Anemone terry pink planting and care. Anemone: planting and care in the open field

Lovely decorative flowering possesses anemone (anemone). Plants are capricious, but not all require close care in open ground and correct fit. A large number of varieties and a variety of colors have become the reason for immense popularity among gardeners, but it is possible to achieve lush and beautiful flowering only by observing the rules of agricultural technology

Anemone - planting and care in the open field, photo

Anemones are flowering plants that look great both in single compositions and next to other flowers in flower beds, alpine slides, in ribbon plantings. Planting anemones and caring for them is not always easy and simple, so you should pay attention to some of the nuances when planting seeds and rhizomes, and then take care of them in time.

Anemones by type of root system are divided into two subgroups - rhizome and tuberous... The first species feels great even with inconsistent care, and tuberous anemones require much more attention and with a lack of care, they often die.

Anemone - pictured

Anemones are demanding on lighting (partial shade, the flowering period is reduced in the sun), soil acidity and fertility, and the number of waterings per season. Below are a number of rules that must be followed when planting any of the varieties of anemones:

  • do not place flowers on sun-drenched lawns, anemones like light partial shade;
  • the soil should pass moisture well, there should be no stagnation in the soil, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. In heavy lands, it is imperative to arrange drainage in the area where these perennials will grow;
  • the soil should be fertile and loose; if necessary, it is additionally recommended to add sand, humus or compost to the soil. When planting, mineral fertilizers are used on depleted and depleted soils; in all other cases, wood ash and compost will be enough.

If the variety of purchased flowers is unknown, it is recommended to use this set of rules so as not to destroy the plants. Anemones are demanding on the acidity of the soil - it should be slightly acidic or neutral. Before planting or transplanting these perennials, lime or dolomite flour should be added to too acidic soil.

Planting seed

Perennials easily reproduce with the help of seeds, but their germination rate is low - usually no more than 25% germinates. To receive autumn bloom anemone, seeds are planted in March, planted flowers in autumn - they will bloom in spring or summer and caring for them is not so difficult.

Boarding times vary depending on climatic conditions region - in the spring it is better to plant in mid-late May, and in the fall - in late September - early October.

Some seasoned gardeners the seeds of anemones are planted in the fall, and in this case they do not have to be stratified (kept at temperatures below 0 ° for better germination). Lovers who sow seeds in the spring must keep them in the refrigerator for some time before planting in order to increase germination. These rules apply to seeds that were collected from flowers from their own garden, and purchased ones do not require additional stratification. As a rule, the purchased product in the store has already passed all the necessary stages of processing.

anemone seeds - pictured

Anemone seeds should not be buried deep into the ground, weak seedlings are too tender, so they cannot always hatch through the upper part of the earth to the light. Sowing should be carried out in loose light soil, you can use peat or river coarse sand. Spread the seed onto a well-damp sand or peat surface. Cover with glass or a plastic bag, remove to a warm place with a temperature of +22 ֯ ... + 25 ֯ С.

Anemone seeds germinate 21-35 days after sowing, so don't worry if there are still no sprouts after a week. And yet, propagation of anemones by seeds is a rather rarely used method, it is much easier to grow flowers by a vegetative method.

How to plant an anemone with tubers and rhizomes

Most often, this method is used when transplanting these perennials to a new place. Usually, the procedure for transplanting and dividing rhizomes is carried out in the spring, until the plants begin to grow actively.

When dividing the rhizome, it is necessary to leave at least two replacement buds on each division, from which new stems will subsequently grow. Separated rhizomes of anemone should be planted in a previously prepared place. The soil should be loose and nutritious.

