Care of rooted thuja cuttings. How to propagate thuja by cuttings in summer and autumn - detailed instructions

Thuja golden - one of my favorite plants on the site. It forms the center of the composition among the conifers, grows rapidly, pleases with yellowish greenery throughout the year, when not completely under the snow, hides the fluffy cat from the heat in the summer heat.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a thuja seedling in a nursery or at least at a roadside market, bring it to the country and plant it. In this case, you can act differently, but on one condition - if thuja grows near your neighbors or somewhere nearby (you can immediately appreciate the decorative properties of the specimen you like and understand what you will get on your site in the future).

No, you don't need to dig it out. It is enough just to break off one small branch with a heel extending from the stem (for this, do not twist it when breaking off, but pull the branch downward). When cutting with a knife, the heel will not be saved, and the landing will be unsuccessful, so do not experiment, but break it off, as it is written. The rooting percentage is not 100%, so it is advisable to take several cuttings at once.

For planting, it is better to choose a healthy, medium-sized twig. After tearing off, a slight bark scuff will remain on the trunk, which will not in any way affect the forthcoming winter hardiness of a well-developed mother plant.

The seedling can be rooted in a jar with a little water. Only the heel should be in the water, but not the needles. To avoid decay, use chilled boiled water and do not forget to renew it periodically.

If you are rooting not one, but several cuttings, try to root each in a separate container. You can put several cuttings in a jar at once, but in this case it is important to make sure that there is no tightness (2-3 cuttings of thuja, no more).

The second more preferable option is rooting directly in containers filled with soil. In this case, it is advisable to plant the cutting at a slope of 45 degrees (then it will take root faster and better). Cover the top of the planting with foil or spunbond (for better rooting, you need high humidity). We use cut plastic water bottles for such purposes.

You better take root young cuttings thuja will help coniferous forest litter, it must be added to the earthen mixture. Or rather, not the surface needles that have dried up on the ground themselves, but what is immediately below them. They are decaying needles that contain the mycorrhiza of soil fungi that promote healthy rooting.

Immediately after planting in an earthen pot, the seedling must be watered moderately, without diluting the mash and mulched with a small layer of dry earth. Cover it with a plastic bottle and leave it in a room at a temperature of at least +22 C in a bright place without direct sunlight (diffused light).

At autumn planting it is advisable to root the cuttings in advance - from the end of summer. The fact is that for the formation of roots sufficient for planting in the exhaust gas, it takes from one to several months. In September-October, you can plant a well-rooted cuttings in a pot to a permanent place.

Unlike seed reproduction cuttings will allow you to completely repeat the decorative properties of the mother plant and get exactly what you want on your site. There is no risk of over-pollination of decorative thujas.

This method can be used not only for golden thuja, but also for other varieties that grow well in our middle lane... Cuttings can be harvested and rooted at almost any time of the year, even in winter.

It is better to plant them on the site in late spring - early summer, but you can also in the fall. Thuja is a rather unpretentious hardy plant.

A full-fledged coniferous tree from a small twig develops longer than from a grown seedling bought in a nursery, for a couple of years, but in the future you will have more than enough of your planting material. It will be possible to plant thujas at least the entire perimeter of your site.

Also, do not forget that in October you can collect seeds, taking into account the above disadvantages, and sow them before winter.

Thuja is an evergreen, coniferous plant used for garden decoration. Thuja reproduces well with spring and autumn cuttings. In today's article, you will learn about the propagation of thuja by cuttings in winter.

Thuja cuttings are a relatively fast, affordable and not difficult method of propagation. The grown plant is less robust and resistant than after the seed method, but this does not diminish the popularity of this method.

Thuja propagation by cuttings - pluses:

  1. Retains the specifics of the appearance.
  2. Conveys maternal qualities (resistance).
  3. Rapid cultivation (2-3 years) of young tui.

It is necessary to harvest thuja cuttings in autumn, if we are talking about thuja propagation by cuttings in winter. The vegetative method and the warning preparation are among the disadvantages of the method, and if there are errors, planting may not work.

How to prepare thuja cuttings from autumn?

Harvesting of thuja cuttings from autumn and reproduction coniferous tree in winter increases the chances of a successful landing. Why is it necessary to harvest cuttings in the fall? At the end of this period, the movement of juices in the trunk decreases in thuja, therefore, there will be much less affected branches after cutting and harvesting cuttings, but more time is spent on harvesting than during the period of active growth of the buds.

