Knauf Superfield: technology laying with their own hands. Super-floor System Knauf: Dry screed in German technology


KNAUF-SUPERPOL - element of the floor produced in the factory. It is glued from two little format sheets who are not afraid of moisture. Their sizes reach 1200x600x10 millimeters. There is a displacement of sheets relative to each other in directions by 50 millimeters.

Description of material

Superfield presents rectangular sheets with a straight or folded edge. Their front side is well polished. The production of the material is carried out by the method of semi-dry pressing of the mixture. It contains a gypsum substance, flushing cellulose waste.

Technical features

Knauf-Superfield makes it possible:

  1. Reduce the number of waste during the installation process.
  2. Reduce load on overlapping, which is important in the event of the reconstruction of old buildings.
  3. Complete floors of floors in rooms with a complex configuration.
  4. Reduce the time of work on finishing.
  5. Enlarge sound- I. heat insulating properties Floor.
  6. Reduce the time of technological breaks.

Also read the materials:

The length of the material is 120 centimeters, the width is 60 centimeters, the thickness is 20 mm. The element weighs about 18 kg. The drain square is equal to 0.72 square meters. Heat fiber coefficient is less than 6.2 W / m2. According to Brinell, the hardness is more than 20 megapascals. When compressed, the strength is more than 10 MPa.


  • KNAUF-SUPERPOL is a reliable, easy installation and modern coating For sex. It solves many problems.
  • Excellent noise insulation is achieved.
  • The desired level can be made without the use of complex mechanisms.
  • You can easily change appearance floor, without changing the design.
  • The element is mounted one by one, the entire floor can be put in 8 hours.
  • Each element weighs a little.
  • Surface after smooth.

Scope of application

Installation of the product is carried out when the prefabricated bases of floors in public, industrial or residential buildings and premises. Standard gypsum fiber sheets are used in buildings with normal or dry humidity characteristics. GVLV can be applied in normal, dry or wet buildings. Knauff sheets are actively used as an element of the superf.

Features of preparatory work

Stacking technology for the presented floor type with their own hands should go with some rules.

  • Prepare rooms - inspect the floor, the corners of the room for cracks, free the space from all over.
  • If defects have discovered outdoor surfaceshould get rid of them.
  • If the installation is carried out in a greenhouse, kitchen or shower, put the film from polyethylene around the perimeter. About the walls of its edge should be higher than the height of the floor design. When working with sand, apply leveling rules.
  • Installation of the coating starts from the wall where the door is installed. If you have to work on the other hand, special islands are required. The walls finished lamellas are cut in place of pairing. The following row leads from the same place.

Important! So that the waste was minimal, the installation of the next row from the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece should be installed.

Installation technology requires care. The displacement of the butts of the ends should not exceed 250 millimeters. If everything is done correctly, the floor will serve securely in the continuation of several decades.

Installation implementation

Installation of the presented floor is relevant in some cases. Conveniently apply it when:

  • terms of work should be limited;
  • lagged larch;
  • there are plates of the floor surface of more than 40 millimeters - the apartments of the old fund;
  • required installation of water supply or ending system repair work;
  • it is necessary to install the floating floor at low ambient temperature.

Installation of a dry band screed "Knauf" (video)

System installation work

First of all, the floor area and its horizontal level are measured. Used building level. On the wall serve serifs, which show the deviation of the base from the horizon.

On the square meter Coatings are placed 50 kg of clay (with full removal of the previous one).

Tools and materials

Floor installation technology involves the use of the following materials and tools:

  • Super pva glue;
  • construction Scotch;
  • system elements;
  • polyurethane foam sealant;
  • screws;
  • vaporizoation;
  • failure clay.

If the curvature indicator of the walls is up to 2 millimeters / mp, it is recommended to use the edge tape. If the sealant is applied above. Its excess is removed using a knife.


After the draft floor is cleaned of dust and debris, steamproofing is carried out. Fall on the walls should be 200 millimeters. Top on the film with plaster put lighthouses - it can be aluminum rails. Their step is 900 millimeters. If the element is put on wooden base Instead of polyethylene film apply:

  • pergamine;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paraffinated paper.

Ceramzit falls asleep between beacons. Roll over its rule. If the layer exceeds 5 centimeters, the backfill should be tumped.

