How to make a stroke under 50 pipe. Independent wiring of sewer pipes

July 31, 2016
Specialization: finishing facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

Communications, as you know, do not attract attractive to any interior, so many people in the process of repairing housing are trying to hide in the walls of water pipes and heat pipelines. For this, the walls of the walls are always required. On the one hand, there is nothing difficult in this operation, but on the other - before proceeding to work, you need to know some of its nuances and subtleties.

In this article, as you probably guessed, I will tell you in detail how to labby the wall under the pipe in several ways.


The process of sticking, as well as its speed and complexity depends on the tool that work is performed. The following tools are most effective for performing this operation;

  • perforator;
  • bulgarian;
  • stroboresis.

Of course, you will need other some tools for sticking:

  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • pencil;
  • the device for detecting hidden wiring (if there is no scheme of its location).

After the preparation of all these tools can be started.

Technology Strobling

Regardless of the type of tool, which you will perform the stroke, this procedure can be conditionally divided into several stages:

If you do not want to independently do this work or you do not have required tool, You can seek help from specialists. The cost of the stroke of walls under the pipe on average is about 300 rubles for raman meter.

Preparation and drawing

The stroke of the channels in the walls begins with the markup:

  1. if you do not have a wiring layout in the walls before performing marking, make sure that on the site where you plan to perform the shoes, there are no hidden wires. For these purposes there are special devices;
  2. next use construction level and pencil to apply markup. As a rule, it is performed according to the project of the future pipeline.
    In the process of applying markup, keep in mind that the width of the stroke should be such that pipes C;
  3. at shutdown, make sure that the markup is applied correctly.

After applying the markup, it can be measured by a tape measure. Thus, you will find out the exact number of pipes that will be needed for mounting the pipeline.


The pocket of the perforator is the most common way to arrange channels in the walls for pipes with their own hands, since the perforator is available in almost every homemade craftsman. Moreover, this method It is safe and at the same time universal - in a similar way you can perform channels in the wall from any materials, be it concrete or brick.

Work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. first of all, you need to perform holes along the intended lines. If the shock is performed in concrete Wall, then use for these purposes a borrow with a winning tip. With regard to the distance between the holes, then the smaller, the better;
  2. then switch the tool into the impact mode, after which change the corner of the chisel;
  3. after that, connect the holes in between with a chisel;

  1. next, you need to clean the channel with a chisel or a special blade for sticking. At the same time, keep in mind that the depth should be such that not only the pipe with the insulation can be placed in the channel space, but also a plaster solution;
  2. at shutdown, clean the dust and other garbage. To do this, spend the channel or wipe it with a damp cloth. It should be noted that this stage is performed regardless of how the tool was carried out.

If you need to label the panel bearing wall, keep in mind that the depth of the channel should not reach the reinforcement. In addition, a diagonal stroke is not allowed.

As a result, you should get a smooth and neat channel, without any needle and irregularities.


Now consider how to stick the wall under the pipe. First of all, I note that bulgarian is a very attendant tool. Therefore, when working with it, be sure to follow safety and use only high-quality discs intended for the surface you will process.

At the same time, the use of the Bulgarian has its advantages:

  • the edges of the channels are smooth;
  • the process of execution of the stroke occurs much faster than when using the perforator.

Instructions for working with the grinder in this case looks like this:

  1. install a circle with diamond spraying software;
  2. then make cuts according to the scheduled markup lines;

  1. after that, select the groove with chisel and pastry. If necessary, in the middle of the grooves can be performed another incision to simplify work. In some cases, to hollow out the grooves, it is better to use the perforator.

In the process of execution, a lot of dust is formed by a grogging. Therefore, use the perforator and other personal protective equipment.


Stroboresis allows you to quickly and without special efforts perform channels for pipes in walls from any materials. This tool resembles a grinder with several parallel disks. Dear models Stroboresov are equipped with vacuum cleaners, which allows this procedure without dust.

The process of performing channels with strokesis is quite simple:

  1. first of all, you need to adjust the width of the ships and the depth of the cut. W. different models The configuration tool can be performed differently;
  2. next, an incision is performed on the intended line. This procedure It is performed according to the same principle as the grinding of the grinder, with the only difference that in one pass you perform two cuts at once;
  3. at the end of work, the grooves should be hollowed out, and then clean the resulting channels.

