Effective ways to deal with dust in the apartment. How to get rid of dust in an apartment or house for a long time How to deal with household dust

Dust is present in the air in large quantities. In nature, dust particles are soil particles, plant pollen, volcanic ash. At home, microfibers from upholstered furniture and carpets, flakes of our skin, tobacco smoke and much more. Few people like the dust particles that are clearly visible in sunlight... And if you remember that the bulk of the dust is simply not visible, and in fact there is much more of it, you want to immediately start cleaning.

Why is house dust harmful?

Dust not only looks unattractive. It can harm our health. First of all, because dust mites live in it in large numbers. These are microorganisms that do not pose a threat by themselves. But their waste products are a powerful allergen that can even cause an asthma attack. These mites can be found wherever there is dust. But our pillows and blankets have the most of them.

Also, dust is capable of carrying and suspending a variety of harmful substances... These are carcinogens that are formed during the operation of equipment, vapors and particles household chemicals, cigarette smoke toxins, mold spores, pathogenic bacteria and viruses, etc. All this settles on dust particles, floats in the air and, when we breathe, enters our lungs. This is why it is very important to fight dust.

How to clean the apartment from dust and mites?

To reduce the amount of dust and remove it for a long time, it is advisable to get rid of the things that create and accumulate it. In this sense leather furniture better than upholstered. Linoleum and parquet flooring are preferred over carpeting. Blinds are better than curtains. Removing dust from books, souvenirs, vases and other small items is a very laborious process. It is advisable to keep them behind glass or to refuse them altogether. This also applies to chandeliers with big amount pendants. Pet hair and hair also attract dust. Therefore, combing should only be done in the bathroom, while cats and dogs should be combed regularly.

It is very important to control mites in house dust. How to get rid of them? To do this, bed linen should be washed every week. If washing is carried out at low temperatures, the laundry must be ironed with an iron. In summer and winter, it is advisable to take blankets and pillows outside and ventilate. Ultraviolet light, like frost, is harmful to microorganisms. By the way, it is better to take pillows from high-quality synthetic materials... They attract mites much less than feathers.

How to get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places?

With cleaning wooden furniture or gender can handle anyone. But even an experienced housewife can think about how to remove dust from books, a sofa, or, for example, from blinds. With a few simple tricks, these items can be cleaned quickly and efficiently.

  • For the cleaning upholstered furniture put a damp sheet on it. Then you need to take a beater or other convenient object and knock out the sofa or chair well. All dust from the depths will settle on the sheet, so that the degree of contamination can be seen and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. After that, it remains to remove dust from the surface with a vacuum cleaner. And if you steam the furniture with an iron, then the microorganisms will be destroyed. It is advisable to carry out such processing once a month or at least once a season.
  • If books stand open, it will not be easy to clean them regularly. But even behind the glass, dust gradually accumulates. It is removed with a vacuum cleaner using a special long-bristled brush. Then the surface of books and shelves remains to be wiped with a damp cloth. Books are placed on the shelves only after they are completely dry.
  • Houseplants also need to be cleaned of dust, because with clogged stomata it is difficult for them to breathe. A damp sponge will do just fine if the flowers have wide leaves. If it is difficult to clean them by hand, simply take the pot to the tub and rinse it under the shower with room water. Most of the plants love this procedure.
  • Clean ceiling not every housewife is used to it, but it is advisable to do it from time to time. You can brush off dust and cobwebs with a long-handled brush or a mop and rag. A vacuum cleaner with a fluffy brush will also work. Stretch ceiling rub soapy water, here you need a stepladder.
  • Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned, because the dust settles on the walls. Almost all types modern wallpaper allow wet cleaning. But before you start wiping them, check on an inconspicuous area to see if their pattern and texture deteriorates. Before wet processing, the wallpaper should be vacuumed to prevent dirty streaks.

