Ready node analysis. "pedagogical node analysis"

Kaibitsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


Methodical. the TAC Board


"_____" _________2010

Educational program

additional education children

Creative association " Skillful hands»

artistic and aesthetic direction

for 2010-2011 year of study

MOU Burundukovskaya secondary school

Children age 7 - 13 years old

Implementation period - 2 years


The world in which a person lives today makes people look for clear guidelines, overcome the inconsistency of many ideas and knowledge that are formed as a result of the flow of information. In search of integrity, a person turns his gaze to history, seeks to comprehend himself in complex connections not only with the present, but also with the past. Here his attention is directed to everything that gives rise to a feeling of enduring values. It is to such values ​​that he refers to the ageless, never losing its attractiveness, the artistic thinking of his ancestors. It is no coincidence that a fair amount of books and materials on folk arts and crafts are published today. Folk decorative and applied art fosters a sensitive attitude to beauty, contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep artistic traditions, folk art enters the wilderness, has a beneficial effect on the formation of a person of the future. More and more often, works of decorative and applied art penetrate into the life of people.

Seeing the beauty of objects of decorative and applied art, trying to make them with your own hands, is it not important, is it not interesting for a child?

VA Sukhomlinsky wrote that “a child by its nature is an inquisitive explorer, a discoverer of the world. So let a wonderful world open up in front of him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds, in a fairy tale and a game, in his own creativity, in an effort to do good to people. Through a fairy tale, fantasy, game, through a unique children's creativity - the right way to the heart of a child. " In my opinion, the course of arts and crafts meets these requirements.

The educational program of additional education for children is relevant in that it broadly and multilaterally reveals the artistic image of a thing, words, the foundations of an artistic image, the connection of folk art culture with universal human values. At the same time, the development of the creative experience of students is carried out in the process of their own artistic and creative activity.

The program introduces the child to the wonderful world of creativity, makes it possible to believe in himself, in his abilities, provides for the development of students' visual, artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, creative individuality.

Purpose of the program - the formation of students' artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, the development of artistic and creative activity, mastering the figurative language decorative and applied art.

Program objectives


  1. consolidate and expand the knowledge gained in technology lessons, visual arts, mathematics, literature, etc., and contribute to their systematization;
  2. to acquaint with the basics of knowledge in the field of composition, shaping, color science, arts and crafts;
  3. reveal the origins of folk art;
  4. to form figurative, spatial thinking and the ability to express one's thought with the help of a sketch, drawing, volumetric forms;
  5. improve skills and form work skills the right tools and devices for the processing of various materials;
  6. acquiring the skills of educational and research work.


  1. to awaken curiosity in the field of folk, decorative and applied arts, technical aesthetics, architecture;
  2. develop ingenuity, ingenuity and sustained interest in the work of an artist, designer;
  3. the formation of creative abilities, spiritual culture;
  4. develop the ability to navigate problem situations;


  1. to carry out labor, polytechnic and aesthetic education of schoolchildren;
  2. to instill in children love for their homeland, for traditional folk art;
  3. to achieve maximum independence of children's creativity.

Organization of the activities of the circle.

The work program of the creative association is designed for two years of study. The association is completed from students in grades 2-4 8, from grade 6 - 1 girl, from grade 7 - 3 girls, 3 girls from grade 8. The number of children in a group for mastering the program is 15 people.

The mode of operation of the circle is 2 lessons per week for 2 hours.

Program structure

The program of the "Skillful Hands" circle is based on the principles of nature, consistency, clarity, expediency, accessibility and close connection with life.

The program provides for teaching material in an "upward spiral", that is, a periodic return to certain topics at a higher and more complex level. All tasks correspond in complexity to children of a certain age.

The study of each topic ends with the manufacture of the product, i.e. theoretical tasks and technological methods are supported practical application to life.The program involves working with children in the form of classes, working together children with a teacher, as well as their independent creative activity.

The program includes the following sections:

  1. Paper handling
  2. Thread country
  3. The island of unnecessary things
  4. Painting
  5. Molding
  6. Working with fabric
  7. Work with beads
  8. Work with natural material.
  9. Crochet.
  10. Creative project
  11. Exhibitions, excursions, holidays.
  1. Historical aspect
  2. Connection with modernity
  3. Mastering the basic technological techniques, completing educational tasks
  4. Performing creative work (individual, group or collective).

Various exercises, tasks that enrich vocabulary children. Informative material, small in volume, interesting in content, is given both before the practical part and during work. When completing the assignment, the students are asked to determine the purpose of their product. From the very first lessons, children learn to work according to the plan:

  1. sketch
  2. embodiment in material
  3. revealing the form with the help of decorative textures.

