How to trim the viburnum bulge after flowering. Cultivation of decorative viburnum: how to propagate the bulge

A native of exquisite France Decorative Kalina Bulderezh pleases the eye with its beautiful white inflorescences in the shape of a ball that can be seen in the photo. Her name itself indicates these white flowers - translated from French Boule de Neige means "Snow Ball". In addition to their beauty, Kalina is very valued in folk medicine As a means for purifying vessels and normalization of blood pressure. A decoction of flowers and plant bark helps with gastritis and stomach ulcers, treats colds and greatly strengthens the immune system. Flowers and bark of this shrub are used in the production of cosmetics. Tinstures made on the basis of viburnum colors are perfectly cleaned and tone the skin.

Unlike ordinary viburnum, decorative Valina Bulderezh is a low shrub: its height rarely exceeds three meters (as it can be noticed in the photo), while the Volaniy ordinary grows even up to five meters.

Seeds of this type of viburnum are quite difficult to get, because it gives very few berries. The reproduction of this shrub occurs only with the help of cuttings and chains.

Especially the bulgery loves water, so when landing should take care that its roots have a sufficient amount of moisture.

Kalina is growing quickly, acquiring an emission crown and buds of inflorescences of gentle white color With a cream tint, although varieties with colored buds are already removed ( on the picture). Like lilac, Kalina Buldége starts blooming in May, and its flowering period ranges from 25 to 30 days. In the autumn of her leaves acquire a greenish-buggy hue. Caring for this type of viburnum is simple, because the bulgery tolerates winter frosts, poor soil and all sorts of fertilizers. Nevertheless, that the plant goes well in your garden, first of all, you need to know how to put it correctly.

Landing Valina Bulderezh and Growing Conditions

This Kalina can be planted twice a year - either in early springor late autumn.

But in the fall, it is possible to plant this plant only by fissioning the root. It is very easy to do - it is only necessary to gently cut off the part of the side row of the bush and put it. Winter is not afraid of a bouchnese seedling - it perfectly adapts to any weather conditions, especially to the cold. But the care of this variety is also important.

In the spring for breeding viburnum, it is best to use chain. This method is also very simple - it is only necessary to burn the lowest branch to the ground and attach it to the iron bracket to the soil. Then, it must be sprinkled with the earth and abundantly moisturize until the branch releases the roots.

A little harder to plant a bouchnery with a cutting, because then the viburnum is getting worse and much more time is required for rooting. First you need to grow cutlets. To do this, they cut a young escape on which there should be eight-nine kidneys, and planted it in a soil in a greenhouse ( on the picture). The cutlets should spend a few months in the greenhouse to become a saplth. It must be abundantly watered.

In the spring cuttings, the bulgery is planted into the open soil.

Kalina of this variety is very unpretentious, but still, it is better to plant it in a saturated moisture ground. The reproduction of the bulgery is impossible without moisture. Also, without sufficient saturation, water is impossible for this plant.

How to put Kalina Bulderezh

Although Kalina Bulderezh is a very unpretentious shrub, it also needs careful care.

Care of vibrant bully

The unpretentious character of Kalina Bulnery does not mean that she absolutely does not need care. An adult plant needs regular watering and feeding fertilizers, and the growing bush should constantly cut, freeing from old, dried branches. But young plants in the first year of life are not recommended to be thoroughly clean. Also, do not forget to regularly fight pests - Kalinova black tool, cruciferous flew and beetle-leaf (on the picture).

Kalina "Bulderezh" - snowballs on a Kalinov Kush.

It is noted that in the garden decorative plants, exactly the environment is most suitable for which they are accustomed to nature. Mountain types are stones and slopes, coastal and water-loving - coast and shallow water. Kalina to face to grow on the shore of the reservoir. And it does not matter whether this shrub is fruit, or the decorative Valina "Bulderezh".

The story of her long.

Garden historians believe that for the first time, the decorative shape of viburnum with sterile flowers, assembled into thick lumps appeared in medieval France. It is believed that it originated naturally many centuries ago, and gradually spread in the gardens. Also, a surprisingly accurate name was also fixed for it - "Bulderezh" - "Snowball", reflecting its main attraction - dazzling white spherical inflorescences.

From ordinary viburnum, it was distinguished by the most absence of any reproductive organs (stamens and pestles), which made it impossible to her seed reproduction. But the gardeners of medieval Europe, it turns out to be quite literate to master the vegetative reproduction of the shrub. So she gradually dispersed throughout Europe, and not later than the 18th century, and within the limits of the Russian Empire.

The bush itself of this viburnum, when it does not bloom, it does not differ from Diharos. But in bloom the difference is huge. The natural type of inflorescence has the form of a flat umbrella, in the center of which are small flutting flowers, and the periphery are larger, sterile, which, according to nerds, are just a bait for insect pollinators. The "Bulthells" fluttering flowers are missing, and sterile dense to each other, forming dense spherical inflorescences with a diameter to 10 cm.

First blooms they are greenish-white, then snow-white. Flowering usually begins at the end of May, and ends, often in July.

Landing and care.

Under the winter hardiness, the "Bulderezh" is somewhat inferior to wild viburnum. IN middle lane It can be slightly freeze in harsh winters, but it affects its development. Flower buds of a shrub have a high frost resistance, so that bloom almost does not know the interruptions. At the same time, the size of the inflorescence and the composition of flowering, to a certain extent, depends on the care.

Place for landing Kalina "Bulderezh" is chosen fully open. At the same time, lowland should be avoided, although small local stocks, where snow accumulates in the winter, they are desirable on the contrary. The tops of the hills are also less favorable due to too strong drainage.

Like wildlife, "Bulderezh" loves wet, rich loams. On dry sandy soils of "lumps", its inflorescences are minimized that it is not possible to compensate even by irrigating. When landing, the pits are depth and diameter 60-70cm. Possible option The soil substrate can be a mixture of a delicate earth and humus in a 2: 1 ratio. At the time of filling the pit to the substrate add 80-100g mineral mixtures (NPK).

The dryness of the soil substrate is harmful and by the fact that the plant weakens and provokes the attack on it of leaf-mating pests - alent-leaf bundle and maline leaf. With them it is best to fight with the help of Yadohimikatov (Fufanon, carboofos, spark) double spraying - in May and at the end of August.

When landing, a seedlock is useful slightly, 2-3cm, burst out, the rolling circle is formed in the form of a well with a slight decrease to the base of the bush. Watering a shrub should be so frequent so that the earthen com maintained a constant high humidity. This contributes to the systematic mulching of the priority circle by a motor, peat (about5 cm).

"Bulderezh" in your garden.

Kush Kalina "Bulderezh", as a rule, plant single on the lawn. In mixed shrub compositions, it is successfully combined with Japanese spirires, Hydrangees, tree and Miscellaneous, whipping juniper and microbiota, while in the background. From the perennials, she goes the neighborhood of host, buzulnikov, telekiei, heikher, chrysanthemums, seeing the visible, milk-colored. In landscaping public places and urban courtyards, with sufficient space, it is customary to plant groups of 3 or 5 bushes.

"Bulderezh" is not difficult to form in a strambo form. To do this, pinch all the shoots running from the root except one, the largest and direct. The stack is left without branching to a height of 1.2-1.5m. A spherical crown is formed above the chipping and trimming. Try not to apply big wounds, but only pinch a young increase, finishing the formation by the middle of the summer.

A formed strambered bush can be made by the center small composition, decorating entrance to the village estate, urban cottage, office on the first floor of a high-rise building, etc. For example, it's good to conclude it into a low annular border from a cut-off trendy or turquist, and the foot of the ruling is completely filled with a carpet soil driver: a rapid lingerie, the shipyard of the coin "Aurea", Dushenia, Indian, Cleans, Cleanobyt Vizantine, etc.

Kalina decorative and edible

In the range of decorative wood plants for the garden ornament, a prominent place occupy a variety of viburnum.
Rod Kalina refers to the family of housing and includes about 200 species, many of which are moisture and can grow in the shade. In nature, Kalina is found in Europe and Asia, in Africa and America.

