Pie balcony over living room. How to make waterproofing balcony

If earlier almost all citizens used a balcony for storing old and unnecessary things, now the situation has changed. Owners of apartments are trying to get additional residential space, so they refubinate the balcony. Some residents install the roof, others make glazing, the third insulates the space, etc. However, to obtain a full-fledged residential premises this is not enough. It is necessarily necessary for waterproofing the balcony.

Why do you need a waterproofing of the balcony

The balcony is more susceptible to the negative impact of weather conditions than other apartments. Waterproofing will protect the space from unpleasant humidity, fungus and dampness. If you use high-quality waterproofing materials and properly carry out work, you can provide walls, ceiling and roof of the balcony. Reliable protection.

In the overwhelming majority (95%), a concrete slab is a balcony base. The high-quality waterproofing of the open balcony makes it possible to increase the structure of the structure under the influence of the aggressive medium. If this is not done, in the future you can incur financial losses.

Because reinforced concrete has a porous structure, and inside it there is a mortgage metal element. For minus temperature Water falls at these pores and begins to drop metal microparticles. There comes corrosion and metal collapsed. Waterproofing prevents destructive processes.

It is performed for the slabs of the overlap (processing from below and from above), paraperature (the steam insulation is made at the same time), the roofs (undergoes a rafting system).

If you understand the importance of this operation, go on, and let's see how to make the balcony waterproofing in accordance with the existing technology.

Materials for waterproofing balcony

At the beginning we will deal with the necessary materials.

It all depends on the trim of the balcony design. If the surface of the balcony from concrete / tree, penetrating compositions are used. In the presence of polyurethane / stone / tiles, a coating material is used.

Varieties waterproofing materials Next:

  • Cast isolation;
  • Inlet isolation;
  • Painting isolation;
  • Impregnation.

Any of these materials will perfectly protect the balcony space from negative influence Water / moisture.

Cast insulation has a water-repellent composition. When it is elected, a preheated polymer is used. They are processed by floor balcony. It can be raised quickly and lose integrity.

Under the inlet insulation, the material in the form of a roll is meant. On all the balcony surface, it is stacked by brass. Special mastic processed joints. To give waterproofing strength and efficiency, it is placed in several layers.

Simplicity of use is characterized by paint insulation. Another plus - low cost material. However, we do not recommend applying it for wooden surface. At a minus temperature, it can crack and have to update the waterproofing layer.

An excellent material for waterproofing surfaces from wood / concrete is impregnation. It penetrates inside and provides constructs safety. However, when processing a wooden surface, warm and dry weather is required. The applied impregnation should be good.

Preparatory work on waterproofing balcony

Selecting the material, proceed to work. It is possible to entrust it with a specialist, but the waterproofing of the balcony does not require special qualifications, it can be done with its own hands and reduce the repair budget.

In addition to the preparatory stage, there are three more: floor processing, internal surface Rooms, visor / roof / drainage.

Preparation includes the following types of work:

  • We dismantle the old coating;
  • Analyze the state of the concrete base, determining the place of disrepair;
  • We remove them with a perforator;
  • We clean the surface from the garbage with a rigid brush and remove the remains of cement / old glue;
  • Cracks process the grinder. It is necessary that the new screed filled all sorts of emptiness. A small crack is expanding, large - hanging;
  • At the exposed reinforcement we clean Rust chemical compositions and remove the rest of the concrete;
  • Coating the reinforcement of the anti-corrosion composition;
  • Breasting the floor surface;
  • Fill the holes with cement-sandy mortar;
  • We inspect the roof of the balcony and determine possible places penetration of water;
  • Clean the surface of the ceiling / walls;
  • Apply primer with waterproofing material.

Waterproofing floor on the balcony

Floor waterproofing prevents moisture penetration from below. This is especially important to owners of apartments located on the first floors of buildings. Moisture can be from the basement / soil. We clean the floor from garbage / dust and create a concrete tie. If the balcony is open, its slope is obliged to be 2% so that the water is free to go from the surface. Metal mesh Arming the screed.

All seams that appeared in the process of work, for sealing, fill in mastic by 50%. Clean the screed from the garbage / dust and put the primer WB on it so that there is good adhesion. Moistheld concrete is coated with several layers of polyurethane mastic.

We are waiting for insulation, and the brass is stacked parosolation materialMade of foil. So prevent condensate. On top of it wooden frame. The OSB plate is mounted on it self-draws. Finish work - Installation on the floor balcony finishing material.

The thickness of the waterproofing should not be less than 20 mm and is required to enter up to 200 mm per wall.

