How to paste with two different wallpapers. Ideas for pasting walls with different wallpapers in the kitchen, bedroom, hall

Wallpaper is the most common finish.

Over time, manufacturers are releasing materials that are more and more original in design, but, despite this, interior decoration using only one type of wallpaper is gradually fading into the background.

Today, combinations of wallpapers with different types of textures or patterns are considered a sign of modern style, especially in the interior of a hall or living room, since these rooms are considered the main ones in the apartment.

It can be difficult to achieve a cozy atmosphere when gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall, so it is more correct to plan in advance how your walls will look.

If you are not sure of your design skills, we recommend that you find out from the photo how to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, as well as learn about common approaches to combining according to the recommendations of specialists.

Effects of combining wallpaper

How to glue the hall different wallpapers, Photo

Before you start gluing new wallpapers in your room, decide what effect you plan to achieve. Depending on the size of the room and its main purpose, the possible combinations will differ.

For example, wallpaper with a more expressive design, concentrated in one of the zones of such a room, will highlight the main accents in the interior. Such a decorative effect is especially popular in the area where the TV or fireplace is located.

Advice: if you plan to create accents with dark or bright wallpapers, decorate the rest of the walls in a calm palette that will balance the expressive atmosphere in the room.

How beautiful to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, photo

Competent combination of wallpaper two different types will allow for the zoning of the living room. Enough emphasize color transitions on the walls- and you can select a sleeping area, an area for reading or work, etc. This technique is popular with the owners of modern studio apartments, where the hall is combined with the kitchen.

Thanks to different options combining wallpaper in the hall becomes possible masking surface imperfections... For example, by means of separate inserts from the embossed wallpaper, you can hide the unevenness of the walls from sight.

Another effect of the combination is correction of imperfections in the shape of the premises... For narrow room you can pick up wallpapers of light and dark shades that are in harmony with each other: when gluing wallpaper in a rich tone on long walls you will be able to visually distance them from each other, and the hall will seem more spacious.

Do not forget about the most important effect of wallpaper combinations - decorative.

Combination different materialsgreat opportunity make the room more stylish and highlight your taste.

Moreover, wallpaper can be selected in such a way as to save on expensive finishes - and at the same time create an interior that will look no worse than the rooms decorated by designers.

Wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

The nuances of combining materials

Combining wallpaper is not so difficult, especially since consultants will help you immediately select materials that are in harmony with each other. But, since only you know about the features of your room, the decision about the characteristics of the canvas will have to be taken independently.

Focus on the following combination rules:

Advice: if you have difficulties in combining shades, but want to diversify the design due to the wallpaper of two different types- glue wall murals on the background of light walls, including several colors at once.

Many manufacturers produce wallpapers, having foreseen the possibility of combining them in a residential interior. Therefore, pay attention to new collections: often the wallpapers in them are pre-selected for each other. not only in color, but also in texture.

Combination ideas

There are several safe options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall:

Please note that different techniques can be implemented at the same time to make the interior even more interesting.

Each method of combining two wallpapers involves creating stylish accents in the hall or living room, but if you find such methods too complicated, use the simplest one: glue the wallpaper of the second type on the entire surface of the wall, which will act as the main one in the room.

Combinations of shades and patterns

The adhesive design depends on many factors. Firstly, both the brightness of the colors and the size of the patterns must be chosen, focusing on the area of ​​the room. In a cramped room, the wallpaper should be as light as possible and include only small prints.

Secondly, the psychological aspect plays an important role in the choice of combined wallpaper.

Each selected shade should emphasize cozy atmosphere, therefore, experts recommend giving preference to pastel colors... And here accents in combinations can be made brighter and more expressive: this will emphasize the necessary dynamics and solemnity of the interior.

Remember! The style of the wallpaper should correspond to the chosen design direction. For modern styles pick something more calm and neutral, for the classics - wallpapers with large flowing patterns, for Provence and country - a cage or floral prints.

The most common patterns used in wallpaper combinations are classic, floral and geometric designs. All of them are perfectly combined with plain materials or pinstriped wallpaper.

