Solid state laser with his own hands. How to make a powerful laser

Today we will talk about how to make a self-powerful green or blue laser at home from handicraft materials with your own hands. Also consider drawings, schemes and device of self-made laser pointers with an igniting ray and range up to 20 km

The basis of the laser device is an optical quantum generator, which, using electrical, thermal, chemical or other energy, produces a laser beam.

The basis of the laser is based on the phenomenon of forced (induced) radiation. The radiation of the laser can be continuous, with a constant power, or impulse, achieving extremely large peak capacities. The essence of the phenomenon is that the excited atom is able to emit a photon under the action of another photon without its absorption, if the energy of the latter equals the difference in the energy of the atom levels before and after radiation. In this case, the radiated photon is coherent photon, which caused radiation, that is, it is its exact copy. Thus, light gain occurs. This phenomenon differs from spontaneous radiation in which the emitted photons have random distribution directions, polarization and phase
The likelihood that a random photon will cause induced radiation of an excited atom, exactly equals the probability of absorption of this photone at an atom in an unexcited state. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance light that the excited atoms in the medium were larger than the unexcited. In the equilibrium state, this condition is not performed, so used various systems pumping the active medium of the laser (optical, electrical, chemical, etc.). In some schemes, the working element of the laser is used as an optical amplifier for radiation from another source.

In the quantum generator there is no external flux of photons, inverse population is created inside it with various pump sources. Depending on sources exist various methods pumping:
optical - powerful flash lamp;
gas discharge in the working substance (active medium);
injection (transfer) current carriers in semiconductor in zone
r-p transitions;
electronic excitation (irradiation in vacuum of a pure semiconductor by electron flow);
heat (heating gas, followed by its sharp cooling;
chemical (use of energy chemical reactions) and some others.

The primary source of generation is the process of spontaneous radiation, therefore, to ensure the continuity of photon generations, the existence of a positive feedback is necessary, due to which the resulsive photons cause subsequent acts of induced radiation. To do this, the active laser environment is placed in an optical resonator. In the simplest case, it represents two mirrors, one of which is translucent - the laser beam is partially out of the resonator through it.

Reflecting from the mirrors, the radiation bundle passes the resonator repeatedly, causing induced transitions in it. Radiation can be both continuous and impulse. At the same time, using various devices for quick shutdown and inclusion of feedback and a decrease in the very period of pulse period, it is possible to create conditions for generating a very high power radiation - these are the so-called giant impulses. This mode of operation of the laser is called modulated quality facilities.
The laser beam is a coherent, monochrome, polarized narrow-controlled light stream. In a word, it is a beam of light emitted not only that synchronous sources are also in a very narrow range, and sooner. Summary extremely concentrated light flux.

The radiation generated by the laser is monochromatic, the probability of photon radiation of a certain wavelength is greater than the closely located, associated with the broadening of the spectral line and the likelihood of induced transitions at this frequency also has a maximum. Therefore, gradually in the process of generating photons of this wavelength will dominate all other photons. In addition, due to the special location of the mirrors in the laser beam, only those photons that are distributed in the direction parallel to the optical axis of the resonator are presented at a short distance from her, the remaining photons quickly leave the volume of the resonator. Thus, the laser beam has a very small divergence angle. Finally, the laser beam has strictly defined polarization. To do this, various polarizers are introduced into the resonator, for example, they can serve as flat glass plates, mounted at the corner of the brutener to the direction of the spread of the laser beam.

From how the working body is used in the laser, the working length of its wave is depends, as well as other properties. The working fluid is subjected to "pumping" by energy in order to obtain the effect of inversion of electronic populations, which causes forced radiation of photons and the effect of optical amplification. The simplest form of an optical resonator is two parallel mirrors (there can also be four or more) located around the working fluid of the laser. The forced radiation of the working body is reflected in the mirrors back and amplified again. Until the output of the outside, the wave can be reflected many times.

So, we formulate a brief condition necessary to create a source of coherent light:

need a working substance with inverse population. Only then can be obtained to gain light due to forced transitions;
the working substance should be placed between the mirrors that exercise feedback;
the amplification given by the working substance, and therefore the number of excited atoms or molecules in the working substance should be greater than the threshold value depending on the reflection coefficient of the output mirror.

The design of the lasers can use the following types of working bodies:

Liquid. It is used as a working fluid, for example, in lasers on dyes. The composition includes an organic solvent (methanol, ethanol or ethylene glycol), in which chemical dyes (coumarin or rhodamine) are dissolved. The working wavelength of the liquid lasers is determined by the configuration of the molecules of the dye used.