During a number of studies, it was proved that dust consists of 7% of dead skin cells, the rest is pollen, pet hair and even a few particles car tires... And the worst thing is that almost half of this dust includes saprophytic mites. Therefore, it is so important to know how to get rid of dust in an apartment for a long time.

Where does it come from

Scientists have found that about 43 million tons of dust settles on the territory of America in one year. And more than 70% of them are of natural origin. The remaining 30% are dust particles that are formed as a result of human activity. Their main manufacturers are the following:

If no one lives in the apartment, and the windows are tightly sealed, then in half a month on one square meter more than 10,000 dust particles can accumulate. This is why cleaning is so important.

After renovation

For almost every person apartment renovation - disaster ... As a rule, this process starts easily, and ends very long. And none renovation work does not pass without dust. This includes leftovers finishing materials and fine particles of lime mixtures. That is why during the repair it is better to prevent the appearance of dust than to deal with it later. To do this, it is necessary to carry out conscientious cleaning at every stage of the work. It is also recommended to cover doorways with oilcloth.

But if for some reason it was not possible to carry out preventive work, you need to know how to get rid of dust at home. For this you need:

  • In advance, you need to stock up on a few sponges and rags. The best way to remove accumulated dust is with a mop and sponge. It should also be remembered that the water will have to be changed frequently.
  • Collect all dust by moving the mop towards you. The sponge should be rinsed as often as possible.
  • After that, the places where the pieces building materials stuck to the floor. They must be removed by gently prying with a rubber spatula.
  • After that, you can already vacuum the entire room using a special nozzle with an end cut at a certain angle.
  • Finally, wipe the floor and all surfaces at a height with a damp cloth and sponges.

It must be remembered that divorces will remain in any case. To get rid of them, you will need to wash the room for several days in a row.

Improvised means

Small particles settle almost everywhere choosing a specific place for yourself. And you can get rid of the dust layer with the help of various folk remedies. For example, pet hair can be removed with a simple damp glove. A damp broom or cloth can be used to sweep the wool off the carpet. It is recommended to sprinkle carpets with soda and then vacuum them.

Upholstered furniture can also be vacuumed by wrapping the vacuum cleaner nozzle with gauze, which must first be moistened in saline... To prepare such a solution, you need to take one tablespoon of salt and dissolve it in one liter of water. Dip cheesecloth into the solution for 10 minutes. After that, squeeze well and wrap around the nozzle. In this way, you can not only get rid of ticks, but also update the furniture upholstery.

Rugs, curtains, stuffed animals and bedspreads are very good at picking up dust. It is recommended to wash such things on a regular basis. Blankets and pillows should be hung out on the balcony at least once every six months. Dust mites afraid of heat and frost.

Using an ionizer

The ionizer is a miracle cure, which will help get rid of dust in any apartment. These devices work without replaceable filters. Inside the ionizer there is a special plate made of of stainless steel, which is quite easy to clean from dust.

Modern devices do not work from the mains, but from the power supply, which is very convenient. The devices are able to fill the air in the apartment with negative ions, which begin to weigh down the dust particles, so that they no longer float in the air.

If you decide to purchase such a technique, it is recommended that you opt for a bipolar ionizer. Besides its main function, it is also capable of cleaning indoor air from unpleasant odors and chemicals.

How to reduce dust

Some Tips for Reducing Indoor Dust:

Use of special devices

In-store consultants household appliances should advise you on how to remove dust at home correctly. There are various devices for this., which greatly facilitate this difficult process, they can be presented in several forms:

  • Vacuum cleaner. Best used with wet air filtration to prevent dust particles from being lifted into the air after cleaning.
  • Air humidifiers. Such devices, as a rule, have built-in programs, thanks to which dry air is instantly saturated with moisture, and dust particles do not fly in the air.
  • Hygrometer. The device is capable of showing the level of humidity in the apartment.


