Distance from the bottom of the door to the handle. Which height install the floor door handle

It would seem that such little things like buy door handles on the site and install very simple. However, there are certain rules and important recommendations. The mounting height of the door handles is determined for the purpose of convenience, because they use it extremely often. It is the combination of various trifles of comfort.

Under ergonomics, it is customary to understand the convenience of using the subject. This form includes his form, and location, dimensions. Handles for doors The manufacturers strive to make the most comfortable form. It depends on the size of the door and the middle size of the hand:

    pens-balls (KNOD) are often installed on interior doors - they are very well placed in the palm, and the distance between the ball and the door blade allows you to fit your fingers.

    input massive doors are equipped with bracket handles large sizesto withstand the weight of the door when opening, but such a thickness that is easy to grab the brush

    purpose door handles are universal, and their form reduces the desired pressure of the pressure, at the same time comfortably lick in hand

If the manufacturer is responsible for the form, the installation height determines the owner of the room. Using this opportunity, you can enhance the comfort of the family or the working team.


Generally accepted, universal height of installation handle for doors standard size It is considered 1 m from the floor, and the indentation from the edge is taken at 10 cm. The indicator is calculated, based on the average growth of about 1.7 m and the length of the hands 70 cm. Naturally, this height is not suitable for all in the family, but in the work premises it is quite Applicable.

Personal features

Obviously, the standard indicator changes depending on the growth of family members, such as the handle, features of the room. Calculate individual height is very simple:

    going to the door, lower your hand along

    make a mark at the palm level

    add up 15-20 cm

So that the door handles are comfortable to everyone, you can make markers for each and take averaged number. Especially relevant this will be jointly living people with a large difference in growth.

Some exception refers to children. Of course, for the baby, door handles should be placed significantly lower, especially on the door of the children's room. If the repair fell on teenage years Child, you can put the handles for the doors on the middle for adult height. All the same, it will soon be equal, and then he will overtake parents for growth.

What height is attached door handles?

what height is attached handles on the door?

I install door handles like this: I come to the door of sideways and I note the pencil the place of the palm of a free hanging hand, I add 10 cm up and location found. Optimally for any growth. By the way, my height is 178.

105 is an ergonomic standard. No need to invent anything. I am I tell you as an architect.
210 - Hand reach zone in standing position
197 - Door height
195 - Upper limit level of convenient reaches
190 - Maximum height of the shelf
180 - Maximum height of the placement of controls
176 - Hand reach area in the sitting position
175 - Maximum indicator placement height
160 - Eye level in standing position
140 - 80 Wall Circuit Switches
135 - the limit height of the vertical indicator for using standing.
120 - Barrifying grille for equipment
110 - Balcony Fencing
118 - Eye Level Sitting Men (175) Seat (43)
105 - Door Handle
100 - the minimum height of the fender lattice
80 - Height of the placement of controls, height of planing machine, workbench, lower limit zone
75 - 70 - Desktop
68 - 65 - Table for typewriter
60 - Minimum Foot Space
60 - the depth of the wardrobe
50 - Minimum control height Sitting
43 - Seat for Men
40 - Seat for a woman
30 — optimal height Step steps
15 -17 - the optimal height of the stairs

Firstly, this should be strictly individually, since the growth of residents of a certain room can fluctuate within the limits of at least 1.5 meters to 1.9 meters, and, accordingly, each person will be a convenient arrangement of the handles ...

This is somewhere around the level of the buttock or slightly above ...

On average, the door handles are set by default at an altitude of 1 meter from the floor +/- 10 centimeters.

Here, too, argued about the switches and about the handles and locks and about the Eurostandards, so came to common conclusion Door handles, and accordingly, the locks need to be design at an altitude of 80 cm from the bottom of the door, and not the floor, on the floor there can be a carpet with a pile of 10 cm lying. I will explain why, firstly, the children, secondly, when installing the above, people can touch the handles and injured the hand brushes, it also occurs in the dark when it is spoiled by a person often hits the top of the brush or fingers about a highly located handle and a third aesthetic appearance, if the handles and shrestle B. door box They are above, then they seem to look beautiful, and at the level of 80 cm a person needs to be made specially bent and look, that is, he sees only even platbands and door fittings. I also want to add, all this is good, but there is one but! In each door there is a frame (these are carrying thick bars, along the edges and a few horizontal jumpers) So here the locks and handles need to be embedded in them, in a thick frame in place where it is enhanced by a horizontal jumper, and not higher or lower (adhering to rules or what then standards) otherwise the design will significantly lose in rigidity and reliability!