Before planting, it is recommended to soak the tubers in a solution of Heteroauxin or Epin (according to the instructions), or simply in warm water so that they swell. It is necessary to plant anemones tubers to a depth of 2-5 cm. A deeper planting can cause tight germination or non-germination (the nodules can rot). This is how the crown spring anemones are planted from purchased tubers, it is the most demanding in terms of care.

preparation of anemone tubers for planting

The tubers are planted with the elongated part down, observing the distance between plantings of 10-16 cm, while the flat part will be directed upwards. Those anemones that multiply by tubers must be dug up for the winter and kept at home, and the anemones with rhizomes are left in the ground to winter. According to gardeners, it is quite difficult to keep tubers at home, but in mild winters the nodules remaining in the open field can germinate on next year.

Root-sprouting rhizomes (hybrid, Canadian, forest, fork) are recommended to be replanted in the spring. When sprouts appear on the surface of the soil, the roots are dug up and planted in a permanent place.

Propagation of anemones by rhizomes is carried out by cuttings of 5-6 cm in a pre-prepared loose nutritious substrate. Cuttings can be pre-treated with any corn stimulant. You need to plant so that the top of the stalk is visible on the surface. From above, compact the soil mixture with sand, while you need to watch the tops, which should not "fall through".

Moisten from a spray bottle, cover with a plastic bag or a piece of film on top and send to a greenhouse or greenhouse. Water gently and sparingly to avoid rot. The protective film cover should be removed when the first leaves appear. Landing in open ground is carried out the next year.

The nuances of caring for anemones

It is not difficult to care for anemone outdoors, the main thing is to water the perennials on time, avoiding excessive soil moisture. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, a layer of mulch is sprinkled around the perennials. They use humus, peat chips, and better - oak litter, linden foliage, apple trees.

Fertilizers for these plants should be applied when buds appear and flowering. Typically, standard complex mineral supplements are used for flowering plants... Watering anemones is rarely carried out, in some years you can do without it - this feature of flowers allows them to be planted in hard-to-reach places for water.

For the winter, anemones can be left to winter in flower beds, but not all - it is better to dig the crown out, otherwise it will freeze. Other species, before the onset of cold weather, are covered with a thick layer of mulching material. It is simple to care for these perennials, the only exception can be anemones with tuberous rhizomes - tender, Apennine, Caucasian.

Successful landing of the anemone and good care in the open field will lead to a beautiful flowering. Many gardeners celebrate unusually beautiful and delicate flowers will decorate any garden and will delight the owners with a rather long flowering.

Types and varieties of anemone

This genus has about 150 species of anemone. The height of tuberous and rhizome perennial plants varies from 10 to 100 cm. The color of flowers is varied - blue, white, pink, red, even blue and yellow.

There is a distribution by groups, but autumn plants are subdivided into a separate category (hybrid anemone, Japanese, Hubei, felt). Other types of anemones are classified into groups depending on the type of root system:

  1. Anemone with long jointed rhizomes - forest plants represented by single flowers and in the spring flowering (Altai, Ural, Blue, Udinskaya, Smooth, Perm, Lyutichnaya, Dubravnaya);
  2. anemones with tuberous rhizomes and single flowers (Caucasian, Sparkling, Garden, Crowned, Apennine, Tender);
  3. long-haired and bunchy anemone (having a thickened short rhizome, vegetating throughout the season);
  4. Fork, Canadian and Lesnaya - are able to form root suckers.

Among the many species, the crown anemone and Japanese autumn anemone are the most popular among flower growers in our country. Caring for crown anemone in the open field will require care and attention from flower growers. The most popular tuberous anemone varieties are:

  • anemone Lord Lieutenant;
  • anemone Governor;
  • anemone White Splendor;
  • Anemone Sylphides.

Anemones are quite unpretentious flowers that, with their various colors, will decorate any garden plot... If desired, you can make various compositions from anemones and other flowering plants, getting unusual catchy flower beds.

In the first warm days of spring, on some household plots can be seen gentle and beautiful flowers, the name of which is anemones or anemone. Among gardeners, this culture has become famous for its capriciousness, so not everyone is at risk of growing it. But if you pay due attention to the flower, plant it according to all the rules, and then take good care of it, your efforts will be rewarded with an abundance of bright buds. In this article, we will give you the main varieties of anemone with a photo, we will tell you about planting and caring for them.

