Zodiac signs sowing for June. Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and colors

Changing the phases of the moon affects the growth and development of plants. Choose a favorable time for sowing in June 2017 and get good harvest Moon sowing calendar will help you.

All plants have their own energy field. Their health and endurance directly depend on the time of landing and the effect of lunar energy. To get a rich harvest, it is necessary to plant seeds in a favorable time: then the lunar energy will contribute to the rapid development of sprouts.

Favorable and unfavorable days for sowing in June

June 1-2.In the first June days, the moon grows and is located in the constellation of the Virgin. This period is favorable for soaking seeds, sowing in open sad and seating of young sprouts.

June 3-5. Growing moon in scales. This time is best suited for landing any tuber plant. The soil looser will help the sponsors to develop faster, and moderate watering will help strengthen.

June 6-7. Moon in Scorpio. This period is extremely favorable for sowing: the seeds will develop quickly, and the growing plants grew out of them will give a plentiful harvest.

June 8-10. These three days are especially favorable for sowing vegetable crops and spicy herbal. Full moon on June 9 will fill the seeds by force, but for this they need to give time to the adoption of lunar energy. The 10th of the moon begins to decrease: it is better not to disturb the plants on this day.

June 11-12. The moon goes to the constellation of Capricorn. This period is well suited for sowing "capricious" plants and transplants of Rostkov. The energy of a decreasing moon can slightly weaken the seeds and slow down their development, but with proper care you will get the necessary result.

June 13-15.A decreasing moon in the constellation Aquarius does not affect the development of seeds too well. At this time, it is better not to disturb future plants, but free time Defend Cleaning the tradition of Feng Shui.

June 16-17.The moon continues to pass the decrease phase and goes to the constellation of fish. This sign is very fertile, therefore, from seeds sitting at this time, strong and healthy plants will grow.

June 18-19. Descending Moon in Aries. This period is not suitable for sowing, since the fiery energy of the Aries does not contribute to the development of plants.

June 20-21. The moon interacts with the constellation of the Taurus. This two-day period is favorable for seating of sprouts, soaking seeds and planting decorative shrubs.

June 24-25. New Moon in Cancer Constellation. This period is favorable for sowing and disembarking germinated seeds into open ground. The growth energy of the moon contributes to the rapid development of plants and the high yield of vegetable crops.

June 26-27. The moon passes in the constellation of the lion. This period is not too favored for sowing sensitive plants: they may not withstand the powerful fiery of the lion. It is better to recover the seeds and germs to recover, and to devote your free time to rest and other affairs.

June 28-29.Growing Moon in Virgo. This period is favorable for sowing, soaking seeds and landing of sprouts in greenhouses and open soil. Watering and fertilizer of the Earth contributes to high yield and rapid growth Plants.

30 June.On the last day of the month, the moon is in the growth phase and interacts with the constellation of weights. This day is favorable for seed landing curly plants, thinning and loosening soil, as well as for moderate irrigation.

Plant important events On the first summer month and to attract good luck and the lucky calendar for June 2017 will help you. We wish you beautiful garden and abundant harvest. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

30.05.2017 06:06

IN summer period Indoor plants are actively developing and delighting the flower bright inflorescences. Caring for them ...

In June, most plants have already entered the time of vegetation. Therefore, the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 does not provide for such an active plant planting, as in other months. However, this does not mean that landing in June on the lunar calendar cease at all. Some seeds are perfect, if they sow them at the beginning of this month. Well, other works in the garden and in the garden for the summer residents abound.

Lunny sowing calendar for 2017 for gardener and gardery from June 1 to 15

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin

The Lunar Calendar of Ogorodnika for June 2017 advises on this day to hold the chipping and steaming of vegetable crops.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign

You can only deal with the thinning of shoots and processing of the Earth.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign

For gardener June 5 in the lunar calendar for 2017 - a favorable time for transplantation, watering, making mineral fertilizer, vaccinations.

Suitable time for planting strawberries and rooting musty.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Scorpio sign

Suitable time for planting potatoes and rooteplood. Favorable time for watering, making fertilizers, transplants, weeding.

In the garden, according to the lunar calendar of the gardener-garden for 2017, June 6, it is possible to start watering young landings, berry Sustainers, spend extra-corner subordinate. Today is a suitable day for cooking brazers, tinctures, etc.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Scorpio sign

Try to complete the previously started, but do not undermine new affairs - the day is considered unfavorable for undertakings. Do not overcome, be careful to your well-being - this day of the lunar cycle is unfavorable for health.

