Window and door slopes. Technology Watching window slopes

Plaster slopes plastic windows - This is a very important stage of any repair. After all, this is part of the opening, and if there is a barrel, the room is unlikely to be suitable for housing.

In general, it is difficult to underestimate the significance of windows. First of all, they are a source of natural light, and their role in the interior is also far from the last. Moreover, it concerns not only windows by themselves, but also framing their slopes, which can also give the room a unique view. They hide the mounting elements, and the whole design acquires integrity and completion.

However, the creation of the interior is not the main function, although, of course, it is not worth underestimated. In addition, the decoration of slopes affects the thermal insulation of the room. After all, even a non-specialist knows that the largest heat loss will always be in the window zone and entrance doors. And in order to minimize them, it is necessary to make comprehensive work on the installation of window sills, slopes, their finish. And only then in the room will be cozy and warm at any time of the year. In addition, if not separating the slopes, the dew point will be indoors, which will lead to constant fogging of glass.

Choosing modern finishing materials Just amazes with their diversity, the leading positions among them occupy plasterboard, plastic, also it became very fashionable to form windows with very original slopes made from different wood species or corks. However, despite such a wide list, still at the peak of popularity remains the oldest and most reliable method, tested for years - plaster.

And all thanks to its advantages, firstly, it does not require any special knowledge, tools and skills. Although you have to work, because the appearance of slopes should be on summit. Secondly, it is one of the cheapest methods. And, thirdly, it is also an eco-friendly, because all components of the solution are natural. The choice of the type of solution is completely dependent on the location of the slopes and the moisture content of the room.

You can for more high-quality isolation leave a short distance to window Ramawhich will be closed with silicone.

But if everyone does in good faith, not missing a single stage, the result will be excellent, the surface will be perfectly smooth. In addition, it is this technology that allows you to apply very thin layers. But if you hurry and not fulfill at least one stage, then all the time and money will be spent in vain. For example, without paying enough attention to insulation, you will eventually see cracks at the junction between the slope and the frame, which will deteriorate heat insulating properties. If you do not apply a grid, then horizontal cracks will go, which will very reinforce the appearance of the room as a whole.

Stuccoing Outcasts with your own hands - instructions

We cannot underestimate all the importance of slopes, while we need to remember that their properties are completely dependent on the quality of the selected materials and, of course, work carried out. Of all the above, it can be seen that the information, how to properly twist the slopes on the windows, it's time to submit to the reader.

How to shock windows of windows with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Preparation

First of all, it is necessary to fill all the gaps, for this is used mounting foam, felt or palable. The first is much more convenient in use, but if you decide to fill all the cracks by other listed materials, then they must be predetermined by a three-percent sodium fluoride solution. Since these insulation are literally clogged into the gaps, it can lead to the deformation of window frames, and in order to avoid such a turn of events, they must be painted with wooden struts.

Also, do not forget to remove from the surface all traces of dirt, dust, paints, etc. After cleaning the walls, the depth of the seams in brick masonry Or between the panel and the window should be about 10 mm. And in the case when it is necessary to apply a thick layer of the solution, this value can be more than 4 cm, and then do not do without a reinforcing grid, which is attached through special plastic dowels. Also on a very smooth surface, the solution will not hold on, because It will not be hooked for him, so there must be notches on such walls. Before starting directly plaster, it should be thicker to moisten the walls with water.

Plaster window slopes - An occupation requiring a certain level of qualifications. After all, it is quite difficult to remove all the planes. In addition, flaws and shortcomings of work will be, as on the palm, because the window openings are always in sight and are well lit. However, despite the distribution of more modern methodsThis finish does not give up its position, since this method of finishing has a number of significant advantages.

What to make the plaster slopes need to have skills

What are the advantages due to which the plaster is still popular? The first plus is enough low cost essential materials. This option is much more economical than the use of plastic, drywall, etc., because the material used for work is inexpensive, and it is simply prepared and quickly. Secondly, the correct plaster is performed once and for all. Return to the problem of slopes will have only if there is a need to replace windows or doors. Finally, such a surface is not afraid of physical exposure, which can be on it during operation. From shocks that can break plastic or drywall slopes, it does not affect anything.