Kalins are leeward of deciduous or evergreen shrubs living around half a century, sometimes a tree with beautiful leaves and spectacular flowering. Flowers in Kalin white or pinkish, two types: barren, sterile (large and catchy, attract insect pollinators) and fluttering (more often small and unbroken, of which berries are formed).

Falling viburnum are decorative not only due to the elegant flowering and leaves of various shapes, which in the fall acquire a bright color. And the fruits of these plants are also very beautiful, they usually hold on the branches after the leaffall.
Most types of viburnum have their mature berries, edible bodies. More often fruits from Kalin red or bluish-black, and also withdrawn the yellow-colored shape of viburnum.

Kalina Gordin

Kalina Gordin (Viburnum Lantana) - O DIN from the best decorative shrubs. This type of viburnum has long been traditionally used in decorative gardening.
Gordovina is not demanding to soil, unpretentious. For gardeners it is also important that this shrub is shadowed (but prefers solar places), drought-resistant and frosty.

Elegant Kalina Gordovina looks great in the alas, groups, alive hedges. Shrub height of 2-5 m with grayish-silver from the omission of young escapes.
Gordovina's leaves are very beautiful, egg-shaped, wrinkled, from the bottom of gray-green from the fifteel.
On the vertices of shoots are made of inflorescences, consisting only of fluttering flowers. Flowers Kalina Gordovina long, up to month. The fruits of its inedible, but very decorative: first green, then red, then black ...

Ha photo: Kalina Gordovina blooms; Kalina "Bul de Nen"

Kalina Boule de Nez

Kalina "Bul de Nen" In fact, this is a delightful variety of viburnum ordinary, or red. Its adult bushes reach an average height of 3 m.
The high-elective Kalina "Boule de Nezen" ("Snowy Ball") with spherical snow-white inflorescences are derived by the French breeder of Lemoan.
These dense inflorescences consist only of sterile flowers. Therefore, the flowers of viburnum "Bul de Nen", of course, do not form fruits. What usually disappoints supporters of the "useful" garden, counting on the collection of berries. But seeing the bushes of Kalina "BUL-de-Nen" in bloom, they become passionate fans of this wonderful plant. And not wise ...

Flowering Kalina "Bul de Nen" - the spectacle is awesome! Magnificent bush at a flowering time completely covered with "snowballs", which create a magnificent contrast to green leaves background.
Kalina "Boule de Nen" bloom in June, pleases for more than 30 days. First, its blooming flowers are greenish, then white, and when flowing, they pose. Therefore, this variety received the second name - "Roseum".

Due to the lack of fruits, Valina varieties "Bul de Nen" breeds vegetatively, usually with cuttings.

Valina Ordinary, Kalina Red

Calina ordinary, or red viburnum (VIBURNUM OPULUS L.), - Either the most beloved since ancient times the plant in Russia, personifying the feminine beginning. In the pagan Starin Kalina Red called "Lububeur".
In antiquity, Kalina accompanied a person from birth to death, since the three key points of the life path of each person - the birth, wedding, funeral - demanded the presence of viburnum. The belief that Kalinovaya twig under the pillow was distinguished by evil ghosts, duplicates any nightmares, attracts gentle erotic vision ...
We are also very gentle, we treat Kalina with love.

In the spring, green riding bushes are covered with flat round inflorescences consisting of white flowers of two types. At the edges of the inflorescence of viburnum, large sterile flowers are located. And in the center of the inflorescence - small fluster flowers, of which bright red berries are formed.

We are breeding viburnum usually with green cuttings. Seed breeding of viburnum is difficult because it has a number of features. With spring sowing, viburnum seeds require stratification.

Ha photo: rooted viburnum cutlets; Kalina Village "Red Coral"

The benefits of the fruit of viburnum

Original vibration is very high. In the fall, it is often possible to see such yields of vibrant bushes, which are a solid red stain. Their branches are inclined under the weight of large clouds with bright red fruits in such a quantity as the leaves are not visible ...

The utility of viburnum fruit (reference to the article by Ryazhnova) is well known in the people and recognized as official medicine. Kalina's juice contains many ascorbic acid, it helps the body to output toxins and cope with the cold, lowers pressure, enhances the reduction of the heart muscle.
With the fruits of viburnum ordinary bake pies, make from berries useful drinks and billets - juices, jelly, joy, etc.

Ordinary viburnum berries, which is common in nature, have a clearly bitter taste. Thanks to breeding work, varieties of viburnum red with improved taste called sweets are obtained.

Selection of sweet varieties Kalina Red

Our trip to Michurinsk - in the city of Gardening. Michurin and the Central Genetic Laboratory - was undertaken to buy a planting material of sweet varieties of viburnum, which we were interested in a long time ago. But only in Michurinsk we were able to find the very high quality chiral plants.

In the nii of gardening them. Michurina has long been kept selection of viburnum.

There are several valuable varieties of viburnum ordinary: "Pomegranate bracelet", "Red Coral", "Michurin Early". These varieties have their own features, but they are united by several general signs. The berries of these varieties of viburnum, in contrast to the wild form, are relatively large (up to 1 g) and have a savoryloous taste - they can not only be recycled, but also consuming.

Amazing Snow Ball - Kalina Bulderezh

The yield of these varieties is high - reaches 10-15 kg from an adult bush.
From the breeder, a candidate of C / K Nicholas Chromova, we got a sweet variety of viburnum "Red Coral".

Also in our country are breeding viburnum in the Central Support (or VNII genetics and selection fruit plants them. Michurina). There we have acquired a variety of sweet-tree viburnum "Red Bunch". This variety is inferior to the Red Coral and the mass of fruits (0.74 g), and in general yields (4 kg from the bush). But its berries possess a beautiful taste with a thin mustard.

Kalina Sweet Variety "Red Coral"

Kalina Sweet Variety "Red Coral" has a compact mid-grade bush (convenient to collect fruits), giving stable annual yields. Grand yield is high - 10 kg and more.
A variety of Kalina "Red Coral" Mature fruits are bright red, weighing up to 0.9 g. Berries are rounded, very fragrant, pleasant sour-sweet taste with weak bitterness.
It is also important that the fruits of the "Red Coral" variety are distinguished by high transportability and long-term storage.

Grow sweet kalina in the garden - it means to have a very beautiful bush, pleasing gaze round year. It means that there will be large yields of delicious and useful berriesSuppose to strengthen health, successfully fight with a number of diseases.
And the pleasure that a person gets simply from the fact that he holds in his hands these red borders of large berries of viburnum feels their aroma and a completely special fresh taste - it is expensive ...

Irina Mikhailovna Ivanova (Ryazan region, s. Morozov Bills)

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Kalina Bulderezh photo, description, landing, care and

Decorative Valina Bulthell has long won the sympathy of many landscape designers and just amateur gardeners. Blossom of shrub little can be left without positive emotions. In the article below, we will look at the Valina Bulthells in more detail, as well as highlight the basic rules for planting and care.

Decorative Valina Bulderezh, description

Kalina Bulderezh photos

Blossom Valina begins in the last days of May and lasts about 15-25 days. All flowers are assembled into a single dense com, which can reach 15 cm in diameter.

Valina Bulderezh - landing and care, cultivation

At first, inflorescences have a greenish tinge, a little later, already creamy and, finally, the snow-white pumps are elegantly hanging with curved branches. Kalina Bulderezh in the fall is allocated for a long time not flourishing foliage of red tone and does not form fruits. With a big annual increase, this shrub boasts about 30-40 centimeters per year, however, the lifespan with due care may exceed 60 years.

It is interesting

The name of the "Bulderezh" came to us from the French language and is literally translated as "com snow". The thing is that inflorescences are going to a strong ball, something like a snowball, which we all looked in childhood.

In the structure of inflorescences and consists of the main difference between Kalina Bulderezh from the usual. In the latter, the inflorescences are located along the edges and their shape resemble umbrellas. The official name of this plant is the "Kalina sterile", since these bushes have no pestles nor the stamens.

Decorative shrubs: Kalina

Bulderezh landscape design

Kalina Bulderezh in the garden

Kalina Bulderezh in the garden design is a very popular plant, which looks great both in various compositions and in single landings. In addition to its interesting appearance, these plants are a very rack for freezing and do not need to cover for the winter (with the exception of the northern regions of the country).