Gases. In particular, carbon dioxide, argon, crypton or gas mixesas in helium neon lasers. "Package" with the energy of these lasers is most often carried out using electrical discharges.
Solid bodies (crystals and windows). The solid material of such working bodies is activated (doped) by adding a small number of chromium ions, neodymium, erbium or titanium. The following crystals are usually used: alumo-yttrium grenades, lithium-yttrium fluoride, sapphire (aluminum oxide) and silicate glass. Solid state lasers are usually "pumped up" with a pulsed lamp or another laser.

Semiconductors. The material in which the transition of electrons between the energy levels may be accompanied by radiation. Semiconductor lasers are very compact, "pumping out" electric shockwhat allows them to be used in household devices, such as CD players.

To turn the amplifier to the generator, you need to organize feedback. In the lasers, it is achieved when placing an active substance between reflective surfaces (mirrors) forming the so-called "open resonator" due to the fact that part of the energies emitted active substance reflected from the mirrors and returns again to the active substance

Optical resonators are used in the laser different types - with flat mirrors, spherical, combinations of flat and spherical, etc. In optical resonators, providing feedback in the laser, only some certain types of oscillations may be excited. electromagnetic fieldwhich are called their own oscillations or modes of the resonator.

Fashion are characterized by frequency and shape, i.e., the spatial distribution of oscillations. In a resonator with flat mirrors, oscillation types are predominantly excited, corresponding to flat waves propagating along the resonator axis. The system of two parallel mirrors resonates only at certain frequencies - and performs in the laser and the role that the oscillating circuit plays in conventional low-frequency generators.

The use of an open resonator (and not closed - a closed metal cavity - characteristic of the microwave range) principal, since in the optical range the resonator with dimensions l \u003d? (L is the characteristic size of the resonator ,? - the wavelength) simply can not be made, and with L \u003e\u003e? A closed resonator loses resonant properties, since the number possible types The oscillations becomes so big that they overlap.

The absence of side walls significantly reduces the number of possible types of oscillations (mod) due to the fact that the waves propagating at an angle to the axis of the resonator quickly go beyond its limits, and allows you to save the resonant properties of the resonator at L \u003e\u003e?. However, the resonator in the laser not only provides feedback due to the return reflected from the radiation mirrors into the active substance, but also determines the laser radiation spectrum, its energy characteristics, the direction of radiation.
In the simplest flat wave approximation, the resonance condition in a flat mirror resonator is that a whole number of half-filled on the resonator is laid: L \u003d Q (? / 2) (q is an integer), which leads to expression for the type of oscillation type with the index Q :? Q \u003d Q (C / 2L). As a result, L. radiation spectrum, as a rule, is a set of narrow spectral lines, the intervals between which are the same and equal to C / 2L. The number of lines (component) at a given length L depends on the properties of the active medium, i.e. on the spectrum of spontaneous radiation on the quantum transition used and can reach several tens and hundreds. Under certain conditions, it is possible to select one spectral component, i.e. to carry out a single mode generation mode. The spectral width of each of the components is determined by the loss of energy in the resonator and, first of all, the transmission and absorption of light by mirrors.

The frequency profile of the gain in the working substance (it is determined by the width and form of the working substance line) and the set of own frequencies of the open resonator. For used in open resonator lasers with high qualityness bandwidth of the resonator ?? p, determining the width of the resonant curves separate modes, and even the distance between adjacent modes ?? H is less than the width of the amplification line ?? H, and even in gas lasers, where the broadening of the lines is the least. Therefore, several types of resonator oscillations fall into the gain circuit.

Thus, the laser does not necessarily generate on one frequency, more often, on the contrary, the generation occurs simultaneously on several types of oscillations for which the amplification? More losses in the resonator. In order for the laser to work at one frequency (in one-frequency mode), it is necessary, as a rule, to take special measures (for example, to increase the loss, as shown in Figure 3) or change the distance between the mirrors so that only one falls into the increasing circuit fashion. Since in optics, as noted above ,? H\u003e? P and the generation frequency in the laser is determined in the main frequency of the resonator, then to keep the stable generation frequency, it is necessary to stabilize the resonator. So, if the gain in the working substance overlaps losses in the resonator for certain types of oscillations, they arise to generation. The seed for its occurrence is, as in any generator, noises representing spontaneous radiation in lasers.
In order for the active medium to radiate the coherent monochromatic light, it is necessary to enter feedback, i.e., part of the light-emitted light flux to be directed back to the medium for the implementation of forced radiation. Positive feedback is carried out using optical resonators, which in the elementary embodiment are two coaxial (parallel and on one axis) of the mirrors, one of which is translucent, and the other is "deaf", i.e., completely reflects the light stream. The working substance (active medium), which creates an inverse population, is located between the mirrors. Forced radiation passes through the active medium, enhanced, reflected from the mirror, again passes through the medium and is even more intensified. Through a translucent mirror, part of the radiation is emitted external environmentAnd the part is reflected back to Wednesday and is reinforced again. Under certain conditions, the flow of photons inside the working substance will begin avalanche-like an increase, the generation of monochromatic coherent light will begin.

