Unusual guest from America or Diffenbahia flower. Flower "Diffenbachia": description, photo, care at home

Dieffenbachia Amoena Diffenbachia Adorable

Aoid family. Motherland Diffenbahia South America (Colombia, Peru, Panama, Venezuela, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica). In nature, more than 50 species.

Diffenbachia is a straight tree-like plant with distrend large elongated-oval leaves. Plant juice poisonous. Diffenbahia in nature can grow up to 3 m, but gradually the lower part of the barrel is broken and the plant loses its decorative attractiveness. At home, the Diffenbachy grows on average about 1.5-1.8 m, rarely blooms. In fact, the systematics of the Diffenbachy is too confused, and will cause difficulty even in a professional, due to variability of species, obtaining interspecific hybrids and various varieties. It should also be noted that many types of differentials require quite frequent updates - on average three years later, if they are grown in the apartment. Since after this time they usually grow up to the ceiling. Then the top of the plant is cut and rooted, and what remains or thrown out or leave for breeding.

Diffenbachia was widely distributed in the southern states of the United States, widespread on the tropical Pacific Islands (Cook Islands, Micronesia, Hawaii, Fiji, Tahiti, Palau, Samoa, etc.), and in some regions, the plant behaves invasively as weed.

Types of Diffenbahia

  • Diffenbachia Segina Dieffenbachia Seguine - Plant with thick fleshy juicy stem and wide blade leaves. On average, the length of the sheet in an adult instance of 40-50 cm and about 15 cm in width, somewhat narrowed at the end. Sheet plates have pronounced housing, about 9-15 lateral veins. At the original type, the leaves are purely green or with a small pesting pattern. On the basis of it, a set of hybrids and varieties are derived, which differ in size and sheet form - more elongated lanceolates or wide, as well as pattern on the leaves (large or small stripes, stains, marble). Synonyms: spotted diffenbachia (painted) Dieffenbachia Maculata, Diffenbachia painted Dieffenbachia Picta.
  • Diffenbachia Bause Dieffenbachia X Bausei - with oval yellowish-green leaves about 30-35 cm long. Figure sheet marble, with white dots. The name does not have official status, some naturalists believe that this is the form of Diffenbahia Segina.
  • Diffenbachia Ersted Dieffenbachia Oerstedii - with ovallo-pointed or elongated heart-shaped leaves about 30-35 cm long. The sheet is purely green, the central vein is highlighted, contrasting the color - light-salad. Sometimes light spots come across. This kind of native from Costa Rica and Guatemala.

Dieffenbachia Oerstedii.

Dieffenbachia Seguine.

Diffenbachia Grade "Exotica" Exotic

Diffenbachy Grade "Rudolph Roers" Rudolf Roers

Diffenbachia Grade "Camille" Camilla

Diffenbachia Vesuvius variety Vesuvius (very similar to Aglanoma)

Diffenbachia Grade "Star Bright" Light Star

Diffenbachy Grade "TriUmph" Triumph

Care of Diffenbahia

You may be surprised, but sometimes the diffenbahia grow beautifully at home without any departure, except for watering. There are cases when the strong Diffenbahi trees with good leaves, without stains or chlorosis, grow in many years without a transplantation or feeding. For such unpretentiousness of the Diffenbahia, they love to use in landscaping the foyer of hotels, recreations of kindergartens and hospitals. But unpretentious in care is not all varieties of Diffenbachy Segina (painted) - some rather capricious, require very good illumination and high-quality water for watering.


Diffenbachy Teploud, optimal temperature Contents 22-24 ° C. In winter, somewhat below is about 18 ° C, at least 16 ° C. At temperatures below 10 ° C, plants are discharged and dying. Does not tolerate drafts. But grow well on fresh air - on the balcony or in the garden, if you place pots in light half and in a wind-protected place. Of all the species most unpretentious to the temperature fluctuations of the Dieffenbachia Maculata.

Personal experience

Diffenbahia, height under the ceiling, grows in a bucket, excellent coloring and freshness of leaves, no damage or problems. Secret success - Periodic rubbing leaves with a wet sponge and regular spraying, annual feeding cow manure Or feeding fertilizer gigid.

In general, it was noticed that Diffenbahia speaks well on the fading weak organic fertilizerscontaining nitrogen. From this, the leaves in the plant become large, and acquire a darker color, which does not harm the plant at all.

