Rose seeds from China planting. How to grow roses from seeds

How to plant roses by seed after harvesting or purchasing them? To begin with, it is worth noting which seeds for planting flowers are the most hereditary: Fresh and whole - this way the chance of successful shoots increases; Slightly pinkish - they are slightly unripe, but sprout much better

Everyone knows that roses are propagated by cuttings, but there is a more complex, but no less interesting, way of how to grow a rose - from seeds. For many gardeners, this method is still something wild and strange, because they never used it!

Zgo to the flower shop and you can pick up a variety of rose seeds for your tests, from the classic "Angels Wings" to Floribunda roses. But it is much more interesting to collect seeds with your own hands, and this can be done from already planted and ripe flowers on your site. If roses have not yet been planted at your dacha, ask for seeds from your neighbors who grow this type of flowers on their site.

But how to plant roses with seeds after harvesting or purchasing them? To begin with, it is worth noting which seeds for planting flowers are the most hereditary:

Fresh and whole - this increases the chance of successful germination;

Slightly pinkish - they are slightly unripe, but sprout much better!

To get seeds from rose fruits, you need a knife, preferably well sharpened. The fruit must be cut in half, after which the seeds are removed from it. So, to grow flowers from seeds, you will need the following:

Seeds of roses of the desired variety;

Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%);

A deep, but fine sieve so that seeds do not disappear from it;

Any plate, but it is advisable to take a deep one - plastic or metal;

Cotton pads or cotton wool from which you can roll discs;

Packages (plastic or polyethylene);

Rubber gloves.

Before planting rose seeds, they must be properly prepared for this procedure.

To begin with, the seed is separated from the fruit pulp. If you skip this point, later on you will notice how difficult it is for such seeds to germinate.

The seeds do not have to be the same size - mix them all together and place on the bottom of the sieve.

Pour hydrogen peroxide into a bowl and dip a sieve into the solution so that the liquid covers the seeds. Peroxide solution disinfects seeds and protects them in the future. If you skip this step, the seeds can become covered or infected with mold.

Soak cotton pads in the same solution - it is advisable to wear rubber gloves on your hands when working.

After processing the seed, put it out of a sieve on a cotton pad, and cover it with another cotton pad, also soaked in hydrogen peroxide solution.

Transfer the seed discs to bags and cover or tie them.

While it is too early to plant roses from seeds, the seed must first undergo stratification. To do this, put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of months, you should be able to notice the first shoots.

Seeds with sprouts can be planted in peat tablets or individual containers such as cups or pots.

Now it remains to follow the growth of roses and take care of them. You will need:

Supplementing the seedlings so that daylight hours are observed for 10 hours a day;

Watering the soil as needed (as soon as the substrate dries up);

Fertilizing the soil in small quantities;

Transplanting roses to the site. Do it in the spring.

Dutch roses and their cultivation

Homemade roses are always small and modest, but many want to plant a rose from seeds and grow something brighter and stronger from it! For this reason, it is worth growing Dutch roses, which will look perfect both on a plot or in a greenhouse, and in a bouquet collected as a gift. One has only to remember how difficult it is to grow flowers of this genus - they are incredibly moody. So, here's something to remember if you want to grow a Dutch rose bush:

The soil... It should be perfectly breathable, contain a lot of fertilizers and have closed system... Therefore, it is worth using drainage when compiling a soil mixture and, if necessary, dilute the substrate. river sand... Be sure to use fertilizers to replenish the soil, both before planting the plant and while caring for it. Indoor cultivation implies cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses, and not in the country.

Thermophilicity. Remember that growing a rose from a flower will be much easier than a Dutch rose in your cold area. If you plan to grow flowers in a greenhouse, you will be successful, for the most part.

Growing method. Only the grafting method is used. It is the simplest and fastest, therefore it is in demand and efficiency. It is very important to choose the right seedlings, take care of them and not miss important growing procedures.