The principle of operation of the optical resonator, the prevailing number of particles of the working substance, represented by light circles, are in the main state, i.e. at the lower energy level. Only a small number of particles represented by dark circles are in an electronically excited state. When exposed to a working substance, the pump source is the main amount of particles goes into an excited state (the amount of dark circles has increased), an inverse population has been created. Further (Fig. 2B), spontaneous radiation of some particles in electronically excited state occurs. Radiation directed at an angle to the resonator axis will leave the working substance and the resonator. Radiation, which is directed along the axis of the resonator, will suit the mirror surface.

In a translucent mirror, part of the radiation will pass through it in environmentAnd the part will reflect and again go to the working substance, involving the particles in the excited state in the process of forced radiation.

In the "deaf" mirror, the entire radiation stream will reflect and reappears a working substance, induced by the radiation of all the remaining excited particles, where the situation is reflected when all excited particles have given their storage energy, and at the output of the resonator, a powerful flow of induced radiation was formed on the side of the translucent mirror.

Maintenance constructive elements Laser includes a working substance with certain energy levels of the components of their atoms and molecules, a pump source that creates inverse population in the working substance, and an optical resonator. There are a large number of different lasers, but all of them have the same and moreover a simple principal scheme of the device, which is presented in Fig. 3.

The exceptions are semiconductor lasers due to their specificity, since they have everything special: and process physics, and pumping methods, and design. Semiconductors are crystalline formations. In a separate atom, the electron energy adopts strictly defined discrete values, and therefore the energy states of the electron in the atom are described in the level language. In the semiconductor crystal, energy levels form energy zones. In a pure, non-impurity semiconductor, there are two zones: the so-called valence zone and located above it (on the energy scale) of the conduction zone.

Between them there is a gap of the prohibited energy values, which is called a forbidden zone. At a semiconductor temperature equal to the absolute zero, the valence area should be completely filled with electrons, and the conduction zone should be empty. In real conditions, the temperature is always higher than absolute zero. But an increase in temperature leads to thermal excitation of electrons, some of them jumps from the valence zone to the conduction zone.

As a result of this process, some (relatively small) amount of electrons appear in the conduction zone, and in the valence zone until its full filling will miss the corresponding amount of electrons. The electronic vacancy in the valence zone is represented by a positively charged particle, which is called a hole. The switched electron transition through the prohibited zone from the bottom is considered as the process of generating an electron-hole pair, and the electrons are focused on the lower edge of the conduction zone, and the holes are at the top edge of the valence zone. Transitions through the forbidden zone are possible not only from the bottom up, but from top to bottom. Such a process is called electron recombination and hole.

When irradiated with a pure semiconductor, the photon energy of which is somewhat exceeds the width of the prohibited zone, three types of light interaction can be performed in the semiconductor crystal: absorption, spontaneous emission and forced emission of light. The first type of interaction is possible when the photon is absorbed by an electron located near the upper edge of the valence zone. In this case, the energy power of the electron will become sufficient to overcome the prohibited zone, and it will make a quantum transition to the conduction zone. Spontaneous emission of light is possible with spontaneous return of the electron from the conduction zone in the valence zone with the emission of the energy quantum - a photon. External radiation can initiate a transition to an electron valence zone, located near the lower edge of the conduction zone. The result of this, the third type of light interaction with the semiconductor substance will be the birth of the secondary photon, identical in its parameters and the direction of movement of the photon, initiated the transition.

To generate laser radiation, it is necessary to create in the semiconductor inverse population of "working levels" - create a sufficiently high concentration of electrons in the lower edge of the conduction zone and, accordingly, a high concentration of holes at the edge of the valence zone. For these purposes, in pure semiconductor lasers, the fluid flow of electrons is usually used.