Design of combined wallpaper for the hall, photo

Popular solution in modern interiorscombination of patterned wallpaper with photo wallpaper and imitation materials... For example, floral motifs can be combined with landscapes or wood-styled wallpaper. A brickwork in perfect harmony with abstraction - this is one of the hallmarks of the loft style.

Wallpaper with accent patterns should not be glued close to each other.... If this is a vertical combination, think about keeping a decent distance between the bright inserts, where wallpaper with a calmer design will be pasted.

As for horizontal combinations, it is important here to choose the right color and pattern. The lower part of the walls is most often made darker and more monochromatic. V classic style striped wallpaper is allowed. The upper zone can be either light or bright (depending on the size of the room): it is often decorated with floral motifs or geometric patterns.

A few words about combining textured wallpaper

When deciding how to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, pay attention to their textures. If this is textured wallpaper intended for monochromatic dyeing, there will be no difficulties in combining.

Advice: wallpaper that is glued side by side must have a similar thickness, otherwise you will have to look for ways to mask pronounced joints.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

Textured wallpaper on a textile basis is a good design option for the hall. But in practice, this material is quite capricious, and in combination with ordinary wallpaper, it does not always look advantageous. Therefore, most often, textile coverings are used to create inserts in the form of a patterned panel on free walls: you need moldings or a ready-made frame to decorate them.

In combination with most textured wallpapers, liquid-type wallpapers will look good. But vinyl and non-woven materials must be selected, focusing on the embossed pattern.

In modern interiors, embossed wallpapers with classic ornaments, floristry, abstraction, stripes and small strokes are used. If a large section of walls is decorated with just this type of wallpaper, you should not select a relief pattern for the rest of the surfaces.

Advice: when combining vinyl and non-woven materials, do not forget that such canvases are glued to the surface of the walls in different ways. Use an all-purpose adhesive or match a special one for each of the selected materials.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall: design, photo

Now you know how to beautifully glue two types of wallpaper in the living room: by choosing different shades and textures, this room can be made bright and festive, or, conversely, calm and relaxing.

Please select suitable materials for combinations with loved ones and make one of the ideas presented in the photo come true.

Photo gallery

Arranging an apartment, Special attention first of all, you need to pay to the walls. After all, it is they who will create the basis of the interior, set the color scheme. Furniture and additional elements the decor is installed later and must be combined with the walls to make the rooms look holistic.

Here we will not be scattered throughout the apartment, but will focus on its largest room - the living room or hall. It is in this room that you bring guests, here you can relax after work, arrange a home theater or tea party.

You can immediately go to the store, see different options wallpaper and choose the best one. But this option has several disadvantages:

  • your eyes will run up with abundance, and since you do not know exactly what you are looking for, it will be quite difficult to make a choice;
  • the wallpaper selected in this way can perfectly do not live up to your expectations after gluing, as the color on the roll and on the entire wall can look completely different.

Therefore, it is better to first understand a little about the combination of colors, correlate it with your preferences and choose suitable option, and only then go to choose something suitable in a hardware store.

If you did not find the ornament you need in the store, here is a master class!

How to choose wallpaper by color, by contrast, by pattern

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme, and only then think about the presence of a picture. Think about which shades you prefer: warm or cold.

  • Warm make the room livelier and more vibrant.
  • Cold- help to visually expand the room (which is especially important for Khrushchev apartments, or other small-sized apartments).

But in any case, you need to maintain a balance between warm and cold tones, otherwise the room may look too stuffy or very inhospitable.

  1. If you have well clarified, sunny room, muffle it with a little cold tones, if it's cloudy, add warmth to it.
  2. Also, when choosing a color, keep in mind that you will see him every day... You can choose this blouse, even light or bright, and wear it according to your mood, and keep it in the closet for the rest of the time. This will not work with wallpaper, so choose not just a color that you like, but also that will not get bored until the next renovation.

If you decide that one color is not enough, then you can choose several, compatible with each other.