Such option will suit Those who have a limited budget

Another plus - ample opportunity decorative decoration. After a small additional processing, they can be painted, damage with wallpaper, apply mosaic or other decorative elements. If you need to spend over time redecorating Rooms, you can easily hide them with platbands or panels.

At the same time, the process of conducting such works is characterized by consideration, as well as pre-training both the surface and the premises in which they will be held.

After plastering slopes, they can be painted either to salary

Tools and mixes

Plaster begins with the selection of necessary mixtures and tools that will be needed in the process. It is necessary to prepare everything in advance, because the technology does not allow delays, especially after the solution is prepared. The minimum set of necessary tools and fixtures includes:

  • level;
  • rule;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • malka;
  • putty knife;
  • master OK;
  • a hammer;
  • a container for the solution;
  • water tank.

Before proceeding with work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools.

The level should be high quality and not too long to operate with it it was more convenient. The rule is better to choose aluminum. The trowel should choose small sizes, and the spatula is a width of 5 centimeters.

In addition, the mounting foam balloon, sealant, stationery knife may be needed. suitable sizes. It is also desirable for ironing, graters and half-sash, as well as a convenient building goat of the corresponding sizes. However, performing plastering of door slopes, you can do and conventional durable stools.

An important stage is the choice of mixture for plaster

Do not forget about overalls. It must be comfortable and not constraint. On the hands it is worth putting nitrile gloves - it will save the skin from direct contact with the solution.

Traditional - the use of independently cooked mortar based on cement, sand and water, sometimes with the addition of glue. This is perhaps the most budget method. Its plus is low cost, minus - the need to prepare the solution independently, observing the proportion to achieve the necessary consistency and physical properties.

The mixture can be prepared independently

The second method is the purchase of ready-made dry mixes. In order to get a solution, they are enough to dissolve water. They are usually applied easier than cooked self-compounds.

Finally, the third method is a finished liquid solution. It is the most expensive and most comfortable from possible options. In addition to cement, sand and water, there are various additives that increase the plasticity and reinforcing other beneficial features. The most modern types of such finished compounds are also distinguished by the fact that after applying it does not need to be lined, so the execution of all processes is simplified.

Liquid solution is the most expensive and most comfortable of possible options.


Properly implemented preparation and processing is the key to successful work. On the properly prepared surface, the solution lies easier and even more, and shuttering is much faster.

First of all, it is worth protecting windows and a window sill, saving them with a special sticky ribbon. After all, how neatly the plaster of slopes was not fully satisfactorily, the solution would still fall on their surface. If there is a plaster of door slopes, the door cannol is better to remove, and protect the lutka to the cloth, paper or sticky ribbon on paper based.

Proper preparation and work - the key to success

Next is the preparation of the slopes themselves. The old coating must be knocked down, all pollution and extraneous inclusions, such as the remnants of the mounting foam, carefully remove. The wall should be projected by choosing the most appropriate primer. This will protect against dampness and possible occurrence of mold spots. If the enlighitives are noticeable in the mounting foam on the perimeter of the window, it is necessary to eliminate them, and reappearing them again.

Then you need to apply a layer with a special vapor insulating sticky tape. Special attention It is worth paying the corners - it is there most often the place of seeping moisture from the street, leading to the spurry of the slopes. Instead of tape for waterproofing of slopes, you can use a special waterproof adhesive sealant.

All works should be carried out strictly according to the technology.

Malka, that is, the template pattern can be made independently. It should correspond to the way, and the width is about 1 5 centimeters. The easiest option of the little making is made of plywood - the material is easy to process and cheap. If permanent work is planned, the professional plaster of slopes is planned, it is better to make a pattern from aluminum - it is more durable and better removes more expecting, forming a smooth angle. Melka in the process of work is necessary, otherwise the surface will be uneven.

Before proceeding with work it is worth making a template

The temperature in the room to work with the plane of the doorway or slopes should not be below 10 degrees. Many sources say that a simple cement mortar for slopes can be applied at a lower temperature, but in practice, with such temperature indicators, it becomes more difficult to work with it, and it dries significantly worse.

Regarding Upper temperature range No recommendations. The only thing that needs to be done with a strong heat is to periodically moisten the plastered surface, especially after work on the coating of window slopes, if direct sun rays.