The resonator mirrors are polished edges of the semiconductor crystal. The disadvantage of such lasers is that many semiconductor materials generate laser radiation only at very low temperatures, and the bombardment of semiconductor crystals by the stream of electrons causes its strong heating. This requires additional cooling devices, which complicates the design of the apparatus and increases its dimensions.

The properties of semiconductors with impurities differ significantly from the properties of nestless, clean semiconductors. This is due to the fact that atoms of some impurities are easily given to the conduction zone according to one of their electrons. These impurities are called donor, and a semiconductor with such impurities - a P-semi-veter. Atoms of other impurities, by contrast, are captured by one electron from the valence zone, and such impurities are acceptor, and a semiconductor with such impurities - a P-semi-conductor. The energy level of impurity atoms is located inside the prohibited zone: in "-Polponds - not far from the lower edge of the conduction zone, y / ^ - semiconductors - near the upper edge of the valence zone.

If in this area, create an electrical voltage so that from the part of the r-semiconductor there is a positive pole, and from the P-semiconductor side is negative, then under the action of the electric field, the electrons from the P-semiconductor and the hole from / ^ - semiconductor will move (injected) in r-P region - Transition.

When electron recombination and holes, photons will be emitted, and in the presence of an optical resonator, laser radiation is generated.

The mirrors of the optical resonator are the polished edges of the semiconductor crystal, oriented perpendicular to the P-P transition plane. Such lasers differ in miniature, since the size of the semiconductor active element can be about 1 mm.

Depending on the feature under consideration, all lasers are divided as follows).

The first sign. It is customary to distinguish laser amplifiers and generators. In the amplifiers at the inlet, weak laser radiation is supplied, and at the output it is respectively enhanced. There are no external radiation in the generators, it occurs in the working substance due to its excitation using various pump sources. All medical laser appliances are generators.

The second feature is the physical condition of the working substance. In accordance with this, the lasers are divided into solid-state (ruby, sapphires, etc.), gas (helium-neon, helium, argon, carbon dioxide, etc.), liquid (liquid dielectric with impurity working atoms of rare earth metals) and semiconductor (arsenide -Hall, arsenide-phosphide-gallium, selenide-lead, etc.).

The method of excitation of the working substance is the third distinctive feature lasers. Depending on the source of excitation, lasers with optical pumping, with pumping due to gas discharge, electronic excitation, injection of charge carriers, with thermal, chemical pumping and some others are distinguished.

The laser radiation spectrum is the following feature of the classification. If the radiation is concentrated in a narrow wavelength interval, it is considered to be monochromatic laser and its technical data indicates a specific wavelength; If in a wide range, then you should consider a laser broadband and indicates the wavelength range.

By the nature of the emitted energy, pulsed lasers and continuous radiation lasers are distinguished. Do not mix the concepts of a pulse laser and a laser with frequency modulation of continuous radiation, since in the second case we get in fact the intermittent radiation of various frequencies. Pulse lasers have a high power in a single pulse reaching 10 W, while their mid-pulse power, determined by the respective formulas, is relatively small. In continuous frequency modulation lasers, the power in the so-called impulse is below the power of continuous radiation.

According to the average output power of the radiation (the following sign of classification), the lasers are divided into:

· High-energy (created flux density. Radiation power on the surface of an object or bio-object is over 10 W / cm2);

· Mid-energy (created flux density radiation power - from 0.4 to 10 W / cm2);

· Low energy (created flux density. Radiation power is less than 0.4 W / cm2).

· Soft (created energy irradiation - E or power flow density on the irradiated surface - up to 4 MW / cm2);

· Average (e - from 4 to 30 MW / cm2);

· Hard (e - more than 30 MW / cm2).

In accordance with the "sanitary standards and rules of the device and operation of lasers No. 5804-91" by the degree of risk of generated radiation for the service personnel, the lasers are divided into four classes.

First class lasers include such technical devices, Output collimant (concluded in limited bodily corner) The radiation of which is not dangerous when irradiating the eyes and human skin.

Second-class lasers are devices, the output radiation of which is dangerous when irradiated with the eye direct and mirror reflected radiation.

Third-class lasers are devices, the output radiation of which is a danger upon irradiation of the eyes direct and mirror reflected, as well as diffusely reflected radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the diffuse reflective surface, and (or) when the skin is irradiated with direct and mirror reflected radiation.

Fourth-class lasers are devices, the output radiation of which is danger when irradiating the skin diffusely reflected radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the diffuse reflective surface.

