Building dust: Let it be penetrating and cleaning after repair. How to remove construction dust after repair

During repairs in a new building or in the process of installing windows, preserved frames and glasses is very difficult. And launder them from the construction mud is also more difficult than from the usual household. But for each type of contamination there are its cleaning products. Want to know what? About this and tell.

Footprints from film and scotch

All manufacturers recommend shooting protective filmpasted on plastic windows after their installation. But it does not always manage to do on time. And when repaired, the frame is often covered with a scotch or mounting ribbon to protect them from dirt.

Over time, these films tightly "drag" to the surface, and clean the plastic from glue becomes problematic.

The first tool to which you can try to do is hot water and the hard side of the sinking sponge. Before laundering plastic on windows with any other drug, try this option.

In case of failure, you will come to the rescue:

Picture Title means
Unbelled medical alcohol, as well as vodka or cologne.
Nail polish remover. It is better that such that does not contain acetone.
Tea tree oil.

Stains from Scotch, as well as from stickers on the glass, soak any of these liquids, after which they scrape with a plastic spatula.


When plastering and aligning walls, protect plastic frames and glazed windows from a spray solution is quite difficult. How to clean them from frozen cement. Try one of the following ways.

Method 1 - Special

If the result must be obtained quickly, and the price of the means does not have much importance, buy special preparations intended for cleaning different surfaces From cement. For example:

  • Atlas szop;
  • Cement N Concrete Remover;
  • Baugerätereiniger 81.

All of them are produced in the form of a spray, which is sprayed into a contaminated surface. After the specified time, the soluble or softened solution is erased with a cloth.

The main thing is that the tool does not contain in its composition of caustic acidswhich can damage plastic. Therefore, instructions for use are required to read before purchase.

Method 2 - Comet

Another one effective tool To clean windows from construction solutions It is considered a thick COMET gel for plumbing.

Wash plastic windows with it like this:

  • Apply a gel on pollution. If this vertical surface, you will have to apply several times.
  • Wait when cement will become loose and soft.
  • Remove it with a wet cloth.
  • If necessary, repeat.

But before laundering the windows after repairing from dirt and a solution, spending them or snap it with a brush to remove poorly sticking pieces and avoid unnecessary work.

Method 3 - acetic acid

If you have not described above, you have no and you have nothing to clean the plastic windows, use acetic essence, only sliding it with water.

Procedure for washing windows by vinegar:

  • Think O. protective facilities - Put the rubber gloves and gauze bandage.
  • Mail an acid with a little water.
  • Wet the rag in the solution and abundantly moisten them all the spots.
  • In a few minutes try to drop them do it yourself.
  • If the result is not important, pour on a rag with a solution of soda so that it is wet, and wipe off the places.

This way you can wash and liquid glass. But from him frame and glass need to try to clean immediately using simply hot water. Otherwise, it will enter the reaction with the surface, and get rid of the stains will be very difficult.

Mounting foam

To seal the window, in the space between the frame and the opening of the mounting foam. By increasing in volume, it often dirt plastic.

Do not try to wash it with water, even fresh is useless. And all sorts of solvents or means of being washed mounting pistolmay freeze plastic. How to be?

  • Fresh traces from mounting foam The easiest way to remove Cosmofen. This cleaner uses installers. plastic windows. It happens three types (see photo). The higher the figure, the weaker means.

  • Dried foam No detergent will take place, and Cosmofen may not help. In this case, the problem will solve Dimeksid. This Medical Preparation is good solventSo it is necessary to work with it in gloves. The undiluted fluid is applied to sponge or cotton swabs, and after a few minutes they wash with a damp cloth with foam residues.


You can not break the head that you can not break the head - any solvent is suitable for the type of paint that you need to remove. With plastic harder, the solvent may damage it:

  • If water-based paintIt can be tried to clean it with hot water, smoking splashes and scraper scraped.
  • From other types of paint And from the primer get rid of turpentine.

But try not to use knives, blades and metal spatulas - they leave scratches on the surface. The material of the scraper must be harder contamination, but softer the plastic itself.

Polyrol always exists in a set of facilities for plastic windows


Now you know how to wash windows after repair from different building substances without damaging them. After this cleaning, the double-glazed windows are clean in conventional method. You can watch the video in this article about how to properly care for plastic windows.
I could forget about some methods or not to know. If you know you, tell us in the comments!