Montage sequence

  • Installation of the floor comes from the corner. The edge that comes with the wall is trimmed. One element in the other is inserted through the spike-groove system.
  • The seams are labeled with glue, connected with screws. The step between them should reach 100 millimeters. Connecting sheet, you should stand on it.
  • The first row should be shown clearly by level. The remaining elements are put, focusing on it.
  • Between the sheets and the wall, the gap of 1 centimeter should remain. It is further worth pouring sealant.
  • At the end of the installation, the floor should be thoroughly speaking.

Some nuances

With the help of the presented design, you can get a very durable floor. However, operation should be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • elements before installation must "get used to" to the room;
  • sheets stored only horizontally;
  • the optimal option is a horizontal layer of clay;
  • in wet rooms It must be a layer of waterproofing.

We also offer you to find out by reading the appropriate article on our website.

Install the system is easy. At the same time, the installation process will cost you much cheaper than the equipment of other systems. The design presented is different high levels Heat and noise protection, allows you to align any surface. The only drawback is the fear of moisture. However, you will definitely not hear the neighbors from the bottom. The system is placed in various production, residential and civil buildings, as well as in the presence of waterproofing, in rooms with high humidity.

Installation of the base of the floor "KNAUF-SUPERPOL" (video)

Preface. Laying the Superflake Knauf do it yourself in the room or many people want to do on the balcony. The floors of this technology are light, unlike concrete floors, in addition, they are warm and reliable. When installing the superfing, less dirt is formed than when bulk polits. We will analyze the device of the floor elements of Knauf on their own and show the video instruction on the installation of dry floors at the end of the material from professionals.

4. Laying floor elements

The main rule when installing floor elements - do not move the leaf on the backfill. You should simply put a sheet on the top of the clay and consolidate it. Although it is not so easy to do, since one sheet weighs about 17 kg. Carrying out the work together, it will be much easier to lay a draft coating. On all sheets walking along the walls, Falts is removed.

5. Fasteners of sheets with self-draws and glue

Sheets are stacked on the floor with a displacement of the seam, like brick masonry or the insulation of the facade of foam. The floor element is two gloveniced sheets glued together, therefore the field for fastening the sheet by self-draws remains. Each floor of the floor KNAUF is fastened throughout the perimeter of the tree by self-taps every 10-15 cm. For greater strength, the manufacturer recommends suture with PVA.

Features of Technology Knauf Superfield

Dry knauf screed superfill is faster than a concrete screed. This is a national system that significantly reduces the complexity of alignment and insulation of the floor. KNAUF The floors significantly reduce the load on floor overlap, since they distribute the weight, in addition, the clay layer significantly increases the thermal insulation of the premises. Typically, floor elements are placed on top of the fuse from the clay with a shallow fraction to 5 mm.

The laying of floor elements is quite simple, but requires a certain skill. This technology has many subtleties, compliance with the manufacturer's instructions will give an excellent result. To make the maintenance of the superplate with your own hands, watch the video lesson from professional builders And learn the process thoroughly. Do not hurry in this matter to eventually get perfectly smooth and warm floors in the house.

As a result of reconstructions, repair of old rooms. It is acute the question of what to do with the floor. The floor has an impact on such parameters of the room as humidity, the level of sound isolation, thermal insulation and ambient temperature.

Usually, a cement tie or wooden flooring is used as black floors.

The Grand Innovation was the technology "KNAUF SUPERPOL", from the leading company Knauff. This technology allows you to quickly and efficiently perform a draft flooring of the floor, for the further use of floor coverings, such as parquet, laminate and linoleum.

Knauf Superfield is a two component system, consisting:

  1. From the sheets of glovenicer gypsum with a chamfer 5 cm. Produced by semi-dry pressing in the factory conditions. Sheets have a thickness of 1-2 cm., 120 cm long and 60 cm width, which reduces their weight and facilitates transportation. Weight of one sheet of about 18 kg. Front side The element of the superplate Knauf is polished. It is also not unlikely to resist the load of 20 MPa.
  2. From the dry screed, which consists of crumbling of the groanzit size of the granules to 5 mm. Ceramzite has excellent thermal insulation, fire-fighting, as well as sound insulation properties. When using granules bigger sizeThe characteristic sound will appear as a result of walking.

