How to drill a tile to not cracked. How to drill tiles to not cracked

In the process of repairing in the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom and other utility rooms often arises the question of how to drill a hole in the tile. Of course, it is necessary to do it in such a way that it does not burst and has not lost its external appeal.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple, but it is not at all. The tile is quite slippery and bristle material, so if you are not a professional builder, the tile drilling can be a real test. So how to drill a tile without loss?

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it may seem first. We just need to listen to some tips:

  • First of all, pick up right tool. He must comfortably go to hand. Keep it hard and confident.
  • The operating speed of the selected tool should not exceed 1000, and even better 800 revolutions per minute.
  • Keep drill or screwdriver in one position, do not press and do not change the angle of inclination. This can lead to the appearance of "Cellites".
  • If you need to drill a hole at the junction of two tiles, use an exceptionally thin drill, even if it is not "tile", but on concrete.
  • As far as possible, retreat at least 1.5 cm from the edges of the tile, the corners and the edges of the tile are very fragile.
  • It is best to drill holes before laying a tile on the wall. Soak the material in water at least 40 minutes. So the tile will become more viscous, and there will be no cracks.
  • If you do not know how to drill a tile so that it does not cracked, and never done it, it is best to pre-stretch on unnecessary pieces. So you can feel the tool and understand what effort should be pressed on the drill.

Choose tool

So, how to drill first, you need to choose the drill itself. The model should not be either high-breasted nor shock, because it is necessary to work with a very fragile material.

To work with the cafeter will fit:

  • the usual electric drill included on the lowest speed;
  • low-speed screwdriver connected to the outlet;
  • rechargeable type screwdriver with speed speed not more than 800 rpm;
  • manual drill-coland.

Some nuances of work

To understand how to drill a tile, you need to consider some subtleties:

  • In no case, do not allow overheating of the drill or the tile itself, otherwise all upper layer Crawling the "Ceatkin" and the material will crack.
  • For cooling working surface We regularly wake the place of drilling with cold water.
  • Try to correctly determine the power of push. If you put on the drill too weakly, the hole will not work. If you take - the tile will crack.
  • When in the tile, never use the reverse mode. Permissible only slow rotation of the drill clockwise.
  • Be especially careful at the joints. There the tile does not have protective coating and easily crumble.

Choose a drill

Science on how to drill a hole in the tile is not too complicated, but has its own characteristics. For example, the correctly selected drill.

If you are at least a little familiar with construction work, you know that drills are different: on wood, concrete, metal, and so on. Here and the "tiled" drills have their own characteristics. The process is based on the friction of abrasives. So, for drilling a tiled or porcelain tile, you will be useful to a winner or diamond drill. Most often they have the shape of the crown or the arrow tip.

If you are not too miserable in the means, it is better to give preference to consumables with diamond spraying. They are, of course, more expensive, but with ceramics coped better. Spear-shaped drills with winning are also designed to work with a cafeter. Due to the shape of the tip and the special angle of the cutting edge, the surface of the contact is significantly reduced. You will have to make less effort, which means that the tile will not crack.

Burden for all the rules

  • Before drilling a tile, cure the estimated place of work in several layers this will prevent the tool slipping and will slightly strengthen the edge of the potential opening. You can also use the tape or ordinary medical plaster.
  • Using a bright marker, apply markup.
  • Insert a special "tile" drill and install on a drill the smallest number revolutions.
  • If the device has a shock mode - unable to turn it off. Failure to comply with this condition will definitely lead to the split tile.

In cases where it is necessary to drill a deep hole in the wall with the tile, work is carried out in two stages. First, the tile itself is drilled. Then they change the drill to the more subtle and continue to "gnaw" the wall itself to the desired depth. So do in order to do not damage the fragile edges of the tile in the process of drilling concrete.

How to do a big hole

And or tile, if you need to start the pipe or insert a socket? Such works also have special devices:

  • circular drill - "Ballerinka";
  • crown with abrasive edge.

An ideal option in this case is a special crown with a diamond coating on the cutting edge. It costs it quite expensive, and if you are not professional builder, it does not have a special meaning to buy such. In order to do only a few holes, suitable and more a budget option - Crown with winner teeth. This consumor has several minuses:

  • one thing is enough to drill about 20 holes, after which the device can be bolder;
  • no matter how carefully you tried to act, the edges of the hole will never be perfectly even, they will definitely remain scratching.

