How to install corrugation for toilet: the main stages of the work produced. How to install corrugation on the toilet if you have never done this before to the toilet how to put a corrugated hose

Repair of an apartment

To mount the toilet, we will use the following tools:

Screwdriver with nozzles. A hammer. Corrugation for sewer pipe. Kern. To compact the threads # 8212; Tape "FUM" drill (on concrete) drill. Divorced wrench.

To mount the toilet bowl, we need ready-made outlet holes, namely for water and sewage, made according to the plan of repair of the apartment. They are bred under the pre-purchased toilet, because There are a lot of connection varieties. Fastening can be outdoor and inner. In our case, an internal mount is used. Install mounts for applying. We apply markup on the tile at the installation site of the toilet bowl and on the inside we plan a place of drilling to the toilet fastener. To the floor each connection is secure two bolts. The core is made small chips in the places of drilling so that the drill is not walked through the ceramic tiles during drilling.

We make four holes using a concrete drill in which you score a dowel. We screw the mounting bolts to the floor, but for further accurate fit do not drag them.

The corrugation consists of a variety of internal membranes, which gives it the ability to firmly attached in the technical hole in the wall and on the output tube toilet bowl. Internal membranes do not give corrugation from the toilet tubes, and the external does not allow it to jump out of the plumbing hole.

With the help of corrugations, we can change the distance from the toilet to the wall, as well as change the angle of connection, which is very important.

Most of the toilets have an external water supply system, but are also found in which the water supply system is internal, hidden. We will need a clamping nut. We put the nut on the tube in the reverse order.

Cold water You can connect both a flexible hose from metal plastic and available. copper tube. Pay attention to the pipe leaving the wall. It can be with internal or outdoor thread. In this case, the carving is internal, so we will use the adapter. We establish an adapter using a pacle.

We proceed to the installation of the toilet.

Not all men know how to perform plumbing work. However, installing the toilet with your own hands for everyone. For this you do not have to possess specific knowledge and skills. It is enough just to show zeal and attentiveness.

First turn off old toilet From water. Then dismantle the attachments with which it is attached to the floor. If it is bolts, they just need to unscrew. If there cement base # 8212; We'll have to tinker a little. It does not matter, when dismantling the base of the toilet will be damaged, because now its place in the landfill. To merge the remaining water there, tilt the toilet back. Then disconnect it from the socket, which needs to be cut to convenient size under the corrugation.

Installing the toilet with your own hands

Thoroughly measure everything before installing

When installing a new toilet, remember the "seven times" the rule. Do all measurements very carefully, together with a tank. At this stage, it is better to tinker with the fitter than to redo this painstaking work. You can on the floor to be out of chalk or another convenient "marker" accurate place for the new toilet.

When you finish the fitting, remove the drain tank and mount the toilet to the floor. Installation of toilet bowl # 8212; Elementary business. First you need to smoothly and correctly install it and secure the fasteners that are included with any toilet.

As for the attachments themselves, they can be "external" or "internal". But anyway modern models The toilet bowls are attached either on bolts that screw in special holes of the dowel, or filled with sealant.

It is important to carefully read the instructions for each specific plumbing device, for example setting suspended toilet bowl Carefully distinguished by the attachment method. Yes I. outdoor toilets different models Mount to semi different ways.

It is very important to firmly fix the toilet. Dedovsky methodWhen a wooden board was used as a base for fastener, we will not recommend. It is best to carefully cement a place under the foundation or attach to the toilet directly on the tile.

The main thing is how you can tighten the mounts. The toilet should not be fused, it is not installed on the ship.

Connecting toilet to sewage

Connect to sewage

At this stage you will need corrugations and silicone sealantwho first buy on the market or in the store. Loading the flue toilet sealant and insert the corrugation into it.

Its other end also need to lubricate well and secure secure into the drain hole. For such a compound, the corrugated pipe is very convenient. It is easy to adapt in the most distressed area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom. At the same time, the tightness of the design will be at the very high level.

By the way, the sealant does not need to save. Especially when you connect corrugation to sewage. Ensure that its particles do not get inside the pipe itself.