So, to grow a Dutch rose from a cuttings, you need:

Find the most suitable cutting. This will require a strong and healthy Dutch rose, which can be found in any flower shop. Do not agree to take stale material at a discount - only a beautiful and strong rose with a similar stem;

You need to start grafting urgently. You will need cuttings 13-15 cm long, which you will get from the middle of the stem of the rose. However, it is important not to miscalculate here - there should be at least 2 buds on each cuttings obtained;

Cut the stems correctly for grafting - the top cut should be straight and the bottom cut diagonal. Above the upper kidney, the cut is made very close, about 0.5 cm;

Cut off the lower leaves in the same way, leaving only a little on top and even the strongest ones. If there are thorns on the stem, you can cut them off;

The upper sections are even; dip them briefly in a solution of greenery for disinfection. The lower sections are placed in the preparation for rapid growth plants. Although aloe juice in this case will be more useful and nutritious for the cuttings. Leave the cuttings in this position for half a day;

To grow home rose, it is necessary to deepen the prepared cuttings into the soil by 2-3 cm, and sprinkle with river sand on top by 0.5-1 cm. It is important that the lower bud is deepened into the substrate, and the upper one remains on the surface;

Now create a greenhouse effect for the rose. To do this, water the planted cuttings clean water and put them on plastic bottle with a cut neck. You can also cut off the bottom to water the rose through the neck of the bottle, into otherwise watering is carried out around the bottle;

Once the cuttings have strong leaves, which will happen after 3-4 weeks, they can be adapted to the fresh air. To do this, you need to remove the bottle, but maintain the air temperature around within 22-23 degrees Celsius.

Growing a rose in flower pot.

You can easily grow a rose in a pot on your windowsill - it's not that difficult. It is very important to observe here proper care behind a flower and take into account the intolerance of certain conditions, for example, frost. Note that frosts can destroy a home rose for a simple reason - a weak root system of a flower is not able to tolerate such very coldy Russia. Therefore, it is worth monitoring and taking into account the temperature around the flower pot, especially if the cultivation takes place on the balcony of the apartment, because this unheated room... Also, do not save on the pot and choose the smallest one, otherwise the rose will ripen quite small, if it has enough strength for this process at all.

It is worth taking care of your windowsill, especially if you do not plan to transplant flowers to the site. Remember that you can plant roses beautifully even at home! A free area on a glassed-in balcony or loggia will help a lot in this. Here you can organize a whole greenhouse, where a gorgeous home rose bush will flaunt at the head of the composition. These flowers create fluffy bushes with medium-sized flowers. But here's what a rose lover should remember:

Roses love light, so you should choose a well-lit place, protected from direct sun rays on the bush;

Flowers are hard to tolerate frost, so for the winter the rose will have to be transferred to a heated room, or the temperature on the balcony in winter must be artificially maintained at least 12 degrees Celsius;

Rose bushes love water, but not enough for water to stand in a pot. Take care of moderate but regular watering, good drainage system and suitable soil;

Be sure to remove weak, dry and withering flowers;

Fertilize the soil regularly nutrients and minerals with a frequency of about 2 times a month.

It is worth noting that it is correct to plant a rose shoot at home. dwarf variety... These roses look perfect and fit in a flower pot, allow the flower to develop and do not form a powerful root system.

Growing a rose from seeds is a rather laborious process that requires a lot of patience and quality care for seedlings, sprouts, and then a rose bush. This article will describe the most important points preparation planting material, procedures for planting and caring for seedlings, which will help to successfully grow a home rose by sowing seeds.

Is it possible to grow a rose from seeds at home?

As a rule, roses are propagated by cuttings, however, this is not the only way to obtain new specimens of this species. At home, roses can be bred by collecting and drying their seeds. Like all plants that have a seed, a new generation can be planted by planting it in fertile soil. It is worth noting that the process of sowing, caring for seedlings and waiting for seedlings is quite long and requires attention and painstaking work, therefore it is not so popular and widely known.

Pros and cons of growing roses from seeds

  • The advantages of growing roses in this way include:
  • strong and powerful rhizome that provides good vitality to rose bushes;
  • frost resistance. Even in the case of severe frosts, when the outer part of the bush suffers, the plant can recover on its own, since the roots are strong enough;
  • fast germination;
  • vitality of cuttings.
  • The disadvantages of this method of cultivating flowers include the following points:
  • only full-fledged seeds can sprout;
  • waiting for shoots and getting the first shoots takes a large number of time;
  • it is impossible to grow a hybrid species;
  • a limited number of rose varieties that can be propagated in this way.

Basic rules for planting roses

Planting seeds of a rose bush must be carried out, taking into account the peculiarity of this seed.

Important! Rose seeds do not germinate well, and it takes a long time for their shoots to emerge.