Usually, the door handles are installed standard at an altitude of 100 centimeters from the floor. But if you install yourself, it is worth considering the growth of those who live in the apartment. Therefore, you can set the handles on 5 centimeters above or vice versa below. Just consider that the handles of all interior doors in your apartment were at the same distance from the floor.

Doorknobs Mixed at an altitude that will be comfortable for residents of the house or apartment.

1000mm is considered as height. It all depends on the height of man, but if you take medium height People, then it turns out that way.

After all, no wonder by default in the program architing door handles are placed at an altitude of 1m.

105 is high, but 100 cm from the floor level is just right

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In order for the door to conveniently open and close, you need to decide on what distance from the floor to install the door handle. There is a standard for installing a handle on the door.

At what height install the handle on the interior door

If the doorbell itself is standard size, the handle is set at a distance of 1 m from the floor, that is, exactly in the middle. This height is considered optimal to close or open the door.

In the case when the door non-standard size, or you are more convenient than another handle location, then the distance from the floor can be defined independently.

Lower your hand along the door. At the palm level, make a chalk mark, add 15-20 cm to this mark up and you can install a handle at this level.

If you have all the doors of the same height, then you should not define the height of installing the handle on each door, just a measure. Just measure the distance from your label to the floor and at the same level set the handles on the other doors.

What height install the handle for the interior door?

The handle is an important part of the "cake" of the interior door, because from the correctness of its installation and the choice will directly depend on the comfort and simplicity to use the entire design, and the hypermarket of interior doors "Door" will help. Most manufacturers offer to install the door already with existing handles and other attached accessories.

Instructions for installing door handle in interior door

The height of the arrangement of the handle in this case is standard and, in accordance with GOST, is 100 cm from the floor.

If the handle is not installed, the models can both have and not have grooves for its mount. In the second case, in the zone of the alleged fixation there is a special bar, which allows you to install the handles and the lock quickly and simply. Here the height is determined independently, but the "limit" of the deposit up and down should not exceed 10 cm.

The height of 100 cm is focused on a person with an increase of 170 cm. But considering that this parameter can vary significantly, the optimal option is to purchase the door without fittings and designated grooves and fix the handle in the place that best suits everyone in the house.


To finally decide on a suitable height, you can follow the following rules:

  • On the wrist. It is necessary to approach the door close, the hands are lowering along the housing. At the wrist level, make a mark and retreat up to 20 cm. The resulting height is optimally suitable for a person who has done measurements.
  • On the elbow. It's all easier here: with a dense approach to the door, the location should be made at the elbow level.

If you take advantage of both methods at the same time, the result in the end should turn out to be approximately the same. No need to make similar measurements for each door. It is enough to install the label on one, measure the resulting distance and measured it on other interior doors at home.

Pen in the room for a child

The height obtained as a result of the above-described measurements of adults is not suitable for children - the child will not reach the handle. On the other hand, additional grooves will negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the structure. Optimal option - Use the pressure handle pressure mechanism and attach the lace to it. The child pulls behind the lace - the door easily opens. When children grow to suitable growth, the lace is reputable.

It is worth considering that the correctly selected height of the arrangement of the handle is not the only one important moment. The element itself should be high-quality and reliable, easy to press. Especially for children. Check this moment stands during the purchase. Only in the amount of product quality proper fastening Provides the convenience of using the interior door.

Expert of the hypermarket of interroom doors "Door" http://www.dverkadverka.ru Zakirova Victoria

What is the height to install the handle of the interior door?

Modern interroom door is a complex system consisting of a variety of details, each of which performs its own function. Sophisticated product work is caused by the choice of components and the correctness of their installation.

For example, a door handle, small but important elementdetermines how comfortable design will be in operation. A convenient opening and closing of the sash directly depends on such a parameter as the height of the handle of the interior door. At what distance from the floor should be installed this detail Accessories?

Standard option

Most manufacturers are released door structureswhere the height of the installation of the interior door handle is predetermined in advance. At a distance of 1000 mm from the floor, or just in the center of the sash, the grooves are already slaughtered under the accessories.