With a strong heat, it is recommended to moistrify the plaster

The first stage of work on the plaster of slopes is the installation of special lighthouses, which are a thin profile of aluminum. They will serve so that the plaster is applied to a smooth layer, and finished surface It was devoid of convexities, bugro and pit. For proper Installation The lighthouses on the edges of the slopes or the door opening are screwed up self-tapping screws or dowels are driven, between which the fishing line or thread stretches - strictly in parallel. Further on this thread is fixed by profiles-lighthouses.

First of all on the slopes put lighthouses

Next is prepared solution. For the first stage of work on the repair of slopes of the window or door opening, it must have a consistency like a thick sour cream. It follows directly on the prepared surface. If the material of the wall is too glad, it is better to use plaster grid - It will greatly facilitate the patch. At this stage should be followed only behind the homogeneity of the layer and the hitch with the material of slopes.

The plaster is attacked by the abrupt movements, little by little. The main task is an excellent clutch, the plaster should take the most tightly on the surface of the slopes.

The second layer is applied with a thickness of about ten millimeters. IN perfect version It must be twice the thicker of the first, rough layer. The solution for it is prepared more dense than for the first layer. It is applied with a spatula, and the surface of the slopes is equal to the aluminum lighthouses by the rule.

The second layer should be thicker than the previous

The third layer, the so-called finishing, the thinnest and most smooth. The solution should be quite plastic for it, not fluid. With it, all the irregularities of the sucked slopes are aligned. If independently cooked solution is used, the plaster must dry a little. Then the grout is performed, the maximum alignment of slopes. If the plaster of slopes is performed by a ready-made dry mixture, the final staging of shocking is no different. If the plaster is carried out using a finished liquid mixture, then the finishing of sloping is carried out with the help of special ironing, and does not require wasting.

In general, the plaster of the slopes with their own hands is quite able to people who have the minimum experience of construction or repair. With proper preparation and plastering of window slopes with their own hands, and the acts on plastering door sluts will be performed correctly, and the window opening and the door will look aesthetic.

Videos: Plaster slopes

Video: window slopes windows

Not all firms specializing in plastic windows are included in the list of their services to install slopes. Very often, for these purposes, people are additionally referred to as masters that sometimes require a fairly high fee for this work.

However, if there are appropriate tools and some skills construction work With the installation of slopes, it is quite possible to cope with your own hands. One of effective methods Putting off attractive external view is their plastering. Therefore, it will be further discussed how to make shocking of window slopes with their own hands.

Tools and materials for work

If you decide to replace old windows on more modern designsThe installation should be completed with a beautiful framing of slopes. To do this, you can use not only plastering technology adjacent to the window of the walls can also be separated by plasterboard, siding or special panels, which are included in the window.

However, plaster allows you to place the room in your taste, without binding to the color and texture of plastic or wooden panels. Watching technology allows using different geometry, with which you can visually increase the borders of the room, make it lighter and cozy.

Before starting work, you must worry about the presence of some tools and materials. To make it necessary to cook:

Figure 1. Principle of working with Malka: 1 - wall; 2 - solution; 3 - Rake; 4 - the situation of the little ones when plastered; 5 - box; 6 - Malka.

  • drill SO special nozzle to knead the solution;
  • kelma for applying a solution;
  • set of spatulas;
  • a cooler with a movable rail for measuring the angle of the beam;
  • level and plumb;
  • rule;
  • malka;
  • a hammer;
  • grater;
  • capacity for the kneading solution;
  • stucco;
  • gypsum mixture;
  • assembly tape;
  • mounting foam;
  • edged boards;
  • nails.

Before applying the solution, it is necessary to make a special device - Malka. It is a wooden slaughter with a width of about 35 mm and a thickness of 20-25 mm. In this case, the length of this device should be equal to the width of the triangle hypotenneus slope, which is formed by window opening and box.

On one side of the Malka is made rectangular cutout. One end with a small neckline is installed on the box, and the other - on the rail or rule attached to the outer edge of the slope. Figure 1 shows the principle of working with a small, where: 1 - wall; 2 - solution; 3 - Rake; 4 - the situation of the little ones when plastered; 5 - box; 6 - Malka.