The program guides students towards independence in the search for compositional solutions, in the choice of methods for making crafts.

The program provides creative project on the topic of arts and crafts, and also includes participation in competitions and exhibitions.

Forms and methods

Priority is given to active forms of teaching:

- Practical: exercises, practical work, workshops;

Intuitive: the use of diagrams, tables, figures, models, samples;

Nonstandard: relay creative affairs, competition, exhibition-presentation,

A combination of individual, group and collective forms of work.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

  1. There are children who want to get additional knowledge of needlework.
  2. Classes will take place after school hours in the technology room.
  3. There is an opportunity to regularly organize exhibitions of students' work at a special stand.
  4. There are special collections of methodological and illustrative material, artistic visual materials

Didactic material:

magazines, articles, publications describing the technique of making a product from rags and embroidery techniques. Drawings, diagrams, sketches of future products.

Description of expected results.

As a result of studying in a circle, students should receive knowledge:

  1. about materials, tools; on the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene when processing various materials;
  2. about the place and role of arts and crafts in human life;
  3. about types of decorative and applied arts (modeling, painting, carving, etc.);
  4. about Tatar folk crafts;
  5. in the field of composition, shaping, color science;
  6. about the main distinctive features artistic image the following works of folk art: Gorodets painting, Gzhel painting;
  7. about the features of stucco toys;
  8. on the methods of application in folk art (fabric, paper, leather, straw); combination of applique with embroidery;
  9. about embroidery with ribbons;
  10. about project activities.

U menia:

  1. work with the right tools and devices;
  2. consistently carry out work (concept, sketch, choice of material and paint elements of floral ornament with a brush;
  3. sculpt on the basis of traditional techniques of Filimonov and Dymkovo toys, apply different shapes modeling;
  4. embroider flowers from ribbons in 2-3 ways, create a composition of flowers, placing them on a panel;
  5. work in a Power Point program.

The implementation of these principles will be achieved with the introduction of the following guidelines into practice:

1. The general talent of children: there are no non-talented children, but there are those who have not yet found their own business.

2. Superiority: if someone does something worse than others, it means that something should turn out better - this "something" needs to be looked for.

3. The inevitability of change: no judgment about a person can be considered final.

4. Success gives rise to success: the main task is to create a situation of success for all children at each lesson, especially for those who are not sufficiently prepared: it is important to make them feel that they are not worse than others.

5. There are no children who are unable to

ensure the assimilation of the necessary educational material.

6. Maximum encouragement, minimum punishment.

7. Teaching children feasible methods of behavior regulation

The form of summing up the results of the implementation of the program of additional education for children - exhibitions.

There is a thirst for creativity, the ability to create,

Put a stone on a stone, lead a forest of buildings.

Do not sleep at night, starve for days,

Get up to the stars and fall to your knees.

Remain beggar and deaf forever,

Walk with you, with your era on a par,

And drink water from those healing rivers,

To which Beethoven himself touched.

Pick up a cast, lean on a stretcher

To fit the whole world into one breath.

In one stroke, this whole world and stones

Put them alive on the canvas.

Without finishing writing, leave the brushes to my son,

So convey the colors of your land,

So that a century later, they still crumple the clay

And they could not think of a better one.

N. Mayorov.


mug "Skillful hands" (4 hours a week)

p / p







Date posted

Theoretical watch



1st year of study

Introductory lesson

Conversation. Acquaintance.

Drawing of the Country of Masters.

"In a wonderful forest"

Working with natural material


"Paper City"

A) Plane paper compositions. Application;

b). Patterns from paper tapes(quilling);

c) paper mosaic.

G). origami


"Thread country"

a) .Types of thread (cotton, woolen, silk, synthetic

v). thread writing (isothread)



The island of unnecessary things


a). pencil holder;

b). outfit models

v). flowers


"Swan Lake"

Acquaintance with a new material for children's creativity - eggshells. Volumetric toy made of eggshell.


Patchwork city

a) Fabric applique;

B) leather applique;



Embroidery ribbons



Modeling. Clay, plasticine

A) Dymkovo toys


Working with salt dough

G. Tukay's works



A). knitting with crochets and without crochets.


Creative project

Stages of the project. Requirements for a multimedia project.

Project "Gift"

Exhibition, excursion.

Game-journey through the land of Masters.

Excursion to the school museum.


2nd year of study

Introductory lesson

Repetition of materials of the 1st year of study, acquaintance with the program of the 2nd year of study.

Drawing of the Country of Masters.

"In a wonderful forest"

Crafts from natural materials (leaves, flowers, straws, birch bark)

"Paper City"

a) Bulky paper compositions. Application;

b). patterns from paper ribbons (quilling);

c) paper mosaic.