Even if there are no grooves, doors interroom MDF. The economy class in this zone is equipped with a special bar, designed for a more comfortable handle and lock knob. When installing accessories, you can deviate down or up, but not more than 100 mm.

This standard was developed for the average Russian, the growth of which, as researchers believe, is 170 cm, and the length of the hand is 70 cm. However, this height of the interior door handle can not be approached by everything.

Determination of the convenient location of the fittings

To find out at what distance from the floor should be mounted the product, you can conduct a small study.

Become near the door, lower your hand at that point, where your palm ends and the wrist begins, make a mark. Squeeze up 20 cm.

How to find the right decision to determine the height of the floor door handle?

It is in this place that you can install a handle, without fear that it will be inconvenient to use it.

The location of the fittings is determined by the one where your elbow is when you closely approached the door. The result coincides with previous calculations.

Pen in the children's room

The problem can be solved with the help of a push product and a lace attached to it. While the child does not reach the knob, he can open the door, just pulling the lace.

When buying ready-made "turnkey" doors, the question of the height of the installation of the handles for obvious reasons is not relevant. If you decide to stop your choice on the doors involving independent installation fittings, it should be remembered that many manufacturers in the installation places of the handles do in door canvas Special inserts - In such cases, it is not possible to talk about choosing the height of the installation of the handles: above or below this place to produce the insert you just can't. In all other cases, the issue of the distance of the floor handles is relevant and not so simple as it seems at first glance - there are things, day-to-day, from year to year, impuditably irritation. The height of the door handles belongs to such things.

Let's start with the fact that there is a standard to refer in many descriptions and which is based on many doors manufacturers. According to this standard

the handle of the interroom should be
at an altitude of 1 meter from the floor surface

Some consider standard vowels, others are strangers, but it exists and with this fact must be reckoned. In general, this height is optimal and you can navigate it. You can, if you do not want a really convenient arrangement of the handles of your doors - standards in many cases determine a certain average value that satisfies according to the specified criteria for the average human. But people are different! Therefore, it makes sense to take into account not standards, but the convenience of use.

How to measure the height of the door handle

This formula was adopted for self-definition of the height of the handles in interroom doors:

  • Become a door and lower your hand.
  • At the height of the palm Make a label.
  • Add 15-20 centimeters to the tag height.

The resulting value will be the optimal variant of the arrangement of the handles.

In general, add nothing to this technique - everything is simple and understandable. But one remark will still be done.
At the beginning of the century, I put the doors to my apartment - the doorway was squaring, installed the box, cut the loops and handles. In those days, there was no Internet and learn the height of the arrangement of the handle was simply nowhere - I had to focus on your own feelings.

How to decide on the height of the interroom handle

The height was selected, the handles are embedded, since then a lot of water has flowed.
Working on this article, it became interesting for me to verify my height of the handle with the formula. It turned out, nothing close! The handles are located at an altitude of 85 centimeters from the floor right at the level of the middle of the palms. After attaching to this height of 15-20 centimeters by the formula, I realized that a higher accommodation would be uncomfortable - it was confirmed by all households, including a cat that gets up to the handles.
I make conclusions yourself, but I note that I have round handles - brace-shaped models would require greater height and a distance of 1 meter could really be the optimal value.

More recently (during the time of the USSR) the answer to the question: "At what height do the door handles are installed," you could be found in Guest. According to the last door handle should be placed at a height of 100 cm from the floor. True, Gosta was not always respected, therefore, even in the construction of the time, one could meet the most different arrangement of the handles.

Ergonomic and convenience

Today there are no such standards, and decide this question It must be based on the type of door, the physical characteristics of the people who exploit them and other conditions.

Depending on the installation site, open and close it is often or very often. So, for example, the door of the bathroom or toilet man opens up to ten times a day and no less incidents fall on kitchen door. Interior doors are also not deprived by our attention. In everyday life, a person usually does not notice such trifles, but if there is a possibility to change something for the better, why not do this?

So, according to the research and rules of ergonomics, the location of the handles at the belt level is considered optimal, and the angle that forms a hand bent into the elbow when placed on the handle should be 90 degrees.

On the standard door The installation of the handle is performed at a distance of 100 centimeters from the floor (approximately in the middle) with an indent from the edge - 10 centimeters (more accurate recommendations can be given, knowing the type of handle, the location of the door is relative to the wall)

What is the height to put the door handles if the door is non-standard size? There is a fairly simple method for determining the height of the installation door knob. It is necessary to approach the doors and lower your arms along the body. By the border on which the palms are located must be added 15-20 centimeters - this will be the desired height of the placement of the handle.