Landscape designers actively use this decorative shrub on the reversals and corners of the garden tracks, at benches or other small architectural forms. Bulderezh looks gorgeous with the neighborhood with other plants, for example, dwarf varieties Barbarisa or Spiray. These shrubs are covering the lower part of the bulge, it is thereby it is interesting to allocate inflorescences on the shaded areas of foliage.

Video "Kalina Bulderezh Description"

Landing Kalina

Kalina Bulderezh is not a demanding plant, however, when choosing a landing site, it is better to avoid shaded and dry plots, as well as driving soils. The likelihood is great that the shrub is taken there, but the size and number of flowers will be very medium.

Deciding with the location, you should prepare a pit. Its average dimensions are about 50x50 centimeters and depend on the volume of the root system, plant plant.

For speedy survival and rapid growth in the ground, you can add nutritional compost or mineral fertilizers. Before the landing itself, the root system should be cut a little so that the roots are actively growing. In addition, you can soak them in the growth stimulator solution for several hours.

Shrub must be placed in such a way that the root neck was a pair of centimeters below the soil level. Immediately after landing, Kalina should be well to pour, and the rolling circle to be transformed with the eye or peat or simply to dip.

Video "Landing Kalina and Further Care"


Watering adult plants should be based on the degree of soil dry shrubs. It is worth considering that excessive drought and severe heat can negatively affect the duration of flowering period. If the summer months were outstanding rainy and cold, it is possible to do without regular irrigation at all.


Viburnum feeding is carried out either every year or in a year and depends on the qualitative characteristics of the Earth and the state of the shrub itself. For one adult plant, a mixture of 6-7 kg of compost, 20-25 g of ammonia nitrates, 15 g of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate will be sufficient. You can also use ready-made mineral compositions that are sold in any construction supermarket or gardening store.


Kalina Bulnery from time to time needs trimming, which allows you to proper thick branches, rejuvenate a shrub or form a beautiful and lush crown. It is very important during the trimming not to forget that inflorescences are formed exclusively on the overgrowth of growth. It is for this reason that too circumcised bush Kalina Bulthell will delight with lush inflorescences in one year.

For 2-3 years after planting plants, it follows the shoots every year, leaving no more than 4 pairs of embryos of inflorescences from the base. This procedure Let us give a shrub a thick form. The forming trimming of adult plants is carried out only in cases of reduction of the crown volume or its correction.

The breaking of viburnum is characterized by deliverance from already dried or weak branches. Inspect the bultone, as actually other plants, it is necessary annually.

In cases where there were pomp adult plants, and the inflorescences became smaller, the shrub is required to rejuvenate. To do this, it is necessary to trim all shoots at an altitude of 20-25 cm. After this type of trimming will go into rapid growth of sleeping kidneys that are below the cut level. It is necessary to take into account that the rejuvenated Kalina, after a little time, will need forming trimming.

Conducting any type is best in the early spring when the snow completely comes down. In order for young shoots to be stronger and raised rapidly, shrub after trimming, it should be good to feed with useful trace elements.

Trimming ornamental shrubs


Alas, but the bultone is subject to periodic attacks of various pests. In most cases, these are the larvae and beetles of Kalin Lista, as well as the Kalinskaya Tlla-leaf. If these insects appear on your bushes, you will have to admire not a lush "snowball", elegantly hanging from the branches, and naked shrub with the residues of foliage. In order to avoid this attack, in spring periodBefore the kidneys dissolve, the plants should be treated with a solution of "Inta-Vira" or its analogue.


Efficient reproduction of viburnum Bulderezh is carried out only with a vegetative method, since its inflorescences are fruitless.

Reproduction of cuttings

photo 1. breeding viburnum cuttings

The cuttings of 5-6 centimeters with a pair of interstices should be cut into oblique. The lower cut must be done under the kidney, and the upper one over it. Already cut cuttings must be planted in a greenhouse in the prepared pre-primer to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters. The optimal soil is a mixture of humus, thickness of 10 -15 centimeters and 2-3 centimeters of sand from above. Young plants should be protected from the bright sun, regularly water and periodically spray after rooting (usually it happens 14-20 days after landing).

In mid-August, when the root order will develop, young bushes Kalina Bulderezh must be transferred to open sadwhere they prior to the first frosts will have enough to graze.

On the winter Plants are best closed by wood sawdust, humus or peat mortar, and after 2 years, they can safely choose a constant location on the site. This breeding method is most effective, but at the same time requires great effort.

Reproduction with chains

photo 2. Valuation of viburnum by gangs

This method of obtaining new viburnum bushes should be carried out in the spring. The process itself is not a lot of work: there is a shallow fossa (about 12-15 centimeters), the selected Escape bends and reliably fixed with a wire bracket. After that, the escape must be sprinkled with a soil, thoroughly tamper and shed well.

Full rooting will end closer to autumn, however, to transplant young plant The new place is best not earlier than in 2-3 years, when a young shrub and its root system fully formulate.

Division bush

This method of obtaining new plants does not constitute any difficulties. All that is required for him is to find a good subsidiary of escape and most carefully separate it from the parent plant.

Kalina Buldége is a very steady plant to various adverse climatic conditions, such as drought, frost and cloudy weather, and even a novice gardener can grow it on the plot. In addition, there are hardly at least one person who did not stop his gorgeous snow-white "snowy" borders hanging on the baked branches.

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Kalina from time immemorial was revered and was valued by our ancestors for his decorative appearance and beneficial properties. And today, its relatives Kalina Buldége is the desired guest of the gased plots.

The symbol of maiden beauty, love and happiness, Kalina from time immemorial, worshiped by our ancestors. She was considered a faith, appreciated the decorative appearance and useful properties. And today, her relatives - welcome guests Our household plots. Especially in honor of modern gardeners Kalina Buldége.

Kalina species

The numerous genus of Kalina has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many since childhood is familiar to Valina ordinary. This unpretentious shrub does not need special attention, because he feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding nothing in return, generously gifts everyone around with their bright flowering, lush foliage and healthy fruits.

Other representatives of this kind, looking at the photo of which, do not immediately recognize Kalina in them:

  1. Buryat, or black, grows in the form of an empty shrub tall up to 3 meters or a tree with an openwork crown and naked branches. Extracted leaves with acute vertex are covered with rare hairs. Flowers pale yellow, fruit - black, edible, sweet taste;
  2. Willy forms shrub thickets on mountain slopes and mixed forests. It has large beautiful leaves of a reddish-brown shade in spring and bright purple - autumn. White flowers are replaced by red fruits;
  3. Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky slopes of hills, river banks and swamps. Wounded, pointed bright green summer leaves take the color of red tones in autumn. It has cream-white blossoms. Fruit is blue-black berries;
  4. The gear is a gustwood shrub reaching a height of 5 meters. This type is highlighted by an unusual rounded form of foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Gordovina grows in gliding fruits. It is famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Bulderezh

The most common decorative culture Ordinary viburnum - Variety Bulderezh. In a literal translation from French, this name means a snow ball. This reflects distinctive feature Plants - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter blooming with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball snowball.

Bulthell cultivate as a shrub or a small tree. It grows pretty quickly, height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers sterile and fruit do not give.

Decorative properties Valina Bulderezh

Bulthell disrupts its snow-white balls in May. Flowering long, lasts month and more. The blurred buds have a gentle greenish tint, over time, purchasing white color. Flource, Kalina does not lose its decorative attractiveness. In the fall of foliage is painted in noble crimson tones.

In addition to the decoration as garden Plant, flowers of this variety often use florists to create flower compositions. They are well standing in the cut, so bouquets do not lose freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

In most, Kalina shades. However, decorative species recommend landing on well-lit sections or a half. Landing in the shade is fraught with the weakening of the bush, at the same time the excess of the sun shortens the flowering period.

These plants are moisture, so excessive moistening of the soil and place near the reservoirs will be optimal conditions For their growth and fruiting. Soil prefers loose, moderately sour. If the ground is heavy clay, add humus, woodwood, peat.