G). origami

"Thread country"

a). repetition of types of threads, applique techniques.

b). thread crumb applique;

v). thread writing (isothread)


The island of unnecessary things

Crafts from waste materials:




"Downy fantasy"

Making a painting from feathers.

Patchwork city

a) Fabric applique;

B) leather applique;


Embroidery ribbons

Souvenir "Flowers in a basket", mini paintings

"Palace of Beads"

The history of beads. "I will create my own tree and give it a name"

"Knitting lock"

A). knitting a kettle stand

Creative project

Project " Creative people my village "

Final lesson

Exhibition of works. project protection.


Methodological support to the educational program.


Introductory lesson

A game with elements of training for building a children's team "How to be friends", "Let's open our hearts to each other", "Half a word", "Group picture"

"In a wonderful forest"

1. Method of making decor. wood.

2. Computer presentation "Roses from maple leaves"

"Paper City"

1.Computer presentation "Rules for the use of scissors, pencil, and ruler"

2. Computer presentation "Quilling"

3. Computer presentation "Origami"

4. Methodical development by origami technique.

"Thread country"

1. "Conversation about a folk toy"

2. Technique for gluing threads in different directions... (met. collection)

3. Methodical selection "Origami"

The island of unnecessary things

1. Comp. presentation "Non-traditional waste materials in children's creativity: buttons, copper wire."

Swan Lake

Downy fantasy

"A selection of material about crafts from eggshells Amazing from the unusual"

Feather painting technology

Patchwork city

Method. selection "From old jackets and used boots"

Embroidery ribbons

Material "Ribbon embroidery"


A selection of drawings about toys made of clay.


Computer presentation "His Majesty Beads"


Video - the film "Crochet"


Piggy bank "Project activity"

Material security

  1. Natural material
  2. Clay
  3. Straw
  4. Fabrics of different colors
  5. Bird feathers
  6. Threads of different colors
  7. Capron, silk
  8. Sawdust
  9. Plastic bags
  10. Cardboard
  11. Matchboxes
  12. Bast
  13. Eggshell
  14. Shavings
  15. Newsprint
  16. Flour
  17. Colored paper
  18. Scissors, glue
  19. Snag branch for decorative health

Literature (for the head of the circle)

Moscow, 1988

2. We teach children to feel and create beauty. "Publishing house Academy of Development ", Yaroslavl,


3. Wonderful paper crafts, "Education", Moscow 1992

4. Application work in primary school, "Education", Moscow, 1990

5. Magazine "We do it ourselves" 2010 №1-24

6. Magazine "Girls and boys" 2010 №6-12

7. The world of toys and crafts. O. V. Parulina. 2000.

8. M. Fedotova Fabric flowers.

9. Beading

MOU "Ibryaevskaya basic secondary school"



Call "href =" / text / category / koll / "rel =" bookmark "> collectivism, friendship.

As a result of studying the course "Regional Studies" of the 1st year of classes, students should know :

The geography and ecology of your village

The history of a kind and a village in general

Culture and economy of the settlement

The position and significance of the settlement in the system of the region and the country

Biographies of famous fellow countrymen and their contribution to the prosperity of Russia.

Students should be able to :

Work with different kinds of sources

· Conduct research work

Find solutions to various search problems

· Competently keep search, research records

Draw up a progress report

· Present the results of their work and participate in the analysis of the work of their comrades

“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign

savagery and immorality. "


Real result




"I love my homeland"

What do you mean "I", "Motherland",

"Do I love my homeland?"

Write an essay "Why do my loved ones love me?"

Where do I come from?

Expedition to the name. Fundamentals of Anthroponymy

What's a name? History of names.

The meaning of the names.

Names of different peoples

Album design "My dear Motherland"

Design of the sheet "I", "My name"

Conversation with parents "Why did they call me that?"

"Great namesakes"

(use of Internet resources

Why do I like (dislike) my name?

Expedition to the origins. My family is my fortress.

Genus concept. Relatives degree of kinship

I am family - surname

What is a pedigree?

Pedigree compilation rules

Types of pedigrees

Using the literature, the Internet to find the meaning of the name, surname, patronymic

Pedigree of great compatriots

Beginning of work on the manuscript book "The fate of the family in the fate of the country"

My relatives on the country map

Work on the 1,2,3 chapters of the handwritten book

Interview parents

Work on chapters 4,5,6

handwritten book chapters to write

Work on 7.8 chapters of the book

Continue work

Working on 9.10 chapters of the book

Checkout a handwritten book. Compile a family tree

Show and defend your ancestry

Prepare a sheet "My family"

Composition "Which of the relatives I want to be like"

Interview grandparents

An expedition to the past. "The house I live in"

The history of the dwelling.

