How to decorate ceiling beams. When and why do you need decorative beams on the ceiling? Examples of the use of ceiling beams in rooms with different functionalities

Kitchen interior with decorative beams on the ceiling you will like not only creative people, but also to people more down to earth. This element immediately catches the eye in the kitchen, it looks very unusual and interesting. This kind of creativity is just what you need. modern man swallowed up by the bustle of the city.

Beams on the ceiling in the interior of the kitchen

Beamed kitchen ceiling looks interesting and adds country-style warmth to the kitchen

In rural areas, beams on the ceiling are not surprising. There they are the load-bearing supports of the entire structure of the house. In urban dwellings, they are used mostly for decorative purposes. With the help of beams, designers achieve originality in kitchen interiors. Polyurethane false beams are often used for these purposes. This attribute has its pros and cons. And it is not suitable for every kitchen. This is why you need to be smart about choosing decorative beams to complement your ceiling design perfectly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of beams on the ceiling:

This style fits well into chalets, country and other ethnic interiors.

The advantages of beams in the kitchen are undeniable, but they also have one drawback.

If not correct use these elements are able to visually reduce the room. This applies to kitchens with low ceilings.

Types and materials of their manufacture

Beams in the interior of the kitchen, see the solution in our video:

Beams can be a component overall design country house or perform only a decorative role. In the first version, the beam completely combines the function bearing element and an aesthetic challenge. Similar attributes are made from wood. Read about the kitchen project with furniture arrangement.


Pine and spruce are most often used as materials for beams. Less common, but also ash, oak.

These elements continue the semantic stylistics of the interior, combine everything into one space and at the same time can zone the kitchen - on the dining area and on the cooking area, it will look very beautiful.

Country, white provence and chalets

Country or Provence very often use ceiling beams

The country-style kitchen has a maximum of natural natural materials... Ceiling products are made from wood, processed stone. Polyurethane beams that mimic these materials are also suitable. Wooden crafts can be artificially aged.

Beams in color must be in harmony with the shade of furniture and accessories.

A characteristic feature of the Japanese ceiling in its segmentation: an indispensable figure that should adorn the ceiling in japanese style Is a rectangle or square. The cheapest and easiest option: paint wooden slats v dark color and fill them on the light ceiling according to your own sketch.

Modern designs: loft, hi-tech

High tech, loft and others modern styles can use plasterboard or metal beams, although wooden ones are quite simple to fit into the interior

Metal beams with a glossy surface fit perfectly into modern interiors. The colors are gray, white or black. Such products will emphasize the severity and brevity of the kitchen.

Is a kind of industrial interior with a minimum of furniture, no bright elements and decorative attributes.

Rough texture kitchen walls goes well with metal beams or open reinforced concrete structures on the ceiling.

Metal is used as the material of the beams for the high-tech kitchen; it is best able to emphasize the originality and minimalism of the interior in this style. Elements can be made of wood, but they must be painted in a metallic color.

Even an untreated ceiling looks great

Care, restoration of kitchen beams

Ceiling beams will last a long time if properly cared for.

It's good if the beams on the ceiling overlap with the flooring and wall decor

  • Wooden products are annually impregnated with wax or a special varnish solution.
  • Wood beams are cleaned with a dry or slightly damp cloth. It is better to refuse aggressive cleaning agents.
  • Solvents are used with caution, as wood can change color.
  • Drywall beams are wiped with a dry, clean cloth. It should not leave lint. V hard-to-reach places it is possible to use a vacuum cleaner, the brush is pre-washed soapy water and dry thoroughly.
  • The metal beams are wiped off dust with a damp cloth. Stubborn dirt is removed with soapy water.

Restoration of decorative beams

Restoration is not just the elimination of defects, it is a process of real transformation of wood, returning it to its former elegance.