Waterproofing walls on the balcony

Before conducting waterproofing work Bulgarian choose P-shaped grooves in interpanel seams And we seal their Hermoplast. By this, we eliminate leak through microcracks. Then secure decorative coatings.

Then foil polystyrene foam glit tightly to the wall. The second option is the usual foam, which is covered with a layer vaporizoation film. Bets are formed between the sheets of foam. They are sealing. To securely protect against moisture, we apply 2 layers of mastic.


It is possible that there are additional partitions / other facilities on your balcony. Then they should also be hydroizing. The principle of operation is similar.

Waterproofing ceiling on the balcony

Ceiling slabs clean and process the antiseptic to protect the design from the formation of fungal mold. Then surface is processed by coating / penetrating insulating composition. Close up with silicone all the gaps and cracks available in the ceiling.

Sealant Fill the wall connections with floors plates. When finishing a roof tile / metal tile, each joint is additionally processed by polyurethane mastic. She has good adhesion, and it is easy to apply to a moistened ceiling surface. We recommend two layers of mastic. The second layer must be perpendicular to the first. After the first layer of the mesh, the waterproofing layer is reinforced. Mastics give 3 days to dry well and harden. This will create a durable crystalline protective layer.

For residents of the last floors, we recommend that the roof of the balcony is put on top of the roofing coeroid layer or cover it with roofing mastic. For roof waterproofing, we recommend calling specialists. We do not advise this work to do it yourself. It is dangerous for life.

Waterproofing wooden balcony

Waterproofing the wooden balcony involves the processing of the boards with a special antiseptic to prevent strong moisturizing and appearance on the surface of the fungus. Floor coating with a wall of liquid rubber on the base followed by processing finishing material.

Waterproofing allows you to prevent the development of mold and reduce the decorativeness of the tree. The material will start losing strength and attractiveness. There will be deformation of the coating and it will not be possible to return the former appearance. Waterproofing a wooden balcony will prevent swelling and will not allow to appear cracks that will lead to the destruction of the structure.

Working technology depends on functional purpose Balcony and his kind.

In this article, we considered the process of independent waterproofing of the balcony. We hope that you can use the specified technology.

It is possible to expand the useful space of any apartment through the use of a loggia or balcony. Initially, such structures were not assumed for year-round use, so the temperature regime in them seriously depends on external weather conditions. That is why it is necessary to take care of the insulation of a loggia or balcony to fully use this space.

The basic schemes of thermal insulation of both design options differ little. The main differences are to necessitate the frame of the frame wall in balconies that do not have a capital external fence, and the insulation of the parapet from loggias, limited from all sides by concrete structures.

Basic heat insulation schemes

Regardless of the design type, it can be done in two ways to protect it from heat loss:

  • from the inside of the room;
  • from outside at home.

The first option involves a waterproofing device, laying a layer of insulation and interior decoration Total balcony or loggia space. Perform the whole complex of work in this case can be independently.

Warming on the outside is most often done in the presence of a concrete parapet. Starting from the second floor of the house, such works can be performed, only having a special permission in the field of industrial mountaineering. External thermal insulation Only experienced specialists may conduct compliance with all safety regulations.

When carrying out work, inside the premises are protected from heat loss all elements of a balcony or loggia, this particular attention is paid to external enclosing structures and walls adjacent to the street or technical premises.

To protect the placement of the loggia from heat loss, you must perform the following blocks of work:

  • if necessary, replace old glazing to new double glazing or wooden designs;
  • close all defects and cracks in external enclosing structures;
  • perform waterproofing of walls, parapel, floor and ceiling, as well as a frame outer wall for a balcony;
  • lay insulation on all walls, floor surface and ceiling;
  • consolidate an additional layer of vapor barrier;
  • perform finish finish premises.

All types of work do not require special training, so anyone can perform the insulation of his balcony or loggia.

To insulate the room from the outside of the house most often mounted the design of ventilated facades. This approach allows not only to maintain heat, but also to ensure the permanent condensate removal from the body of the insulation. In the technology of ventilated facades, mineral or stone watsas well as film waterproofing. Such technology is perfect for balconies without external enclosing structures.

Another sought-after version external insulation It is a device of a layer of solid stoves of polystyrene foam or sputtering polyurethane foam with subsequent surface plaster. This method is more preferable to protect loggias with concrete or brick parapet.

When the object is located at an altitude of more than three meters, thermal insulation must be performed by specialists who have special tolerances to high-altitude work.