Breeding Kalina

Kalina breed seeds, cuttings, tanks, the division of the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. stratification of seeds is long, continues at least 6 months;
  2. fresh-plated seeds spare only in a year;
  3. vegetatively, decorative forms are breed more often;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during the active growth of the plant;
  5. shores cuttings in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly.

Their development is accelerated on the 3rd year of life. For seed reproduction Fruption begins in 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, berries appear after 2-3 years.

How to plant saplings Kalina Bulderezh

Since the flowers are sterile bulences and do not give seeds, this variety is available only a vegetative way of reproduction.

Time and landing site Kalina

The season for landing determines the method of breeding:

  1. shutting in spring;
  2. shining is carried out in summer;
  3. planting seedlings are engaged in early spring and late autumn.

Plot for landing is prepared in advance. A suitable place will be signed by the corner of the garden.

Why does not bloom bullnews?

If the selected propagation method provides for the landing hole, it is prepared with dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and wipes well large quantity water. Drainage from bark, stones and others suitable materials. Kalina loves moisture, but the waters will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which contains potash-phosphoric fertilizers, peat, humid, ash and garden land.

Squeeze challenges Kalina

If the bultone is growing in your garden, the easiest way to multiply Kalin will be with a gag:

  1. near the bush prepare a hole in a depth of 12-15 cm;
  2. the lower escape is flex to the landing site and pinpoint with a bracket;
  3. on top are sprinkled with humus or just ground, compact;
  4. the soil is maintained wet.

Under favorable conditions, by autumn, shoots are rooted. After 2 years, the drains are separated from the maternal bush. After that, they can be planted for a permanent place.

Summer shuttless Kalina

The reproduction of the cutter is a more laborious process. The planting material is harvested during the summer trimming of the bush. For rooting, cuttings with one intersess are chosen.

Follow the following scheme:

  1. in June, one-year shoots 7-8 cm long shoots;
  2. cuttings plant in humorous land and leave in a greenhouse;
  3. planting are covered on top of the film, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse you need to maintain a warm and wet microclimate. The creation of artificial fog contributes to roouging. Cuttings from time to time spray warm water. Such conditions are supported until the next spring. Young rooted bushes are frowning in shkling. After that, planted into the ground.

How to plant saplings viburnum with roots

If you intend to plant a few seedlings, it should be taken into account that the bulgery occupies a large area over time. The crowns of empty ware-shaped bushes can reach 5 meters wide. Otherwise, the process is infertility:

  1. acceptable drop-down scheme 2x2 meters;
  2. the root neck is plugged at 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. the land is compacted and watered well.

In the first year, Kalina grows slowly. This is due to the rapid root system. Three years old reaches about 1.5 meters of height. Rarely meet 10-year copies above 3 meters.

Care for decorative viburnum

Care for viburnum does not represent special difficulties. To save decorative View Plants, it requires forming and rejuvenating trimming, sufficient watering and infrequent feeding. Significant gardener troubles can deliver prophylactic measures in combating diseases and pests.

Formation of bush and trimming

Prothesiation of young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the Earth helps to achieve a multi-rolled bush. Bulthell will be bluffing in the future, if in the first year the inflorescences of the plant are removed still unacceptable. Subsequently, young shoots pinch in early August.

Crowning for the formation of the crown is carried out after flowering. Thus, new kidneys will be laid on the branches. You can adjust the shape and cut forward a bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such works stop the Kalina to have to grow to the cold.

With age rage from abundant flowering Bends, and the bush can fall. Therefore, the old plant branches are taped.

Stumbaceous shape of Kalina

Very original straak form of viburnum. The molding trim the bulgery allows you to get instances with a wide crown at a high and low strain. Crimping lies in the formation of the crown at an altitude of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful escape. The branches leave about 30 cm long. The young piglet under the bush is regularly removed, and the crown is thinned every 7-8 years.

Feeding and watering decorative bush

Comparatives with other plants, Kalina needs more watering. This is especially true of young, developing plants. In the fall, preparing the plant to the cold, the soil is watered more than usual. This reception will warn dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Bulthell feed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are introduced under the sprinkle under the bush. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will need from fertilizers. One or twice for the season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, the ashes are being added under the plant. Once every two years, overwhelming dung is introduced in the fall in the soil.

Tatyana Pronin, Expert

Pests and diseases Kalina Bulderezh

Charging Kalina may be a word. Deal with her, processing leaves soapy solution. Spraying spend B. evening time In weakly dry weather. The pest scares the pest and the thick layer of ash on the ground around the plant.

If the leaves of Kalina appeared white flag, This is about the disease muced dew. Save the bulgery at an early stage of the disease will help the spraying of the Bodros liquid. In severe cases, the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become the source of the spread of infection to other plants.

Such uncomplicated techniques will provide your Kalina long, in the literal sense of the word blooming life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. And what varieties still grow on your site? What can you say about their care, what tricks in the fight against pests use? Share your experience, finds, inventions in the comments!

Tatyana Pronno

Specialist in exotic plants.

About myself: I know everything about how to grow a tropical forest In the conditions of the Far North!

Decorative Valina Bulderezh: Tree landing and care, photos - print version

Recently, it is very popular to accompany the household and summer cottages with the help of Bulderezh vibration bushes. Beautiful bushes With strong branched branches and lush white inflorescences please not only the owners of the site, but also neighbors and guests.


Kalina Bulderezh refers to decorative varieties of plants. This bush has lush beautiful joints, representing large white balls, whose diameter reaches 15-20 centimeters. At the end of May, when Kalina is blossoming, the bush is covered huge number Large colors. Duration of flowering lasts about a month.

In the autumn period, the leaves of viburnum become bright, crimson. The plant decorates the plot over long years, as the life expectancy of the bush is about 60 years.

It is no secret that each plant has its own specific features. Kalina "Bulderezh" is no exception. Therefore, before planting this plant, all the nuances should be studied at the site, so that the bush subsequently did not have to transplant:

  • This bush loves to use ants for the cultivation of Tly. Therefore, in order to avoid damage to the plant, it is necessary to prepare it with special means aimed at combating various pest insects.
  • Kalina "Bulderezh" perfectly feels next to coniferous plants. Therefore, while having planted near Kalina and a coniferous tree or a bush, you can guarantee the "Bulderezh" from pests and get larger and lush flowers on the plant.
  • According to the Chinese, during flowering Kalina creates a certain atmosphere of harmony and rest. Lush, beautiful, elegant inflorescences fascinate and soothe.
  • The height of this bush is about six meters, the width is about four meters. It is importantly important when making a site and landing Kalina.
  • It is the opinion that Kalina has some healing properties, contributes to the normalization of pressure, strengthening the immune system, helps in the treatment of gastritis and colds, cleans and strengthens blood vessels.

  • Kalina "Bulderezh" is a decorative plant, so perfectly suitable for decorating various flower and garden.
  • When landing, this plant must be tiered to eliminate damage with severe wind gusts.

Kalina Ordinary Bulderezh has significant differences with a Roseum variety. In its description, it can be seen that the shrub has large fruits and is suitable for growing in Siberia. Valid reviews are mostly only positive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this variety of viburnum is enough. The plant differs in frost resistance, so it is possible to grow this bush in any climatic conditions. The height of the plant does not reach large indicators, which makes it more convenient when designing the site.

For proper care The plant will delight over the years. The flowering period of viburnum is quite long - it lasts about a month. The inflorescences of Valina "Bulderezh" are great for creating bouquets. This species Decorative Kalina perfectly tolerate the neighborhood with other plants.

For some people, a disadvantage of this plant is a complete lack of smell in colors. But such a sign is not in all cases will be negative.

Fit climate

Kalina Bulderezh is a rather unpretentious, frost-resistant plant and practically does not require much attention during cultivation. Therefore, it is possible to grow Kalina in any climatic conditions, observing certain rules.

It is necessary to take into account that, despite the stability of the plant to frost, in the harsh winters there is a chance of damage to the plant, this may lead to the formation of a small amount of inflorescences on it. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to correctly choose a place for landing viburnum, while avoiding open low-speed and heavy clay soils.

Bulderezh prefers sunny, but at the same time a little darkened places. If the plant is planted in a shady spot, then after a certain time, colors on Kalina will become much smaller, and then it will stop blossoming, the bushes will gradually degenerate.