There are many varieties of this culture, but the following types are considered the most popular among gardeners:

  1. Crowned anemone - perennial with a developed root system. Its tuberous root reaches 5 cm in diameter, and the stem grows up to 45-50 cm in height. Beautiful bright flowers presented in white, blue, lavender, pink shades. Large, about 8 cm in diameter, single buds.
  2. Forest anemone is a perennial crop that grows up to 0.5 m in height. The plant has a powerful vertical root and fairly large buds, most often painted in white, milky, light lilac colors.
  3. Japanese, autumn, hybrid anemones are plant varieties that reach a height of 90 cm. Large flowers have a diameter of about 8 cm, are most often painted in red or deep pink shades, and have double petals. These subspecies are released simultaneously a large number of buds forming lush inflorescences.
  4. Oak anemone is somewhat smaller than its “relatives”. Its stem grows only up to 30 cm, the buds of the plant reach 2-4 cm in diameter and are white.
  5. Anemone blanda, which is also called tender anemone, is a low-growing perennial plant with a stem height of about 10 cm. The flowers of the culture are colored in a delicate blue tint. This variety of anemones is very early, the buds bloom in April, and by the beginning of summer the stems and leaves of the culture die off.

Breeding methods for anemone

Reproduction of flowers using seeds

Plant propagation by seeds is not the most popular procedure, since this way has many complexities. The seeds must be freshly harvested, but even if you use the best sowing material, it is unlikely that more than ¼ of all the seeds sown will germinate. Suitable for growing from seeds: multi-cut anemone, buttercup, Apennine, forest, oak, tender and crown.

Let's look at the basic rules that should be followed to get good germination:

  1. In order for the sown grains to germinate as best as possible, they should be stratified. During this procedure, conditions are created that are similar to those in which the seeds are in the autumn and winter periods. Under the influence of humidity, air and relatively low positive temperatures, the seed shells become softer, the grains swell and begin to give the sprouts the substances necessary for their development. Stratification is used only if the plants are to be sown in spring.
  2. The anemone is sown not too deeply to give fragile shoots a better chance of breaking through the earthen layer.
  3. Soil for seeds should be light and loose, have a porous structure.

If you sow a crop in the fall, then the first shoots should be expected in early spring. If the seeds are buried in the ground in spring, then the seedlings should appear within the next 30 days. Do not moisturize the anemones seedlings too much, otherwise the sprouts will die.

Vegetative cultivation of anemone

More in a simple way breeding this culture is considered vegetative propagation. The material can be the roots or tubers of plants. It is best to deal with the separation of roots in early spring, during this period the flower will undergo the procedure painlessly. You can cut off part of the root only if it has several buds that are responsible for plant recovery.

It is better to decide in advance with the flower bed on which the anemones will grow. This whimsical plant does not really like transplanting, especially if the flowers have been growing in one place for quite a long time.

Some subspecies of the culture have a tuberous root system. There are several nuances in the propagation of anemone tubers, so we will consider this procedure in details:

  1. The flower tubers must be prepared in advance by allowing them to absorb moisture. At the same time, it is impossible to completely immerse the rhizomes in water, otherwise they will simply rot. To avoid such a nuisance, collect warm water in a small saucer and stir a drop of epin or zircon in it. For better root germination, you can use biostimulants. Put a piece of gauze or thin cloth in the resulting solution, moisten the material and squeeze out a little. Wrap the tubers in a cloth and let sit for 5-6 hours.
  2. Combine sand and earth in a suitable shallow container. The composition of the soil must be sufficiently porous and loose. Sprinkle a little water over the soil and place the flower tubers on it after removing the cloth from them.
  3. Cover the container with glass or plastic wrap and leave in a cool place. Constantly monitor the level of soil moisture, it should not dry out.
  4. After 10-12 days, the tubers will release roots, and growth points will also become noticeable. Guided by the roots that have appeared, you will know exactly how to plant the anemone in the ground. Tubers with small sprouts can be placed in separate germination containers. In the event that growth points have not yet been identified, moisten the soil and keep the container with tubers in a cool place until they all germinate.
  5. If the tubers have not rotted, then roots should appear on each of them sooner or later. When replanting the rhizomes separately, place them with the sprouts upward and deepen them by about 2 heights of the tuber itself.