Options insulation

When finishing a loggia or balcony, the most popular options are rigid insulation, for example, extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. These materials are easy to mount to concrete or brick baseThey are distinguished by low thermal conductivity at the level of 0.035 W / MK and permeability. As a result of effective protection against heat loss, it can be achieved with a thickness of the heat insulating layer in 50 mm, which reduces the costs of insulation of a balcony or loggia.

When choosing polyurethane foam, it is best to apply it by spraying. The protective layer device is made after the assembly of all frames under exterior decoration and laying waterproofing. Spraying ensures the monolithic structure of the insulation, which reduces the number of cold bridges. In addition, processing can be made at once all the surfaces of the room, which reduces the trim time.

To protect the ceiling and floor, half-rigid mineral wool. It must be remembered that such insulation are extremely sensitive to wetting. With wet wet, almost completely loses heat insulating properties. Therefore, for such insulation, it is important to strictly observe the rules for the installation of waterproofing and vapor barrier layers.

Required materials and tools

Actually independent insulation balcony or loggia does not require special professional equipment. To carry out all work will be required:

  • drill or screwdriver with shock bat;
  • bulgarian for working with a metal profile;
  • pistol for sealants and mounting fen;
  • roulette, markup pencil, construction knife.

Of supplies Read:

  • wooden bars or metal guides for frame;
  • various types of self-tapping screws;
  • tarbed dowels for fastening a hard insulation;
  • waterproofing film and vapor-permeable membrane;
  • selected insulation in the required quantity;
  • polyurethane or silicone sealant and mounting foam;
  • any finishing material to seduce the room.

In work can come in handy standard sets Screwdrivers, Passatia and other small tools that are exactly from any owner.

In addition, the frame of the frame will need liquid or laser level To align the guides.

The main stages in the insulation device from the inside

Works on the insulation of walls, gender and ceiling are produced after installing new glazing. If the balcony or loggia is already closed with metal-plastic or other modern glass packages, then the integrity of the layer of installation foam and sealants applied during installation is checked again.

Surface preparation

The loggia parapet is carefully examined for the identification of slots and defects. To achieve minimal heat loss, as well as the protection of the design from the convergence, it is necessary to carefully close all cracks polyurethane sealant or mounting foam.

Additionally, all seams between the parapet, walls and floor are processed. Also examined the surface of the walls bordering the street. It is necessary to protect all the designs from the penetration of moisture and heat loss through cracks and defects.

After eliminating the detected cracks and defects, it is necessary to protect the surface of the room from external moisture. For this, a balcony or loggia from the inside is completely covered with waterproofing films. The membranes are attached to the pectoris with the occasion of the neighboring sheets by 5 - 10 cm and the coding protective tape of all seams.

When using polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam, the waterproofing layer can not be laid. Low permeability of materials will not allow moisture to penetrate the body of the insulation.

After completing the preparation of the wall, the ceiling and the floor of the loggia or balcony closes heat insulating materials. Hard plates are attached to concrete or brick masonry Through plate polymer dowels. The distance between the individual attachments should not exceed 40 cm. Most often, five dowels are spent on one standard stove.

The joints between the sheets are additionally insulated with the mounting foam without toluene. Everything winter options Such materials may contain toluene, but its application is unacceptable due to the negative effect on the polystyrene.

After laying insulation, all designs are closed with vapor insulation. To this end, it is best to use special polymer membranes or foamed polyethylene. The presence of a thin layer of foil from the inner surface of the material will help create the effect of the thermos and additionally protect the room from heat loss.

Fastening vaporizolation can be conducted on polyurethane glue. All joints are also performed by peaks 5 - 10 cm and are sampled by waterproofing tape.

Installing frame and trim

After the basic protective layers are assembled, the framework of the frame of wooden bars of 40x20 mm or 50x25 mm is carried out for fastening the finishing material. Sometimes instead of wood used metallic profile 60x27 mm.

The fastening of the guide crates is carried out only after setting elements by level. For fixing, screws are used, the length of which allows you to attach a bar or profile directly to a concrete or brick base. The location of the frame is assigned based on the selected material.

So, for drywall it is better to set vertical guides, and plastic panels - horizontal. The distance between the guides should not exceed 40 cm. After installing the wall frame, the ceiling and the floor are trimmed with the selected finishing material.

The insulation of a balcony or loggia will allow you to expand the useful space of the apartment and get an excellent room or a living room.

Wood is excellent and universal construction material Used by man for many millennia. With the use of a tree, housing was erected even in the presence of stone instruments, such material and so-in need loses its popularity. Wooden houses Quickly erect, have excellent insulating properties, and with due processing is operated for a very long time.