Dwelling functions

Conversation with parents "The history of our home"

Construction site. Construction materials

Why and when was our house built?

History of construction and existence

Who are we proud of?

Home aesthetics. The soul of the house is people.

Wonderful people of our home

A letter is an essay. "My dear house!", "The house where I was born"

Defense of creative works "The House I Was Born in"

Examining the family archive

Expedition to the past "Rodnaya Street"

Street concept.

Principles for the location of streets in a village

Streets of the native village. Old and new. The history of street names.

Favorite corner of the street.

Photo tour of the village

Studying the history of the village

Design for the album "Rodnaya Street"

Exhibition of creative works "Native street". presentation

"The face of my street", draw a picture

Expedition to Science.

Research algorithm

Study of museum materials

Requirements for the collection of material. Requirements for registration and protection of the results of activities

Study of museum materials, research work of students

Expedition to geography.

Village geography

Relief. Soils. Hydrography.

Study of phenological calendars (from the school's museum archive)

The climate, flora, fauna of the village.

Photo tour of the village

Make sketches, layouts

Collection of soil and mineral samples. Description of reservoirs

Compilation of the "Small atlas of the village" using museum material

Photo excursion around the village

Expedition into history.

Milestones in the development of the village

The history of the settlement of the area.

The first written sources about the settlement

Study of museum materials "History of the village of Ibryaevo"

The main milestones in the development of the village until the twentieth century.

Study of museum materials on the history of the village

Village in the system administrative division Russia. The status of the settlement and the reasons for its change.

Study of the status of the settlement

Drawing "My dear Motherland

The emblem of the village

To the 90th anniversary of the Komsomol. The history of the Komsomol organization of the village of Ibryaevo.

Compilation of an album based on museum materials

Studying the history of the native land

Compilation of the chronicle of the village of Ibryaevo. Album design

Prepare for the game

Intellectual game"Brain - ring"

on the history of the village

Draw up a questionnaire on the history of the village

Drawing up tests on the history of the village, quizzes about native land

Expedition in tradition. Village traditions.

The concept of tradition .. the population inhabiting the territory of the village.

Drawing up questionnaires for the study of traditions.

Talking to parents about family traditions

Household, religious, festive, cultural traditions

Description of the traditions of the Tatar people based on museum materials.

Games of our grandparents

Discussion "Do we need traditions?"

Exploring family traditions

Expedition to memory. Memorable places of the village.

What is memory? Memorable places for everyone and everyone.

Forms of perpetuating memory

Sketch the memorable places of our village?

Historical memorable places.

Types of monuments.

Excursion around the village. Sketch, description of memorable places.

Finish work

Study of museum material. What did the exhibit tell?

Compilation and execution of a tour of the village

Design of the wall newspaper "Memorable places of the village of Ibryaevo"

Expedition to culture.

Village architecture

Expedition to culture. Village culture.

Definition of architecture. Architectural styles... The appearance of the village in the historical space.

According to the architecture of the village.

The architecture of dwellings, state, public institutions.

Description of architectural monuments.

Examine clippings from newspapers, magazines

Iconic architecture. Village architecture today

Definition of culture. Types and types of culture.

Architectural design. School yard, playground, youth center.

Drawing up a map of cultural objects of the village

Make any sketches of your choice.

What would I do for the culture of the village?

Functions of cultural objects.

The value of cultural objects in human life.

Study of the role of cultural objects in the life of the village


Festival of sketches, projects. "What would I do for the culture of the village?"

The culture of the Tatar people, the study of museum material

Draw drawings for an openwork scarf

Expedition to the economy.

Definition of the economy.

Components of the economy.

Research of the economic state of the village

The current state of the economy

Ibryaevskie down knitters.

Study of the history of trade, industry, transport.

Study of museum materials from the department of culture and life of the village of Ibryaevo

Expedition to ecology.

Village ecology.

Environment... Definition of terms - ecology, ecosystem, environmental factors, human health.

Research, study of the ecological state of the village

Study the literature on the ecological state of nature

An ecosystem is like a human environment.

Issue of the "Environmental Sheet"

Finish work

Expedition to biography. Nice people of our village.

What is a biography?

Biography rules

Study of biographies of famous fellow countrymen using museum materials.

Study the biography of the writer - poet, our fellow countryman Yuldashev

Biographies of famous fellow villagers.

Study of sources on the life and work of famous fellow countrymen. Books, memoirs, memoirs, newspapers, diaries.

