How to store carrots in a city apartment. How and in what can you store carrots at home, in the cellar and in the ground

How to store carrots for the winter? Among, each gardener will find his own, most preferable for him. But first you need to prepare for this and decide, adhering to the right technology... First, we decide on the timing of cleaning.

Despite the fact that this root crop can withstand small frosts, it should not be overexposed in the garden. However, harvesting vegetables too early reduces the consumer qualities of the root crop, preventing it from gaining enough sugars.

And vice versa - too long stay in the garden makes it possible for the accumulation of sugars in a large number, which makes the root crop very attractive to rodents during further storage.

Therefore, harvesting should be scheduled at a time when the lower 2-3 tops of the tops began to acquire a yellow color - such roots already have good consumer qualities, but will be the least attractive to pests.

Before harvesting, for several days, the garden bed with root crops is not watered, and when digging, they use a pitchfork that has blunt teeth - this way you will avoid damaging the vegetables.

Basic Rules

How to store carrots for the winter? There are no definite recommendations on how best to store carrots for the winter and where. The determining factors for long-term preservation of the crop is compliance with:

  • choosing a variety of root crops;
  • adherence to training technology;
  • humidity mode;
  • lack of excess oxygen supply;
  • protection from pests.

For long-term storage throughout the winter, late-ripening varieties show the best performance. It can be Moscow winter and Shantane. But early ripening varieties show poor keeping quality.

At what temperature should carrots be stored in winter? Temperature conditions are very important. At temperatures that approach zero, metabolism will slow down up to 10 times, which guarantees long-term preservation of root crops. Best temperature should not exceed +10 degrees Celsius. However, it is better to maintain it at a level of +1 - +2 degrees - at a temperature of more than +5 degrees, the kidneys that have not been removed can begin to grow.

No less important is the observance of the humidity regime in storage areas. It should be at the level of 90-95%. Lower humidity will lead to premature wilting of root crops, and higher humidity will cause them to rot. What is the best way to store carrots for the winter?

Storage periods

How long should carrots be stored? in different ways classified as:

  • in plastic bags if stored in refrigerator compartment- from 1 to 2 months (?);
  • in a cellar in closed boxes - up to 5-8 months;
  • in a cellar or in a clay shell - until the next harvest;
  • in the cellar - 6-8 months;
  • - until the new harvest.

This is in conditions if the pests will be limited in the ability to eat root crops. To prevent them from having such an opportunity, the following measures should be taken:

  • set up traps with bait;
  • place scarers;
  • process the vegetable store and storage areas accordingly.

As another tip - avoid storing carrots in the same room, this will allow you to keep the roots longer.

Also remains controversial issue, is it possible to store carrots with potatoes.

In order for carrots to retain their qualities as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the storage rules. Many gardeners doubt: a root crop before harvesting for the winter. We recommend that you look at our experts' advice on how to properly store a vegetable in,.

Causes of damage

Why do carrots rot during storage? There can be several reasons for rotting carrots during storage.:

  • storage of damaged copies;
  • sharp fluctuation;
  • excess moisture;
  • non-compliance with storage technology.

That is why you should very carefully adhere to the technology of preparing root crops for storage, starting from the moment you dig up vegetables. Since this type of root crop is very easily damaged by any blows, you should not beat the vegetables from the ground, throw them from place to place.

Such damage will be barely noticeable, but later it will become the place where the root crop itself begins to rot and the remaining root crops nearby are infected with fungal diseases.

Drastic change temperature regime during storage leads to the formation of condensation - this gives an impetus to decay of root crops. Storage locations such as bags made of polyethylene are particularly susceptible to this. To eliminate condensation, it is necessary to provide for the presence of holes in the bottom of the bags.

Even a slight freezing of root crops, which can occur even at a temperature of -1 degrees, will lead to subsequent rotting of root crops.

Excessive, as well as insufficient, moisture, shortens the shelf life of root crops. Therefore, it is important to maintain it at the proper level - if it is insufficient, by additional humidification, and if it is excessive, by transferring it to another room, but avoiding temperature fluctuations.

Often non-observance of storage technology leads to excessive formation of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has Negative influence on the storage conditions of root crops, therefore, it is necessary to observe the storage technology chosen by the vegetable grower as closely as possible.

Carrot fly

How to save carrots damaged by a carrot fly? Carrot fly is one of those pests that damage root crops even at the stage of their cultivation.... She is a real disaster for all gardeners. Unfortunately, storage of root crops damaged by carrot flies is only possible in processed form.