There are many houseplants which can do a good job of cleaning indoor air by collecting dust and other particles that can harm residents. These houseplants include the following:

Hard to reach places

When cleaning the apartment, you must also take into account the fact that each room has a lot of hard-to-reach places that accumulate in themselves great amount dust. These places include the soft surface of furniture. To cleanse these surfaces, on soft tissue put a wet sheet. Using a carpet beater, you need to walk over all covered areas. Any dust particles that are inside the sofa or armchair should be absorbed by the damp sheet. Then, after removing it, it is recommended to vacuum the upholstered furniture one more time.

Other dust collectors include bookshelves. To remove dust deposits from books, you must first vacuum them. For this, a special brush with long fibers is used. After that, it is imperative to remove the entire surface of the collected literature, as well as bookshelves with a damp cloth.

On the ceilings in the room is also going a large number of dusty particles. Plaque can be removed from stretch ceilings with soapy water, a brush and a ladder. Ceilings that are painted with lime or paint are cleaned with a simple mop with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner, which also comes with a long bristle brush.

DIY tools

Many housewives do not trust ready-made products that are used during cleaning. That is why it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the how to reduce the amount of dust in an apartment using prepared products:

Without fail the premises must be ventilated... Any apartment is a closed space. It should be noted that there will always be less dust on the street, since the amount of dispersion there is incomparable with the area of ​​the apartment. Before cleaning, it is recommended to open wide the windows in which there are mosquito net protecting the premises from the ingress of dust particles from the street.

Periodically it is necessary to arrange wet cleaning their indoor plants, which take care of the indoor microclimate. They are wiped with a wet cloth, watered and sprayed.

All objects that are in the room must be wiped with a damp cloth, and the floor must be washed clean.

Of course, there is still no universal remedy for this. But it must be remembered that the cleaning process will be much easier and faster, if you devote a little time to this business every day.

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Most main enemy cleanliness in the house - ordinary dust. It settles on all objects in the room, penetrates into secluded corners, even with daily wet cleaning.

A thin layer appears on objects after a few hours, and in contaminated areas after a few minutes.

Household dust does not just spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room, its inhalation can affect the health and well-being of households. It is impossible to get rid of it completely, but there are a few tricks that can improve cleaning efficiency and reduce the amount of dust in the room.

Dust is a multicomponent substance. It consists of dead human skin cells, mold, pet hair, chemical elements, soil and even particles from space. More than half of the dust is saprophytes - microscopic mites that live only at home.

Dust is dangerous to humans.

  • First, it mechanically irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causes discomfort and makes breathing difficult.
  • Secondly, bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause various infectious diseases accumulate in the dust.
  • Thirdly, dust is a concentrate of the strongest allergens that can provoke the development of bronchial asthma.

Especially dangerous house dust for small children. Their airways are narrow, and the immune system is not formed, therefore, dusty air becomes the cause of frequent respiratory infections with complications.

Handy tools for dust control

To clean the room from dust and other contaminants, you can use household chemicals and equipment, as well as use folk remedies.

The main assistant of any housewife in the struggle for cleanliness, of course, is a vacuum cleaner.

To date, the most effective are:

  • washing;
  • devices with a water filter.

Humid environments retain most of the dirt, while conventional vacuum cleaners throw back about half of the dust.

Household appliances, which are not in every home, help to reduce the amount of dust:

  1. Humidifier.

Increases humidity in the room, wet particles sink to the floor, and do not float in the air, settling in respiratory tract person.

Makes dust particles heavier and concentrates on the floor.

  1. Air purifier.

Works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner, but stationary and silent.

These devices, in addition to the high price, have another disadvantage - they work only on a certain area... However, with correct use, make the air in the room noticeably cleaner.

Auxiliary inventory:

  • soft rags from natural materials used for dry and wet cleaning of large surfaces;
  • feather dusters and brushes will help remove dust from small objects and hard-to-reach places;
  • disposable wet wipes are designed for cleaning glossy surfaces and screens of household appliances.