It is when processing and protecting protection that the tree retains its properties long term. But if the walls, the roof and overlap are also protected and additionally what to do if there is wooden house balconies? Naturally not to do without such a complex of work as waterproofing. Especially relevant waterproofing of the open balcony in the country, where there is no possibility to constantly monitor the status of the construction.

What is waterproofing and why it is needed

Protection of building structures from ingressing moisture is called waterproofing. Such a set of measures is used in the construction of any buildings from any materials. Protection against moisture in construction is applied to:

  • normal functioning of buildings;
  • enhance the timing of the construction of the building.

In these two items and lies the whole secret of using waterproofing. First, none of the owners of the house will want to live in dampness and the surrounding mold. And secondly, the house, and in particular the wooden will be unusable very quickly under the influence of such an aggressive substance like water.

Why do you need waterproofing

Most often from the tree are built country houses and cottages designed for recreation by the countryside. And the presence in such a house of balconies, open and closed loggias and terraces is simply necessary. With our climate, it is necessary to worry about the protection of the power structures of the wooden balcony from the excess moisture. Moreover, when finding a house near reservoirs and rivers.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dgzghbpa1uze Video CAN "T BE LOODED: Balcony Waterproofing in frame house. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dgzgHbpa1UZE)

What will give a waterproofing device

  1. Moisture protection will provide long-term use of structures without additional repair. If you ignore protection measures, the wooden structures will swell, and over time they will simply come into disrepair.
  2. High-quality waterproofing will avoid such unpleasant phenomena as mold and fungus, which also destroy the structures.
  3. And, of course, the appearance will remain the same if protecting the construction from humidity.

So how is the waterproofing of the balcony in a wooden house with their own hands? Protection against the moisture of a wooden balcony or loggia can be made in several stages. It all depends on the type of balcony: open it or closed, as well as the functions that it performs (resting place, work zone, or pantry). In any case, do not do without reliable waterproofing, and some cases and insulation.

Open balcony waterproofing device

On the open balcony, the floorproofing of the floor is placed in priority, since it is precisely this part that is most susceptible to the influence of atmospheric moisture.

Waterproofing for the balcony in a private house can be different species. Most often apply one of the main types depending on the possibilities:

  • rolled;
  • liquid;
  • film;
  • membrane.

What kind of waterproofing to choose depends on the availability of finances, as well as from constructive features The balcony, and is also important whether the house is located at the construction stage or is it planned isolation in the finished house.

  1. The simplest isolation can be equipped as metal sheetwhich is mounted with a balcony flooring, with gaps for venting.
  2. If the balcony is already erected, then you can make the simplest concrete tie from cement-sand mixture z addition liquid rubber. But here you need to consider the type of overlaps, and whether they will withstand such weight.
  3. Even more simple way Waterproofing can be laying insulating plates, which are mounted directly under the floor covering.
  4. The cheapest option will be the installation rolled waterproofing In the form of laid margins of rubberoid sheets. More budget option Isolation isolation by applying bitumen mastic to the surface.
  5. In the case of having, it is better to take advantage of such options as the application of liquid rubber, or polymer bulk floors. But this waterproofing in a private house with your own hands is quite difficult, so it is worth contacting professionals.

In the device of waterproofing, the following algorithm is observed: surface preparation, laying of the waterproof layer, installation of floor coating, antisptic gear treatment. If the house is built for a long time, the coating is removed to arrange a high-quality insulating layer, and one of the selected layers is placed. If the open balcony is located above the first floor erker, you can apply the following coating pie:

  • the overlap is stacked by a layer of parobamire and rolled insulation;
  • installation of the heater of the insulation (PESEROPLEX);
  • layer of coating waterproofing;
  • paulic coating.

Also to do the organization of a small slope of the surface of a wooden balcony for natural water drain towards the edge of the balcony. The height difference does not significantly within 40 millimeters, this will be sufficiently and imperceptibly in everyday use.

Features of the waterproofing of the loggia or closed balcony

The organization of the floorproofing of the floor on the closed balcony or loggia is no different from the open option. But at the same time special attention is paid to the selection of the ceiling, and if you need both walls. In addition, it is necessary to take care of insulation if it is planned to operate at home in winter.

To organize the best way high-quality isolation It may be impregnated by a polyurethane mastic overlap. This type of waterproofing is not cheap, but very well pays off, especially in combination with rolled species.

Waterproofing for the balcony in cottage house as follows:

  • overlap, impregnated with liquid waterproofing;
  • layer of insulation from mineral wool;
  • paro-hydrobarrier;
  • layer of rolling insulation;
  • doom;
  • roofing material.