Sometimes a method is used to remove damaged areas and then allow the vegetables to stand in the air until the area is covered with a crust. However, the shelf life of such vegetables will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, it is better to subject such root crops to immediate processing - drying, drying, or canning. Moreover, modern technology, which is used at home, allows you to do this in the best way.

Bookmark in vegetable stores

How to store beets and carrots for the winter in large quantities... Vegetable stores are used to organize the storage of large batches of root crops. And since large batches are delivered to vegetable stores, as a rule, after mechanized harvesting, then the most careful sorting of root crops should be carried out.

Storing beets and carrots for the winter with the greatest efficiency will help ruthless removal from total mass damaged, broken, uneven or emaciated specimens. Modern vegetable stores allow you to maintain the required temperature and humidity conditions.

How to store carrots in winter storage? Usually, carrots are stored in vegetable stores in herds or in special containers. It is desirable that the height of such herds does not exceed 2-3 meters.

If storage is organized in special containers or pallets, then the height of the stack should not be exceeded by more than 5.5 m. In this case, it is necessary:

  • carry out constant ventilation of the room;
  • cover root crops with burlap;
  • take measures to maintain high humidity.

To increase the humidity in the room, containers with water are placed, and spraying of the upper layers of root crops located on outdoors spilling passages with water. However, the best performance is shown by vegetable stores, which are equipped with refrigeration equipment.

Unfortunately, such equipment has a high cost, therefore, the organization of storage of carrots with the use of modern technologies carried out on very few farms. The rest will have to come to terms with the loss of the harvest, up to 30% of which does not reach the consumer due to damage.

Now you know how to keep carrots until spring. Root vegetables such as carrots are considered the most difficult vegetable crop to store. Therefore, it is extremely important to adhere to the technology of all stages of organizing storage, and then for a long time this delicious root vegetable grown by yourself will be on your table.

Carrots are among the most demanded vegetable crops grown on personal plot... Despite the undemanding plant, to obtain bountiful harvest it is important to choose the right variety and follow agricultural practices. To keep carrots well, you need to know which methods are the most effective.

Optimal storage conditions and periods

Every vegetable grower should know the rules for collecting root crops and storage conditions. From how competently the preparatory work is carried out, the chances of saving this useful product, without which no first course is complete.

So that the harvested root vegetables do not lose their taste and marketability as long as possible, you need:

  • Provide a suitable storage temperature for the carrots. If you keep it at zero degrees, you can slow down the metabolic process by 10 times, which contributes to the long-term preservation of root crops. Best of all, the vegetable is stored at a temperature of + 1-2 ° С, at + 5 ° С there is a high probability of kidney growth.
  • Create normal level humidity in the room. This figure ranges from 90 to 95%. If it is lower, the roots will begin to wither ahead of time, and putrefactive processes will develop with excessive moisture.
  • Choose the right crop variety. For better keeping quality, late-ripening varieties such as Shantane, Moscow Winter are suitable. It is impractical to store early ripening varieties.
  • Do not neglect preparatory activities... If this point is not observed, harmful insects that remain on the fruits after collection can destroy most of the stocks.
  • Eliminate excess oxygen supply to the storage.

Depending on the way carrots are stored, the terms may be:

  • 1-2 months when laying fruits in plastic bags;
  • 5-8 months when stored in closed containers in a cellar;
  • before harvesting the next harvest using coniferous sawdust or by means of a clay shell;
  • 6-8 months by laying carrots in the sand in the cellar;
  • before harvesting, if left in the garden.

Regardless of the storage method, root crops must be protected from the harmful effects of pests. For these purposes, traps with baits are placed in the cellar, scarers are placed, and the vegetable stores are processed properly.

Often, both carrots and apples are kept in the same room, but this is not recommended, otherwise the shelf life of the harvested root vegetables and fruits will be reduced.

Selection and preparation of root crops for storage

In order for the carrots to survive longer in winter, you need to correctly approach the harvest and preparatory work... Late ripening varieties are dug up in the middle of autumn, before the first frost. Among the main signs indicating the ripening of early varieties, there is a change in the color of the lower leaves of the tops to yellow. The duration of the growing season for them does not exceed 110 days, after which this process stops.

In order to avoid loss of taste characteristics of the harvested crop, it is not recommended to overexpose it in the garden. Late varieties also afraid of autumn frosts. When the above-zero air temperature during the day changes to negative at night, there is a high probability of the development of gray rot and deterioration of the fruit's ability to long-term storage.

