Warm plaster mixes for interior use. We use warm plaster for the facade of the house

In construction, two main methods of insulating the outer walls of structures are used - the construction of false walls with further filling of the resulting space with insulation or pasting the outer surface with foam sheets. Due to the simplicity installation works and cheapness, such insulation methods attract attention. When for some reason it is impossible to use such thermal insulation options, apply warm plaster for outdoor work. Such material appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but due to its high cost it has not yet become widespread.

Types of warm plaster and its composition

The finishing material is made on the basis of cement, and as filler, most often, foam granules, expanded clay crumbs, crushed pumice or perlite sand are used.
Most universal view is a plaster with filler and s expanded vermiculite, obtained during the heat treatment of the rock of the same name. A good option is warm plaster for outdoor work, masonry can be done with your own hands. Material with mineral filler can be used for indoor and outdoor finishing works, moreover, it has a pronounced antiseptic effect.
Sawdust plaster consists of clay, sawdust, paper fragments and cement. Due to this composition, the material is suitable for finishing external surfaces. If sawdust plaster used for interior work and applied to concrete or wooden walls, then during the drying of the plastered surfaces, it is necessary to ventilate in a timely manner - this will help to avoid the formation of fungi and mold. It should be noted that the period of complete drying of the walls can last up to 2 weeks.

For interior decoration the most suitable and reliable type of building material is considered to be plaster, which includes expanded polystyrene, lime, cement and other components. This is the most common option for a finishing material, so it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the description of its characteristics. However, it is worth remembering that warm plaster for outdoor work with your own hands must clearly master the technology.

Using warm plaster

Such material is used not only for exterior decoration, but also for thermal insulation:
gender and floor slabs;
window and door slopes;
the basement of the building;
cold and cold risers hot water;
for blocking the joints of floors and walls;
making the interior walls soundproof;
to increase the thermal insulation of walls erected using the well masonry technology, which is popular today.

Comparison of material with traditional insulation

First of all, attention should be paid to the effectiveness of applying a layer of material to the facade of the building. For clarity, let's make a comparison with a surface insulated with foam sheets or mineral wool, followed by applying a layer of plaster on top of them. The comparison will be carried out in three directions: density, moisture absorption and flammability.
During the analysis, it was found that warm plaster 10 times heavier other thermal insulation materials, this means that due to the heavier walls, you will have to take care of laying a more reliable foundation.

To obtain indicators of heat conservation, similar to those given by expanded polystyrene or mineral insulation, a layer of warm plaster will have to be applied 1.5-2 times more densely. Based on the calculations made, it was established that the layer thickness should be 100-200 mm, with a recommended maximum of 50 mm. It is not difficult to guess that you will have to apply plaster to external and inner surfaces walls. V further walls will need to be processed primer and decorative putty... Do-it-yourself warm plaster for outdoor use has a number of distinctive properties.
Follow the main advantages of warm plaster can be noted:
application option on uneven surfaces;
high speed of plastering walls;
the possibility of applying without the use of a reinforcing mesh;
good adhesion (compared to other finishing materials);
lack of metal components that can become "cold bridges";
impossibility of surface damage by rodents after finishing.

Material application technique

The technology of finishing work using warm plaster does not differ much from the application method ordinary plaster.
First of all, you need clean the surface walls from debris and dust, treat it with deep penetrating impregnations. In addition, experts recommend using a special plaster grid... The surface of the wall should be well moistened before applying a layer of warm plaster.
Usually, the entire package of dry mix is ​​used for preparation, but it is important to note that the ready-made solution should be used within 2 hours. You can apply the composition mechanized way or manually... If, when turning over, the scooped up composition holds well, then the warm external plaster has a good consistency and is ready for use.
Since the composition is applied in layers, you will need the most simple tools:
putty knife;
Master OK;
The thickness of each layer should not exceed 20 mm. In this case, it is important to apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried, that is, after about 4-5 hours. Duration drying period depends on air humidity and temperature environment so it may take a little longer. The mixture is applied to the wall with a spatula, in smooth movements from bottom to top. If too much plaster is applied to the surface, it will start to creep.