You can combine related colors (from one or adjacent sectors of the color wheel), or contrasting (from diametrically opposite sectors).

TIP: If you decide to use a patterned wallpaper - don't overdo it, walls shouldn't cut your eyes... You need to be especially careful about drawing in a small apartment x (for example, Khrushchevs), since it can visually reduce the room, especially for large bright drawings (large contrasting flowers in this spirit).

Related colors

If you are not confident in your design skills, the combination of related colors (monochrome or similar) is the easiest way! You definitely can't go wrong and such a solution will always look stylish.

Contrasting colors

On this photo good example combinations of contrasting colors. There is not a very noticeable pattern here, but plain wallpaper in this combination would look harmonious.

Ways to combine wallpaper

After getting acquainted with the main aspects of color combinations, you need to move from theory to practice and proceed directly to the choice of wallpaper. There are several ways to combine them:

  1. Pattern + solid color
  2. 2 pictures
  3. Geometry + one color or pattern

Whichever one you choose, the main thing is to create a harmoniously combined, pleasant interior that will satisfy your preferences and make the house truly cozy. To make sense of possible options, let's take a closer look at them.

Pattern + solid color

With this combination, most often wallpaper with a pattern is applied only on one wall, and the rest are just plain. This will help to create a certain accent, but it won't look too colorful.

  • The drawing can be from related colors to plain wallpaper, and from contrasting.
  • A wall with a pronounced contrasting pattern will look similar to huge picture.

The following are selected interesting options such a combination, you can choose one of them as a basis when creating a living room design.

A distinctive floral print was used here. Please note that furniture, rugs and cushions are selected exactly from the colors of the drawing.

The pattern can be both small and large, abstract or concrete.

Also note that walls with a bright pattern are not loaded with decorative elements (paintings or photos), the maximum is a mirror, and that should be very carefully selected. Maintain simplicity and harmony. An overloaded interior will be very tiring.

A good example of a combination of contrasting colors, as in the absence of blue tulle, brown wallpaper would look too dark.

With geometric patterns

Geometric elements can compete with floral prints, designs and abstract designs. But you must be sure that strict lines will not oppress you, and will allow you to calmly relax.

Zigzags, rhombuses, lines, ovals, circles, etc. - a wonderful choice for lovers of clarity and order, in this case, too, you can try interesting color combinations.

2 pictures

Combinations of two drawings look original and unusual. It would be too flashy for the bedroom, but for the living room, correct selection very good.

In this photo, there is both a contrast of colors and a combination of floral and geometric prints. Cold black on the lines and warm red on the petals.

Here, too, combinations of floral ornaments with geometric, but already in one colors- related colors were used.

One of the patterns can be expressed much brighter after the other, in which case it turns out similar to the pattern + plain wallpaper. Similar ornaments in different colors also complement each other well.

Combination methods

One wall

The easiest way to combine wallpaper. How to choose a wall? Of course, the one that you most want to attract attention. Usually this is a wall near or behind the sofas in the hall.

Painting or frame

If in the case of a wall completely covered with wallpaper with a pattern, it looks like a picture, then here the wallpaper is a picture. Such a huge canvas with a printed pattern.

You can simply stick wallpaper of a certain size, or make a frame around the edges.

In the form of stripes

An interesting way of combining is in the form of separate stripes. For this case, it is better to choose a contrasting wallpaper with an active pattern, as this will be the main accent!

Niche focus

For apartments that have a niche in the hall - great option play it with contrasting wallpaper and color. It is also not bad to highlight a niche with an additional source. This is especially important if the niche is far from the window.

Brief summary

To summarize, let's recall the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a wallpaper:

  • Consider the size and illumination of the room
  • A color scheme
  • Personal preferences.

We hope that the process of choosing wallpaper will pass calmly and quickly for you, and the result will look amazing and delight you every day, creating a real home comfort.

2 assessments, average: 4,00 out of 5)

The most important stage of the repair is pasting the side surfaces. The appearance of the room depends on how the walls will look. In the course of work, problems may arise that cannot be eliminated later. You can see a photo with high-quality wall-paper gluing below.