Compatriots - order bearers. Draw up a prospectus about a biography.

Compilation of an album about Gumerova Banu Mukhamedzyanovna.

Compatriots are scientists.

Compose a booklet

A visit to the veteran of pedagogical work Slu Akhkiyamovna Kidryacheva. Filling out a questionnaire for an album.

Intellectual game "Clever and clever men" based on the biographies of famous fellow countrymen.

Expedition to the future.

My village is in the future.

The current position of the village of Ibryaevo and the prospects for its development.

Oral journal"My village is in the future"

Make sketches on the topic

The demographic situation of the village and forecasts of its development.

Protection of sketches, ideas and projects.

Festival of creative works "My village in the future"

Total: 134 lessons


development of cognitive interests, creative potential of children on the basis of their mastery of the technology of making toys (dolls).



To increase the emotionally positive background, creating an enabling environment;

Form social skills (skills of joint group action, desire to cooperate and interact with children and adults).


Develop speech, communication skills;

Imagination, fantasy;

Fine, articulatory motor skills.


To foster emotional responsiveness in children, love for works of art, for dolls, friendly relations with each other.

Organization of the process

a) classes are held once a week on Thursday (Friday) from 15.45 to 16.10 hours;

b) the age of the children: senior group- 5-6 years old;

c) forms of work: cooperative activity, including various types of activity: productive, motor, communicative, musical, use of the artistic word. Also included are elements: music therapy, fairy tale therapy, game therapy, the forms of organizing classes are educational play activities in an atmosphere of relaxed communication with peers and adults

d) methods and techniques


  • Conversation
  • Dialogue and teacher's story
  • Discussions


  • Observations
  • Show


  • Working with fabric, thread, make-up
  • Exercises with dolls
  • Modeling
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Game training
  • Etudes-games
  • Playing situations
  • Finger gymnastics
  • Staging
  • "Minutes of prank"

Expected results:

  • children will have an interest in the art of making dolls, a desire to learn this art will be formed;
  • development of motor abilities of children, through mastering various manual operations that affect their psychophysiological functions;
  • decrease in emotional anxiety;
  • increased self-esteem;
  • development of communication skills.

Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the work of the circle

General review and discussion of completed works, traditional

exhibitions dedicated to calendar holidays; performing independent creative work, using self-assessment research methods, test "Engine"

Self-assessment research methodology.

(V.G.Schur, S.G. Yakobson)

Equipment: a sheet of paper on which ladders of the same size are drawn, consisting of 5 identical steps. Above each ladder there is an inscription: happiness, health, intelligence, beauty, wealth, success.

Instruction: “A ladder of happiness, a ladder of health and a ladder of mind are drawn here. At the topmost step are the happiest, healthiest, smartest children; at the lowest, the most unhealthy, stupid, unhappy children. Mark on which ladder the step on which you are standing.

Analysis of the results:

1. Self-assessment is carried out in points: 5th step - 5 points, 4th - 4, 3rd - 3,2 - 2, 1st - 1 points.

2. If the indicators add up to 14-15 points, self-esteem is overestimated, 9-13 - adequate. 8-3- underestimated.

Technique "Train"(Revealing anxiety in preschoolers).

The technique allows you to determine the features emotional state child: normal or low mood, anxiety, fear, satisfactory or low adaptation in a new or familiar social environment.

Source: Diagnostics of mental states of children preschool age: Study guide... Compiled by Velieva S.V. SPb: Speech, 2005.

It is aimed at determining the degree of positive (PPS) and negative (NPS) mental states. It is used individually with children from 2.5 years old.

Stimulus material: a white train and 8 multi-colored trailers (red, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, brown, black). Trailers are randomly placed on a white background.

Instructions:"Consider all the trailers. Let's build an unusual train. First put the trailer, which seems to you the most beautiful. Now choose the most beautiful from the rest, and so on."

It is necessary for the child to keep all the trailers in sight. How younger child, the more often the instruction is repeated, at the same time the remaining wagons are circled around the hand.

The following are recorded: the position of the color of the trailers; child's statements.

Data processing.

1 point is awarded if the child has put the trailer purple to the second position; black, gray, brown - in the third; red, yellow, green - sixth.

2 points are awarded if the child has put the purple trailer in the first position; black, gray, brown - for the second; red, yellow, green - in the seventh, blue - in the eighth.

3 points are awarded if a black, gray or brown trailer is placed in the first position; blue - seventh; red, yellow, green - to the eighth position.

If, as a result of summing up the data obtained, the points are less than three, then the mental state is assessed as positive, with 4-6 points - as a negative mental state of a low degree (NPS ns); at 7 - 9 points - as an NPS of medium degree; more than 9 points - high degree NPS.

