How to update old tiles in the kitchen and bathroom: methods and recommendations. Rules for replacing tiles in the bathroom Replacing wall tiles

Tile - universal material for decoration. It is especially often used in the bathroom, as it is very durable, moisture resistant and easy to care for. But even such unpretentious and resistant material loses its appearance and fades over time. In addition, over a long period of operation, defects, chips or cracks may appear on the tiles. Conduct overhaul replacing a tile cladding is an expensive and time-consuming undertaking. Therefore, we often think about how to update the tiles in the bathroom with our own hands.

Why do this?

Some time after the renovation, the appearance of the bathroom finish fades, wears out and gets dirty, which is why you may need to restore the tiles in the bathroom. Due to minor flaws, it is not at all necessary to shift the entire tile, since this is a rather long process and expensive.

What are the reasons for repairing bathroom tiles? The most common are:

  • Damage to tiles. These can be cracks, chips or scratches on individual tiles.
  • Contamination of both the tile itself and the joining seams. The tile can become covered with a coating that is difficult to remove, various streaks or grease. The seams darken over time and also become dirty.
  • If you think the tiles are out of date. Colors and designs could fade, go out of fashion, or just get bored.
  • Change of design. Let's say you've decided to add some vibrant colors to a more relaxed and cozy bathroom style. Or, on the contrary, change the contrasting range to pastel colors.

Important! Partial renovation allows you to save a lot of money on your budget. Sometimes it is just enough to clean the seams and fix minor imperfections to make the bathtub look like new.

If you decide to freshen up the tiles, then be sure to read the advice of experienced craftsmen and designers on how to update the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands.

At the initial stage, you will need to prepare the surface for restoration. This will serve as collateral quality repair and long service life.

Preparation of the entire surface

  1. Inspection. Pay attention to the presence of defects, their type and number. Consider a suitable solution based on the assessment of the condition of the tile.

Important! It is desirable to provide several ways.

  1. Cleaning of seams. Remove accumulated dirt from the joint seams, try to bleach them. If there is any damage, it is recommended to remove upper layer grouting.
  2. Removing dirt. Thoroughly rinse the surface of the tile to remove all kinds of stains and dirt: rust, limescale.
  3. Eliminate fat. An important step is to degrease the surface.

Important! A solvent or alcohol will help to remove the oily film from the tile - just wipe the tile with them.

  1. Grinding. This procedure is used as needed, as it involves cleaning the top layer. At the same time, it helps to eliminate roughness and unevenness of tiles, fossilized dirt.
  2. Coating with a primer. This stage is also individual and is most often necessary for painting.

After preparatory work you can proceed to specific actions.

Preparation of seams

Be sure to take care of the butt seams. This is one of the most problematic areas of the cladding. It is the seams that are the first to lose their appearance, become untidy, darken, and become moldy. Against their background, the appearance of the tile itself deteriorates, even if it is completely intact.

Choosing a restoration method

When renovating, you can often ask yourself how to update a bathroom without removing the old tiles?

  • If only a few individual tiles are damaged, it is impractical to replace the entire bathroom tile. It will be enough to remove only defective items.

Important! It will be great if you have the remains of this tile or you can still buy the same one in a hardware store.

  • If this is not available, then you should choose a similar tile or come up with other options.

In these ways, you can easily implement a bathroom tile repair without large-scale construction work, and the result will be amazing. The bathroom will be like new!

Cheap doesn't mean bad

Due to its purpose, the bathroom is always humid. It is this factor that primarily affects the appearance of its cladding.

Renewal of seams

The most affordable way to keep your bathtub fresh is to renew the joint seams.

At first glance, it may seem that this method of partial repair will not be effective. However, this is a completely erroneous opinion. With a little effort, you can update your old bathroom tiles.

You can fix the situation with several methods:

  1. Special repair agent. Its action is to smooth out irregularities, whitening.

Important! An essential factor is the antibacterial properties of such agents.

  1. Whitewashing and painting. Apply paint to the cleaned seams. After a few minutes, wipe the tile from the traces of paint with a damp sponge.

Important! This method is very simple, but short-lived. The effect will last no more than 6 months.

  1. Applying a new grout over the previous one. To use this method, make sure that the joints are deep enough and that there is at least 2 mm of free space for a new layer of grout.
  2. Complete replacement of the old grout. First of all, remove the old compound - you can remove it with a sharp object or a special seam expander. If a cement mortar was used when laying the tiles, then an acid cleaner must be used. This will soften the compound and allow you to remove the grout. Rinse seams and tiles with water and leave to dry overnight. The next day, prime the surface and apply a new compound.

Important! Be careful not to damage the tiles. Always wear protective rubber gloves and goggles over your eyes when handling the cleaner.

Partial tile replacement

The need for partial replacement arises in cases where, through negligence, you have damaged individual tiles. As a result, chips, cracks and other flaws may appear on the tile. As we said, it is not necessary to completely renovate the bathroom. It will be enough to find out how to update the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands.

Important! Before removing the damaged element, think about what will be in its place.

Check to see if you have any excess material left over from the renovation. If not, you can look at ceramic tile stores. But even if you do not find a similar one, you can always find a way out of this situation. Use the replacement as a decor element, remove a few more tiles to complete a design idea, or decorate the area with a sticker. Having picked up new elements, you can proceed to the direct replacement of the tile.

Now let's take a closer look at how to remove unnecessary elements without damaging the rest of the tiles?

  1. First, the grout is removed between the joints. How to do this - we wrote in detail above.
  2. Then drill some holes in the middle of the tile. Place a chisel next to the resulting holes and split the tile with strong blows, moving from the center to the edge. Movements should be strong but neat.