The pros of the winned crown also has:

  • low cost;
  • there are many variants of diameter, up to 15 cm.

There is one more option, how to drill a tile if you need to cut the hole of the significant diameter. This is the so-called drill ballerina. It is a design in the form of a spear, in the tail part of which there is a special bracket. Another thing is inserted into the latter - "tile" drill. If you have ever seen a circulation, you will easily understand what's what. It is necessary for such a device inexpensively and quite suitable for homework. However, there is a small nuance here. To work with the cafeter, try to choose such "Ballery", the central drill of which has the shape of the hexagon, and not a spear. This design is more stable.

Drills tile with a crown

  • Determine the place of the future hole and creek the surface with painting scotch.
  • If you are not too confident in your abilities, you can stencil from plywood and close it tightly to the wall in the right place.
  • Install the crown of the desired diameter and start drilling at the lowest speed.
  • Try to keep the tool perpendicular to the wall. So the crown will be able to uniformly "bite" into the tile throughout the circumference of the cut.
  • If you use a diamond spraying crown, then turns can be slightly increased. And in order to avoid excessive heating of the surface, during drilling water water.

"Wet" method of drilling is generally much more preferable. Especially if the tile has a glossy glass coating. In this case, any drill will serve much longer, and the risk of overheating and split the tile is minimized.

We work "Balerinka"

In order to use the Ballerinka Drill, you need to correctly set the size. Please note that there is no diameter between the side and central drills, but the radius of the future opening.

Install the main hexagon drill to the center and start working on small revolutions. Try to keep the drill firmly and smoothly, otherwise she jumps out and you will not be able to achieve the desired result. One of the advantages of "Ballerina" is that with its help you can drill a hole with a diameter much more than 15 cm. But the crowns bigger size Simply does not exist.


In the end of our conversation, let's remember how to drill a tile so as not to cracked and did not spoil the impression of a new repair:

  • Be sure to wet the place of work with water, for example, from a spacing. So you can avoid overheating.
  • Try not to have holes on the edge of the tile, it creates an additional load.
  • If you need to get deep holes, change the drill to a thinner one after the thickness of the tile is passing. It will save the edge of the hole from damage.
  • In the process of drilling, you will definitely use only small speed and do not press the drill too much.
  • Try to use only special drills for work. Believe me, they cost much cheaper to replacing the cracked tile.

Imagine this situation: the master just laid ceramic tiles - And you seemingly sighed with relief - the repair is completed. However, the day later saw in furniture store A stunning suspension cabinet Il-like mirror, as if created for your outstanding interior. And if you still have something to come up with a mirror (for example, glue the mirror to the wall), then with the locker is not so simple. Joyful emotions from successful purchase may well be changed by disappointment, if you do not know how to properly drill tile on the wall. After all, with inept technician, it is quite possible to spoil not only the locker, but also a beautifully laid tile. Reveal all secrets proper technique drills in our phased instructions.

Some difficulties that will have to encounter

It is difficult to say something bad to ceramic tile: a tile can withstand the most difficult decades temperature conditions And no moisture is afraid of moisture, while well retains the color, shine and hardness of the surface. However, this is the main complexity of its processing of the drill - you will have to try well so that the tile does not give a crack.

  • hardness - In order to make a hole, it is necessary to overcome the resistance of the extruded ceramic material;
  • fragility - incorrect technician can lead to the appearance of cracks or a complete split tile;
  • smooth texture - In the process, the drill can slip and damage other tiled fragments.

From here you can come to logical output: do not treat drilling tile tile On the wall too frivolous. This is fraught with a bad result and common dissatisfaction from the work done, since in some cases it is not possible to replace the spoiled tile without loss of quality. Removed from production, for example, a specific collection. Or a new tile batch has a roll toward a darker tone. Of course, you can always choose an alternative, but any alternative is a compromise with your vision. perfect interior. You can also refuse tiles at all and use alternative options Finishes. More information about this in the article: "What can be separated by the walls in the bathroom except the tile."

What tools and materials are needed

Of course, without high-quality tools and auxiliary materials, you will not work. Therefore, one of the main stages of our instruction is its solid preparation. So, what do you need to "armared" in order to get a great result?


  • for convenience, choose models on a portable battery;
  • the tool must maintain trouble-free operation on small revolutions.

