How to insulate the overlap between the attic and the floor. Warming of attic floors on wooden beams: technology, features and reviews

If you compare with urban apartments in multi-storey buildings, private houses have a large contact area with external environmentTherefore, the question of high-quality thermal insulation here is much more relevant. About 35% of heat goes into the surrounding air through a dishepsed ceiling if the roofing and attic room is not insulated with a thermal barrier. Losing so much heat is wasted - non-disabilities, so we will consider optimal options Thermal insulation ceiling floors.

Warming from the inside or on the side of the attic - what is preferable?

Modern construction technologies Provide the device of thermal insulation layers simultaneously with the construction of the construction. In this case, the most convenient and effective schemes Installation of the insulation still at the design stage, taking into account the type of overlap, general Load on the building construction, Needs in heat saving in this climatic belt. This happens ideally, if it is erected new house in compliance construction requirements and rules.

If a private building was built a long time ago, or recently, but on its own, it is quite aware of the option that high-quality thermal insulation, including ceiling floors, may not be in the house. In such a situation, homeowners have to independently solve the problem of insulation, selecting the methods that meet the needs for heat saving, the peculiarities of the construction in general and the type of overlaps in particular. The first question that arises on the way to solve the designated problem is the side of ceiling floors with which it is more convenient and more expedient to arrange a thermal insulation barrier.

You can warm overlaps from each side, and in any case it will be correct. But when choosing a method of insulation, some nuances should be taken into account. The first one is the height of the ceiling floors. If the ceilings are low, and then there is no useful space of desire, it is unambiguously asked for insulation on the side of the attic, because the layer of insulation (at least 5-6 cm) plus the finish (2-3 cm) will make the ceilings even lower. Another situation - the rooms have already made the finish, the interior is decorated, and it is quite satisfied with households. The ceiling insulation will be needed to make repairs again, which is inappropriate in all respects. Here, also in preference, laying the heat-insulating barrier on top of overlappings.

Insulation the ceilings from the inside makes sense only in a situation where the house is held overhaul. In this case, the embodiment of one of the methods of internal thermal insulation of ceiling floors, which is carried out during the repair finishing work. Although recently homeowners are increasingly preferred to warm the ceiling on the side of the attic. So much more convenient, less expensive and, moreover, is easy. And this is a strong factor if the device of the heat-insulating barrier is assumed with his own hands.

There is a variant of the insulation of overlaps on both sides. So make those who want to turn housing into an impregnable fortress for winter jellows and summer heat to then save money for energy.

We are looking for a suitable material - polymers or fiber?

Now there is a sufficient choice that you can apply for our purposes. Along with the use of modern thermal insulation materials, traditional insulation often apply, which serve for this not one century. These include wood chips Both sawdust, as well as materials based on them (opilk concrete, a mixture of woodworking waste with clay). Some fall asleep sex as a layer of dry leaves or legs coniferous trees. Such ways of insulation of overlaps used our great-grandparents, but nothing prevents the use of such absolutely natural and often free materials in our time. Although modern technologies and materials from consumers in preference, so briefly consider their diversity and main characteristics.

Classifying materials applicable to the insulation of ceiling floors can be disselected to several groups:

  • polymer thermal insulators;
  • fibrous insulation;
  • sprayed materials;
  • bulk substances.

Polymers include the well-known foam and rapidly gaining popularity extruded polystyrene, known to many under the commercial name "Penoplex". Polyfoam applies very widely for thermal insulation purposes in construction. Popularity The material provides two factors - very affordable cost and good thermal insulation properties. High-quality material with a density of at least 35 kg / m 3 also has sufficient hydrophobicity, so that the need for a device of hydro and vapor barriers during the installation of the insulation layer has disappeared. All would be good, but there is a main one of which is a flammable accompanied by extreme toxicity. The smoke allocated during the burning of this polymer is able to send anyone to the forefers, who will breathe it 2-3 times. For this reason, in many developed countries, this insulation is prohibited for heat-insulating work In residential buildings.

Penoplex is deprived of many of the disadvantages of foam. It refers to the class of materials that do not support combustion or self-fighting, so its use in residential construction is not limited. In addition, polystyrene is absolutely not susceptible to the effects of moisture, is not affected by the bacterial and fungal microflora. Polystrax strength is one of the highest, if compared with other heat insulators, so polystyrene is often used where the strength characteristics play important role (under the tie, thermal insulation bases of buildings, basement). According to the thermal insulation properties, the polystyrene is approximately the same as the foam - to create a reliable thermal barrier, a sufficient layer of insulation is 5-10 cm (depending on the geography of the region).

