Low base house what to do. Height of the base - execution options

When can I make the facade of the house without a base? The base may be absent in homes in which the facade is made from materials resistant to weather conditions with high strength, such as clinker brick or a natural stone. In the case of the facade of the trimmed durable materials The base can be reduced so that it is almost invisible. If the house is placed, then it is necessary to choose the facade plaster hydrophobic - inevitable water, with which the dirt is easily washed and do not clean. Such facade plaster are silicone plasters.

The base can be hidden, that is, hidden by the lower fragment facade facing of clinker facade tile Under the brick or boards, which are already hardened and coated with several layers of varnish resistant to atmospheric influences.

How to isolate the base?

During the insulation of the building in which there will be no base, the lower segment of the thermal insulation of the walls to contact with the ground (about 30 cm), to perform well from the material that is resistant to moisture, for example, from polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam, even if the above will be laid, expanded polystyrene foam or mineral wool. If the house should be finished with plaster, the wall should not reach the base. Leave a very small base and finish it in the usual way, for example, the front clinker tiles.

How to get the effect of home without base?

In order to get the effect of the house without a base, where the facade is trimmed with facing clinker brick, the lower part of the facade above the land of the foundation wall is made from the same material as the facing of the walls of the first floor. In the facade and the base, finished with clinker brick, be sure to leave vertical empty color solution seams. These seams will be holes for air ventilation - ventilation gaps. It is necessary to especially take care of the relevant strip drainage around the house. IN modern housesThe plates of stone and the plates of walls often apply plates facial ceramic brick . They can be laid in such a way that the lower element end 2-3 cm above the Earth.

Only in the case of wall structures with a ventilated facade, we can afford to build facade walls Without base, the wall that goes down to the ground closing the base. Then the accumulated water in the foundation wall can freely evaporate, without destroying the structure of other layers. In the case of facades from the plates, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for the installation of the ventilated facade.

How to make a bandage that goes along the ground along the facade?

Along the walls of the building on Earth must be made by paving the bandage of wall protection, which restricting the penetration of rainwater directly into the walls of the house. The bandage must be selected depending on the type of soil. If the Earth absorbs water, we use gravel, crumbs or crushed stone. If the soil is impenetrable, then concrete blocking or clinker bruster or concrete tiles.
The bandage should not leave the water. Must "breathe" because it makes it easier to evaporate water from the soil. Regardless of what material the bandage will be made, it must have a slope of about 2%, which causes automatic flow of water. In addition, water should flip towards the garden, and not on the facade of the house. Drainage pipes discharge rainwater From the roofs must be installed in the chute sump, and then in the rain sewer. This will maximize the fundamental foundation from moisture. In areas S. high levels groundwater, It is worth making drainage around the house.

View samples of materials for the base, as well as - wall ceramic blocks and facing clinker bricks, get advice and buy this material in our office at the address Moscow, the prospect of the world, 69.

The base is the outer wall towering above the ground level, which is a kind of transition between the foundations and the facade of the house-building. This upper part of the building can serve as walls for basement, semi-breeding rooms and basement floors.

Design and construction of the base part of the structure requires a solid approach. Special attention deserves such a parameter as height. Too low base will not be able to protect residential areas from moisture penetration. It negatively affects the integrity and service life of the structure, makes it impossible.

The height of the base depends on the following parameters:

  • type of base;
  • project of housekeeping;
  • characteristic features of the soil;
  • the target of the basement, if it is provided.

Equally important is the construction prescriptions that cannot be neglected.

The costs of building the foundation and the base make up most of the estimates. And if the project does not provide for the presence of basement, some believe that the base can be made flush with the Earth. This certainly allows you to save at the construction stage, but inevitably harms the most building. The base is a mandatory part of the houses, in the construction of which are used by the material susceptible to moisture.

The main function of the base part of the structure lies in the fence of the facade from the contact with the soil. The obstacle soil waters raised by the capillary from the base becomes waterproofing, which is placed directly between the walls of the facade and the basement.