Evaluation of results

4 points - positive mental state

3 points - negative mental state of low degree

2 points - medium negative mental state

1 point - high-grade negative mental state

Along with the individual result obtained, it is possible to determine the general psychological climate in the group. For this, the sum of all PPP (a) and NPS (b) is determined, the difference between them is divided by the number of children and multiplied by 100%.

Evaluation of results:

70% and above - a high degree of favorable psychological climate (sBPC);

42 - 69% - average sBOD;

26 - 41.9% - insignificant sBOD;

0 - 25% - the initial degree of an unfavorable psychological climate (sNPK);

1 to - 25% -average sNPK;

26% and below - strong sNPK.

Planned list of sections




Number of hours



reading thin literature

Introduction. The history of folk dolls, traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

reading art literature,


thin creativity, socialization, communication.

Working with fabric.

Socialization, communication,


labor, music, thin. creation,

reading thin lit.

Working with threads.

Socialization, communication,

knowledge, work,

thin creativity, reading thin. lit.

Working with natural materials.

Socialization, communication,

knowledge, work,

thin creation,

reading thin lit.

Working with fabric and natural materials.

Thematic plan


Content of basic topics



Introduction. The history of the folk doll.

Conversation "Why does the folk doll have no face?"

Examination of folk, rag dolls, games.

Games, studies


Acquaintance with the folk doll "Bunny on a finger", its history.

Preparation of material, sketches.

Making a doll "Bunny on a finger".

Composing a fairy tale about dolls "Bunny on a finger".


The history of the "Comforters" doll.

Making the "Comforters" doll.

Playing with the "Comforters" doll.


Acquaintance with the folk doll "Pelenashka".

Conversation about the doll "Pelenashka".

Making a doll.

Doll "Pelenashka" with complications.


Listening, singing folk songs, writing stories, fairy tales - "Christmas Party"

Making dolls "Birds"

Exhibition of dolls


The history of the Bereginya doll.

Preparation of material, consideration of diagrams, sketches of manufacturing).

Making a doll "Bereginya".

Playing with the Bereginya doll.


The history of the Vesnyanka doll.

Learning zechlyk about spring, preparation of material, sketches.

Making a Vesnyanka doll.

Leisure "Meeting Spring": singing chants, playing with the "Vesnyanka" doll.


Krasnaya Gorka: a story about Easter, the story of the "Angel" doll.

Preparation of material, preparation of a technological map.

Making a doll "Angel".

Acquaintance with the traditions of folk festivals during Easter week. Games with a doll "Angel".


History of the Herbal doll, examination of diagrams, sketches of making.

Making a doll "Herbalist".

Dolls from grandmother's chest (playing around).

Museum of dolls (mini-museum decoration).

Total: 36 hours


1. Alyabyeva E.A. "Psychogymnastics in kindergarten", TC" Sphere ", M., 2005.

2. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D. "Workshop on Fairytale Therapy", St. Petersburg, "Rech", 2006.

3. Kapskaya A.Yu., Mironchik T.L. "Developing fairy tale therapy for children", St. Petersburg. "Speech", 2006

4. Magazine "Tsvetnoy Mir" "People's Toy" №1, 2009. pp. 8-26

5. Kopytin AI, Court B. "Techniques of analytical art therapy", St. Petersburg, Speech, 2007.

6. Kapskaya A.Yu., Mironchik T.L. "Planet of Wonders". Developing fairy tale therapy for children. 224 s. region Speech, St. Petersburg, 2008

7. Lebedeva L. D. "Practice of Art therapy: Approaches, diagnostics, training system", St. Petersburg, Speech, 2008.

8. Monina G.B., Larechina E.V. "Games for children from one to three years old", St. Petersburg, "Rech", 2008.

9. Zimina, Z.I. Textile ritual dolls [Text] / Z.I. Zimin. -

Kotova, I.N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll [Text] / I.N. Kotova, A.S. Kotova, St. Petersburg, Parity, 2003, 240 p.

10. Dine, G.L. Russian rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology / G.L.Dain, M.N. Dain.- M .: Culture and Traditions, 2007.- 120 p.

Site materials:


Circle "Needlewoman"

Supervisor: ,

highest qualification

Explanatory note

The purpose of the circle work- creating conditions for the most effective, holistic development of the child's personality, that is, creating conditions for the disclosure and development of his talent.

Circle work tasks:

1. Acquaintance of students with various traditional crafts, modern types of arts and crafts.

2. Improvement of the skills and abilities obtained in technology lessons; improvement of skills and development of creative abilities of students.