Setting a drain tank

Connect the toilet to the water supply

On the final stage You must install the drain tank. Depending on the model, it can be placed directly on the toilet or with a removal. Now most often there are tanks that are attached on the rear shelf bowls toilet bowl. Usually, four bolts are used for this purpose, which pass through the tank itself. Include must be rubber gaskets for protection against the flow. Another gasket that is located between the connection of the hole of the drain tank and the hole in the bowl of the toilet bowl, when installing, you need to seal well. Then no leaks in your bathroom will not be.

Last operation # 8212; Connect the tank to the plumbing system. After that, you can say so to say; Test # 187; Your work.

Installation of corrugations for toilet: How to do everything right and safe?

With the introduction of new technologies, much in our life is becoming easier, faster and more comfortable. Diverse household appliances mobile devices And communications means are so fast addictive that it is already difficult to imagine how without all this one could live. Construction and communications technologies change to the better. Just a couple of decades ago simple replacement Toilet bowl big problem. It was necessary to pick up new plumbing So that the exit exactly coincided with the tap of sewage. Otherwise, large-scale from the replacement of cast iron pipes was not avoided. But there appeared plastic, and massive taps changed the corrugation for the toilet. And everything immediately became much easier. Now the replacement of Sanafayans does not require any special knowledge, no qualifications or many hours of effort.

What is a toilet corrugation and why is it needed?

Corrugation is just a plastic discharge, differing from all the others with its flexibility. In addition, the length of the corrugations varies and the length of the corrugations - it can be stretched to the sizes you need (within reasonable limits, of course).

Such a removal connects the output of the toilet bowl with the sewer pipe. And there is no importance to their mutual location. The main thing is that the sewage is below drain hole toilet bowl, otherwise water just will not flow

High-quality corrugation # 8212; Security security system

Great importance Has the choice of high-quality corrugations. As you know, the range of goods in construction stores, which is called, for every taste and wallet. In our case, you only need to focus on quality. It is worth the corrugation to connect the toilet to be not so expensive to save significantly, and there may be many problems with the leaking tap and perturbed neighbors.

Unfortunately, the goods of domestic production in this area are still significantly inferior to imported counterparts. So it is better to stop your choice on corrugation european manufacturers. In addition, there are samples made only from plastic and reinforced with metal wire. The second is definitely better. They flow less often, do not sag and serve longer.

When the two subjects of plumbing cost more convenient to use one corrugation with a tap

In small bathrooms, where you need to install a large number of plumbers at the same time, and also place washing machineThe sewer pipe sometimes just lacks the place for such a number of taps. Then there is a corrugation to a toilet with a tap. It will be salvation if the sink or bath is located in close proximity to the toilet.

Note! By purchasing corrugations, do not forget to buy a canister with a plumbing sealant. Many manufacturers claim that it is possible to do without it, but "God escaped".

"The master of the master is afraid" - proceed to the installation

It remains only to connect the discharge to sewage system And the installation of the toilet corrugation will be completed. To do this, in a pre-purified hole until you stop insert the edge with an external seal. This joint is not necessary to be seal, but it cannot damage this procedure.

Sealing the connection of corrugations with a sewer pipe is not necessary, but preferably

Some useful Soviets

When the toilet is far from the wall, it is important correctly corrugations. It, of course, stretches, but everything has its limit, and if it is too strong to stretch the pipe, its walls are thinning and their strength will decrease greatly.

Do not stand before installing corrugation to the toilet, stretch it. Make it immediately before connecting to the sewage. IN otherwise You risks stretch the removal too much.

Do not allow Corrugi provisions in the middle. This can lead to cluster at the lower point of fecal masses and, as a result, to the interface. If the release of the toilet and the sewer pipe is located sufficiently high, it is necessary to arrange a support for corrugations from undergraduate materials.

Recently, it is customary to close communications with protective screens or ducts with the door, and the fenced space is used as a storage for different trifles. On the one hand, it is correct - it looks beautiful and the place is not empty. Just do not forget that corrugation is not a cast iron pipe. Under the severity of banks with paint, she can progress, and then burst. Conclusion: you should not put on corrugated pipe Heavy items, it is fraught with leakage.

How to put the corrugation on the toilet?

How to put the corrugation on the toilet?

Why put corrugation?

Toilet # 8211; The desired element of modern life. But for various reasons, it is from time to time requires the replacement of elements. At first glance, everything is simple: the old product must be removed, new # 8211; Put.