In fact, your chief trump card in the "fight" with a uncompromising cafeter. The more drilling modes support this "magical" tool, the better: wide selection It imposes the use of different approaches to solving the problem - while the minimum set seriously limits the circle of your actions.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the old good manual drillswhich is powered by the force applied on your part. It turns out that such a tool is best suited to impecably drill a hole in the tile on the wall - so you can choose the exact number of revolutions required for this, without risk to get an annoying crack on the tiled surface.


  • can only be used for drilling under tile;
  • creates large risks For the occurrence of defects on the tile.

If there is no drill in your working arsenal, it is better to buy it better. And if for some reason it does not work, it is necessary to work with the perforator carefully, on small turns With limit pressure on the tile. Your task is to reduce the vibration that comes from this tool during operation.


From what drill you will in the end pick up for the tile depends common quality The result obtained. Experienced masters recommend the following options:

  • wireless - the most accessible option in terms of cost, such a drill can be used if you need to drill a couple of holes, but more - it is better to choose a different option, since even 1-2 holes will have to spend a few hours of your life;
  • spear-shaped - made of tungsten carbide, solid and efficient, balanced option;
  • diamond - The drilling them does not cause any negative emotions, ideal for the most critical cases, when for a limited period of time you need, for example, perform a decent number of holes, the only minus is a high cost.

It is important to remember that the drill dimer must correspond to the size of the dowel you use, and the diameter of the borax is a little less drill. Otherwise, all work will go to the pump - and the acquired locker risks to provisions no longer than an evening.

Also prepare for work:

  • level;
  • painting tape (leukoplasty);
  • pencil;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette.

Prepare I. workplace: Protect the floor from the inevitable dust in such cases, covered it protective film. If possible, remove within a radius of several meters from yourself all too much to create the most comfortable conditions For drilling.

Stages of drilling

It would seem that to drill then? However, such a frivolity sometimes plays a fool's joke with "Cleells". We love good jokes, so we recommend that all stages of drilling treat with all seriousness.

  1. mark the pencil or marker the point of the proposed drilling (or several - depending on how much you need);
  2. two pieces of painting tape stir up crosswise at this mark, while maintaining its visibility - it will help you to warn you the frequent slipping of the drill from the tile, the plaster can be used as an alternative to the tape;
  3. apply a drill with the mounted drill perpendicular to your mark and start drilling on low revs;
  4. do not run hard to the tool, and if the drill is heated, then periodically suspend work for several minutes;
  5. as soon as you completely drilled the thickness of the tile and reached the base wall surface, change the drill to the perforator and replace the drill;
  6. we draw attention to the fact that the used boring should not touch the tile - choose a diameter for a couple of millimeters less;
  7. from time to time cool the drill ordinary waterIn order to prevent overheating.

After the desired hole is done, you can safely remove the tape or the plaster and score a dowel. Of course, you need to do it with a hammer.

Sometimes there is a need to perform quite large holes in the tile. In this case, instead of drill, you need to use crowns. They can help quickly and efficiently make a hole in the wall up to 15 centimeters . There are both crowns both winning and diamond. The advantage of the latter is obvious: high speed drilling, safety. However, the price of many scares and makes it possible to be content with consumables from winning.

Some recommendations from experienced craftsmen may not be like, if you do not know how to drill ceramic tiles on the wall correctly or do this for the first time.

  1. choosing a place for the hole, concentrate mainly in the middle of the tile - drilling across the edges significantly increases the risk of cracks;
  2. if the smoke began during work from the drill, they immediately stop and moisten it with cold water;
  3. on small turns, it is possible to successfully use the metal drill, but after it will immediately come into disrepair;
  4. to get holes in the wall big diameter Often, the ballet dancer is used - a very strongly reminiscent school cyculous nozzle, however, the holes obtained by this way differ with torn edges and may not satisfy you from the point of view of aesthetics.

About how impecably drill a hole in the ceramic tile on the wall, tell the masters in the following videos. Approaches, as we see, are different, but the result always pleases the eye.


Now you definitely should not have questions about how to drill tile on the wall. By and large, the end result depends primarily on your excerpt. No matter how hot is your temperament, but still the main thing in the drilling of the tile - cool, dimension and confidence. In this case, you can get the necessary holes and save the laid tile in its untouched form. Well, and safely hang a purchased locker, of course. After all, everything was stamped for him, right?