Repair in the apartment is worse than atomic war. Such an expression takes place in conversations of people who started capital finish Apartments, having decided to change the wallpaper, update the ceilings, to do the repair of the water supply and other things. Indeed, even at the final stage of repair, when everything is already saved / painted / whore, there is still a lot of smallest things that will have to spend time and strength. This type of work includes cleaning in the house. How to wash the floors after repair from white plaque? This question is asked those who decided to resort to one of the old, but reliable ways to finish the ceiling - whitewash.

Cleaning after repair is not easy. Small and nasty dust formed as a result construction workhave to straw from everywhere in large quantities. She clogs in soft furniture, settles on the cabinets, sometimes clogged into the most inaccessible places.

Important! Fine building dust negatively affects people's health. She settles in respiratory and often causes disease development respiratory tract. Cough, pain in the lungs - frequent satellites of those who are engaged in repair and does not comply with safety technicians, i.e. does not use personal protective equipment.

That is why it is important to remove all the garbage as much as possible, dust after the end of the repair. And also before the start of this large-scale operation, it is recommended to produce some training that will allow to protect the interior from falling on it dust and bliss.

In the room where work will be made, it is desirable not to leave anything - all furniture is made out, things are best packaged in boxes or bags so that the dust does not penetrate them even through small clicks. The furniture itself is recommended to wind up polyethylene filmbecause, even standing in another room, it will "attack" the smallest particles construction mixes. What can not be taken out is recommended to wrap food filmSince it will not allow dust to get to the subject of the interior.

If such a procedure is maintained as the ceiling whirlpool, and on the floor already lies a new floor covering or it is not at all replaced, as it will be used further, the floors need to be protected as much as possible. For this, the base is covered with a dense film, which is then fixed along the plinths with the help of painting tape.

Important! If you neglect the fixation, the film comes down and it will not be sense. It is also important to glue all the joints of individual cavotch tape.

Some use ordinary old newspapers instead of the film, but this method is not the most reliable. When wetting, paper loses its strength and is easy to break. In order to maximize the base, it is recommended to lower the newspaper at least in less than two layers. It is not recommended to use closing fabric to close the surface, as it will still miss all the fine dust through itself.

It is worth remembering that contamination, and especially - whitewash, it is easier to prevent than then miss all the consequences of their negligence. Some other coatings under the influence of white dust are hopelessly spoiled.

Features whitewashing as finishing material

Tells is one of the cheapest and available options The ceiling finishes, besides - a time-tested. Despite the fact that now this technology is partially displaced more modern methods Design, nevertheless, it is still in demand, and all - due to its special advantages:

  • availability and low cost of the method;
  • the ability to work the work with your own hands without attracting masters;
  • environmental friendliness and purity of materials used;
  • durability, reliability, stability of the applied decorative layer;
  • classic design option of a conventional white ceiling.

Tells can be made either with chalk or lime - these materials are available and always are on sale, and it is inexpensive.

Tip! If the ceiling was previously bitten, it is recommended to use the same material to update the layer that was previously used. That is, if the upper part of the room was covered with lime, it is important to use the limestone.

Whitewash is the material that most often leaves white flag On the floor surface after repair. It is sometimes very difficult to wash away, especially if it fell not where it is necessary, but, for example, on the floor. And during the repair, it is unlikely to fully avoid pollution of the base, even if you put the entire room with a film. The fact is that protective covering You can easily damage and through the resulting hole on the floor will get all the dirt. It is unlikely that someone will pay attention to a small hole in polyethylene and immediately takes it in the process of conducting work. That is why, deciding to the ceiling whitewash, it is worth finding out how the process of washing the floors from it.

Overall, floor washing after graduation repair work Not much different from ordinary cleaning. But often you have to use special solutions or components to cope with white spots based on. Before it comes to the means for laundering of the floor, share a few useful advice For cleaning the base:

  • for washing linoleum you can not use soda - its impact will not affect the appearance of the coating;
  • paint and other similar liquids remove from cover best immediately - Then launder them will be harder. The same applies to the spots whiskers;
  • laminate and other similar coatings can not be rubbed abrasive materials - You can damage the upper protective layer;

  • manganese can not handle surfaces covered with varnish - divorces will appear on the floor;
  • missing all stains best after the primary floor processing - sweeping and wet cleaning;
  • rinse the floors better start from far towards the door of the wall, moving towards the exit, so as not to trample according to the only washed surface;
  • water during floor washing after repair is recommended to change as often as possible. - So it will be possible to quickly cope with the exhaust pollution and avoid divorces that especially often appear during the laundering.