Before harvesting, you do not need to water the carrots so that they do not crack and remain juicy. The tops are removed immediately, otherwise it deprives the root crops of all nutrients and moisture. The main thing is to completely unscrew the aerial part in order to exclude its germination.

Rules for preparing carrots for wintering:

  • vegetables must be left in the open air in the shade for 3 hours. They must not be exposed to direct sun rays... During this time, the crop will have time to ventilate and dry out;
  • then the carrots are transferred to a well-ventilated room, where the air temperature is + 10-14 ° C. In such conditions, she stays for 7 days so that all minor damage and the roots themselves can dry out. If there are rotten specimens, they can be identified.
  • the next step is to inspect the carrots, all low-quality fruits are removed.

The varieties with a high degree of keeping quality, well-ripened, without mechanical damage or diseases are best stored. Before storing carrots, they should be cooled to a temperature of zero degrees.

If the crop is small, it is washed and allowed to dry. This simple technique allows you to rid the roots of pathogens.

How to store carrots

There are several ways that are suitable for preserving a vegetable, the main thing is to know the characteristics of each. It is recommended to store carrots in pre-dried and disinfected rooms so that neither bacteria nor other pathogens destroy it. In the repository, before the bookmark, you need to general cleaning cleaning both the shelves and the floor if necessary.

Basement or cellar

Selected and sorted root crops will be able to lie until the next harvest in basement if you know how to store vegetables in the subfield. First of all, you need to take out all last year's plant debris and sand in which the fruits were stored. It is advisable to carry out disinfection 1 month before laying carrots.

For these purposes, use slaked lime (1 kg) and copper sulfate(100 g). They are bred in separate containers, and then combined, pouring the first agent into the second. In this case, you need to constantly stir the resulting Bordeaux mixture. She treats the walls and ceiling in the cellar, basement.

14 days after disinfection, the cellar is whitewashed with lime with the addition of vitriol. The room must be well ventilated and dried. It is ideal if the air temperature in it is within 0-3 ° C, and the humidity level is not more than 97%. In winter, when proper storage of carrots in the cellar, it is possible to completely preserve all the roots without loss of taste and marketability.

In the fridge

You can freeze carrots in the freezer, but you must first grate them and put them in closed containers. If placed as a whole, after thawing the structure will become so soft that it will be quite problematic to use. Therefore, carrots are stored in the refrigerator in pure form and packaged in plastic bags. During the washing process, it is important not to damage the thin skin of the root vegetables. To keep them from getting locked, the packages must remain open.

Alternatively, the sliced ​​vegetables are wrapped in foil and placed in the freezer.

At the entrance or on the balcony

Residents apartment buildings, which have neither a basement nor a cellar, you can lay carrots for the winter on the balcony or in the pantry located at the entrance. The main thing is that the air temperature indicator is within 0 ° С, but not lower than -5 ° С. If it's too much low temperature, vegetables will freeze and deteriorate, and at high - they will begin to rot or sprout. The prepared fruits are placed in boxes, wrapped in dense material, for example, with a cotton blanket. They will remain in this form for 6-8 months.

How to store carrots at home

Based on the available materials and the amount of the harvested crop, each gardener chooses an acceptable way to preserve the harvest.

In sand

Such storage will require loamy sand, water and wooden containers. This is one of the common options for vegetable lovers who have cellars, underground, garage pits with cool air. To keep the substrate moist in the container, it is moistened with water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1 bucket of sand.

Sand is poured onto the bottom of the box with a layer of 3-5 cm. Root crops are laid out in one row at some distance from each other, after which the substrate is poured. These manipulations must be carried out until the entire crop has been laid. Buckets of dry sand are sometimes used instead of crates for carrots.

In plastic bags

Carrots are often stored in such a shell at home. It is necessary to use bags with a capacity of 30-35 kg. It is not worth tying, otherwise, instead of the planned 3-5% damage to the crop, 100% will turn out. To maintain normal moisture content in plastic bags, they must be left in open form... The carbon dioxide emitted by vegetables can protect them from the development of many diseases. You need to place the bags with root vegetables closer to each other. This is a great way to store it on an industrial scale.

In sawdust

Wood shavings effectively protects fruits from putrefactive processes and invasion of pests, which are often the source of problems with the keeping quality of root crops. You can also use them for storing carrots in an apartment. To do this, fill a wooden container 8-10 cm with sawdust, spread the prepared crop at intervals from each other and cover it with another layer of shavings of the same thickness.