After decorating the walls of the bathroom with a cafeter, it's time to install accessories and make a "life" in the bathroom. How to choose a drill and do the holes for installing the decor so as not to damage the tile? There are several tips that will help learn to drill simply, for sure, not allowing cracks and chips.

What is required for drilling

An electric drill or screwdriver will be needed anyway. When choosing a drill, it is important to pay attention to whether the intensity of rotation can be adjusted. The higher the turns, the more difficult it will achieve qualitative results. The perfect tile drilling mode is low speed, i.e. A small speed of rotation of the drill. For the screwdrivers, this indicator at the optimal level, so there is no problems, but not every tool is able to withstand a long load. To make big holes, it is better to use drill.

A set of cutting and measurement tools will be needed to a low-rusty drill. For marking, you will need:

  • corollary for compliance direct corner;
  • roulette to accurately transfer the specified dimensions;
  • pencil, and a better marker, for applying labels on the glossy surface of the tile;
  • building levelto achieve ideal horizontal or vertical lines;
  • malyary Scotch.

The selection of the cutting tool depends on the tile material, size and quantity of the holes. A couple of holes can be made and not the most adapted tool. If you need to drill a lot, then it is better to stock in advance required materials and tools.

Choosing a drill or a bora

Tile - Material with solid surface, to process it requires a special tool. These are drills of various types:

  • from carbide Nakua;
  • with diamond spraying of the spell shape;
  • crown (diamond spraying tube);
  • drill with SDS shank (for a perforator).

Most affordable option - Feather drill with carbide attack. In a sharpened state, it is completely coping with the task, but quickly "sits" requires periodic sharpening. Poor contact with concrete and metal.

Apened drill with two or four edges is more expensive due to diamond spraying, but also serves longer. It is used to drill ceramics and glass.

Drill in the form of a tube with a diamond edge (crown) is often used to drill a porcelain stoneware. Such a tool has a minimal cutting area, makes the process easier, but requires a certain skill. The tube is thin-walled, with an excessive force, is easily damaged. But diamond spraying can cut any materials.

If there is only a perforator from the power tool, then a hole can be made in the tile using the borrow with the SDS shank. This is an extreme case requiring more effort.

The diameter of the drill must correspond to the size of the dowel, which is done by the hole.

What other tools can be used

It happens that you need to make a hole big size. How to do in that case? A drillboard will help here. This is a fixture equipped with central (axial) drill and carbide cutters that can be adjusted to the required size. This is a universal tool, as each "ballerina" has its range possible sizes drills.

Such flexibility in size is not in the carbide milling cutter. Here is a fixed diameter. As a rule, cutters have standard (the most running) dimensions, so often sold by sets.

When the tile is not yet pasted on the wall, but you need to do big hole, You can use the hacksaw. To do this, you will need a cloth with tungsten spraying.

How to protect the tile from chips and cracks

Careful handling of the instrument and adherence optimal regime It is guaranteed that neither chips, no cracks on the tile will arise.

The procedure for drilling tiles with a large diameter holes

With increasing hole size, you have to apply more effort. This leads to overheating tool, which complicates work. To facilitate work, with diameters above 19 mm, the method of circular drilling is used when only a thin strip is made in the body of ceramics, leaving the entire central part.

The crown is a metal bowl, the cutting edge of which is covered with diamond, carbide-tungsten or ceramic crumb. In the center of the structure there is a small drill that performs the function of the drilling axis. The central drill is slightly longer than the main bowl. This makes it possible to accurately drill in the intended place.

The order of work is as follows:

  • markup;
  • cerial center;
  • pre-drilling of the central hole of the small diameter;
  • milling of the main diameter with periodic cooling tool.

You should always drill only on small drill turns, especially working with large diameters.

Drills with the help of a ballerina

Drillboard is intended for large and non-standard sizes. The order of work is characterized by the fact that it is necessary to set and secure the movable cutter on the required size. The distance between the center of the ballerina and the cutting edge is half the diameter.

The rest of the procedure is similar to drilling with a crown.

When using the ballerina, it is important to monitor the tilt of the drill, the one should be at a right angle attached by the effort and uniformity of the holes. With a careful, careful execution, a great result is obtained.

How to drill a tile for booking dowels

For a more accurate result, drilling under a dowel is performed in two stages: a pre-drilling of small diameter, then drilling to the required size.