Corrugation is necessary in two cases: 1 # 8211; When different output systems, 2 # 8211; When the toilet is mounted with displacement relative to the sewage termination.

But it often happens that they bought a good import toilet, and it does not turn out, because the apartment buildings of Soviet times, and the sewage is mounted under the oblique outlet. And at the purchased product, the release type is horizontal. How to be? Of course, if soon in the apartment is planned overhaul With channeling. Then you can immediately display the pipes for the desired type of release. And if this repair is not thinking? Or it happens that put the tile on the floor on top old tile, and the floor level rose. It accounts for a toilet to put higher, as a result, an axial offset occurs relative to the sewage termination.

Sequence installation of toilet bowl with oblique release.

How to connect it with the sewer network? The corrugated pipe or corrugation comes to the rescue. # 8211; The most popular element of plumbing, which came to replace cuffs, nozzles and couplings. Its popularity is explained by significant advantages. Due to elasticity, installation of installed equipment is possible without taking into account the location of the sewage and mutual correspondence of the drain pipe and the outlet. In addition, it does not allow to penetrate the room unpleasant and prevents clogging of cleaning communications. Corrugation greatly facilitates installation and can easily be replaced if necessary. For toilet bowl, a corrugated tube with a diameter of 100 mm is needed. Also for the installation of corrugations to the toilet will need silicone or sanitary sealant.

When buying, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the corrugated pipe, otherwise it solidifies and cracks on the outlet. Therefore, for the reliability of the connection, you should choose an elastic corrugation, but with rather tough rubber so that it serves for a long time. The installation itself is simple to install the toilet corrugation. It looks like this: one of its end (with sealing rings) is inserted until it stops into the sewer of the sewage, the other (with internal membranes) is put on the blocking of the toilet. Nevertheless, in such simple deed There are little tricks.


The corrugated pipe must be one size with the release of the toilet bowl, to be sufficiently dense and without cracks.

Standard dimensions Corrugations for toilet bowl.

When equipped, you need to press hard on corrugation, then rubber compressor It stretches, and she will take their place tightly. Despite the existing outer rings and inner membranes, providing tightness of the compound, the specialists insert the corrugated pipe after applying the sealant to the outlet. The sealant is also applied by sealant, only on the inner walls of the termination, and not outside. After fixing the corrugation, to deceive the sealant of the connection site is not necessary! To check tightness, it is possible (after frozen the sealant!) Pull into the toilet 1-2 buckets of water. If the connection points remained dry # 8211; Everything is done well, there will be no puddles. When installing corrugations on new toilet First you need to wear fan pipe To the release of the toilet, then, inputting it to the sewage to the minimum distance, insert the second end.

The closer the toilet will be divided, the less corrugations stretch. Then during operation, it will not be saved and, as a result, will last longer than stretched and saving from water. Of course, the corrugation has disadvantages. The most important of them is # 8211; Thin walls that easily damage. And in the case when the toilet is far from the climbing of the sewage, it is possible to sagging and accumulating water. Then the deposit will be visible at the place of Svcription, which looks very not aesthetically.

With time chemicals To clean the toilet to the toilet, entering the material, then the material will give the corrugation. When replacing the old fan pipe to a new dismantle, the toilet is not required, it is enough to remove the spoiled pipe and clean the seven of the sewage and the outlet from the remains of the old sealant, scraping the sharp knife. When replacing the old compound on the corrugation, careful cleansing of the drain hole of the toilet bowl and the slide of the sewage is required. For this purpose, the remains of cement should be cut into a chisel and wipe the all dry cloth so that there are no dust, mucus and remnants of wastewater. The fool inside must

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Some 20 years ago, the installation or replacement of the toilet was considered a difficult and difficult procedure, as it was necessary to engage in fitting its release to the sewer. Heavy cast iron pipes Massed to make quick could delay for a whole day. With the use of plastic SanTermatura, everything was notably eased. Corrugated universal connectors are used for it. But how is the replacement of the corrugation of the toilet with their own hands? Step-by-step instruction And the features of work is further in our article.

Signs of replacement

When do you need to perform this operation? Replacing the toilet corrugations with their own hands is made in several cases.