Fibrous materials for thermal insulation works in construction include varieties of mineral wool. The material varies in the nature of the raw material, which is applied to the manufacture of material. All types of minvati are produced by melting minerals and forming fibers fastening with organic adhesive. If the fibers are formed from molten glass, the fiber optic is obtained. Shelotte is made in the same way of domain slags and other mineral waste of metallurgical production. Basalt wool, which is considered to be the highest quality material from this category, is formed with thermal impact on some types of rocks.

All fibrous insulation are manufactured various densities. The highest specific weight has mats used primarily for facade heat insulation under shocking. Such thermal insulator is durable and hard, therefore forms a solid surface for conducting finishing works. The midwate of the average density is also made in the form of mats, but the material is more loose and does not differ in high strength. Mineral wool With the lowest specific weighing on sale enters the rolled rolled. For the insulation of the ceiling in the house you can apply medium and low density minvat, and the first will be more appropriate in thermal insulation by attic room from cold roof, The second is for the heat barrier device from the inside.

Sprayed and bulk options - there is from what to choose

The last word in the technology of insulation of construction surfaces is sprayed heat insulators. These include polyurethane foam foam and eco. The first material is a polymer, the second is made from natural raw materials (cellulose). Both heat-insulators are applied to insulated surfaces by spraying, although in some cases the eco-water is falling asleep in the existing gaps in a dry form with the subsequent tamper.

Polyurethane foam in chemical nature, the method of applying and the structure of finished thermal insulation is very close to the usual mounting foam. To prepare a foamed material having excellent adhesive properties, two components are used, which are dismounted and then applied using special equipment. The advantage of a sprayed insulation is in its seven, which warns the formation of cold bridges. Polyurethane foam in a polymerized (frozen) state is not a fuel and has 1.3 times the best thermal insulation characteristics than foam. The lack of thermal insulator - in gradual destruction under the influence of ultraviolet (need to be protected) and the impossibility of working with it with it (equipment is expensive and purchased it for one-time use).

The most applied bulk thermal insulator is clayzit - porous granules of various fractions. The raw material for the production of clay is the usual clay, so this insulation refers to environmentally friendly and natural. This insulation does not burn, has moderate hygroscopicity and good thermal insulation properties. The ability to resist heat loss depends on the magnitude of the granules - the less fraction, the higher the thermal conductivity.

For insulation of the attic floor, it is advisable to use a clamzite of the fraction 5-10 mm.

Thermal insulation ceiling by residential rooms

Heat overlap from the inside can be in two ways. The first provides for the installation of thermal insulation plates or mats directly to the surface of the overlap with glue and additional fixation with special dowels. This method is better to use if a reinforced concrete plate is used as the overlap. The second technology provides for the device of the crate under the subsequent sheathing sheets of plasterboard sheets, plastic panels or clapboard. In this case, the insulation is laid between carriage elements Frame. This method will be carried out with any type of ceiling floors. Both methods give a good thermal insulation effect, although the thickness of the layer is often limited, due to the desire to maintain the maximum of the useful space.

An extruded polystyrene is often used to implement the insulation of the insulation on the slabs, although mineral wool mats with high specific weight can be used. Preference is given to polystyrene for several reasons:

  • the material is easier, more convenient in operation when installing it;
  • the thermal conductivity of the polystyrene of the same thickness is approximately one and a half times lower than the same indicator of high density minvats;
  • to form a finishing layer on the surface of mineral wool, you need to have skills of such activities, while plastering the polystyrene is not more complicated than on plasterboard.

In general, the installation of these insulation differs little. The difference is only used by polymer cement mixtures for gluing thermal insulation sheets. The sequence of actions with this method of insulation is as follows:

  • plate of overlapping processing the grinding mixture;
  • we are preparing polymer cement glue (according to the instructions on the package);
  • the adhesive mixture is applied to the insulation leaf (around the perimeter and in the center), after which the polystyrene plate is pressed to concrete surface and exhibit in the horizontal plane;
  • after setting the glue (approximately after a day), the insulation sheets additionally fix "umbrellas" - special dowels with a wide circular hat.

It remains to plaster the insulation using the reinforcing mesh and apply finishing layers. If the second method applies to lay the insulation to the intervals between the rails or profiles, the mining or low density minor or low density. The thermal insulation is placed between the elements of the frame and slightly fixed by the rented straightfight of the direct suspensions, which the profiles are attached to the overlap, after which the lamp closes with the trim.