Whom to put on diffenbahia

Diffenbahia are quite large plants, often grown them in very large pots or tubs. At the same time, the desire arises to put some plants to cover the surface of the Earth in the pot.

Pelliai, sawing, tradesans, mellular peperomies, collisions, graceful, ficus, pumile, ivy, oxulice, are suitable as such plants.

Do not fit as the neighbors for Diffinbahi Fitton, as it were, they would not look beautiful - they will be too dry. It is possible to climb chlorophytum, but if only Diffenbachy has a very spacious pot - the chlorophyteum is quite powerful root system.

If you sit down to differentials as soil other plants, consider that they can have a very lack of light, because the diffenbachia often stands on the floor and not even around the window. It is best to make a backlight at the pot level. Good lighting Also contributes to the fact that the trunk of the diffenbachy is slower at the bottom.

Diffenbahia Yadovita

To the question, whether the diffenbahia is poisonous, there is a unambiguous answer: Diffenbachia is not just poisonous, it has sharp as the needles of microcrystals in juice. Therefore, if the juice fell on the skin - do not wipe it, because then you rub them into the skin.

It is necessary to substitute your hand under a powerful water stream and wash off poison. But there are few poisonous diffenbahia, irritation from juice is not all (mainly people who are prone to eczema, dermatosis and allergies).

A Diffenbahia Segina is growing in Brazil, so it is called "silent Rygoy" and once her stems were used to punish runaway slaves.

Annutka says & forget-me-not: After the burn with the Diffenbahia juice, which I was not washed, and just erased, my hand was sick for 10 days, no ointment helped (appealed to the doctor). Only a strong soda solution slightly removes itching. The feeling is like a hundred little needles running around the palm and itches.

Probably, many of us are familiar with this plant is not a bit. The content of this plant at home is often conjugate with a number of diverse false judgments and assumptions, relative to its harm or harmability for a person. So how bad is the Diffenbachy and whether its home maintenance is safe?

Diffenbachia, main features and characteristics

Diffenbachia - a plant related to the family of aroid. Her homeland is the South American continent. The most correct will be attributed to the Diffenbach perennial shrubs evergreen type.

Name of this shrub happened on behalf of the German nerd y.f. Diffenbach. The plant has pretty high growth rates and can reach two meters, but at home, it rarely reaches such a height.

Diffenbahia is enough enough beautiful leaveswho have a peculiar "spotted" color. The shrub is pretty quickly starting to produce new leaves and drop those that are located at its lower part. This property significantly worsens the appearance.. In order for this not happened, it is necessary to update the plant in a timely manner by cutting up the top. The top itself can be rooted. If this is not done, the diffanebachy will begin to bend and the trunk can take a horizontal position.

The flowering of shrubs is rarely, and the flowers themselves do not represent special decorative importance. But with a favorable coating of circumstances, the appearance of scalared "Flowers of the Catheric", quite real. The point of appearance of new leaves is located on the top of the plant.

Is it possible to keep at home and grow this flower? Diffenbachia Pads enough tolerates drafts and temperature differences. It is important to pay attention to this nuance when transplanting a plant or repairing the premises during the cold season. In a certain period it is necessary to give the plants the opportunity to rest, during which watering and feeding decreases. As a rule, it is autumn-winter.

With the rest of the time, you can safely produce a flower transplant (usually it is required by the plant once every 2 or 4 years, as they grow). In the bottom part of the container with the diffenbachy, the drainage (clay or fine pebbles) is placed. It will not be superfluous from time to time to produce soil looser and feed the plant mineral fertilizers.

Problems and diseases

In order to avoid it is important to produce timely watering the plants, ensure optimal temperature mode indoors, arrange treatment from pests if necessary.

Diffenbahia reproduction

Flower can multiply different ways in its type.

  • Cherenkov reproduction. The parts cut off from the plant are either rooted into the ground (there may be water to enhance the growth), or are placed in an aqueous / wet medium (water container, wet moss).
  • Seed reproduction. This methodIt is possible only if there are flowers on the plant. Women's flowers have distinctive feature In the form of a partially closed flower part. To implement the pollination of the flower, it is necessary to take the pollen from the male infloresception to distribute along the semi-closed part of the female flower along the half-closed part of the female flower (after making an incision on it, after completion - noise should be missed).
  • Reproduction Stem Party Plants. Usually, the stem is divided into several parts, about 10-12 cm, the cut is processed with a crumb of coal or gray. Then the stem is placed in the vessel with the soil. If everything went successfully, the stack of sheets will appear on the stem.