What to wash the floor after whitewash?

To remove a white bloom from the floor, you will have to be patient and acquired several funds that facilitate work. Also need ordinary water, pair of rags, mop.

Ways to remove white plates and dutches from the floor are distinguished depending on the type of floor covering. Consider more each option.

How to wash parquet after repair?

- coating, though reliable, but very delicate. It does not like to contact with water - due to its exposure, the coating loses its beautiful and noble appearance, can decide. That is why it is not recommended to richly wet. Consider the easiest way to wash the whitewash and the white flare from the parquet.

Table. Funds to combat whitewashing on the floor.

Meansa brief description of

By dissolving a little this means in water, the parquet is neatly processed with a rag moistened in a solution. The composition easily copes with water-soluble types of spots - putty, construction mud, including whitewash.

Before using these funds, it is recommended to wipe the parquet with a clean damp cloth. After this oil dissolves in cool water in a 1: 100 ratio. Parquet is washed with the resulting composition - the whims will be very easy. After that, the floors are wiping into a weak acetial solution.

Suitable for serious contaminants. It dissolves in a bucket of water (5 l) in the amount of 100-150 g. The resulting solution is processed by contaminated floors. The method well removes divorces. It is important to keep the room well after the end of the work, and the floors wipe with a weak acetic solution - it will help to cope with the smell of kerosene.

Important! Parquet does not like the effects of aggressive chemistry, so it is possible to work on it only with soft compositions. It can be methyl alcohol, Whitespit, kerosene. But still, in front of their use, it is better to check on a nearly span part of the parquet, as the material reacts to contact with the selected agent.

Parquet can not be rubbed with rude abrasive materials. It is not suitable for processing neither metal brushes nor rough scrapers. They just spoil the coating, scratching the protective top layer.

What to wash the laminate from whitewash?

Laminate is a coating that, like the parquet, does not like water very much. Excessive humidity negatively affects this form of coating, so use water in large quantities It is impossible for washing. Although in general, this species finish material For floor decoration is quite durable and reliable. But still it is necessary to clean it carefully, otherwise it is possible to damage the external protective layer. And without it, the material will become subject to all types of mechanical and physical impact, as a result of which its service life will drastically decrease.

With stains from whitewashing on the laminate will help to cope with a solution of vinegar 1 - art. l. dissolves in a 5 liter water bucket. After that, a soft rag (preferably from the microfiber) is wetted by the resulting solution and carefully pressed - the liquid should not flow from it. Then the floors are treated with a wet cloth. The final stage is the washing of laminate with ordinary water.

Important! The rag as often should be rolled in acetic solution. What it will be cleaner, the easier it will be removed pollution.

Just like parquet, laminate can be treated with vegetable oil. It divorces B. warm water In a 1: 100 ratio. After the treatment of the laminate, it is cleaned with vinegar, divorced in water (2 tbsp. On a bucket of 5 liters).

On a note! Vinegar can be replaced with citric acid.

Another means for removing a white plaque from laminate is a solution of a conventional table salt. The main thing is not to dissolve it in water in large quantities, and then a divorce can remain on the floor. The optimal consumption is 0.5 cup of salt on the water bucket. After processing by this composition, the floor is wiping with a clean chimney, moistened with ordinary water.

Linoleum is less capricious material than parquet or laminate, but it deserves careful care and appeal. For example, in no case should it rub it with a rigid brush - you can damage. But the spots of whims from such a cover is easier to remove.

Linoleum is not afraid of water, so any white spots and a plaque from it can be washed off with a well-dipped rag. The main thing is that the water is clean and warm. The rag is always better ridicule to water to avoid the appearance of divorces. And even better to change the water in the bucket as much as possible.

If the spots from the linoleum do not rub off with water and rags, then you can use a little turdard or add to the water bucket laundry soap. Perhaps, last option is the best.

Well removes stains from whitewashing with linoleum and salt. It is used in the same way as in the case of laminate.

It is worth remembering that the linoleum can not be attempted to clean with gasoline, alcohol is ammonia and the like compositions. Because of this incorrect processing, the coating will quickly burn out.

Ceramic tile - material, can be said, tested by centuries. It is used in construction and finishing for many years and won the love of masters is not in vain. It is durable, reliable, not afraid of moisture impact and practically does not respond to chemical substances, remaining inert. That is why it is so often used for finishing floors, especially in the bathroom, kitchen, bathroom - that is, where the humidity is always high, and the treatment of floors is carried out using various chemical compositions.

Waste a white raid with such a work coverage will not be - you can use absolutely any of the above methods, as they do not bring harm to the tile. Also, the tile can be washed with water in any quantity.

How to wash the floor after repair

Step 1. The surface of the floor before starting cleaning is recommended to be cleaned of foreign objects. Interior items are removed (it is recommended to completely remove them from the room), a film and newspapers that protected it from pollution, but damaged, as well as the entire construction trash. Before cleaning, it is recommended to produce and clean the belongings in the room, to the floor washing. Otherwise, the surface of the floor cover will have to wash again.

Step 2. A large garbage is removed from the floor surface - the floors can be fisted with a broom or brush. If pre-floors do not produce, then the wash will be quite complicated.

Step 3. 5 liters of water poured into the bucket. It should be warm or cool, depending on the type of floor covering. However, it is not worth using hot water - a rag in it or a mop will be uncomfortable. Next to the water adds selected from the above.

Step 4. Mop is wetting well in the cooked solution. Excess water is pressed.

Step 5. The floor is processed by mop. It is visually divided into several sectors and rinse each site separately. Corners, joints near the walls and strongly polluted places are especially thoroughly.

Step 6. The rag is important to rinse as often as possible, and water is changed to fresh. This will reduce the risk of divorce. Also after flooring detergent It is recommended to rinse its surface with clean water.

Video - cleaning floor after repair

Video - how to remove grout from tiles

Cleaning after repair - the procedure is quite complex and requiring time. But using various compositions and folk remedies The case will go faster. And if you correctly choose the technique, then the white flare will be able to remove without difficulty.

Cleaning after repair with your own hands is an important event, which is necessary. After all, it is not enough to exclude only the construction dust, it is worth spending a little more strength and time so that cleaning in the apartment after repair was high-quality. Most simple decision This question is the challenge of professionals into a polluted room, but it is worth the weighty costs that not every person can decide. Therefore, it is easier to make cleaning after repair yourself, you just need to adhere to the recommendations of professionals.

The main maintenance stages after repair

How to wash the apartment after repair? This should be done step by step, observing the instructions. So it turns out to finish cleaning quickly and efficiently.

A full-fledged stage of doing such work consists of:
  1. Eliminate garbage remnants after construction.
  2. Wash off dust particles from all available surfaces in the room.
  3. Clean windows and glasses.
  4. You will begin to prepare the furniture and other items of the wardrobe to the settlement in the apartment.
  5. Finishing strokes.

How to remove the room? Many special devices will need, without which there are no ideas to be reality.

Attention! Start the process with assistants. They may be friends or relatives - the main thing is that joint efforts will save time.

Before laundering, construction dust should be removed from the premises of the residues from construction (garbage, tools, large items), and then proceed to the main process. The initial stage is a large garbage removal.

They may be:

  1. Not removed trimming of wall or floor covering, drywall. They are better to put them near entrance door In one place or outside the apartment. Thus, it will take less time on their collection and removal.
  2. Items made of wood, metal or plastic (plinth, carpet, ceiling tile), But the remaining foam and screws are placed in a large package or bag.

The construction trash remains in a certain place until the need for liquidation will appear. First of all, it is necessary to remove objects from the apartment that may be dangerous to humans: glass, poisonous chemicals, knives, nails. Get rid of them need immediately after the repair is completed. If this is not possible to do for some reason, the garbage is folded into a large package, after which it is extracted from the room together with the rest of the waste.

Attention! To clean the garbage after repair in the apartment is necessary in a special place designed for these purposes. Failure to comply with these rules is fraught with penalties.

Floor cleaning after repair

Where to begin? When conducting careful cleaning in the room you need to pay special attention outdoor coating. The entire surface need to be washed from dust particles with ordinary water, and after wipe with a dry cloth and spelling. How to do it right? To begin with, it is worth finding out what kind of coating is in a particular room, then following the instructions to start cleaning. Not all detergents Suitable for one or another flooring, and therefore it is necessary to choose the right tools.

So, mostly in the apartments are present:

  • linoleum and laminate most simply clean - enough impact on the area of \u200b\u200bpollution with a damp sponge, on which is present soap mortar;
  • porcelain stonewares and tiles are not easy to get rid of spots of any complexity. This will require special meanshaving a cleansing effect;
  • parquet or wood flooring is cleaned by means, which contains oil fluid or wax;
  • the tile made from the tile is rubbed with a rigid pile, you can also use aggressive chemistry.

Made by new way The apartment may contain stains of coloring matter or varnish. If this happens, you can remove them with ammona alcohol. Also, the means are deleted fresh contaminants.

Cleaning walls and ceiling after repair

The renovated room remains many traces that require human intervention. Dust settles on the entire surface of the apartment. However, the most difficult thing is from inaccessible places. You can get to them with a washing vacuum cleaner, which is equipped with a telescopic tube.

The experience of people who made the cleaning after repair:
  1. Colored walls of soap with a damp cloth, having dipped it first in detergents. However, it should be chosen such that after their impact it is not formed unpleasant consequences.
  2. The presence on the walls of the remnants of the tape, glue, wash the paint with alcohol solution.
  3. Foam washed with a rigid brush.

Before washing any surface tools household chemicals, Read the instructions for use.

After completion of construction work, it is not always possible to clean the tool and equipment on time. As a result, it remains areas covered with frozen cement mortar. You can get rid of this not only mechanically: effectively clean the surface solvents for concrete.

Put the spatulas and workflows need: otherwise their appearance and functionality suffers. Clean the tool from concrete to the gentle method will help special chemicals.

How does a solvent for concrete

Concrete has good adhesion with most materials, which is not always good. Random finish pollution spoils the appearance of the interior, and the fan tool is often able to operate without cleaning it is impossible.

The composition of solvents for concrete includes three main components:

  • high concentration acid (necessary for the destruction of concrete);
  • inhibitors;
  • means for chemical protection Metal.

After applying the surface, the acid destroys the concrete, gradually penetrating into its internal layers. A foam casheaking mass is formed, which is easy to rinse with water or remove with a rag. Thus, you can clean any surface from concrete solutionput in order tool or equipment.

General characteristics of solvents for concrete

Solvents for concrete do not distinguish poisonous volatile compounds. They fireproof: do not burn and do not support burning. A tool to remove concrete can be cleaned with a painted or covered with varnish surface, without fearing to damage it. The smell secreted by solvents does not irritate the mucous membrane of the human respiratory organs. With random hit on the soil decomposes with time without harming environment.

Solvents are packaged in bottles with sprayers or in canisters. They can be ready for use or in the form of a concentrate that is diluted with water.

Attention! When working with solvents, precautions should be observed, since you use organic acids: the room must be ventilated, the hands are protected by rubber gloves. If the skin gets, the solvent is washed off with water.

Guide for safe use Solvent:

  1. The surface contaminated by concrete is purified from large fragments, as well as from dust and garbage mechanically.
  2. The solvent for concrete is applied by a large brush or spray.
  3. A few minutes later ( exact time Depends on the means and is indicated by the manufacturer on its packaging) it is necessary to wash off the resulting foam of water. If necessary, you can use the metal brush for cleaning the surface.
  4. If the entire concrete has not been deleted - the procedure should be repeated.

  • soased spots are removed not diluted with the means;
  • to clean the fresh cement raid, a solution is prepared in proportion 1: 3;
  • to remove traces lime solutions — 1:5;
  • to bring in order construction equipment - 1:10 (It is recommended to add chemical detergents).

Attention! Some surfaces after processing solvent can change its color (this is especially concerned with low-quality finishing materials), Therefore, check the action of the product at invisible areas.

Description of chemicals to remove concrete

Among the numerous range of means to dissolve concrete is to highlight the most popular on the Russian market.

Lugato Zementschleieredferner

Acid-based purifier, not intended for acid-resistant surfaces. It is not recommended to handle terrazzo and marble. Apply "Lugato" to remove lime and cement from the surface of plumbing and unlawed ceramics. Does not harm appearance Chrome details. Efficiency is comparable to solvent-soluble hydrochloric acid.

"Himfrez" ("Lepta Himfrez")

Means can be used for cleaning decorative coatings: Due to the absence of acetic, orthophosphoric and hydrochloric acid, the solvent does not spoil the drawing. There is no smell. It contributes to the opening of microcracks in brickwork and concrete, which is important for subsequent surface treatment with waterproofing compositions. Eliminates the zip.

Hymfreza can be combined with manual cleaning, sandblasting. Works can be performed at air temperature +5 ° C and higher.

Bio Decap'Beton Guard

A means acting as a surface cleaner. It can be used both for daily equipment processing and to remove soased spots. cement mortar. Glorious treats the environment, since it does not contain hazardous acids in its composition. Decomposes by 90%.

Bio Decap'Beton Guard cleans metal, plastic, glass, painted surfaces. Some features of application should be taken into account: it is not mixed with other substances (except for water) and only applied with a spacing.

Barracuda (Barracuda 10K)

Does not contain acid and safe to use. In addition to cement, removes from a contaminated surface water stone, zip, lime flag, Tile glue. It is allowed for processing any materials.

Does not irritate the skin and respiratory organs. After application can be on the surface of the surface for a long time. Does not cause corrosion, does not spoil paint coatings. Ecologically safe tool: Fully biologically decomposed. You can use repeatedly.

Table. Comparative characteristics Cleaners for the removal of concrete solutions

Brand cleaner Consumption Structure Packing Storage term RN level Price
Lugato Zementschleier Entferner (Lugato) 30-100 g / m 2 (depending on the degree of pollution) Amidosulfonic acid Canisters 1 and 5 kg No restrictions 1-2 170-180 rub. / L
"Himfrez" ("Lepta Himfrez") 1 l for 3-4 m 2 surfaces Pacific acids with surfactants Canisters of 5, 10 liters 12 months (warranty) 1-2 150 rub. / L
Bio Decap'be-Ton Guard 5-8 m 2 / l Synthesized on the basis of a particularly thin organic water-based molecule Canisters of 5, 25 liters 12 months (warranty) - 28.8 y. e. / kg
Barracuda (Barracuda 10K) About 10 m 2 / l Synthetic Canisters for 1, 10 l or barrel 200 l No more than 12 months - 633-740 rubles / l

"Home" methods for cleaning dried concrete mortar from surfaces

But except chemical method Cleaning surfaces from concrete, there are also "home" secrets and tricks on cleaning dried cement solutions.

Mechanical method

You can get rid of cement with the help of hammer, chisel, spatula and emery paper. Such instruments and fixtures can be cleaned with ceramic tiles for reuse.

It is important to securely secure the tile (for example, closing between two wooden bars) Horizontally, putting it on a flat site. Impact moderate power implies on the chisel installed at a small angle to the surface. Cement remains can be considered sandpaper.

From the surface durable material Cement can also be removed using a grinder using the minimum speed of rotation of the disk. Can help the nozzle in the form of a metal brush for electric drills. When large pieces of cement are shot down, it is possible to finish cleaning using sandpaper.

Chemical method

In the absence of special solvents from cement stains on a red brick, you can get rid of sulfuric acid, diluted with water in proportion 1:10. The resulting mixture should be pouring into the old cast-iron bathHeated at the fire. After boiling, the remains of the cement will be destroyed.

For the cleaning brick masonry You can also use alkaline solutions from old battery batteries. Pushed in a solution with a rapid need to wipe the wall, and after a while - wash off the destroyed cement with water. Salonic acid is also valid.

Removal of dried mortar from carpet and fabrics

You can clean the clothes or carpet from cement using a stain remover: Moching the sponge to the tool, it is applied for some time to a contaminated place. When eliminating large spots, the sponge moves from the center to the edges of the material. If the cement has already managed to frost - it is necessary to carefully act with a tweezers and a knife, after which the thing is washed.

Table vinegar may also be effective tool: The sponge moistened in it is applied to the cement spot, and then covered with a polyethylene film for a while. This will reduce the evaporation of vinegar. Similarly, using acetone or alcohol.

At home, you can cook the tool, mixing 1/4 of the dishwashing liquid with two cups of water. It is recommended to obtain a homogeneous mass mix substances in the bottle. The resulting agent is caused by a rough brush or a rigid toothbrush, after thoroughly washed off.

Solvents for concrete save time and strength spent for cleaning contaminated surfaces. With the help of the funds specified in the article, you can get rid of the heins on external surfaces Walls of buildings, prepare them for waterproofing.