Features of drilling holes of small diameter

Making small holes requires moderate effort. After applying markup, you should drill the body of ceramics by a feathers or a speck-shaped drill. Then replace it and, at the bottom, continue to work as an ordinary drum with a carbide attack. This will help keep the cutting ability tool. The winning attack, effective when the ceramics and especially glazed tile coating, suffers from concrete.

If you do not make a hole in the tile slightly big than the dowel at the bottom, it is easy to damage the edge of the tile and make chips.

If, for example, it is necessary to install a dowel of 5 mm, then the hole is made in the tile of a diamond drill of 6 mm, and at the base itself under the tile is already a 5 mm brown. This will exclude the formation of damage.

The better drilling

A good choice for the holes on the tile on the wall under the dowel - a drill with a diamond spraying. Special shape and very solid coating helps to work without special efforts, very accurately falling into the markup. With such a drilling, it does not arise difficulties with the coincidence of the holes and the attachment elements on accessories.

Procedure for performing work

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location. The hole in the tile is not embarrassed, so you need to carefully determine the drilling points. When markup, a building level is used to get a good result.

It is necessary to prepare the necessary tool: drill, drills, extension, if the outlet is far away, vacuum cleaner for collecting dust, a small capacity with water to cool the cutting edge. It is necessary to ensure sufficient lighting in the room to prevent an error.

When everything is ready, you can start careful drilling tiles. First, the small diameter of the drill is used, then the instrument of the desired size and the re-drilling is made the necessary diameter of the hole.

Drilled only the body tile to save cutting tool. The base under the tile can be drilled by a perforator.

While working, you can use a vacuum cleaner so as not to dust with dust tile seams.

Drilling tiles on the wall is not so difficult. When there is an appropriate tool and understanding what is to be done, the task is performed without problems. When working should be followed by the listed tips and then everything will turn out.

Despite the fact that the ceramic tile has an increased strength to damage it very easily, so when you make repair any actions in relation to the tiles need to be carried out very carefully. Working with the cafeter implies the possession of some skills and knowledge, especially this concerns not only laying, but also drilling holes. In another situation, you will suffer large losses due to the fact that the plates will be spoiled. In more complex situations You have to rewor repairs.

Drill a hole in the tile of the task is not simple. This requires the ownership of skills in working with building materialsHowever, if there is a desire and practice, such work can be done without a professional challenge.

To make a goal enough to listen to 6 tips:

  • Pick up such a tool that will be comfortable to keep in your hands, because its position should be solid and confident;
  • Work with a minimum speed, approximately 1000 revolutions, no more;
  • Do not press the device and do not change the angle of inclination, it can lead to cracks;
  • If you drill a hole on the seams, use a thin drill, even if it is not intended for a tile, and for concrete, but it is better to drill material, and not seams;
  • If the tile is not laid, then soak it in water for about an hour, it will help to avoid cracks;
  • Try not to make holes at the edges of the plates, it is more fragile here.

Before drilling, it is better to stretch on a separate tile. An experienced master It always feels that the tile can crack and will reduce the speed, the newcomer is obliged to feel the tool and how the drill goes into the tile.

How to drill tile on the wall: take into account all the features

Tile, this is universal facing material, It is suitable for use in any room, on the floor or wall, no matter the bathroom is, a kitchen or a toilet.

Using this material you can create an original and practical design, change the proportions and parameters of the room. However, as any other material ceramics is fragility, as well as a slippery surface. This fact complicates the drilling process.

When you started repair work, very often there is a need to create holes in the tile, so that there is a shelf or towel holder in the future.

As practice shows, the need for an additional hole appears mainly after laying the tile, and not until this point.

However, no matter where the need has appeared, the procedure must be made very carefully so that the split or crack appears. In addition, it is very important to pay attention correct selection A tool that will be able to qualitatively fulfill the task.

What and how to drill a hole in the tile

In order to create a hole in the tile apply various tools.

Basically choose:

  • Perforator;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Manual drill;
  • Electric drill.

The required tool should be selected not only on the basis of preferences, but also from the necessary diameter of the connector. For example, if the hole needs small, it is appropriate to use manual drillSince its speed is easy to control, it guarantees the absence of a crack and split. Also in this situation, you can apply a screwdriver that is not designed for high speeds.

In order to make the holes of a large diameter, it is better to use a perforator or an electrical drill. Be sure to disconnect the shock mode before proceeding to work and use minimum speed. In addition, stock up such devices as drills, level, construction pencil, tape and insulating tape.