Device of the heat barrier by half the attic - available methods

For the device of the thermal barrier on the side of the attic room, all of the materials mentioned above are applicable. If it is necessary to hire specialized brigades for insulating eco-art or polyurethane foam, to form heat-insulating layers with claying, mineral wool or polymer sheet insulation Will not be difficult to any home master.

If the overlap is made by a reinforced concrete slab, it is advisable to apply the clamzite, falling asleep to a layer of up to 15 cm, or to lay a penplex by filling the seams between the sheets of the polymer insulation by mounting foam. With it is better to use Minvatu, because by the ability to skip water vapor it is similar to wood. Laying the fibrous insulation is made in the intervals between carrier wooden beams, after which the parobarar of the appropriate film is satisfied. Then the beams are surrounded by counterbours, which will be the basis for the flooring board of the attic floor.

If there are free access to sawn waste, you can maximally reduce the event, filing the space between the beams with a mixture of small chips and sawdust. This method of thermal insulation will be the most environmentally friendly and natural for overlapped made of wood materials.

To reduce heat losses in a private house, one effective system Heating is not enough - for their minimization it is necessary to insulate all the elements of the construction. The same applies to the roof. If there is no arrangement of the attic, it will take the insulation of overlapping a cold attic.

A little from the history of the roofs

For a long time, people have been highly highly built private households that they could have to simultane over 100 years. At the same time live in them was not cold, and the roof frame natural wood It was always dry. As for the shape of the roofs on such buildings, they most often were erected with two slopes, and had a small slope.

An explanation was explained by the fact that the snow fell in winter had to linger on the roof and perform the function of natural insulation. In the attic of the structure was made one, less often two windows. For the winter they were closed and then the air located in the underpants space played the role of thermal insulator.

IN summer period The windows were opened at night so that the temperature in the attic decrease. They were closed in the heat, and the air did not hear. So in the attic room regulated the temperature.

In winter, when snow fell, it covered the roof with a solid carpet and thus was a roofing natural heat insulator. Even in harsh frosts, the temperature in the underfloor space did not decrease below the zero mark. As a result, in cold weather in the house it was warm.

Roofing racing at the same time did not be insteading so that the snow on them did not fit. The rafal system was left open, thereby ensuring the possibility of its inspection and current repairs. Therefore, only overlaps insulated in such attics.

If the roofing rods are insulated, then the attic room becomes heated attic, in which another functional purpose.

Building materials for ceiling heat insulation - the better to insulate

In the domestic market is presented big choice Building materials. To determine how to insulate the overlapping of a cold attic, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the heat insulator will be operated.

A number of requirements are presented to the insulation:

  • preserving its initial qualities at temperatures from -30 to +30 degrees;
  • in the conditions of hot weather, the material should not be distinguished by the substances harmful to people and strong frost Wash;
  • it is necessary to choose a fire-resistant heat insulator if the attic is planned to arrange lighting;
  • products should be moisture-resistant so that during wetting its initial properties not decreased.

Before purchasing materials for the insulation of the floor of the unheated attic in private household, must be considered from which the overlap is performed. If it is wooden beams, then use mighty, rolled or slave insulation. When the overlapping was created from concrete slabs, it is possible to use heavy bulk or slab insulators in weight. Often on the floor poured cement screed.

In the form of plates and mats sell:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • styrofoam;
  • straw;
  • seaweed.

In the form of rolls manufactured:

  • minvatu;
  • stone and glass wool;
  • frames from algae.

One of the most popular options for arranging thermal insulation is insulation of the attic overlap of Minvatu.

TO bulk materials relate:

  • ceramzit;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • reed;
  • equata;
  • granulated foam;
  • slag.

When laying insulation in the attic in wooden house, It is necessary to apply natural, environmentally friendly and breathable materials.

Insulation of the attic overlap of Minvata

Produce this modern and demanded insulation in rolls or mats. Minvata does not burn, it is not amenable to rotting, it is not dangerous to various microorganisms and rodents.

Floor insulation The attic of Minvata is carried out in stages:

  1. First put on the floor lining material. In the case of an economy of an option to overlap, the inexpensive pergamine is fired. More expensive and qualitative will be a device of flooring from a film for vapor barrier, which is mounted with the overtrown.
  2. Segments of segments at the same time sink tape or fasten wooden railsfixing them with a stapler.
  3. Width heat insulating material Pick, taking into account the technical provisions for a particular region. Minvatu between lags are laying tightly, not leaving the gaps. For cloaks of jacks use tapes.
  4. After completing the laying of the insulation, smooth boards are placed on the lags and so form the floor in the attic.