It should be noted that the price of a powerful strokebook, which can be performed by channels for pipes, high enough - more than 10,000 rubles. Therefore, to repair within one apartment or a house expedient to use the grinder.


In general, the stroke of the walls under the pipe is a fairly simple procedure. However, it also requires compliance with a certain technology. In this case, you will save a lot of strength and time, as well as avoid mistakes and alterations.

From the video in this article you can get additional information About how the stroke of the walls of the grinder is performed. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, and I will gladly answer you.

July 31, 2016.

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The walls of the walls are called their teething with one goal through special tools and equipment. The process of sticking of walls under the pipe is a mandatory part of the installation of work on laying hidden communications, allowing you to disguise any of their nodes and components.

The need for stroke

The question of the need to stick the walls under certain communications is always solved by the owners themselves, based on aesthetic or other considerations, however, experts recommend hiding any kind of pipes in the wall, with the exception of those that can perform decorative functions (brass, copper, etc. d.).

"Hidden" pipes do not disturb the comfort and space in the apartment and remain well-protected from mechanical or other damage, and at the same time decreases the risk of injury for people (for example, thermal burns when contact with hot pipes, random strikes about protruding corners and surfaces of structures etc.).

An alternative to the stroke can serve plasterboard box For pipes or other communications. However, the disadvantage of this method is a slight decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bpremises, sometimes quite noticeable against the background of the overall size of the dwelling. Therefore, in most cases, the stroke is the most acceptable option for hidden gaskets of communications in the apartment.

It should be noted that the most often needed in disguise the plumbing or sewer pipe. Strobling under the pipes in the bathroom or in the toilet is often relevant due to their rather large length and not very aesthetic external view. At the same time, to hide heating pipes, for example, it does not make sense, since their heated surface serves to heat the entire room.

Basic rules for the arrangement of hidden communications

The stroke is a responsible process that, with inattentive relationship, can be fraught with an adverse effects. Therefore, before staggering the walls under the pipe, you should carefully read the basic principles and requirements in this matter.

Standard building standards and rules establish the following provisions regulating the process of sticking walls to arrange hidden communications:

  1. It is not allowed to stick the support and bearing walls and structures, as this may affect the stability of the building as a whole. Before sticking the walls under the pipe, you should familiarize yourself with the project documentation of the building or building.
  2. In the cutting wall, deafly close only monolithic structuresnot to be dispersed. In the case of converting communications, it is necessary to have access to all mechanisms and nodes, which is achieved by installing opening hatches and panels.
  3. With intrauterine installation of metal structures, it is necessary to consider the location scheme electrical networks. For additional safety, you can examine the walls with special equipment to avoid surprises. If there may be hidden cables or wiring on one or another site, during the work, this zone should be deranged.
  4. For pipelines, according to which transportation of hot liquids is supposed, it is necessary to provide intermediate nodes at least every three meters. In such nodes, the linear pipe expansion is compensated when heated. They should be located in special "pockets" that are done in the stroke for their placement.
  5. Pipes in the stroke wall are fixed by clamps. They should not touch the walls of the ditch, even with maximum bending, otherwise it will lead to the appearance of unnecessary noise during the pipeline operation.
  6. When sealing the shoes, the dense fill of the cutting in the wall of the channel is not done. On the contrary, the cavity is poured so that a significant air layer is formed in it.
  7. Layout or diagram of a plumbing design with all nodes and junctions should be saved in case of need repair workotherwise it will be impossible to find them in the event of problems.

Methods of strokes of walls

Arrangement of the pipes for pipes in the bathroom or in another room can be performed by various tools, whose number belongs:

  • hammer and chisel;
  • bulgarian;
  • perforator or shock drill;
  • special tool - Stroboresis.

Technique of work depending on a particular way may have quite significant differences. For example, the stroke through the hammer and the chisel is carried out manually, and therefore this method is characterized by the greatest consideration.

At the same time, the plus is accuracy when performing work. The grinding of the grinder has the complexity of another kind: due to the need to control the pressure on the instrument, it is difficult to achieve the same depth of the walls of the walls on the entire work area. Impact drill or perforator allow you to stick even dense concrete walls. At the same time, points in the wall pierce points at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from each other, which then deepen the punching perforator like a blade.