Planting anemone

Choosing a place for a flower bed

Planting and caring for anemone flowers begins with the selection the right place where they will grow. It is worth noting that different varieties of flowers feel comfortable in different conditions, but there are still some universal recommendations. Most anemones do well when provided with partial shade, loose, light soil, and good drainage.

Consider what lighting should be for different varieties culture:

  1. Those varieties of anemone, which in the wild are accustomed to growing in deciduous forests, love a well-shaded area. Such varieties include: Altai, flexible, Amur, buttercup, smooth, shadow, oak anemones. Such flowers will feel great if you plant them on the north side of the site or place a flower bed under spreading trees.
  2. In moderately shaded areas, the following varieties feel comfortable: forked anemone, forest and Canadian. Under natural conditions, these crops are found in light forests, as well as in forest glades. A flowerbed with such varieties can be located in the eastern side of the site.
  3. The anemones that love the sun include: Apennine, crown, Caucasian, tender anemone. These flowers will perfectly take root in open areas, on the south side of buildings. The listed species are considered drought-resistant, which means that they need to be watered sparingly, avoiding stagnation of water in the soil.

Soil for growing crops

Almost all varieties of anemone love light, porous, moisture-permeable soil. Before growing anemones, you should take care correct composition soil. In order to achieve the most favorable structure, the earth can be mixed with sand, small stones, brick fragments. In such a soil, air will circulate perfectly, which will not allow the roots to suffer from stagnant water.

Caucasian, Apennine and crown anemones they feel most comfortable in alkaline soils, and all other varieties thrive in neutral and slightly acidic soils. The least whimsical in this regard is the forest anemone - poor sandy soil is quite suitable for it.

Cultivars with tuberous roots should be planted in the ground with an acidity of no more than 7-8 units. More acidic soil is saturated with lime using wood ash... The soil is mixed with ash both before planting the tubers and during the growth of flowers. In the latter case, the beds are sprinkled with ash and the soil is loosened.

Anemone transplant

Root-propagated anemones are best replanted in early spring... These varieties include hybrid, canadian, forest and forked anemones. As soon as the shoots break through the ground, the fragment of the root, on which the sprout is located and there are adventitious buds, is dug up, cut off and transferred to another place. The composition and fertility of the soil in the new flower bed should be taken care of in advance. Some gardeners do a similar procedure in the fall, but then the risk that the plant will die is slightly higher.

As mentioned earlier, anemones do not like transplanting too much; some plants die after being transferred to a new place. The worst thing about the transplant is the hybrid anemone.

Early varieties that end their flowering in May can only be transferred to a new location in summer. As a rule, in ephemeroid anemones, leaves and stems die off already in the middle of summer. At the same time, plant roots already have renewal buds, so such root fragments can be safely transplanted to another flower bed. The roots should be deepened by 2-5 cm, the plants do not need watering.

Caring for anemone

If you provide anemones correct fit and care, the plant develops quickly enough, releasing more and more new stems. In just a few years, you will receive on your site a fairly dense and beautiful rug of green stems and bright buds. Occasionally, overgrowing flowers can oppress other crops in the area. To prevent this from happening, you should remove excess rhizomes and, if necessary, transplant plants on time.

Proper care of anemone consists in watering them regularly, while it is important to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil. Anemones, although considered moisture-loving plants, also need good drainage of the soil on which they grow.

Sufficiently mature plants, unlike young ones, do not tolerate transplanting well, therefore, it is not worth moving them to a new place without special need. This rule does not apply to tuberous varieties. Anemones with tuberous roots are dug out during the dormant period, then the tubers are carefully examined and hidden for storage in a cool place until autumn. In the fall, the tubers are re-planted in the ground.