But, experienced gardeners claim that long-term dormancy of the seed in conditions low temperatures, promotes acceleration of rooting and more active emergence of seedlings.

This requires:

  1. Sow material in open ground before the first frost, in the middle or late autumn.
  2. To drop off in early spring when the ground has not yet warmed up after the winter frosts.
  3. Plant seeds in pots at the end of winter for seedlings at home.

Preparatory work

Before you start planting roses, you need to monitor the quality of the seed, which:

  • can be bought or ordered in a store specializing in the sale of everything necessary for growing garden and home plants;
  • collect it yourself from the rose bushes you like.

From seeds purchased ready-made, small shoots are often obtained and roses have small buds. Self-collected and properly processed planting material produces larger pink flowers.

In order to collect them yourself, you must:

  • so that the fruits on the bush turn red (on average, from the end of June);
  • pick beautiful, whole fruits, excluding dried and rotten ones, which cannot be used for sowing;
  • cut each fruit and extract all the seeds from it, peeling them from the pulp;
  • good quality seeds are pale red in color and appear immature. It is worth noting that there can be seeds in one box. different shapes, but this does not affect their quality.

Important! Seeds from unripe fruits germinate more easily and have more powerful force germination and growth, therefore, they are harvested before the beginning of autumn, before the completion of their final ripeness.

Preparing the container and soil for planting

To plant the seeds of a rose bush, you need to take care of quality soil... To do this, you can use:

  • special universal seedling substrate, sold in a flower shop;
  • prepare the planting mixture with your own hands.

Homemade substrate should contain:
  • turf or garden land;
  • coarse sand;
  • low peat.
The neutral reaction of this sandy loam soil should be pH 6.5.

Planting rose seeds is convenient:

  • in cassettes;
  • peat tablets;
  • landing boxes.

They allow you to avoid the need to carry out a pick and make it possible to reseed unripened seeds.

Seed treatment

The preparation of planting material involves the following manipulations:

  1. In order to preserve the seeds and prevent them from rotting, immediately after removing the fruit from the capsule, they are washed, and placed in gauze or a sieve, immersed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide for 20-30 minutes. This procedure will disinfect the planting material and prevent mold.
  2. After this time has elapsed, a substrate impregnated with a peroxide solution is formed for them. To do this, 2 parts of a paper towel, cloth or cotton pad are moistened in the specified liquid and seeds are spread between them.
  3. For further savings, planting material is laid out in separate packages along with a substrate. The bag must close well to prevent rapid evaporation of the liquid.

Important! The package with seeds must be marked with the date of collection of the planting material, the beginning of its stratification and the variety of the rose bush.

To accelerate germination, the substrate is sent to the refrigerator, the packages are immersed in the compartment, with a temperature not exceeding + 5 ° C. This will allow carrying out the procedure of stratification - imitation of natural conditions in winter period in their natural habitat.
This processing lasts 2 months. The condition of the substrate with seeds should be checked regularly to exclude the possibility of mold. If traces of it were found, it is necessary to rinse the contents of the bag and place it in a new, impregnated substrate. It is also necessary to ventilate the substrate and additionally moisten it if the moisture has evaporated.

However, this is not the only way of stratification that can affect the rate of emergence of a rose bush. A longer option involves preparing the seeds for 8 months. After receiving the seeds, they are mixed with wet sand and placed in containers, for this you can use boxes, and sent to the basement. The air temperature in this room should be +3 ... + 5 ° C. For the entire specified period, the seeds must be in this temperature conditions and wet sand. Ventilation in the room should also be monitored.

Video: Stratification of Rose Seeds

Landing technology

The procedure for planting seeds at home to obtain seedlings is as follows:

  1. Pots or other containers for growing seedlings are filled with a substrate, which includes: earth, sand and peat.
  2. Seeds in advance, on the eve of planting, are soaked in a special solution that stimulates growth.
  3. The seeds are placed on the surface of the soil and slightly pressed into the ground with a slight movement of the finger to a depth of 1 cm.The planting is done at a distance of about 10 cm.
  4. Then a layer of sand or perlite is poured, which should be well moist. To do this, they can be moistened with a spray bottle after spilling out with a thin layer.
  5. Then the soil is watered abundantly so that the pan of the pot is filled with water, after which it must be drained.
  6. Cover boxes or pots with seedlings with foil or glass and place in a place with cool air.
  7. Having noticed the appearance of the first shoots, you should remove the film and put the pot in a well-lit place, controlling the direct sunlight, which can significantly harm the seedlings.
  8. After the mass emergence of seedlings, they are seated in separate pots or glasses. Then they are placed in a cool place with an air temperature of +18 ... + 20 ° C with access to a sufficient amount of natural light.
  9. Selection is carried out by selecting the strongest and strongest seedlings.