Important! There is another way that experienced craftsmen advise. Put a cloth on the tile and hit with a hammer, the tile will split into pieces and it will be convenient to remove it. In this case, adjacent tiles will remain intact.

  1. Remove tiles and glue residues.
  2. Treat the surface with a primer deep penetration, and after it dries up, you can start laying new elements.
  3. Apply tile adhesive, install tiles.

Important! Don't forget to take advantage of the level!

  1. Mounting crosses will help to create gaps between the tiles. When the tiles are dry, grout the joints.
  2. These manipulations must be carried out with each element to be replaced.
  3. So that new parts do not stand out against the general background, it is recommended to level the tile adhesive with a spatula over the entire surface. If the tile protrudes slightly, tap it gently.
  4. After the tiles are dry, seal the seams.

This completes the partial restoration of the tiles in the bathroom. You can enjoy the result of your work.

Interesting design solutions for the bathroom

To update old bathroom tiles, don't forget to get creative.

Currently, there are many interesting design methods and materials for this. With the decor, you can give your bathroom your own unique style and exclusivity.

Let's list the possible design solutions for Bath:

  • Volumetric decorative compositions.
  • Plastic panels that are installed over the tiles.
  • Mural. It is a kind of special bath wallpaper.
  • Drawing and patterning tiles using a stencil.
  • Vinyl stickers.
  • Partial or complete painting.

Let's dwell on each of the methods in more detail.

Paintings from stickers

Try updating your tile with a sticker.

Important! A huge plus in their use is their simplicity and wide choice.

Manufacturers are ready to offer you large paintings or small elements, classic patterns and cartoon characters. You will certainly find something to your liking. At the same time, there is no need to alter, build or break anything.

What is important to know about stickers?

  • Be sure to clean the tiles before gluing.

Important! It is necessary not only to remove dirt, but also to degrease the tile with alcohol or solvent.

  • They are very easy to apply to tiles. Remove the protective layer and glue the pattern onto the tiles, gently smoothing over the entire surface.

Important! Do not peel off all the protective paper at once, as air bubbles and wrinkles may appear during gluing. This will ruin the look of the decoration. It is more correct to start gluing from the corner, gradually opening adhesive base and smoothing it out.

  • Vinyl decals are short-lived and may peel off. On the other hand, you will be able to update your bath design more often.

Changing the design of the tile

There are many ways to change the design when restoring tiles in a bathroom.

Decor elements

You can hide defects on the lined surface using small parts... From them you can create a volumetric composition. For this purpose, you can use beads, rhinestones, buttons, glasses, etc. Items can be different sizes, colors and differ in texture. By using your imagination and sense of style, you can create a unique decoration.

Important! Superglue, hot melt glue or acrylic varnish will help to attach all parts.

Drawing on tiles

Another creative method for decorating tiles can be drawing or patterning. When deciding to use this method, consider the following guidelines:

  1. As always, the first priority is to thoroughly clean the surface.
  2. Process the tiles sandpaper or other abrasive. By scratching the top layer of the tile, you will achieve excellent adhesion of the paint to the tile.

Important! This step can be skipped if the drawing will be applied with paint for glass and ceramics. However, such material is quite expensive.

  1. Apply a coat of primer to the areas to be painted.
  2. Cover the adjacent tiles with masking tape so as not to stain them with paint.

Important! The drawing can be applied in different ways: by spray, brush, roller, through a stencil or by hand.

How to make a geometric pattern using masking tape?

Draw a drawing on the tile with a pencil, glue tape along the contour. Treat the surface of the future drawing with a primer. After it is completely dry, you can start drawing.

The final stage will not come earlier than a day, only when the paint is completely dry, you just have to remove the tape from the tile.

Your masterpiece is ready!

Decorative plastic panels

Refresh old bathroom tiles with big amount damage is best done with plastic panels... They are installed directly on top of the tiles.

Decorative panels have a number of advantages:

  1. High moisture resistance of the material.
  2. The panels are resistant to temperature extremes in the range from -10 to +60.
  3. Convenient and easy installation.
  4. Easy cleaning and maintenance.
  5. Heat and sound insulation.

Important! To install such panels, you need scissors and a hacksaw for metal, a screwdriver and a hammer drill. Elements are attached to SD and UD profiles using 25 mm self-tapping screws.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start the work itself:

  1. Treat the lining with a primer antiseptic.
  2. Apply the markings for the installation of the profiles to which the decorative panels will be attached.

Important! If the walls are even and smooth, you can use silico new glue-sealant.


Mural is a photomural large sizes on plastic panels. Since the image is obtained on the entire wall, such a bathtub looks very bright and stylish. You can choose any drawing you like.

The quality characteristics are the same as for the panels. Accordingly, the mural is installed in a similar way.

Design methods can easily help renovate old bathroom tiles, while creating a special style and adding exclusiveness.

Full painting of tiles

An alternative way to update the bathroom without removing the old tile is to paint it all over. In addition, it is considered budget option repair.

To achieve an excellent result, pay attention to two important aspects:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. The choice of quality paint.

Important! When choosing a paint, not only the desired shade and price are important, but also its properties. Perfect fit waterproof acrylic paints or epoxy.

For all procedures, you will need a primer, sandpaper, roller and paint. The direct painting process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Cleaning of tiles.
  2. Degreasing. To do this, wipe the lined area with acetone, alcohol or vinegar.
  3. Removing the top glossy layer with sandpaper.
  4. As you can see, there are many ways to update the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands. In order to choose the right one, evaluate your financial capabilities, the scale of the work required and your creativity. Then you will easily cope with the task, you will be satisfied with the end result.

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Replacing tiles in the bathroom - an overview of the work performed

Hello. This time you will find out what to do if the tiles in the bathroom have moved away. That is, I will tell you how to properly dismantle the old cladding and how to install a new tile in its place with your own hands. In addition, I propose to consider the main reasons why ceramics move away from the walls and from the floor.