The above solution is how to insulate the attic of the private house of Minvata, gives the material to "breathe" and ventilated when moisture on it. To prevent penetration wet air In the insulation, waterproofing is mounted under the roof.

When working with Minvata, you need to use protection tools, such as respirator, glasses, gloves and overalls.

Application of extruded polystyrene foam

Polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) refers to loose materials, so it is involved in the need for insulation of the floor made of lags and beams. For thermal insulation, plates are used by extrusion polystyrene foam, which is more dense compared to conventional foam.

Before it laying the surface of the base is aligned. From the warm side of the floor, vaporizolation is not needed, since the concrete slabs there are practically no vapor permeability. On the prepared foundation lay out vapor insulation film. Then the plates of the extruded insulation are laid out in checkelling. In place of the joints bloom mounting foam.

After it dries and becomes solid, insulation plates are poured concrete mixture Thick about 4 -6 centimeters. After froze, the screed becomes suitable for operation as an attic floor. If you wish, you can put the final coating on the screed.

Warming of a cold attic Eco

Equata is a lightweight and at the same time a loose heat insulator consisting of cellulose, and its composition includes flamesmaking substances, for example, boric acid and bora. Before you start work, the film is placed on the floor. For installation, eco-plays use a special blowing unit.

The thermal insulation layer is applied skidding, not leaving even the slightest slots. Equata contains a large air volume, therefore there is enough layer equal to 250-300 millimeters. When performing insulation, it should be remembered that over time there is a shrinkage of this material. Therefore, the eco-water layer is applied with a reserve of 40-50 millimeters.

Then the insulation should be moistened with water or with the help of a solution. It is prepared from 200 grams of PVA and water buckets. The broom is wetted in solution and well moisturize cotton wool. After drying on the thermal insulation layer, lignin is formed - the crust that does not allow to shift the insulation.

What isolation of the attic room from the above described options to choose depends on a certain situation.

So as not to fuck cold attic in winter, you need to warm attic overlap premises. Do not warm the attic if it is not used for its intended purpose.

In order to solve this issue, you need to think about how to insulate the attic with the help of modern building materials. The process can occur both from the inside of the room and with outside. Insulation is carried out in the process comprehensive repair Before final finish.

Even if the attic was not insulated during construction, you can always do this issue, and to carry out additional work.


Most of the warm air masses go through the roof. Therefore, when the house is erected with a laptile attic, you need to carefully approach the topic of insulation of the attic ceiling with wooden beams. After all, it creates a certain barrier between warm rooms and a cold attic room.

Consider the special criteria of thermal insulation attic that affect the preservation of temperature in the house:

  • Purpose of the room. The attic is a kind of buffer between environmental and coded rooms. Its task is to adjust the temperature difference between the external environment and the house.
  • Temperature mode. In any season and any day, the temperature of the air masses in the attic will always be higher than outside the window. That is why in winter in the attic very cold, and in the summer it is unbearably hot and stuffy.
  • Heat loss in winter.The more the substance heats up, the less dense it becomes. This is a physical phenomenon. That is why in residential premises with heating system warm air From home appliances, focuses in the ceiling area. That is, if you do not insulate the ceiling, then in the winter period, all warm air will warm the attic.

  • Excessive heat in summer.In summer, you can observe the reverse process. The roof rays of the sun, will warm up the attic air, which, in turn, will penetrate into the room through attic floors.
  • Reverse aircraft cycle.Contact with the ceiling without thermal insulation, warm air becomes cold, more dense and, as a result, lowered to the floor. This is reflected in the residential premises in the form of walking drafts, which cause harm to human health.

  • The appearance of excess moisture. In contact with a laptile attic, the wet roast air turns into condensate. The overall level of humidity in the house increases, which leads to the emergence of mold foci in the corners.
  • Saving. The heat that went through the roof without insulation is about 30%. This means that with the correct insulation of the attic overlap, you can save 30% of the fuel used. The use of air conditioner in summer will also be associated with less costs.

The ingress of warm air masses on the technical attic (non-residential) leads to negative consequences:

  • Due to the mixing of warm and cold masses in the attic room, condensate may appear. Water falling on the surface can lead to the process of rotting wood on the beams.
  • If in the attic heat, then the snow gathered on the roof will begin to melt. Water dripping, starts to turn into icicles. Forming on the drainage system.