Diffenbachia: Benefit and harm

Diffenbachia has a large number of The species, but the most common for home content, are just a few hybrids of this shrub. What carries the flower benefit or harmIs it possible to keep it at home? In fact, this shrub has a nearby useful featuresexcreasing it among many other plants.

  • In those rooms in which the Diffenbachy is located significantly improves chemical composition ambient air;
  • Shrubs affect the amount of dust, which is important, for example, for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • It is known that for the diffenbachy, the presence of phytoncides, which in the equal turn placed by bactericidal properties. They are able to reduce the overall quantitative characteristic of such microbes, such as staphylococcus.

On the safety of home deiffenbachi

Along with the beneficial peculiarities of the Diffenbahia for a person, it is impossible to discard the fact that there are also properties that can cause some damage during the home of the shrub.

Diffenbachia, whose harm is in the content of a number of substances in its juice, can cause allergic reactions. Usually it happens with direct contact of the juice of diffenbahia with skin. Therefore, it is very important to fulfill certain precautions during the care of the shrub. And not allow the plant to enter the mucous membranes or skin cover.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the plant is outside the area of \u200b\u200breach for young children and pets (it is noted that cats show a certain interest in this plant). Still not worth putting this plant in children's preschool institutions and centers.


Of the features considered by us and the properties of the Diffenbahia, you can come to certain conclusions about its safety (benefits and harm to humans).

Subject to simple precautions, during transplantation, cutting stems and leaves (the use of protective gloves, washing the hands after the end of work with the plant), prevent contact children with a plant, Diffenbachia will not differ from other plants in the house.

Thus, the finding of the diffanebachy flower in the house is not only not dangerous, but also will bring positive properties into the microclimate of the room. Also, this shrub with "marble leaves" will complementably complement and decorate your interior.

One of the most amazing representatives of the exotic flora is a spotted diffenbachy. The plant is named after the Australian gardener Josef Diffenbach (1796-1863), who dedicated him a significant part of his life. Possessing a beautiful decorative appearance, it can become an excellent decoration for the room interior, filling it with the atmosphere of comfort.

Characteristics of Diffenbahia

The country of origin of exotic diffenbahia is unknown. In natural conditions, the perennial is widespread in the tropics of South and North America, as well as in some regions of Asia. The plant has elongated leaves painted in various tones, on the surface of which there are pronounced stains of yellow, lightning or green, as well as all sorts of strokes, stripes and points.

The dimensions of the straight trunk are relatively small, while in the upper part it becomes more gentle. The dissolution of the diffenbahia occurs in the spring, and the flowering time can last no more than two weeks. Concerning indoor varieties, they sometimes do not bloom.

The advantage of the flower is fast speed Growth. For correct conditions Contents every seven days on the trunk appears a new green leaflet. If you deploy it, you can see the top of the next. Representatives large varieties Grow in a height of up to two meters. Small varieties Create up to 1 meter.

Existing varieties differ from each other by:

  • the form of leaves;
  • coloring;
  • patterns.

Depending on the form Plants can be tree and shrub.

Representatives of shrub type have low growth and branched stems. In addition, there are many leaves on their trunks, which begin to grow almost at the very base, above the surface of the soil. Bushes are distinguished by a special pomp and dense.

Popular species

Currently, flower products highlight more than 50 varieties of diffenbahia. Views are distinguished by various color of the leaves, their texture and other biological features.

The most popular includes such varieties:

We are also popular with such varieties like Ersted, reflector and Bowza. But in view of a whimsical nature, they are irrelevant for inexperienced beginners.

Subtleties of care

And even the diffenbachy is not considered a whimsical culture, some of the subtleties need to be observed and take into account. It is known that the flower does not affect the strong cold and exposure to drafts. In addition, he needs to provide a balanced irrigation and cutting measures.

For the full growth and development of Diffenbahia, in the ground where it grows, you need to constantly add water. In the hot time, watering should be especially frequent (in the summer every two days), and in winter - moderate, about 1 time per week. For irrigation, it is necessary to use resistant water, because if it is too tough, then with the time of the top of the leaves will cover the brown tint and start crumble. To give softness into water tank, oxalic acid is added.