Make a powerful burning laser with your own hands - an easy task, however, besides the ability to use the soldering iron, the attentiveness and accuracy of the approach will be required. Immediately it is worth noting that deep knowledge from the field of electrical equipment is not needed here, and it is possible to make the device even at home. The main thing when working is observance of precautions, as the effect of the laser beam is detrimental to the eyes and skin.

Laser is a dangerous toy that can harm health when it is inaccier. Do not send a laser for people and animals!

What will required?

Any laser can be divided into several components:

  • emitter of the light flux;
  • optics;
  • power supply;
  • current power stabilizer (driver).

To make a powerful homemade laser, it will be necessary to consider all these components separately. The most practical and easy to assemble is the laser diode laser, and consider it in this article.

Where to take a diode for a laser?

The working body of any laser is a laser diode. It can be bought in almost any store radio engineering, or get out of the non-working drive for CDs. The fact is that the inoperability of the drive is rarely connected with the failure of the laser diode. Having in stock a broken drive can be without extra cost Get the desired item. But it is necessary to consider that its type and properties depend on the modification of the drive.

The weakest infrared laser is installed in CD-ROM drives. Its power is enough only to read CD discs, and the beam is almost invisible and it is not able to burn objects. The CD-RW includes a more powerful laser diode suitable for the burning and calculated on the same wavelength. It is considered the most dangerous, as the ray of the ray of the spectrum is invisible to the eye.

DVD-ROM drive is equipped with two weak laser diodes, the energy of which is enough only to read CD and DVD discs. The Writing DVD-RW drive installed a red high power laser. Its beam is visible at any lighting and can easily ignite some objects.

The BD-ROM is a purple or blue laser, which is similar to the parameters with analogue from the DVD-ROMA. From the BD-RE writing, you can get the most powerful laser diode with a beautiful purple or blue beam capable of burning. However, it is difficult to find such a drive to disassemble enough, and the working device is expensive.

The most suitable is the laser diode taken from the writing drive of DVD-RW disks. The highest quality laser diodes are installed in LG, Sony and Samsung drives.

The higher the DVD recording speed of the drive, the more powerful the laser diode is installed.

Hearing drive

Having a drive, the first thing is removed the top cover, unscrewing 4 screws. Then remove the movable mechanism, which is located in the center and is connected to the printing board of the flexible loop. The following goal is a laser diode, reliably pressed in a radiator from an aluminum or duralumin alloy. It is recommended to protect against static electricity before it dismark. For this, the conclusions of the laser diode solder or wrapped with a thin copper wire.

Further two options are possible. The first implies the operation of the finished laser in the form of a stationary installation together with a regular radiator. The second option is an assembly of a device in a portable lantern case or laser pointer. In this case, it will have to make force to launch or cut the radiator without damaging the emitting item.


The laser nutrition must be considered responsibly. As for LEDs, it should be a source of stabilized current. On the Internet there are many schemes with a battery or battery through a restrictive resistor. The sufficiency of such a solution is doubtful, since the voltage on the battery or batteries changes depending on the level of charge. Accordingly, the current flowing through the radiating diode of the laser will be very deviated from the nominal value. As a result, at small currents, the device will not work effectively, and in large - will lead to a rapid decrease in the intensity of its radiation.

The optimal option is considered to use the simplest current stabilizer built on the basis. This microcircuit refers to the category of universal integral stabilizers with the possibility of self-task and voltage at the output. The chip is operating in a wide range of input voltages: from 3 to 40 volts.

Analogue LM317 is the domestic chip KR142EN12.

For the first laboratory experiment, the scheme is suitable below. The calculation of the only resistor in the diagram is made according to the formula: R \u003d I / 1.25, where i is the rated laser current (reference value).

Sometimes at the output of the stabilizer parallel to the diode, the polar capacitor is installed at 2200 μF16 V and a non-polar capacitor by 0.1 μF. Their participation is justified in the case of supplying voltage to the entrance from the stationary power supply, which can miss a minor variable component and pulse interference. One such schemes designed to feed from the Krone battery or a small battery is presented below.

The diagram indicates the approximate value of the resistor R1. To accurately calculate, it is necessary to use the above formula.

Colmia electrical circuit, It is possible to pre-enable and as proof of the performance of the scheme, observe the bright red scattered light of the radiating diode. Having measured its real current and body temperature, it is worth thinking about the need to install the radiator. If the laser is used in the stationary installation on high currents for a long time, then it is necessary to provide passive cooling. Now it remains quite a bit to achieve the goal: make focusing and get a narrow right beam of high power.