3. Teaching students knowledge, skills and abilities to prepare and work with various materials.

4. Skills formation self-fulfillment the entire artistic and technological process of creating products.

5. Assistance in the formation of students' ability to a holistic aesthetic perception of works of arts and crafts, as part of the culture of the people.

6. Providing students with opportunities to express their Creative skills, fantasy, artistic taste.

7. Creation of conditions for the formation and development of students' interest and love for folk art.

8. Development of a conscious and respectful attitude to the work of other people, understanding the significance of their work.

9. Creation of a creative atmosphere in the classroom, providing students with opportunities for fruitful communication with each other and with the teacher.

Thematic planning of the "Needlewoman" circle is designed for 3 hours of work per week. Planning has a block principle of construction, which allows you to vary the training material.

During their studies, students will engage in a variety of arts and crafts, including embroidery, patchwork, and toy making. The theoretical part is designed to solve educational problems of circle work, to instill a love of creativity, to develop aesthetic taste, love for the Motherland. The practical part is designed to develop perseverance, hard work, diligence and independence. The material and technical equipment of the circle work is provided by the presence in the school necessary tools, materials and fixtures. To increase the interest of students in their work, it is planned to participate in regional and regional exhibitions of arts and crafts. Classes are designed to promote the development of students' artistic taste, as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, artistic and creative activity, to help them master the figurative language of arts and crafts.

The artistic activity of students in the classroom finds various forms of expression in the manufacture of various products. Creative development schoolchildren are carried out through acquaintance with works of decorative and applied art, samples of design developments.

Calendar-thematic planning

Practical work

Embroidery 28

Isothread 10

Filling a corner, circle, arc different ways

Making paintings using ison technique on cardboard

Embroidery ribbons 10

From the history of embroidery. Tools, materials, devices.

Making a needlework bag with ribbon embroidery

Making panels using ribbon embroidery technique

Handmade art embroidery 8

From the history of embroidery. Tools, materials, devices.

Performance different types seams

Making a cosmetic bag with elements of hand embroidery

Toys 30

From toy history

Russian folk doll 9

Doll - grain

Doll manufacturing technology

Making a doll

Modern doll 30

Modern views toys

Angel toy manufacturing technology

Making an angel toy

Doll toy manufacturing technology

Making a toy doll

Pillow toy manufacturing technology

Making a pillow toy

Patchwork 12

From the history of patchwork. Tools, materials, fixtures

Making toys using patchwork technique

Making a pillow using patchwork technique

Final lesson

Municipal state educational institution "Boarding school for children with disabilities health number 19

g. Kolomna, Moscow Region "

in 7 "A", 7 "B" classes

Developed by the educator:

Fomenko S.G., I QC

2016-2017 academic year

Mug program decorative - applied creativity "The world of fantasy".

Explanatory note

New living conditions in which modern students are placed, entering life, put forward their own requirements: to be thinking, proactive, independent, to develop their own new original solutions; be focused on the best end results. The realization of these requirements requires a person with creative abilities.

Characterizing the relevance of the topic, we see that the problem of creativity is of particular importance; the abilities of children, the development of which acts as a kind of guarantee of the socialization of the child's personality in society.

A child with creative abilities is active, inquisitive. He is able to see the unusual, the beautiful where others do not see it; he is able to accept his own, independent of anyone, independent decisions, he has his own view of beauty, and he is able to create something new, original. It requires special qualities of the mind, such as observation, the ability to compare and analyze, combine and model, find connections and patterns - all that together make up creativity.

Working with various natural and waste materials, paper, thread, matches, oilcloth, plastic bottles It has great importance for the all-round development of the child, promotes physical development: fosters the ability in children for prolonged physical efforts, trains and hardens the neuromuscular apparatus of the child. The types of work used in the program contribute to education moral qualities: hard work, will, discipline, desire to work. Children learn the system of polytechnic concepts, learn the properties of materials, master technological operations, learn to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. By decorating their products, students acquire certain aesthetic tastes. The result of these fascinating activities is not only concrete - crafts, but also invisible to the eye - the development of subtle observation, spatial imagination, not standard thinking.

This program of the "Fantasy World" circle is designed for one year of education for children aged 12-14 years, therefore, when assigning tasks, the age of children, their preparedness, existing skills and abilities are taken into account.

a brief description of learning process

Depending on the tasks assigned, a variety of methods are used in the lesson (explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, heuristic or partial-search, problem presentation method), forms, teaching methods.

Each lesson, as a rule, includes a theoretical part and practical implementation of the task. Theoretical information- this is an explanation of the new material, information of a cognitive nature about the types of arts and crafts, general information about the materials used. Practical presents a wide range of work opportunities include manufacturing, marking, cutting, fastening, and decorating handicrafts.