Along with the isolated structure from the effects of groundwater, the following functions are assigned to the base:

  • fencing facade from pollution;
  • protection of the sheathing from damage to a mechanical nature;
  • compensation shrinkage under the weight of the structure;
  • insulation of the floors of the basement from negative impacts;
  • ensuring full-fledged ventilation and improving heat insulating qualities;

In addition, the base part gives the house aesthetic attractiveness and completed appearance.

So that the base part of the structure performs all the functions assigned to it, it must have sufficient height. Otherwise, the moisture will penetrate inside the residential premises, and the facade part of the structure will remain unprotected against pollution and mechanical exposure.

According to construction standards and rules (SNiP), this parameter should not be less than 20 cm. This is a minimum indicator. It is better not to save and erect the base with a height of 30 and up to 40 cm. Buildings that are erected from wood are more susceptible to moisture, so the distance above the ground level for the lower part should be at least half a meter and reach up to 90 cm.

The parameter from 20 and to 90 cm is the recommended height of the base for buildings, in the project that is missing basement. If the housekeeping is built with the ground floor, it can reach 2 meters. Calculate the more accurate indicator of the required height allows accounting climatic conditions and average precipitation.

It is quite difficult to make it enough, but perhaps. To this end, the average depth of snow cover is calculated over several years, and 10 cm is added to the value. This data can be obtained when analyzing weather forecasts.

Main types of socle

The construction of a high base leads to an increase in consuming estimates. This is not a reason to save. The main thing that outer Wall, towering above the level of land, was durable, had high operational properties.

The height indicator depends not only on the soil, the foundation, the project, but also on the position of the base relative to the wall of the facade. It can be performed in one of the following options:

  • West.The outer wall is located inside the facade. This option is suitable for buildings with sufficiently thick walls.
  • Speakers. The plane of the base is advanced. This decision is the only possible option For buildings S. thin walls and the ground floor.
  • Vrowd. The base part of the structure smoothly enters the facade, that is, the top, and the lower part is located in the same plane.

Each of the species has its own characteristicsaffecting what will be the base.

How does the title type affect the height?

The protruding base is the most expensive option, but being necessary in cases where the project is provided by the operated basement. The height in this case should be maximum. Otherwise it is impossible to achieve good thermal insulation characteristics. No economy in this case can be.

For buildings that do not have basement and the ground floor, it is advisable to choose the Tsight Option. The facade hanging wall becomes the perfect protection of the base of the house from mechanical damage and atmospheric adverse precipitation. The height of such a base makes minimal. What it is more, the lower the degree of protection.

Height of the base and the type of foundation

The base part of the structure at a low foundation (slab, ribbon, pile-tape) is made of bricks or blocks. The first option is less reliable. Blocks allow you to achieve a higher level of security.

Both versions of the base imply the need for high-quality finish providing protective functions. If the groundwater climbs closely, decorate drainage, and if low-scene. The height of the base is made at least the minimum recommended, if there is no basement. The minimum indicator is taken exclusively for cash savings.

The pile base is low if Scarlet is located right at the ground level, and elevated. The most unstable is a columnary, requiring compulsory compensating for the soil. For this purpose, the height makes at least 20 cm.

The gaps formed between the columns either are laid brick, closed with shields or asbetic plates. Too high base due to the design features of the foundation itself can not be.

Height of the base when building buildings with the ground floor or basement

Buildings with exploited basement were widely distributed in private house-building. The rationality of such a decision is due to the ability to use this part of the structure as under economic needsBy placing laundry flooring, pantry, boiler room, cellar, and to expand residential space, drawing up the office, bedroom, gym, and so on.

Sometimes both of these appointments are combined. It all depends on the estimated building area. The main thing is that such an approach is more cost-effective than an additional floor superstructure over the ground level. The overall height of the base here is much more than in buildings without the basement used. It, according to SNiP, is at least 250 cm.

The value on which the base will rise above the ground level depends on the appointment of the basement. If it is supposed to be used as an economic premises, it is allowed to take the minimum limit. On the basement floor under residential rooms it is impossible to save, so a small supply is necessarily added to the recommended height.