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Preparatory work

The most important preparatory procedure before decorated is the high-quality installation of windows. If the window structure is exhibited even with a small deviation from a strictly vertical position, then no slut can not correct such a defect. In this case, the installation of the window will have to be re-carried out, that is, it will be necessary to remove the double glazing and dismantle the window frame.

After mounting the window, you must install the windowsill. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to its strict horizontality. To check the horizontal of the window sill, you can pour a bit ordinary water And see if it does not spread in any side.

Before designing, the slopes need to be examined between window Rama and a wall, as well as check the tightness of all seams. For sealing slots, you can apply the mounting foam. After it is frozen, you need to cut down all surplus. All work should be carried out very carefully, because much easier to obtain as a result of a flat surface with the presence of small recesses than increasing the slope with the help of plaster to the level of bumps formed with a poor cut of the mounting foam.

Preparatory work also includes the protection of the window frame. On installed PVC windows Typically remain protective films with marking. If it is covered with the entire surface of the frame, then nothing needs to be done to protect anything else. IN otherwise You will need to be treated with a mounting scotch missed frames. Additionally, it is recommended to protect the windowsill. To do this, you can use a dense polyethylene film or ordinary paper, which can be attached to the windowsill with a tape.

After that you need to remove old layer Plasters. To facilitate this task, you can use a perforator or a conventional chisel with a wide edge. In some cases, the discovery finish is carried out on top of the old layer of plaster. In this case, you need to remove only bliss. At the final stage preparatory work There is a cleaning of slopes and adjacent to it surfaces from dirt and dust, since the final result will depend on the purity.

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Technology Watching window slopes

For shuffling inner slopes You can use dry gypsum plaster. Such a mixture is quick-drying. It is better to knead it with a building mixer. It is possible to apply such a solution with a thicker layer than cement-sand plaster, which is a decisive factor, if necessary, produce deep chosen in old slopes.

A sand in a 1: 2 ratio is added to the cement mixture, if you need to apply the layer of plaster more than 30 mm. External window slings process cement mixture or facade starting putty with the addition of water repellent means.

At the first stage plastering in inner corner Suns (near the window) at the level of the Lighthouse is set: mounted on the solution metallic profile required length.

To limit the external angle is established wooden rail Or the rule that is pressed against the edge of the wall, adjacent to the slope. From the side of the wall, it can be consolidated by clamps, dowels or self-drawing. Vertical of such a design must be checked with building level. In the same way, the top slope is prepared from which plastering begins.

The plaster for slopes is applied in 3 layers: a thin spray, the main soil and the finishing layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 2 mm. After the main plaster is drawn, it is up to the upward or half-sir. After a certain time, when the plaster serves a little, the rule is removed, and the remaining areas are closed with a solution. After that, corners are processed.

The plaster corners are made after complete drying of slopes and walls. The processing of the angles is performed by the same plastering with the Kelma or Halfury. At the same time, in the corners, the mixture is resurrected by smooth movements from the bottom up and to the parties.

The plaster layer near the angle must form with a wall smooth surface.

After installing the door and window structures There is a need to carry out additional finishing works that are associated with the plaster of slopes. This work is easy to spend independently, without attracting specialists and using a complex tool. Naturally, there are numerous rules that help create a really beautiful surface.

Strange, but the finishing of slopes are paid to a very small value. It is believed that this element of construction - does not carry a special interior design. Therefore, it is very often possible to see, like next to the new and beautiful window (door), there is a rather curve and a primitive surface that completely levels any efforts. Although now appeared various materialsallowing you to hide any drawbacks, but they require installation skills.

But there is a very simple way, namely - plastering of slopes. With all its simplicity, it has a mass gain:

  1. Low value of the material.
  2. Simplicity. All works are made independently.
  3. The ability to create a harmonious part of the interior.

And despite the fact that this option It has been used for many decades, it is still due to popularity.

Plastering slopes - simple and cheap way Strengthen the wall

For what you need to plaster slopes

When it comes to slopes from plaster? This happens when a new window or the door appears in the room (most often input). Due to the work carried out, part of the wall is destroyed, which adjoins the object installed. Therefore, this site must be brought to aesthetic match. But, in addition to purely decorative functions, the slopes have another number of important assignments:

  • Hiding installation elements.
  • Improving the thermal insulation of the room.
  • Protection from moisture.
  • Protection against extraneous noise.