How to prepare thuja cuttings:

  1. Select the upper shoots (top) for trimming.
  2. Cuttings should be cut from branches 3 years ago.
  3. Cut the stalk completely woody.
  4. The length of the handle is up to 50 cm.

What needs to be done after harvesting the cuttings:

  • Remove the leaves from the cuttings, leaving only a part of the bark with a heel;
  • Renew places where the bark leaves by removing it;
  • There should be no foliage 30 mm to the heel;

Thuja propagation by cuttings in winter: rooting methods

Thuja cuttings can be rooted in water, in sand / substrate, under a film - the gardener chooses the rooting method at his discretion. Reproduction in water is one of the easiest and least costly ways to root thuja cuttings in winter.

Rooting thuja in water:

  1. Collect water in a container (column height 15 cm).
  2. Dip 3 cuttings into each jar with the heel down.
  3. Make sure that the remaining pair of leaves does not come into contact with water.
  4. Move containers to a cool place with moderate lighting.

The water must be changed regularly, and the jars must be rinsed to prevent mold from forming. After the roots appear, you can transplant the cuttings - now seedlings - thuja into the soil substrate.

Rooting of thuja in film and substrate:

  • Moss sphagnum;
  • Kornevin;
  • Film;

Put sphagnum moss soaked in water on the film, spread out lengthwise. Sprinkle it with Kornevin. Put thuja cuttings on the material for development, close the bag / film. The bag or film must be opened periodically so that the cuttings breathe, the moss can also be changed from time to time. As soon as full-fledged roots appear, you can transplant into a full-fledged substrate at home.

As soon as the cuttings of the thuja give shoots, and the weather in the spring will be acceptable for planting in open ground, it is necessary to choose a permanent planting site and move the thuja seedlings into the ground.

Thuja is a plant of unique beauty, which is widely used in the design of the urban landscape. Many gardeners prefer to propagate this ephedra by cuttings in the fall.

Thuja is a plant of unique beauty, which is widely used in the design of the urban landscape.

On sale there are various varieties of thuja with needles of various shades from yellowish to emerald green, different shapes(columnar, conical). Tuya looks great like hedge or a separately growing tree. Given its popularity, it is not surprising that the seedlings different varieties thuja are widely available in shops and garden centers.

However, if you need to plant a lot of seedlings, for example, in order to surround the garden with a thuja hedge, crucial may have the value of seedlings. Therefore, it is worth knowing that if, for example, a lonely tree grows on the site or friends have a thuja in the garden, it is enough to simply grow new plants for planting on its own from its shoots. Although it takes patience, it is possible to obtain thuja saplings in this way much cheaper than buying them in the store.

Thuja can be successfully reproduced independently vegetatively, by rooting cuttings obtained from young shoots. Thuja propagated in this way retains all the characteristics characteristic of the variety, including habit, color of needles and size.

Thuja breeding methods (video)

Thuja cuttings technology in autumn

The best time for planting thuja seedlings is from August to end of September, when the heat subsides. Of course, shoots are taken on cuttings only from healthy plants, preferably thick and sufficiently ripe. The shoot chosen for grafting should be carefully torn off the parent tree by pulling it down so that a piece of the mother's branch, the so-called heel, remains at the base. It is very important, because it depends on the heel whether the seedlings take root well. The cuttings should be 6 to 10 cm long and the heels 1 cm long.

Ways of rooting thuja cuttings at home in the fall

From the bottom of the thuja cuttings, all branches must be removed so that it is without branching. This will reduce the intensity of transpiration and photosynthesis, which will balance the lack of the root system. By the way, for the same reason, the cuttings should not be more than 10 cm in length. It should be remembered also, that the resulting branches must be quickly put in a plastic bag, moved to a nursery and there, planted in a substrate in which they will root. The time elapsed from the moment the branch was torn from the parent tree to the moment the cutting is planted should be minimal.

The shoot chosen for grafting should be carefully torn off from the parent tree by pulling it down so that a piece of the mother branch remains at the base, the so-called heel

The potting medium for thuja cuttings should already be prepared. Thanks to this, shoots intended for seedlings can be immediately planted in the ground without wasting time. For thuja seedlings, you can prepare plastic pots with a diameter of about 7 cm or boxes filled with soil 20 cm high (then, after rooting, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots). Thuja seedlings are immersed in the substrate to a depth of about 2 cm. Several cuttings can be placed in one pot.

A good substrate for thuja cuttings is garden peat, mixed with sand or perlite in a 1: 1 ratio. After being removed from a plastic bag, the seedlings are planted in a container with the heel down and buried in earth. Before planting the cutting, it is advisable to treat it with some kind of preparation, to facilitate rooting, for example - "Kornerostom" or "Heteroauxin".