The handle on the doors of the children's room should be sampled slightly below. If several doors come into one room, the height of the installation of the handles they should not differ, as well, and the design of the handles themselves is pretty simple ruleswithout which it is impossible to achieve the unity of the style.

Installing the door handle on interroom door performed with your own hands because door blocks Do not equip fittings. To do this, it is necessary to choose a tool for the required work. Each accessory has an application instruction. It is indicated for a person for a person the floor of the floor coating, constructive scheme. If there is no indication of the installation height, one condition is necessary for door handles. A person should not open the door in a bent position (about 1 m from the floor).

Drawing with dimensions for installation of door handles

Depending on the wishes of a person, only the installation of the handle of the door opening mechanism or door handles is performed with mechanical or electromechanical castle. Industry manufactures various systems locking housing or room. The feature of the locks is that millions of structures should be opened with various keys.

Installation work must be performed in a specific sequence:

Step-by-step instructions for installing handle on doors

Tools for work:
  • screwdriver (drill);
  • carpentry meter, pencil for marking;
  • a set of drill on wood, crown for drilling large diameters.

All door handles can be divided into overhead and mortise. Cutting handles can be divided into rotary structures and swivel with lock. To protect the castle from unauthorized discovery, it is necessary to create production facilities for the production of locks, keys of various modifications and sizes.

Diagram for mounting door handle

They must be protected from water, frost and from the opening of the launder. Many designs require a master of certain professional skills. Install the door handle is impossible without special skills and tools. If it is reference, then it is not related to the opening mechanisms.
When markup, it is required to determine the place that will not interfere with the rotation of the key and will be at the level of human hand.

Playing the door lock mechanism with handle

As a rule, they are decorative decoration Doors. Particularly different rotary handles of German producers. The following installation is considered the design of the rotary handle with the lock without locking the doors. Using a simple pencil and roulette, it is necessary to place the place of the hole for the handle and the lock.

Door markup process for installing handle

Pick up the diameter of the rotary rod of the metal drill for metal doors And drill on wood for wooden. Drill and drills - feather, drill hole for the latch to the depth needed for the complete entry of the latch strip.

The following task is to accurately drill a hole for the handle. After driving a latch, drill a small signaling hole. Insert the latch and visually determine the accuracy of the hole in the door canvas and the holes in the latch.

The process of drilling holes for door handles

Making sure exactly perform a hole on the required size. Having gathered and fixing the handle, in the door canvas, make a markup for the louting with a deepening. By the method of selecting, pre-collecting and disassembled, bring the size of the Lutka to the required dimensions. Such a handle should be in size of the thickness of the door of the door.

Marking Door under the groove

When placing a tongue installation location, the chisel displaced the grooves for a plank with screws for fastening and for a snap-down plank in the door box. On both sides, the rotary handle is fixed with screws and hoping from pulling.

Installing mortise locks with handles

Cutting locks with a rotary handle and a lock in the end of the door web, the special design of the castle cylinder is produced by plants by manufacturers more than a million castle options. The number of such models is sufficient for metallic and wooden doors. Installation with your own hands the mortise mechanisms begins with a thorough markup on one side of the door of the mounting mechanisms.

Door Markup Scheme for Door Castle Installation

The chisel to vouch the groove in the body of the door canvase in size to the mechanism of the locking system. The mechanism is installed at the end of the web and closes the invoice.

When working you have to use the chisels different sizes, periodically dragging on grinding machine or Broke at a certain angle.

Making sure that the lock design is completely recessed, in the door of the door, we perform using a drill signal hole with a thin drill for a rotary handle, pre-removing the lock from the door.

Check the accuracy of the opening and carry out the door drilling using the crown of the required size from two sides of the door until the middle of the handle can. After installing the lock and knobs, it is necessary to drag all the screws. After checking the performance of the lock without closing the doors, you can proceed to the markup of the groove for the Lutka.
IN door box Opposite the castle to make a mark on the latch box. Opening the door of the door, perform markup, arrange and secure the lutok with a groove.

In the event that the label is made with an error and the lock tongue, the lock is not included or there is a large backlash. It is necessary to dismantle the logs to make a grocel of the chisel tool. The lining of the Lutka and Planck of the castle should be lined tightly, but without friction.