The most effective way, according to gardeners, is to use sawdust from conifers that differ high level disinfection. They are also used for basement storage.

In the moss

Peeled and well dried in a cool place, the roots are placed in a box, which already contains a layer of sphagnum (moss). The carrots are covered with it, then they are laid out again and the manipulation is repeated again. The same method is also suitable for long-term storage of beets. Moss has a kind of preservative qualities that allow it to keep carbon dioxide inside. Compared to sand or clay, it is a lighter material that does not add additional load to the carrot crates.

In paraffin

Washed and dried fruits are immersed in a container with molten paraffin, which was previously added beeswax for better elasticity in small quantities. This one is pretty unusual way allows you to preserve the taste and marketability of the prepared crop for 4-5 months, if the air temperature in the storage is maintained within 0-2 ° C. Carrots do not lose their freshness and usefulness, the structure of the pulp remains in original form.

Clay storage

The method assumes the presence of boxes or boxes made of cardboard, water, clay and garlic. Considering that natural material differs in the ability to pass air well and retain moisture, it is often used to store vegetables. Here you need to be prepared for the laboriousness of the process. The clay is first sifted through a sieve, poured with liquid, stirred so that the consistency is like sour cream. The mixture is left for 3 hours, and at this time a garlic solution is made.

Peeled 10 heads of spicy culture are passed through a meat grinder and diluted in two liters of water. Prepared carrots, from which the leaves were cut off, are dipped in garlic, and then clay mortar, and dried. Root crops are transferred to a container and lowered into the cellar.

Long-term storage varieties

The choice of carrots in matters of laying vegetables for the winter plays an important role. The storage duration directly depends on the characteristics of a particular variety. The best indicators of keeping quality were observed in late-ripening or subwinter cultures.

The list of popular varieties includes: Guéranda, Cardinal, Valeria, Shantane, Grossa, Nantes-4, as well as Moscow winter, Losinoostrovskaya-13. Regardless of which variety will be planted, after harvesting, the fruits must be dried and selected. Place the boxes in places with cool air and normal humidity for better storage vegetables.

Carrots are a very capricious crop in terms of planting on winter period... But knowledge of the basic rules of storage allows you to minimize this lack of tasty and healthy root vegetables.

How to keep carrots in winter

The shelf life of carrots is not high enough; it is stored worse than beets and potatoes. The vegetable is more sensitive to storage conditions and, if they change, the keeping quality of carrots decreases.

Preparing root crops for storage

After the harvest has been dug up and the primary aerated, it is prepared for storage. Preparation includes washing, trimming the growth point, drying and storing.

Washing. Everyone decides whether or not to wash the carrots, it's a matter of taste. Washing does not affect the storage process. Root vegetables are washed in running water or in a basin, changing the water. For disinfection, you can add potassium permanganate to a pale pink color. The solution disinfects the crop and is less affected by rot during storage.

Trimming the top carried out only after washing. If the carrots have not been washed, then you cannot cut off the top, this is a sure way to infect. The upper green end of the root crop is cut off along with the growth point. When the growth bud is removed, the carrot sinks into deep dormancy, and the respiration rate decreases markedly. Such roots are stored much better, they are less prone to rot and, of course, do not germinate.

This is how the growth point is cut off.

Sorting... Carrots are sorted by size. Small root vegetables are usually looser, they contain few sugars, and when stored, they wither faster. Deformed specimens, despite their shape, keep well.

Cracked, sick, damaged during harvesting specimens are discarded, they cannot be stored. The rest of the carrots are sorted according to size and stored separately. After sorting, the crop is dried under a canopy.

Drying lasts 5-10 days. This is a quarantine, during which specimens are identified that will not lie in winter. It is advisable to dry the carrots in a cool place at a temperature of 7-10 ° C. At higher temperatures, it begins to wilt.

During quarantine, a dense skin is formed at the root crop, the processes of supply of sugars are actively underway, and the carrots are immersed in the period of winter dormancy.

At the end of the drying process, the vegetables are sorted out again and the unusable ones are rejected, the rest are laid for the winter.

Optimal conditions for storing carrots in winter

The keeping quality of carrots directly depends on the storage conditions. The period of winter dormancy in a vegetable is not as deep as in potatoes or beets, and it does not tolerate fluctuations in indicators.