It is worth noting that the plaster of window slopes and the doorway - similar in their technology operation, but having some differences. It is very important to take into account, otherwise some difficulties may arise.

Plaster door openings and window slopes - similar techniques processes

Tools and Materials for Work

Before wondering how to twist the slopes, it is necessary to prepare required tool and purchase materials. For all types of work, they will be identical.

It will be necessary as follows:

  • Level. Immediately it should be borne in mind that its size should be at least 1m.
  • Rule. It is necessary to check that it does not have curvature or damage to the ribs. Otherwise, the applied solution will have to be very long.
  • Roulette. This device must always be at hand.
  • Bucket for kneading. In general, any convenient packaging will suit.
  • Spatulas are wide, medium and small (trowel). They are comfortable to cry out the mixture and throw on the desired area. And also quickly align small flaws.
  • Large and small ironing. Will distribute the composition and create a smooth surface.
  • Grater. It is better to select on the basis of the plaster used.
  • Construction knife. For trimming foam.
  • Pistol for tube. Need for applying sealant.
  • Pencil. It is better not to take a marker or marker, they can leave their trail noticeable.
  • Tassels and roller. For priming and staining.

Tip! Works are on top. Making them standing or on a ladder - not very convenient. If there is an opportunity, it is better to make the design like a goat. This will immediately capture a large plot and do not rearrange the support constantly.

For the convenience of plastering, you can use a building "goat"

Very carefully need to take the purchase of materials. It is important to take into account that for different types The premises will need different mixtures. How to choose the right plaster?

  1. For objects S. high humidity, as well as for external work, apply the compositions that are made on the basis of cement.
  2. The plaster of slopes with their own hands inside the rooms is made by mixtures of plaster.

On a note! There is more modern, acrylic material, but it is quite expensive and can not compete with the above-mentioned products this indicator. But this does not mean that it cannot be used for slopes. On the contrary, he is universal.

Additionally prepared:

  1. Foam assembly. In fact, it usually does not regret the installer of windows and doors, but it happens the opposite.
  2. Sealant in tubes. It will be needed for better sealing of slots and cropped sections of foam.
  3. Primer. Combining and closing pores solution.
  4. Corner or wooden planks. Serve beacons.

Problems that may arise

Everything has been prepared and expects to take place, but many nuances arise, which prevent finishing work. What are the main causes?

  • Installation of the design itself (windows, doors) - performed poorly. Therefore, all the works that are made by third-party specialists must be carefully taken, and independent - initially do on conscience. Otherwise it turns out that positive areas will have to break to correct the initial defects.
  • Not taken into account electrical cable. Few people pay attention, but in old houses electric wire start under Rama entrance door. Just in the angle of slopes. It is easily damaged.
  • Temperature indicators do not match necessary:

Therefore, all the side causes should be eliminated, and then start work.

Plaster slopes windows

The plaster of slopes of windows with their own hands - will require a number of interrelated stages. Everyone must be performed completely and in a timely manner. The final quality depends on this.


Before making slopes on windows from plaster, a number of the following manipulations are required:

  • The necessary mixture is selected. Buy the right amount is purchased.
  • Deletes all unnecessary. Cutting a mounting foam. It is done in the window frame.
  • The old composition is turned off. It is better to remove it completely. So, less risk of emptiness and cracks.
  • All dust and dirt erases. Can be spent wet cleaningBut then everything should be good. Very convenient to use a vacuum cleaner.
  • Two layers of primer are applied. The solution is selected at the calculation of the material of the wall. Often that concrete plate or brick.
  • Created vaporizolation. This is done in two ways:
    • Film fit. It is fixed with self-drawing or gluing. It is important to achieve complete contact with the surface.
    • Welcome sealant. It is much more convenient. Do not forget that cut foam is completely covered with silicone.

On a note! Working with sealant needs quickly. Surplus are immediately removed. The composition should be initially frost-resistant.

There is another problem with balcony window blocks. It is that the upper part is initially made with a bend. Therefore, you have to shoot down a large plot or apply a thick leveling layer (reinforcing it).