I am expressed by scientifically, it's time to build a simple collimator, a device for obtaining parallel light rays. The ideal option For this purpose there will be a regular lens taken from the drive. With it, you can get a rather thin laser beam with a diameter of about 1 mm. The amount of energy of such a beam is enough to break through the paper, fabric and cardboard in counting seconds, melted plastic and burn on wood. If you focus a thinner ray, you can cut the phaneer and plexiglass. But set up and securely secure the lens from the drive is quite difficult due to its small focal length.

It is much easier to build a collimator based on laser pointer. In addition, in its package, you can put a driver and a small battery. At the output, the beam in diameter is about 1.5 mm of smaller burning action. In foggy weather or with abundant snowfall, you can observe incredible lighting effects, sending the light stream into the sky.

Through an online store, you can purchase a ready-made collimator, specially designed for fastening and setting up a laser. His body will serve as a radiator. Knowing the sizes of all component parts Devices, you can buy a cheap LED flashlight and take advantage of it.

In conclusion, I would like to add several phrases about the danger of laser radiation. First, never direct the laser beam in the eyes of people and animals. This leads to serious violations of vision. Secondly, during experiments with a red laser, wear green glasses. They prevent the passage of most of the red component of the spectrum. The amount of light that passed through the glasses depends on the length of the radiation wave. View from the side of a laser beam without protective means is allowed only briefly. Otherwise, pain in the eyes may appear.

Read the same way

Made with your own hands, come in handy in every home.

Of course, homemade instrument It will not be able to gain greater power, which production devices have, but still some benefit from it can be obtained.

The most interesting thing is that it is possible to make a laser cutter with the help of old unnecessary items.

For example, make your own hands laser device Allows the use of old laser pointer.

In order for the process of creating a cutter to be promoted as quickly as possible, it is necessary to prepare the following items and tools:

  • laser type pointer;

  • flashlight on battery batteries;

  • old CD / DVD-RW writing, you can have failed - you will need a drive with a laser;

  • electrical and screwdriver kit.

The process for making a cutter with your own hands begins with the disassembly of the drive, where you need to get the device.

Extraction needs to be done at the maximum neat, while you have to show patience and be attentive. There are many different wires in the device with the almost identical structure.

Choosing a DVD drive, you need to take into account that it is writing, since it is this option that allows you to record with a laser.

The record is performed during the evaporation of a thin metal layer from the disk.

In the process of reading, the laser is functioning half of its technical capabilities, slightly illuminating the disk.

In the process of dismantling the upper mounting element, the view will fall on the carriage with a laser that can move in several directions.

The carriage must be carefully removed, carefully remove the connectors and screws.

Then you can go to the removal of the red diode, due to it, there is a burning disk - it can be easily made with your own hands using an electrician. The extracted element should not shake, but even more so drop.

After the main part of the future cutter is on the surface, you need to make a thoroughly thought out plan for assembling a laser cutter.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following points: how best to place a diode, how to connect it to the power source, because the diode of the writing device requires more electricity than for the main element of the pointer.

This question can be solved by several methods.

To make a handmade cutter with a more or less high power, you need to get a diode in the pointer, after which it is possible to change it to an element extracted from the DVD drive.

Therefore, the laser pointer also disassemble carefully, as well as the drive of a writing DVD device.

The subject is spinning, then separated its body into two halves. Immediately on the surface it will be possible to see the item, which you need to replace with your own hands.

For this, the native diode from the pointer is removed and neatly replaced with more powerful, its reliable fastening You can perform with glue.

It is possible to remove the old diode element immediately will not work immediately, so it can be hiding it gently with a knife tip, then slightly shake the pointer housing.

At the next stage of the manufacture of a laser cutter you need to make a housing for it.

For this purpose, a flashlight with rechargeable batteries will be useful, which will allow the laser cutter to get an electroatkuchka, acquire aesthetic appearance, and ease of use.

To do this, it is necessary to introduce a modified top of the former pointer to the lantern housing.

Then you need to connect to the diode charging, by means of a battery located in a flashlight. It is very important during the connection process to accurately establish polarity.

Before the flashlight is assembled, it is necessary to remove the glass and other extra elements of pointer, which can be a hindrance of the laser beam.

At the final stage, the laser cutter is prepared for use.

For comfortable handmade All stages of work on the device must be strictly observed.