In order to correctly pick up the appearance of the insulation for the ceiling, you need to know several factors. The heat insulator should not only have a low thermal conductivity coefficient, but also have defined properties:

  • Resistance to moisture and mechanical effects. The sealer should not change its form in mechanical loads. His qualities should remain unchanged, even in the case of wetting.
  • Hemonslessness. The material should not burn and maintain burning. High temperatures should not have destructive influence on it.
  • Low weight. To create a protective thermal frame, you need to select materials with a slight weight. Then the attic floors will not be subject to mechanical load.

  • Ability to skip steam. In residential premises should be an acceptable temperature and normal level humidity. To ensure this, you need to choose only vapor-permeable finishing materials.
  • Environmental factors. The heat insulator is obliged to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards. Hypoallergenicity and chemical neutrality are the basic requirements for the material. And it should not contain toxic substances and volatile connections.
  • Mineral base.Insulation should not contain organic compounds, their base must be polymers. This will prevent the appearance of mold, and they will not bite the mouse.

Based on the foregoing, to insulate the attic wooden structures, there are several popular types of insulation:

Mineral insulation

Mineral wool is manufactured in two types - rolled and matte. It is made by melting rocks with very high temperatures. Basalt wool is the most suitable for insulation the attic. It combines all the properties of the heat insulator. Mineral wool is pretty light and fragile. To protect it from mechanical exposure (to sell, strip), wooden flooring is stacked over the insulation.

The best view of the insulation for these purposes will be a hard mat of a large density, on the one hand reinforced foil. It stacked foil down. At the same time, it provides a reflection of heat and possess vaporizolation.


Material production technology is very similar to the production of basalt wool. But molten glass is taken as the main component. It has good spring properties. But in this case there is a fragility. In terms of mechanical exposure, it breaks. Glasswater is cheaper than mineral insulation, so it will suit those who are limited in the budget.

But it is necessary to take into account that when moisture gets into moisture, its thermal insulation properties deteriorate. It is harmful to humans, since small windows wound out the skin and can cause irritation.

Bulk insulation

Ceramzit is rounded brown pebbles. They are made of certain types of red clay, which sinters at a very high temperature. Ceramzite has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, since its structure consists of closed areas. Each pebbles are protected from moisture from entering the fact that there is a dense clay layer on its surface. Small pebbles of the ceramisite are able to fill in themselves inaccessible places, hidden cavities in carrying wooden elements.

This natural mineral heat insulator is not susceptible to burning, there is no harmful substances, Mold will not start, and he does not like rodents.

Foam sheets

The thermal insulator with the polymer structure is made by sintering small spherical granules. His standard size 100x100 cm. Thickness ranges from 1 to 15 cm. Polyfoam is one of the available and cheap insulation. But at the same time possesses the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient. Since it consists of polymers, there is no organic organ in its composition. This means that it is moisture-proof, not subject to rotting, and mold is not formed in it. The heat insulator is not affected by fire, but in the conditions of high temperature, it begins to exhibit toxic selection and the risk of high smoke appears. By the cons of the foam can be attributed to the fact that, due to its closed structure, it does not miss the water vapor.

Polystyrene foam plates obtained by extrusion

According to the composition of the substances, they are the same as the foam, but the methods of their manufacture are differ fundamentally. Polystyrene foam is obtained by a hot extrusion method, when a prepared polymer mixture is passed through a special apparatus. Specific density The material is higher than that of the foam, its structure is porous and homogeneous. This leads to more high indicators thermal conductivity. The insulation is strong and withstands a large weight load.

Polyentenylene with reflective foil

Construction title of material Penofol. This is a heater in the shape of a roll, made of foamed polyethylene, covered with foil. It can be combined with other types of thermal insulators, since it itself has a limited scope of application. The structure of closed pores gives a low thermal conductivity coefficient. Through polyethylene does not pass air, liquid, water vapor. Therefore, the foam is a good waterproofer. Foil plays the role of the reflector, that is, returns heat back to residential room. Its thickness from 3 to 15 mm.