Waterproofing options can be different, and not an unimportant factor will become what type of roofing material will be used. If installation is planned soft tile, it will take a solid doom, and a layer of rolled waterproofing, when using sheet roofing You can use the cake specified above.

The walls of the loggia are less susceptible to the influence of precipitation, but also need protection against excessive influence of moisture. You can apply the following types of waterproofing:

  1. Painting is the protection of the surface of the wall by applying paintwork materials. Their composition includes rubber supplements that are successfully organized by isolation. The disadvantage of such waterproofing is the need in a periodic update.
  2. Half, insulation types are created by mounting to the surface of roll materials. It used to be used runneroid, but today there are more modern materials.
  3. Powder, that's of different kind Plasters with the addition of waterproofing additives. Perfectly protect surfaces in combination with painting species.

To equip waterproofing with your own hands does not represent special difficulties. Before starting work, you need to explore the materials on the topic and view the SNIP, where all the norms of waterproofing are indicated. But in the absence of experience, it is best to turn to those skilled in the art that will advise that it is better to do in your case. Also, the work of a professional employee is much better, but is fulfilled faster than that of a simple man in the street.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dmjf-d9abe7m. Video CAN "T BE LOODED: Balcony Waterproofing in a frame house (part 2) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dmjf-d9abe7m)

The balcony is a fenced plate, which is constantly under the action of atmospheric precipitation. In winter, the moisture fell into the pores of concrete expands, as a result of which microcracks appear. If you do not take action to protect, then the balcony stove is rapidly destroyed, but also will constantly spare from the dampness of the belongings on the balcony. Each owner of the balcony should be aware of the peculiarities and methods of waterproofing.

On the peculiarities of waterproofing

Scheme of waterproofing balcony

Water-repellent and waterproof additional layer on the floor, ceiling and balcony partitions creates reliable protection Destructive moisture getting.

Waterproofing is necessary regardless of the location of the balcony. For example, not only from the first floor of the moisture ambientbut from basement. But the balcony on the middle floor of the house threatens leaks from neighbors from the top floor.

Properly performed waterproofing increases the service life of the balcony without overhauland also improves its comfort.

The technology of waterproofing the balcony depends on such factors:

  • type of balcony: open or glazed;
  • the location of relatively neighboring balconies: near or separately;
  • balcony design material.

Open balcony last floor It is necessarily a roof and ceiling waterproofing. With a complex configuration of the balcony to the floor, liquid waterproofing is stacked.

Before waterproofing a wooden balcony, all elements of the design are processed by protective material, and is equipped natural ventilation. Under the flooring of a wooden floor, a bias and drain on the street.

Main options for waterproofing

When choosing an option for waterproofing the balcony, not only the condition of its surface is taken into account, but also the material from which it is made.

Simultaneous use on one balcony different options. The main waterproofing options are:

Works on waterproofing balconies are performed in three stages:

  • preparation;
  • selection of materials;
  • laying waterproofing.

Preparatory work

The quality of waterproofing and durability depends on the preparation. Preparatory work Performed in a specific sequence:

  • prepared base under the waterproofing layer. It should not have loose layers and protruding reinforcement. All irregularities are cut with a grinder;
  • iron brush the base is cleared of all contaminants;
  • concrete is removed around the protruding reinforcement. The reinforcement is cleaned of corrosion traces and is covered with a protective layer;

  • the ceiling is examined, and the volume of work on sealing is determined;
  • the balcony partitions are examined, and the volume of work on sealing is determined.

It has long been found that the waterproofing of the glazed balcony is reliable than the open. That is why double-glazed windows are installed on the basis of waterproofing on the balcony. Their tightness depends on the presence of outer cornice and from high-quality installation foam.

Choosing materials

The result of waterproofing equally depends on the compliance with the technology of work and on the correctly selected material. Conditionally materials are combined into several types:

When choosing, some features of waterproofing materials are taken into account.

  1. Folgisolone and Tekhtonikol rolled rolling materials are supplied in two versions for creating various types of coatings:

  • self-adhesive coatings - a durable clutch with the surface occurs due to the lipomy bitumen layer. Aluminium foil gives material strength. Laying such materials is a time-consuming, but inexpensive process.
  1. The coating materials in the form of various mastic is simpler for use. Their feature is that the screed is required on top.

Mastics with bitumen are sold in the finished form, so they are immediately ready for use.

Mastics with cement are purchased in dry form, and then, bred by water according to the instructions. The resulting mixture retains its qualities of no more than two hours, so it is prepared with small portions and immediately applied to the surface.