To this end, you need to check the reliability of fixation of all embedded elements, the correctness of the polarity and the flatness of the installation of the laser.

So, if all of the above assembly conditions are accurately observed, the cutter is ready for use.

But since the homemade manual device is endowed with low power, it is unlikely that a full-fledged laser cutter on metal will be obtained.

What will ideally be able to perform a cutter, it is to make holes in paper or plastic film.

But a laser fixture, made by your own hands, cannot be done, here it will be enough to harm the health of the body.

How can I enhance the homemade laser?

To make your own hands a more powerful laser cutter for metal work, you need to use devices from the following list:

  • DVD-RW drive, no difference working or not;

  • 100 PF and MF - capacitors;

  • 2-5 ohm resistor;

  • 3 pcs. rechargeable batteries;

  • soldering iron, wires;

  • steel lamp on LED elements.

Assembling a laser cutter for handmade occurs according to the following scheme.

With the use of these devices, the driver is assembled, subsequently, it will be able to provide a laser cutter with a certain power by the board.

In this case, no power cannot be connected to the dude directly, since the diode burns. It is also necessary to take into account that the diode must take a feedback not from the voltage, but from the current.

As a collimator, a hull is used, equipped with an optical lens, at the expense of which rays will accumulate.

This detail is easy to find in a special store, the main thing is that it contains a groove to install a laser diode. The price of this device is small, about $ 3-7.

By the way, the laser is assembled in the same way as the elevated cutter model.

A wire can also be used as an antistatic product, it is wrapped with a diode. After that, you can proceed to the layout of the drive device.

Before switching to a complete manual assembly of a laser cutter, you need to check the driver's performance.

The current power is measured using a multi-meter, for this take the remaining diode and carry out measurements with their own hands.

Taking into account the current speed, it is picking its power for a laser cutter. For example, in some variants of laser devices, the current will be 300-350 mA.

Others, more intense models, it is 500 mA, subject to the use of another drive device.

To make a homemade laser more aesthetic, and they could be convenient to use, it is necessary for it, a steel flashlight functioning on LEDs may well be used.

As a rule, the mentioned device is endowed with compact sizes that will allow him to fit in his pocket. But in order to avoid pollution of the lenses, you need to purchase or sew a case in advance or sew your own hands.

Features of production laser cutters

Not everyone by pocket the price of a laser cutter for metal production type.

Such equipment is used for processing and cutting metal materials.

The principle of the laser cutter is built on the development of a powerful radiation tool, endowed with the evaporation property or blow the metal molten layer.

Such a production technology when working with different types Metal is capable of providing high quality cut.

The depth of processing materials depends on the type of laser installation and characteristics of the materials being processed.

To date, three types of lasers are used: solid-state, fiber and gas.

The device of solid emitters is based on the use of specific varieties of glass or crystals as a working environment.

Here in an example, inexpensive installations operated on semiconductor lasers can be brought.

Fiber - their active medium operates due to the use of optical fibers.

This type of device is a modification of solid-state emitters, but according to experts, the fiber laser successfully displaces its analogues from the metalworking area.

At the same time, optical fibers are the basis of not only the cutter, but also the engraving machine.

Gas - working medium of the laser device combines carbon dioxide, nitric and helium gases.

Since the efficiency of the radiators under consideration is not higher than 20%, they are used for cutting and welding of polymer, rubber and glass materials, as well as metal with a high degree of thermal conductivity.

Here, in an example, you can take a metal cutter manufactured by Hans, the use of a laser device allows you to cut copper, brass and aluminum, in this case the minimum power of the machines only wins from its analogues.

Diagram of driving operation

Only a desktop laser can be operated from the drive, this type The device is a portal console machine.

According to the guide rails of the device, the laser block can move both vertically and horizontally.

As an alternative to the portal device, a tablet model of the mechanism was made, its cutter moves only horizontally.

Others existing options Laser machines have a work desk equipped with a drive mechanism and the property is navigated in different planes.

At the moment there are two options for controlling the drive mechanism.

The first ensures the movement of the workpiece due to the operation of the table drive, or moving the cutter is performed due to the functioning of the laser.

The second option provides for simultaneous movement of the table and cutter.

At the same time, the first model of control compared with the second option is considered much easier. But the second model is still characterized by high performance.

General technical characteristic Cases considered is the need to introduce into the CNC block device, but then the price for assembling the instrument for handmade will be higher.

Who in childhood did not dream of laser? Some men dream still. Ordinary laser pointers with a small power have long been not relevant for a long time, since their power leaves much to be desired. It remains 2 ways: to buy an expensive laser or make it at home from undergrades.