The program of the circle for acquaintance with various professions and traditional folk crafts; satisfies the needs of children in communication with their peers, as well as in the desire to realize their leadership and organizational skills. Allows you to organize the leisure of students in the system, in an interesting and useful way for themselves and for those around them.

Purpose of the program : Formation of artistic and creative abilities through the provision of emotional - imaginative perception of reality, development aesthetic feelings and representations, figurative thinking and imagination.


To expand the stock of children's knowledge about the variety of forms and spatial position of objects of the surrounding world, various sizes, the variety of shades of colors.

Develop creativity based on the knowledge, skills and abilities of children.

Develop memory, attention, eyes, fine motor skills hands, figurative and logical thinking, artistic taste of schoolchildren.

To cultivate diligence, patience, accuracy, a sense of satisfaction from teamwork, a sense of mutual assistance and teamwork.

To foster love for folk art, arts and crafts.

Control forms:


Conversation, explanations of students.

Practical control.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

In order to successfully teach children, a teacher, first of all himself, must possess the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to make a variety of products that are accessible and feasible for children of a given age and have practical significance.

The classroom should be bright, sanitary and hygiene requirements and equipped the required amount places.

Before the start of classes and after their end, it is necessary to carry out end-to-end ventilation of the room.

Must be in stock different materials and tools required for the job. In the learning process, students and the teacher must strictly observe the labor safety rules.

Forms and methods of work

Given the age and psychological characteristics students, for the implementation of the program are used various forms and teaching methods: story, conversation, explanation, and practical exercises. Conversation is a teaching method in which the teacher uses the students' knowledge and experience. With the help of questions and the answers received, he leads to the understanding and assimilation of the material, and also carries out repetition and verification of the passed. The training uses a kind of story-explanation, when reasoning and proofs are accompanied by a training demonstration.

Practical exercises- the purpose of these exercises is to apply the theoretical knowledge of students in work. Such exercises contribute to work education..

The program is designed for 18 hours (2 hours per month) and includes a theoretical part and practical

Thematic plan of the circle of decorative and applied creativity "The world of fantasy"

for the 2016-2017 academic year in 7 "A", 7 B "grades

p / p

Topic name

The form


"Colors of Autumn"

Working with natural material, plasticine.

Presentation followed by creative work.


"Postcard to the teacher." Application

Manual labor


"My Fantasies".

Working with plasticine, waste material.

Conversation followed by manual labor.


Making a model of a machine from cardboard

Execution of drawings with subsequent creative work


"Gift for mom"



"New Year's Opening Day" Work on holiday decorations in the rooms.

Collective creative work



Continued work on the layout of the car

Collective creative work


Decorative panel"Natural landscapes" Working with waste material

Presentation. Individual manual labor.


Panel: "Our defenders".


Individual manual labor.


Panel: "Our defenders." (Completion)

Individual manual labor.


Picture: "Winter - winter".

Individual manual labor.


Panel: "Spring inspiration". plasticineography

Individual manual labor.


"Kolomna Bells" competition sketch



Panel: "Spring inspiration". plasticine (completion)

Individual manual labor.


"Take care of your health"

competition sketch


Collage: "We are your children, the earth."

Competitive collective work


"Don't play with fire"


Collective competition work


Final lesson. Decoration of the exhibition of works "World of Fantasy"

Creative activity.



18 hours

Knowledge and skills that should be acquired by students at the end of the course

Must know:

· Types of arts and crafts; history of crafts and handicrafts.

· Name and purpose of hand tools and devices.

The names and purpose of materials, their elementary properties, use, application and available ways processing.

· Workplace organization rules. Safety precautions when working with pricks, cutting tools and heating devices.

Rules of safe work and personal hygiene when working with various materials

· Tools and devices.

· Technology of making products in the technique of application, plasticineography.

· Methods of registration of work in a frame.

· Perform work independently according to technology, using the skills and abilities acquired in the subject.

· Cooperate with their peers, provide help to a friend, show independence.


1. Artamonova E. V. Straw, shell, flower - gifts for mothers and daughters: Homemade secrets - M .: Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2001. - 64 p.

2. Studio of arts and crafts: programs, work organization, recommendations \ author-comp. L.V. Gornova and others - Volgograd? Teacher, 2008 - 250 p. 3. A.M. Gukasova Extracurricular work according to labor ", M. Education, 1981, 174s. 4. GI Inversion "Homemade paper", M. Education, 1983, p132.

3. GI Inversion "Homemade from different materials", M. Education, 1985, 110s.

4. NE Tseitlin "Handbook of labor training", M. Education, 1983, 191s.