Preparatory stage

Before grabbing the roller and a bucket of glue, you need to carry out a few simple manipulations. It is from correct actions the further process of work depends. First you need to calculate the material consumption, and prepare the walls before gluing the wallpaper.

Hike to the hardware store

Before purchasing wallpaper, glue and other consumables, it is necessary to accurately calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe walls of the room. For convenience, you can always use an online calculator. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the fit of the canvases, if they show a drawing.

Buyers are often faced with the choice of the type of wallpaper. Modern manufacturers offer: paper, non-woven and vinyl the lineup... They all differ in thickness, width, pattern and quality.

Wide non-woven wallpaper is in demand. They are easy to glue, they easily fall on the surface and have high wear resistance.

Preparing the walls

In order not to be disappointed in the final result, you need to clearly know how to prepare the walls for pasting. For surface treatment, you will need a spray bottle with water, a spatula, and unnecessary rags.

To remove the old layer of wallpaper, you need to spray on it and wait until the canvas gets wet and starts to move away from the wall. To enhance the effect, use warm water and soap solution.

Then the canvases begin to rip off with a spatula or knife. If the wallpaper fits well, you can remove it by hand.

Crevices, cracks and irregularities can be hidden behind old layers. They must be removed with putty. Then the walls are plastered and primed.

After such treatment, it is better to transfer the pasting to the next day so that the applied layers dry well.

In the case of wall decoration with non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, plaster and primer are usually not applied. The thickness of the canvases allows you to hide minor surface defects.

The gluing process

First you need to dilute the glue. For each type of wallpaper, there are special means for pasting. It is necessary to gradually pour the contents of the package into warm water.

To prevent lumps from forming, you need to continuously stir the solution. After that, the glue should be infused and thickened. The process takes about 15 minutes.

During this time, you can still cut the wallpaper. There are several ways to cut canvases:

  • using an angular ruler;
  • bend (no tools).

A roll is spread on the floor face side way down. One end of the canvas can be held by an assistant or it is clamped with improvised means to avoid folding the wallpaper back into a roll. The same is done on the other side of the panel.

Then, knowing the height where the material is to be glued, the same length on the wallpaper is measured with a tape measure. Moreover, it is advisable to add 5 cm to the value, just in case.

A right-angled ruler draws a line that should be perpendicular to the edges of the wallpaper. If not at hand measuring tool, in the place of the mark, the material is folded so that the edges of the roll coincide.

A piece of wallpaper is cut along the fold line or along a drawn segment with scissors, on which glue is then applied.

Ways to spread canvases

If you have a paper wallpaper in front of you, then adhesive solution applied with a roller or brush on the wall and on the glued canvas. For non-woven and vinyl representatives, it is enough to apply glue only to a piece of wallpaper.

To make the canvas evenly saturated, it is folded with a book. First, the two edges are folded so that they meet approximately in the middle, and then the already folded edges are folded back in half again.

This method can be used to make two blanks. While one is saturated with glue, the second is glued to the wall.

Pasting is done from top to bottom. For this, a blank is taken and one part is attached. Then the second half of the canvas is carefully attached.

With a dry cloth, the glued piece is ironed from the middle to the edges. This removes excess glue and unwanted bubbles on the wallpaper, which can be difficult to remove.

Non-glued areas may remain at the edges. They must be coated with glue using a small brush.

While one person is doing the final work, the second is again preparing the next piece of wallpaper for gluing.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to glue the wallpaper with your own hands. Finally, I would like to give a few useful recommendations to make the pasting process easier:

Thin paper wallpaper overlapped. Other types of non-woven and vinyl are glued end-to-end.

Work should be done when daylight... It is advisable to turn off the electricity, remove all sockets and switches before gluing. The space for the connectors is cut out on the already glued wallpaper.

It is necessary to remove the skirting boards in the room being repaired.