Wood-chip sawdust for reinforced concrete slabs

This is, first of all, accessibility and low cost. They go as insulation for ceiling floors in the sheds, baths, household buildings. The method of application is the delabcing of wooden attic designs with a mixture of clay and sawdust. The method is though primitive but effective. Sawdles can be bought on the sawmill. Clay is also available in an accessible amount. To knead the solution is not difficult. At small specific weight The mixture is very solid, especially after complete drying. Therefore, the wooden floors do not load. The material is vapor-permeable, but due to sawdust can develop mold bacteria, and also this type of insulation love to spoil rodents.

Most often insulation concrete facility It occurs at the minilate, minvata, chopped straw and opilk concrete.

Scheme of work

First you need to prepare heat-insulating materials and tools:

  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • plancock, chisels;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • construction stapler;

  • rule, roulette;
  • ladder;
  • wooden bars and boards;
  • parobarrier;
  • finishing material.

Decide which insulation will be used:

  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • sawdust;
  • penophol;

  • glass gaming;
  • styrofoam;
  • ceramzit.

Then you should hold installation work.

Montaja technology

Depending on the selection of the insulation, the laying method is different.

Mineral insulation

Vata is placed in three ways: cells, furrows and a solid layer. The choice depends on the degree of load. SAMI best design It turns out from a solid layer. First you need to put the film of vaporizolation. It assigns water vapor, which is directed from the room into an attic room. The film is strictly strictly in accordance with the marking, the brass. Wooden structures should be tightly covered with a film, otherwise they will be charged.

In the second stage, wata stacked. This is a simple procedure, the insulation is cutting into stripes. When laying, you need to ensure that the insulation does not flip, and there were no gaps between the sheets.

Attic overlaps need to be hydroizing. Then put the draft coating, which will later be the base for the finishing finish.

Polyfoam or extruded polystyrene foam

Stop rigid insulation are quite simple. First you need to align the base, remove the irregularities, the differences on the floor. Put the cement-sand tie. Sheets are stacked between bars. If no one will live in the attic, then the insulation must be closed polyethylene film. And if the floor is operated, then it is necessary to put on the foam plates OSB. Or pour a cement mortar with a screed.

November 17, 2017
Specialization: finishing facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

A set of measures to insulation at home necessarily includes the heat insulation of the overlap, especially if the attic is cold. The fact is that heat rises up, so it can take up to 25 percent of heat through the ceiling and roof of the house. Therefore, I want to tell you how to effectively perform the heat insulation of the overlap.

As you know, overlap the attic is two types:

  1. Beam;
  2. Slab.

Insulation technology depends on the type of overlap. Therefore, then consider both options.

Warming of beam overlap

Heat process boyful overlap Includes a few steps:

Step 1: Preparation of materials

First you need to decide on the choice of insulation. In principle, in a private house in the attic you can use absolutely any thermal insulation material. The main thing is that it is eco.

Let's consider the most common thermal insulation materials and their features:

  • Mineral wool.This is one of the most common insulation. It does not burn, it does not start rodents and insects, while it has vapor permeability. The only serious minus minus is a hydrophobicity.

Concerning thermal insulation properties Material, thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.077 to 0.12 W / m * to. In general, the warming of overlapping Minvata is a reasonable solution. The only one, it is necessary to provide high-quality paro / waterproofing;

  • Styrofoam. It is an easy and cheap material, but not devoid of some flaws. And the main things can be allocated that it is usually well lit and "not breathing", in addition, rodents can start in the foam. The thermal conductivity of this insulation is 0.037-0.043 W / m * K;
  • Extrusion polystyrene foam. This thermal insulator is an improved polyfoam option. As a rule, it contains the flame retardant, has a higher strength and moisture resistance.

The thermal conductivity of this insulation is lower than that of polystyrene foam - 0.036 - 0.040 W / m * K, however it costs several times more expensive;

  • Cellulosic Vata.. Another name of this bulk material is an equal, as it is made of cellulose, and is one of the most eco-friendly insulation. Thanks to special eco-hand treatments, it does not burn and resistant to different biological negative impacts. The thermal conductivity of cellulose wool is in the range of 0.032-0.041 W / m * k;

  • Ceramzit. This is another bulk insulationwhich is granules of foamed baked clay. The advantages of the ceramisite include environmental friendliness and fire safety. However, it has a sufficiently high thermal conductivity - 0.1 - 0.18 W / (M * K).

Therefore, the ceramzite needs to lay a layer with a thickness of at least 25 cm, otherwise good result Do not achieve.

In order to save, you can use a natural insulation - wood sawdust or reed. The only thing will have to be treated with antipiren and antiseptic.