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener for 2017 on June 7 advises to plant bulbous flowers, share the rhizomes of irises, phlox, peonies, etc. Can be made by making organic fertilizers, feeding bedroom bulbous colors, especially if they have a weak root system.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Sagittarius

On this day, on the lunar calendar for June 2017, gloomy can be done feeding, including an extraordinated way. Do not forget about the fight against pests and diseases - carry out comprehensive protection of plants, use combination solutions for spraying, use champs and infusions.

  • Full moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

It is not recommended to engage in planting and transplantation of plants. In the afternoon on June 9, 2017, the lunar sowing calendar permits gardens to sow only the seeds of roots - carrots, turnips, radish, radish.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

Lunar boarding calendar June 10 June recommends floating plants that are rapidly growing and is used without storage - for example, a jacket salad, onions on the pen. It is recommended to make a spraying and struggle against pests of plants, thinning shoots, weeding.

In the greenhouse, it is possible to make a sepure and step-down of vegetable crops.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Capricorn sign

Invalizable time for sowing and landing, but you can deal with the fight against pests and disease diseases! Processing of land, feeding and making fertilizers, weeding.

A favorable day for physical activity. Flower on the lunar calendar for 2017 on June 11, it is recommended to feed decorative bedroom flowers, especially if they have a weak flowering or they did not bloom in the last time. Do not forget that during the actual growth of plants especially need fertilizers.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Capricorn sign

Take yourself with a change, thinning, removal of weak and patient plants.

A favorable time for feeding plants in the garden and garden. Do not forget to combat pests of plants, destroy weeds.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

You can start a compost pouch laying, using plant residues - plant tops, old leaves, etc. It is recommended to conduct feeding and making mineral fertilizers in the garden and in the garden

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

In the garden, you can cut forward seedlings and seedlings in thickened places, loosen the aisle, dip potatoes, spill weeds, fight pests and plant diseases.

Treat trees in the garden, collect and destroy pests, remove the affected branches, pig fruit trees and shrubs. Soot spicy herbs.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

In the garden, consistent with the weather, you can start watering young landings, berry shrubs. Treat trees, collect and destroy pests, remove the affected branches.

Lunar landing calendar for 2017 from 16 to 30 June

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of the fish

Continue started in previous days and try not to start a new one - in astrology, the twenty-third lunar day is considered favorable to complete the affairs and unfavorable for any undertakings.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of the fish

According to the lunar calendar of the gardener on June 17, 2017 - the right time to process plants and beds: transplantation, thinning, chipquarters and steaming of vegetables seedlings.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of Aries

A favorable time for work in the garden - engage in the formation of trees and shrubs, remove the root piglery.

Do not forget about the fight against pests and diseases - carry out comprehensive protection of plants, use combination solutions for spraying, use champs and infusions.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of Aries

The lunar landing calendar for June 2017 is unfavorable on this day, but you can deal with the struggle with pests and diseases of plants, the processing of land, feeding and making fertilizers, weeding.

A favorable day for physical activity. Adopt the decorative bedroom flowers, especially if they have a weak flowering or they did not bloom in the last time. Do not forget that during the actual growth of plants especially need fertilizers.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign Taurus

Be careful to your health - the day is considered dangerous to health. Reduce physical activity, deal with work that does not require great effort.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign Taurus

The lunar calendar of the flower for June 2017 does not recommend to engage in sowing, transplantation, picking. You can cut forward, loosen, remove weak and sick plants.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Gemini sign

Be careful to your health - this day is considered unfavorable for health. Press the seeds of spicy plants and medicinal herbs. The lunar-sowing calendar for June 2017 recommends that the tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower for subsequent cultivation are attached to this. Good time for planting colors - Petunia, velvetsev, zinnia. Spend watering and feeding.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Gemini sign

Be careful to your health - this day is considered unfavorable for health. Garders on the lunar calendar on June 23, it is recommended to sow seeds of spicy plants and medicinal herbs. You can sow tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower for subsequent cultivation. Good time for planting colors - Petunia, velvetsev, zinnia. Spend watering and feeding.

On this day in the garden and garden do not engage in trimming and thinning.

  • New Moon
  • Moon in Cancer Sign

If you are oriented towards the Moon Sowing Calendar of the Gardener, June 24, you can also sow tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower for subsequent cultivation. Good time for planting colors - Petunia, velvetsev, zinnia. Spend watering and feeding.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Cancer Sign
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the lion sign

Take care of thinning, loosening, removal of unnecessary shoots, weak and sick plants. Adjust the room flowers if they did not bloom on time or they have a weak flowering.

June 26 in the Moon-Sowing Calendar of the Gardener - good time For sowing seeds of curly plants.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the lion sign

Suitable time for planting plants and beds - transplantation, thinning, chipquarters and steaming of seedlings of vegetables.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin

On June 29, a lunar-sowing calendar is favorable for planting seedlings of thermal-loving crops, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, patissons.