Plaster Balcony Block often requires reinforcing top

The beginning of the main work

Sequence general actions looks like that:

  1. Conduct preparatory work.
  2. The window and its elements are completely closed polyethylene film. This is done to protect against dirt and random damage.
  3. Install pre-prepared corners. They will serve for additional reinforcement, as well as lighthouses. They are measured using a level. You need to do it carefully.
  4. The plank is attached, which will determine the plane of the composition of the composition.

Installing the rail and the beam on the window allow you to perform work in all rules

Tip! For greater convenience, you can make a template. It will take into account the width of the slopes, which will make it possible to work faster.


To shut down the slopes on the windows by the following instructions:

Add a rule concerning plastic windows:

  • Initial work is carried out according to the instructions, but the following are followed: carry out the angle of the spatula between the slope and the frame. A shallow groove appears.
  • It is filled with sealant. This is done in order to avoid cracking.

Following such a simple technology, it is possible to answer the exciting question: how to plaster slope on the windows. For more complete picture of this process, we recommend watching a video:

Features of the plaster door slopes

How to stucked the slopes of the door? This event is different from working with windows. And has the following features:

  1. For high-quality execution - use two rules.
  2. The mixture is applied according to the scheme that are used for window structures.
  3. It is required to correctly install the door - observing the parallelism of the floor. It will give the opportunity to get a more even slope.
  4. Be sure to set perforated corners.

Rules of plaster door slopes with their own hands

Due to the fact that often work is carried out at the entrance to the apartment, one problem arises - most of the wall surface will interact with a box (metal or wooden), which will be exposed to different temperatures. It is prevented as follows (the method is similar to used in window blocks):

  • The plaster of slopes of the door begins with the complete removal of the old layer (next to the box).
  • Construction knife is taken. It is made at an angle of five degrees in top corner. And indulging, lowered to Niza himself.
  • The entire processed area is ground.
  • The surface is slightly cleaned and poured with sealant. It is raised immediately.

Work with the surface

Due to the fact that it is necessary to work with large surfaces that are often damaged pretty much, the plaster of the door slopes is divided into two stages.

1. The starting coating is made:

  • the preparatory stage is carried out;
  • the layer of plaster is applied, which rubs.

Large dust damage requires starting layer of plaster

2. The finishing layer is formed. To do this, putty putty. Do the following:

  • time is taken to complete the first layer;
  • apply a layer of primer;
  • knead the putty;
  • apply a layer with a thickness of up to 2-3 mm;
  • it is lined with a wet spatula;
  • internal I. exterior angles - grind, make a chamfer;
  • stained.

Finish finish Door slopes

From the foregoing it follows that the plaster of doorways is complemented by small nuances. Indeed, it may seem that they are completely insignificant, but it is their observance that allows you to create exactly what will correspond to expectation.


Now it is quite clear: how to plaster and than plastering slopes. It is the following that presented to the rules will allow you to make the work quick and easy, and most importantly - quality.

Walking is the most budget option The arrangement of window slopes. This is a simple job, but despite the ultimate ease of execution, it also needs to be prepared.

In the absence of experience in conducting such events, it is recommended to practice plastering simpler surfaces such as ceiling and walls. Having mastered the main subtleties of the process, you can independently shook the window slopes not worse than a qualified wizard.

Before starting work, prepare all the necessary devices for it. It is better to collect all the required items in advance so that in the future it is not distracted in search of the missing items.

You will need:

When the construction level is selected, pay attention to the length of the product - the tool must be normalized between the windowsill and the window jumper. At the same time, it should not be too short levels too - with such a tool simply it is inconvenient to work. The optimal is considered to be a level of 100 cm.

Additionally, you may need various auxiliary devices, namely:

Before entering finishing workyou have to do several preparatory events. Pay them due attention. The convenience and speed of further finishing and the quality of the finished coating is directly dependent on the proportion of training.

It is better if the windowsill will be installed before finishing. In the other case, in the future, you will have to close the gaps between the side window slopes and the mounted windowsill.

First step. Ensure reliable protection Window sill from damage and contamination with mortar. To protect, it will be enough to cover the product with a simple dense cardboard or suitable on the size of the trimming of drywall in the case of their presence.

The second step. Remove old stucco, paintwork and any kind of contamination from the surfaces of the opening in the event of their presence. The wall for laying plaster is obliged to be clean and even, the presence of dust and any other contamination is unacceptable.