How to clean furniture so that dust does not settle

Household chemicals

  1. Polishes.

Special liquids for cleaning glossy surfaces that do not leave streaks and stains (Pronto, Mebelux). The product gives surfaces a shine, kills bacteria and leaves an invisible film that repels dust.

Absolutely safe for technology, dry instantly. It is recommended to apply them on a special cloth and only then wipe the screen with it.

  1. Sprays that kill household mites and neutralize most allergens.

A good example of Allergoff is applied to carpets, upholstered furniture and toys. The spray works within 6 months after spraying.

All products are safe for humans and the environment.

Folk remedies for cleaning the apartment

Supporters of natural remedies can use folk tips when cleaning a room:

  • a mixture of any vegetable oil and lemon juice in equal proportions will replace the polish;
  • warm water with the addition of shavings from laundry soap replace special means for wet cleaning;
  • a liter of water with a dissolved spoon of ammonia - an analogue of glass washing liquids;
  • Soda, sprinkled on carpets in a thin layer, will clean all dirt from the carpets effortlessly. It is enough just to vacuum the surface after a few hours.

Algorithm for the correct cleaning of the house

Each housewife puts things in order in the house according to a certain scheme, and the dust settles on the already cleaned surfaces. To make the process as efficient as possible and save a little time, you can use a proven algorithm based on simple physics:

Features of cleaning in different places

Dust accumulates in every corner of the apartment. To make your home safe, you need a general cleaning at least once every 30 days, during which you need to remove dust from everywhere.

There are certain tricks that can help make the process as efficient as possible:

  1. Curtains are one of the strongest dust collectors, especially during the summer season.

The most effective way to clean them is by washing. It is resorted to once every one to two months. A steamer can be used as a weekly option. Hot steam under high pressure will knock out all dust and destroy all pathogenic microorganisms. The cornices are vacuum cleaned and wiped with a damp cloth.

  1. Dust accumulates on the ceiling imperceptibly to the eye, but perceptibly to the body.

It is better to clean it with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water, and then wipe it dry.

  1. Dust accumulated on the wallpaper can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or with a damp, soft microfiber cloth (not suitable for paper wallpapers).
  2. During normal cleaning, it is convenient to remove the dust from the chandeliers with a special dry broom, at the end you can wet it and walk again.

Several times a year plafonds lighting fixtures you need to wash with special products or ordinary soapy water.

  1. When cleaning closets, most housewives only clean visible surfaces.

Wipe the doors with a dry cloth or polish them, clean glass and mirrors. But many people forget that dust settles at the very top, or they neglect to wipe it there because of the inaccessibility of the place.

It is very simple to make work easier - just put a newspaper there and change it for a new one once a week. It is imperative to wash the floor behind and under the cabinet, after vacuuming these places. special nozzle... To simplify cleaning, these areas can also be covered with paper.

  1. Dust accumulates not only on cabinets, but also inside them: on clothes, books and small objects.

The wardrobe should be revised once a month, and if necessary, knock out or clean the clothes with a soft brush. IN winter time large items of clothing are recommended to be taken out in the cold for several hours. This will ventilate them and kill the accumulated mites. Books are vacuumed, and dishes are washed in soapy water and wiped dry.

  1. Large amounts of dust and household mites accumulate in upholstered furniture.

To get rid of them, you need to vacuum the sofas and armchairs 1-2 times a week, or cover with a damp cloth and pat with a carpet beater.

Remove it with a damp cloth or cotton swab, wiping the leaves once a week.

  1. Carpets are considered to be the main dust collector in the room.

This is only partly true: on the one hand, they attract dust to themselves, but on the other, without them, the dust would settle in the lungs of a person much more. To clear carpets, they are first vacuumed and then the floors underneath are washed. At least once a month, carpets from walls and floors should be knocked out on the street or washed (by hand or with a vacuum cleaner).

It is especially difficult to remove dust in the kitchen, as it accumulates with grease, fumes and settles firmly on all surfaces. When cleaning the kitchen, only a wet method with detergents is suitable.