If necessary, unscrew the fastening screws and deepen planting place. Or perform a lining from cardboard in size and thickness.
See in the video process of installing the castle in the interroom door.

Interior doors are sold without fittings. Therefore, buying and installing door handles is made separately. To do this, you can use the services of a carpenter or insert it yourself.

Types of door handles

Choosing accessories, you need to know what kind of types of pens, and what they differ from each other. The diversity proposed in stores allows you to choose them under the style of the room and provides ergonomics in use. Depending on the installation method, the products are divided into two classes:

  • overhead;
  • curling.

The invoices are attached to the surface and, as a rule, it does not arise with them. And mortise require pre-training Holes in the door canvase.

Curling products can be two types:

  • Rotary, they are also called knob knobs, which when turning the handles open or close the latch, holding the interroom door in a closed state. In most cases, they are made in the form of a ball or disk.
  • Pressures work on the same principle as turning, only the mechanism is activated when pressed on the handle. As a rule, they are sold along with the lock or latch, from where they arise another name - press-latch pressure handles. Accessories with a pressure mechanism is widely used for both interroom and entrance doors.

What kind of product is better to choose, depends only on your preferences. It should also take into account the style of the room. Designers advise you to buy them for all doors in one room are the same.

The height on which the door handle should be, is clearly not fixed by any standards. On average, it is located at a distance of 1 meter from the floor. This value can fluctuate in a large or smaller direction depending on your preferences. It may also depend on the growth of those who constantly use the door. When installing can be repelled on what level there are other handles in the room, the height of their location is the same.


In order to insert a handle in the interroom door, you need to have a specific set of tools. It includes:

  • roulette, square and pencil;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver, drill;
  • drill, crown.

Use of all required tools Significantly facilitates the work process. It is quite possible to embed the accessories and without a screwdriver and crown, but in this case the work will take much longer.

Installation of fittings ideally produced when the canvas is removed from the loops. If it is impossible to do this, then it is necessary to secure it reliably to perform the markup and insertion and smoothly.

Before you start, I will well learn the instructions for the door handle. There are all sizes, and you will know which diameter of the crown and pen will need to work.

The instruction below will help put the handle on the door cloth and avoid errors. And those who first encountered such a thing, it will be useful to watch the video on this topic to have a visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming installation work.

Step-by-step instruction installation door handle

  1. Marking of the canvas.
  2. Drilling hole for handle and lock.
  3. Installation of the castle
  4. Running knobs.
  5. Marking Lutka.
  6. Cutting the groove in the log

We will pay a separate attention to each stage of work, in detail his disassemble.

Marking of the web

The installation begins with marking on the door canvase. At first, it should be declared which height will be selected for the arms of the handle. With the help of the carbon, roulette and pencil, there are places on the canvas in which the holes need to be made. To do this, measure the required distance from the floor and carry out a pencil horizontal line first on one side, and then transfer it to the end and the other side.

At the end, in the middle of the battered line, we mark the place in which the hole will be done under the castle tongue. On the same line on both sides at the same distance from the beginning of the web - this is usually 60 mm - we mark the place where the handle itself will be inserted.

Drilling hole for handles and lock

With drill and crowns make a hole for the door handle. You need to check on each side of the web to the depth of half the thickness of the interior door. Specialists for convenience recommend on outside Crowns make a marker mark. Initially, on the one hand, drills to the required depth, and then on the other to complete drilling. This is done so that the crown does not go to the side and not to damage appearance When sampling the material under the accessories. Keep drill at an angle of 90 degrees and prevent its deviations either vertically or horizontally. With the help of the chisels smooth out all the irregularities.

Hole for the lock we make a drill and pen. It should be carefully taken carefully, since the distance between the pen and the end angle is not very large.

Some experts prefer to first make a hole for the latch, and then for the handle. In what order it will do you not fundamentally.

Installation of the castle

To install the lock, you need to insert it into the corresponding hole. The lining, apply from above and supply it around the perimeter with a pencil. Now it is necessary to choose a stitch material to depth, equal to the width of the lining, in order to drown it in the canvas. For convenience, you can use several chisels of different widths.

The pad is attached to the door on the screws. Holes for them are recommended to do in advance with the help of a thin drill, putting the lining and noting required places pencil.