  1. Store carrots in dark the room. In the light, it does not go into winter dormancy, it begins to germinate and wither. In such conditions, sugars in root crops are quickly destroyed.
  2. Temperature should be 1-3 ° C. At higher values, the root crops intensively evaporate water and wither quickly. If poor air circulation is added to the high temperature, the crop will rot. But there is one but... Root vegetables with the top removed can be stored at temperatures up to 6-8 ° C and even slightly higher, provided there is good ventilation. This is due to the fact that in the absence of a growth bud, the carrot plunges into deep dormancy, its respiration and evaporation of water is minimal and, of course, it cannot germinate.
  3. Humidity. Optimum humidity should be 85-95%. With a decrease in humidity and an increase in temperature, root crops begin to come out of dormancy, quickly wither and germinate.
  4. Intensive air exchange... With poor circulation, the moisture released by the carrots again settles on it, the roots rot.

If at least one indicator is violated, the keeping quality of carrots sharply decreases.

Preparing a cellar for winter storage of carrots

It takes 1-1.5 months to prepare a cellar for storing vegetables in winter. Preparation includes sanitation, wall and floor cleaning, rodent and insect control.

Cellar cleaning

Start to it no later than a month before laying vegetables. The shelves are cleared of the remnants of the previous harvest, the remaining soil is swept away from them. Upper layer soil (2-4 cm) is removed and discarded. Spores of various diseases accumulate in it over the course of a year. All holes and holes are sealed in the walls and floor.

Shelves, drawers and others wooden structures taken out into the air to dry. They are dried in the shade (the tree can deform in the sun) for 20-30 days. All rotten boards are replaced with new ones. At this time, the cellar is thoroughly ventilated.

Room disinfection

Every year, the walls are disinfected by treating them with disinfectants. Processing is carried out even if the cellar is dry. Airing is carried out for 3-4 days before processing.

  1. When placed in bulk, roots are poured onto pallets with a layer of no more than 20 cm. Shelf life with this method is 6-8 months.
  2. In boxes, keeping quality of root crops is low - 4-6 months. The vegetable is put in boxes, which are placed on pallets. To scare off rodents, the boxes are covered with coniferous branches.
  3. In sand. Many people recommend storing crops in wet sand during the winter. This is not rational, since the roots are excessively moisturized and rot. In addition, when the temperature drops to 0 ° C, wet sand freezes, gas exchange between the crop and environment violated and vegetables rot. It is better to use dry sand for storing carrots in winter. It is poured into the bottom of the box, the carrots are laid out in one layer and covered with sand. The layers of carrots and sand alternate. Keeping quality of root crops is 6-9 months. Dry peat can be used instead of sand.
  4. The vegetable is stored in sawdust as well as in sand, in layers, alternating between them. But carrots are stored in sawdust much better - up to 1 year. Sawdust, especially conifers contain phytoncides that prevent the development of diseases.
  5. Carrots lie well in moss all winter. To store carrots in winter, the moss must be dry. Moss and root vegetables are laid out in layers. The material perfectly protects the vegetable from excess moisture, without interfering with normal gas exchange and, at the same time, protects the crop from rot. However, with a large harvest, it is difficult to find such an amount of moss.
  6. Onion and garlic husks, as well as sawdust, contain phytoncides that prevent the development of pathogens. In addition, they absorb excess moisture well. For storage, layers of carrots are alternated with layers of hulls.

Sprinkling layers of vegetables protects them from the spread of disease. If a vegetable has rotted in some layer, then the rot will not spread to other layers, and even neighboring root crops

A private option for storing root crops in a cellar is storing carrots in a basement or underground. The temperature is higher here, and although the humidity is high, the ventilation is insufficient, so the vegetables are much worse. To increase keeping quality, roots are dipped in clay, then dried and put in boxes. Clay reduces respiration to a minimum and crops can be stored at 4-7 ° C.

How to store carrots in an apartment

Keeping quality of vegetables in an apartment where there is no balcony is low. Long-term storage big harvest in urban conditions is impossible.

All small carrots are grated and kept in the freezer. If the crop is large, part of it can be dried, part can be preserved, and juice can be made from the largest root crops.

Carrots are not stored in the refrigerator, the air circulation is too low, and after 5-7 days they become damp and rot.

The modern method allows you to store a vegetable in plastic bags without oxygen for a long time. A small amount of root crops are put in bags and with the help of a vacuum cleaner all the air is drawn out of them. The bags are tied and stored at a temperature not exceeding 7-9 ° C. But this method is only suitable for carrots that have the top removed. In a vacuum, respiration is reduced to zero, all vital processes almost stop and root crops are preserved under such conditions for 7-9 months. If the growth bud is not removed, then it will not be possible to preserve the carrot in a vacuum. The kidney needs oxygen, and in the absence of oxygen, the vegetable rots.