Third step. Close glass with polyethylene film. It is simply necessary to glue protective film To the glass stack of scotch.

Pens, heating batteries And the rest of the accessories also wrap or tight paper.

Fourth step. When the excess foam is detected (it is assumed that all the slots have already bloated by this material after installing the window) gently cut them with a sharp knife.

Fifth step. Cover the surface of the opening mixture deep penetration. Such treatment will contribute to the improvement of adhesion (setting the applied plastering solution with a surface).

When choosing plaster, focus, first of all, on the material of the manufacture of the window opening. Consultant of a specialized store will help you choose the appropriate mixture.

Sixth step. Arrange the vapor insulation layer. To do this, creek the foam seal with a special film vaporizolation material Either cover it with a frost-resistant silicone sealing agent.

Sealant Apply to a pre-cleaned and dried surface. Immediately get rid of surplus sealant. Remove the frozen remedy is very difficult.

Without the internal vaporizolation of the foam foam seal, it will constantly worst from the resulting condensate, lose its thermal insulation properties and collapse. In parallel, the glass and the slopes will begin to wet the glass and the slopes, the indoors will appear in the room and so on.

Seventh step. Make a little bit. It can be bought and in the finished form, but independent manufacture will allow you to save some amount of money.

Malka is an ordinary pattern, with the use of which plastering is performed. Inspect the slopes of the window. You will notice that they have no strictly smooth shape, but like slightly expand inside, due to which the dawn window creates. To qualitatively shuffle a similar surface and a little needed.

Video - Use Malki

For independent manufacture Malki is the easiest to use the leaf fan. Ready template It will have a width of about 150 mm, and a length of 50-100 mm is larger than the length of the slope. On the one side of the template you need to make a cutout. You will move the side with the cut in the window slope, and the second side is a pre-mounted lighthouse.

As a result, the surface with the finish will be as smooth as possible. Also in the template you need to make an additional neckline for the passage of window loops.

Majika should be made with full responsibility. The working surfaces of the template must be as smooth.

Professional malya stuccoers use aluminum mines in their work. Such adaptations are usually manufactured by individual order, but also ready options Can be found in specialized stores. At this point, make a decision at your discretion.

Of course, the slopes can be shuffled and without a template, but in such a situation the corners are unlikely to be the same.

What do you need to know before the start of work?

To work as easy as possible, and ready coating It was durable, beautiful and high quality, remember and follow the following simple rules:

The procedure for plastering of slopes

The process of decoration of slopes by plaster does not have significant differences from plaster simple walls With an angle. However, as already noted, when finishing the slopes, the window is strongly recommended to use Malka.

First step. Determine the location of the slope angle.

The second step.Add a rule with a level to a certain angle and mark the position of the angle on the wall surface with a pencil.

Third step. Apply the starting plaster solution to the surface of the surface. The lower layer of plaster must be thick enough.

Fourth step. Press the template to the sash and proceed to the slow smoothing of the plaster with the slope. Your task is to get the right angle and smooth surface of the slope without irregularities.

Fifth step.Remove the rule slowly promoting the tool along the suggestive angle.

Sixth step. After drying the lower layer, apply the finish plastering mix. Prepare special products on the angles of slopes under the name Perfouge. Such elements should be recorded in the still not dried launch layer plaster, slightly pressing them into the coating. Thanks to these devices, additional edge protection will be ensured of different kind Damage.

After a while we use the smooth

Finish layer apply in the same order as the starting. Second layer do thinner first.

Roll up the plaster before getting the most smooth and perfect smooth finish.

In the case of finishing of slopes of plastic window structures, a number of individual rules must be observed.

The work is performed by the sequence described above. After registration of the discovery is not yet dried plaster mortar You need to cut through the spatula with a small groove. Make it between the frame of your window and immediately slightly. It will be enough to reduce the width to 0.5 cm. The finished recess should be filled with a silicone sealing agent.

PVC (the main material of the manufacture of the windows under consideration), especially if it is low quality, is noticeably expanding when heated. In the heat of plastic can expand so that at the point of the joint of the block with slopes, cracks are formed. The silicone sealant has an elastic structure and will not allow the problem to appear above.

Now you know how to cope with shocking the slopes on their own. Follow the recommendations received and everything will fail.

Good job!

Video - Swap plaster with their own hands