Find on the Internet projects one-storey houses The ground floor is extremely difficult, most often, they have to be ordered. The ground floor, simply speaking, the basement is a special room, without any altitude house.

Other business cottage or a private housedesigned to accommodate one family. Of course, extra square meters No one will prevent anyone, especially since in the ground floor, our person stacked everything that gave him the mother's nature on his six weaves. There dump potatoes, all kinds of pickles and boats, and indeed everything.

All that did not fit in the house, drop there. Anyway will someday use old holey kelos, from which you can make so much useful, while it is not clear what and how much, but it is clear that a lot. It is clear that no developer in the right mind and when hardware will not spend time and money on cottage With the ground floor, calculating it to use this way.

Usually, setting the goal to build a house with a zero floor, a person thinks that on this floor he will keep his car or, for example, will make a workshop that he always dreamed of and did not reach anything.

In general, in order to take for the work of the establishment of the base, it is necessary to clearly represent why it is needed. It's just not every potential homeowner is placed indefinitely so to take it and make the ground floor under the house. To decide for this, at least, have free money.

Just digging boothes

There are three types of basement floors: a blurred, protruding and foundation at the level. For the construction of a broken floor of a bellped type, the land on which it will be built should be dry. Works begin with digging pit, which should be defined in advance.

The depth of the pit in no way should be lower or at groundwater level. In general, the depth of the bellged base must be about one meter above their level.

And he is in every terrain of its own, and is determined by the level of water in the wells in a hot summer time. At the same time, you need to start eating the ground floor in a private house.

Arrangement of the drainage system

The most important element of the house in which this construction is present is the drainage system. From how it will function, fate does not only depend on the basement, but in the whole house. Since the floor is ground and is located below the ground level, the water will be present there by definition.

Drainage system Make pretty simple. After the recovery is dug, it is completely cleaned from the garbage, it is aligned and tamped. Somewhere in the corner of the pit rushes. In it is inserted metal barrel, the edges of which should be flush with the floor of the future basement.

In order to ensure the maximum smooth bottom of the pit, it will fall asleep with a layer of fine sand, its thickness should be at least 15 centimeters and not more than 20. After which the sand is again aligned and the waterproofing material is stacked on its surface.

Waterproofing is stacked reinforcement grid And poured concrete. At the same time, there should be no cracks between the edges of the drain barrel and the floor, so that water has never been registered in them. The barrel is installed drainage pump. The drainage system can be finished.

Installation of walls base

Now, when water will fall into the basement, it will merge in drainage container And pump out the pump. In order for the walls of the pit, they are strengthened by formwork.

Then the walls of the basement are erected. Usually, they are made of brick or from building blocks. A sand-cement mixture is used as a binder solution.

After the walls of the basement are posted, it remains to make the upper overlap, one or more concrete slabs are used as such overlap. Use them for this purpose is preferable because they have high strength.


In order for the cellar is suitable for storing products, reliable ventilation should be arranged in it, in otherwise The ground floor will be the inhabitant of mold, and to store products in it, there can be no speech. So that this does not happen, ventilation in the Bulled basement must be arranged as follows.

From two sides of the cellar, opposite each other two are installed vertical pipes (supply and exhaust), they can be both metal and plastic. The task of the supply pipe is to pull into the basement of the air outside, while the exhaust pipe is intended to pull the air from the room of the basement floor.

The lower end of the supply pipe is located on the height of about twenty centimeters from the floor, while the exhaust pipe, the lower end of which is located at a distance of thirty centimeters from the ceiling, while on the opposite side, pulls the air out of the room. The system consisting of two of these pipes provides permanent circulation of air in the basement.

In general, if the main purpose of your basement is to be a big refrigerator, then your basement can be considered almost ready. It remains only to make the shelves to all your jars with cucumbers and tomatoes, as, however, and shoulder with saima cabbage Placed without problems.

Garage in the basement

Many projects of houses with the basement are created in order to place the garage there. They are considered much more complex structures than a basement adapted for storage. First of all, it should be located at a depth of at least two meters, the width of at least four, and the length is at least six meters.