Step-by-step instruction for the floor

Depending on the materials used and the method of execution of work apply various technologies Floor waterproofing balcony. The most common technologies are most common.

  1. Cast method.

Reliable, but expensive technology, which for a long time solves the problem with the water waterproofing on the balcony. The moisture-repellent layer is created by two options. If you comply with the requirements of the instruction, then work is easy to perform on our own.

"Hot" Option:

  • from the base of the floor, dust and garbage removes. To do this, we use the vacuum cleaner;
  • all cracks are embarrassed;
  • the concrete slab dry out well. We use a construction hairdryer;
  • liquid bitumen solution grounds the base of the floor;
  • around perimeter balcony plate placed formwork from plywood or dense cardboard high to 400 mm high;
  • metal grid is stacked for creating strength;
  • according to the instructions, the mastic is heated and poured;
  • with the help of scrapers, the mastic is evenly distributed over the entire balcony plate.
  • after drying, two more layers of mastic are stacked.

"Cold" option.

It differs from the "hot version" by the fact that the mastic is not heated. The sequence of work remains the same:

  • the surface is cleaned, and all cracks are removed;
  • the concrete plate is drying and covered with primer;
  • on the perimeter of the balcony, formwork is installed;
  • metal grid creates strength for the laid mixture;
  • the cold mixture is poured, and then, aligned with the rule or scraper.
  1. Fooling method.

Simple technology made this method popular with balcony owners.

Its advantages include, firstly, special knowledge is required to apply, secondly, service life up to 6 years, thirdly - affordable price. At the same time there is a disadvantage: bitumen quickly destroys negative temperature. It limits the use of materials on open balconies without special additives.

The coating materials are superimposed in a hot or cold form on the following technology:

  • from the surface removed dirt, dust, leaps;
  • degreased coating location;
  • 2 layers of primer are applied;
  • the hydrochroopying composition is distributed on top of the soil.
  1. Paintack method.

The technology associated with sticking several layers of sheet or rolled material, familiar to many. It is equally suitable for balconies made of concrete and wood. However, such technology recently is rarely used due to such flaws:

  • before laying requires painstaking surface preparation;
  • it is difficult to lay material with large dimensions on a small balcony platform;
  • after laying some time on the balcony, a specific smell of material is preserved;
  • between fragments of the glued material are formed seams that often give leaks;
  • temperature fluctuations are negatively reflected on waterproofing for such technology;
  • waterproofing layer necessarily protects concrete screed. If you make a screed, there is no possibility, then another waterproofing technology is selected.

Works on this technology are performed in the following order:

  • rights are removed from the balcony plate, and cracks close. Then, it is cleaned and dried;
  • the material is dispedicued by the size of the balcony;
  • a brush is applied mastic;
  • we bring the material on the walls of at least 20 cm;
  • rolled and stacked on mastic roll material;
  • if necessary, the second and subsequent layers are also stacked on mastic;
  • the edges of the rolls are put on moisture-proof material with additives from polymers.

Important! During the work on such a technology, the air temperature and the balcony should not be descended below +10 ºС.

  1. Stuccoat.

Technology received wide application Because of the simple laying. It is suitable for any surface. Inexpensive mixtures with cement or polymers are used as a material. Plaster isolation well interacts with various coatings, for example, with tiles.

Works are performed in such a sequence:

  • the surface of the plate is cleaned and put off;
  • the thin layer is applied primer and is left for drying;
  • a stucco solution is prepared;
  • after 30 minutes, the next layer of solution is applied. Consistently stacked no more than four layers;
  • the laid waterproofing coating dries several days. At this time, it should be protected from mechanical impacts. In addition, so that the coating does not swing, in the first day every three hours it moistened from the sprayer. In the future, moisturizing is made to three times in a day.

At the final stage of the waterproofing of the floor on the balcony slab mounted frame frame. Attached to him OSB plateAnd on top of the linoleum or other finishing coating.

Step-by-step instructions for the ceiling

Atmospheric precipitation requires to protect the ceiling. This is especially important when the balcony is located on the top floor, or the upper neighbors did not take care of the sealing of its balcony.

Usually the upper balcony stove is isolated penetrating composition. At the same time, this sequence is selected for the arrangement of waterproofing:

  • the entire surface of the ceiling is thoroughly swelling from whitewash and paint with a metal brush;
  • the prepared surface is wetted by water;

On the balconies of the last floor of the house, work on the sealing of the roof is additionally performed.