Do not glue wallpaper with open windows. Drafts can lead to poor adhesion of adhesive and wallpaper. After gluing, the door to the room must be closed until the glue is completely dry.

Photo finished walls covered with wallpaper can also be viewed in our gallery. Good luck and success in the repair.

Photo wallpapering the walls

The building materials market offers wide range finishing materials, the use of which allows you to translate into reality an unlimited number of variations in the design of the walls of the room.

Wallpaper is still the leader among wall decoration materials, but their production technology does not stand still.

The new time requires from manufacturers a creative approach and the invention of new and original methods finishes. This is how not only new types of wallpaper appear, but also different ways sticking them.

Traditional methods are still in use, but a way of combining wallpaper is rapidly becoming fashionable. Moreover, the process of combining takes place not only in colors, but also in terms of combining wallpapers of different types and structures. Therefore, for example, now no one will be surprised by the pasting of two types of wallpaper in the living room or in the hall.

Why are we citing this particular room as an example? Everything is very simple. After all, she is the main one in the house. She meets and receives guests. It is the living room that becomes an excellent platform for family celebrations and get-togethers with friends. Therefore, it is this room that everyone is trying to decorate as creatively as possible.

Options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall, photo

The very process of combining wallpaper in the living room is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This or that interior looks very beautiful and creates the impression of lightness in its creation. But in order to do something like this, you need to know how to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, which rules are the basis in this process.

Not knowing the rules, you can make certain mistakes, then not only will suffer from this appearance rooms, but also the degree of comfort, the perception of the size of the room.

Therefore, you should approach the combination of wallpaper with all seriousness and pay attention to the layout of the coatings with various textures and drawings.

Wallpaper gluing design in the hall of two types, photo

Combination in the gym: defining goals

Before gluing two types of wallpaper in his room, each of the inhabitants thinks about whether he needs such a solution, what combination fit better, what will be the result, etc.? Questions like this are completely obvious. Let's try to give answers to them.

First, you need to realize that the main purpose of such a decision is to obtain a certain decorative effect ... And he will always be. It all depends on what is closer to your liking. For example, calmer and not catchy wallpaper help create more interesting and bright accents, motives in the room. And the dark ones not only steal space, but quite often depress, morally oppress, create a feeling of discomfort.

Secondly, the combination of the two types of wallpaper is a wonderful possibility of space zoning... Having chosen the necessary shades, you can very easily divide the living room area into sectors (zones). Traditionally, contrasting wallpapers are selected for such purposes. Companion wallpapers from the same collection are often used.

As an option, and it will also be good, you can choose wallpaper similar in color. "Zest" will bring different drawings depicted on the stripes.

Thirdly, the presence of two types of wallpaper in the living room is a good chance to hide flaws in the interior... The combination will help to create a distracting design, "hide" a defect that is undesirable to see the prying eye. In such a situation, wallpaper with a relief structure will help.

The main thing - take into account the lighting and choose the right shade of wallpaper... Under different lighting conditions, each shade will behave differently. Therefore, in order to cope with the task at hand, be sure to take these nuances into account.

Having familiarized ourselves with the main goals, we understand that various options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall carry a solution to a specific problem. That's why combined wallpaper for the audience - very a good option wall decoration.

How to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall: basic rules

Imagine that you have studied everything about gluing two types of wallpaper in the living room, consulted with experts, picked up required material and did the pasting of the room, but you understand that something is wrong, as if you got a slightly different result than you expected.

The situation is not the best, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance and follow the basic rules for gluing two types of wallpaper:

Note! You have no skills at all in planning the design of the premises, and the advice of experts does not help? Is the combination of selected shades in doubt? Do not be discouraged: there is a way out. Use wall murals.

It is desirable that their color scheme of the selected photopanel include a set of several shades that are in harmony with each other.

Combining color and pattern

Is it easy to find a good wallpaper combination of two colors? In fact, it all depends on you. If you have a sense of taste, then it will not be difficult to do this. If you doubt that you are on the right track, then it is better to turn to specialists.