Time will help to ensure the quality of the work. After a few weeks, you need to inspect the surface of the walls and, if mistakes were made, they will appear in the form of swelling, cracks and geometry changes premises, which is checked using building level or a plumb line. Moreover, 1 running meter horizontal and vertical deviation of no more than 3 mm is permissible.
Due to the fact that the thickness of the warm plaster layer does not exceed 50 mm, and the surface does not have fiber, the statement about sound insulating properties material. Especially, finishing material does not have the elasticity that will be sufficient to extinguish pops, harsh sounds and knocks.

If you pay attention to the multilayer structure that you have to create indoors or on the facade of buildings to keep them warm, there is always a desire to simplify it. Should be modern materials, which will help ease the work of plasterers and finishers, while increasing the speed of work. The main thing is that their quality does not suffer.

How can we replace, for example, the now common wall insulation with polystyrene plates? The solution was found - with insulating plaster. The process, I must say right away, is more laborious, but the effect of it is much higher. The use of building dry mixes for outdoor work has again shown a wide range of applications, and today they can be purchased in stores and at construction markets is not difficult.

What can be offered

In order to replace 2 standard insulating layers, consisting of a fixing mesh and insulation, with insulating plaster, there are the following methods:

  1. Take a dry mortar based on cement, but it should use perlite sand instead of the usual one. In addition, the composition should contain a powder of pumice, expanded vermiculite, expanded clay crumbs, sawdust or expanded polystyrene balls. These components give the plaster good insulating properties. Gradually, the sand is already being replaced by foam glass in granules.
  1. Use special insulating plasterboards. They are usually not often used in construction due to distrust. Many cannot decide whether it can really become an alternative to conventional insulation or dry mix. Although manufacturers strongly advise this way insulation, hoping that over time, builders will believe in it.

Advice: if you want to significantly reduce labor costs when insulating walls, then use plaster insulation boards.

  1. Make your own insulating plaster.

In principle, it is not so difficult to make it, the technology consists in mixing the following components in a dry state:

  • clay;
  • paper pulp;
  • sawdust;
  • cement,

in the ratio: 1: 2: 3: 1/5 part.

If you do not use cement, which is also possible, the plaster will turn out to be too loose and soft, but quite suitable for decorative work.

  1. Sawdust, where sawdust is the basis. You can also make this mixture yourself. Such mixtures should be used exclusively indoors, and during the drying period of the walls, ventilate them well for about 14 days.
  1. In expanded polystyrene, polymer granules play a leading role.

Tip: Apply the insulating plaster to the surface in the same way as usual, using long trays and spatulas. Move slowly from bottom to top.

Where is used

Insulating plasters will be useful wherever it is necessary to insulate internal and external walls buildings, although the price of this material is not the cheapest.

It should be highlighted:

  • thermal insulation and is not done so often;
  • sound insulation when applied outside or inside;
  • door processing and window slopes, which allows not only to insulate them, but also to give them a beautiful appearance;
  • protection of sewer and water supply risers from cold temperatures;
  • thermal insulation of ceilings and floors.

Tip: do any construction works a tool you trust.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are no perfect building materials, each of which has its own pros and cons. In the case of insulating plaster, it should be understood that it is simply inappropriate to compare it with ordinary plaster. Other methods of insulation are more suitable for her. The advantages of the material include the speed of work.

Common scheme:

  1. Install a fixing grid on the working wall.
  2. Then attach the insulation.
  3. Then do the plastering work.
  4. Finish the process with finishing plaster.

With insulating plaster:

  1. Cover the working wall with insulating plaster.
  2. Apply a finishing plaster on top.

The fact is obvious.