In addition, Kalina Bulderezh is drought-resistant. It perfectly feels like dry soils, but it will be necessary to irrigate, so the optimal version is the cultivation of a variety of bulge on wet soils. Accordingly, planting plants on well-fertilous, nutritious, loose soils - perfect option for viburnum of this variety.

How to grow?

In compliance with all the necessary conditions and the requirements of the planting, the plant is quite quickly caring and begins to actively grow and develop. Literally for 2-3 years, Kalina will abundantly blossom, the bush will increase significantly in size. It is possible to achieve such a result only with a thorough leaving for a plant: regular watering, timely feeding, as well as trimmed bush.

An important factor in the cultivation of viburnum Buldége is a timely abundant watering of the plant. It is strictly recommended to allow soil drying. This has a negative impact on the decorative properties of the plant.

Fingering young bushes should begin 2-3 years after landing.The first feeding is carried out early in spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers must be made.

The second dressing passes in the fall and implies the contribution of potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizer can be made in two ways:

  • The components are bred by water and the resulting solution is watered under the root.
  • Fertilizer can be simply evenly scattered under the bush and sprinkle with a small amount of land.

Late in the fall, the plant must be prepared for the winter. From the bush you need to remove dry inflorescences and the remaining foliage.

It is also necessary to regularly inspect the bushes for the presence of various diseases and pests. The most dangerous for the plant is the Kalina Listoyed. It should be carried out in a timely handling of viburnum with special means to avoid negative consequences.

When and how to plant?

Planting this decorative plant It is necessary to early in the spring or late in the fall, before the start of frosts. The second option is the most optimal, since Kalina will have more time to adapt.

Before boarding, it is necessary to pick up a suitable place. This is an important factor, since a properly selected place for growing plants will contribute to a more abundant flowering, optimal development and growth of viburnum. It looks very impressive, a decorative bush of a bouchnery, placed on the shore of any reservoir. Original, stylish decoration A bench or a gazebo, located in the shade of lush bouchunses, or flowerba with this plant will be in the gazeper and in the garden.

Before boarding, it is necessary to pre-prepare a fossa for the plant. The depth of the pit must be at least 50 centimeters. This must be taken into account during junk.

Next, you should help the earth. To do this, pre-prepare special mixwhich includes humid, ash, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Components are thoroughly mixed before entering into the soil.

Then you need to put the plant in the hole and gently sprinkle the earth without damaging the root system. The ground around the process is needed slightly tamper, make a neat small well and pour a plant. After that, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the arms of the bush with sawdust or crushed bark. The distance between the bushes should be at least two meters. During the first year, the plant grows slowly, as the root system has not yet fastened. By three years, the height of the bush reaches about 1.5 meters.

What year will bloom?

Kalina Bulderezh is an unpretentious plant, but the regular correct care for seedlings contributes to the emergence of the first inflorescences for 2-3 years after landing. The start of flowering plants falls on May. Initially, pale green flowers gradually become pale pink, completely blossomed will be filled with crystal white.

Beautiful lush flowers have a diameter of about 10 centimeters. Fragile, thin branches of the plant bend under their severity to the ground. Flowers on Kalina hold on to about 25 - 30 days, after that they gradually dry out.

How to care?

Care for vibrant buldies is quite simple. It is necessary to perform a number of events in a timely manner:

  • Regularly rush to water the plant. Soil under the bush should always be wet. It is impossible to dry the earth. Growth and development of viburnum will slow down, risk the risk of various diseases.
  • It is important to regularly loose soil. It should not be allowed to form a crust, as this leads to the difficulty of root breathing.

  • Mulching also plays an important role for the growth and development of viburnum. Therefore, it is necessary to change the layer of mulch in a timely manner.
  • It is necessary to regularly produce a plant feeding with various fertilizers. Early spring and autumn bushes should be filled with a mixture of various fertilizers, throughout the year you need to sprinkle soil under the plant with a minor ash.
  • In addition, not to neglect the processing of the plant with special means to combat various diseases. The use of salt and soap solutions, as well as a tobacco decoction with the addition of various components, will help prevent and relieve the plant from the disease, as well as insect pests.

Higher harm is a word.An integral rich soap solution is an effective means of combating this pest. It is enough to treat them the leaves of the plant in the evening of the day and dry windless weather.

Wheels are fighting, processing the leaves with soap solution. An excellent means for scaring insects is the ash, scattered on the ground around the bush.

How to propagate?

Decorative Kalina Buldenge breeds with a barren way, so the reproduction of the plant can be carried out with the help of grooves, cuttings, as well as the division of the bush. Select the method of reproduction is necessary to the gardener itself, based on individual requirements and wishes. Several factors play a big role here: efficiency, simplicity, strength and time costs.

The easiest way is to reproduce with the assignment. To do this, you need to choose the strongest annual shoots and gently bend them. To avoid damage to the tank and improve fixation, you can use a special metal crochet.

Next should be omitted in a pre-prepared hole. The soil needs to be well seal, make required amount Stroke and thoroughly pour. After the process is rooted, it is necessary to transplant it in a separate, pre-prepared container.

Breeding viburnum with cuttings

Reproduction cuttings are prepared in summer period In the process of cutting the plant. For this, small young shoots with several kidneys are perfect. After cutting, the cutting should be placed in a special solution for several hours to accelerate the formation of roots. The hauling should be carried out carefully.

After processing the cutting, it is necessary to land in the garden, the depth of planting is about 2.5 centimeters. To create optimal conditions for the growth, drainage of cuttings, as well as accelerating the appearance of the roots, the garden must be covered with a polyethylene film.

With proper care and compliance with all the advice and recommendations for the cultivation of cuttings by the end of the summer, young shoots will appear.

How to execute?

Very beneficial and effectively looks decorative bush Bulderezh, planted on the shore of any reservoir. Original, stylish decoration on the household plot and in the garden will be a bench or a gazebo, located in the shade of lush budnesses, or bright flower beds Around this plant.

Equally spectacular and beautifully look at both single bushes of viburnum and decorated in groups. Living hedges created from these decorative bushes will be an excellent supplement and decoration of the garden and pricework year-round. A lively hedge from Valina Bulderezh is framed by various buildings, alleys, garden tracks.

Very unusually looking Valina Bulderezh on the background of trees coniferous rocks. This is due to the gentle, light green color of the foliage of this decorative bush and a dark green tone of the needles.

This decorative bush is well adjacent to various plants, for example, lilac, the dubbed, hydrangea. Vividly and unusually looks like Valina Bulderen next door to Barbaris.

Many gardeners plant a single bush of Valina Bulderezh and under a bush - early flowers: tulips, daffodils, crocuses.

To proper cultivation of viburnum of this variety, it is recommended to listen to recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  • To obtain a beautiful shape of a bush, it is necessary to cut the plants in a timely manner. Trimming is held annually and has its own characteristics.
  • To ensure abundant bloom of the plant, it follows in the first year to trim still unacceptable inflorescences.
  • In early August, you need to pinch young shoots. It is best to do it during this period.
  • In subsequent years, it is necessary to cut all shoots every year at a distance of about twenty centimeters from the ground.
  • The crown formation should be proceeding exclusively at the end of the flowering period. These timing must be strictly observed, since during this period there are a bookmark of new flower kidneys.
  • To make a decorative bush more compact, it follows during summer trimming to bring the side shoots and to break the central part of the plant.

  • It is categorically not recommended to trim the bush at the end of summer, since during this period the plant begins to actively prepare for winter. Such a procedure you only harm this plant.
  • During all subsequent years, the branches of the decorative bush will fall to the ground under the weight of the inflorescence. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the plant in a timely manner.
  • Kalina Bulderezh is one of the most original, elegant plants in landscape design on the household site. Lush, large white inflorescences of this decorative bush are beautiful and pleasantly surprised not only garden owners, but also neighbors and guests. Growing and care for viburnum bulgers does not require large financial investments, forces and time. With proper careful care, the plant will be the original decoration of any subsidence and garden.

According to many, one of the most beautiful shrubs is Kalina Bulderezh. This type of viburnum is a decoration of household plots. His sonorous French nickname Bulderezh Russian shrub received for the similarity of large white inflorescences with snowballs (Snowball - Boule de Neige, Fran.).