Since the combined wallpaper for the hall is designed to focus attention (make accents) on a certain surface or area, it is worth considering in advance which area you plan to allocate to attract attention. Give preference to wallpaper with bright background shades or catchy patterns.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

But, having chosen a catchy wallpaper, remember that you need to somehow dilute the general atmosphere in order to muffle the contrast. The room should not turn into a bright booth. The most optimal and simplest option is to choose a calm shade.

Note! We do not recommend using different elements on the walls of the hall. They should be similar. Something radically different will ruin general form, and the ideal combination of wall coverings cannot be achieved. Therefore, you can choose patterns of the same or similar theme, similar texture of the surface, close tones from the same range of shades.

Let's take a closer look at thematic patterns. There are three types of ornaments:

  • classical;
  • geometric;
  • floral.

Any of these types goes well with wallpaper of the same tone or with wallpaper of light shades with a barely noticeable strip.

It is good to combine wallpaper with a plant or floral composition with wallpaper that imitate, for example, wood, plaster or stone, that is, natural materials.

If you prefer wallpaper with geometric patterns / patterns or stripes, then pair them with wallpaper with abstraction.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will look great if you alternate them with each other - wallpaper strip # 1, wallpaper strip # 2, wallpaper strip # 1, etc. So you will not create an emphasis on a certain area, but will bring a kind of "flavor" to the overall perception of the room.

For ledges and niches in the living room, a vertical combination of wallpaper of different colors is ideal. In addition to this option, photomurals with landscapes are often used in the hall.

If you decide to combine the wallpaper horizontally, then use a darker shade of wallpaper for the bottom part. In this case, the separation of the wallpaper is very often done using skirting boards or moldings.

To easily choose the shade of wallpaper for the living room, consider the following points: the layout of the living room and its area, the style of the room and the degree of illumination of the room.

A warm atmosphere in the room will help to create soft shades: yellow, beige, blue, light green, peach.

Blue or cyan, light purple or gray colors help you relax. Overflows, for example in sand, blue or pink flowers will help to emphasize the harmony and airy lightness of the room.

Considering the above, it becomes clear that the design of wallpapering in the hall of two types will depend only on the choice of the home owner. But that's not all, when it comes to the combination of wallpaper in the living room. Further we will talk about textured coatings.

We advise you to study the basic rules and see - all the secrets and subtleties of creating spectacular and beautifully combined combinations for walls in rooms.

Read about wallpaper that expands the space in the interior, and see the photo: original finish for stylish and modern rooms.

Combinations and textured coatings

Recently, textured coatings that are intended for painting have become very popular. Such materials are widely used. Such wallpaper, for example, is very easy and convenient to use in work, not only for pasting walls, but also for ceilings. The result, of course, is the perfect combination.

Note that in the case of using textured coatings, there will be fewer problems with their replacement than with ordinary wallpaper, since their "life" is much longer. And it's easier to repaint than to glue it again.

Today, the most common patterns of textured wallpaper are stripes different thickness and orientations (diagonal, horizontal, vertical or chaotic), classic patterns, abstract strokes, floral and floral motifs.

Note! Liquid wallpaper that matches the color will look good in a duet with a textured coating. Use "texture" to design various ledges and niches, columns.

Using textured wallpaper and liquid wallpaper is a good option, but remember that the most practical is a combination of regular wallpaper.

Sticking and types of materials

We ended the previous small section on what is best to use for combining regular wallpaper... But what about combining different types of wallpaper? For example, non-woven wallpaper made of paper, vinyl or fabric covered.

First, this combination will require more attention from you. Secondly, gluing different types of wallpaper will take longer, because each type has its own characteristics when gluing, including the time of impregnation and drying.

Wallpaper sticker of two types in the hall, photo

As a result, we need glue for sticking different types of wallpaper. You can also use a universal type of glue, but before making a final decision and buying such glue, consult a specialist. Universal things aren't always that universal. Maybe you should buy a specialized glue after all?