The main advantages of Knauff Super Poll

Knauf floor also have shortcomings:

  • Using beacons. Leave them under the plates of the Superflare Knauf can not be, due to them, the deformation of the surface can occur. And in the process of their dismantling, it is difficult to provide a perfectly smooth surface.
  • Sheets Knauf Superplate is afraid of moisture. Increased waterproofing requirements. All material should be dry with minimal moisture content.
  • Not suitable for offices and industrial premiseswhere high dynamic load is used.
  • It is necessary to remove the fold from the plates located at the walls, which leads to a minor seating of the floor.

The Knauf system has the main advantage relative to other methods of alignment of floors, this is not a significant cost. It can be used both in industrial and in residential premises.

Dry tie, used to eliminate drops over 40-50 mm, which is relevant for the old fund. If the height of the layer exceeds 6 cm. It will be necessary to lay the additional layer of plates. Also, the technology can be applied in rooms with any indicator of relative humidity.

Preparatory work

Before starting the Windows Superplate, it is required to conduct preparatory work.

For the installation of the Superflake Knauf do it yourself, we will need:

  1. Building level.
  2. Industrial, or old vacuum cleaner.
  3. Primer.
  4. Hacksaw for metal, marker, sealant.
  5. Waterproofing.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Liquid Nails.
  8. Lights.
  9. Saws.

To begin with, we liberate the surface from different construction debris. Carefully clean the entire surface, it is desirable to use the vacuum cleaner for this. Breasting the surface of the floor tie.

After the primer is dry, you can start waterproofing the floor. But for the beginning of the perimeter of the room, I set the desired backfill level.

As waterproofing material Used vapor insulation film or PVC. The film is stacked with overhearst on each other, and the joke is sickling with scotch. Also, waterproofing is stacked on the wall surface, to the level of the alleged backfill.

After installing the waterproofing layer, noise insulation is also mounted. Usually it is a tape-type insulation with a width of about 100 mm, you can also use a foam ribbon.

After that, you can start frighting the very base under GVL KNAUF superf. For this, the grains is used in bags. But, so, the possibility of the use of sand does not prohibit of different types, dropping or slag with an appropriate fraction of granules.

With a backfill height above 5-6 cm, a layer is required. To begin with, put the lighthouses, far away from the wall, at a distance of 15 cm. All subsequent guides parallel to each other at a distance of 1.5 meters.

After that, the prepared filling bulk materialAlignment is carried out using the rule. After the final level alignment, the lighthouses must be removed.

Gorgeous noise insulating and thermal insulation properties. Minimum load on bearing overlapping. Good suitable for individual houses, apartments. The only lack of moisture fear. The choice is yours.

The appearance on the flooring market KNAUF has become a real breakthrough in the field of construction. Simple in the installation of bulk floors Knauf has already been loved by hundreds of users. And although it is impossible to call the material cheap, the reviews of professionals say that with such a basis you will save forces and time.

Features of bulk gender

Dry screed is a kind of cocktail, created by panel type elements from gypsum fiber. Laying GVL is produced on a special waterproofing film, covered in the ends of at least 20 cm. Also, protection gets out onto the walls, about 6-7 cm. Installation of a dry screed saves time, allowing you to do without wet cement-sand mixture And all manipulations with it are connected. And the main advantage of KNAUF is a high strength and quality of the material. The name of the bulk floor KNAUF indicates that after aligning the surface, the plates of the GWL fall on it, the fastening of which is carried out by means of mounting glue or screws.

Where and when to use bulk dry floors?

Apply or not super-gender - to solve the user, but there are cases when plates Knauff 1200x600x22 mm are the best alternative to any choice:

  1. With the reconstruction of the old outdoor coating Without replacing the old base. The advantages of the plate - low weight, substantially facilitating the load on all bearing elements and quick installation, allowing you to cope with the works without attracting additional force.
  2. If it is planned to install warm electronic sex in a building with wooden floors.
  3. In the case when the styling is necessary in record time, the GVL slabs and the bulk floor of KNAUF is the best solution.
  4. Prefabricated plates are ideal for setting floors during the cold season, when the installation of a traditional screed is not possible.

View material characteristics and pick up the best prices On the goods, and also familiarize yourself with the nuances of the work will help the video.