Bulthell does not lose its attractiveness and after the end of flowering. Decorativeness Shrub gives its carved leaves and rounded the shape of the bush. Over the vegetative period, shoots grow by 25-40 cm. During the life of Kalina can grow up to 2.2-3.7 m.

With its popularity, the decorative bush is obliged not only to long flowering, but also ease of care, endurance. Bulderezh perfectly feels in areas with an unfavorable cold climate. This plant is successfully growing gardeners of the Urals and Siberia.

Selection of place and landing

Kalina Bulderezh is an unpretentious plant. However, to the selection of places where the decorative Kalina will grow, it is necessary to approach responsibly. Snow bush prefers shady sections with loose fertile soil. The plant will suffer greatly if you plan it in an open place. Gentle foliage literally burns under bright sunny rays. Deep shadow negatively affects inflorescences, and flowering will be short.

Kalina Buldége

Planting seedlings is best to produce in spring. The root system of viburnum develops quickly, forming many side roots. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a landing point with a depth of 0.5-0.6 m and a diameter - 0.6-0.7 m.

Kalina does not tolerate even short-term stagnation of water. Consequently, you need to take care of good drainage. To do this, the pits are placed on the bottom of the pit, clamzit and pieces of wood crust. From above are filled with a mixture of compost or humoring (30-40 kg), wood ash (150-200 g) and nitroposki (100-120 g). It will be fine if you add 0.5-0.7 kg of peat and coarse white sand into the ground.

Blowing the seedling should be so that the root neck is at a depth of 4-5 cm from the soil surface. The plant is better attached if immediately after planting it is to pour and sprinkle a rolling circle of mulch (peat, humid). In addition, all shoots of young viburnum should be shortened by a third.


Bulldone Kalina can be multiplied in any period of active vegetation. The following methods of breeding are distinguished:

  • pavement;
  • division bush;
  • reproduction with tanks.

Cuttings viburnum

Cutting blanks and growing seedlings

After the bush stops blossom, you can begin shilling. For these purposes, several young healthy shoots are chosen and cut them into parts with a length of 12-20 cm. Cut the blanks at an angle of 45 °. Each trim should have at least 3-5 sleeping kidneys.

To raise a seedling from the workpiece, it is enough to put a cutlery in a good fertilized soil. Circling with young landings are covered with a film. Create, thus, the effect of the greenhouse. In the conditions of elevated temperature and humidity, the rabid is well developed and growing for several months. As soon as the seedlings are strengthened, the film must be removed, so that they hardened and were ready for the transplant to a permanent place.

You can use another method of growing cuttings. From one end of the billets remove the skin to the first node and lower them into the water. A few days later, pressing roots are formed on young shoots. Each cutlets must be put in a separate container. The soil mixture should consist of fertile soil and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. Before planting a cutle, the mixture is necessary to moisten well. Pots with saplings of viburnum should be stored in a dark room, at a temperature of + 14 + 15 ° C.

Important! It is possible to plant young plants into open soil in this way, only in spring.

Reproduction with grain and division

Often decorative viburnum breeds spread. For this branch, the bush is flex to the soil, fasten with studs in interstitial hair and fall asleep. At the same time, the top of the escape remains open. So that the apparent roots develop faster, the bark between the kidneys is cut to wood. All summer, the gods should be abundantly water and loose. In the autumn, young shoots are separated from an adult plant and transplant.

Fall - best time For breeding viburnum dividing bush. To do this, it is enough to separate a well-developed stem from the plant. Baby escape along with the root gently transplanted into the prepared landing pit.

Note! Split viburnum decorative bulge seeds will not work, as the grade sterile.


Lush beauty-kalina with snowy flowers can not be called a capricious plant. Bulthells well tolerate winter frosts. Even if overhead shoots are freezed, the bush will quickly recover in the spring, but it is still not worth allowing it. In order to assist the plant to overvarily, you need to thoroughly pour the land in the supreme circles in the fall, before the onset of frosts. Save the plant from freezing can be using a mulching with a compost.

In order for the flowering period lasted longer, and they were large and magnificent, Kalina should be picked up with complex fertilizers.

Spring - the time of the first feeding nitrogen fertilizers or overloaded a cow. To increase the efficiency of fertilizers, it is necessary to make a hole in the soil of a 15-35 cm in the soil of a hole in the soil. The entire fertilizer rate is distributed over the wells. Snacks to poll the hoe and abundantly pour a rolling circle.

Attention! It is impossible to increase the norms of the applied fertilizers. Excess nitrogen in the soil can provoke an active growth of weeding plants. In addition, nitrates can lead to soil contamination and groundwater.

It is possible to stimulate abundant blossoms, if you spray a boron-based microfertilio.

With proper care, snow-white inflorescences there are so much that viburnum branches do not stand and break under their severity. That is why young shoots of the plant better tip to supports.

Formation of bush

Decorative shrubs need annual trimming. Early spring, prior to the start of flowering, should be removed damaged, weak and dried branches sent to the center of the bush. The formation of the bush continues at the end of the flowering period. An adult plant should have no more than 6-8 skeletal branches. Therefore, the central part of the shrub is cut, and the side shoots are shortened.

In order for the bouchneege of stained to frost, it needs to be cropped at the end of August.

Important! If Kalina blooms badly, it is necessary to crop all the stems at a distance of 27-33 cm above the ground.

Bush Bulderezh's usual sight. Not many know that if desired, from the decorative bush, you can form a strambet tree. To do this, when first trimming, you need to remove all shoots. Leave only one growing strictly up. It is important that the vertical stem is pulled up to 1.7-2.1 m. Then the top kidney pinch, thereby stimulate the active formation of side shoots. The formation of the crown consists in timely pinching of the branches. Protecting the shoots must be immediately as they reach 0.3-0.4 m.

Fighting pests and diseases


Bulldone Kalina - a plant sustainable to many types of garden crops. However, untimely trimming of the plant can lead to the reproduction of hazardous insects.

TLL - very dangerous pest For snow shrub. The colonies of the Tibe will settle on the bushes of the Bulderezh and feed on the juice of the leaves. You can deal with the infection folk remedy - 75 percent solution economic Soap. It includes a caproic acid that can destroy 85-90% of the colony.

To obtain a solution of a given concentration, a piece of soap rubbing on the grater. Chips pour 2 l warm water and stirred until the soap is completely dissolved. 7-8 liters of cold water are added and reduced the solution to transparency.

Additional information! A good prophylactic agent is wood ash. In order to scare insects, it is enough to scatter ash in the priority circles of the shrub.

If the defeat of the tool is strong, then you can process the bulgery by means of agravertin, Inta-Vir. Spraying to produce only in quiet weather, observing all precautions.

A large danger to viburnum is a moody sheet. In a dry roast summer, the pest begins to actively multiply and eats up the foliage and young shoots of the plant. Therefore, the bultone needs processing insecticides. Moreover, the first spraying must be carried out before the appearance of the larvae (mid-May). The purpose of processing in August is the destruction of adult beetles. Experienced gardeners Recommended to fight leaf food carbofos and fufanon.

Puffy dew is a dangerous fungal infection that affects most cultivated plants. Including suffering from her Kalina Bulderezh. This disease can be defeated if you spray a cluster with a solution of calcined soda and soap. At the end of active flowering, the plant needs to spray 3 times with an interval one week.

Interesting! Save the Kalina from pulse dew can ordinary garlic. To prepare the prophylactic agent, 50 g of chopped garlic and 2 liters of water will be needed. The mixture should be for two days. Before using the infusion, strain and use for processing.

Additional Information

  • Will there be berries?

Unfortunately, viburnum fruits will not try to try. Flowers of this plant are sterile. Therefore, the promises cannot form.

  • Single landing or composition?

Kalina Bulderezh is a universal decorative plant. Shrub looks great in single landings. Due to the high resistance to air pollution by exhaust gases, Kalina is used to create live elevations. Planting her garden tracks and holiday sites.

Snow beauty is well combined with other blooming shrubs: lilac, the canbushnik and hydrangea. Kalina feels great and quickly develops next to the landings of Barbaris, hawthorn and rowan.