For feeding anemone, complex mineral fertilizers... They are introduced into the soil directly during the flowering period of the culture.

Anemones are considered quite resistant to diseases and pests, but they are still susceptible to some lesions. Anemone can get sick with leaf nematode. It can be recognized when dirty yellow spots appear on the leaves, which subsequently darken. Severely affected flowers may die. If this happens, destroy diseased plants, replace the soil on which they grew, and plant other crops in their place.

If snails or slugs appear on your anemones, you can fight them with a solution of metaldehyde. It is better to collect pests by hand, and treat the plants with the named substance. When digging up tubers, they should be carefully checked for rot, and only then sent to storage.

Anemone, video

- graceful herbaceous plants, conquering with a variety of colors and shapes of buds. These perennials look spectacular when surrounded by other flora and stones. They are able to decorate any garden plot with their presence.

Among the generous assortment of varieties there are both unpretentious specimens and plants that require special care. This feature is explained by the presence of two categories of anemones - rhizome and tuberous... The first more or less calmly react to the "flaws" of cultivation, expressing dissatisfaction with only a certain loss of beauty. But for representatives of the second category, mistakes in leaving are very dangerous.

Planting anemone

Choosing a landing site

Requirements different types anemone to the level of lighting, moisture and soil composition differ significantly. But there are universal conditions in which all varieties will feel normal:
  • penumbra;
  • good drainage;
  • fertile loose soil.

These rules are especially relevant if the type of acquired anemones is unknown or in doubt. To create the perfect soil structure, you need to add regular sand to it. The presence of bulk material will not only loosen the soil and provide good air circulation - the sand will increase the level of water permeability. The same function will be performed by drainage - a layer of fragments of brick or small stones.

Mulch - bulk material, which is traditionally used as fallen, or special decorative mixtures. It not only prevents moisture evaporation and soil compaction, but also prevents growth. For anemones, foliage is best. The layer thickness is about 5 cm.

As it is recommended to use complex mineral preparations. Moreover, they should be applied only during flowering... And if the bed was fertilized before planting, then you can generally exclude this procedure from the anemones care schedule. If these measures are not neglected, ideal conditions for all varieties of anemone will be guaranteed.

In conditions middle lane almost all varieties can be left to winter in the open field... Previously, you should increase the thickness of the mulch by 2-3 times and equip a shelter from spruce branches or branches deciduous trees... In a harsh climate, you will have to dig up rhizomes. Tuberous varieties are especially sensitive to frost. Underground part dug up, dried and kept cool until disembarking.

Types of anemone

The genus anemone has more than one and a half hundred species. The following types are most popular with florists:
  • forest anemone;
  • a. crown;
  • a. Japanese;
  • a. gentle.
(Anemone sylvestris) - dense bush up to half a meter high. The buds are located singly, they can be regular and double. The diameter of the flower reaches 5-6 cm, for some varieties this figure increases to 8 cm. The leaves are large, with long petioles.

(A. coronaria) is a compact plant 20-30 cm high. Buds up to 6 cm in diameter, can be of different shades. In the center of the inflorescence are stamens and a black pistil. The leaves are collected in a socket.

(Anemone hupehensis var. japonica)- a bush about 40 cm high. The leaves are dark, the colors of the buds are pale or richly bright. The palette of shades is quite wide. The buds are collected in groups in loose inflorescences.

Anemone tender(A. blanda) is a stunted perennial. The maximum height of the stems with openwork leaves does not exceed 20 cm. The color and size of the chamomile inflorescences depends on the variety.

Anemone tender

Do anemones live in your garden?

26.02.2017 15 359

Anemone, planting and care - we create beautiful garden

We decided to grow delicate and beautiful flowers in the garden, then an anemone will suit you, planting and caring for which, of course, will require time and sufficient attention, since the plant is quite capricious. The fact is that anemones can be grown by dividing rhizomes or from a tuber, also through sowing seeds, and depending on the variety planted, further care that can be both casual and thorough ...