  • Abrasions and small scratches are masked with a touch-up felt-tip pen. He just paints over the defect. Usually sold in building supermarkets.
  • Deep scratches and chipped beams, as well as not, are removed with furniture wax. Preheat it, and then fill the scratch with wax. Do it in smooth circular motions. After using transparent wax, the defect is painted over with enamel or varnish.
  • Significant defects on the beam are masked with wood filler. It is applied in several thin layers, each new layer after the previous one has dried. Next, the place of impact or chip is treated with sandpaper, covered with a rag and a layer of varnish.
  • Stains on wood beams of various origins can be removed with gasoline, which is an excellent solvent. To do this, a rag is moistened in gasoline, the stain is gently wiped. You can repeat the procedure after the gasoline is completely dry. When the stain is removed, the surface of the beam is polished with a dry cloth.
  • To freshen up the product, you can paint it with white acrylic. For the convenience of consumers, the enamel is produced in the form of a spray. Several coats are applied.

Interesting Russian fusion with ceiling beams:

Beams from a bar on the ceiling for the kitchen in the house - an interesting and original idea. Such beams can change general form kitchen by fixing. At proper care these interior elements will serve you as long as you do not want to get rid of them yourself. You can read more about that in our article.

The premise of a modern home, be it a chic country house, or an ordinary apartment in a high-rise building they often become the object of experiments of creative designers.

Stretch ceilings can easily give way to decorated wooden ceilings with beams. There are more and more people who want to decorate their interior in this way. It creates a chic atmosphere of coziness and a certain feeling of returning to an already forgotten good past.

The new design of ceilings fits perfectly not only into the living room, it should not be neglected in the rest of the rooms, especially in the kitchen. In these rooms, a person spends a significant part of his free time from work, but there is one important detail to be aware of.

If earlier our ancestors used massive beams floor slabs, while eliminating the need to make the ceilings even. That the current decoration of the semi-antique premises is just a bewitchingly beautiful imitation of the once constructive important elements building.

Wood as the main material for decorative beams

At first glance, it may seem that since we are dealing with imitation of beams, it means that they must be made of wood. This is not so, since the ceiling elements are only visually stylized for different types of wood.

In our century, polymers, and even iron, have long been used to create texture effects.

So, to reduce the cost of the final cost of goods, manufacturers use polyurethane components.

Beams made of polyurethane "wood-like" in the interior of the living room

And yet the eco-system, especially children's rooms and sleeping quarters, does not tolerate foreign structures. That is why it is customary to use only wooden structures having with back side groove. It simultaneously saves wood and serves as a conduit for reinforced insulation.

"Airy" bedroom interior with beamed ceilings

It is interesting: the use of decorated beams inevitably gives the room a special historical meaning, if we recall the decoration of Russian estates of the 19th century and the count's chambers. They also used artistically decorated (painted) stucco ceiling elements for living rooms and large halls. We are witnessing the reincarnation of the styles of the past, previously available only to the wealthy estates.

For fastening false beams, fastenings on screws in secret places or liquid nails are used. The option of fixing directly through the beam with special long hangers is possible.

In addition to the decorated beams themselves, it is possible and desirable to use light sources and sheet materials between the beams. Decorated beams are created in principle from any material, including:

  • metal
  • polyurethane
  • drywall
  • plywood.

Moreover, a false beam does not necessarily have to correspond to some stereotypes, it can also be anything, including white.

Oddly enough, there is enough space for imagination in finishing beams. For example, the decor for a false beam, which has the curved shape of its contour lines, looks very original.

Several popular styles

Antique styling is just one of the directions for decorating the ceiling. For example, metal beam structures that can be beaten with lighting devices and a high-tech ceiling ( detailed information you can read about how to decorate a high-tech kitchen).

Chandeliers or light fixtures generally play a key role in the design of any ceiling. Usually they are placed in the middle of the room, however, there are also built-in fans.

Here are just a few of the popular styles in which it would be appropriate to use beams:

  • Russian. Everything here should be in the form of a polished wide tree of ceiling beams in combination with lamps with wide lampshades.

  • High tech. Austere and at the same time laconic ceiling, combining black, white and metallic gloss with a strict geometric shape.

    Individual interior features

    When choosing a style, you should focus on the parameters of a particular room. Not every apartment is capable of withstanding the desired style solution.