Additional Information! It is worth noting that the bulgery forms beautiful landscape compositions with coniferous plants (spruce, thuja), maples, linden and white birch.

A real decoration of any garden can be Valina Bulderezh. Landing and care in the open soil does not require a lot of effort and time from dacnons. In the description of the varietal advantages it is said that Kalina Snowball lives 50-60 years. How many of them a bush will bloom, depends on patience and sorting force. A little bit of care and attention, and a beautiful decorative bush will delight those around the huge white snowballs for many years.

Kalina Bulderezh - Amazing Plant Beauty Plan. Gorgeous snow-white balls, swept throughout the shrub, hardly someone can leave indifferent. If you do not grow a wonderful shrub, then it's time to put it in my garden. On how to put Kalina Bulderezh in spring and autumn, read further.

General description of the shrub

Charming title Kalina has French roots - Boule de Neige is translated as a "snow ball". And this is exactly the case when the name fully describes the appearance. The plant is valued not only because of the colors, but also because of beautiful leaves. Due to its beauty and sophistication, the plant is often used in landscape design and on ordinary country areas.

The average height of the shrub is from two to three or three and a half meters. Flowers can reach up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. For proper growing, regular and systematic leaving the shrub is able to live up to fifty years.

The period of flowering viburnum - from the end of the spring-start of summer, blooms most often for two to three weeks. Because of the abundance of large snowballs, the branches are dried, so in some cases they need to be written so that they do not break.

An interesting feature of the plant - the flowers do not smell.

It is possible to plant and transplant viburnum Bulderezh like near other cultures and in proud loneliness. And in the first, and in the second version it will look interesting.

Video: Plant Description

How to multiply Kalina Bulderezh

For those who are already growing a plant in their own area, but wants to increase the number of shrubs, relevant to know the methods of breeding. One of the features of this plant is that the flowers of decorative viburnum are fruitless, therefore, only reproduction is in a vegetative way.

It can be reproduced in three ways:

By dividing the bush

To multiply Kalina Bulthells by dividing the bush as much as possible in order not to injure the root system. To send a bulge out, it is necessary to partially dig roots and delicately separate the young subsidiary from the mother's bush. It is necessary to do this so that the first, and the second part of the bush regularly kept branches and roots.


Popping method of tanks is very simple and convenient way. Optimal timing The event is the end of the spring-beginning of summer.

Reproduction passes by the following scheme:

  • Under shrub you need to make small in depths (up to ten centimeters), but long grooves.
  • Then the side shoots of the annual shrub lowered to the soil and place them in these grooves.
  • Hooks should be fixed with hooks or brackets.

  • After that, you need to fall asleep with a compost, slightly tamper and It is difficult to moisten the water of normal temperature. In the future, watering should be carried out in a timely manner.
  • When forming shoots, it should be performed to create a normal level of humidity.
  • The separation from the main bush is made in autumn when The formation of the roots, the taps cut off with a sharp secateur. Then the young plant is digging and transplanted into the container with the soil. The transplantation to a permanent place should be made when the root system is strengthened (as a rule, it takes about two years).

Video: reproduction with tanks (on the example of ordinary viburnum)


The reproduction of stalks is considered a longer and painstaking occupation. Despite the fact that the formation of the roots occurs for a long time, and the survival process sometimes ends in failure, this method is practiced. Performed in the summer during pruning. Suitable breeding material - young shoots with a couple of living, healthy kidneys.

The event is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, you should carefully cut off the young shoots, you need to leave one knot with the kidneys, and eliminate the rest of the foliage.
  • Then the shoots must be placed on ten hours in a solution activating the root formation, for example, the drug "Korniner" can be used.
  • At that time, the cuttings are in solution, the beds should be made for landing. For the beds, you need to make a suitable substrate: the ferry earth, humus, sand (components must be in the same ratio).
  • Landing is produced in a humidified substrate. The cuttings are rooted on a depth of about two or two and a half centimeters.
  • After that, a greenhouse should be made: gently cover with a plastic bottle or film.
  • Next, it is necessary to regularly moisten the soil.

Landing Kalina Bulderezh in Open Ground

Any country event requires responsibility and correctness. Landing this shrub is no exception. At the same time, spending quite a bit effort to rooting the shrub seedling, in the future you will get an amazing and original plant with beautiful bloom. The following proves that the decorative Kalina can turn any sect in a fabulous place:

When it is better to plant: timing

Many novice flower trees think about when it is correct to plant Kalina Bulthell - in spring or autumn? The deadlines of the event depend on the method of reproduction. If it is planned to land the division of the bush, then it is better to land the landing in the fall, but if you are glad, it is better to do it in the spring. And in the fall, the event should be performed to strong cold weather and rain, otherwise there is a risk that the plant does not fit.

Optimal place in the garden and suitable soil for landing

The right choice of space plays an important role in successful rooting and growing. Therefore, choosing where to plant Kalina Bulthells should be remembered that the straight rays can be disadvantaged, and in a strong shadow, the plant is unlikely to please you with beautiful bloom. Such a Kalina grows perfectly on a plot with a half.

The soil should be loose, wet, fertile, with good drainage properties. Kalina Bulderezh loves moisture, so it is suitable for places near reservoirs, in lowlands. But also undesirable moisture stagnation. You can choose dry places, but then watering should be carried out often and generously.

Preparation of landing pit

Before boarding, you need to dig up the landing pit. Its depth must be at least sixty centimeters, and the diameter should be about 60-70 centimeters.

If the rooting is planned for heavy soil, then on the bottom of the pit should be laid a drainage layer, which will avoid moisture stagnation. To do this, pour rubble and sand there.

Direct landing

Landing viburnum Bulderezh is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • When rooting the planting material, the root neck must be below the surface of the soil on three or four centimeters.
  • After landing, you need slightly tamper the soil.
  • Then should generously pour the landing site.
  • After that, coated with a mulching material - peat or humus. Mulch will help maintain optimal humidity and temperature.

How to care for viburnum bouchnese after landing

White shrub is unpretentious plant. But despite this fact, still follows after landing in open ground and subsequently do not bypass the shrub timely and qualitative care. It is necessary to regularly water, fertilize, trim, process from pests and diseases. Compliance with the main elements of care will help to successfully grow Kalina Bulthell. Consider more detailHow to properly care for decorative shrubs:


As already mentioned earlier, the decorative shrub is inlated. It is important in time and systematically perform watering. Especially in this need young specimens. In the summer and arid heat, the importance of watering increases many times.

And the generous watered in the fall in front of the arrival of cold weather will help the plant normally overreim and resistant to withstand bad weather. Also before the cold it is important to hide surveillance Circles Pouring. If the cold attacked the plant, then with proper care it can quickly recover.


Experienced flowerflowers They advise when landing to shorten the shoots of the plant on 1/3. In the spring before the start of flowering, all the extinct, damaged, dried and weak shoots should be eliminated. But after flowering, it is necessary to switch the center of the crown and reduce the side shoots. An adult plant should have no more than eight skeletal branches. At the end of the summer season, the trimming is not carried out, as the plant should be drawn by the forces in front of the winter period.

Pruning viburnum Bulderezh is the most important element Care of decorative shrubs. The procedure is important for maintaining a beautiful form and to prevent pest reproduction (strong thickening can provoke it).


The feeder allows you to achieve luxurious and beautiful flowering. It is held for the second year after landing. In the spring you can feed the decorative viburnum mineral, organic fertilizers (for example, humus, ox, rising compost). In the fall, you can apply potash-phosphoric feeding.


Decorative Kalina Bulderezh can overtake a variety of diseases and pests. To prevent the adverse effect of the unwanted "guests" of the garden, it is necessary to correctly care for the shrub.

Select the following plant pests:

  • Shield - insect small sizes, sucking plant juice, visually similar to a small tubercle. You can fight with such a pest using the Aktara preparation.

  • Kalina leafed is an extremely unpleasant pest, which can eat foliage in large quantities, thereby causing her death. Bug has a brilliant color. Fufanon, "Carbofos", "Fosbecide" preparations are used against Kalinovsky Listaed.