How to plant anemone seeds - instructions

Depending on the type and variety planted, the anemone requirements for sunlight, moisture and soil composition can vary significantly. But there are universal criteria that are suitable for all types of anemones, so planting and further care will not be difficult:

  • plant an anemone in partial shade;
  • arrange good drainage before planting;
  • take care of fertile and loose soil.

These conditions can be reproduced especially well when the anemone variety available for planting is not known. To obtain a good loose soil, add river sand which promotes circulation of air currents and dilutes heavy soil. In addition, the presence of sand improves water resistance, as does drainage. Sour lands dilute dolomite flour, with fluff lime, wood ash is also introduced.

Planting anemone seeds is one of the ways to reproduce these beautiful flowers... We decided to sow for the first time, keep in mind that the germination of anemone is rather tight, from the total under normal conditions, only a fourth part will grow, but with stratification within 45-60 days, germination increases.

anemone seedlings grown from seeds - pictured

Depending on whether you are planting purchased seeds or your own collection, anemone sowing is also carried out. Usually, the planting material from the store is already stratified, so additional manipulations in the form of being in the cold are not required. Your own seeds must be stratified.

Take the seeds, spread in a fertile loose soil mixture, sand or peat chips and spray well with a spray bottle. Next, maintain sufficient moisture until the anemone seeds swell. As soon as the seeds swell and begin to hatch, add a little loose fertile soil mixture on top and do not forget to moisten.

Cover with glass or plastic, leave in a warm place. When the first shoots appear, protective film they are harvested and the crops are put in the brightest and warmest place. It is advisable to maintain the temperature during the entire period after the start of planting within +20 ̊… + 25 ̊С. After sowing, sprouts will begin to appear no earlier than a month later.

Caring for anemones seedlings before diving consists in timely watering, good illumination and maintaining required temperature in room. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the anemone is dived into separate pots (cups). After the plant is grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse and planted in the second year in a permanent place.

Tip: Use for sowing, after soaking the seeds for 12 hours in a solution, then spread them in a fertile substrate and follow the germination technology.

Planting anemone tubers and rhizomes

To plant anemones with tubers, the planting material must be properly prepared. Soak the nodules in warm water for one or two days to swell. Any corn-stimulating drug can be added to the water - Epin, Heteroauxin, and others (diluted according to the instructions). Swollen tubers are planted in a fertile soil mixture or a mixture of peat chips and sand, observing a planting depth of 5 cm.

tubers anemone - pictured

To properly plant anemone tubers. Determine the growth point. Peculiarity planting material the fact that the top of the corms of these flowers is flat, so the planting is done with the elongated part down. If you cannot decide, place it in the ground with the side. In addition, humus and wood ash can be poured into the hole.

soaking tubers anemone - pictured
planting anemone tubers - pictured

Anemone tubers are planted in April or May, or September-October. The distance between the plants is left quite spacious, at least 10-15 cm, because over time, the roots grow strongly and can take up to 1 m2 of area. Watering the anemone after planting requires moderate watering; you should not flood the plants, because Excessive moisture can negatively affect the appearance of green sprouts.

Vegetative propagation of anemone is carried out by root suckers, segments or dividing the bush and tubers. Planting of root suckers of anemone is carried out in early spring or at the end of August. Root offshoots (roots) must be cut into pieces (cuttings prepared), 5-6 cm long. The roots can also be treated with any drug that improves the root formation process.

Cuttings are planted in a prepared loose substrate so that the top of the cutting is at the level of the surface of the substrate. The soil is slightly compacted, sprinkled with sand on top, moistened, covered with a film and sent to a greenhouse or greenhouse. Watering should be rare so that the anemone cuttings do not rot. When green stems and the first leaves appear, the film cover is removed. Planting anemone in a permanent place is recommended for the next year.

Anemone care

Caring for anemones after planting is necessary because it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity for the plants to begin and begin to grow. An excess amount of water in the soil has a detrimental effect on the roots of flowers, just like a lack.