  • With axial displacement. So, the installation of the toilet is performed with the axial offset relative to the termination. This is usually happening if the new tile was laid on top of the old (because of this, the toilet raised).
  • If the release of the toilet is not suitable. So it happens if you do not pay attention to the type of drain release when buying. For example, imported toileties may have a horizontal release. But Soviet apartments are designed under the oblique release.

Specialists advise when repairing immediately perform pipe output for a specific type of unitaza.


main feature Corrugations are its flexibility, due to which the ease of installation is achieved. But do not forget about some rules, performing installation or replacement of corrugations on the toilet with your own hands. It is always necessary to take into account the angle of release. He can be:

  • oblique;
  • straightforward;
  • vertical.

In case, if it is a direct or oblique output, the installation of the corrugations will not be difficult. In the case of a vertical slope, the cooler of the toilet should be rigidly connected to the vertical drain system. Otherwise, it will not be released to establish free drain of water. Therefore, many refuse from the vertical issue. In the remaining cases, it is quite possible to replace the corrugations on the toilet independently.

Installation step by step

Consider the order of connecting the toilet with the help of corrugations. This work is quite simple, but no need to violate the procedure. It is advisable to install the corrugations when the toilet is not yet connected to the place. This is more comfortable. But in case of installation of corrugations to the old toilet, it will be necessary to prepare it:

  • remove the old cement;
  • clear from sealant (if any);
  • clean the sewer of the sewer pipe.

Otherwise, the tightness of the connection will be questionable. Some when installing corrugations use sealant. However, experts are not advised to apply cheap, since over time it can collapse.

  • It is processed by silicone the end of the pipe, which will be connected to the sewage. The end of the release is evenly overlapped with a tap for 5-6 centimeters.
  • The stretch is performed without distortion, most uniform.
  • To facilitate pulling, lubricate the rubber seal on the conversion.
  • The corrugated tube is installed in the inlet by one end, and the second is mounted to the toilet.
  • Pull water into the toilet.
  • Check the joints for tightness.
  • On the floor, placing the point of the toilet bowl. Pre-corrugation is disconnected.
  • Holes are worn and wicked by sealant.
  • The toilet is attached to the floor. The fastening bolts are tightened until the design stops staggering and will be perpendicular to the floor.
  • The adapter is repeatedly connected.
  • The joints are processed by plumbing sealant.
  • Poured a screed.
  • Performed finish finish Floor surface.

Features of dismantling old corrugations

The dismounting process will be easier if the corrugated pipe (old) is maximally stretched. In this case, it is sufficient to pull the pipe from the pipe to the toilet, and then get the second end from the sewage. Water remnants are easily removed - they are easily merged into the sewer stock.

If the toilet is located in the corner, you need to apply an arc rule. In this case, the design is easily removed from two nozzles, but at the beginning of the corrugation removed from the toilet pipe.

Sometimes it happens that the corrugated pipe is not stretched at all. This happens if the toilet is located too close to the plum. To dismantle here you have to remove the toilet itself. At the same time, the corrugation is removed in the same sequence as described earlier: at the beginning, that end, which is connected to the toilet, and then the one that goes on the sewer.

Replacing corrugations on the toilet without removing the toilet

Over time, you have to replace this item. You can do it with your own hands, even if the toilet is shown relative to the sewer. But you need to know exact size adapter. He can be:

  • short;
  • middle;
  • long.

The choice of adapter will affect its life. So, how is the replacement of corrugations on the toilet with their own hands without removing the toilet?

Stripping plumbing parts from the old sealant is performed. The edge of the pipe is inserted into the neck of the toilet to stop. The second end is put on the discharge drain system. Fall a large number of Water in the toilet. The tightness of the compounds is checked.

Now it is clear how the replacement of corrugations on the toilet is performed. Please note that if the output of the sewage pipe is in the floor, you need to choose a corrugation with a socket curved at a right angle. For plumbing with a horizontal release, a pipe with a rotation of the termination is 90 degrees.

Need to know

Thanks to the corrugation, you can compensate for a very significant displacement, up to 20 centimeters. Also, the pipe can be deployed to any angle. For this, used serial connection two pipes. But you need to understand that with a large survey there will be no qualitative drain. In addition, in the place of the sintering tube can crack. It may not be noticeable immediately, but the smell will not be pleasant. This must be taken into account by performing the replacement of corrugations on the toilet. Also before exploitation, the toilet is always poured with water to the top to check the flow.