A favorable time for transplantation, watering, making mineral fertilizers, vaccinations.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin

Favorable time for watering and liquid feeding. You can remove the harvest of fresh greenery, radish; Do home canning.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign

Suitable time to root the mustache strawberries.

Came June-distortion - there is no work from work.

Lunar calendar for June 2017 gardener and gardery, flower plant becomes a desk book.

He will not only tell me when and the better to do, but will help to plan all things on the plot.

On the first day of summer, it is in phase 1/4, and further grows. Flowers Sawn Annual Flowers and decorative shrubs, trees, as well as time favorably for planting strawberries. The transplantation and reproduction of perennial flower crops will be well. Gardeners cut fruit trees and berry shrubs.

Good time to land roses and tuber plants; Sit down roots and tuberfold. Flowers plant curly flowers - sweet pea, IPOMEY, VEYN, BURNELLINE. Rooting the cuttings, watered plenty of plants, make fertilizers.

In lunome sowing calendar By June 2017, Gardener and Gardener are one of the most favorable periods, as the moon grows in fertile scorpion. These days can be engaged in all gardens, With the exception of trimming trees, chipping of crops and cleaning of leaves and tops.

If the 8th is growing, then the full moon rises in the sky, and the 10th decreases. During this period, any works related to cultural plants are stopped - sowing, thinning, feeding, trimming, pinching, the formation of the crown.

Time can be devoted to the fight against weeds and numerous pests, the number of which in the summer increases several times.

On June 11 and 12, the night shouted in Capricorn. Continue to sow vegetable plants, Organic root feeding makes, transplanted plants with a weakened root system, weeding the grass.

13, 14 and 15, the moon goes into a non-frosting aquarium. IN landing calendar By June 2017, the gardener and gardener comes a break, but the work is not reduced.

All energy is directed to the weeping of plants, form the crown in the trees, remove unnecessary or sick shoots from the plants, cut into the mustache, spray plants from pests and remove the first harvest of root crops.

On June 16 and 17, the moon is in the constellation of fish, the 16th in the decreasing phase, and the 17th in the third quarter.

Fish belongs to a fertile sign, so you can deal with landing any plants. But with watering it is worth the caution, there is a risk of pouring plants. And also refuse these days from the seas and dive.

Since this is a barren sign, then sowing for a while stopping. Crop the mustache at strawberries, treated plants from pests, fight weeds.

Gently need to be with the root system, one careless movement and it can be damaged that the plant will lead to death.

In the lunar calendar of the garden for June 2017 comes a series of favorable site daysSince the decreasing moon is now in Taurus. All work will be completed by an excellent result.

But it is worth being careful with watering and loosening in the root area.

They are engaged in the improvement of the garden, they carry out sanitary trimming, remove the young piglery. Today is the time of contemplation, so admire the flower beds, enjoy the fragrance of flowers. You should not tear flowers, dig up the earth and unscrew the garden.

24th rises New Moon, Earth does not breathe, the plants freeze. At this time, cultures do not touch, but with weed grass You can compete.

The 25th moon begins to grow up to the good time for planting cultures and care. Plant juice began movement from roots to branches, and therefore trimming during this period is contraindicated.

Another non-homing sign, so they are engaged in economic affairs - the fence and tracks are corrected, the inventory is revealed, put the backups under the plants.

This is the time of flower water. These days are transplanted and divided by perennials, spread out with them. Mineral I. organic feeding, including potash.

Today it will be successfully rooting cuttings and plant care - feeding, watering, vaccination, earth processing.

In early June, mice landing potatoes. Such an operation will break the soil, will ensure air intake to the roots and destroy weeds. After appearing on potato beds, shooters with a height of 10-15 cm hold the first injection of potatoes. At the end of June, re-emphasizing the potatoes.

On the beds with carrots, beet, onions, radishes and other cultures, weed weeds and dispel shoots, leaving stronger and developed plants. Pour sowing and landing warm water. It is better to do it in the morning or in the evening, avoiding the midday heat.

In mid-June, from 10 to 20 June - re-sow seeds of cucumbers to seedlings. Then in the middle of the summer, several of these young plants land in a greenhouse. They will provide the second wave of harvest to the most frosts.

In the second half of the month, a dill, salads, endive, kinzu, arugula, Beijing cabbage can be re-sowed for the vacation spot from the tulips.

W. winter garlic You need to break the arrow with flowers on the tops. Then the plants will not spend nutrients On their distillation, but send all the energy on the formation of garlic heads.

June work in the garden

In June, continue the formation of the crown of apple trees, trimming the grazing shoots, to reject the vertically growing branches to accelerate their fruiting.