Cutting knob

There are products in which screws are outside. It is not necessary to disassemble them. By putting in place one part, it is necessary to get into the holes of the latch with two guides, which provide carved under the bolts. Then you need to put the second half and pull the bolts. You need to twist them evenly so that the handle worked well, and the latch easily returned back.

Products in which screws are hidden, it is necessary to disassemble. Complete to them there is an instruction and key to disassembly. The handle is easy to remove, if you find a stopper on it and put the key on it. The collapsible portion is screwed by bolts, after which the handle is put in place. Do not use force, the assembly should pass easily if you do everything right.

Marking Lutcie

After installing the handle, you need to make the appropriate hole for the tongue in the log. Therefore, first of all it is important to perform correctly markup so that the door is well closed, and the castle entered the groove without effort and friction.

We close the interroom door and note the pencil on the louting top and bottom of the tongue. With the help of the kitchen, we determine the exact middle of the lock and mark this value on the LUTK. Drill and pen make a hole and remove the extra material of the chisel.

Cutting the groove in the log

Before fastening the lining, it is important to check how the door closes. This will allow you to confident that the groove for the tongue is made correctly and there will be no difficulty during operation. In the closed state, the door should have a small backlash, that is, she must be a little staggering. It is necessary, because the thickness of the metal will be added to the groove.

Fastening the plank produced flush with the louting. For this, as when installing the lock, it must be dried in the Lutka to the desired depth.

A small backlash can remain even after you screwed the lining. This defect is fixed simply. In the response, there is always a tongue with a small hole under a screwdriver. It is provided specifically to curb it. Using a flat screwdriver inserted into this tongue, you can adjust the doors, bent it a bit.

Visually, the entire process described can be seen on the video on the cutting of accessories into interior doors. The installation of the handle can be considered successful if it is easily rotated and the latch without friction and effort is included in the groove.

Modern interroom door is a complex system consisting of a variety of details, each of which performs its own function. Sophisticated product work is caused by the choice of components and the correctness of their installation.

For example, a door handle, a small, but important item, determines how comfortable design will be in operation. A convenient opening and closing of the sash directly depends on such a parameter as the height of the handle of the interior door.

What should be the height of the interior door handle?

At what distance from the floor should this detail of the fitness be installed?

Standard option

Most manufacturers release door structures in which the height of the installation of the interior door handle is predetermined in advance. At a distance of 1000 mm from the floor, or just in the center of the sash, the grooves are already slaughtered under the accessories.

Even if there are no grooves, interior MDF economy class doors in the area are equipped with a special bar, designed for a more comfortable knobs and a lock. When installing accessories, you can deviate down or up, but not more than 100 mm.

This standard was developed for the average Russian, the growth of which, as researchers believe, is 170 cm, and the length of the hand is 70 cm. However, this height of the interior door handle can not be approached by everything.

Determination of the convenient location of the fittings

To find out at what distance from the floor should be mounted the product, you can conduct a small study.

Become near the door, lower your hand at that point, where your palm ends and the wrist begins, make a mark. Count up 20 cm. It is in this place that you can install a handle without fear that it will be inconvenient to use it.

The location of the fittings is determined by the one where your elbow is when you closely approached the door. The result coincides with previous calculations.

Pen in the children's room

The problem can be solved with the help of a push product and a lace attached to it. While the child does not reach the knob, he can open the door, just pulling the lace.

What height is attached door handles?

what height is attached handles on the door?

I install door handles like this: I come to the door of sideways and I note the pencil the place of the palm of a free hanging hand, I add 10 cm up and location found. Optimally for any growth. By the way, my height is 178.

105 is an ergonomic standard. No need to invent anything. I am I tell you as an architect.
210 - Hand reach zone in standing position
197 - Door height
195 - Upper limit level of convenient reaches
190 - Maximum height of the shelf
180 - Maximum height of the placement of controls
176 - Hand reach area in the sitting position
175 - Maximum indicator placement height
160 - Eye level in standing position
140 - 80 Wall Circuit Switches
135 - the limit height of the vertical indicator for using standing.
120 - Barrifying grille for equipment
110 - Balcony Fencing
118 - Eye Level Sitting Men (175) Seat (43)
105 - Door Handle
100 - the minimum height of the fender lattice
80 - Height of the placement of controls, height of planing machine, workbench, lower limit zone
75 - 70 - Desktop
68 - 65 - Table for typewriter
60 - Minimum Foot Space
60 - the depth of the wardrobe
50 - Minimum control height Sitting
43 - Seat for Men
40 - Seat for a woman
30 - the optimal height of the stepladder
15 -17 - the optimal height of the stairs

Firstly, this should be strictly individually, since the growth of residents of a certain room can fluctuate within the limits of at least 1.5 meters to 1.9 meters, and, accordingly, each person will be a convenient arrangement of the handles ...