It is worth mentioning that you can also plant seeds in peat tablets, which are very convenient for a number of reasons:
  • peat tablets - a ready-made substrate that you just need to water in order for it to increase in volume;
  • these tablets do not change their circumference and are in a special tray, which is covered with a glass, transparent lid when it is necessary to cover the seeded material.

Did you know? Garden roses are close relatives of wild rose hips. Some varieties of rose bushes were obtained during selection and grafting of cuttings on the roots of this frost-resistant shrub.

Seedling care

Considering the question of how much a rose grows from seeds, it should be clarified that it is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, since this indicator may differ for different varieties.
However, on average, the first buds on a young rose bush can be seen already 2 months later, after planting a properly treated seed. It is important that the following conditions are observed for the plant throughout this period:

  1. Lighting. Daylight hours for seedlings and sprouts should last at least 10 hours. It is recommended to take the pots out into the fresh air, gradually increasing the amount of time they are outside, avoiding direct rays.
  2. Watering. It is necessary to control the condition of the soil and, as it dries, watering or light irrigation.
  3. Temperature. For quick seed germination, the air must be warmed up to +18 ... + 20 ° C.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Before planting seedlings in open ground, as already mentioned, it is recommended to gradually accustom it to fresh air and take it outside under natural light. The hardening procedure begins at least 2 weeks before the transplant. As a rule, sprouts are planted in May. To do this, they dig holes or ditches, loosening well fertile land, and put future bushes in it.

Did you know? Rosebush flowers - a natural source essential oil, recognized as one of the most expensive, since to obtain 500 ml of the finished product, it is necessary to collect almost 500 kg of delicate petals. A popular variety for industrial production the Kazanlak rose, in which the concentration of substances is maximal, serves.

The place should be well lit and cozy, as roses do not like drafts. The soil for rose bushes should be clayey with the addition of coarse sand. Low-lying peat is added to it, which gives the substrate lightness and friability, and fertilization.
To improve the quality of the soil, use:

  • dry mullein;
  • mulch;
  • purchased substrates;
  • sapropel;
  • bark of trees;
  • wood chips;
  • coniferous sawdust.

Features of planting seeds directly into open ground

It is possible to grow a rose from seeds not only in an artificially created environment, but also in the open field. Having collected the seed at the end of summer, experienced gardeners prefer to stratify it in a natural way, that is, by preserving it in natural conditions so that it stays in the soil throughout the winter.

Did you know?Thorns on rose bushes are an excellent natural remedy. They may be of various shapes, size and color depending on the type of plant.

The seeds are collected and processed in the same way as described above in the article, and then they are lowered into the prepared soil to a shallow depth, about 3-4 cm, and sprinkled with earth with a layer of 0.5 cm. Planting is done at intervals of 10-15 cm ...
Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in a specially prepared trench. The soil should be loose and fertilized. To do this, the soil can be mixed with peat, humus and compost.

Watering the seedlings should be carried out under the condition of dry weather in the fall, then the garden bed is irrigated and covered with some material capable of retaining moisture in top layer soil. For these purposes, you can use fallen leaves, hay or covering canvas. At the end of March, such a covering is removed and shoots are expected to appear in the conditions of awakening nature.

Important! If after the coming spring warming frosts are expected again, then the bed with sown rose seeds must be covered with a film, creating greenhouse conditions.

To save the emerging seedlings from a sudden cold snap, you can use:
  • plastic wrap;
  • burlap;
  • white spunbond.
Spring sowing is also possible. It is produced immediately after the winter thawing of the soil. The seeds are kept in a growth stimulant solution and planted in prepared grooves in the garden bed.

What difficulties might arise?

The black leg of the rose First of all, it is worth taking care of the seeds during their stratification and to prevent the appearance of mold when kept in a moist substrate.

The next danger may be associated with the appearance of mold already in the sown material. When the first signs of mold appear on the seedlings, its traces are removed, and the soil is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The degree of soil moisture should be controlled, a situation where it is excessively dry or wet should not be allowed, as this will lead to the death of seedlings.