Of course, all these sizes are taken with a large margin, but if we take into account that in the garage, in addition to the car, a lot of things are stored, then the stock of this will turn out to be so great.

Unlike the basement for storing products, the garage must be heated by the room. Moreover, the temperature in it should not be very different from the temperature inside the house, since if such a large room, like a garage, do not waste, as it should, then, being directly under residential rooms, it will inevitably get housing. In this case, heating costs will inevitably increase.

If only one light bulb will be required to illuminate the food warehouse without a rafting and lampshar, then in the garage it will take full-fledged lighting.

If in order to get into the basement, with stored in it, it will be enough to use potted staircaseYou will need a strong ramp for departure from the garage.

Other premises

Even more serious costs will be required to fit the basement under a full living room or, for example, under the arrangement in it of bowling or gym.

Considering the photo of the house with the basement, it is not difficult to notice that the illumination of the premises is quite intense, at least so much that fully meets the sanitary standards.

The air temperature in it should not be below the temperature in the house. Since the base is located, practically in the ground, then maintaining a comfortable microclimate in it will fly into a penny. In general, the basement can be used for the needs of the family, both as a utility room and as the main one.

  • Why do you need a house base?
  • Cocole at home with two-layer walls.
  • Features of waterproofing base.
  • Elimination of cold bridges in the base.

The base is the above-ground part of the foundation. This is a rather complex knot, where the vertical (base, walls) and horizontal (floors and floors) of the house design are converged and adjoin each other.

Proper device, waterproofing and heat insulation - the necessary conditions For the construction of a durable, economical and heat-saving house.

Below in the figure it is clearly seen what will happen if the house has a very low base.

Base tall at least 20 cm. Protects walls from moisture (in the figure on the left) Low base and the absence of base leads to moisturizing the wall of the house (in the figure in the center and right)

The height of the private house must be at least 20 cm. With low base, the risk of moisturizing the wall of the house is great. The walls will be moisturized from splashes when they hit the rain drops about the Earth, when melting snow lobes, or from the capillary moisture supply directly from the soil.

Raw walls lose heat-saving properties. Water freezing in the walls gradually destroy them. On the decoration of walls outside and inside the house, dirt, dampness, fungus and mold appear.

In areas with a high snow cover, the height of the base is better to make no lower level of sustainable snow cover. Especially this rule is important to perform for houses with wooden walls.

To protect the walls of the house from moisture, emanating from the Earth, create two borders of defense:

  • Increase the height of the base in order to further remove the walls of the house from the ground - the source of moisture.
  • It is organized by waterproofing of the walls of the house and the base in the danger zone of exposure to moisture.

The high base increases the cost of building a house. Therefore, depending on the design of the walls and, try to find a reasonable compromise between the sizes of the base and the waterproofing level.

Necessarily arrange between the basement and the wall of the houseorizontal layer of rolled waterproofing.

In some cases, which are discussed below, need to do additional waterproofing walls at home.

For a private house it is recommended to make a watering base. In the weltering base, the outer surface of the wall appears abroad of the base of about 50 mm. Water falling on the surface of the wall flows down and falls from the wall by the base to the cabin. This solution does not give water flowing along the wall, fall on the horizontal waterproofing and take it into the walls. For better water removal on the lower edge of the walls fix the dropper.

It should be noted that besides the moisture protection function, the base plays a certain role in the architectural appearance of the house. The house on a high base looks more solid and effectively, and the decoration of the base can emphasize the beauty of the floors of the house.

Right base house with single-layer outdoor walls

The height of the base of the house with single-layer outer walls should be at least 50 cm. (in the figure on the left) or for the base height less than 50 cmbut not lower than 20 cm. , Additional waterproofing of walls is necessary. (in the figure on the right)

The outer surface of single-layer walls is less protected from moisture than in multilayer walls. Therefore, the base house C is recommended to perform at least 50 height cm.