  • The TLL is another no less unpleasant pest capable of harming the shrub. Wood ash, the drugs "Agrantin", "Aktara", "Inta-Vir" are used.

As for diseases of viburnum Bulderezh, the plant can hit the powdery dew. To prevent the disease, handle the shrub of the onion, garlic, ash, tobacco should be processed.

Why the shrub may not bloom: reasons

Such situations are possible when Kalina Bulthells does not bloom. Why is this happening? Causes of lack of flowering can be several:

  • lack of regular irrigation;
  • cultivation under direct sunlight or in a strong shadow;
  • lack of feeding for a long time;
  • the invasion of pests, damage to diseases.

As can be seen, Kalina may not blossom due to improper or defective care. If you fix this situation, then it will definitely please you with a lush color.

The symbol of maiden beauty, love and happiness, Kalina from time immemorial, worshiped by our ancestors. She was considered a faith, appreciated the decorative appearance and useful properties. And today, her relatives are the desired guests of our household plots. Especially in honor of modern gardeners Kalina Buldége.

Kalina species

The numerous genus of Kalina has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many since childhood is familiar to Valina ordinary. This unpretentious shrub does not need special attention, because he feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding nothing in return, generously gifts everyone around with their bright flowering, lush foliage and healthy fruits.

Other representatives of this kind, looking at the photo of which, do not immediately recognize Kalina in them:

  1. Buryat, or black, grows in the form of an empty shrub tall up to 3 meters or a tree with an openwork crown and naked branches. Extracted leaves with acute vertex are covered with rare hairs. Flowers pale yellow, fruit - black, edible, sweet taste;
  2. Willy forms shrub thickets on mountain slopes and mixed forests. It has large beautiful leaves of a reddish-brown shade in spring and bright purple - autumn. White flowers are replaced by red fruits;
  3. Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky slopes of hills, river banks and swamps. Wounded, pointed bright green summer leaves take the color of red tones in autumn. It has cream-white blossoms. Fruit is blue-black berries;
  4. The gear is a gustwood shrub reaching a height of 5 meters. This type is highlighted by an unusual rounded form of foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Gordovina grows in gliding fruits. It is famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Bulderezh

The most common decorative culture of viburnum ordinary is the Bulderer. In a literal translation from French, this name means a snow ball. Thus, the distinguishing sign of the plant is reflected - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter are blown up with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball snowball.

Bulthell cultivate as a shrub or a small tree. It grows pretty quickly, height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers sterile and fruit do not give.

Decorative properties Valina Bulderezh

Bulthell disrupts its snow-white balls in May. Flowering long, lasts month and more. The blurred buds have a gentle greenish tint, over time, purchasing white color. Flource, Kalina does not lose its decorative attractiveness. In the fall of foliage is painted in noble crimson tones.

In addition to the decoration as a garden plant, the colors of this variety often use florists to create flower compositions. They are well standing in the cut, so bouquets do not lose freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

In most, Kalina shades. However, decorative species recommend landing on well-lit sections or a half. Landing in the shade is fraught with the weakening of the bush, at the same time the excess of the sun shortens the flowering period.

These plants are moisture, therefore, excessive moistening of the soil and place near the water bodies will be optimal conditions for their growth and fruiting. Soil prefers loose, moderately sour. If the ground is heavy clay, add humid, wood ash, peat.

Breeding Kalina

Kalina breed seeds, cuttings, tanks, the division of the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. stratification of seeds is long, continues at least 6 months;
  2. fresh-plated seeds spare only in a year;
  3. vegetatively, decorative forms are breed more often;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during the active growth of the plant;
  5. shores cuttings in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly. Their development is accelerated on the 3rd year of life. With seed reproduction, fruiting begins in 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, berries appear after 2-3 years.

How to plant saplings Kalina Bulderezh

Since the flowers are sterile bulences and do not give seeds, this variety is available only a vegetative way of reproduction.

Time and landing site Kalina

The season for landing determines the method of breeding:

  1. shutting in spring;
  2. shining is carried out in summer;
  3. planting seedlings are engaged in early spring and late autumn.

Plot for landing is prepared in advance. A suitable place will be signed by the corner of the garden. If the selected propagation method provides for the landing hole, it is prepared with sizes of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and watered well with plenty of water. Drainage from bark, stones and other suitable materials are placed on the bottom. Kalina loves moisture, but the waters will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which contains potash-phosphoric fertilizers, peat, humid, ash and garden land.

Squeeze challenges Kalina

If the bultone is growing in your garden, the easiest way to multiply Kalin will be with a gag:

  1. near the bush prepare a hole in a depth of 12-15 cm;
  2. the lower escape is flex to the landing site and pinpoint with a bracket;
  3. on top are sprinkled with humus or just ground, compact;
  4. the soil is maintained wet.

Under favorable conditions, by autumn, shoots are rooted. After 2 years, the drains are separated from the maternal bush. After that, they can be planted for a permanent place.

Summer shuttless Kalina

The reproduction of the cutter is a more laborious process. The planting material is harvested during the summer trimming of the bush. For rooting, cuttings with one intersess are chosen.

Follow the following scheme:

  1. in June, one-year shoots 7-8 cm long shoots;
  2. cuttings plant in humorous land and leave in a greenhouse;
  3. planting are covered on top of the film, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse you need to maintain a warm and wet microclimate. The creation of artificial fog contributes to roouging. The cuttings are sprayed with warm water from time to time. Such conditions are supported until the next spring. Young rooted bushes are frowning in shkling. After that, planted into the ground.

How to plant saplings viburnum with roots

If you intend to plant a few seedlings, it should be taken into account that the bulgery occupies a large area over time. The crowns of empty ware-shaped bushes can reach 5 meters wide. Otherwise, the process is infertility:

  1. acceptable drop-down scheme 2x2 meters;
  2. the root neck is plugged at 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. the land is compacted and watered well.

In the first year, Kalina grows slowly. This is due to the rapid root system. Three years old reaches about 1.5 meters of height. Rarely meet 10-year copies above 3 meters.

Care for decorative viburnum

Care for viburnum does not represent special difficulties. In order to preserve the decorative type of plant, it requires forming and rejuvenating trimming, sufficient watering and infrequent feeding. Significant gardener troubles can deliver prophylactic measures in combating diseases and pests.

Formation of bush and trimming

Prothesiation of young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the Earth helps to achieve a multi-rolled bush. Bulthell will be bluffing in the future, if in the first year the inflorescences of the plant are removed still unacceptable. Subsequently, young shoots pinch in early August.

Crowning for the formation of the crown is carried out after flowering. Thus, new kidneys will be laid on the branches. You can adjust the shape and cut forward a bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such works stop the Kalina to have to grow to the cold.

With the age of bulge from abundant flowering bends, and the bush can fall. Therefore, the old plant branches are taped.

Stumbaceous shape of Kalina

Very original straak form of viburnum. The molding trim the bulgery allows you to get instances with a wide crown at a high and low strain. Crimping lies in the formation of the crown at an altitude of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful escape. The branches leave about 30 cm long. The young piglet under the bush is regularly removed, and the crown is thinned every 7-8 years.

Feeding and watering decorative bush

Comparatives with other plants, Kalina needs more watering. This is especially true of young, developing plants. In the fall, preparing the plant to the cold, the soil is watered more than usual. This reception will warn dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Bulthell feed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are introduced under the sprinkle under the bush. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will need from fertilizers. One or twice for the season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, the ashes are being added under the plant. Once every two years, overwhelming dung is introduced in the fall in the soil.

Tatyana Pronin, Expert

Pests and diseases Kalina Bulderezh

Charging Kalina may be a word. It is struggling with it, processing the leaves with soap solution. Spraying is carried out in the evening in a windless dry weather. The pest scares the pest and the thick layer of ash on the ground around the plant.

If a white flare appeared on the leaves of Valina, it talks about the disease with mildew. Save the bulgery at an early stage of the disease will help the spraying of the Bodros liquid. In severe cases, the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become the source of the spread of infection to other plants.

Such uncomplicated techniques will provide your Kalina long, in the literal sense of the word blooming life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. And what varieties still grow on your site? What can you say about their care, what tricks in the fight against pests use? Share your experience, finds, inventions in the comments!