The seedlings are threatened by " blackleg", A disease in which the root collar of seedlings rots. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to sprinkle the soil in the seedlings with perlite.

Growing a rose from seeds is a difficult process that requires the implementation of all the above measures for processing the seed, preparing the soil and caring for future rose bushes. However, it should be remembered that the beauty and fragrance of flowers grown with his own hands will be a pleasant reward for every gardener.

Growing a rose from seeds is quite troublesome, it will take a lot of patience, effort and time. This article will show you how to grow a rose from seeds at home.
In Russia, the first rose offered for growing from seeds was the Angel Wings rose. Now there are much more offers - you can find seeds of polyanthus roses, multifloras, species roses and their hybrids, and even roses of the floribunda group.

However, you can grow your rose bush not only from purchased seeds, but also from seeds collected on your garden plot or in other rosaries. In any case, you can be sure that you will not get two identical plants. After all, every rose grown from the seeds of even the same fruit will be an absolutely original plant that no one has ever seen before!

  • Rose seeds (purchased or collected by yourself)
  • Sharp knife
  • Pipette
  • Cotton pads
  • Plastic bags
  • Vial of 3% hydrogen peroxide

Sequence of seed preparation

1) You need to collect fruits colored with a slight blush - unripe seeds germinate somewhat better than from ripe fruits.

2) Cut the fruit into halves with a sharp knife, remove the seeds, trying to separate them from the juicy pulp - in the future, it can prevent germination. Seeds are different sizes and colors.

3) Put the seeds in a sieve and put it in a bowl with peroxide solution for 20 minutes hydrogen. Such treatment disinfects seeds, prevents the formation of mold during further stratification. Slight bubbling of peroxide around the seeds is normal.

4) Spread the seeds on a substrate soaked in a hydrogen peroxide solution (cotton pads or paper kitchen towel) and cover them on top with the same material soaked in the same solution.

5) Place the seed napkins in individual plastic bags (this will prevent the hydrogen peroxide from evaporating quickly). Write on each the name of the mother plant variety and the date and put them for stratification in the vegetable section of the refrigerator (+ 4 ... + 5 ° С).

6) Check the seeds - if mold appears, soak them again in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, wrap in new material and put it back in the refrigerator. Seedlings usually appear 1.5–2 months after setting. Transfer the sprouted seeds to individual pots or peat tablets.

7) To protect the seedlings from the "black leg", mulch the surface of the substrate with a thin layer of perlite. Provide them with 10-hour daylight hours with extra light for well-developed, strong plants. Water as the soil dries. The first true leaves will appear soon.

8) The first bud may appear about two months after the germinated seed is planted in an individual pot. And after another 3-5 weeks, the first flowers will open - naive, a little imperfect, perhaps fragrant ... and the author's - this is your rose!

Monitoring and caring for the development of rose seedlings

Now it remains to continue monitoring the development of seedlings, regularly watering them, applying light doses of soluble fertilizers. In the spring, plant young bushes in your garden and care for them as you would any other roses.

Perhaps, over time, the flowers will transform - the number of petals will be added, the aroma will become stronger, and brushes of inflorescences will appear. The bushes themselves will begin to show their individual habit. Subsequently, after evaluating the decorative qualities of each particular seedling, you decide whether to leave it in the garden or dig out a specimen that you do not like. Sad? Perhaps. But let's not be upset, because next winter we can continue our exciting activity with new seeds. Only now we will have a little more experience and knowledge.

The seed method of growing roses is less common than the growing method. Plants grown from seeds take longer to grow; in some cases, flowering has to be expected for several years. Nevertheless, the florist must clearly know how to grow a rose from seeds in order to apply this knowledge in practice, if necessary.

Reproduction of roses

Roses are usually propagated using the following methods:

Is it possible to grow a rose from seeds

Seed growing of roses is rarely used in practice. It usually has the following goals:

  • creation of a new stock;
  • sowing and breeding seeds obtained as a result of selection crosses;
  • planting park roses, forming a full-fledged seed.

The advantages of the seed method are as follows:

  • Seed plants are more viable and strong.
  • This method is less costly.
  • When grown by seeds, you can get much large quantity plants than with any other method.
  • These plants are easier to grow at home.

What rose seeds look like

Rose seeds are small light triangular grains, vaguely similar to buckwheat. Seeds black rose stand out in a darker color.