What could be flaws from corrugations?

Before installing such an item, you need to understand that there are cons. Corrugation has several drawbacks:

  • Too thin wall. It can be damaged easily from the inside and outside. Wash accidentally sharp glass in the toilet, you can break through the corrugation. Yes, the material may be in an aggressive environment, but it is unstable to mechanical damage.
  • Aesthetics. Externally corrugated pipe looks not as gently as plastic. In addition, the wall may be shuning on many models (and sediments inside).
  • Schedule corrugations. In the event that the distance between the sewer and toilet release is large, the design will inevitably resist. Because of the irregularities of the walls, deposits are constantly postponed, which pull the pipe down. In addition, water accumulates in these savings during operation.

What type of corrugation use?

At the moment, you can find such variants of corrugated pipes:

  • Reinforced. This is the most stringent option among others. When buying such a pipe, you need to consider construction features Toilet bowl. The reinforced design contains a wire in itself, due to which the walls become rigid. The price of such a pipe will be higher, but also serves longer.
  • Combined. Suitable for non-standard installations (for example, if it is decided that the toilet will lag behind the wall for a certain distance).
  • Drain. it universal option. Such a pipe will be connected to any communications, whether they are plastic or cast-iron. In addition, the cost of the drain corrugated pipe is quite affordable.

Also, when choosing, you need to ensure that the product does not have defects. In most cases, this is a fragile material that is easy to damage during transportation. Therefore, the condition of the goods need to be inspected before purchase.

Let's sum up

So, we found out how to replace the corrugations on the toilet. As you can see, this operation can be performed with your own hands. But you need to understand that this design is not the richest, and sometimes it is worth preferring more reliable analogs.

Often, the old plumbing does not fit into the design of the room in which the repair is made, and it needs to be replaced. But what if it is not possible to install it for your previous place? If there is no problem with the sink, then with the toilet, not everything is so simple, however, the use of corrugations helped to solve this problem. After reading the article, you will learn how to install the corrugation on the toilet, after selecting a suitable product.

Types of corrugations

In fact, there are quite a few variations of the corrugation for the toilet, but people do not always acquire what they need, because they do not even suspect the possibility of choice. The photo you can see corrugations that differ in the form and connection method. They differ in both the characteristics you need to know.

  • Although the corrugation is stretched as harmonica, it is still important to take into account that there are limitations. If you choose, find out what the maximum length of the pipe in the stretched state.
  • Corrugation can be both tough and soft. The rigid pipe is more resistant to wear and mechanical damage, but it will not always be able to bend it as I would like. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account this factor.
  • Not only the thickness of the material is affected on the rigidity of the corrugation, from which it is made, but also reinforcement. Spring thin wire enhances the stiffness of the structure and extends its service life. The flexibility of such a pipe is very insignificant.

Video: Types and differences of corrugations for toilet

Nuances of using corrugated pipe

The use of the corrugation largely facilitated the installation of the toilet, especially in cases where it must be shifted or deployed. But it is important to remember that this is not a panacea, and this type of connection, except the advantages, has its drawbacks.


  • For the installation of corrugations, you do not need to have some special knowledge and skills. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions described in the article, and work can be performed on your own.
  • Replacing the corrugation of the toilet is easily performed with their own hands.
  • In some cases, the connection of this plumbing device can be performed only by a corrugated pipe.


  • A soft tube has a small strength - it can be accidentally pounded by a sharp object.
  • Some chemical substances They react with the material from which the pipe is made, so its walls may gradually drop. Plastic will be deformed if pouring boiling water into the toilet bowl. In fairness it is worth saying that the faience product can burst when contact with boiling water.
  • The service life of the corrugated pipe for the toilet bowl is small, so the late replacement can lead to leaks, but considering how much the corrugation and simplicity of its replacement is, this deficiency can be considered insignificant.
  • If the corrugation is visible, then appearance The premises can be not very attractive. Such a problem is solved by installing the box, which leads to additional costs.
  • A strongly stretched corrugation will be saved, which will lead to an accelerated clogging of the pipeline in this place. In this case, you will have to come up with how to rest.
  • The disadvantage of any corrugation (used to divert the sewage) is that the ribbed surface does not miss the garbage. Therefore, in comparison with an ordinary smooth plastic pipeThis pipe will be clogged more often.
  • There is a high probability to purchase a fake of low quality.