Technological process of laying bulk gender

It is important to pay attention to the execution of the steps of work so that the elements be in their place and do not have to redo all the work again:

  1. Failure of a dry screed. Material bought in the store, you need to fall asleep on the perimeter of the floor area, focusing on the level for pre-installed beacons. After it is necessary to align the surface by racks and no longer expose to a smooth deformation floor. How to pour and dissolve the dry tie CNAUF will tell a video lesson. Although the reviews of professionals say that no difficulties in the process are foreseen. But to walk on the screed, it is better to pave sheets of GVL (You can pruning), and then the installation of GVL will begin directly.
  2. Device of bulk gender KNAUF. Laying elements of GVL begins with the place of place remote from the entrance. As soon as the first sheet is laid, the second, third one immediately stacked. It is done as close as possible, the gaps between the elements should not be more than 1mm.
  3. After the installation is made, all small joints need to be sealing with glue.

Important! You can not damage the screed in any way. And so that the laying is as strong as possible, you should use the self-drawing.

  1. After the first row of plates is laid, proceed to laying the second row. To start building a series, you can use the cutting of the plate (in the case of cutting an item), but only if the plate size is at least a quarter of the whole;
  2. For smooth walls Installation is carried out without serious gaps, but in the case of irregularities, the remaining gaps are marked with mounting foam.
  3. The reference direction of the elements is determined individually. After completion of the work, the joints must be stuck and deny the putty.

Tip! Work is better to perform in a pair, the weight of one hvl plate is about 17 kg, to withstand it on the elongated hands is difficult. Shakes when working with the material are shifted, as when laying bricks.

The thickness of the dry screed - the third stage

The minimum thickness of the bulk of Knauf, as recommended by professionals, should be at least 4-5 cm. It turns out that the thickness of the sheet is added to the thickness of the sheet (2 cm), also 2-3 cm. The parameters should be taken into account in the case of work own hands. The final flooring (laminate, tile) is also needed to take into account.

The fields of Knauf suggest a minor shrinkage, about 1.5-2 cm, so producing the installation of a dry screed in several rooms, you need to take into account interior transitions.

Waterproofing, sound insulation

All bulk floors are afraid of moisture: swelling, deformation and then uneven seedings - all this can be avoided by setting a waterproofing layer from ordinary polyethylene good thickness. Locked a layer under a dry tie. It is especially important to observe the condition if the floors of the building are wooden. Sealing gaps, holes alabastrome, pressing wires to the base - initial work, after which can be styling waterproofing. All nuances preparatory work You can look at the video.

It is not bad to take care of the sound insulation layer warning the deformation of the floor. To do this, leave a small gap between the GWL and the wall, where any soundproofing material (minvat or foam ribbon on self-adhesive-based basis).

Under what can be installed superf?

Knauf bulk material involves any final finish:

  • Linoleum;
  • Laminate;
  • Ceramic tiles;
  • Parquet;
  • Carpet;
  • Array of wood, veneer.

Super-Paul Knauf is expensive, but such a dry screed is much easier in the installation and is not much inferior according to the characteristics of cement-sand. As a result, the user gets high performance features Elements and speed and ease of installation.

Pluses of modular plates:

  • Fatality which can withstand the load of distributed type 500 kg / m2, point 200 kg / m2;
  • High fire-resistant qualities. The floating floor is ideal for both residential, domestic and production facilities;
  • Hypoallergenicity. Due to the fact that the sheets of GVL and dry screed are produced from natural material, items are recommended for styling in kindergartens, hospitals and other rooms, where elevated standards are presented to the quality of floors;
  • Infertility of deformation. Such characteristics make it possible to avoid in the process of operation of creak, faults of elements. Super-floor will remain as much even with everyday intense loads;
  • Heat and soundproof properties. Laying outdoor coatings Knauff It requires only waterproofing, without the layers of heat, soundproofing material based on. Soundproofing, as indicated above, is required only on wall panels;
  • Maximum short time of work. The device of the floors is so simple that you can cope with them yourself, and without spending a single day to dry out or ripening the composition. At the same time, the floating or modular floor of the KNAUF is ready for operation immediately after laying out and putting the joints;
  • Easy installation. Due to the small format of the elements, the installation of floors can be carried out in different rooms without loss of quality and level;
  • Lack of "wet" works. This quality is especially important if the superflet is laid out in apartments with old supports, where the device wet screed It is impossible due to lag, overlaps.