A good substrate for thuja cuttings is garden peat, mixed with sand or perlite in a 1: 1 ratio

Important! Cuttings should not be planted using force. First, using a stick or pencil, you need to make holes in the ground, and then insert thuja cuttings into them.

After planting, new thuja seedlings should be watered. They should spend the winter in a warm and bright place, but not under direct sunbeams so that the scorching sun does not burn them. It is necessary to ensure that the substrate is constantly moist. The ideal temperature for rooting thuja seedlings is between 18 and 22 ° C. It would be superfluous to place the pots of seedlings under plastic or glass, this will help keep warm and moisture in the air around the cuttings. Thuja takes root quite easily and the roots should appear within two months.

How thuja reproduces by cuttings (video)

How to check if the thuja seedlings have taken root?

Before taking any further action, you need to make sure that the seedlings are already rooted. This can be verified in two simplest ways.

  • slightly pull the handle up- if he "rests", it means that the seedlings already have roots;
  • Gently squeeze the needles with your fingertips- if you feel a slight damp cold, then everything is in order with the seedling and the cultivation of the thuja is going according to plan.

After winter, in April or May, thuja seedlings can be transplanted into larger pots, so that each has only one seedling. If the cuttings are still small, the transplant can be done only in the fall. Those seedlings that have taken root are transplanted into new pots; only the strongest specimens should be selected. Then the plants are watered. After a year, the seedlings are transplanted into even larger pots. After 2-4 years, depending on the size of the seedlings, they will be ready for planting in the garden.

You can propagate thuja in water by placing the heel of the cutting in a container with water and a root growth stimulator, but the seedlings with this method are not very viable, therefore this way not popular.

After 2-4 years, depending on the size of the seedlings, they will be ready for planting in the garden.

How to plant thuja cuttings in a permanent place in the fall

It is advisable to choose a place that is sunny, possibly slightly shaded. Before planting, you need to properly prepare the ground. First of all, it should be carefully weeded out, covered with bark and weeds should be prevented. Then a hole is dug with a diameter of 0.5 m and a depth of 30 cm and filled with a pre-prepared mixture of compost, manure, peat. At the end, plant a seedling / bush, water abundantly and lay mulch around the trunk. You should also take care of proper soil moisture. Thuja loves moist soil, but at first you need to water it very carefully. Watering is best done in the evening or early morning. Too much bright sun may burn wet needles.

It is advisable to choose a place for a thuja that is sunny, possibly slightly shaded.

It is necessary not to forget about adding bedding. The cuttings still have a shallow root system, so the litter will be an excellent store of water and nutrients, and gradually decomposing, it will become a source of fertilizer. Mulch will also change the acidity of the soil, slightly acidifying it, which all conifers love. In addition, she will protect root system a young plant from the inevitable fall in temperature.

Features of thuja care (video)

Feeding the thuja, you should not get carried away nitrogen fertilizers, their excess can make it more susceptible to disease. The best fertilizer, which is used for thuja, will probably be "Osmokot" in the recommended dose. Fertilizers designed specifically for feeding conifers contain, in particular, ammonium sulfate, which is responsible for the correct acidity of the soil.

Reproduction of thuja in your garden requires patience, but it is not difficult, but the result will certainly please. Thuja, nurtured with your own hands, will certainly be a wonderful garden decoration, all year round eye-pleasing emerald green trim in the form of hedges or individual trees.

Popular coniferous crops in nature are more often propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in nurseries and among gardeners, thuja propagation by cuttings in spring is more common, which allows:

  • save time and effort for germination seed and bringing it to the state of a strong viable seedling;
  • save all varietal characteristics the parent plant, which would have been necessarily lost with the seed method.

If a summer resident is engaged in self-cultivation of seedlings for the first time, it is important for him to know how thuja reproduces.

Preparation of thuja cuttings for reproduction in spring

Harvesting cuttings from conifers, their adaptation and planting have significant differences from the well-known technology of working with deciduous species.

The optimal time for harvesting planting material is the end of March and all of April. Shrubs that have awakened from winter dormancy begin to grow, therefore, pieces of shoots cut from them receive a natural stimulus for growth and root formation.

In spring, for reproduction of thuja, cuttings from strong, well-developed shrubs are cut off tops at least 10–12 cm long. The diameter of the future seedling should not be less than 5–8 mm. One-year-old shoots of lateral branches taken as cuttings form roots much faster and more willingly than those cut from the top.