  • so that less dust settles on furniture, after cleaning, use microfiber napkins and anti-static liquids;
  • regular ventilation of the premises will help to remove the smell of dust.

How to remove construction debris and dust after repair

Even a small renovation is a real challenge for a family. It is especially hard for women, construction dust settles everywhere in a thick layer, and it takes a lot of effort to remove it. Most often, you have to repeatedly wash everything, because the dirt quickly spreads around the apartment.

It is much easier to prevent dust from settling than to remove it later. To do this, you need to take out furniture and household appliances or cover them with construction film along with floors and other surfaces.

If this method is forgotten, or it did not help, you should be patient and prepare more rags.

Algorithm for cleaning dust after repair

  1. It is necessary to remove concrete dust very carefully using special means (sold in household chemicals and paints and varnishes stores);
  1. Get rid of it faster construction dust warm water with the addition of vegetable oil (100 grams per bucket) will help. After processing, the surface is washed first with acidified, then with ordinary water.
  1. For mopping, use salted water (one glass of table salt per bucket of liquid).
  1. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will help permanently remove dust from surfaces and destroy most of the bacteria.

Cleaning your home after renovation will take a long time, maybe even several days. The premises should be cleaned in old clothes and shoes, preferably with a respirator and gloves. During cleaning, the water needs to be changed very often, as soon as it becomes dirty.

How to prevent dust from appearing so quickly

Despite the constant improvement of household appliances and chemicals, there is no way to get rid of dust once and for all. However, any housewife can make it so that it becomes less.

Helpful hints:

Any housewife knows several methods on how to deal with dust in an apartment. However, no matter how you do not destroy the plaque on furniture, household appliances, paintings, it still reappears. Where do these annoying specks of dust come from?

Dust origin

Scientists have calculated that forty-three million tons of dust is deposited on the territory of America per year. More than seventy percent is dust natural origin... The remaining thirty percent is accounted for by that which appears as a result of human activity. Its main manufacturers are:

  • the soil;
  • oceans - small drops of water rising into the air, upon evaporation, saturate the atmosphere with salt crystals;
  • volcanoes, forest fires - constant fires and eruptions on different continents of the planet throw more than fourteen million tons of dust and ash into the air;
  • Sahara Desert - air currents lift and carry over one hundred and ninety million tons of sand dust around the world;
  • space - the remnants of comets or meteorites that have flown by or burned in the atmosphere are deposited on the planet;
  • pollen.

Even in an apartment with tight closed windows and without tenants, more than ten thousand dust particles are collected on one square centimeter of floor surfaces and furniture in half a month.

Fighting dust with instruments

Home appliance store consultants will advise you on how to deal with dust in your apartment. Devices that greatly facilitate this process are presented in several types:

  • vacuum cleaner - must have the function of wet air filtration so that dust does not rise after cleaning;
  • humidifiers - such devices, having built-in programs, will instantly saturate the dry air of the apartment with moisture and prevent dust particles from flying;
  • hygrometer - this device will show the level of humidity in the apartment.

Dust Control Plants

A large number of plants do an excellent job in the apartment, collect dust and other particles that harm the residents. How to deal with dust in an apartment? Tips will help you identify plants that help with this:

  1. Chlorophytum. Absorbs substances that are toxic to humans in the air, including: carbon monoxide, formaldehyde.
  2. Ficus Benjamin, aloe. Copes with toxic compounds that give off plastic products and furniture.
  3. Spathiphyllum. It is not replaceable in the fight against mold, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene elements.
  4. Geranium, citruses, laurel. Destroy pathogenic microbes, viruses, substances, bacteria.
  5. Mother-in-law's language. Fights nitrogen oxides.
  6. Gerbera, dracaena. Absorb benzene, trichlorethylene and carbon dioxide, while releasing oxygen.
  7. Cypress. Attracts negative ions, which saturate the air of electrical appliances, and produces positive ions.
  8. Begonia. Moisturizes the air, kills fungi and germs, and reduces the harmful effects of electrical appliances.
  9. Dieffenbachia. It can deal with staphylococcus, as well as poisonous compounds (toluene and xylene) that emit varnished surfaces.
  10. Scheffler. Absorbs smoking tar and nicotine, purifying the air for residents.