Drill selection rules: how to drill tiles to not cracked

When you decide on the tools, you need to select the drill that is more suitable for this situation and can cope with the task. Consider all the features of your ceramic tile, for example, as far as it is firm, what is her degree of porosity and how thick it is. Drills for working with plates are presented in a large assortment, they differ in diameter.

  1. Aperal type drill. It is the most common and suitable to make small hole. The drill is calculated for long-term operation.
  2. Sharpened with one side of a carbide drill. It is capable of approaching any version of the tile, except for a porcelain band. The drill is designed to create a hole with a diameter of up to 12 mm. Drill can easily drill ceramic wall tile. The diameter will be such a dowel place there.
  3. Diamond crown. Need to make a hole from 10 to 70 mm. Such a product can cope with any surface including a fragile tile. One crown is designed for 50 cycles.
  4. Crown with spraying. It is superbly coped not only with a cafeter, but also with such coatings as marble, porcelain stoneware which is on the floor and even brick. With the help of such a crown, you can easily make a hole for a socket, a cabinet or drying for towels.
  5. Circular Ballerinka Drill. Designed to create holes with a diameter of up to 90 mm. The drill consists of several disks that are located in parallel, and the distance between them will correspond to the radius of the required hole.

If you pay attention to the practice indicators, then it is best to use crowns with a spraying, since they are capable of doing smooth hole And at the same time do not harm your tile.

Tip: How to drill tiles to not cracked (video)

Now you can say with confidence that you know almost everything about how to drill a hole in the tile and at the same time not to create chip or crack on it. After reviewing our article, you have become a kind of professional. Prepare everything required tools To work and do not forget to surprise your relatives and loved ones with a new skill and please my wife with a new shelf in the kitchen.

The appearance of a visit, as well as comfort indicators directly depend on the quality of the finishes. Usually, after the bath finishes through the tile is completed, it often arises the question of how to drill the tile in the bathroom to hang or install such important interior items, like mirrors, hangers and so on.

The difficulty is that the tile is a very fragile material that is afraid of mechanical exposure and with one incorrect action can simply crack. There are certain methods that allow you to drill the maximum neat opening, leaving the tile in complete preservation.

Tools and materials

To drill the tile as successfully, without damaging it, you need to prepare certain tools suitable in the size of the drill, as well as materials. Among them are worth noting such units of equipment as:

  • manual or electric drill;
  • special winning drill, preferably with a ring-shaped tip;
  • a special drill for processing the basis;
  • installing tape sticky;
  • marker;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

If necessary, drill a large hole in the tile, for example, for pipes or for a socket, you can use special drill-Balerinka or mill.

Basic secrets in carrying out drilling

As with everywhere, where certain responsibility is required, the drilling of the tile has its own characteristics and nuances. Such moments can be attributed to such small tricks as:

  • The hole does not need to be drilled in the very edge of the material, in the gaps and in the crosshairs, the probability of the appearance of chips in this case is quite high.
  • When carrying out drilling, it costs to make water from time to time. This will help avoid the overheating process.

Important! The device is previously required to disconnect from the network.

  • If on sale it was not for some reason the drill of the desired size, you can use a certain "handicraft method". For example, it is quite possible to apply a drill or a drill of a higher professional level. The borle is clamped into the cartridge, first they are drilled by the tile in unstressed mode, because this mode switches and the wall surface itself is drilled.
  • For drilling a tile on small revolutions, a special metal drill can be used. But it is worth remembering that it is enough for only once.

Procedure for the work

Important! Before performing work, it is worth a slightly to come on the tile, if the sound is dense, you can begin to start a drilling process, the tile will not split. It is also predefined to post those areas where future holes will be located.

The question is how to drill the tile in the bathroom is solved as follows:

  • At the place of the hole, enamel is a bit, which can be done using a file;
  • After that, the tape or painting tape passes, which will keep the drill at the very beginning of the work;
  • To prevent slip, you can use the conductor, that is, a plate of wood or steel. It is applied to the tile in the desired place, pressed and the hole is glued through it;
  • Having reached the base of the tile, the drill used must be changed to what will correspond to the material of the wall, that is, concrete or wood.

Important! The second drill should not be greater than the first, since in otherwise Damage to the material is simply inevitable. The drilling process is not laborious, but requires mandatory accuracy.

Useful video on the topic: 5 simple ways how to make holes in the tile