We dismantle the old cladding

How do you know if an old tile needs to be dismantled? Among the distinguishing features, I will note the following:

  • The appearance of cracks on the surface of the joint filler;
  • Swelling (backlash) of the tile is relative to the entire veneered plane;
  • Partial collapse of the cladding.

Dismantling the old cladding can be done in two ways:

  • Hand knocking down with a hammer;
  • Dismantling using a hammer drill.

Let's consider how to beat off the old tile in more detail.

Dismantle the coating with a hammer and chisel

How to beat off the tiles in the bathroom with a hammer? To work, you need a large hammer and chisel. The operating instructions are simple - we push the sharp edge of the chisel into the tile, and hit with a hammer from the opposite end.

If the adhesive is still relatively strong, the veneer will fly off in chunks. If the glue is fragile or if it was laid on ordinary DSP, then the chisel will enter the gap between the tile and the wall. In this case, we will have to pry and tear off the cladding, as shown in the previous photo.

There is a high risk of injury when working with a hammer and chisel. Therefore, we try to hit the chisel, not the hands. We try to hit the hammer exactly in the center of the chisel, since in this case it will be more likely that it will not jump off to the side. Finally, before using the hammer, make sure that the metal striker is firmly attached to the handle.

Dismantle the coating with a perforator

How to clean old bathroom tiles using a power tool? The instructions for working with the puncher are as follows:

  • Having previously lubricated the shank, we install the chisel-blade in the perforator;
  • Switch the tool to percussion mode (a hammer is drawn);
  • We beat off the tile without applying strong pressure on the tool.

From time to time we check the degree of heating of the hammer drill in the area where the motor is located. If the hammer drill is hot, stop working temporarily until it cools down.

In conclusion, a few words about the safety of dismantling. When working with a hammer or puncher, be sure to use protective goggles and work gloves. Do not work in open shoes as this can lead to injury.

In order not to get hurt by falling tiles, work in closed shoes, and best of all in special work boots. If the bathroom is cramped, I recommend working in a respirator, as this will protect the respiratory system from dust, which will be a lot.

Reasons for the flaking of the lining and the formation of cracks in the seams

So, the old tile is knocked down, but before installing new finishing materials in its place, I propose to find out why the old cladding is becoming unusable.

The reasons why the ceramic cladding falls off and peels off are as follows:

  • Excessive mechanical stress on the cladding surface;
  • Exceeding the operational resource of finishing materials;
  • The use of insufficient quality adhesive mixtures;
  • Using insufficiently hydrophobic grout;
  • Laying tiles on an insufficiently dry screed;

What measures can be taken to prevent the raft from becoming unusable?

On the first point - we try not to drop metal objects over the floor and evenly distribute the weight of the furniture throughout the floor. After all, this is the reason why the wall and ceiling cladding cracks.

By the way, if a tile in the amount of one or two pieces fell off as a result of careless handling, this is not at all a reason to change the entire cladding. You just need to replace the damaged ceramics and nothing more.

On the second point, ceramic cladding has a certain service life, as a rule, it is 10-15 years. After this time, the glue loses its former strength and a complete replacement of the tile will be necessary.

Insufficient glue quality- this is also the reason for the complete replacement of the ceramic cladding. By the way, the glue may be of poor quality initially due to the poor quality of the ingredients used in the production. Also, the quality of the glue may be poor due to improper preparation of the solution before use.

Insufficiently intensive and not long enough stirring, adding the mixture to water, and not vice versa - these are all the reasons why the prepared glue will not provide the required adhesion when drying.

Insufficiently hydrophobic grout- this is the main reason that moisture penetrates to the layer of tile adhesive on which the cladding is held. As a result, the finishing resource is reduced significantly.

Therefore, I suggest using moisture-proof two-component polymer grout to fill the joints when finishing the bathroom. By the way, such grouts, unlike conventional cement counterparts, are resistant to mold.

The most unpleasant consequences will be provided if the tiles were laid on an insufficiently dried screed.

By the way, such a deviation from the technology of facing laying works is more than common, since the specialists who have undertaken the repair of your bathroom are in a hurry. Time is money, and therefore the cladding is placed on a damp screed or damp plaster.

As a result, the wet plaster changes its volume during drying, and the tile falls over time. To prevent this from happening, we start laying work no earlier than 28 days after laying the screed or after plastering.

Laying a new coating

So, the old tile was knocked down, and we know what reasons could affect the decrease in its service life. It remains to find out how to properly update the cladding so that the new coating will serve for a long time without the need for repairs.

Let's consider the stages listed in the diagram in more detail.

Preparatory work

The instructions for performing the preparatory work are as follows:

  • After the old cladding is knocked down, we level the surface so that the relief does not exceed 2 mm;
  • We clean the surface from dust and dirt;

  • We cover the surface areas at the joints between the walls and the floor with a layer of waterproofing;

  • We cover the entire surface with a layer of a penetrating primer, selected in accordance with the type and composition of the surface.

In order to ensure the optimal result of the preparatory work, when applying waterproofing and primer, you need to wait until each layer is completely dry and only then apply the next layer.

Preparation of mortar and laying of tiles

  • To begin with, we lay the tiles on the walls, and therefore we make the appropriate markings, which will fall on the penultimate row from the bottom or the dividing border;
  • Using a clean container and a perforator with a mixer-type attachment, we prepare a solution from a special water-frost-resistant mixture, such as, for example, Ceresit CM16;

The result of the procedure will largely depend on the correct preparation of the glue. installation works... Therefore, we use the proportions of dry mixture and water in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In addition, mix the solution thoroughly in order to achieve its uniform consistency.