This sequence of work is selected:

  • on the roof, the backrueroid is stacked;
  • on top of the rubberoid applied a protective layer of mastic;
  • insulating joints of the joints;
  • mounted taps for assembled after rain of wastewater.

Usually after waterproofing the ceiling, the stall state of the balcony is checked. Frames installed in violation of technology frequent cause Moisture hits on the balcony.

Step-by-step instructions for balcony partitions

Waterproofing is made according to the technology that does not differ from the treatment of the floor and the ceiling. Optimal is the isolation using foil polystyrene foam plates. The stove is glued to the partition with a building mixture with high moisture resistance. For interputric seams, a reinforcing grid is used.

The following sequence of work is selected:

  • the coating waterproofing layer is applied to the moistened surface of the plates;
  • not earlier than five hours, perpendicular to the first layer is applied another protective layer;
  • outdoor cladding of the layer is performed by painting or plaster.

So, if waterproofing work is performed neatly without disrupting technology, the safety of the balcony and the comfortable decor on the balcony is guaranteed. In addition, it is possible to perform waterproofing a balcony for any owner having small skills in construction.

How quickly and just make waterproofing floor balcony, look in our video:

In the last decade, the services of glazing the loggia got widespread. Every day, there are more and more wishing to give her a more attractive look. There is another reason. Sometimes there are a balcony from above that make thorough sealing is simply necessary.

At the same time, it is important to understand: that this room becomes a cozy continuation of the apartment, one glazing is clearly not enough. It is no less important to protect it from moisture penetrating the street. For this purpose, laying special materials is used. Quite often for such work hire experienced mastersHowever, the advice of professionals will help cope with their own hands even a newcomer.

This concept includes a complex of work aimed at protecting the construction facility from humidity. Water can penetrate or loggia during the rain, snow, with evaporation from the basement (on the first floors), from the roof or the top floor.

The waterproofing of the balcony outside and from the inside allows you to create a durable protective layer of special materials that prevent moisture inward. Due to this, it is possible to solve several tasks at once.

  • Protection against destruction. Finding into microcracks of concrete or other building material, moisture begins to destroy it. As a result, it will be necessary to repair very soon.
  • Blocking the development of mold and fungus. High humidity In the room sooner or later leads to the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls, ceiling and floor. Such a phenomenon can often be seen in the bath or sanitary node where it is constantly present increased humidity air. This factor negatively affects the health of the apartment residents, contributes to the appearance unpleasant odor. Waterproofing of the loggia from the inside will completely solve this issue.
  • Corrosion protection. Metal fasteners And the elements in contact with water are subject to corrosion. The appearance of rust testifies to the beginning of the destruction of the metal.

In waterproofing, all surfaces of the loggia need: walls, gender and ceiling.

Types of materials

The construction market market today offers dozens of items of all kinds of materials. The construction wizard can easily choose a suitable product from this assortment, the newcomer will have to be needed in this matter. It is better not to rely on advice advice in the store, but to choose the desired building material in accordance with construction standards and requirements.

In this case, the waterproofing of the balcony from the inside will give good result. All coatings are divided into just a few groups.

  • Caution (they are also often referred to as cast polymer coatings). This option is one of the most reliable and lungs in the installation with your own hands. Typical representatives of this class are considered asphalt coatings, Mastics. The only drawback of such technology is a high cost.
  • Impregnation. These materials deeply penetrate the building material and reliably protect it. There are special penetrating compositions for concrete, wood, other materials.
  • Rolled. Installation of such protection against moisture will not allow the tenants to regret their choice. These polymer-bitumen coatings guarantee high reliability and long term Services, however, the laying requires large labor and experience.
  • Coloring formulations. The main purpose of such materials is to protect against moisture of metal elements. Among the advantages are relative low cost, simplicity of isolation.
  • Plastering. This method is considered one of the most famous and simple. At the same time, for many years of use, he proved its high efficiency.
  • Sheet protection. This class is represented by metal and plastic sheets. It is rationally used only in cases where other options cannot be applied for any reason.
  • Injection defense. This species is used for point insulation cracks, seams. Such sealing of the balcony becomes possible using binding solutions.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding to repair work With your own hands, the surface must be carefully prepared. This will depend on the quality of the execution and service life of the coating.