As mentioned above, the flower is not afraid of the shaded conditions, while the long stay in the sun does not violate its development. However, the hits are direct ultraviolet rays Better to avoid. In turn, the lack of lighting can reduce the size of the leaves, as a result of which they will lose their attractiveness. To avoid such problems, it is enough to rearrange the pot from the window sill or take out to the street if the weather conditions allow it to do. Sometimes the flower needs artificial highlighting.

The optimal temperature regime for full growth is represented by the following indicators:

  • for summer time - 21-23 degrees;
  • for winter - 16-17 degrees Celsius.

If the hydraulic scale is lowered below such a mark, then the plant will begin to get rid of the lower leaves. The absence of a comfortable temperature will lead to the imminent death of the diffenbachy.

Particular attention is paid to air humidity in the room. It should be rather wet and warm. Any decrease in temperature or appearance of drafts will cause negative consequences And worsening flower growth. If the air is too dry, in the tray, where the pot is located with a flower, you need to put a wet moss, gravel or sand.

Sometimes near the plant put a jar with water. Also, the bush speaks quite bad to the regular spraying with water, although if the temperature regime varies in the range below 17 degrees, it is not recommended to carry out such a procedure. It can be replaced by rubbing the leaves with a damp cloth. Once a week, the flower is rinsed under the shower, cleaning it from dust particles.

Land preparation and feeding

When growing a differential, it is desirable to use such a substrate that complies with the biological requirements of the plant. Good option There will be a purchase land developed for representatives of the group of aronium or directly for the species described. Good growth indicators are noted when using soils with neutral acidity, which consists of:

  • 1 pieces of leaf land;
  • 4 pieces of turf land;
  • 1 part of sand;
  • 1 part of peat.

Before planting seeds must be implemented drainage work, putting a brick crumb and charcoal on top. When planting plants, land fertility bone flourThat will be a good stimulation of productive growth.

Diffenbachia does not need some long stay, so it continues to grow and develop throughout life. Because of this feature, it must be regularly feeding, observing frequency 1 time in two weeks in summer and spring, as well as twice in winter. The main thing is that the bait composition does not have lime elements. Experienced flowerflowers Recommended to give preference to finished feeding called Vito. There are also other liquid compositions intended for room type sheets.

Good results show organic nitrogen-based feeders. The main thing is that it is not too much, because in this case the flower with white leaves will begin green.

It is also necessary to take into account the need for the annual transplant of Diffenbahia. It is better to make such a procedure at the beginning of spring, because in summer period And with hot weather, the percentage of survival becomes minimal. When transplanting the flower, it is necessary to observe increased caution. There is a plants transplant option to a new container, which is wider than the previous one more centimeters.

Care and reproduction

Most often, the culture is multiplied by disembarking the top cuttings, which are pre-rooted in sand and water or a mixture of peat and sand. In the upper part of the cutting is closed with thin glass or film, after which the container moves into a light room where there are no straight sun rays. If rooting occurs in the ground, once every seven days water for watering must be fertilized special composition For stimulating root growth. It can be corneser or zircon. At the same time, the temperature of the substrate should not fall below 22-24 degrees Celsius.

When rouding in water tanks, it is necessary to transplant the plant in the pot as soon as the root system will have a length of 5 centimeters. Growing in the sandy substrate involves the execution of regular feeding, which consists of one fourth part of the mineral composition. When re-falling, it is necessary to observe special caution, not allowing the disorders of the earth coma with the root system.

Also, flowers practiced method of blacking stem. In this case, the stem must be divided into several separate parts, a length of 11-16 centimeters, dried them during the day and fall asleep slice wood coal. Then planting material It should be fixed in a horizontal position to the ground so that the half is on the surface.

The process of rooting a plant planted from cuttings occurs relatively long. The same applies to starting shoots. Sometimes this process takes about one year.

If there is no development, and at the same time the cuttings did not begin to rot, it is necessary to continue the watering work so that the plant to the ground gives the roots. After the first green leaves, a fresh substrate is added to the base of escape, and after rooting, the diffanebachy is transplanted, while the parent barrel is preserved. The remaining pencils on which there are interstices, will give life to new shoots.