  • Let the prepared solution settle for 5 minutes, after which we proceed to laying, starting from the corner and moving towards the opposite corner of the room.

Correctly select the size of the teeth on the comb. The selection algorithm is simple - tines 8 mm wide and high are suitable for small tiles, large tines are suitable for larger tiles.

  • If the communications are hidden and located in a layer of plaster, we mark the tiles and drill with crowns selected in size;

  • We lay the tiles throughout the room from bottom to top, leaving the bottom row without tiles;

Ceramic tiles, especially if their price is low, can be uneven, that is, the difference at the edges can be up to 1 mm. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation, we open the pack and select the tiles of the same size so that the row turns out to be even.

  • We pass to the floor cladding in the direction from the opposite wall to the front door;
  • After the floor is tiled and the glue has dried, we finish the lining of the lower row of walls;
  • We prepare the trowel mixture by thoroughly mixing the components;
  • Apply grout to the gap between the tiles;
  • About 3-5 minutes after grouting, we form a seam;
  • After the grout has dried, we finally wipe the lined surface from the remnants of the mixture;

  • With silicone or acrylic sealants fill in the remaining gaps between the cladding and plumbing fixtures, pipes, etc.
  • If you are interested in the fact that the laid tiles do not fall over time, make sure that at least 65% of the inside of the facing material is covered with glue;
  • Be sure to make a gap to compensate for thermal expansion, for this we use special plastic liners;
  • We select the inserts (crosses) according to the size of the tile, the larger the tile, the larger the insert;

  • Throughout the laying work, we check the positioning of the tiles horizontally and vertically with a water level and just a flat bar;
  • At the end of the laying work, we wait for the time required for the glue to completely dry and after that we apply the grout;

  • For application, we do not use a metal spatula, but use its rubber analogue, since rubber, unlike metal, will not leave stripes on the ceramics;
  • We use elastic grout, since this material does not crack after the seam dries;
  • If it is planned to install a bath before laying the tiles, we try to install the plumbing in such a way that the surface is not located strictly horizontally, since otherwise the skew of the tiles will increase with each row and will be excessive closer to the ceiling.


So, now you know how to remove the old tile and how to install a new one in its place. Hope this article will help you with cladding a bathroom in your apartment or house.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to what you read. I will try to give an exhaustive answer to all questions immediately. Also, don't forget to watch the video in this article.

August 26, 2016

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Bathroom tiles are one of the the best materials, which not only has a pleasant appearance, high strength, but also long term service. It can withstand temperature extremes and is loyal to water ingress. But even tiles may end their useful life.

Over time, the tiles become dull. Cracks or chips may appear on it. One way to solve this problem is by replacing the tiles. But making a complete renovation in the bathroom is extra costs money and time. There are other ways to update tile covering, which will be discussed below.

Replacing cracked tiles

For many, the situation is familiar when, from an excessively strong mechanical effect, the tile burst or cracks went along it. For the sake of one or more damaged tiles, it is not at all necessary to start repairs, because it is enough to simply replace the damaged tile.

It is worth starting with the selection of tiles that are suitable in color and style. If you still have materials after the renovation, that's great. Then you can simply replace the damaged element with a whole one. But what if the exact same tile is not left?


  • If the damaged element is located in a place that hardly anyone will look closely, then you can find a tile that is more or less suitable in color and absolutely exactly the same size as the defective one.
  • If the tile is cracked on open place, but you can't find the same one, you can cheat a little. Instead of the damaged part, you can use some decorative element of the same size. If it looks strange in a single copy, then replace several whole tiles with the same decorative details. Yes, it's a little more expensive and more troublesome, but what to do?
  • Finally, you can replace the cracked tile with tile of the same size, but cover it with a vinyl sticker.

The next important question is how to remove damaged tiles and not spoil the rest?

  • Around the damaged part, completely remove the grout with a scraper.
  • Several holes are drilled in the center of the damaged part.
  • A chisel should be placed near the holes and the tile should be broken with strong but careful blows.
  • Debris is also removed with a chisel, moving from the central part to the edges.
  • The composition on which the tile was glued is carefully removed from the wall.

Actually, that's all, you can install a new tile. There is a risk that new part will be striking.

To prevent this from happening, follow these steps:

  • apply glue to the wall surface and level it with a spatula over the entire area;
  • install a new tile in the free space, and leave mounting crosses in the places of the seams (then the seams will be of the same thickness);
  • if the tile protrudes slightly forward, then lightly knock on it so that it snaps into place;
  • when the glue hardens, remove the mounting crosses and fill the joints with grout.

Renovation of tile joints

Sometimes the general picture also depends on the type of tile joints. For example, the tiles look great, but the seams have darkened or turned yellow, chips have appeared on them, and due to this, the bathroom takes on an unkempt look.

In order for the tile joints to always look like new, they need to be properly cared for: use special products. Good ventilation is also essential to avoid mold growth.

Renewal of the grout will help to restore the former well-groomed appearance to the joints. For this you need:

  • Remove old grout with a spatula. It is necessary to work with great care, as you risk damaging the tiles. You can use a commercially available grout remover. After applying a special liquid, the composition softens, and it becomes very easy to clean the seams from the old grout;
  • prepare a new grout. It is recommended to match it with a color matching the tone of the tile. But you can also try to beat the contrast;
  • apply a new compound with a rubber spatula;
  • when the grout dries, remove excess grout with a damp cloth or sponge. The tile must be well polished.

If the tiles in the bathroom are in good condition, renewing the grout will give a great result, as if you just had a renovation.

The algorithm of work when replacing several tiles, which for some reason are damaged, is the same as when replacing one tile. The only difference is that you have to delete several tiles at once. It is easier if they are located next to each other, but if they are out of order, then they must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the neighboring elements.