This is somewhere around the level of the buttock or slightly above ...

On average, the door handles are set by default at an altitude of 1 meter from the floor +/- 10 centimeters.

I also argued about the switches and about the handles and locks and about the Eurostandards, so came to the overall conclusion door handles, and, accordingly, the locks need to be designed at an altitude of 80 cm from the door bottom, and not the floor, on the floor there may be a carpet With a pile of 10 cm lying. I will explain why, firstly, the children, secondly, when installing the above, people can touch the handles and injured the hand brushes, it also occurs in the dark when it is spoiled by a person often hits the top of the brush or fingers about a highly located handle and a third aesthetic appearance, if the handles And the shootings in the door box are above, then they seem to look beautifully, and at the level of 80 cm a person needs to be made specially bent and look, that is, he sees only smooth platforms and door fittings. I also want to add, all this is good, but there is one but! In each door there is a frame (these are carrying thick bars, along the edges and a few horizontal jumpers) So here the locks and handles need to be embedded in them, in a thick frame in place where it is enhanced by a horizontal jumper, and not higher or lower (adhering to rules or what then standards) otherwise the design will significantly lose in rigidity and reliability!

Usually, the door handles are installed standard at an altitude of 100 centimeters from the floor.

How to install handles on interroom doors

But if you install yourself, it is worth considering the growth of those who live in the apartment. Therefore, you can set the handles on 5 centimeters above or vice versa below. Just consider that the handles of all interior doors in your apartment were at the same distance from the floor.

Doorknobs Mixed at an altitude that will be comfortable for residents of the house or apartment.

1000mm is considered as height. It all depends on the height of a person, but if you take the average growth of people, it will turn out exactly that way.

After all, no wonder by default in the program architing door handles are placed at an altitude of 1m.

105 is high, but 100 cm from the floor level is just right

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What height install the handle for the interior door?

The handle is an important part of the "cake" of the interior door, because from the correctness of its installation and the choice will directly depend on the comfort and simplicity to use the entire design, and the hypermarket of interior doors "Door" will help. Most manufacturers offer to install the door already with existing handles and other attached accessories. The height of the arrangement of the handle in this case is standard and, in accordance with GOST, is 100 cm from the floor.

If the handle is not installed, the models can both have and not have grooves for its mount. In the second case, in the zone of the alleged fixation there is a special bar, which allows you to install the handles and the lock quickly and simply. Here the height is determined independently, but the "limit" of the deposit up and down should not exceed 10 cm.

The height of 100 cm is focused on a person with an increase of 170 cm. But considering that this parameter can vary significantly, the optimal option is to purchase the door without fittings and designated grooves and fix the handle in the place that best suits everyone in the house.


To finally decide on a suitable height, you can follow the following rules:

  • On the wrist. It is necessary to approach the door close, the hands are lowering along the housing.

    How to decide on the height of the interroom handle

    At the wrist level, make a mark and retreat up to 20 cm. The resulting height is optimally suitable for a person who has done measurements.

  • On the elbow. It's all easier here: with a dense approach to the door, the location should be made at the elbow level.

If you take advantage of both methods at the same time, the result in the end should turn out to be approximately the same. No need to make similar measurements for each door. It is enough to install the label on one, measure the resulting distance and measured it on other interior doors at home.

Pen in the room for a child

The height obtained as a result of the above-described measurements of adults is not suitable for children - the child will not reach the handle. On the other hand, additional grooves will negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the structure. The optimal option is to use the pressure handle mechanism and attach the lace to it. The child pulls behind the lace - the door easily opens. When children grow to suitable growth, the lace is reputable.

It is worth considering that the correctly selected height of the arrangement of the handle is not the only important point. The element itself should be high-quality and reliable, easy to press. Especially for children. Check this moment stands during the purchase. Only in the amount of product quality, the correct fastening will provide the convenience of using the interior door.

Expert hypermarket of interroom doors "Door" http://www.dverkadverka.ru Zakirova Victoria