    So, one of them will reduce the size of the rooms, while the other, on the contrary, will expand the space. With the help of beams, a completely new volume is created for each room.

    It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of the choice of color, as well as the shape and location of lighting devices. The color of the ceiling beams and ceiling should always be matched to all interior items. Often furniture and textiles complement the overall picture.

    The style will determine color range and direction of construction. So, for the country style, almost all dark tones of wood and interior elements will be favorable. Usually it is oak, larch, slightly exposed artificial aging wood.

    In almost all style solutions the color influences the perception of the mass of the ceiling elements. So, for dark beams, the effect of significant weight is characteristic, and, conversely, the lightest colors make them practically "airy".

    Too pronounced black color strictly emphasizes the graphic features of the beams. Grey colour is able to create the impression of a personal lifestyle of the owner of the home, but at the same time it is pleasant and serene to be in this room.

    The location of the beams greatly influences the visual perception of the size of the rooms.

    "Visual deception": one beam "passes" through another. Original solution for decorating the ceiling

    So, the style of a chalet implies a variety of design in relation to the walls. Positioning the beams in width narrow space, you run the risk of making it smaller. Accordingly, to give the rooms an elongation, beams should be placed along the long sides.

    The choice of figures from decorative beams is practically not limited by anything, but it is appropriate to use it only here. In this case, only the volume of the ceiling itself increases, and the beams do not affect the room.

    Take a note: tradition is a significant drag on development, especially in the design world. Only by experimenting can one achieve extremely unexpected positive emotions. For example, on lowered decorated beams in wooden house build mini flower beds with high ceilings.

    At the stage of lighting the ceiling, there are two options for fixing electrical appliances: directly on the beams and between them. If this is the main false beam, located in the center of the room, and it sits firmly enough on the ceiling, a chandelier is installed on it.

    It is important to follow the same principle, if necessary, add a combination of holders for decorating flower baskets and tableware to the kitchen interior.

    See interesting video about decorating the ceiling with wood beams:

A ceiling beam can be more than just a decoration. Its use has a number of advantages that will serve as a bonus to the original interior:

  • If you decide to put plasterboard ceiling, the beam will help hide the joints between the sheets. This will have a positive effect on the overall appearance of the coating.
  • Hollow beams allow you to hide wiring, pipes and other communications in them.
  • If you wish, you can use them to install additional lighting - for example, mount it directly into the yoke or turn it into a kind of frame for LED strips.
  • The use of ceilings as an element of the interior allows you to emphasize the style of the room;
  • To beams from durable materials(stone, wood, metal) can be attached suspended structures- lamps, decorations and even televisions.

Of course, one should not forget about the main function - the carrier, especially in private houses. However, in modern design beams are increasingly used as a stylistic device. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our photo selection in order to understand how the implementation of such an idea might look like.

Examples of using beams in the interior

There are many design ideas for transforming a beam from a structural element into a beautiful decoration.

Straight wooden beams contrasting in color with the ceiling look very nice in classic interior... They add monumentality to it, at the same time making the room wider.

The ceiling looks three-dimensional and embossed, and additional spotlights help enhance the effect.

Rough beams from natural wood can be emphasized by imitation of stone on the wall - so the room will look fresh and unusual.

However, try to avoid dark overlapping tones - they can appear rude.

Thinner perpendicular bars in contrasting colors highlight the carrier beam. Light it up with spotlights for more effect.

This technique is good for both large and small rooms - it visually adds space and looks good. It is best to use it between the kitchen and the open balcony - this way you can effectively zone the premises.

By the way, it is not necessary to stick exclusively to straight lines. If the beam is used as a decorative element, and not as a supporting structure, she may well be curly.

This solution will hide the wires and just look nice. The main thing is to carefully think over the pattern so that it is in harmony with the style of the rest of the room.

As an example, we chose multidirectional beams radiating from a horseshoe framing a lamp - a simple but effective technique that allows you to visually expand a room.

Suitable for high-tech interiors metal beams... They look unusual, and you can choose almost any shape. Such an airy embossed beam, as in the photo, is more suitable for spacious rooms - it hides a lot of the height of the room.