Use mounting crosses to keep the tiles at the same level as the others. They guarantee the same joint width and allow the new tile to be installed evenly.

Vinyl decals are simple, fast and cheap way make a cosmetic update of the tile. Now manufacturers provide a huge selection of stickers in various colors and patterns, so you can easily choose something to match the tiles.

Be aware that vinyl decals will not last long. Over time, they flake off and need to be replaced. But at the same time, this is not only a disadvantage, but also an advantage, because you can periodically change the design of the bathroom.

Sticking vinyl stickers is elementary. On the reverse side, you need to remove the protective layer of paper and attach the sticker to the desired surface, and then gently smooth it. The main prerequisite is the cleanliness of the tiles. Before gluing something, the surface must be degreased, otherwise the sticker will bubble after a while, and you will have to change it rather quickly.


We talked about using vinyl decals. But when painting the tiles, the result will be more durable. In this case, you can show a little creativity... You can simply completely repaint the tile, or you can apply a drawing to it. Let's consider both methods.

If the tile has aged and lost its presentable appearance, then it is easier to repaint it completely. To obtain an effective result, careful surface preparation is required, as well as a competent choice of paint.

With such a decision, the stages of work will take place in the following sequence:

  • first, the tiles are cleaned with detergents and then rinsed thoroughly running water;
  • the surface of the tile must be degreased. Acetone or alcohol will help here. Just wipe the tile well with any of these substances;
  • it is necessary to remove the glossy layer, so the tile is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • a layer of epoxy primer is applied to the surface, which dries within 24 hours;
  • the tile is sanded again;
  • after the preparation has been carried out, you can apply epoxy paint or special dyes for tiles;
  • the first coat must dry for at least 12 hours. After that, the second layer is applied. If you are using light-colored paint, then you will have to wait until the second layer dries and apply the third.

Tile in the bathroom with correct operation can last more than one decade, but it gradually loses its aesthetics and attractiveness. Replacing the tiles in the bathroom, for various reasons, lack of time and money, is not always possible. How to update an old tile so that you don't have to break and rebuild anything? How to replace tiles? The idea of ​​a partial renovation comes to the rescue. It includes renewing the joints between tiles, replacing individual tiles. In 90% of cases, this is enough, because it is the deterioration and contamination of the tile joints that is the main reason for the aging and untidiness of the tiles in the bathroom.

The tile in the bathroom can serve for quite a long time, however, over time, it loses its attractiveness and aesthetic appearance.

Damage replacement

If the old tile has serious defects (potholes, chips, cracks), it must be replaced. How to replace tiles? You can use a similar tile, choose more or less suitable in appearance, or, conversely, play in contrast.

Replacement of damaged tiles: a - removal of loose tiles; b - breaking damaged tiles; c - removal of the old solution; d - glue application; d - installation of a new tile; e - grouting.

The most difficult stage of work is the removal of damaged tiles. First you need to completely remove the grout (the process will be described below). Retrieving old tiles it is necessary to start from the middle, for this you do not need to drill several holes around the perimeter. After removing the loosened central part, the remaining tile can be carefully removed with a chisel, moving from the center to the edges.

After removing the remnants of the old adhesive, the surface should be treated with a deep penetration primer. After it dries, you can apply new glue, then lay and level the tiles. To leave the necessary clearance, special crosses should be used. At the end of the installation, the tiles must be glued to the neighboring ones using adhesive tape. This will fix its position. New tiles it is better to mark so as not to accidentally touch it while drying. The last step is to fill in the empty joints with grout.

Back to the table of contents

Renewal of seams

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to free the floor and remove all unnecessary things (cabinets, hangers, hooks) from the room. The simplest and fastest method of restoring tile joints is to whitewash and paint them. The disadvantage of this method is the short duration of the effect, which often lasts no more than six months.

Another easy way to renovate joints is to apply a new grout over the old grout. This method is used only when the old joints are sufficiently deep and there is at least 2 mm of free space for new grouting.

To avoid scratching the tiles, a special rubber trowel should be used to grout the joints.

You can apply paint to restore the color of the tile joints. The algorithm of actions is elementary: first, the surface is cleaned of dirt and mold, then paint is applied to the seam. After a few minutes, paint residues on the tiles are removed with a damp sponge.

The greatest effect can be achieved by completely replacing the old grout with a new one. To remove the old compound, you must use a joint splitter or any other suitable item. You need to work carefully to avoid damage to the edge of the tile itself.

Sometimes the seams are sealed with a cement compound. To soften it and make it more pliable, you need to use an acidic cleaner. According to safety rules, work should be carried out in rubber gloves and goggles. You need to apply the cleaner to the seams with a brush and wait for a while. After this procedure, the old grout can be removed easily.

To remove dry residues of old grout, the surface should be vacuumed and rinsed soapy water... Subsequent work should be carried out only after the joints are completely dry. It usually takes at least a day.

In the next step, the joints are treated with a penetrating primer and a new grout is applied. Grouting solutions set quickly enough, so it is better to carry out the work promptly and make the composition quite liquid. Through rubber spatula it is necessary to carefully rub the grout inside, filling the entire space.

Excess grout is removed from the tile with a sponge or spatula. The tile should be washed when the composition is dry, but finally. IN otherwise it will be very difficult for her to clean.

Vinyl film not only decorates the walls in the bathroom, but also hides all the defects of the old tile.