More simple circuit is obtained due to the fact that:

  • the master does not care about the final appearance of the surface, due to which he can prepare almost 180 m 2 of the surface in a working day;
  • not installed reinforcement mesh... Only used on corners and in difficult places;
  • there is no need to level the wall before applying insulating plaster;
  • the material has excellent adhesion, thanks to which it can stick to any wall, which is especially attractive for novice builders, for whom "adhesion" is the main stumbling block.

In addition, heat-saving plaster has good vapor permeability. Thus, the material is superior in this indicator Styrofoam. It also lacks any "cold bridges" that are typical when attaching foam, when you have to use metal dowels.

So it turns out that the technology used today, which has been "perfected" over the years, is a multi-layer structure. At the same time, this material includes two layers in one layer - plaster and insulation.


  1. The weight. The mass of the layer has to pay for the speed of work, and it exceeds similar standard layers by 10 times, which requires the installation of a more solid foundation. The layer thickness will also be rather large - it exceeds, for example, from mineral wool almost doubled.
  2. Requires finishing. Such plaster is not a finish, which is applied on top after priming, or decorative plaster is used over it.
  3. Cost of work. She, alas, is quite big for this building mixture.

Tip: use vermiculite insulating plaster when insulating hard-to-reach places and wooden floors, as well as where mold or mildew may appear, rodents and insects will start.


The following is suggested detailed instructions process:

  1. Prepare the surface by removing the remaining solution and dusting it. In special cases, it is possible to apply a penetrating impregnation or mesh to the wall to strengthen the structure.
  2. Moisten the surface to be treated with plenty of water.
  3. Prepare the mixture according to the instructions on the package. According to the recommendation, it will need to be worked out in 2 hours.

  1. Apply the plaster in layers up to 20 mm thick. Each subsequent one - not earlier than in 4 hours.
  2. The final result of the work will be visible after 2-3 weeks.

Tip: use for insulation plastic windows insulating plaster, which in this case will be able to reveal its potential.

Errors during work

  1. The mixture is poorly prepared.
  2. The term of its use is overdue, no more than 2 hours.
  3. Laying is carried out with a layer of more than 20 mm, due to which the mixture slides off the surface.
  4. The previous layer is not dried before applying the next one. It should be understood that in the conditions high humidity air, in particular in autumn, the drying time increases.

Internal insulation of walls with warm plaster, its features, advantages and disadvantages, preparatory stage work, application technology and surface finishing.

Features of internal insulation of walls with warm plaster

A distinctive feature of such plaster is its low thermal conductivity. This property is due to the presence of special fillers in the material instead of ordinary sand. They can be sawdust, foam granules, expanded clay or pumice chips, perlite or expanded vermiculite. Any of these fillers give the plaster its insulating qualities and an affordable price.

Plaster with a base of foam granules has universal properties. It can be used both inside and outside the building. In addition to the filler, it contains lime, cement, plasticizers and other additives that give the building mixture special properties. The specific gravity of such plaster is 200-300 kg / m 3, the thermal conductivity is 0.065 W / m * C and the hydrophobicity is 70% of the mass of the material.

Warm plaster containing sawdust as filler is used exclusively for interior work. This is due to its sensitivity to moisture. Plaster layer dries for a long time, and the room during this procedure requires good ventilation in order to avoid the appearance of fungus on damp walls. But in terms of environmental safety this material flawless.

Warm plasters are considered universal, which include particles of rocks - perlite, vermiculite, pumice, as well as expanded clay crumbs. They can also be used to insulate walls from the inside and outside.

If we compare the thermal insulation parameters of foam and warm plaster, it turns out that the first material is 2 times warmer than the second. And for full-fledged insulation of cold walls in our climatic zone, a foam layer about 10 cm thick is required.