Nice bonus: Metal is one of the strongest materials. Therefore, you can use the structure to hang chandeliers and decor items.

However, in a classic interior, metal beams can look beautiful and appropriate - the main thing is to choose laconic straight lines and a restrained shade.

In this case, it is better to choose wooden ceiling- the contrast of the two materials looks very impressive and stylish.

It is better not to try to experiment with color - not every paint will fit well on metal, and it is quite difficult to find a successful solution.

Open ceiling beams are more suitable for living rooms and halls two-story house- that is, premises where their use allows the height.

Volumetric curly elements look stylish and add warmth and comfort to the room. Use them as a frame for small bulbs - the effect will be simply magical.

If you wish, you can lower a column of the same material from the ceiling - a simple yet elegant technique.

Openwork beams for concave stretch ceilings will be appropriate both in a private house and in an apartment with high walls. They look very unusual and original, while visually adding space and airiness to the room.

It is better to use contrasting tones of the same scale - warm or cold, so as not to create visual contradictions between them.

Scattered across the inter-girder space Spotlights will enhance this effect. This method is good for large rooms v classic style... However, by experimenting with colors, you can find a solution for more modern types of design.

You don't have to limit yourself to standard woody shades or boring black and white. You can easily paint the beams in any color you like - or even several! However, in this case, you must follow a couple of rules:

  • Make sure that the selected palette is combined with each other.
  • Remember that no more than three to four basic tones should be used in a harmonious interior. Otherwise, the design will turn out to be too colorful and tiring for the eyes.

Otherwise, it all depends on your imagination!

In a private house, it is possible to construct from wooden beams ... the entire ceiling. The volumetric relief space, illuminated from the inside, is a rather unusual design technique. However, remember that the height of the walls must be appropriate.

As you can see, the use of beams in the modern construction world is not only a necessity, but also an elegant design technique that allows you to complement the atmosphere of almost any room.

Wooden beams located on the ceiling are associated with something ancient, we immediately remember the rustic comfort, the warmth of the stove, the smell of fresh grass. It is with the help of decorative ceiling beams that many today are trying to decorate their home, give it originality and comfort.

What are they used for? decorative beams for ceiling in modern interiors, and what are the features of the device of a beam ceiling, our article will tell.

Ceiling beams in a modern interior

What are ceiling beams used for in the interior?

In addition to, in fact, originality, ceiling beams made of wood can also carry a functional load:

  • Hollow beams (false beams) allow you to mask the various lines of communication running along the ceiling in the house. They can also be used as boxes for mounting ceiling lights.
  • From a design point of view, a ceiling with wooden beams allows you to favorably emphasize the height and overall volume of the room. For extremely high rooms, which are deprived of coziness because of this, the arrangement of the beams at a lower level normalizes the perception of space and makes it more comfortable.

For attic rooms by decorating the pitched ceiling with wooden beams, you can bring some order to the interior, make it more harmonious.

Diagram of the construction of false beams

Styles to match with ceiling beams

Beams, contrary to popular belief, are suitable for many styles: best, of course, for ethnic styles and, under certain circumstances, for a host of others, even modern high-tech.

For interiors with a bias towards the historical "classics", decorative beams for the ceiling, decorated with carvings, vignettes, and painting, are best suited. It will be appropriate to paint the beams in silver or another delicate shade. For strict "classics", smooth lacquered beams - white or dark - are suitable.

Cutting edge styles such as loft and hi-tech can be decorated with beams in metallic hues.

In rooms in a rural style, aka country style, it is better to use beams for the ceiling with an aging effect. Moreover, the color of the beams can be either light woody or dark. Here, the texture and roughness of the beams, inherent in elements that are in continuous operation, are put to the fore.

For the French rural Provence style, on the contrary, it is better to choose more graceful beams - light and neat.