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Cosmetic upgrade

  1. Vinyl wrap. Inexpensive, waterproof vinyl covering presented in stores in a huge assortment. Besides vinyl wrap perfectly hides all the defects of the old tile. The surface to be glued is prepared with an ordinary mild detergent. Then the film with an adhesive layer is transferred to the tile. If the drawing is large, you need to glue from the middle, gradually smoothing the film to the edges to avoid wrinkles.
  2. Continuous painting of tiles. First you need to clean the tiles with a detergent and degrease the surface with acetone, vinegar or alcohol solution. Next, sand the tile with a fine emery sheet to remove gloss and process epoxy primer to provide the paint with a strong adhesion to the surface. Leave the surface to dry for 24 hours and sand again with sandpaper. After that, you can start painting. You can use both a special paint for tiles and epoxy... It is necessary to apply paint with a roller. After finishing the work, the tiles need 12 hours to dry. If you need 2 or 3 layers, apply them only after the previous one has dried. The paint will dry completely only after 3 days. Only then can you arrange furniture and accessories.
  3. Application of patterns. You can paint the old tile with an ornament using a ready-made stencil. You can buy it or make it yourself from cardboard paper or a plastic binder. A can of car paint, which has strong adhesion, works well and the surface does not require a primer. Before painting, it is necessary to degrease and clean the surface well.

August 26, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying of internal communications, rough and final finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high technologies, computer technology, programming.

Recently, a friend of mine asked me to advise her on some finishing materials for the bathroom besides tiles. She is tired of the tile, and she does not want to follow the general trend. I then offered her a choice of several types of finishes, which, in terms of their operational properties, are excellent for use in humid air.

I think that for all novice craftsmen doing repairs with their own hands, such an instruction for choosing will not be superfluous.

Requirements for finishing materials for the bath

The main purpose of the bathroom is to perform hygiene procedures using water. Therefore, it is not surprising that the air in it is saturated with a large amount of water vapor, which can have a destructive effect on finishing material and enclosing structures.

Also, while taking a bath or shower thermal energy water is transferred to air, which heats up a lot. Then, after finishing washing, the room cools down again. Constant temperature fluctuations also damage bathroom wall, floor and ceiling cladding.

Tile resists the described factors best of all. However, the price of this material is quite high and it is rather difficult to install. To glue ceramics on walls, you must have certain skills and abilities.

Therefore, if, due to the complexity of the implementation or for other reasons, you do not want to use this cladding, you can use other options. However, in this case, the alternative to tiles in the bathroom must meet the following requirements:

Characteristic Description
Moisture resistance Decorative wall cladding in the bathroom must retain its performance properties regardless of the humidity level in the room. In addition, the finish should not allow water to flow to the enclosing structures in order to keep them from collapsing.
Durability The longer the life of the alternative finishing material, the better. After all, you do not want to redo the repair after 2 years. In doing so, keep in mind that moisture and high temperatures will affect the finish.
Antiseptic Since the bathroom is a symbol of cleanliness, the surface decorative material must have antiseptic properties. Pathogens should not appear and develop on the walls and floor.
Strength The bathroom is always used intensively and not everyone treats the decorative finish neatly. Therefore, you need to choose an option that will withstand mechanical stress, including shock. In addition, plumbing and household appliances create a heavy load. This also needs to be taken into account.
Ease of care The less the surface of the walls and floor gets dirty, the less often they need to be washed and the less effort will be spent on it. I recommend buying a finish with a low porosity, as dirt does not linger on such a surface.
Ease of installation If you are going to make repairs yourself, choose a material that is easy to install on the surface without the use of special tools and equipment. It is also better to avoid "wet" construction processes that generate a lot of dust.
Environmental friendliness The material must be safe for humans and environment... Moreover, this property should be preserved regardless of wetting and heating.
Chemical resistance Check that the selected finish is not damaged by household detergents and cosmetics. It is better if the decorative material will withstand the effects of harsh chemicals.

Several types, which I personally used in my practice, correspond to these criteria to one degree or another. I will describe them below.

Varieties of decorative finishes

Of all the existing decorative materials, I chose several options that are more suitable for decorating the bathroom than others:

Wall panels: alternative # 1

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about how to replace the tiles in the bathroom are plastic panels. However, in addition to PVC lamellas, wall panels made of other materials are commercially available, many of which are well tolerated in humid air.

Using some of the options, you will be able to decorate your bathtub in such a way that you will give one hundred head start points. ordinary tiles... Truth and money for this will have to pay decently.

During my rather long career for decorating bathrooms, I had to use the following wall panels:

  1. Natural wood. They are usually made from wood. valuable breeds- oak, maple, alder, cedar. They are very environmentally friendly and make it possible to decorate the interior in a classic style.

They can be used in rooms with high humidity, but special treatment is required - impregnation with wax, oils or other substances that repel water and dirt.

I do not recommend installing wooden panels in places in the bathroom where they can come into direct contact with water. Although the moisture dissolved in the air, provided that the protective coating is constantly renewed, does not harm the finish.

  1. Chipboard panels. A cheap alternative to the previous option. Products are made from shavings and sawdust, which are glued together with phenol-formaldehyde resins.

Decorative chipboard panels have low strength and poor moisture tolerance. Therefore, they are practically not used for decorating bathrooms. In extreme cases, you need to take care of very efficient ventilation with a powerful suction.

  1. Fiber boards. They are also made from woodworking waste, but long plant fibers are used here, so they have improved water repellency.

In the bathroom, they can be used to finish surfaces that are not in contact with water (4 humidity zone).

  1. MDF panels. This material appeared not so long ago, but is already widely used in construction, furniture production etc. Plates are made by pressing very fine wood shavings under the influence of high temperature and pressure.

Under thermal action, a sticky substance is released from the wood residues - lignin, which plays the role of a binder.

This material is able to withstand significant loads (even furniture and shelves are made of it), it tolerates moisture well, has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and is quite hygienic. Therefore, it can be safely recommended for finishing wall surfaces in the bathroom.

  1. Glass panels. They are made of tempered glass, which withstands mechanical stress well. Due to its high strength, absolute hydrophobicity, hygiene and others positive qualities glass panels are great for bathroom decoration.