Diseases and pests

And even though Diffenbachia is famous for its resistance to various diseases and pests, some of them are a big threat to a flower. This is about:

  • shield;
  • paustic melting;
  • tRIPS;

To prevent the death of the plant, it is necessary to periodically inspect it for such pests. The appearance of insect larvae should force the flower owner to take the right measures and clean them with a tampon, which is pre-pulled out in garlic tincture, beer or soap solution. If the infection area is very large, then the plant is treated with a solution of accomplices or carbofos. It is also necessary to observe high air humidity.

With incorrect care of the largest plant, it may suffer from all kinds of fungal manifestations. In most cases, the problem appears with an excessive watering that causes the root dropping. If rotten roots appeared, they need to get rid of them as quickly as possible by cutting a sharp knife. Sections of sections are processed by activated carbon or manganese composition. After that, the flower is placed in a new land.

Drying the leaves often occurs with a significant difference in temperature or drafts. The yellowing of the sheet plates is explained by the following reasons:

  1. Burns from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Excessive watering.
  3. No space for growth.
  4. Watering with rigid water.

If you allow such unfavourable conditionsThis may lead to fading, partial drying of the leaves or the full death of an exotic culture.

Diffenbachy is a family of aroid family whose number has about 40 species. These plants came to us from the tropics of the American continent and are successfully grown when careing at home.


Diffenbahia is perennial plants with massive stem and large leaves with various species Coloring. It blooms only when all the conditions of care are observed; Flower - pillage, covered with bedspread.

Plant is poisonous, consider this fact by placing the flower in the house. Try to make children and animals to get to him.

Types and varieties

The most popular varieties of the flower is and ( colored ). These plants have large stems and rounded green leaves decorated with white patterns.

Externally, these varieties are rather similar, but grows much higher than their relatives.

Most of all varieties are derived from spotted Diffenbahia. Most often are varieties: Vesuviy , Camill and Compact .

adorable This view is good because in addition to the beautiful external view Pretty easily grown at home.

Pretty similar to spotted but different large size foliage and smaller amounts on it.

Large Diffenbahia Only this species has the leaves of one color, without white splashes.

Special because its foliage is the largest among all the representatives of the family. The size of its sheet reaches 70 cm long.

Diffenbachia Home Care

In terms of departure, the diffenbachy is a rather distressed plant. It is impossible to allow direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant, but, nevertheless, the lighting should be sufficient, otherwise the patterns on the foliage will begin to disappear. Diffenbachia Bauman has a completely green foliage, so it needs less light than the rest.

Diffenbachia is quite sensitive to temperature changes and drafts. In the spring and summer, the air temperature should be in the area of \u200b\u200b23 ° C, and in winter it is impossible to allow the column drops below 16 ° C, but it is best to maintain a heat of about 20 ° C.

Diffenbachia Polyv.

It is possible to water the differentbachy only with a soft water, preferably rain. All spring and summer soil in a pot must be a little wet.

IN autumn-winter period Watering is reduced by allowing the top of the soil to dry. To the flower normally develop, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the spraying air. Also, it is necessary every seven days to wipe the foliage with a damp cloth.

Fertilizer for Diffenbahia

The entire spring-summer period Diffenbachia needs fertilizer. For varieties with completely green leaves, they are exclusively filled with lime without lime, which contribute every 10 days and are diluted twice as much as indicated in the instructions.

Peppercut varieties are better to feed mineral fertilizers, because when excess organic substancesTheir foliage loses his motion. Fertilizers in this case are needed once for 20 days.

Trimming bush diffenbahia

The loss of the lower leaves of Diffenbahia, testifies to its aging and the need for pruning. The top of the plant is cut down 2 cm below the node, the milk from the cut is wipe and processed by its pushed charcoal.

This procedure will give rise to young shoots that are formed on the remaining stem.

Diffenbachi transplant at home

When filling the rhizable pot, the diffanebachy must be replant. It is best to do this in the spring, but if the flower grows too rapidly, it is possible that additional summer transplantIt should be done with a transshipment in order not to disturb the roots too disturbing.

The pot needs to take a slightly more than the previous one, be sure to add drainage. Diffenbahia need a soil of weak acidity, which can be made of leaf land, peat, sphagnum and sand (4: 2: 2: 1). It will also be good to intervene in the soil of the crude coal.

Diffenbachy reproduction at home

You can propagate a diffenbachy with stalling, air chains and seed, but the latter, because of its complexity, only breeders are used.

The reproduction of the diffusion of the top cutter is a way that is used most often, it is also resorted to it at old age plants or rotting roots.