Ceiling beams in a wooden house are often used as floor supports

Positioning ceiling beams in the interior

Since beams can significantly affect the perception of the geometry of the room, it is necessary to figure out how they should be positioned to achieve this or that effect:

  • For visual expansion the rooms of the beams are located along the width of the room, while the longitudinal arrangement of the beams makes it more elongated.
  • If there is no need to visually change the geometry of the room, the beams for the ceiling can be laid in the form of a lattice (crosswise). Such a device of beams will add volume to the ceiling in the house, and the result will be, in fact, a coffered ceiling.
  • Beams can be used to decorate small areas the ceiling - in the form of a lattice, a herringbone and other figures. They can be used to decorate ceiling niches made of plasterboard in the kitchen.
  • One large ceiling beam can visually divide the room into functional areas if you place it at the junction of the zones.

Ceiling beams will look beautiful, passing to the walls. In this way, such a lack of a room as low ceilings is visually corrected.

Ceiling beams: selection and installation features

Shades different types natural wood for choosing ceiling beams

Full-bodied wooden beams for the ceiling in the kitchen, and in other rooms, to use as a decor element is irrational in terms of cost, and their installation by hand will also be quite problematic.

Decorative beams for the ceiling perfectly imitate full-fledged products, while being much cheaper and easier to install.

Beams of this type, as a rule, are made from polyurethane, due to which they have a low mass and can have different appearance: with imitation of old, slightly cracked wood, or, conversely, smooth sanded, as well as in various color variations. Among other things, the advantage of such beams is their moisture resistance.

The ceiling with wood beams during the arrangement requires the presence of supports that can withstand the mass of the products. To do this, the ends of the beams are most often simply caulked into the walls under the ceiling, having previously made holes in the walls of appropriate sizes.

If we are talking about false beams, then for their installation they usually use a frame structure (crate) from a metal profile or wooden beams... The frame is mounted on the ceiling, after which the beams are attached to it using self-tapping screws. If the mass of the beams is small, they can be fixed directly to the ceiling using liquid nails.

The most reliable is the combined - frame-adhesive method of fastening.

Wooden beams on the ceiling with lattice-shaped beams look very impressive

Prop beams for the ceiling can be made with your own hands from light plywood or drywall. To do this, a frame is erected under the ceiling from an aluminum profile of the appropriate shape (with protrusions), after which the protrusions of the ceiling frame are sheathed with plasterboard or plywood, this option is suitable for both the bedroom and the living room.

Thus, with the correct use of ceiling beams, a stunning visual effect can be achieved in the room. The room will be very comfortable and will be great for relaxation.

Such ceilings will be an excellent solution for decoration in country house, insofar as rustic interior in combination with fresh air will create an even more suitable atmosphere for relaxation.



There are no similar posts, but there are more interesting ones.

When decorating premises, including ceilings, many have questions related to the use of certain materials. Today we will look at what false ceiling beams are. These elements are becoming more and more popular, and we could not ignore this issue.

False beams - manufacturing features

Ceiling false beams are able to radically transform the room, bring a peculiar flavor and comfort to it. Specialized shops offer a wide range of false beams, made of various materials and for all tastes.

Benefits of hollow core beams

Note! The advantage of these elements is that they are easy to install, and the internal voids allow you to hide in them various technological lines, pipes, cables, etc.

As already mentioned, decorative ceiling beams are made from different material, and it will not be difficult to acquire them. Methods of installation and proper decoration of premises by them are described in sufficient detail on our pages, so today we want to touch upon a slightly different issue.

False simplicity

Many people are interested in false wood beams, namely, how to make them with their own hands. This is the issue we want to consider today.

Looking for the first time this design, you may get the wrong impression about the simplicity in the manufacture of the element. But this is at first glance. The fact is that simply by connecting separate boards in the form of a box, you will end up with a product that has nothing to do with beams.

It's all about the seam. It is clear that if the seam is visible, there can be no talk of any false beam.

Material - special attention

The problem lies not only in the neat connection, but also in the right choice wood:

  • If the tree is not dry enough, an inconspicuous seam at first glance will become visible after a short period of operation.
  • Warm air in the room, rising upward, will only contribute to this process.
  • Therefore, when choosing a material for manufacturing, it is necessary to pay Special attention to this question.