The material can be completely transparent, painted in some color, have an ornament, pattern, print. I have also seen glass panels decorated with carvings.

The only drawback is that glass is not suitable for all interior styles and is quite expensive. But a high-tech glass bathroom is simply a gem of interior design.

  1. Gypsum vinyl panels. Advanced variant of widely used drywall sheets... Structurally, such products are ordinary gypsum fiber board, but their outer layer is pasted over with vinyl film, so the material can be used as an independent decorative finishing.

Products can imitate natural materials by color and texture, be painted in certain colors or painted with an ornament.

They are characterized by high strength, reliability and moisture resistance. Suitable for bathroom installation.

  1. Three-dimensional panels. A unique decorative material that allows you to decorate a plumbing room in an original style. Products represent separate sheets, on the surface of which a clearly distinguishable relief pattern is applied.

On sale there are ready-made parts for installation on walls or plates with a primed surface, prepared for further painting with acrylic or silicone paints.

The disadvantage of this design method is the cost. But the appearance of your bathroom will not make you regret the money spent.

  1. Plastic panels. The most common alternative to ceramic tiles. The popularity of this material is due to its high performance properties and low cost.

Plastic slats are great for bathroom decoration. They can even be placed in a shower stall, where they are constantly exposed to water. It will not affect either the appearance or the duration of operation.

Since it is PVC panels that are most popular in our country, I will further dwell on the description of the properties of this particular material. So, what are the advantages of plastic slats for walls and ceilings in the bathroom:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Polyvinyl chloride used in the manufacture of lamellas is absolutely harmless to the human body. By the way, for example, food packaging and water pipes are made of the same plastic.
  2. Thermal resistance. The material retains its original dimensions and integrity with a very high temperature air. Combustion and melting is possible when the mark of + 370 degrees Celsius is exceeded. In case of fire, the material emits low-toxic smoke, which does not complicate the evacuation of people and the elimination of the fire source.
  3. Moisture resistance. The wall panels are completely waterproof. To exclude moisture leakage at the joints, the ends of the lamellas are equipped with locking joints. The material has low porosity, therefore it is slightly contaminated and has antiseptic properties.
  4. Ease of installation. Unlike tiles, panels can be easily glued directly onto walls or installed on a frame. The last way allows with minimal cost level surfaces, lay utilities, insulation, etc.
  5. Wide range of. Now on sale great amount a variety of plastic panels that will satisfy the artistic taste of even the most picky buyer.

As for the shape and size, here I can highlight the following options:

  1. Lining. Plastic slats 3 cm long and 10 cm wide.Although there are models with a width of 12.5 cm. Most often, such panels are painted in White color, although I have come across color options. The ends are decorated with locks such as "European" (wide lock) and "polka" (narrow).

  1. Panels. This is the most popular finish. Length wall panels varies from 2.6 to 3 meters, and width from 15 to 50 cm. Most often in my work I used 25-cm lamellas. The outer surface can be painted, varnished or covered with thermal film. The parts fit very tightly, the seam is almost invisible.

  1. Plates. In this case, the width of one element is from 80 to 200 cm, and the length is from 150 to 400 cm. Foamed cellular polyvinyl chloride serves as the material for production, but the top layer is still formed smooth and capable of withstanding external loads.

Paint: alternative number 2

Now let's consider what else can you replace the tiles in the bathroom? Naturally, this is paint. Painting walls in sanitary facilities has the following advantages:

  1. Saving money. Even the most expensive paint costs less than tiles and any other decorative material. Therefore, if your goal is to save as much as possible, use it.
  2. Variety of appearance. By combining certain colors or shades, you can easily arrange a bathroom in unique style... And if you have artistic talent, better option not worth looking for. A landscape or still life depicted on a wall or ceiling will make even the most sophisticated connoisseur gasp.
  3. Ease of work. I think that each of us has held a brush in his hands at least once, so the process of painting the walls should not cause difficulties. This is not gluing tiles or constructing a frame for panels.

It should be noted here that all the advantages of paint are revealed only when the walls in the bathroom are already leveled with plaster (or gypsum plasterboard), carefully putty and sanded. Otherwise, there can be no question of saving money, time and effort.

If the enclosing surfaces have significant vertical deviations, it is better to give preference to other finishes.

To achieve perfect result, it is also important to take care of choosing the correct coloring composition. Only those types of paints that can tolerate exposure to water are suitable. Regular water-based paint will not work, as it will wash off on contact with liquid.

Therefore, I advise you to use the following options:

  1. Acrylic. It perfectly tolerates operation in humid air and can be applied to any surface except metal. Such paint is not very expensive, and there are a huge number of colors to choose from. In addition, you can tint the formulations in the store using pigments, creating your own shade.

  1. Latex. A material that is distinguished not only by high water-repellent properties, but also by good elasticity. The paint is not washed off with water and does not form cracks with slight movements of the walls in the process of shrinkage and thermal expansion. It can close small (up to 1 mm) cracks.

  1. Silicone. High strength paint commonly used for facade works... It is ideal for painting walls and ceilings in the bathroom, withstands significant mechanical stress and direct contact with water. The big drawback is the high cost.

On the Russian market building materials you can find paint from various manufacturers. All of them comply with current standards, so they can be safely used in work. As an example, I can give you several options:

  • Tikkurila is a Finnish company that has been supplying paint to interior decorators around the world for decades. Separately, I can advise a paint made on the basis of a moisture-proof primer, due to which the surfaces do not get wet.
  • Dulux is one of the world market leaders among manufacturers paints and varnishes... The range of products of this company contains very quality paints at an affordable cost.
  • Jobi is a German company whose paints are of unsurpassed quality, but they have to pay a lot for them.