How to proceed further? How to propagate thuja by cuttings at home? In this case, it is enough to immerse the planting material of many deciduous crops in a container with water. After a while, the cutting will develop roots, with which it will go into the ground for further growth. In conifers, the process of root formation is somewhat difficult, so the cuttings need a little help:

  1. Fresh cuttings at the base are cut obliquely.
  2. Close to the cut, gently pry and remove the bark.
  3. Above the shoot, several thin longitudinal cuts are made.
  4. The needles are removed, leaving only at the ends of the shoots.

These operations need to be performed fairly quickly so that the cuttings do not fade.

Thanks to the incisions made, it will be easier for the future roots to overcome the bark, and removing the needles will help to avoid decay after planting.

In this form, pieces of shoots are placed in a solution of a root formation stimulator. In a jar of water, cuttings for propagation of thuja should stay from 12 to 24 hours. During this time, the seaming of the roots awakens, which increases the likelihood and accelerates the rooting.

Rooting and planting thuja cuttings for propagation

Bye planting material waiting for their turn, preparing containers and soil for planting. Containers must have drainage holes for drainage excess moisture... It is convenient to take washed and disinfected sand mixed with peat as a substrate for thuja propagation by cuttings. You can neutralize harmful microflora and insect larvae using:

  • abundant watering with a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin;
  • boiling water abundantly spilled on the soil layer;
  • by calcining in the oven.

The cuttings are planted at a distance of at least three centimeters from each other. When planting in multiple rows, leave 8-10 cm between rows. The same distance should be to the edge of the container or pot.

The tightness is dangerous for seedlings, the roots of which are at risk of intertwining and breaking off during transplantation into open ground.

Shallow, up to 15 mm holes are made at an inclination of 45 degrees. When all the cuttings of the thuja for its reproduction in the spring have found their place, the soil around them is slightly compacted, and then the planting is watered.

Thuja seedlings care for vegetative propagation

Until strong roots form on the cuttings of the thuja, they need protection from the weather:

  • direct sunlight;
  • wind;
  • rain;
  • probable frosts in the spring.

The best shelter for the first two months is a small greenhouse or. At this time, the seedlings are provided with daily watering, which is extremely necessary in dry, sunny, warm weather.

On especially hot days, it is useful to spray rooted cuttings for thuja propagation warm water using the finest sprinkling. The film on the greenhouse is changed to a thin fabric or non-woven material.

Over the summer, for those who are correctly planted and received good care the plants develop their own roots. Therefore, young thuja can be safely transferred to a place where shrubs will fully form in 2-3 years, or to separate pots for growing in a container.

The roots of ornamental conifers are rather fragile. You need to work with them carefully, trying not to damage. It is more convenient if, during transplantation, the seedling retains a small earthen clod, which will protect the rhizomes and accelerate acclimatization.

A video on the reproduction of thuja by cuttings at home will help beginners understand the intricacies of the process and avoid mistakes that will delay the appearance of new evergreen shrubs on the site for a year. After transplanting into the ground, thuja receive the same care as their adult counterparts. But it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the soil under the plants especially carefully, otherwise the weeds can "strangle" small shrubs.

Wick rooting of thuja cuttings - video

It always seemed to me that in order to have a home on personal plot such a beautiful plant as thuja, you have to spend a lot of money.

After all, these plants are quite expensive. But it turns out that it is quite possible to grow such a beauty on your own without spending money on it. Since I succeeded, I want to tell you how to do it yourself and completely free of charge.

If you have a dream to grow lush and luxurious thuja on the site, then the grafting method will be an excellent solution that can be carried out without problems and costs. And if you follow the rules, it will give an excellent result.

Thuja can be propagated in two ways: using seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction using seeds is not popular, since this method is longer, and it is possible to see the result of your labor only after a few years. While propagating thuja by cuttings is much faster and more convenient.

It is best to reproduce thuja by cuttings in spring or autumn. This method is the most simple and effective. Its advantage is the ability to preserve varietal qualities, and the ability to get a full-fledged small tree in a couple of years.

There are also disadvantages with this method, since such trees are not too hardy.

Strong and healthy individuals are suitable for this purpose, since the cuttings from diseased plants will also be weak and sick. In addition, cuttings that are not cut from top shoots may not grow upright, but have curvature of the trunk. That's why the best material there will be twigs cut from the top of the plant.

As material for grafting, shoots should be taken that are already lignified, 2 or 3 years old, grown to 10-15 centimeters, cut off from the ends of the shoots. Older plants lose their ability to form a root system.