If a single-layer wall base is below 50 cm.T. arrange additional waterproofing in two places:

  1. In the wall, over the first or second layer of masonry from aerated concrete or invoked ceramic blocks, another layer of rolled waterproofing is placed.
  2. The outer surface of the wall, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower rows of masonry, is protected from water with a layer of vertical waterproofing. For this, it is enough when finishing the wall use hydrophobic primers and waterproof plaster. Better, but more expensive, bind the base and the bottom of the walls with material with low water absorption, for example, clinker tiles.

Construction of the base for a single-layer wall houses with basement or at home foundation - Plate can

Sizes of the base of the house with two-layer outdoor walls

The minimum height of the base for a two-layer wall, insulated polystyrene foam 20 cm. For a wall, warmed by minvata, is recommended at least 30 cm. (on the left drawing) Low base will lead to moisturizing outdoor decoration and soaking the mineral wool insulation (in the picture on the right)

Moreover, heat insulation base eliminates cold bridge Through the base and carrier part of the wall into the floor of the heat insulation of the floor and walls.

In a single-layer wall, the floor raise the level of the second or third row of masonry. At the same level, the vertical waterproofing of the base is raised. 2 - waterproofing; 4-5 - plaster on the grid; 8 - finish; 9 - Gender Paul

If on the site Or weakly bunched, the tasks of the struggle with the forces of frosty radiation are not worth it. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of only the bridge of the cold through the base and the carrier part of the wall.

To eliminate cold bridge in a house with single-layer walls No heat insulation, it is necessary to raise the floor to the level of the second or third row of blocking blocks outdoor Wall. This is enough, since the material of the single-layer wall has a low thermal conductivity.

The carrier part of two-three-layer walls is usually performed from a material with high thermal conductivity. To eliminate the bridge of cold in two-three-layer walls, it is possible to close the insulation only the upper part of the base, on, approximately 0.5 m. below floor level. It will increase the path length heat flux By basement.

If the base space under the house is not heated, the heat insulation is closed with a base from two sides.

In multilayer walls to eliminate the cold bridge, it is covered with thermal insulation one outdoor or both sides of the base (for houses with not heated social Space Or soil floors)

For multilayer walls, another way to combat cold bridge is used. The bottom rows of the carrier part of the wall are performed from wall material Low thermal conductivity. The floor level is raised, similar to how this is done for a single-layer wall.

For the insulation of the base and the underground part of the foundation, the plates of extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex, etc.) are best suited.

Conveniently insulation ribbon foundations. The design of pile foundations with burbilling (incl. Tees) or screw pile More adapted for cold base. The insulation of such foundations is quite problematic and expensive.

The base space of houses with pile foundations usually do not inspire. Design ground overlap and floor of the first floor at home on pile Fundamit Choose taking into account this circumstance.

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A private house is a basement, which acts as the first floor. Others consider it a standard zero floor, which is located below the soil level. In any case, its creation remains unchanged and requires compliance with some rules.


It is worth noting that the construction is characterized by large expenditures compared to the usual, also in some cases more economical option There will be an expansion of construction area.

The approximate cost becomes clear after the implementation of geological and engineering surveys, the establishment of the soil type, the level of groundwater. Sometimes after it turns out that in this place it is impossible to build such a building.

The ground floors in private homes require the creation of drainage, high-quality waterproofing and insulation, so it will not be possible to do with the simple formation of the continuation of the foundation. Failure to comply with the rules of waterproofing or the use of low-quality materials increases the likelihood of flooding.

For carrying out such works, builders should have high qualifications, since the negligence attitude to work in this case is more likely to be of unwanted consequences.

Lighting and ventilation

Since the arrangement of full windows in the base is most often impossible, the premises will be insufficient therefore the location residential rooms Preferably in the ground floor. The most popular embodiment is entertainment and sports facilities: home theaters, billiards, pools, saunas, gym.

It is worth remembering that exploitation is also associated with large investments that allow you to maintain space in the necessary state. Forced ventilation The ground floor of a private house is particularly relevant in the gym and rooms with a high level of humidity, and the creation will be required for saunas and shower. Also folded in the arrangement and below the ground level pool.