Plaster: alternative number 3

I have already listed two ways to decorate walls, except for tiles - what else can you decorate a bathroom with? I suggest using decorative facade plaster for this. Although originally intended for the exterior of buildings, it is great for decorating a bathroom.

There are several features that lead me to this conclusion:

  1. High vapor permeability. Congealed structure facade plaster is such that it does not prevent air infiltration through the walls, therefore it contributes to the self-regulation of the microclimate in the bathroom. Moreover, for high humidity air, the material is able to absorb water vapor, and as the air dries up, give it back.
  2. Ease of maintenance. Decorative plaster- is far from such a delicate and fragile material as it might seem at first glance. Modern materials perfectly resist mechanical stress and without damage tolerate the impact of sponges and household detergents during cleaning. And the surface itself has an antistatic effect, thanks to which dust does not stick to it.
  3. Unique appearance. With the help of facade plaster, you can very beautifully and unusually decorate the walls in the bathroom. Specialists using this material can create real artistic masterpieces. However, for this, of course, you need to have considerable skills.
  4. Hydrophobic properties. Since this material was originally intended for use in difficult external conditions, it feels quite comfortable in the bathroom, without collapsing even if a stream of water from the shower is directed onto the plaster. This result is achieved thanks to a thin film that forms on the surface.
  5. Resistant to salt loss. Despite the presence of a cement binder in the plaster, other components of the decorative material prevent the appearance of efflorescence on the surfaces.

To decorate the bathroom, I had to use two groups of facade plasters:

  1. With a smooth surface. The most popular representative of this category is the Venetian. It was from her that the fashion for using facade decoration in sanitary facilities.

After hardening, a glossy smooth surface forms on the walls, along which water rolls down and is not absorbed by the walls. Plaster usually imitates a natural stone, in particular - marble.

Therefore, too much variety can not be achieved here. All that remains is to vary the color scheme and dilute the design with some effects (for example, an artificially aged surface).

As an option, I can advise using stencils when finishing, but this significantly complicates the finishing process (or makes it more expensive if you use paid services master).

  1. Structural plasters. In this case, various mineral components (granite pebbles, mica, etc.) are added to the composition of the initial mixture, which make it possible to form a characteristic relief on the surface. Bright representatives of these types of plasters are pebble or bark beetle.

It is better to finish with such a material surfaces that during operation will not experience direct contact with water. The liquid does not roll down, but gets stuck in the depressions, which negatively affects the sanitary state of the room and the integrity of the walls.

So that the finish does not deteriorate as long as possible, the water-repellent properties of the surface can be increased by additionally covering it with wax, varnish or other similar composition.

Alternative # 4 wallpapers and images

Another option for decorating the walls in the bathroom is wallpaper. But not the usual ones that you are used to seeing in living quarters, but waterproof ones. Like paint, this type of decorative finish is very cheap, and any of us can glue paper rolls on the walls, right? Naturally, the surfaces must be pre-leveled.

Apart from this, using wallpaper in the bathroom has several other benefits. First of all, it is a variety of designs. You can have wallpaper with an already applied pattern, a relief texture, or white, which is subsequently painted in the color you like.

What I also like is the possibility of spot repairs. If any part of the wall is damaged or heavily soiled, you just need to re-glue a sheet of wallpaper on it to enjoy the exquisite appearance of the room again.

But in order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you need to choose only those types of wallpaper that are well tolerated in humid air. To a greater or lesser extent, the following options are suitable:

  1. Washable wallpaper. Are ordinary paper wallpaper, outer surface which has a waterproof coating in the form of a thin transparent film. Thanks to it, the ingress of moisture into the thickness of the material is excluded, the finish does not exfoliate, does not swell and retains its operational properties for a long time.

Another advantage of washable wallpaper is that dirt, dust, mildew and traces of water are well removed from their surface. And the main thing is the affordable cost.

  1. Vinyl wallpapers. A great option for pasting a bathroom. The outer decorative layer of the material not only tolerates impact well humid air, but also does not collapse in direct contact with water.

However, you will have to pay a lot of money for this option, so it will not be possible to significantly save on the repair of the plumbing room. Nevertheless, the price is fully justified long term service, durability and attractive appearance.

  1. Self-adhesive wallpaper. Here we are talking about polymer film, on the back surface of which glue is applied, protected with release paper. To glue such wallpaper, it is enough to remove the protective layer and press the material tightly to the surface.

Self-adhesive tape is excellent for direct contact with water, so I recommend using it to decorate wall areas near a bath, shower or washbasin.

  1. The liquid wallpaper. They are a dry mixture (like plaster) of a binder and decorative elements(pigments, cellulose fibers and so on). Before use, they are mixed with water and applied to the walls with a spatula.

This finish is perfect for the bathroom. Through liquid wallpaper you can perfectly diversify the design, the surface of the material is not damaged by water and has a high mechanical strength.

  1. Glass fiber. Fiberglass-based finishing material in rolls. The finish is absolutely impervious to moisture and has increased strength characteristics.

Glass fiber is usually supplied in the form of white canvases with a surface textured with fine patterns. After gluing on the walls, the wallpaper is painted in the desired color and subsequently can be repainted up to 10 times.

  1. Photo wallpaper. Another popular bathroom design trend. Modern drawings and photographs are of very high print quality and resolution. With the help of photo wallpaper, you can radically transform your bathroom in a couple of hours, making a surprise for your soul mate.

Thanks to the hydrophobic film on the surface, the finish is well tolerated in the bathroom (if you choose the material with the desired designation).


Now you know what you can do in the bathroom instead of tiles. You can find some ideas for decorating plumbing rooms with alternative types of finishes in the video in this article. It also describes how to install them.

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August 26, 2016

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