The following becomes clear: in order to achieve such a threshold of thermal insulation, it will be necessary to apply a layer of warm plaster coating on the walls, the thickness of which should be more than 20 cm.However, it is not recommended to carry out such a coating more than 5 cm thick, as it can collapse under its own weight. Therefore, walls are insulated with warm plaster from the inside, most often in combination with external thermal insulation building.

Advantages and disadvantages of insulation with plaster from the inside

Warm plaster has unique properties... Using only it, one technological procedure can solve the issue of waterproofing, insulation and final finishing walls. The advantages of plasters are especially pronounced, having particles of rocks as fillers - perlite, expanded vermiculite, that is, mixtures of the most "advanced" type.

Thanks to the polymer additives in the mixture, this plaster has excellent adhesion to any wall materials: aerated concrete, metal, ceramics and others.

Warm plaster easily allows air to pass through, while retaining water without getting wet. Therefore, the walls covered with this material are protected from mold. In addition, warm plaster is biologically resistant, so the formation of microflora in it is excluded. By treating the walls of the room from the inside with this material, you can not only insulate it, but also make it more environmentally friendly.

The efficiency of insulation with the help of such plaster is high not only due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, but also due to its tight contact with the surface of the walls throughout their entire area without the formation of any cold bridges.

Another remarkable property of warm plaster is its fire resistance. Unlike expanded polystyrene and other similar heaters, insulating plaster coatings perfectly protect walls, without collapsing, from strong heat and open fire. Moreover, the layer of plaster does not have to be thick.

According to manufacturers promoting warm plaster mix, this material, applied to the walls with a layer of 2 cm, in its thermal insulation qualities is equivalent to a masonry of 2 bricks or a wall of concrete with a thickness of about 1 m.Taking into account this fact, it is easy to calculate how much the weight of the building will decrease and how much plaster. However, other experts consider this opinion rather controversial in terms of the approved ratios. Simply applying this material is much easier than traditional insulation materials with their fastening, primer and finishing layer. By the way, during a work shift a team of plasterers of three people can process more than 80 m 2 of walls with a warm mixture.

In addition to the above advantages, warm plaster has other unique properties: complete absence of toxic inclusions, the material is made from natural components that have undergone heat treatment; at any temperature, the plaster is environmentally friendly, it does not decompose, does not burn or freeze.

The disadvantages of the material include the following:

  • Warm plaster based on polystyrene granules needs a topcoat. Mixtures containing rock fillers are not affected.
  • High price of plasters based on perlite, pumice and vermiculite.
  • The need for layer-by-layer application of the material to the walls. A thick coating applied in one layer is more likely to slide off the wall due to its own weight.

Preparatory work

Preparation of walls for insulation with plaster for wall insulation from the inside is carried out in the same way as before applying a conventional cement-sand mixture to their surfaces. If old plaster peels off, it should be removed. If not, warm plaster can be applied over the existing layer.

The purpose preparatory work is the improvement of the adhesion of the insulation coating with base surface walls. To do this, each of them needs to be stuffed with shingles or narrow slats of 5 mm, thus obtaining a space on which the plaster mixture will hold well. After that, on the fabricated frame, it is necessary to pull the mesh and fix it with nails, hammering them into the slats.

The fastener step is taken 10 cm, it must be carried out in a checkerboard pattern. The mesh can be woven or metal with cells of 50x50 mm. It is recommended to use metal mesh, since the woven mesh is less durable and adheres too tightly to the wall surface.

To implement the possibility of leveling the plaster layer on the walls, it is necessary to install lighthouse profiles. They need to be pressed into a mortar mixture such as Ceresit or Rotband, applied with moldings to the base every 0.3 m, and then leveled in a plane. Lighthouses should be installed vertically in increments of 0.2 m less than the length of the plastering rule.

Before plastering, the walls must be moistened with plenty of water. This is an additional measure to ensure high-quality adhesion of materials.

Wall insulation technology from the inside with warm plaster

Warm plaster is applied to the walls by hand and machine. In the first case, a spatula, trowel, grater and others are used for work. painting tools, in the second - a special mixing pump and a mortar gun.