Seeds of roses

Growing a rose from seeds

The highest quality seed material for roses is obtained from ripe fruits. They are collected and carefully cut in the middle with a sharp knife with a short blade. We must try to collect the seeds without injuring them.

For the seeds to germinate better, they must be extracted directly from the fruit pulp. To prevent infection of the seed with fungal diseases or mold, it is recommended to disinfect them. For this purpose, the seeds are laid out on the surface of the bottom of the sieve, which is then placed in a deep container in which hydrogen peroxide is poured. In order for the seeds to be quality disinfected, they are kept in a plate for at least 2-3 hours.

Following these seeds, stratification will be required. To this end, it is required to provide them with conditions that simulate the winter period. The seeds are usually placed in the lower compartments of the refrigerator for several days. Put them in freezer Not recommended.

For accelerated germination of seeds, a cotton pad or gauze is abundantly moistened with hydrogen peroxide and the seed is laid out on their surface. From above, the seeds are covered with the same cotton pad dipped in the substance used. The resulting "constructions" are placed in plastic bags and tied tightly, and then they are moved to a shaded room with an air temperature of about + 18C. During the period from 15-20 days to 2 months, the mass emergence of seedlings will begin.

Important! Germinated seeds must be regularly ventilated to remove moldy specimens.

Sowing seedlings and caring for it

Seeds are rarely sown directly directly into open ground. Instead, the seedling growing method is usually practiced. Most often, it involves the use of special peat tablets, which are purchased in specialized garden stores. Purchased tablets are placed in small cups, pots or other suitable containers and then filled with water. As a result, the contents of the cups swell to such a size that will allow growing seedlings in them.

V peat tablets there are special recesses, inside of which are placed the seedlings of roses that have begun to germinate. On a fertile soil mixture, they form a full-fledged powerful root system... The peat substrate usually contains all the necessary nutrients, so that the plantings do not need additional fertilization. Gradually, the substrate will begin to dry out, and then it will need irrigation. At the same time, an excess of moisture is no less dangerous for seedlings than its lack or absence.

The main condition for the rapid rooting and growth of seedlings is the air temperature within + 18 ... 20C. In this case, the minimum permissible daylight hours should be 10 hours. If the seedlings are grown in winter, it is allowed to artificially increase the length of daylight hours.

If, before transplanting into open ground, the first buds begin to form on the seedlings, they must be cut off in time. Their presence will not allow the formation of a strong and powerful root system in seedlings, and in advanced cases, it is completely capable of destroying plantings.

Saplings of roses

Preparing for transplant

After the seedlings grow normally and become slightly lignified, it is allowed to transplant them to a permanent place. Best to spend this procedure in the second half of spring. In practice, transplanting is often carried out in the fall, but in this case there is a high risk that young seedlings will not survive the impending winter and will freeze out. Better to wait until spring comes.

Too abrupt replanting of plants is unacceptable. Insufficiently hardened plants will quickly die outside or be weak and fail to form lush flowers. Plants are brought outside for a short period of time and then brought back. Gradually, the duration of the stay of seedlings on fresh air increase. After a certain period of time, the plants will get used to the changing cultivation conditions and after that they will be ready for transplanting.

The soil for plant transplantation should be light in consistency, clay-sandy. If the plot does not correspond to this description, it is allowed to improve its condition by using peat, sand or chalk. Rose prefers slightly acidic soils, the pH should vary from 5.5 to 6.5. If the soil does not meet this requirement, the situation can be corrected by using dolomite flour or lime. In general, the area should not be too brightly lit, but not shaded either. Plants should not be planted near trees or houses. There should be no winds and drafts.

Additional Information! Selected varieties climbing roses easily adaptable to shady conditions.

During the spring digging of the soil, it is advisable to add wood ash or semi-rotted manure. Fresh organic feeding do not use, as they can destroy plantings.

The standard width of the planting hole is half a meter, while the depth can vary depending on the type of soil. On loamy areas, 15 cm should be added to the length of the root system.At the same time, on clay soils, which are usually heavy and wet, the depth of the hole should be 60-70 cm.

The step-by-step planting process consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour humus or compost mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of wood ash into the hole.
  2. A small pile of the fertile layer is made on top of this mixture.
  3. A seedling is placed on this elevation, straightening its roots.
  4. Then the hole is covered with soil.