Joint of elements - the way matters

Further, many are interested in exactly the docking individual elements... Sometimes it is offered, as an option, the joining of individual elements in such a way as shown in the picture below - that is, in the transverse direction.

Let's say right away that without special equipment, at home, to carry out high-quality docking, thus, it is unlikely to work. No, we certainly do not mean high-class specialists performing carpentry work at home. We mean the average householder who loves to do something with his own hands.

The seam will be clearly visible, and the absence circular saw with a variable incline of the cutting head, will result in a lot of wasted time.

Assembling the structure is a simple and correct way

Therefore, we suggest that you make the connection as shown in the figure below.

This connection allows you to well dock the individual parts of the false beam, using a minimum of skill and labor costs. Of course, some care is required, but almost everyone can do this connection at home.

This will require:

  • boards
  • bars
  • self-tapping screws
  • PVA glue or any other glue capable of gluing wood parts well.

We collect a false beam

When everything is ready, you can start working:

  • First, the side panels are fitted as closely as possible to the base, the bottom of the beam. For this, a plane and coarse sandpaper are used.
  • After that, it is necessary to screw the bars to the side parts using self-tapping screws. The block should fit snugly, so do not spare the screws, but do not overdo it.
    It is quite enough if they are located at a distance of 150 - 250 mm from each other.
  • Further, in the bar it is necessary with the help of a drill and a drill to make holes for self-tapping screws to attach to the base.
  • The holes will be located perpendicular to the self-tapping screws for attaching the bar to the side. Make the hole pitch the same as in the first case.

Our advice - As a general rule, crossing screws should not be closer than 50 mm to each other.

  • Before connecting the individual elements, apply the previously prepared glue to the contacting sides.

If you have a question about the correct use of glue, we have one answer: instructions for its use - best recommendation, and no others.

After all the operations with the glue have been completed, the individual parts are connected and fastened with self-tapping screws. This connection is strong enough to resist the formation of cracks in the joint.

Exterior decoration - methods and options

Of course, we connected to connect, but in most cases the seam still remains visible. How to proceed? First, you need to decide what you want to use these beams for, or rather in what interior they will be used.

Do you think this is irrelevant? You are wrong - this is very important!

Beam finishing according to design option

Imagine that you are planning to install ceiling beams, and at the same time you want to use the same plastic for decorating the walls of the room. Agree, it is not entirely appropriate when wood beams are present in this interior, unless of course you are creating some kind of special design.
You will want to paint your ceiling beams with a paint that matches your interior design. In this case, what prevents you from filling the seams with a special putty on wood, and, having sanded them well, cover them with paint? That's right - nothing prevents you from doing this.

Country style interior

In most cases, the manufacture of solid wood beams implies their use exactly as natural wooden beams. Rustic or country style is very popular lately, and a large number of people want to decorate their houses in this way.

Although, in fairness, it must be said that the concept of using beams in the ceiling design, characteristic of different options rustic styles, have long moved to some other directions.

See for yourself:

Of course, you can buy false beams made of plastic that exactly imitates wood. Or real beams made of industrially manufactured wood. But after all, today we are deciding precisely the question of the possibility of making this structure with our own hands. If we decide to do this, let's carry out what we started to the end.

Old tree

We decided on the connection issue. It's time to resolve the issue exterior decoration... False ceiling beams that imitate an old, smoked wood over the years look very beautiful. Let's make such a construction together.

Materials and tools

First, we need boards. For this, old boards are suitable. The only condition is that they should not be rotten and eaten by woodworm beetles.

If there are no old boards, new ones will do as well - the main thing is that they must be well dried. Edged board will do. After all, we wanted to make the tree old, and that's what we'll do.

Secondly, we need tools:

  • Well-Sharpened Ax
  • Grinder with attachments
  • Sandpaper
  • Tinting paint for wood
  • Wood varnish

From the attachments for the sander we need:

  • Metal brush coarse
  • Metal brush, soft
  • Sandpaper

Step one - making a box

Everything is ready for work, let's get started. To begin with, we need to assemble the box of the future false beams as we described earlier. Again, any boards will do, both old and new, the main thing is to make a good tight connection.