Manual way of plastering walls

Before starting work, the contents of the entire package of warm plaster must be poured into a suitable container with a volume of 50-100 liters, add water in the amount specified by the manufacturer of the material, and then mix everything using a construction mixer. In this case, you need to know that the working capacity of the finished mixture in time is 2 hours.

It is not difficult to check the required consistency of the mixture. To do this, you need to scoop up a little mortar with a trowel and tilt the tool strongly. If the plaster does not fall off from its surface, it means that it has acquired plasticity and is ready for use. Its consumption with a layer of 25 mm will be 10-14 kg / m 2 of the dry mixture, with its thickness of 50 mm - 18-25 kg / m 2, respectively.

The insulating mixture should be manually applied to the walls in layers, the thickness of each layer should not exceed 20 mm in order to avoid the mortar from sliding off the surface under the influence of its own weight.

Each next layer of plaster should be applied no earlier than 4 hours after laying the previous one. Drying time of the coating may increase with high humidity and low air temperatures, for example, in autumn.

The working mixture should be applied to the primed wall surface from bottom to top using a wide spatula, lighthouse profiles and a rule. The process of applying warm plaster without beacons and the quality of the resulting coating must be controlled using a 2 m long strip, a plumb line and a hydraulic level. The flat plane of the plaster coating can be checked by attaching a two-meter rail to it with an edge, as a rule, there should be no gaps between the tool and the wall. Small deviations are allowed finished coating from the horizontal or vertical no more than 3 mm per 1 running meter.

The removal of the lighthouse profiles from the coating should be done 4-6 hours after the completion of the main work. The vacated cavities must be repaired with a plaster mixture and leveled with a trowel.

It is recommended to check and accept works for delamination, curvature and cracking of the coating no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the completion of the plastering of the walls.

Mechanized method of plastering walls

To apply a warm plaster coating by a mechanized method, it is necessary to first prepare the mixing pump for operation, and then pour the dry mixture into the machine's hopper. After that, in accordance with the desired consistency of the mixture, you should adjust the dosage of water by the pump. It should be about 500 l / h. Its exact value depends on the temperature in the house and the material of its walls.

After preparing and turning on the pump, the mortar gun, when distributing the mixture over the wall surface, must be held at a distance of 30 cm and perpendicular to it. The thickness of the plaster layer during application can be easily adjusted by the speed of movement of the mortar gun. The smaller it is, the more powerful the layer and vice versa.

Surface treatment must be carried out with top corner down and then left to right, forming 0.7 m wide jaws. The reciprocating motion of the pistol should be such that the center of the spray mixture is located on the lower edge of the already applied plaster. The previous and subsequent grapples should be overlapped on the left side by 10 cm.

As in the previous case, the plastered surface must be leveled according to the rule, and after the mixture has dried, remove the lighthouse profiles and fill the empty channels with mortar.

After the end of the plaster spraying, the solution supply should be stopped by closing the air valve on the gun. Flush pump, hoses, gun and tools immediately with water.

Important! The plaster mixture should not remain static for more than 15 minutes while in the pump or hose.

Finishing layer device

As mentioned above, in finishing needs wall insulation with warm plaster made on the basis of foam granules. Before applying the finishing coating, the trowel and the container intended for preparing the working mixture in it must be cleaned of all foreign particles that can disturb the appearance of the coating during its processing.

The top coat should be applied to obtain a uniform and presentable wall surface. Its thickness usually does not exceed 5 mm. After the finishing coat has been applied, it should be trowelled using a 300 mm metal or plastic trowel.

How to insulate walls with warm plaster - watch the video:

Summing up, we can conclude: warm plaster is a good alternative to others thermal insulation materials... It is especially effective for double-sided wall insulation. At the same time, outside the building additionally receives beautiful finish and environmentally friendly and reliable insulation from the inside.