  • If there is outdoor decorative finish Exercise her dismantling. All work needs to be taken carefully to avoid damage to the concrete slab.
  • The slab itself inspects and find all potholes, damage and cracks.
  • All zones with loose contained concrete are removed using a perforator.
  • Carefully clean the base from dirt and dust. You can make it quickly and conveniently using a brush with long rigid versinks.
  • If small cracks are present on the stove, they are slightly expanded by a perforator. This will allow the solution to penetrate deeper and well strengthen. Large cracks are leveled to the P-shaped stab.
  • If fittings were exposed during the destruction of the balcony plate, it carefully remove signs of corrosion. The best chemical composition is coping with this.
  • The metal purified from rust is coated with an anti-corrosion composition.
  • Before waterproofing the balcony plate, it is restored. To do this, you can use the usual cement or special compositions.
  • Inspect the walls of the balcony and roof, mark all the problem areas in which the balcony flows.

Is it possible to do without glazing

Many are asked about whether the waterproofing of the open balcony needs? Specialists agree on what is needed. Despite the fact that atmospheric precipitation will continue here, the balcony stove remains sufficiently protected from the penetration of water. This noticeably prolongs its service life, slows down destruction.

Those who decided to completely block the entry of humidity, still have to think about installing double-glazed windows. This is especially important in cases where we are talking about the waterproofing of the balcony over the erker or other residential premises.

First of all, double-glazed windows and outdoor cornis are installed. All gaps and cracks eliminate. Usually the balcony after glazing seal the masters themselves. However, if after that the cracks remained, you can cope with them with your own hands. You just need to use a mounting foam or sealant intended for use in temperature differences.

Floor arrangement

First of all, you should make sure that the moisture is removed correctly. If the bias is made from the wall, the waterproofing of the floor on the balcony can continue. If the slope is made to the wall, then all the water will flock to the house. It needs to be corrected with your own hands using a screed. For this prepare a mixture of cement and sand (ratio of 1: 3), they apply it to the purified base of the balcony plate. The angle of slope for the injection of moisture should be 1-2 degrees to the outside.

After the screed dry and hardens, you can move to further actions:

  • Clear the base from dirt, dust, carefully moistened.
  • Cover the plate with a layer of penetrating material. It is best to make strokes always in one direction. This will help prevent disclosure.
  • After drying, the surface is covered with a second layer. This time, smears are made in perpendicular direction to the first layer. It will give maximum protection from water.
  • 3 days this layer is periodically wetted, not allowing to dry.
  • The next layer is a rolled foil insulator. Sheets impose a mustache in several see. The locations of the links are glued together with mastic.
  • Floor bars are installed on the floor, and the gaps between them are filled with polystyrene foam.
  • All formed seams and joints eliminate the mounting foam.
  • On bars laid a draft floor. For this often apply plates of OSBBy fastening them with self-tapping screws.
  • Spend ready finish Floor.

If you need to protect the balcony from moisture above the aircraft, the porch or alkey, then the insulation should be carried out as carefully as possible, since the appearance of the leakage will damage inner repairs The premises located below.

Work with walls and partitions

For decoration of walls and partitions when waterproofing the balcony is most convenient to use rolled materials, for example, foil rolled polystyrene foam. His attaching to K. vertical surface with help construction mix. When buying this mixture, you need to pay attention to its frost-resistant characteristics.

After the layer is frozen, the surface is abundantly wetted with water and covered with a coating composition of 2 layers. The waterproofing of the balcony in a wooden house is carried out with the help of special transparent varnishes that do not disturb the appearance of natural wood.

Proper ceiling finish

For ceiling work, you can call the wizard or cope with this task with your own hands.

If the balcony is flowing at the top, the question arises: "What to do?" Let's start with the fact that preparatory Stage Detect all the flows of the roof, through which moisture penetrates inside. Usually there are quite a lot of them and it is not difficult to find them - divorces are formed around the cracks, wet to the touch. During the repair, all flaws of the ceiling on the balcony are eliminated:

  • for better adhesion, the ceiling is abundantly wetted with water;
  • to the surface of the ceiling with the help of a brush, a layer of mastic is applied;
  • the first layer is left for partial drying. When the mastic is slightly grabbed, over the second layer;
  • in addition to the ceiling itself, the sources of leaks are the joints of the ceiling and walls. To minimize the risk of joint and walls (15-20 cm from the ceiling) are also covered with impregnating mastic;
  • since mastic applied 3 days, the painted surface must be made from the sprayer and cover the film, protecting against drying out;
  • waterproofing of the roof of the balcony can be carried out using polystyrene plates. They are attached with special accessories or construction glue. The stakes of the plates are filled with the mounting foam that does not contain toluene. Such waterproofing the ceiling of the balcony from the inside gives the maximum indicator of protection against moisture and cold.

Properly selected materials and qualitatively performed works guarantee the lack of moisture, the long finishes and the preservation of loggias from destruction.