In addition to the insulation, you will need the following materials:

  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Superdiffuse membrane;
  • Protective impregnation for wood.

Step 2: Preparation of beams

Preparation implies the following actions:

Illustrations Actions

Installation of rough ceiling.To carry out insulation on the side of the attic, the overlap must have at least a rough ceiling, which will be placed vaporizolation and insulation. To do this, it should be fixed on the beams of the board or sheet Material.

Treatment beams.Cover the surface of the beam with an antiseptic.

Now you can proceed to thermal insulation.

Step 3: Warming

Instructions for insulation looks like this:

Illustrations Actions

  • Steamed vapor insulation wooden beams. Lay the canvas so that they overlap each other;
  • Clear joints double-sided scotch.
Staying insulation:
  • Fill the space between the beams with thermal insulation;
  • If a slab material is used, pay a maximum of attention to the joints so that there are no cracks in the heat insulating layer.

Waterproofing.On top of thermal insulation and beams to lay the waterproofing film. As with the laying of vapor insulation, the joints must be punctured.

On this, the work is completed, it remains only to perform the floor of the attic - to lay on top of the waterproofing of the board or other material.

It must be said that performing the warming of overlap can be both bottom. In this case, a slab heat insulator is used, which is also stacked in the space between the beams. At the same time, a fishing line is stretched for fixing the slabs or a kapron cord.

Warming of slab overlap

Heat slant concrete overlap also includes three steps:

  1. Preparation of materials;
  2. Preparation of overlapping;
  3. Insulation.

Step 1: Preparation of materials

Since the insulation will perform a carrier function, it should be durable. It is best to use extrusion polystyrene foam or a foam of a density of at least 25 kg / m3. Also can use stone wool in plates with a density of at least 150 kg / m3 or clay.

In addition to the insulation, the following materials will be needed:

  • Rolled waterproofing;
  • Materials for the screed.

Step 2: Preparation of the base

Preparation of overlapping is as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Cleaning the surface.Remove all the garbage that is on the surface of the plate.

Elimination of defects.If there are serious potholes or cracks on the surface, they must be smeared with cement mortar.

Step 3: Warming

Thermal insulation is simply simply:

Illustrations Actions

Waterproofing floor.
  • Locate by reinforced concrete plate waterproofing film;
  • The joints must definitely proof (if bituminous material is used, the joints should be missed by bitumen mastic).

Laying insulation.Place the floor plate close to each other so that there are no cracks.

Fill tie.On top of the insulation poured a screed in the standard way. You can get acquainted with the technology of filling ties you can from other articles on our portal.

If the Ministry of Service is used as a heater, there is a certain layer of waterproofing on top of it.

It should be noted that sometimes it becomes necessary to perform the ceiling insulation from the inside, for example, in apartment house. In this case, thermal insulation plates are glued to concrete special glue And additionally fixes dowels.

If you have in the house overlap from the beams, then this review is for you. From the article you will learn how to thermally heat the design to achieve the best effect with the lowest time and money. To perform work does not need skills professional builder and special equipment. Just perform all the recommendations set out below and you will be guaranteed to achieve an excellent result.

Methods of insulation design

Wooden beams are very different from reinforced concrete floors, therefore, the technology of work has whole line distinctive features.

The best insulation options today are:

  • Use of mineral wool;
  • The use of foam or extruded polystyrene foam.

Carefully read the features of each option and select the one that best suits your situation.

Option 1 - Using Mineral Wool

This thermal insulation material Most specialists consider ideal for insulation wooden overlaps. We will analyze the technology in detail and start with the list of necessary materials, which is specified in the table.

Material Recommendations for choosing
Mineral wool The variants of the insulation are a huge set. They can be both in the form of plates and in the form of rolls. The first option is more dense and needed where the maximum quality of insulation is required. The second type is distinguished by a democratic price and simplicity of use, because you yourself cut off a piece of the desired size
Parosolation membrane Parosolation of the attic overlap - very an important stageTherefore, you need to use high-quality materials. Buy products famous brandsWell-proven among buyers. Calculation of vaporizolation is made taking into account the butts of 140 mm
Waterproofing material It is stacked on top of the insulation and is needed to protect the material from moisture from the air. This is especially true for a cold attic, where the temperature difference and humidity is significant, and due to this, condensate is often formed. When laying, the same requirements are followed as for vapor barrier - the science should be at least 150 mm

As for the tool, you need a simple set for working with your own hands:

  • For cutting films, both scissors and a construction knife are suitable;
  • The thermal insulation material is cut or a knife or hacksaw with small tooth (if the density is big);

  • The mounting of membrane materials is made using a construction stapler;

  • For measurements and markup uses a roulette and pencil or a felt-tip pen;
  • When working with the material it is better to use gloves so that the particles of the insulation did not cause itching. When working with some species, minvats need safety glasses and a respirator (an indication of this is always on the package).