Dust collectors in an apartment setting

Being in your own home, you involuntarily notice that there is a lot of dust in the apartment. How to deal with it if the devices are not very helpful? First of all, it is necessary to revise the things that are placed in cabinets, bedside tables and, if possible, get rid of or replace them, namely:

  • throw away or reduce the number of carpets - you can leave them for beauty and comfort, if only you can vacuum them often;
  • an incredibly large number of figurines, decorative crafts, pictures and napkins - must be folded in one place (cabinet or box);
  • items that are not used - remove or throw away;
  • dense curtains, heavy curtains - must be replaced with wooden or plastic blinds;
  • If possible, remove woolen elements of the interior, and replace the fluff or feathers that are in the cushions or seats with synthetic filler.

We remove dust in hard-to-reach places

When starting to clean, it must be borne in mind that in any room there are many hard-to-reach places that accumulate a large amount of dust particles.

One of these is the soft surface of furniture. In order to get rid of the dust, a wet sheet is placed on the soft part. Taking a carpet beater in your hands, walk through all the covered places. Dust that is inside the chair or sofa will be absorbed by the damp sheet. After removing it, it is advisable to vacuum the soft parts of furniture sets again.

The following dust collectors include bookshelves. To remove dust deposits from books, you must first go through the vacuum cleaner. For this, a brush with long fibers is used. Then be sure to clean the entire surface of the collected literature and bookshelves with a damp cloth.

A sufficient amount of dust also collects on the ceilings in the apartment. Dust deposits can be removed from stretch ceilings using soapy water, a ladder and a brush. Ceiling surfaces painted with paint or lime can be cleaned with a regular mop and damp cloth or with a vacuum cleaner that has a long-bristled brush in the range.

Household chemicals - an assistant in cleaning

You can find a lot of special household chemicals on store shelves. The most popular tools solve the problem of how to deal with dust in an apartment efficiently and quickly.

In most cases, it is antistatic. Using this product in cleaning premises, the amount of dust particles settles much less. This effect is caused by a smooth surface. After use, the furniture is shiny and streak-free.

Antibacterial impregnated wipes perfectly clean and disinfect any items in the apartment. Using them, they rub the furniture, giving it shine. They are ideal for glass and plastic products, mirror surfaces, computer and digital technology.

A special spray that removes dust from household appliances. Such a tool removes dust deposits from TVs, desktop computers, keyboards, scanners, printers, cameras. Despite being connected to the network, such a spray can be used on working equipment.

Many do not trust ready-made cleaning products. How to deal with dust in an apartment? Homemade tips for preparing funds will definitely help:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water over two cups of baking soda, four bay leaves, and a pinch of cinnamon or cloves. Spray the carpet with mortar. Vacuum after a few hours. The baking soda will remove dust and dirt accumulated in the carpet, while the spices leave a light scent and disinfect.
  2. Add half a glass of baking soda to a glass of vinegar. After mixing these ingredients, apply to the surface. Wash off after fifteen minutes, after rubbing the treated areas.
  3. Cleansing wipes. We cut old things into neat rags. Pour one fourth of the vinegar into a glass container, then add water. Add a few drops of any essential oil to the aromatization solution and lower the napkins. Close it tightly with a lid. These cloths should be used to wipe household appliances, kitchen items.
  4. Means for furniture. Add one-fourth of the vinegar to a glass container under the lid, then fill to the top with any vegetable oil. Add the juice of half a lemon or one tablespoon of ready-made lemon juice. Store the liquid in the refrigerator. Shake well before use.