Warm plaster for interior work is a very unusual and new building and finishing material for many, which appeared relatively recently on the domestic market. Accordingly, it is quite natural to consider the question of what kind of building mixtures- warm plasters - and how to use them.

Warm plaster composition

Warm plaster for interior work is a dry mix based on ordinary cement. The difference from the classic solution is the absence of sand in the composition. It can be replaced by any other components:

  • Perlite sand.
  • Expanded clay chips.
  • Powder obtained from pumice.
  • Expanded polystyrene granules and other materials.

Varieties of warm plaster

There are several varieties of warm plaster. Construction mixtures differ in composition, scope, application method and technical and operational characteristics.

The most popular are the three below.

Warm plaster with expanded vermiculite

Expanded vermiculite is a light mineral aggregate obtained by heat treatment of vermiculite rock. Warm plaster with the addition of such a component is used mainly for outdoor work. Despite this, it is also possible to use it for interior decoration - it is universal. building material... The advantages of warm vermiculite plaster include excellent antiseptic properties.

Sawdust plaster

Warm plaster for interior work, which is especially popular and not intended for exterior decoration - the so-called sawdust mixture. It contains sawdust, particles of cement, clay and often paper. Actually, it is for this reason that it is not used for outdoor work.

This mixture is ideal for use on wood and brick surfaces. The applied layers of plaster should dry out only if the room is well ventilated. Complete drying takes about two weeks. In an enclosed space, fungus and mold can develop on the surface of the plaster.

Plaster with expanded polystyrene granules

Another good type of plaster is a mixture with the addition. Its composition, in addition, includes cement, lime, various additives and aggregates. It is used mainly for outdoor finishing work, but it can also be used for interior decoration.

Stucco with expanded polystyrene granules is the most common, in contrast to the other two types.

Scope of warm plaster

Today dry mixes of this type are used in the following areas:

  • Building decoration and thermal insulation.
  • Additional insulation and sound insulation of external and interior walls buildings.
  • When using well masonry - wall insulation.
  • Insulation of sewage, hot and cold water supply risers.
  • Thermal insulation of window blocks and slopes in the places where they adjoin the walls.
  • As thermal insulation and soundproof material for interior finishing works.
  • Experts advise using warm plaster as a material for insulating floors and ceilings.

Benefits of warm plaster

  • Fast application of plaster - in a day of work, you can cover a surface of 110-170 sq. m.
  • Does not require the use of reinforcing mesh.
  • It is not necessary to level the walls if warm interior plaster will be used.
  • The mixture has excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces.
  • There is no risk of occurrence since there are no metal bonds.


  • The mixture does not belong to the category of topcoats and requires the application of not only a primer, but also a layer of decorative plaster.
  • Unlike cotton wool or foam, the thickness of the insulation warm composition several times more.
  • Plaster is not quite economically consumed - the price for it, by the way, is not so low.

Where should you use warm plaster?

Based on all the pros and cons of this dry mixture, it is best used for the following work:

  • Sealing joints and cracks in floors and walls of buildings.
  • For internal work in the case of additional insulation, for example, when it is impossible to carry out insulation procedures outside the building, a cladding is installed, which will deteriorate during disassembly.
  • Finishing of window slopes.
  • Insulation of the basement.

Warm plaster technology

Before applying this type of dry mix, prepare the substrate in the same way as before applying ordinary plaster to cement base... Remains of other materials, dust and dirt are carefully removed. If necessary, the surface can be processed special formulations or a primer to strengthen and improve adhesion.

An important requirement - before starting work on applying the plaster, the base must be thoroughly moistened with water.


  1. The dry mixture is poured into a container prepared in advance with a volume of at least 50 liters.
  2. Is added pure water in the amount indicated on the plaster package.
  3. Using a construction mixer, the mass is mixed.
  4. The ready-mix has a lifespan of 120 minutes.