The final planting procedure is mulching, which will retain moisture in the soil and prevent weed growth. As a rule, mulching materials are used:

  • humus;
  • compost;
  • dry soil.

Note! In the first 10-12 days, planted plants require shelter from the sun.

Planting seeds in open ground

In some cases, it is widely practiced to plant seed directly in the place of permanent cultivation. This method does not imply a 100% guarantee of normal germination even for most seeds, however, it is faster and does not cause as much trouble as seedling method... This is how Chinese seeds are usually planted.

Seed material is prepared for planting in the same way as when sowing seedlings. The seeds should first be germinated, after which they are transplanted into fertilized and loosened soil. The seeds should not be buried deeply in the soil; it is enough just to cover them with a layer of earth no more than 5 mm high. This planting method is usually carried out in August.

Plant follow-up

As the first frost occurs, plants planted directly in open ground should be protected from unfavorable factors winter and autumn periods. For this purpose, the plantings are covered with hay or foil. In the middle of spring, when the weather is warm, the shelter should be removed as soon as possible, until the process of decay of the plant mass begins. However, if there is a risk of recurrent spring frosts the shelter should be kept until May.

Any of the varieties of roses requires regular watering every two to three days, which is recommended in the morning or evening, since in the daytime drops of water falling on the surface of the foliage can provoke burns. Water is poured under the root and continues until the soil is completely saturated with moisture. If drought does not begin with the onset of autumn, then irrigation is stopped so as not to provoke the growth of young shoots, which will not have time to finish growing by winter and will freeze out.

Plants must be fed in a timely manner. During the growing season, plants need about four additional fertilizing. Nitrogen preparations are allowed to be used only in the spring.

For the rejuvenation of the plant and the formation of its crown, it is recommended to carry out a special pruning every year. Stems older than 3 years are removed, they also get rid of non-flowering, diseased, injured, drying shoots and small shoots. As winter approaches, the plantings are spudded, and the shoots, if possible, are wrapped in paper.

Having knowledge about how to plant rose seeds and how to grow a rose from a seed will be a good help for any grower. The correct application of knowledge will allow you to get lush plantings of roses in the garden or flower bed.

This method is well suited for growing miniature roses: with spring sowing, full flowering plants can be obtained already in the first summer.

But not all types of roses can be grown from seeds, but only those that give good full-fledged seeds. Only in such species do flowers grow from seeds that have all the qualities of the mother plant. That's why hybrid varieties not recommended to grow from self-obtained seeds. When grown from the seeds of non-hybrid varieties of roses, the plants gradually acquire qualities wild species... Growing a rose from seed takes a fairly long period of time.

The following types of roses can be grown quite successfully from seeds:

  • Cinnamon
  • Miniature
  • Spiny

If you want to try growing a rose from your seeds rather than purchasing them from the store, you must first extract them correctly from the fruit. Rose seeds are harvested in late June - early August, when the fruits turn slightly red. It is surprising that the seeds of unripe fruits have the best qualities.

It is important to consider that small plants often grow from purchased seeds. Therefore, if possible, it is better to get the seeds yourself.

Seed extraction procedure:

  • Collect fruit (rotten or dry seeds are not suitable for harvesting).
  • Use a sharp knife to cut each fruit into halves.
  • Remove the seeds carefully (they can be of different shapes).
  • Peel them off.
  • Rinse in hydrogen peroxide solution for 15-20 minutes.

Seeds can be planted in the ground in autumn, spring, or planted in containers at home at the end of winter. Seeds planted in the soil in the fall naturally are overthrown. When planting seeds in spring, they are stratified artificially:

  • Moisten two pieces of gauze or cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Place in a small container.
  • Place the seeds on one piece of gauze and cover with another.
  • Cover containers tightly.
  • Put in the refrigerator (vegetable compartment) or in any cool place with a temperature of minus 5 degrees.
  • Ventilate periodically and check for mold.
  • Replace moldy seeds or keep them in a hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Moisten if necessary.
  • The stratification period is 60 days.

Throughout the season, carry out the treatment with special preparations in accordance with the instructions.

It is recommended to cover young rose bushes for the winter completely at the first attack. subzero temperatures... Otherwise, there is a great risk of freezing the plants. It is best to carry out the shelter combined - with earth and spruce branches. In general, it can be noted that caring for roses grown from seeds does not differ significantly from caring for roses grown using traditional methods.

More information can be found in the video.