There are the following methods of making a laser with their own hands:

  • From the old or broken DVD drive
  • From computer mouse and flashlight
  • From the set of parts purchased in the electronics store

How to make a laser at home from the oldDVD. Drive

How to make a laser made of computer mouse

The power of the laser made from the computer mouse will be much smaller than the power of the laser made by the previous way. Production procedure is not much different.

  1. First of all, find an old or unnecessary mouse with a visible laser of any color. Mouses with invisible glow do not fit for obvious reasons.
  2. Next, carefully disassemble it. Inside, notice the laser that will have to be disappeared using the soldering iron
  3. Now repeat items 3-5 from the instructions described above. The difference in such lasers, repeat, only in power.
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today I open a series of articles dedicated to powerful lasers, for Habrapoisk says that people are looking for similar articles. I want to tell how to make a pretty powerful laser at home, and also to teach you to use this power not just for the sake of "shifting on the clouds".

A warning!

The article describes the manufacture of a powerful laser ( 300mW ~ Power 500 Chinese Pointers), which can harm your health and health surrounding! Be extremely careful! Use special safety glasses and do not send a laser beam on people and animals!

We learn.

On the Habré, just a couple of times slipped articles about portable lasers Dragon Lasers, such as Hulk. In this article, I will tell you how you can make a laser that is not inferior to most models selling in this store.


First you need to prepare all components:
- non-working (or working) DVD-RW drive with recording speed 16x or higher;
- condensers 100 PF and 100 MF;
- resistor 2-5 ohms;
- Three AAA batteries;
- soldering iron and wires;
- collimator (or chinese pointer);
- Steel LED flashlight.

This is a necessary minimum for the manufacture of a simple driver model. The driver is, in fact, the fee that will display our laser diode at the desired power. Connect the direct power source to the laser diode is not worth it. The laser diode is needed to feed the current, not the voltage.

The collimator is, in fact, a module with a lens that reduces all radiation into a narrow beam. Ready collimators can be bought in radio logs. There are already a convenient place for the installation of a laser diode immediately, and the cost is 200-500 rubles.

You can also use a collimator from a Chinese pointer, however, the laser diode will be difficult to fix, and the collimator body itself is probably made from metallized plastic. So, our diode will be badly cooled. But this is possible. This option can be viewed at the end of the article.

We do.

You must first get the laser diode itself. This is a very fragile and small detail of our DVD-RW drive - be careful. A powerful red laser diode is in the carriage of our drive. It is possible to distinguish it from a weak one by a larger radiator than an ordinary IR diode.

It is recommended to use an antistatic bracelet, as the laser diode is very sensitive to static voltage. If there is no bracelet, then you can wrap the dedication of the diode with a thin wire until it is to wait for the installation into the case.

According to this scheme, you need to discharge the driver.

Do not confuse polarity! The laser diode will also fail instantly with incorrect polarity of the supply power.

The scheme indicates a condenser 200 MF, however, for portability, 50-100 mf is quite enough.

We try.

Before installing a laser diode and collect everything into the case, check the driver's performance. Connect another laser diode (non-working or second, which is from the drive) and measure the current strength by a multimeter. Depending on the speed characteristics, the current strength must be chosen correctly. For 16 models, 300-350mA is quite suitable. For the fastest 22x, you can apply even 500mA, but a completely different driver, the manufacture of which I plan to describe in another article.

It looks terrible, but it works!


You can boast about the weight with the laser only before the same crazy techno-maniacs, but it is better to collect in a comfortable body for beauty and amenities. It is already better to choose how to like it. I mounted the entire scheme in the usual LED flashlight. Its dimensions do not exceed 10x4cm. However, I do not advise you to wear it with you: if there are never any complaints with the relevant authorities. And it is better to store in a special case, so that a sensitive lens was not dug.

This is an option S. minimal cost - Used collimator from Chinese pointed:

The use of a factory-made module will allow you to obtain these results:

The laser beam is visible in the evening:

And, of course, in the dark:


Yes, I want to tell and show how you can use similar lasers. How to make much more powerful copies that can cut the metal and wood, and not just to wait for the match and melted plastic. How to produce holograms and scan items to obtain 3D Studio Max models. How to make powerful green or blue lasers. The scope of the application of lasers is quite wide, and one article here is not to do.

Need to remember.

Forget about security technician! Lasers are not a toy! Take care of your eyes!