It is recommended not to cut off a branch for grafting, but to tear it off together with the heel. This is a piece of last year's bark, which contains nutrients accumulated since last year. For better rooting of cuttings, it is these branches that are most suitable.

You can root thuja cuttings in different time year, but the most promising is the autumn period. Although rooting is faster in cuttings harvested in spring... To do this, you need to wait for the formation of the root system for about three months.

But the roots of a thuja, cut in the fall, will have to wait much longer. These plants will be able to take root only next year.

Nevertheless, such seedlings suffer less from a lack of water, because sap flow stops in the fall. Hence, large quantity plants will be able to take root. Although rooting will take longer.

Collecting material is best done in October, when leaf fall ends. And it is better to choose a cloudy day for harvesting cuttings. And if the thuja is pyramidal, then it is better to choose cuttings from lateral shoots. Great importance It has appearance the top of the cutting, its color should be green.

Starting a further stage of rooting, small twigs and leaves should be removed to a height of 3-4 centimeters from below. Excess needles at the bottom of the cutting can contribute to further decay, so you can even shorten the needles somewhat at the bottom of the stem.

After that, the cuttings are placed in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 10-12 hours (Epin or Kornevin is suitable for this).

You cannot store the cuttings, as they deteriorate and become unsuitable for rooting. If it is not possible to immediately start rooting, then they are wrapped in a wet cloth and stored in a cool place.


Light soil with sufficient drainage is best suited for rooting thuja cuttings. Very good in this sense, ordinary river sand... It is also possible to prepare a potting mix by mixing peat in equal proportions with sand and leafy soil.

For planting cuttings, containers of shallow depth are used, which must certainly have good drainage and be breathable. If you use ordinary sand as a soil, then it is very important to first boil it well for at least five minutes, and then cool it.

In addition, a 3% solution of potassium permanganate should be added to both the sand and the soil mixture before planting, mixing it with the substrate.

Expanded clay or small pebbles can be laid on the bottom of the container as drainage. Then the prepared soil mixture or boiled sand is poured on top.

Rooting cuttings

The rooting process itself can be reduced to the following instructions:

  • Cuttings of thuja before planting are processed in a growth stimulator;
  • Twigs are inserted into the prepared soil at an angle of 45 degrees, deepening 1.5-2 centimeters into the ground;
  • When planting, observe the distance between the seedlings at least five centimeters;
  • After planting, the soil is slightly compacted and watered;
  • Containers with cuttings are covered with a film or plastic bag;
  • Alternatively, you can use a plastic cup, covered with another of the same glass on top.

If the rooting process goes well, then after some time after planting the cuttings in the ground, you can see the appearance of young shoots on the branches.

Non-standard rooting method

You can also root the cuttings in a non-standard way - in potatoes. After all, potatoes contain nutrients and starch, which contribute to the successful rooting of the cuttings.

For this purpose, you must choose fresh and healthy potatoes. They are thoroughly washed and the eyes are removed, and after that they make depressions about 4 centimeters in length with a nail, into which the prepared cuttings of thuja are placed.

Then a fertile substrate is poured into the prepared containers, into which potatoes with cuttings are dropped.

The twig is covered with plastic bottle, in which the bottom is pre-cut. The bottle cap is then periodically removed, and the plant is watered through the hole.

Rooting cuttings in water is also possible, but this method is not very effective.


Caring for plants before planting in a permanent place involves observing a certain humidity and temperature of the content.

A prerequisite is high humidity, not less than 70%, as well as the air temperature - 20-23 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the seedlings. The container with seedlings should be in a well-lit place, but at the same time, the bright sun is dangerous for delicate young plants.

Watering plants should be done with the utmost care in order not to expose the "heel" and to avoid getting the needles wet.

It is best to use a spray bottle to moisten the soil. In addition, the plants should be watered only after they are dry. upper layer soil, since waterlogging can destroy young thuja.

With the onset of autumn, when the plants take root, they are transplanted into slightly large containers, or into a special school - a bed allocated for this purpose in a secluded place in the garden.

When planting in containers, a nutrient mixture is prepared. To do this, mix with peat garden land in equal proportions.

The rest of the care will consist in timely watering, feeding and removing weeds.

Before the onset of cold weather, young seedlings must be covered to protect them from winter cold. As a covering material, you can use spruce branches, sawdust, fallen leaves.

With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed from the seedlings. In this case, one must be completely sure that the frost will not return. Further care carried out to the same extent as before. And you can plant young thuja in a permanent place in two years.

Thuja propagation by cuttings, video: