Orchids how to reanimate to give roots. The orchid dies how to save

The roots that are in such a substrate immediately begin to rot. A sufficient amount of time should pass between waterings so that the substrate has time to dry out. If you have made such a mistake once, then this will not lead to the fact that the plant will begin to disappear, but if you systematically fill the roots of the orchid with water, then troubles cannot be avoided.

  • Orchid lighting plays an important role. It must be said that in poor lighting, the roots of the flower grow slowly, and, therefore, the growth of the entire plant stops. This problem is most often encountered in the autumn-winter period.
  • The presence of fungal and bacterial infections of a plant can also very quickly lead to its death. ).
  • The orchid has rather delicate roots, which are very sensitive to the excessive content of macronutrients in the fertilizer, especially phosphorus and potassium. This can lead to burns with fertilizers, and, as a result, to the death of the roots and plants.
  • First of all, the roots begin to change their appearance, their color changes. But you should not completely rely only on this sign, because the substances that are in the soil can affect the color of the roots of the orchid. It is necessary to inspect the roots.

    Healthy roots should be firm and elastic, if when you press on the root with your finger or nail, the place of pressure is pressed, this only means that it is already dead and will not be useful, but, on the contrary, can harm the orchid.

    The main signs that the roots are gone:

    • The color of the roots has darkened (read about why the leaves and roots turn black and how to help the plant).
    • If you press the root with your finger, moisture appears from it.
    • Weeping and necrotic areas are visualized on the roots.
    • The damaged areas have a threadlike appearance.


    If all the roots of the orchid are gone, it is necessary to remove all rotten fate and proceed to resuscitate the plant as soon as possible. At the right approach, the plant most often comes to life and begins to bloom again. Otherwise, the flower may completely disappear.

    On a note. They reanimate the orchid even in cases where the infected or rotten roots have been completely removed.

    Step by step instructions: how to reanimate at home?

    Do not despair if you find rotten roots on any orchid, you can reanimate the flower. It is necessary to follow the recommendations, which we will discuss below.

    Below you will learn how to root the plant, among other things.

    Preparing inventory

    In order to grow new roots in an orchid at home, you need to prepare in advance such tools as scissors and or a knife, after having disinfected them. This will allow the safest for the flower to carry out all the necessary manipulations. Pre-sharpening tools so that you can carefully trim away the missing root portions rather than pulling them out.

    Exists different ways revive the orchid. We will describe the most popular ones, but it's up to you to choose.

    With the help of a greenhouse

    Very often, florists have at their disposal window greenhouses. This is the ideal place in which the orchid will be most comfortable, because there will be consistently high humidity and optimum temperature. Even a seriously weakened plant can be tried in the greenhouse.

    The first thing you need to do is prepare a container in which you will later root your orchid:

    1. A small layer of expanded clay must be poured onto the bottom.
    2. A layer of steamed sphagnum should be laid on top, which must be well cleaned beforehand.
    3. Your next action should be to place the leaf outlet. For this purpose, the substrate should be moistened and a leaf rosette will be placed in it.

    The plant should be under cover until its roots are formed, the length of which should be 3-5 cm.

    Reference. For this purpose, it is necessary to maintain a humidity of approximately 70-100%, and its temperature should not fall below 22 degrees. Do not forget about the lighting, which should be bright for 12-14 hours a day.

    With the right approach to this method, you will quickly see how your favorite orchid has changed, very soon it will delight you with its lush bloom.

    By planting in a substrate

    But what if you don't have a greenhouse? Do not despair, there are other ways to revive an orchid, for example, by planting it in a substrate. For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare a pot in which there will be expanded clay and a substrate of sphagnum moss.

    1. Previously, the flower is removed from rotten and damaged roots and planted in a prepared pot.
    2. Now you should make sure that the soil in it is constantly moist, but do not confuse this concept with constant watering!

      Pay your attention to ensure that the water does not stagnate at the bottom of the pot., otherwise it will again lead to rotting of the roots.

    The room temperature should be at least 23 degrees, and ideally stable at 25.

    Watch a video about resuscitation orchid without roots, planted in moss:

    Placing in water

    Can a flower be placed in water to form new roots? Yes, some growers use the method of planting orchids in water to grow new vegetative organs. How to grow them in water? It would seem that it couldn't be easier: the roots of the orchid are placed in a container, at the bottom of which they are poured plain water... Further, the adherents of this method of growing orchids promise profuse flowering plants and its rapid growth.

    Some amateur flower growers still make their own adjustments and secrets to this method. They it is recommended to add a teaspoon of sugar syrup or liquid honey per liter of liquid.

    Now you know how to help grow vegetative organs above water, including the neck up.

    Watch a video on how to save an orchid without roots in water:

    Further care of the plant

    After you have saved your flower from death, take extra care when looking after it. Try to avoid the mistakes that you made earlier and create the most comfortable conditions for the plant:

    1. Protect the orchid from direct sun rays that can burn the delicate petals of her flowers.
    2. In hot summer days remove from the windowsill.
    3. Avoid drafts.
    4. These flowers cannot stand stuffiness, so do not forget to ventilate the room, and spray the air in the room on dry summer days.
    5. Use a special orchid potting mix.
    6. The plant requires bright, diffused light, if necessary, use additional lighting.

    Recovery time

    After you have revised the roots of the orchid and planted it on the prepared substrate, you can wait for the appearance of new roots in 5-7 days. If everything is done correctly, and the conditions of detention are suitable for the flower, then it will quickly please you with its new roots.

    When is it no longer possible to save?

    They are trying to revive the orchid even when, it would seem, all the roots of the flower have disappeared, but even in such cases, the plant can recover.

    Important! Experienced florists only one requirement is made - the orchid must have at least one healthy leaf, then the plant can be reanimated.


    When the windowsill of your house is decorated with flowers, as beautiful as your life, moreover, which you managed to grow on your own, it becomes warm in your soul. Do not rush to throw away a plant that has begun to deteriorate and lost its appearance, because there are many ways to save a flower that has lost up to 90% of its roots.

    Following our recommendations, you will certainly be able to revive your orchid, and in the future you will avoid mistakes that could lead to problems, and this noble flower will again delight you with its beauty. Now you know how to grow roots again at home and whether it is possible to save the baby, if everything.

    The orchid has recently become the most popular indoor flower... This is a wonderful gift that any woman will be delighted with. Despite the ease of care, often the orchid, once in room conditions after the greenhouse, it begins to fade and wither. To save the orchid from death, it is necessary to urgently take action as soon as the first signs of a change in appearance are noticed.

    Let's take it right away difficult case: the orchid is frozen or withered. Resuscitation of a flower begins with an examination of the roots.

    How to save orchid roots

    • The orchid is carefully removed from the pot and the roots are cleaned of the substrate. First, the soil is removed from the roots, and then the residues of the substrate are thoroughly washed out with a stream of warm water. Having dried the roots of the orchid, we proceed to study their condition. Normal living orchid roots are dense in structure. Healthy roots range in color from whitish, green to light brown. Rotten roots are slippery and soft and have a dark brown color
    • All dead, rotten and dry parts of the root system are cut out with a sharp knife and sprinkled with ground cinnamon or activated carbon powder for disinfection. Further measures to save the orchid depend on the percentage of healthy roots remaining. Even if 15% of the roots remain healthy, the orchid can be saved. If the orchid is completely rootless, do not despair. There is still a chance to restore it. How - we'll talk about this a little later.

    Now let's look at ways to resuscitate a diseased orchid.

    Method 1 - how to save an orchid that still has enough roots

    After the prevention and cleaning of the roots, the orchid is planted the usual way into a ready-made soil substrate and create gentle conditions for adaptation:

    • Placed in a well-lit place, but shaded from the direct sun
    • Given that damaged roots do not absorb moisture well, the soil from above is often sprayed from a spray bottle
    • Well proven bottom watering for weakened orchids
    • If it is not possible to spray and water a sick orchid several times a day, build a mini greenhouse for it (just cover with a bag with holes for ventilation)
    • Since there are not many roots left, the orchid is fixed in the soil: they stick a stick between the roots and attach the orchid to it

    Method 2 - how to save an orchid if there are no roots at all

    In this case, a mini greenhouse comes to the rescue. Expanded clay is poured into a spacious pot, purchased moss not infected with pests is placed on top. A damaged orchid is placed on the moss. Everything is well moistened with a spray bottle and covered with a transparent cap. With constant humidity and constant warm temperature, after 2 weeks, the rudiments of the roots should appear in the damaged orchid. As soon as the roots grow 4-5 cm, the orchid can be planted in the usual way.

    And the conditions under which the plant will fully develop, acquiring an exotic pet, rather quickly lose it, although orchids are very cheerful and almost always recoverable.

    How to understand that the orchid is dying and what to do? It is not very difficult to determine the cause of the impending death threat, since there are not so many signs indicating a plant health problem.

    The orchid dies

    External manifestations

    The main reason for the possible death of an orchid is damage caused by improper care or illness.

    Most often, orchids die due to decay of the root system.

    Common and urgent are signs:

    • Withering of the main leaf mass;
    • Shrinking of leaf plates and theirs;
    • Drying along the entire length of the stem;
    • Instability of the plant in the container;
    • Loss of more than 70% of roots.

    How to determine in the early stages?

    The first sign, by which one can judge the possible unpleasant consequences, is a change in the structure, color and state of the leaves.

    What if the orchid dies? Rotten, frozen, drying or already orchid - unpleasant sight... But if at least a piece of living tissue remains on the trunk of the plant, it can be reanimated, returning to a normal, full-fledged life.

    Unfortunately, not every florist takes care of his pet, but prefers to buy a new one... By this, he not only does not gain experience, but also does not try to find out his mistakes with exotic.

    There are risks in which it is almost impossible to save the orch... If the plant is weakened and has undergone fusarium wilting with damage to most of the trunk, then the chance of recovery is no more than 5%.

    Important! The big risk of not saving the plant is the presence of a viral disease (infection).

    The early stage includes treatment with anti-infectious drugs on the leaf, and in case of damage to the root part - standard resuscitation measures with the use of special preparations, depending on infection, fungi and disease.

    Important! Capturing the disease at an early stage guarantees recovery and restoration of vital activity.


    Direct sunlight burns the leaves and the plant itself. Having received a burn, at the leaf (plant) inside moisture transpiration is disturbed, which entails dehydration. Not providing the required conditions, he dies.

    External manifestations

    • The surface temperature of the plate is hot to the touch;
    • Change of leaf color to a lighter side;
    • The appearance of pigmentation;
    • The presence of discolored, brown-edged spots.

    Resuscitation measures

    The most dangerous time to get sunburn is it's spring and summer... It is not recommended to install a container with a pet in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Or you should shade the biomass with tracing paper, blinds or other methods.

    Sunlight on orchid leaves provokes burns.

    Parts of a leaf or plant in case of severe damaged are trimmed... With low damage, they can be left under surveillance. The sheet should be removed only after complete yellowing (death).

    Sunburn causes stress on the plant, which negatively affects development for a long time. During this period, it is worth excluding fertilizing with fertilizers, conducting moderate watering and providing diffused light.

    How to choose the right flower location?

    The best place for orchids that need enough daylight hours would be window sill on the east side rooms.

    In other cases, it is necessary to shade from the sun or provide additional lighting. In any case, diffused light and continuous (at least 10 hours) illumination are required.

    Temperature violation

    Temperature regime at different types orchids are different. In any case, the room temperature is set comfortable for the owners. exotic plants... Accordingly, a species is selected that feels comfortable in these conditions. Those. the temperature will be optimal:

    Overheating the plant follows:

    • Put away in a shaded place;
    • Do not water;
    • Do not feed.

    After 3-4 hours of cooling, spray a little to restore water balance, and then rearrange to a safer place. high temperatures a place.

    At low temperatures, it should also put away in a warmer place and temporarily exclude watering and nutrition, while the plant adapts to a normal existence.

    Transplanting a dying orchid

    A dying orchid is primarily reanimated by restoring root system and general condition. Only then can the orchid be planted in new soil.

    But what if the orchid dies after transplanting? Find the cause of the problem:

    • Or a poor quality substrate.
    • Or too sunny place.
    • If the roots damaged by rot were not removed in time or poorly processed.
    • Incorrect concentration of fertilizers or feeding on diseased, fragile roots.

    Required again:

    • Extract the plant;
    • Examine;
    • If necessary, process the root part;
    • And plant in a different, better quality substrate.

    The capacity is also should choose a new and a suitable size. Observe the rules of care.

    What to do with the peduncle and babies?

    Save the plant itself. pulls out the remains of food, so necessary at this stage. It is better to start resuscitation and rescue of the orchid.

    In case of orchid disease, the baby must be separated from the mother.

    The baby feeds on the mother plant and if she does not release roots, then something is wrong with the mother. It remains to either wait or try to separate and put in a greenhouse on the moss, which is periodically sprayed. The result is 50 to 50.

    Attention! Usually, a dying child cannot be saved due to her weakness.

    Useful video

    Find out in the video why the orchid dies:

    Watch the video on what to do if the orchid begins to die:

    An orchid without roots can be saved!

    Indoor orchids are considered difficult to care for and maintain only because many novice flower growers have plants dying due to loss of the root system. Is it possible and how to reanimate an orchid in which most of the roots feeding the flower have rotted or withered?

    The autumn-winter period is the most dangerous for people from the tropics, where there are practically no seasonal fluctuations in temperature, illumination and humidity. In the warm season, actively growing, blooming orchids feel comfortable in natural conditions, easily enduring the lack of backlighting, heating and additional humidification.

    But the picture changes by winter. And the plant noticeably slows down growth, consuming less nutrients and moisture. What is the reason that orchids die at home, and how to save a beautiful flower?

    If the grower did not react to the change of season in time, did not correct the care and conditions of detention, the consequences in the form of weeping, rotting roots will certainly make themselves felt.

    How to save an orchid with rotten roots?

    Noticing that a recently living and healthy flower has become lethargic, the leaves have lost their juiciness, withered, and even watering does not help the plant to recover, the florist should be wary. The sooner the trouble is discovered, the easier it will be to resuscitate the orchid, because without the roots, the flower will not be able to feed and will inevitably die.

    A diseased plant must be carefully inspected.

    Before reanimating an orchid at home, you need to assess the situation and find out the degree of damage. This is done by carefully examining the root system.

    Living and healthy roots are always dense, with an elastic homogeneous surface. The younger the rhizomes, the lighter their color, and when immersed in water or after abundant irrigation, they noticeably turn green.
    Older rhizomes are gray or brownish. But as long as they feed the leaf rosette and peduncles, the roots remain firm, smooth and dry to the touch.

    Rotten and dead roots must be removed.

    Removing the substrate and flushing the underground part of the plant will show the complete picture of the lesion. A sign of decay, bacterial or fungal infection is:

    • darkening of rhizomes;
    • the appearance of weeping, slimy areas on them;
    • the outflow of water when you click on the root;
    • filamentous view of decayed roots.

    Unfortunately, rotten roots can no longer be saved, so they are removed, carefully trimmed to healthy tissue. Do the same with dried rhizomes. The loss of two or three roots, if the plant is properly cared for, will not affect the viability.

    But what if the orchid has rotted all the roots or most of them? Is it possible to restore health to the plant or will you have to say goodbye to the green pet?

    After removing all problematic parts, leave the plant to dry.

    After removing problem areas, the sections on the remaining parts are necessarily treated with activated carbon crushed to the stage of powder or ground cinnamon, which also has pronounced disinfecting properties. When the roots are dry, it is useful to immerse them in a fungicide solution for 10-15 minutes. This will reduce the risk of harmful fungi colonizing the weakened plant.

    After disinfecting the remnants of the roots, ensuring the protection of the plant, it is important to treat the growth zone of future roots with a growth stimulator. This will strengthen the orchid's immune system and speed up rooting.

    How to revive an orchid: methods available at home

    An orchid left without roots should not be thrown away. Tropical plant with due care and patience, it turns out to be very hardy and life-loving. Experienced florists are advised to consider three ways to revitalize:

    • in a home greenhouse;
    • without a greenhouse, using regular watering and drying;
    • by planting in a regular substrate.

    If the plant has living roots, it is transplanted into fresh substrate.

    Before reanimating an orchid, you need to assess its condition and choose the most effective and maximum quick way... If a flower that has lost less than 60% of its roots manages to regain health in a month, then an orchid completely devoid of its root system may require special maintenance and care for up to a year.

    The choice of how to save an orchid without roots depends on:

    • from the condition of the affected flower;
    • on the number and condition of leaves;
    • from the presence of horse rudiments formed in the lower part of the leaf rosette.

    Of no small importance are the conditions that a florist can create for the resuscitation of an orchid without roots.

    How to reanimate an orchid in greenhouse conditions?

    If the grower has a window greenhouse in which the plant will be kept at a consistently high humidity and comfortable temperature, there is a high probability of saving even a seriously weakened flower without a root system.

    To nurture a sick plant, you need to create special conditionsHow to reanimate an orchid if the roots are rotten? In the container in which the flower is to be rooted:

    • a thin layer of expanded clay is poured;
    • a layer of cleaned, thoroughly steamed sphagnum is laid on top of it.

    The leaf rosette is placed in a moist substrate until new roots appear.

    The substrate is carefully moistened and a leaf rosette is placed in it. Until the plant has 3–5 cm long roots, the flower will have to be constantly under cover:

    • at air temperatures from 22 to 28 ° C;
    • at air humidity within 70-100%;
    • in bright diffused lighting for 12-14 hours a day.

    Temperatures below 20 and above 33 ° C inhibit the growth of roots, but promotes the reproduction of pathogenic flora and fungi.

    Taking good care of the plant will help the plant grow new roots.

    What if all the roots of an orchid have rotted? Can root formation be stimulated? Yes, this can be done with the help of competent care of the leaf outlet in the greenhouse. As necessary, the substrate is slightly moistened, and the greenhouse is ventilated. This is best done at night, which contributes to the saturation of the air with carbon dioxide and makes the rudiments of a future healthy root system form faster.

    Rooting success depends on adherence temperature regime, maintaining a long daylight hours and high humidity for an apartment. While the orchid is in the greenhouse, the outlet should be regularly inspected to prevent the appearance of foci of rot.

    Plant with new roots is placed under normal conditions In four out of five cases, using this method, you can save an orchid without roots, and signs of the formation of a new root system become visible after 10-14 days. And plants with roots 3-4 cm in length are planted in an ordinary substrate and transferred to the usual conditions for a flower.

    How to save an orchid without using a greenhouse?

    As in the previous case, the plant is rooted at a temperature of 20 to 27 ° C, in a place shaded from direct sunlight. But how to reanimate an orchid in this case, when not home greenhouse or greenhouses?

    Nursing an orchid in a glass vessel

    The pre-treated rosette is placed in a deep glass vessel. Every day, in the morning hours, soft, boiled or filtered water is poured into it so that its surface touches only the lower part of the remaining root system and does not wet the leaves. In this form, the orchid remains up to 6 hours. Then the water is drained, and the flower is dried until the next morning.

    Orchid grows roots in water with honey or sugar

    There is one feature, how to revive an orchid without roots faster and more efficiently.

    A teaspoon of honey or sugar syrup is added to the water per liter of liquid. In addition, to moisten the substrate or watering all reanimated orchids, it is useful to use:

    • specialized complex fertilizers in a very low concentration;
    • feeding with an iron preparation;
    • monthly treatments with growth regulator.

    How to revive an orchid that has not lost all its roots, but only a part of them? In this case, the plant is still able to feed in the usual way, so you can grow the missing roots by planting the flower in a pot 6–8 cm in diameter with an ordinary substrate. Lighting for 12 hours and a temperature of 20-25 ° C will make the root buds activate. At night, the temperature should not drop, and the humidity is maintained at an elevated level.

    An orchid with a small number of living roots is planted in a small container. Instead of watering, small-drop irrigation of the upper layer of the substrate is used or a container with an orchid is placed in a pan with a small amount of water for half an hour. Moisten the soil again only after it is completely dry. New root growth begins in 1–4 weeks.

    Now the most popular gift for all the holidays is a charming orchid bush. Sometimes the owners of newly purchased flowers or flowers donated to them for a holiday are faced with the fact that it is either frozen or heavily flooded by inexperienced sellers in the store and the flower needs immediate help in order not to let it completely rot.

    Resuscitation of a flower is sometimes simply necessary, since due to improper care various parts of the plant are lost:

    1. Root system.
    2. Leaves.

    The orchid could be overcooled when transported from the store home, if you do not follow the rules of care, it can be poured, which will cause rotting and it will begin to die. But always if the disease is detected in time there is a chance to revive the flower.

    How to save phalaenopsis without roots or roots rot

    If, upon examination, the flower turned out to be lethargic and without roots, or the roots are severely affected by rot, an operation must be performed to remove these roots and all rotting places, otherwise the rot cannot be stopped. Rot is cut out with a sharp knife, which must be disinfected with alcohol.

    All sections on the flower are treated with crushed activated carbon or sprinkled with cinnamon and left to dry for a day. Next, let's start resuscitating the roots.

    The best thing resuscitation conduct with the help of a greenhouse... To do this, take a transparent container, for example, for food products, and lay a drainage layer on its bottom. You can use purchased expanded clay, but it should be disinfected before use by pouring boiling water over it.

    The next is a layer of moss sold in flower shops under the name "Moss Sfagnum"... It is important to understand that moss collected in the wild will be unsuitable, as it may contain pest larvae and resuscitation of the orchid will lead nowhere. Moss is slightly moistened with boiled water, and an orchid bush without a root system is placed on it.

    The greenhouse is either covered with a container lid or placed in a transparent bag. The established greenhouse conditions will help to grow new roots, which will already be clearly visible in a couple of weeks.

    When the roots grow up to 5 cm in length, the orchid is planted in an orchid substrate.

    How to revive a dying orchid

    So that resuscitation goes faster and gives nice results you can use top dressing held over the leaf mass, for example Dr. Foley Orchid.

    Also a good stimulant for building up root mass is succinic acid ... It is sold in human pharmacies and is available as a pill without a doctor's prescription. For this purpose, take 2 tablets and dissolve in 500 gr. boiled standing water. Then the point of growth and orchid leaf plates are wiped with a moistened cotton swab. They do all this so carefully that there is no excess moisture in the axils of the leaf plates.

    Yet good way to help resuscitate the flower mix it B vitamins and liter boiled water and rub the same places as with succinic acid.

    This operation is carried out after sunset, as the sun's rays destroy the effect of vitamins. In the morning after this procedure, treat additionally with succinic acid.

    How to save a plant without leaves

    If for some reason the Phalaenopsis orchid was left without leaves, then you can always try to save the flower. For this, the roots of the flower are treated with a preparation Kornevin... In order not to reach and injure an ailing flower, you can simply spill it with a solution of water and Kornevin. Dilute as indicated on the packaging of the drug.

    Then the pot is lowered into an airtight container with a transparent lid. If there is no cover, you can use the home cling film, which is also capable of hermetically closing a container with a pot. The entire structure should be installed in a bright and warm place, but without direct sunlight that could cause a burn on the newly emerging young orchid leaves.

    Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse once a day and remove condensation that falls on the surface of the lid.

    In order for the plant to fully recover and the beginning of a new flowering, a year will pass and so that the restoration proceeds in the active phase along the young leaves foliar feeding... Top dressing is carried out only with fertilizer for orchids and the rate of dilution with water is doubled. At the same time, you need to monitor the soil in which the orchid grows, it should not dry out.

    How to disinfect a plant

    Actually, in order to save your orchid from poor care, you first need to get rid of the rotten parts plants. For this operation you need to have with you:

    1. Activated carbon.
    2. Charcoal.
    3. Fungicides.

    Orchid owners often have problems with weeping or decaying roots. This is due to improperly selected soil or excessive watering, plus a low temperature in the room where the flower lives.

    To determine whether the roots are rotten or not, simply look at them through a transparent pot. If they are green or grayish in color and their tip grows, then everything is in order with the root system. If they are brown or black, then the roots must be immediately saved from their complete withering away. Therefore, the roots are shortened to healthy green tissue.

    Pruning is made sharp disinfected in alcohol scissors. Cutting points are sprinkled charcoal or if not, then activated, purchased from a human pharmacy.

    If, after removing the root system of the orchid from the pot, a fungus was noticed in the form of soot (black) accumulations, then the whole flower is bathed in warm water and process the places of the cuts, as described above, and then soaked in any fungicide of the following:

    • Tolclofosmethyl.
    • Boscalid.
    • Pencycuron.

    Fungicides are treated twice, so do not rush to plant the flower directly into the ground. Take a week break and re-process. So that the roots do not dry out too much, they are sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with a cotton cloth.

    What to do after recovery

    The orchid does not come to life immediately, but depending on the season and the room where it is located. If the flower was reanimated in spring or autumn and the actions were correct, then the recovery will be faster, even a month will be enough.

    And sometimes it takes up to six months to restore a flower. There is always a better chance if a disaster struck during the spring months. Since in the spring all plants start growing, and the vegetative mass is growing, and here the orchid is no exception.

    After resuscitation of the flower, do not water it vigorously, so as not to provoke new foci of infection with rot, the orchid soil should dry out.

    As soon as the roots begin their active growth, all feeding should be stopped... After the roots grow up to 6 cm, the bush can be transplanted into a pot that is slightly larger in diameter. After transplanting, the bush is fixed by making a wire frame so that the bush does not stagger. So it adapts faster and will grow the root system faster.

    If you find it in a beautiful and beloved flower, do not rush to throw it out right away. After all, curing a green friend is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to start his treatment in a timely manner, and he will delight his owner for a long time with his beautiful white, yellow or other bright. It may take a long time, but the result will meet all expectations, when the reanimated orchid throws out a new flower arrow, thanks for all the efforts to save itself.