Special and professional tool for the walls of the walls is the strokesis. Only through it it is possible to provide complete uniformity and the same depth of the entire channel in the wall, while putting the minimum effort to work. The use of strokebook allows you to achieve best quality Perform the cuts of walls. Moreover, this tool Equipped with a special vacuum cleaner, which is a considerable advantage, given the dusty nature of the work.

Stages of hidden mounting of pipelines

Strobin is only part of works on laying pipes into the thickness of the walls; In general, the process hidden mounting Pipelines consists of a series of consecutive stages:

  1. Layout and development of the design scheme.
  2. Strosure of walls under the pipe.
  3. Alignment and cleaning cut in the wall of the ditch.
  4. Installation and laying of pipeline structures.
  5. Strengthening the pipe in the stroke through the clamps.
  6. Connecting the input and output points.
  7. Control launch of communication with tightness revisions.
  8. Close up of channel I. outdoor finish walls.

Usually at home there is no need for frequent work with this tool, and therefore it will be more appropriate to not buy it at a fairly expensive price, but to rent for temporary use.

Currently, the installation of a plumbing, drain and gas pipe system in homes and apartments is not carried out on Soviet standards. Now the unattractive and scarement of pipe wiring with a plurality of rugs is no longer striking and does not oppress the mood. For this, invented new modern method Locking pipes inside the walls, which is aesthetic and in which the functionality of the system is not lost. This method is called the Wall Stroshings.
Completed strides (furrows) in the wall absorb all coarse communications of water supply, gasification and electrical wiring pipes. Wherein effective area Housing is increasing, which is important for small-scale Khrushchev.

Advantage of types of shifts for pipe wiring

In order to increase the housing and achieve a neat effect, it is necessary to hide all the deposited communications within the house or apartment as much as possible.
There are several ways to mask pipes:

  • behind false walls, ceilings, floors.
  • in decorative adaptations boxes.

During the construction of the house or redevelopment of the apartment, it is possible to initially pave the pipes inside the walls, partitions or in the floor without subsequent stroke. In the case of ready-made buildings, special groove grooves must be made without induced communications. The process of manufacturing such furrow is called ancient.

To simplify the process of sticking with their own hands, it is necessary to study the following questions:

  1. In which areas is allowed to make furrows?
  2. What are the features of sticking in narrow places?
  3. What can be laid in the walls?
  4. What is better to fulfill such work?

Specificity of work when sticking walls

Answers to questions in the manufacture of strokers in finished buildings are listed below:

  1. In the walls, you can lay various pipelines and cables, but only those that do not need permanent maintenance.
  2. The elements installed in the stroke, in thickness, should be no more than 30% of the thickness of the structure that does not bear the reinforcement.
  3. In blocks of block type, all communications are installed at the depth of equal to the location of the internal metal carcass (fittings) in the panel.

It is necessary to know that in accordance with the construction norms and rules, in order to avoid terrible consequences, it is strictly forbidden to strike the bearing walls and ceiling plates in multi-unit panel houses. At the same time, the stability of the building is sharply reduced.

Fundamental rules safe work In the manufacture of furrows for laying communication networks with their own hands:

  • Disable all stamped in the walls of the electric pipe. We can forget about them forever.
  • Examine all pipeline schemes laid in buildings. In the absence of such drawings, it is necessary to turn off all communications to avoid bitter consequences in the case of possible collisions of the acute and destructive tool with pipes, thereby getting from additional costs for unplanned repairs both in yourself and the neighbors.
  • To reduce building materials for finishing work After organizing pipe gasket, it is recommended to make recesses that correspond to the size of the disguised element.
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for labor protection instructions when performing construction work. Enjoy special means individual protection (PPE) safety glasses, respirators for respiratory organs, since the process of crushing brick and concrete is accompanied by a large selection small dust and the formation of cutting stone fragments.

Depending on the type of communications of pipelines, cables, the size of the grooves for laying and the principles of its manufacture are changing.

How to make pipe disguises in the wall described below.

Deepeners in the wall for water supply and coolant

Required tools for creating a pad for a pipeline:

  1. Bulgarian or angular grinding machine. For deep grooves, a machine is used with greater power.
  2. Perforator.

Procedure for action step by step Strobins:

  1. First of all, with the help of a writing the dark color of the chalk, a pencil, on the wall, draw a pipeline laying scheme.
  2. Along the drawing lines deeply cut the grooves through the grinder.
  3. To remove materials from a future shorter, it is necessary to transversely cut the space between the furrows made along the printed lines of the grinder.
  4. Using the perforator, crush the material of the wall brick, concrete, etc., between the executed processes.