When you can not do without base

It has a necessity most often with the lack of an area of \u200b\u200bfloors above the ground, and the impossibility of placing all the planned premises.

In some cases, the size of the construction site contributes to the creation of the base. It may be small or have a narrow shape, while the owner has a means to build a large building, and the spaces of the upper floors are not enough.

The arrangement is also common in the presence of a plot characterized by the presence of a slope with a noticeable difference in height. In this case, the relief becomes an accent of all landscape design and allows you to build a very original building.

The ground floor in a private house, the photo of which is presented above, gives respectfulness to the whole building and can post different rooms, basement or utility zones. It is also worth noting that such a building is characterized by higher properties of thermal insulation. With competent arrangement, it is possible to reduce costs and speed up their payback. Thanks to it, you can not worry about the loads that fall on the foundation, and the house itself becomes more reliable. In accordance with the established rules, it must be within 2.5 meters.


There are three main types:

  • blood ground floor in a private house;
  • protruding;
  • located at one level with the base.

The highest distribution acquired the first option. This contributes to lower exposure to the influence of moisture, compared with other species. Also in this case, the humidity does not have such a detrimental effect on other parts of the building, as water quickly flows from the base.

The protruding type is optimally suitable for the house with thin wall structures. So you can equip the premises that will be located almost underground. Sometimes he acts as a place to store seasonal and rarely used things.

The device of the ground floor of the private house on one level with the foundation is not always rational, as it will have insufficient protection against humidity and at the same time act as the beginning of the wall. It will be necessary to use additional waterproofing materialsthat entails extra expenses. It is also worth noting the impossibility of improvement external view building.


Due to the fact that the base is a continuation of the foundation, it is erected from a material similar to what was used when creating a base. Sometimes it is possible to choose materials from which consist wall structures. Most often used ready blocks, brick and monolithic concrete. Regardless of the perfect selection, a competent calculation is required. Special attention It should be paid to the determination of the thickness of the walls.

Screed I. concrete plates Speakers as a floor. The base can be formed from ready-made reinforced concrete plates. For facing work Often applied wood material. If the ground floor in a private house is significantly towers above the ground, it is possible to create full-fledged windows and doors in its upper part, while it is desirable that they go to the southern, western or eastern side. The arrangement of the openings on the north side is undesirable, as this can lead to the deformation of the frames due to the accumulation large number snow.


It is advisable to start with the stairs to the ground floor in a private house, as it is essential and an important element premises. Three types have acquired the greatest distribution stair structuresproviding a convenient descent. The arrangement of the classic marching option is possible with sufficient area. If the design of the floor and its dimensions do not allow you to create such a comfortable descent, the hospital or screw look will fit.


Separately should be noted waterproofing work. Underground design should have a bilateral coating with moisture protecting materials. This will increase their reliability. Waterproofing of elements on the surface of the Earth does not require mandatory internal waterproofing.

The basement in a private house, which is based on a concrete solid stove, has undoubted advantages:

  • it is possible to arrange the premises of any destination;
  • the construction is characterized by sufficient protection against negative external influence, for example, humidity;
  • requires relatively little time for construction;
  • the distinctive strength of the design.

High-quality arrangement of waterproofing is the main point when erected. If this rule fails to comply with this rule, the floor slab will have a poor-quality clutch with wall elements of the base. As mentioned earlier, the height of the base must be located within 2.5 meters. For its construction, dripped with a necessary depth.

Design work

First of all, when arranged, it is necessary to install needed thickness walls. Here you need to repel from the type of soil on the site and location of the building. If the soil differs sufficient reliability, it is possible to create walls with a thickness similar to those that walls have in other parts of the house. Otherwise, it is recommended to increase the thickness of 20-30 cm. When using wood for the construction of the building, the ground floor in a private house can be performed from concrete blocks.

An important step is to draw up a project in which the location of groundwater must be taken into account. This is caused by the fact that the depth of the pit should not reach the level of water. The soil exploration is preloaded to establish a possible depth.