The top of the flower must be cut off and, wiped the juice, put it into the water or in a mixture of sand with peat. The cuttings hide from straight light and periodically spray, the temperature is maintained around 22 ° C. In terms of rooting, a transplant is performed in another container.

Reproduction of Diffenbahia Chernykov

The remaining stalk of the plant is also used for breeding.

Escape is cut off, leaving only 10 cm. The cut part is divided into pieces, so that each has a node. Next, the material is dried a couple of days and put a peat mixture with sand kidney to the top. Capacities are covered with glued and left at a temperature close to 24 ° C. After rooting, transplantation.

The stubborn stump left in the pot can also be used for breeding. Keep it watering and after some time a young escape will appear from the kidneys. When a pair of leaves is formed on it, they can be cut off and rooted.

Diffenbachia reproduction by air chains

Another way of reproduction of Diffenbachi is the use of air chain. It is necessary to just cut the escape and wrap this section with raw moss, and at the top of the film. When the roots appear, the drain is cut off and planted into a new pot.

The bush types of differentials can be propagated by the division of the bush, which is performed during transplantation.

Diseases and pests

because of incorrect care Or the appearance of pests with a differentbachary can happen a number of problems.

  • If the feet of the lower leaves passes very quickly , Either the roots filled the entire pot, or you irregularly water the plant.
  • Causes of drying the tips of the leaves May be different: temperature differences, dry air, spraying in the dark, soil watering.
  • If the diffenbachy sheet pale , most often this is a sign of lack of light. It can also serve as a surplus of nitrogen in the soil and a shortage of phosphorus with potassium.
  • When growing a diffenbachy in too alkaline earth, her foliage begins to fine and deform .
  • Plant rotting is associated with low temperatures and stressing water in the ground . Try the substrate to be wet, but not wet. All rotten flower parts need to trim and drink coal. If the defeat is too big, it is better to root the top, and the bottom of the plant is destroyed.
  • If the bottom leaves of the diffenbachy are folded and yellow It means that she frowns.
  • Lady pale It is connected with the light of light and placement under the right solar rays.
  • If your plant at the edges of the leaves appear brown spots , then the fault of this is most likely cold or insufficient watering.
  • Sometimes droplets appear on the leaves of diffenbach , do not be scared - "crying" is the usual phenomenon for this flower.
  • The thinning and inability of the stem withstand all the plant testifies to his aging . In this case, you should resort to rejuvenation by shifting.

Motherland is South America. It is valued for beautiful, motley, large and wide leaves. Species and varieties great amountBut the conditions of detention are all the same. Diffenbachia is very and easy to put up with a lack of care. Grows quickly, after 2 years it can reach 1.5 m at favorable conditions. There are low grades, such as Diffenbachia Camilla. The lower leaves gradually die away, leaving a naked barrel. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically update the plant to maintain decorative qualities.


Diffenbachi enough, smaller leaves begin to grow in the shade. This flaw is then not to fix. Direct sun ray Plants do not like, so the diffenbachy is best placed in some distance from the southern window, you can grow on Western or East.


Diffenbahia needed wet air. Speaks well on spraying and kneading. Drafts are better to avoid when growing this plant.


The plant needs to maintain a temperature not lower than 18ºС. With a sharp cooling, the stem may lose elasticity and bend, and when the content in the cool room it may begin.


The plant is watered abundantly in the spring-summer period, in winter - moderately.


Fertilize the differential times in two weeks, a complex fertilizer in a half dose. For optimal development, it is necessary to apply feeder recommended by the manufacturer for beautiful plants. They have a large proportion of phosphorus and potassium. From a large nitrogen content in the soil, light spots begin to green. Many lovers believe that this is from lack of light. The plant can in no way fertilize organic feeding. Since they contain a large percentage of nitrogen.


Diffenbachy transplanted on the basis of the size of the plant and the pot. As a rule, after a year, the pot becomes too small. An earthy mixture for diphenbahia should consist of a delicate, leaf land, peat and sand (4: 1: 1: 1). No one should add. Good grows on the soils for the aroid.

Reproduction and rejuvenation.

After about 2-3 years, the stem is broken, therefore it is advisable to cut off the top and root it in water. The main trunk can be cut to the base, after a while, side shoots will appear. Do not be afraid to make such a procedure because the plant is very lively. As a rule, after 4 months, the plant again acquires decorative qualities.