The most difficult duet when gluing two types of wallpaper will be a pair: standard wallpaper + textile coverings. Joints with this combination cannot be hidden, so you should use moldings, curbs and skirting boards.

Combining, we create harmony

The main task of combining two types of wallpaper, like any repair in general, is an excellent result. This means that as a result, we must create a harmonious environment. It will be a little more difficult to achieve this result, but it is real. Additional accessories and details will only help you complete your plan.

Small summary

Combining wallpaper is a fun activity, but there is something to think about. A different kinds wallpaper only whet the interest. Many have already managed to convince themselves of the originality, practicality and beauty of the interiors of the hall, decorated with the help of combined wall coverings. Make sure you too!

The point in our article will be put by a video that will demonstrate various options for combining two types of wallpaper. Look carefully, can the video give you a suitable idea?

If the ideas from the video did not seem enough for you, below in the gallery are presented 28 more photos with options for combined wallpapering in the hall:

If you decide to glue wallpaper of different types in the same room, then you should first consult with the designers.Almost before every renovation, when the question of wall decoration comes up, the option of combining wallpaper is considered. This option is especially often considered when it comes to renovating the living room. I would like to highlight the main wall, make it accent, setting a certain tone for the entire renovation, adjust the appearance of the main room in the apartment. But is this task so simple - combining wallpaper? How to do it beautifully and efficiently, what ideas and methods are currently relevant?

Combination rules: how to glue two types of wallpaper

Knowing the theory in this matter will not be superfluous at all. For example, there are moments from which you need to build on. One of them is the ceiling height. Based on this characteristic, you should choose a pattern, determine the color of the wallpaper and their texture. If the ceiling is low, not higher than 2.5 m, then wallpaper is needed light colors, with a medium-sized pattern, without coarse texture. And if the ceilings are even lower, then the main background of the wallpaper should be light with a dull pattern, and vertical stripes may be located on one of the walls.

Wallpaper in the room should be harmoniously combined in texture and shade.

High ceilings are a reason to glue completely different wallpapers. Here we need a large drawing, which is stretched in width. You can also divide the walls horizontally using the upper and lower half different colors... Horizontal stripes will visually expand the room.

The next point is the size of the room:

  • In small rooms it is correct to use only light colors, if the wallpaper has a texture, then it is weakly expressed, if there is a drawing, then it is medium-sized;
  • The second point is the geometry of the room, if the room is narrow and long, just the same combined gluing is needed, they are glued to short walls light wallpaper some of which, as it were, go around the corner;
  • If the entrance to the room falls on one of the narrow long sides, then the middle of the opposite wall is highlighted in a different color, and the corners are pasted over with wallpaper for short walls.

There's a lot visual techniques, which are interesting to do and to see how the geometry of the room changes. Look at examples of photos - a lot depends on what kind of accent wall you decide to make. By the way, do not forget about vinyl stickers, which can make their own proof of the image of the room.

Vertical combination: options for gluing wallpaper of two types

Vertical stripes are known to visually increase the height of the ceiling. It doesn't matter if the stripes are regular. The current design interpretation of such a “striped” solution suggests that one wall may have striped wallpaper, while the rest may be plain-colored or wallpaper with a nondescript pattern.

An excellent solution when decorating a room is to use wallpaper in blue and white.

But vertical stripes can also be distributed on different walls, in which case, the repetition interval can be equal. The stripes can be different in color and pattern, but then the texture should be the same. Usually, in this case, you have to paste over the room with wallpaper from the same collection in order to ensure a harmonious combination.

Horizontal division: how to paste over a room with two types of wallpaper, photo

And this option is considered a classic combination. It has been used for a long time, and today's rich selection of wallpapers will make it possible to bring to life, probably, the most interesting ideas... This technique is usually used in small rooms, but the ceilings must be high. And in order to remove this effect of the well, a horizontal division is carried out.

It can be a regular horizontal stripe, as if encircling the room. Very often it is tied to the height of the windowsill. Alternatively, the plane is divided into three parts, and the strip can be either at the top or at the bottom.