When choosing a thermal insulation material, remember one simple rule: two thin layers are always better than one thick. If you need a layer of 100 mm, then it is better to put two to 50 mm, if 150 mm, then take options for 100 and 50 mm.

Insulation overlap the attic is done like this:

  • First of all, you need to take care of the liberation of the attic room from all extra. The surface should be free and clean. Move it with a broom or brush to remove garbage;

  • The base is closed vaporizolation materialwhich will not give evaporation from the bottom to penetrate the insulation. The film can be treated with both lanes with atmosphere on beams at least 10 cm and skidding. It is better to use the second option when the film envelopes beams and closes them completely;
  • The membrane is fixed by the stapler, the joints are made with a 150 mm intake. To ensure maximum reliability, the compound is sampled by construction tape.

  • The laying of the insulation is made very simple. The material is stacked so that it fell tightly in all joints. With cutting, always make the width a little more to push the elements in the intervals between the beams. Initially, the first layer is placed, and on top of it the second. At the same time, the joints should not coincide, it will provide best quality insulation;

  • It is very important to fully lay the surface and not to leave a single emptiness. If slots were formed somewhere, they need to be filled with slices of insulation;

  • If you do the flooring on the surface, then the control of the rail is fastened at the beams, and the boards or sheet material are already killed. It is impossible that the floor lay directly on the waterproofing.

Option 2 - Foam insulation

This type of materials is distinguished by low cost, so if you need to save, then this the best decision. In addition, the foam is very small weight and the load on the overlap will be minimal, which is also important.

Often you can find the opinion that the foam is suitable for warming on a reinforced concrete plate, and it is not suitable for wooden structures. But after all, the overlap will not be exposed to moisture, and the surface is closed with membranes, so the air-digitability of the material is not a problem.

The following materials are needed for work:

  • Polyfoam density is at least 20 kg per meter cubic. If you need a layer of 10 cm, then two sheets of 5 cm are used, if 15 cm, then you can apply or two layers of 10 and 5 cm, or three to 5 cm;
  • Vapor insulation material is caught up and prevents evaporation from entering into partitions;
  • The waterproofing layer is placed on top and prevents water from entering from the outdoor side.

Unlike the slab overlap, where the insulation is placed on the surface in wooden structures Elements are placed between beams. Due to this, the material does not turn out to be loaded during operation, and it reaches its properties much longer. Below is a diagram that shows how thermal insulation pie looks like.

Instructions for the insulation of the attic overlap in a private house looks like this:

  • First of all, the surface is cleared of garbage and is freed from foreign objects. If you found sticking nails or big irregularities, they should be eliminated;
  • The laying of vaporizolation is performed in the same way as in the case above. The material is spread and leveled on all deepening. After that, the fastening is made using a stapler. Do not forget about the ink in the joints of 1500 mm and the need for tape compounds;

  • Polyfoam fit as close as possible. Remove sheets so that their width is the same as the distance between the beams. No need to make size more than opening, foam will crumble and break when laying. The joints between the sheets should not coincide;

  • No matter how neither work was carried out, in some joints will inevitably be slots. To close them quickly and efficiently, a mounting foam is used. The composition is filled with all emptiness. After drying, the surplus is easily cut by a construction knife;

  • Stacked waterproofing material. It is neatly stretched and fixed by the stapler. Joints are strengthened by scotch;
  • On top of the waterproofing, the thickness of 3-5 cm is nailed, to which the flooring or a lubber for movement is subsequently stacked.

The extruded polystyrene foam fit in the same way as the foam. Therefore, separately consider this material it makes no sense.

It is very important to ensure the tight location of the sheets. Therefore, the mounting foam must be used to achieve the best effect.

If you yourself do not work, that is, it makes sense to insulate the attic foamizol. This is a modern sprayed material that is applied directly to the surface. special equipment. It turns out a solid layer without cracks and emptiness.


From the review, you learned two simple and reliable ways of insulation of the attic overlap. Choose suitable solution And implement it in accordance with our recommendations. The video in this article will help to deal with the topic even better, and if you have any questions, you write them in the comments below.