To maintain the water balance within the required limits and facilitate the care of anemones, plant in elevated areas of the flower bed, or specially arrange a place in the garden higher, use mulch if the climate is dry and hot.

As a mulching material, you can take peat chips, fallen leaves of trees, or special decorative raw materials sold in garden stores. When mulching the space, moisture evaporation will be slowed down and it is quite difficult for weeds to break through the dense layer of the embankment.

When caring, you need to fertilize anemones (anemone), best of all during the budding and flowering period, using complex mineral dressing or other than manure. Ash solution, peat, humus are well suited.

Anemone is rarely susceptible to diseases and pests, but slugs and snails, leaf nematodes and winter worms can still peep into a flower bed with a delicate beauty. Use drugs and remedies that you usually use in the garden to kill uninvited guests.

When caring for anemones, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to process the flower bed once a year. insecticidal against aphids and rot. Anemones should be kept in pure form without weeds, while you need to carefully use for weeding and loosening such gardening Tools like Fokin's flat cutter, hoe, rake, t. to. closely located root system to the ground surface may be damaged.

It is better to cover a young autumn anemone for the winter, as well as hybrid forms. For these purposes, they take compost, peat and lay them on top of the anemone with a layer of 15-17 cm. Please note that the leaves and root stems must be cut off before filling. Also, tubers and rhizomes can be dug up for the winter, when the aerial part dies off. Storage of anemones in winter requires a temperature of +15 ̊ ... + 19 ̊С in the room before the onset winter period, then before spring the degree must be lowered to + 2̊… + 5̊С.

It is important that anemone transplantation is not always desirable, because some species can take a long time to germinate, especially hybrid varieties, therefore, many summer residents and gardeners prefer to cover the flowers in a flower bed better than to wait for the plants to recover after wintering at home.

Common types of anemone

Perennial herbaceous plants of the Buttercup family include more than 160 species, the following types of anemones are considered the most popular and of interest to flower growers:

  • crown;
  • tender;
  • forest;
  • Japanese.

Anemone (anemone) crown- the most popular type, which is most widely used for cultivation in the greenhouse and open field. Plants are compact, up to 40-45 cm tall. Rhizomes of crown flowers are fleshy, tuberous (up to 5 cm in diameter). Stems are straight with a small number of leaves, at the ends of which a single large flower, with a diameter of 8-9 cm.

crown anemone - pictured

Flowers can be simple, double, white, pink, blue, purple, lilac. If the planting of crown anemone (tubers) is carried out in April-May, flowering will begin in August or September and will last for several weeks.

Anemone tender- low frost-resistant plants (up to 20-25 cm) with dark green leaves of a neat shape. Flowers, depending on the variety, can have blue, white, dark pink, violet-blue, dark red with a white print. A feature of chamomile flowers is the early appearance at the same time as the leaves, practically out of the snow, already in the month of April.

anemone tender - pictured

Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. At the end of May, the leaf plates begin to wither, in June they completely disappear. The lack of tender anemones is tight tuber germination. According to gardeners, it is better to plant a tender anemone in the fall. But do not despair, if out of ten pieces one nodule has sprouted, in a couple of years there will be a beautiful flower carpet from the plant.

Forest anemone
given view is a plant with a height of 25 to 50 cm with flowers 3-5 cm. The flowers can be larger, up to 8-9 cm, double and white. Flowering begins in late May or early June and lasts up to 25 days. In partial shade, the flowers do not fade longer, they dry out faster in the sun.

forest anemone - pictured

- a type of herbaceous tall plants (up to 1.5 m) with slender stems, a dissected leaf plate. Additional support when grown in the garden is not required. Japanese anemone flowers are large, which appear at the end of August, September and continue to delight beautiful flowering an extended period of time. Color in white or pink tones with a golden core. In this group, the most prominent are the Hubei and hybrid anemone.

Japanese anemone (autumn) - pictured