Sometimes the strip is made at eye level. At the same level, they usually hang some significant decorative elements... This technique is usually used in the design of hallways, long corridors... The division zone passing from above means a light top and a darker bottom.

Zoning: the design of pasting walls with different wallpapers, photo

If you need to somehow emphasize zoning, then various types of wallpaper combinations are used. If, for example, you have a studio apartment, then such a technique with an accent drawing or pattern is sometimes simply necessary. And sometimes these are fundamentally different wallpapers.

Thanks to the different wallpapers, you can easily zon any room

In this case, the zoning may be as follows:

  • One or two adjacent walls are covered with wallpaper with a horizontal strip, which makes it possible to visually lower the ceiling and make the space wider;
  • A covering with a vertical strip on one wall or two adjacent walls will also be relevant in rooms with low ceiling, but with a large area;
  • A floral print in a seating area is also a common technique, very clear and ordering the space.

If you, for example, use a light floral print with too small a pattern, then the decorated part of the room will be light, airy, and seemingly weightless. Here comes the dark flower drawing and large flowers, on the contrary, make the wall heavier. But at the same time, the wall is more noticeable, and accordingly, it looks more significant.

Simple examples: how to glue wallpaper with different wallpapers, photo

When choosing wallpaper, it is important not to allow them to be externally mounted in any way. Before you stick it on, you try on, make a kind of estimate - whether the wallpaper will "make friends". It's easier, of course, to choose companion wallpaper, but this is not always possible.

Consider the following points:

  • You can paste the wallpaper different sizes and design, and a molding is glued to the joints between these wallpapers, thereby the effect of a panel is obtained - the room becomes more elegant;
  • In the living room, you can focus on the area where the fireplace or TV is located;
  • On the central wall, you can glue accent wallpapers that imitate panels;
  • Patchwork is incredibly popular, but rather troublesome, but the effect of a patchwork wall is aesthetically very successful.

Often 3 walls are pasted over with some wallpaper, and 4 walls with others.

For vertical pasting, it is recommended to use the same type of wallpaper of approximately the same thickness so that the joints are not so obvious. For pasting wallpaper with a large pattern, you need at least a "fitting in your mind"; it is better to somehow estimate in advance how the wallpaper samples will look in a particular room. Large drawing always corrects the perception of the room.

Bright pasting of walls: how to paste over a room with different wallpaper

In the bedroom, the bedside area is usually highlighted with bright wallpaper. Can such juicy wallpaper paste over the entire wall, the one to which the headboard of the bed adjoins, or only the one to highlight the wall that is behind the headboard.

In this case, the following tips will be helpful:

  • If the entire wall is pasted over with bright wallpaper, then there should not be a lot of furniture near it - for example, only a bed with side tables;
  • If only part of the wall is pasted over, then the joint line can be emphasized with moldings, slats or skirting boards;
  • If the wallpaper continues on the ceiling, then the ceiling can be visually made higher.

If the space of the room allows, then you can create a symmetrical pattern, while it will be highlighted and sleeping place and a specific area, such as a mirror area. In the bedroom, the combination is almost always advantageous, the size of the room is not so important. Look at the combination examples - all the options are successful, the room looks organized, cozy.

How to glue a room with different wallpapers: kitchen photo

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is not so common, but here you can also play interestingly. The kitchen needs wallpaper that is not afraid of active maintenance. Usually the choice falls on vinyl wallpapers that can be washed without hindrance - it is really very convenient.

If the kitchen is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpaper.

Remember how important the psychology of color is. Experts recommend choosing tones such as peach, milky, gray as the main color, and combine this with fruit and berry wallpaper, with red and strawberry, with bright green. The borders on the walls can be highlighted with a bright ribbon.

Color meaning: options for pasting walls with different wallpapers, photo

Always refer to the color spectrum - this will prevent you from making a mistake in choosing colors, guessing with a combination. Sometimes the colors are similar, close to each other, but they look either frankly bad or inexpressive with each other. Color combination should be flawless, harmonious.