For high-quality challenge of the stone material, it is recommended to use a special tool for such an open operation. Such a professional device makes high-quality highlights due to the following features:

  • There are two working diamond disks.
  • Regulated the gap between the installed discs.
  • The design of the device is provided for connecting to the dust collector of a special vacuum cleaner.

The cost of this professional instrumentlike the strokesis high. Therefore, in order to reduce the cost of work in the sticking, experts recommend normal universal perforator and Bulgarian devices. In the absence of the possibility of buying and conventional tool, it can be rented in the service services. At the same time, it is important not to spoil the rental equipment to prevent overheating and sharp clashes, which can quickly take a rental technique.

So, the process of manufacturing the shock in the wall for laying pipes is not particularly complex. But beginners in the construction and repair business should be accessed and gaining experience, for example, on non-capital dacha buildings.

Strobin brick walls Under the pipes are used to give the room more aesthetic species. This will help to hide communications on the walls.

To perform all the work qualitatively, you need to get acquainted with technology, acquire required tools. The article proposes to learn how to launch the wall under the pipe, in several ways.

Features of the stroke of walls under the pipe

Instructions for use and device Stroke recommends:

  • Hide in the groove any communications that do not require periodic service.
  • Hidden objects, in thickness, should not exceed 1/3 of the wall thickness.
  • If the building is monolithic, deepening in the walls for laying communications can be made to a depth that does not exceed the depth of the fixture layout in the frame.

Tip: According to construction standards and rules, it is forbidden to arrange a shorter carrier walls, Plates of overlapping panel facilities. It can reduce strength carrier structures and lead to undesirable consequences.

After solving the issue of how to stick the wall under the pipe, the execution of the furrows in the bearing walls, laying the pipeline, should be very carefully and gently close them sand-cement mortar Without the formation of voids, which will reduce the strength of the wall.

When sticking, the furrows in the bearing walls, as a rule, apply:

  • Bulgarian.
  • Perforator.


  • A pencil is placed a plan for competing.
  • Two straight parallel grooves cut through the grinding or strokesque.
  • The gap between the grooves is knocked out with a chisel or perforator.
  • It is easier to apply transverse slots, which will make it easier to remove unnecessary from the short.

When performing work, you must follow the main rules presented in Table:

An example of placing water and sewer pipes is shown in the photo.

Choose a suitable tool

Perforator with nozzle for cutting stick

The perforator is performed by strokes for solid materials:

  • Concrete.
  • Brick.
  • Reinforced concrete.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • Torn edges of the stroke, with a set of chips.
  • Sometimes additional processing is required.
  • Big noise level when performing work.

The tool can be used in a pair with a strokeside or a grinder. The nozzles that need to be used when sticking can be a blade, bur.

Order of work:

  • It is applied on the wall marking of future grooves.
  • Over the entire length of the shroble, the holes of the desired depth of 10 centimeters are drilled.

Tip: When the device, the shovel should not be put across the line, this will lead to the chopping part of the wall.

  • Put parts between the holes of the chisel or the hammer.

Using the perforator, work is performed much faster. On the video in this article it is shown in detail how to properly perform a perforator to the pipe under the pipe in the concrete wall, which and how the nozzles are used.

Corner grinding with diamond circle

For the manufacture of strokes, an angular grinder is well suited.

The advantages of the process:

  • Smooth edges of the furrow.
  • Straight lines.
  • High speed.
  • Simplicity.

Additionally, you may need:

  • Chisel with a hammer.
  • Perforator with nozzles.

The slit of the walls is performed by a disc with a sprayed diamond coating that facilitates the task when the concrete and brick is slit. The usual circle around the stone will not be so effective. Work begins with marking, applying two lines defining the width of the furrow.

  • Sockets are performed by the outlined lines.
  • Chisel or hammer, knocked out interior furrows.

The main difference of this method is the evenness of the edges of the shit.

Tip: To reduce the amount of dust, you should use ordinary water When performing work.

Stroborez for the manufacture of stroke

Optimal way to manufacture strobes - use of strokeware. They can make styling shoes:

  • Water supply systems.
  • Heating systems.

The kit to the device includes:

  • Replaceable discs.
  • Dust collector.

The main disadvantage of the device is a high price.

The appearance of the strokeware resembles a bit of a grinder, but with connectors for installing two diamond disks.