  1. The superflet has a reduced moisture resistance. The device of the dry screed is impossible without a layer of waterproofing. Also not recommended device Knauf. Indoors with a permanent aggressive wet environment. Moisture falling will require the opening of the plate, the long drying of the filler or the complete replacement of the elements.
  2. Dustiness when working with clay fractions. This is easily avoided by producing installation and backbut in respirators;
  3. High cost compared to other materials.

The shortcomings with which the superfield has minimal. The final price of work, according to professionals, it turns out the slightly higher, rather than laying the wet screed. But the readiness date of the floor (immediately, after the elements are laid) - causes the products of Knauf the ideal solution For practical hosts.

Is it possible, in one day after having tied the floors, already on the next to start laying the finishing coating? Not so long ago it seemed unreal, because "wet" cement strainer Requires at least 28 days for final drying. But for about 15 years ago, a revolutionary technology of Knauf bulk floors appeared, which turned the idea of \u200b\u200bthis process. One of the names established for this reason is "Superfield Knauf".

Today, there is probably no person, one way or another, related to the construction sphere, which would not hear about this company, producing a variety of finishing and building materials, as well as paint products, components of systems suspended ceilings, hydro, heat and soundproofing materials, Fasteners, various tools.

But most of all this company is known for its honed to the smallests of dry couplings technology facing materials, being her ancestor. Founded by the two brothers Knauf in 1932 as a manufacturer of plaster construction mixesAlready in the 50s, the company began the release of the first materials from the plasterboard, becoming soon the undisputed leader of this technology. And today we can confidently say that "Knauf" and plasterboard are two inextricably linked concepts.

Method of bulk floors Knauf is in fact famous technology Semi-dry or dry team screed, when the draft of roughing panels is installed on a substrate from a thin layer of finely dispersed bulk material. They are pressed soft and, it would seem, a loose fill becomes durable and solid, capable of withstanding quite large loads.

In the method company Knauf. To do this, use clay sand is a very fine fraction with a granule size that does not exceed 4 mm. After leveling the backfill, she was covered with lithuanol fiber on the material. Fasting thickness should be between 30 to 100 mm.

Hypus fiber sheets (GVL) differ from the drywall lack of an upper paper coating and are a uniform mixture of gypsum and reinforcing cellulose fibers. Possessing high strength and fire resistance, they are quite environmentally friendly and safely chemically.

Release constructive elements The KNAUF superplate in the form of panels glued out of two Gvlists with dimensions of 1200 × 600 × 10 mm with displacement relative to each other for formation around the perimeter of folders of 50 mm wide, for which they are fastened when laying with each other with adhesive mastic and screws. The total thickness of the formed coating of the superplate is 20 mm.


  1. The main advantage of such technology is the lack of "wet" materials and operations. This is particularly valuable not so much in the process of building new buildings, as in the performance of repair work in already existing, as it eliminates possible leaks and penetration of moisture and dampness in neighboring premises.
  2. High speed performance mounting work. There is no need to apply special mechanisms. Laying the Knauf superplate indoors 20 m² brigade of two people during the working day along with delivery and unloading works is a completely ordinary thing.
  3. Immediately after installing the GBL panels, the floors are ready for laying the finish coating and receiving workloads.
  4. In addition to the speed of laying, the floors of Knauf distinguishes high speed and ease of dismantling work in case of their disassembly. Gvlists are removed using a conventional electrolybiz, then a shovel or a scope is going to frustration.
  5. The small total thickness of the entire "cake" of a dry screed - from 50 mm with a thickness of a layer of frighting from 30 mm - causes a very low loss of height and volume of the room.
  6. The total overall weight of the floor design is significantly less than when traditional methods Shrews. This significantly reduces the load on the bearing elements of overlaps and the design of the entire building.
  7. Low thermal conductivity makes it possible to abandon additional layers of thermal insulators for thin finish coatings, such as laminate, linoleum, cork, etc.
  8. High sound insulation properties of Knauf floors are significantly superior to this parameter wooden and parquet coatings.
  9. Excellent fireproof.
  10. The possibility of installation at any time of the year.
  11. Also, Knauf floors are distinguished by high ecology and chemical inertness.

