptus,
  • lavender,
  • juniper,
  • citrus and pine needles.

Wet cleaning

Spend more often wet cleaning, dust off the most hard-to-reach places, in the corners, on the mezzanines. Rinse the walls and ceiling well with a salt solution at the rate of: 1 tbsp. spoon of salt in a bucket of water. Rinse the rag as often as possible, rinsing it with running water.

It will be difficult for those whose ceiling is whitewashed with chalk, a real energy trash heap has formed on it. Wipe the ceiling with a stiff brush or dust off with a damp cloth.

Make sure that the pipeline is not clogged. Blockages in the pipeline confirm the presence of negativity in the apartment.

Do not let water drip or flow from you, otherwise it will take away money and health. Always close the toilet lid - this is important.


Ventilate the room more often in any weather. It is not necessary to create a draft, just let clean air enter all rooms. Clean air will drive bad energy out of your home and bring clean, healthy energy.

Bells and "wind chime"

Buy bells and wind chimes, hang over front door and between rooms. The sound of bells will scare away delicate living creatures and cleanse the space.

And the bell over the door, with its ringing, as if invites pure energy to enter the house. "Singing winds" also help to cleanse the aura of your home, the circulation of light energy.