  • Between the disks, the distance can usually be adjusted.
  • Additionally, it is possible to adjust the depth of the furrow.
  • The dust collector assigns dust as much as possible or connects directly to the vacuum cleaner, which significantly reduces the amount of dust allocated.

After the proof, more superfluous, hollowed up with a chisel or perforator. The stroke of the walls in the brick or concrete wall under the pipe is not too time-consuming, but, to the one who has not come across construction workIt is advisable to practice for experience.

The question of how to hide the sewer pipes in the house, today concerns many country developers. Presentation of the appearance of the premises where the sewage was carried out, requires them a special approach to the construction sewer system. And in this plan goes first hidden wiring pipes.

There are two options:

  • Put pipes into prepared shoes.
  • Make a special box where the pipes will be laid.

Laying pipes in the shoes

Shorts are channels that are cut in the wall or in the floor. For this you need Bulgarian and special diamond circlewhich easily cuts even the most durable construction material. For example, concrete.

Most often, the sewer pipes are stacked along the wall. Therefore, on its surface, the grooves under the diameter of the sewage (in different rooms It differs from 32 to 80 mm). Please note that the sewage system is a samotane, so it is necessary to strictly withstand the tilt angle in the direction of the riser. Typically, this indicator varies from 2 to 3 mm per mongon meter of the pipeline length.

The fastening of pipes in the strokes is performed, as usual on the plane, with the help of plastic clamps. The latter are attached to the inner wall of the ships with a plastic dowel and self-press.

After the end of the installation, the shoes close up plastering. That is, it turns out that it is necessary to close the pipes of the sewer system in the walls before the start of finishing works at home.

Duct for sewer pipes

This process, on the contrary, is carried out when the decoration of the room is practically coming to an end. In any case, already done.

What materials can be built for sewage box?

  • Plasterboard;
  • Plywood;
  • OSP, chipboard or fiberboard;
  • Plastic panels;
  • Laminate.

But the basis of the whole design is a frame under the box. It can be made or from wooden Requesor out of metal profile. Preference has recently been given to the second option, as the most reliable with a high service life.

Plumbing Council: If it was still decided to use wooden bars For a frame, then they are recommended to be treated with antiseptic composition after installation.

Assembly of the carcass

An open sewage laying is made on the wall on the clamps. To make a box, you need to install along the paved pipeline of two metal profiles:

  • One wall;
  • Second floor.

It is important that both profiles are strictly horizontally. This takes into account the diameter of the pipe used. That is, this size will be fundamental when choosing a place of installation and fastening profiles. Therefore, the upper edge of the profile on the wall should be higher by 3-5 cm than the edge of the laid pipe. On the floor in the same way, only in the horizontal plane from the wall. For convenience, it is necessary to put the lines on the wall and on the floor to which the profiles will be attached. The mount is made on the self-tapping screw every 0.5 m.

The most difficult stage is the installation of an intermediate profile that will form outdoor box.

How to do it right:

  • From the profile itself, it is necessary to cut several segments of length, corresponding to the size of the flooring from the floor to the profile installed on the wall. That is, these segments will be the height of the box.
  • They are fixed to the floor profile on the self-tapping screw every 40-50 cm. Be sure to align the racks vertically.
  • Now they can be attached to the horizontal profile, which will form an angle.
  • To impart the stiffness of the entire structure, it is necessary to establish several crossbar in the horizontal plane. That is, connects corner element With the profile, which is fixed to the wall.

Facing the carcass

The frame is ready, now it needs to be sewn. For example, as a sheat, choose plasterboard. It must be cut into pieces of sizes that coincides with the size of the parties of the box. Dimensions should be accurate, no less, no more is recommended.

Plumbing Council: If the box is installed in wet room, then it is best to use moisture-resistant plasterboard, and wood slabs We will have to handle the antiseptic.

Mounting of drywall is made by self-drawing so that their hat go into the body of the sheet to a depth of approximately 0.5 mm. This is done so that when finishing the box, it would be possible to hide the fastening location.

Self-installation location:

  • From the edge of the sheet - 1.0-1.5 cm;
  • Between fasteners - 10-15 cm.

If the lengths of one sheet of cladding lacks until the end of the structure, then the two adjacent elements should be shown only on the intermediate profile (rack or crossbar).

Regardless of which method you used, if you pass in the unheated room.