How to deal with dust? List effective ways begins with the mandatory ventilation of the room. Favorite apartment is an enclosed space. There is always less dust on the street, because the volumes of dispersion are incomparable with the area of ​​the apartment. It is necessary to start cleaning from wide open windows, in which there are mosquito nets that protect against dust from the street.

Next, we determine the amount of work that needs to be done. We send the scattered clothes to the washing basket; we put the scattered toys neatly in the children's room; things that are out of place, we return back.

We vacuum all soft parts of cabinet furniture. We use a damp cloth to knock out dust from it. We clean with special carpets.

If possible, wash the windows and wash hanging curtains, curtains, tulle. Before hanging clean products, it is advisable to treat them with hot steam or iron them. This process removes dust particles and decontaminates window curtains.

We arrange wet cleaning for plants that take care of the microclimate in the apartment. We wipe their leaves with a wet napkin, spray and water.

We wipe all objects located in the dwelling with a damp cloth, wash the floor clean.

When asked how to deal with dust in an apartment, the famous actress replied that dust does not bother anyone if you do not touch it. Universal remedy does not exist. It must be remembered that cleaning is much easier and less time-consuming if you maintain order in your apartment every day.

Hello dear readers! How to get rid of dust in an apartment, many housewives ask themselves such a question and do not find an answer. But there are many ways designed to defeat or reduce the spread of this constant human companion.

Dust is a violator of cleanliness

What is dust, no one can really answer. This is a layer of an infinite number of small particles of leather, textiles, pollen, spores and a lot of other things.

Where does the dust come from? It appears by itself, regardless of the person. These are dead particles of the human epidermis, hair, and villi flying from soft interior items. It is distributed by pets, we bring it from the street on shoes, clothes.

If no one lives in an apartment for a long time, even no one goes there at all, all the same, layers of small particles will fall on the floor, furniture,. The smallest particles of everything, anything, will also float in the air.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? We probably have a lot of dust collectors! These are numerous carpets, soft toys, heavy curtains on the windows, a large number of small interior items that stand on open shelves and shelves.

In such living conditions, the house should be daily. In any case, carpets must be vacuumed every day, otherwise, stomping on them with your feet, you will raise clouds of small particles.

And it is better to hide small decor items behind glass, replace curtains with blinds, natural fillers with synthetic ones. After completing simple recommendations, you will slightly reduce the amount of deposited dust.

Dust damage to health

Is it harmful to human health? Of course it is harmful! Why is dust harmful? Very often it contains harmful elements and mites that can cause severe allergies.

It should be noted that the waste products of dust mites are especially dangerous for humans.

Suffice it to say that in its lifetime each insect excretes 200 times its weight. And it gets deposited in our lungs, causing various diseases!

Fry blankets, clothes in the sun or freeze them in the cold to reduce hordes of harmful insects

Household dust is also harmful to home appliances and computers, as it clogs filters, resulting in poor electronics performance. When particles accumulate, they can short-circuit electronics.

Only specialists can clean electronics.

How to deal with this phenomenon:

  • Do wet cleaning more often;
  • It is necessary to get rid of rubbish, old newspapers, to disassemble the deposits of textile things;
  • If there are animals in the house, pay more attention to their hygiene.
  • Do not walk at home in outdoor shoes and clothes;
  • Obstruct street dust from entering through windows.

But even in this case, no one has yet succeeded in completely defeating her. But to reduce it is in your power.

How to clean the house

  1. Ventilate the room more often.
  2. Frequently, about 2-3 times a week, do wet cleaning of all accessible surfaces.
  3. Wipe down all figurines, paintings, all items placed for decoration once a week.
  4. Once a month, you need to vacuum, sofas, armchairs, walls.
  5. Once a month should be done general cleaning throughout the apartment.
  6. Squeezing dust out of upholstered furniture, cover it with a wet cloth, then beat it with a beater. The dust will remain on the bedspread, rather than swirling in the air.
  7. Don't forget to wipe down the baseboards and behind the baseboards - that's where dust and mites are breeding! Vacuum.
  8. Wipe the dust on the leaves more often, comb the animals.