Having studied the information provided, as well as weighing everything in and against, you can start on the installation.

Corrugated installation: phased instruction

Now consider how to put the corrugation on the toilet, depending on its configuration and location.

At first glance, it may seem that the corrugation is not needed at all, but if you look more carefully, you can notice that the toilet is slightly deployed, so it did not work with a simple pipe.

The compound could be made more smooth using the corner corrugation. Often, this option is refused due to the fact that such corrugations are made from more expensive polypropylene or polyethylene.

In this case, the sewer tube is derived from the floor, but due to the displacement of the toilet, it was necessary to use the corrugated tube.

If it does not turn out to be combined with plastic sewer taps because there is no product with a suitable angle, then nothing else remains how to use the corrugation.

Using a very long soft corrugation (or 2 scrambled), you can drastically change the location of this plumbing device.

Using corrugations, you can connect the plumbing device shifted to the side.

Or such a connection can be made mixed using various pipes.

Unitaase connection with sewage is performed not only by corrugation. In some cases, especially when the device is located next to the sewer pipe, it is better to use the eccentric.

Choosing a suitable corrugation, you need to install it correctly. Consider the procedure.

  • Choose a suitable place and put a toilet there.
  • Now you need to decide on the type of connection to sewage.
  • If you have the opportunity, it is better to use pVC pipe. Sometimes it is enough to shift the toilet to the side. If it happened, you collect all the knees by pulling out seals from them, perform the "connection" of the device and outline the location of it.

  • Fasten the toilet on the floor with the attachment specifically designed for these purposes. To not rot the metal fastener, the toilet should be installed on the bed from cement-sandy solution Or after mounting to smear the gap sealant.
  • When using corrugations, decide with its type and length - after installation, it should not be stretched to the limit. It is also better to prevent strong bends.

  • When the device is connected to the corrugation to the cast-iron sewer tube, the latter can be well cleaned.
  • In order for the connection to be tightly, the connection site is lubricated with sealant.

  • Initially, the corrugation is inserted into the slot of the sewage pipe, and then stretches on the neck of the toilet release (the procedure may be different). So that during the stretching of the corrugations, she did not jump out of the socket, it needs to be held.
  • Check that the corrugation does not savage, and if necessary, then back or tend it.
  • If the question arises how to change the corrugation after it comes into disrepair, then there will be no problems with this - it is enough to remove it, remove the remnants of sealant and put on a new one.

After waiting for a while, you can check the tightness of the connection, having lowered water from the tank. If everything is in order, then from this moment on the toilet can be used.

Video: Installation of the toilet with corrugations

If earlier for the work concerning the replacement of corrugations for the toilet, I had an incredibly waiting for specialists for a long time, now it can be done on your own.

Modern corrugation for the toilet replaced once bulky taps and now the work has simplified at times. About all the nuances of the installation of corrugations on the toilet should be described in more detail.

Why do you need corrugation?

This material is usually made of plastic. So the corrugation is quite strong, but retains the flexibility that allows it to change to people who are not professionals. Plastic removal is designed to connect toilet with sewage and applies not only for toilet bowl, but also, baths and.

Corrugation is very versatile, as it can be stretched as much as needed

Corrugation is able to serve for a long time, but if you need it to replace it, it is better to choose a material made by a foreign manufacturer. Domestic still do not differ in the quality, which is important in this case.

Now often use the fan tube at once with the corrugation

Installation of corrugations

Before starting work, it is imperative to make sure whether the corrugated pipe is suitable for size, and whether it does not have cracks. If it is supposed to replace it with the toilet, then it is most convenient to put on the corrugation, which will take rid of many inconveniences. But if plumbing is old, then it is important to observe all stages of work:

When equipped, you need to put on a corrugated pipe very much, because only then the seal can stretch and sit down and tightly sit down. The sealant is very important not to forget during the work. Of course, at the expense of membranes, the pipe usually fit very tightly, but sometimes leaks are still not avoided. And it is worth noting that the application of sealant is required not only from the entrance side, but also from the side where the corrugation will be connected to the sewage hole. But it should be lubricated inside, not outside.