If the top of the vegetable is cut off, then in winter the carrots are well stored in the apartment in the coolest place. Root vegetables are placed in a box, covered with styrofoam and kept in a closet or hallway. If possible, the boxes can be taken out to common corridor at the entrance.

The harvest, processed in clay, lies well in winter. But before that, it must be cooled at a temperature of + 1-3 ° C, and then dipped in a clay solution. Clay has low thermal conductivity, and root crops can lie in an apartment in a cool place for 6-8 months.

Carrots are well stored under a clay crust.

Carrots cannot be stored in plastic bags without a vacuum. Polyethylene does not allow air to pass through, so condensation quickly forms inside. With insufficient oxygen, vegetables rot. At the same time, if you leave the package indoors, the lower carrot will rot, the upper one will wither. If you put it in the refrigerator, then in a week all the roots will rot.

Storage of crops on the balcony

In the presence of a balcony, the task of preserving carrots is greatly simplified. The keeping quality of vegetables on the balcony in winter is much higher than in an apartment. They are laid out in boxes and sprinkled with sawdust or sand. You can keep vegetables in drawers without sprinkling them.

Carrots lie well in winter in bags of flour or sugar. The bags are filled to 1 / 2-2 / 3; to absorb excess moisture, the vegetables are lightly sprinkled with ash.

When the temperature on the balcony drops to 0 ° C, the container is covered with old rags, pillows, blankets. If possible, you can cover it with hay. At severe frosts in order to avoid freezing of vegetables, they are brought into the room. But you can't keep carrots in the room for a long time, it will wither or start to sprout. Therefore, as soon as it gets warmer, the crop is taken out onto the balcony. It is better to insulate it properly than to keep it in an apartment.

The main mistakes when storing carrots

Mistake # 1. Cleaning too late. The plant tolerates frosts well down to -4-6 ° C. But in the pre-winter period, when the temperature is not only at night, but also in the daytime below 0 ° C, the vegetable freezes and does not lie in winter. It must be processed immediately. If the carrot is heavily overgrown with sucking white hairs, then it becomes woody and flabby, there are practically no sugars in it. There is no point in storing such a crop.

Mistake # 2. Bookmark damaged root crops for the winter. Such carrots often rot, and from it the infection spreads to neighboring specimens. The result can be significant crop losses.

Mistake number 3. Storage of crops in rooms where temperature and humidity change very dramatically. The vegetable is extremely sensitive to the microclimate; for good keeping quality in winter, it needs stable conditions. With a sharp change in indicators, carrots either germinate or rot.

Mistake # 4. Keep vegetables in plastic bags. Even if the bags are not tied, condensation quickly forms inside, and the roots rot.

Mistake # 5. Store carrots with apples. Apples release ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of the crop and leads to the rapid aging of the fruit. When stored together, carrots quickly wither and become woody, if the top is left, then it germinates even in cold conditions.

How to keep carrots at home for the winter? Not everyone is perfect, it turns out to store vegetables in winter, a lack of knowledge or simply a lack of desire to seriously deal with this issue can lead to the fact that harvested crop will be completely ruined.

Preparing carrots for storage

After all these manipulations with carrots, the roots are placed in plastic bags, sprinkling the carrots with sawdust. Sawdust is taken fresh, damp or wet, it is not necessary to fill it up.

Storing carrots in boxes with sand and just sand

At the bottom of the box sand is poured (preferably loamy, not river) with a thickness of 3-5 cm and the first layer is laid out, and then sand is poured, then again a layer of carrots, covered with sand, etc.

But you can use sand in such boxes only once, since after storage there are many bacteria and fungi in the sand that can spoil the harvest. Therefore, the sand after wintering spills out and a new one is taken.

If you do not have boxes, then the carrots are stored directly in the sand on the floor in an already equipped cellar or special storage. To begin with, they fence the site with boards, then they cover it with sand, on which they spread the crop and sprinkle it with sand as in boxes.

Storing carrots in clay

How to store carrots in an apartment in winter

The temperature at which carrots are well stored should be - 0 - 1 degrees and humidity 95 percent. It is impossible to maintain such a microclimate in an apartment. But it's too early to despair, there are several ways that will help you cope with this task.

In the fridge

Video: How to store carrots at home for the winter