Basic specifications:

  • dimensions of panels together with folding 50 mm wide - 1250 × 650 × 20 mm;
  • the area covered by one element is 0.75 m²;
  • weight of one panel - no more than 18 kg;
  • evdery by Brinell - 22 MPa (220 kgf / cm²);
  • the strength of the ceramzitic backfill on compression is at least 10 MPa;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.25 ~ 0.35 W / (m² × ° K);
  • soundproofing: 58 dB - from air and 55 dB - from shock noises;
  • fireproofing in classes of flammability, flammability, smoke formation and toxicity of gases - G1, B1, D1, T1;


If we talk about shortcomings kNAUF technology, they are practically no, although many of this material call here here, but leaks and flooding can thoroughly spoil any kinds of floors. Even if the consequences of such accidents are not manifested immediately, after a while they will definitely let them know in the form of fungus, mold and rotting. But the ease of dismantling of the floors Knauf allows you to replace them with the smallest in comparison with other types of coatings by labor costs.

Many homeowners and masters for considerations of savings believe that on the upper floors of buildings and buildings can be neglected by laying moisture protection films under the base of the dry screed. This is a rough mistake, as the flow of moisture can occur on the slabs of overlapping from adjacent rooms. In addition, such a film also performs a vapor barrier function, protecting materials from condensate.

Method of laying

In the constructive technology of the dry screed, which is used in the terminology of Knauf, the designation "ALPHA" in the terminology of the company Knauf, uses single-layer laying of GVL, but there are other options that suggest a more complex "pie" using additional layers of expanded polystyrene foam or tired solid sound and Thermal insulation materials of this company.

Required materials:

Required tools:

  • drill, screwdriver;
  • electrolovik;
  • knife for plasterboard;
  • measuring tools: roulette, meter, square, level;
  • metal profile for the installation of "lighthouses";
  • it has legal for alignment of layer of snowpads by lighthouses.

Step by step guide

  1. The surface of the ceiling slabs under the base of the floor should be well cleaned from the garbage. Starting ends of reinforcement, wires, nails, screws must be neatly cut and removed. Large irregularities and focusing out of concrete out slices of rubble should gently knock down the chisel.
  2. On a prepared foundation pariorazolation film spreads With the lining of neighboring sheets at least 200 mm on each other. Its edges around the perimeter of the room must enter the walls above the level of the future floor.
  3. Then along all walls is installed vertically edge ribbon.designed to compensate for the temperature deformations of the Knauf superflake panels. The compensation gap around the edges is very important condition This technology. It allows you to avoid the intake of the floor with changes in the room temperature.
  4. Along the line of the estimated installation metal profiles Mayakov is poured down the length of a small slide ceramzite. From above, it is pressed into it with a fit of the lighthouses from the calculation of the total backfill thickness of no more than 10 cm. If the replacement of the floors is made only in one room at home, the level of future flooring must "come" to the corresponding level in the rest of the rooms.
  5. The space between the beacons is filled with a claying layer, which is then leveling right. One of the advantages of the floor Knauf is the ability to perform a snowwork and fill the coating is not completely in the entire room, and parts.
  6. Then lighthouses are removed, and tracks from them are being added to a small amount of clay. To the corner where the installation of Gvlists will begin, the "track" from several free panels, which can be moved, without spoiling the rest of the backfill.
  7. Falves of the GWL panels, adjacent to the walls and partitions, must be cut into the thickness in these places to be double. The first row of panels along one of the walls is laid out. Start work follows from the opposite entrance of the wall of the room, gradually moving towards entrance door. Before placing the next row, the seams of the previous one are lubricated with glue or mastic.
  8. Laying of the sheets of each next row is made with their displacement of them relative to the previous at least 250 mm. The formation of cruciform joints is not allowed. Then the cocked joints are fastened with screws with increments not exceeding 300 mm.
  9. After the floor is laid all the room, all the joints between the sheets should be placed by plaster replacement Knauf.
  10. Before installing the finish coating, the KNAUF superfield must be covered with primer deep penetration.

For a significant increase in the strength of the coating, it is possible to install the second layer of GVLPANEL, changing the direction of laying perpendicular to the sheets of the first layer.


The Knauf Superplate technology is better suited for so popular warm floors today. And the high heat insulating properties of bulk floors significantly reduce the heat loss of the room through its basis, which significantly increases energy efficiently to any heating systems. You can confidently say that the cost of installing bulk floors Knauf is good general thermal insulation Houses will pay off within 2-3 years due to savings on heating.