Nuances Installation

As soon as the pipe will be connected to the sewage, work, by more thanwill be completed. It is worth noting that in the additional lubricant with sealant of the external parts of the pipe usually do not need. In order to check how good this indicator is, after pouring the solution, it is necessary to pour some amount of water into the toilet. If all the places remained dry, the puddle will not form. In case the drops were noticeable, in the place where they were formed, it will be necessary to further exhaust the sealant layer. Then after a while you will need to repeat the procedure.

With the development of sanitary technologies, all the details of our everyday life They become easier, easier, better. In the installation of the toilet, also apply materials and equipment to make everyday life processes more convenient and easier.

Relatively recently, the word to change the toilet or corrugation, caused a negative, since it was necessary to disassemble half the sanitary node to do this, at first glance, a simple operation. Now it is to do this much easier, thanks to the appearance of corrugations for the toilet.

No toilet can carry out its functions without such constructive element as corrugation. The main body of the corrugation has a spring form.

On one side of the corrugation, the pipe that is designed to connect to the output of the toilet bowl, and the other end of the corrugation is designed for docking with a sewage pipe and has a ring shape with a herbage-like sealing gum.

Corrugations are different diameters. Before buying corrugations, you need to know the accurate liameter of the toilet pipe. Corrugation is the main minimum component of the toilet configuration, the most the best option Shopping corrugations will be simultaneous purchase with the toilet.

Then the option is excluded that you buy the corrugation is not the size.

In addition to corrugations, the toilet can be connected to sewage using:

  • - Direct or eccentric coupling. It is applied if the output from the toilet is located directly near the sewer pipe;
  • - plastic removal or pipe with cuffs. It is established if the distance from the toilet bowl to the input in the sewer pipe is at a short distance, slightly away;
  • - Soft or rigid corrugation. It is established when the toilet is located opposite the toilet, but the entrance to the sewage pipe prevents some obstacles or it is necessary to turn the toilet to the angle.

Under the conditions of modernity, the removal and installation of the new corrugation turns into a gameplay. This is due to new technologies and materials that are used in the production of corrugations and component connections to it.

Choosing a corrugation for the toilet, which needs to be replaced, preferably focus on quality manufacturer. Unnecessary save money by buying a corrugation of a dubious manufacturer.

As practice shows, after a while, cheap corrugations often fail, the material from which they are made, quickly dry and loses strength.

There are different situations and ways to remove old corrugations from the toilet. The replacement of corrugations will easily pass if:

  • - Corrugation, which is installed as stretched as much as possible. It must be pulled out from the toilet pipe, and then from the pipe of the sewer tube. Making an operation in such a sequence, you can easily drain the remnants of water from corrugations into the sewer;
  • - The toilet is mounted at an angle. In this case, the arc rule is valid, at which it is also possible to easily pull the corrugation from the toilet bowl, and then from the sewer pipe.

To remove the corrugation, which is installed on the maximum distance between the toilet and the drain pipe into the sewer, it is necessary to remove the toilet itself from the mounts.

Then remove the corrugation in the same sequence. After making such processes, you can put a new corrugation, the installation of which is carried out in reverse order.

Connect the tube of sewage to the flue toilet seems to be a simple matter, but in this process there are some relative difficulties.

There are 2 cases when the corrugation is needed:

  • - If the toilet must be installed with offset to or at a certain angle, relative to the bathroom. For example, if the floor level has increased or added new equipment ( washing machine), and without displacement, the toilet will inconveniently operate;
  • .- If the hosts mistaken acquired a toilet with less or large diameterthan corrugation. This situation may occur when you buy an imported toilet with direct exit, and the sewage in the apartment is removed under oblique installation.

The process of installing the corrugations is held at the following points:

  • - It is necessary to thoroughly clean the door of the toilet from the remains of old compounds and sealing gum. The same operation should be done with the drain of the sewer pipe. If the sealing of the old corrugation was used cement solutionsthey can easily be knocked down with chisel and hammer;
  • - Then you need to wipe the drying pipe of the toilet and drain pipe of the sewage with a dry cloth or washcloth. There should be no dust, fat residues of sealant or other means, which were used to install old corrugations;
  • - Then you need to insert the corrugation in the toilet, and then move it to drain pipe and shove the corrugation into it;
  • - the less corrugation stretched, the longer it will last;
  • - After all the proceeds done, screw the toilet to the floor.