With an ax on the "living"

  • This is done with an ax. The box is laid on a flat surface, and chips begin to be applied with an ax.
  • When chipping, position the ax at approximately 20 degrees to the plane.
  • The notches should be positioned like the sphinx. In other words, the flat part alternates with grooves.
  • The depth of the chips should be approximately 5 - 10 mm. But that's up to you.
  • The main thing is not to cut the thickness of the board, but just walk over the entire surface in different places.
  • It is convenient to chip with the corner of the ax blade, located closer to the ax.
  • The more you make nicks and chips, the more beautiful the beam will turn out in the future.
  • Having passed over the entire surface, look from the side at the structure. If you see gaps that are too large, walk through them again, causing additional chips.

The work does not require special skill, chop the whole box in this way, throw out the energy on fresh air... Do not be sorry for the corners, apply the holes on them too. After such work, the tight connection becomes completely invisible.


Having received the disfigured box of the false beam, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage. To complete it, we need Sander with a coarse, metal brush installed on it.

With its help, you need to walk over the entire surface. Or, if you do not have a brushing machine, you will have to use coarse-grained emery.

  • The purpose of this operation is that we need to smooth out all the nicks and chips.
  • After we walked through the box with an ax, chips and nicks have sharp edges.
  • It is necessary to smooth them out so that the edges turn out to be flatter, as if chipped from time to time.

Our advice is to wear protective goggles when performing this operation. Small chips flying in different directions can damage the eyes.

  • The work does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is accuracy and observance of safety measures when working with a grinder.
  • During work, you will come across soft areas of the tree, do not be afraid, remove them, this will give an even greater effect.
  • In some places, the structure of wood fibers can appear very well - this will also add a certain color.

We continue fine-tuning

  • M 40 is best suited. We have to walk it along the entire plane of the beam.
  • It is not necessary to exert strong pressure - it is enough to walk over the entire surface, removing a very small part of it.
  • The main task is to remove large plane burrs.

Finishing the formation of the general configuration

After they walked over the surface with an ax, making chips, smoothing the edges with a coarse brush, removing burrs with sandpaper. With this operation, we will remove possible remnants of the soft layer of wood and additionally give the chips and nicks smoothness.

This work must be done very carefully. Do not miss more than one unprocessed centimeter of the future false beam.

The main thing to remember is that the better and more accurately you perform this operation, the more good result will turn out at the very end. Let's get started - don't forget about safety glasses.

The work is done, the entire surface is processed, once again inspect the resulting product well and, if necessary, carry out additional refinement.

Protective and external coating - how to do it right

Moving on to the most interesting question, finishing. First of all, the tree must be protected from moisture,. For this, the entire surface must be covered with a protective layer of a special agent.

Our advice is to do the following best: buy a product that simultaneously performs several functions, protection and decor.

  • Currently, this will not be difficult, in specialized stores you can always choose for different tastes and colors, the price of this product is low.
  • You can choose a product of any color, there is a maple, cherry, oak, chestnut, etc.
  • Choose what works best for you and cover the resulting beam with it. Cover the surface with several layers if necessary.

We remove the "pile"

  • It must be driven in, while leaving the original light stripes on the surface.
  • Take sandpaper M 40, and walk over the entire surface with your hand. Never use a sander at this stage.
  • It is enough just to lightly walk on the surface.
  • After that, remove dust and lint residues from the beam and cover it with varnish. The varnish can also be used both colorless and tinted.

After the varnish is dry, you will have a wonderful, completely smooth surface with a unique look.

Use cases

Artificial materials or natural logs?

The beam can now be installed in its place. When the work is completed, the impression will be created that the beam has stood there for more than one hundred years.
By the way, this way you can age not only decorative beams, but also real floor products.

How to position false ceiling beams correctly, and create a real country style in your room, you can find out by watching a video or photo of various design options on our resource. Good luck to you!