Dust that accumulates in hoods, air conditioners, and fans is very dangerous.

How often do you dust them? You cannot clean them on your own, you will have to take them to specialized centers.

How to remove dust after renovation? Cover or remove all furniture before starting repairs. To make building particles fly less from under the drill or from the grinder, substitute a vacuum cleaner under the drill.

Dust control technology

Air purification with modern devices will help reduce the amount of harmful particles.

What are these devices:

  • Vacuum cleaner with a water filter where dust is collected in a water tank rather than a dust collector.
  • A humidifier that creates a comfortable living environment.
  • An air purifier that collects flying particles not only dust, but also tobacco smoke or soot.
  • Air filtration takes place with filters. Adsorption and carbon filters.
  • Membranes for windows.
  • Antistatic polishes that help reduce dust settling on furniture.
  • A dust absorber collects particles in a cassette, effectively cleaning the air in the apartment. A dustproof device can be purchased at a specialist store.
  • Cleaning brushes are not a substitute for wet cleaning, but they do pick up all the dust. Then you just need to rinse it under water and use it again when cleaning. On sale there are dust brushes with a telescopic handle that will quickly collect all particles and look into all corners.

Folk methods of struggle

Folk remedies will help to significantly reduce the number of particles.

  1. Steam furniture or a steamer once a season to kill the mites.
  2. A harmful layer forms on bookshelves, from where it is difficult to get it even with a vacuum cleaner. Prepare a 1:10 mixture of glycerin and water, moisten a napkin, wipe each book. Particles flying in the air will land less on books.
  3. How to dust off the ceiling? Use a long brush with soft nozzle... Gently wipe the stretch ceilings with soapy water, then with a half-baked rag.
  4. Laminate, linoleum, wipe with a wet cloth soaked in a solution of c, then rinse with clean water.

There are such remedies for dust, which will save you from this scourge for a long time.

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, then vacuum.
  2. Hard-to-reach corners can be sprayed self-made: vinegar - a quarter cup, olive oil- 2 tbsp. l., essential oil- 15 drops, water - 1 glass. Stir all this, pour it into a spray bottle, treat the furniture, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  3. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of water. salt, wipe all surfaces with this water.
  4. Cut into slices, fill with vegetable oil (7 tablespoons), let it brew for 1 week, then pour 1 glass of boiling water into this mixture, put in the refrigerator. How to wipe? Moisten a napkin in the solution, sand the furniture.

Green helpers

Plant houseplants from dust in order to always have clean air in the apartment.

  • Chlorophytum collects carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air, and releases oxygen. It is very good to have it in the kitchen and in the nursery.
  • Ficus Benjamin- cleans the air from toxic compounds emitted by furniture or plastic windows.
  • cleans the air from mold and poisonous compounds, collects dust on the leaves. By rubbing the leaves, you will reduce the layers of particles.
  • Flowers copes well with bacteria and pathogenic microbes. Put in the bedroom to breathe fresh air.
  • Sansevieria, or "Mother-in-law's tongue" absorbs nitrogen oxides and formaldehydes emitted by furniture.
  • Bamboo palm or hamedorea perfectly humidifies the air, removes formaldehyde from it.
  • Gerbera absorbs benzene from the air.
  • Cypress removes dust and negative ions from electrical appliances from the air. Instead of negative ions, it emits positive ions, reducing the electrified space.

  • Lemon and orange trees rid the air of germs.
  • Begonia works like a vacuum cleaner, collects dust.
  • Laurel noble endowed with a cleansing property. Its leaves secrete useful material that kill harmful microbes.
  • Dieffenbachia destroys staphylococci, toxic substances emitted by furniture, plastic, laminate.

  • Dracaena- an excellent "orderly" of the airspace. Collects all volatile substances harmful to human health.
  • Aloe picks up the formaldehyde released new furniture... Besides,