Get a breeding green chewing And with black and red currant and gooseberry.

To spend on young barriers to spraying the design of a vector apple tree from the text and the gooseberry from the mildew.

At the ends of the branches of trees and shrubs often appears aphid. It is possible to use urea against it (3 tablespoons on 10 liters of water).

In June, the first harvest of berries is ripening - on the honeysuckles, and the berries of fine-free repair strawberries appear on strawberry beds.

On plantations, strawberries need to be closed by straw or bevelled plants on lawns and dried grass. Delete all unnecessary mustache on the strawberry.

Lawns in June also require attention. In addition to regular mowing of growing grass, watering is needed if there is dry weather, as well as fertilizers that will provide a thick, bright, juicy grass.

June work in the flower bed

Conduct the pruning of forssee, which blew in the spring, and later cropped lilac brushes later; Conduct forming trimming and on the bushes of Weigels and Detaments. Plants will acquire a neat, well-groomed look. Pruning will cause the revealation of new shoots on which lush flowering next year.

In mid-June, you can proceed to the stalling of roses, hydrangea, chubushnik, spiries, as well as to touch Clematis groove to obtain a new planting material.

In the second half of June, sowing the seeds of the Viola, which will bloom the next spring. At the same time, other two-year-old plants can be sang, which will bloom in a year: Margitet, forget-me-not, on-up, carnation Turkish, rose rose, bell. Specify the time.

After yellowing and starts fading foliage on blooming in early spring Meltelukic plants - hanalers, crocuses, muskari, Pushkin, they need to dig. The tulips and hyacinths and bulbs of the emperor's bulbs also dig. This usually happens in the second half of June. Narcissus dump and divide to transplanting their bulbs once every 3-5 years. The bulbs of separated daffodils, in contrast to all other bulbs, you need to immediately land on the flower. It is impossible to store them - they can dry. All other dug bulbs are treated in a weak mortar solution, and then decompose on storage in a dry, ventilated room before disembarking.

In June, herbalists start picking medicinal herbs: flowers of linden and chamomile, herbs Celebre, Hypericum, mother-in-law, nettle leaves and plantain, other plants.

Important: this month, it is necessary to have time to carefully put all weeds on the beds, flower beds and around berry bushes and fruit trees, on planting strawberries. In July, it may not have enough time to do so, because the cleaning and processing of cucumbers will begin, berries. And without a weeding you lose part of the crop.

Many modern people They know that the moon has a huge impact on all the processes occurring on the whole of our planet. Under its "leadership" of tides and flow, energy flows, it affects the health, mood and stress resistance of a person.

Of course, no less influence is on plants. Since ancient times, people have noticed the link between lunar cycles and sowing work. And thanks to the knowledge of the ancestors, supported by modern science, the lunar sowing calendar was compiled for June 2017, for each gardener and gardenerwhich you can see below.

On the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

It was noted that in different periods of the moon differ differently on the growth and health of the plant. For example, in periods of special activity (full moon) and, on the contrary, passivity (noving) is best to avoid any manipulations with plants, even with room floor. These days, the Moon's power is especially aggressive: she either completely "takes" the vital energy of a rapid plant (in full moon), or hesitates it so much that it simply does not withstand this strongest flow that violates the functioning of the internal processes of the plant. Therefore, it is so important for the gardener and garden, to use in their work - sowing calendar.

It was noted that a particularly beneficial moon affects perennial plantsIf they have time to land in an open ground in the growing phase of the natural satellite of the Earth. In these favorable days any work in the field, garden, garden or houses with houseplants Let's lead to a positive effect: rapid and healthy growth. But to plant rootes are best in periods of the fading lunar phase (see.).

Sowing calendar for June 2017 for gardener and gardener

Lunar sowing calendar also tells us about the impact on the growth of plants of signs zodiac circlewhich rule in a certain time interval.

Influence of zodiac signs on plants

There are three types of zodiac signs:

1. Fertile signs. Their strength helps plants in growth, brings a good crop and protects against various diseases. These signs are the following: Scorpio, Cancer, Fish. Not so long ago, another sign of the zodiac was officially recognized. It also refers to the signs of increased fertility.

2. Signs of medium fertility: Taurus, Sagittarius, Scales and Capricorn. During the management of these signs, it is possible to engage in garden work, but the crop will most likely be not the most outstanding.

3. Basic signs: Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini and Lion. In days under the guidance of these forces, it is worth refraining from any field work so that your forces do not disappear in vain.

Of course, such knowledge that the sowing lunar calendar give for a month June 2017 will help anyone, even the novice gardener and the gardener to achieve the maximum result in his hard work.

Also, see:, according to weather forecasts.