It is very simple to check the consistency of the mixture obtained - a small amount of the mortar is collected on a trowel, after which the tool is turned over. A well-mixed mixture should not fall off of it. The finished plaster can be applied both manually and by machine.

  • Warm plaster is applied to the surface of the base with special construction tools in several layers, and the layer thickness should not exceed 2 cm.
  • Each subsequent layer is applied 4 hours after the previous one.
  • Drying time for each coat may vary depending on the level of humidity in the air.
  • Apply warm plaster with upward movements.
  • Checking the applied layer is carried out three to four weeks after all work has been carried out.
  • The full set of strength of the plaster occurs within one to two months.

Errors when applying warm plaster

During interior finishing work using warm plaster, certain mistakes can often be made, especially if they are not carried out by specialists. As a result, delamination, cracks or changes in the geometry of the entire room may appear due to a too thick applied layer.

The quality is checked quite simply: for this, a rail rule is applied to the surface. If there are gaps between the tool and the wall, there are geometry violations.

When applying plaster, the most important thing is to avoid deviations from the vertical or horizontal by more than 3 mm.

Dry mix consumption

Plaster is consumed (the price for it varies within 200-900 rubles per package) depending on the thickness of the layer: on square meter the base leaves about 10-15 kilograms.

If the work is carried out by specialists, then you will have to pay about $ 15 for their services, not counting the cost of the materials and tools themselves.

Plaster layer thickness

Depending on the thickness of the walls, the material from which they are made, and climatic zone, in which the building is located, the size of the layer of the finishing composition also varies. According to standard calculations, 51 cm can be insulated by applying a layer of plaster of 8-10 cm to it.Of course, such a consumption of the mixture is simply huge and irrational, so it is best used as additional material... Unlike classic bricks, aerated concrete or ceramic blocks require a much smaller layer of plaster.

The standard thickness of the material recommended by manufacturers is from 2 to 5 cm. required amount the mixture is quite simple, in addition, it is supplied in separate packages weighing 7-10 kilograms. The standard amount of plaster is usually enough to apply a layer of 2-2.5 cm per square meter of surface.

Knauf plaster

Dry mix "Knauf" is a very expensive finishing material with good heat-insulating and water-repellent properties. Safe insulation, easily applied to the prepared base. Its advantages include vapor permeability, resistance to weathering, absolute environmental friendliness and additional insulation surface.

Knauf plaster - the best option for interior finishing work.

Warm plaster- this group finishing coatings for external and internal works, combining leveling, hydro- and thermal insulation properties.

Composition, brands and GOSTs

The composition of warm plasters can vary due to the insulating filler and the bonding base. Bulk material acts as a filler. materials with low thermal conductivity: expanded perlite, vermiculite, expanded polystyrene granules, foam glass. Some sources recommend sawdust, but they provide the worst quality coating, are prone to rotting and fire, and therefore are excluded from the review.

There are also special view warm plaster used for radiation insulation medical premises. Barite plaster Contains crystalline barium sulfate, an X-ray absorbing compound.

Warm plaster for outdoor use made on the basis of cement grades M-500 or M-300. With a hydrophobic filler (foam glass, PPS, etc.), such a coating is not afraid of precipitation, temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation. Insulation plaster protects the main layer of thermal insulation from negative weather conditions.

For interior decoration, mixtures are used based on lime and gypsum, which are not resistant to moisture.

Perlite is presented on the domestic market thermal insulation plaster following trade stamps:

All of them comply with GOST 31251 as materials with the highest degree fire safety.

Release form

Ready mixes are produced in dry form in bags weighing 7-30 kg. Depending on the formulation, they may contain superplasticizers that improve the solubility of cement and increase the plasticity of the solution. At home, such an additive is PVA glue or liquid soap dissolved in water. The consumption of the plasticizer is no more than 1% of the mass of cement in the mixture.

The shelf life of the mixed mixture is 30-90 minutes, so it is important to measure the volume of the prepared solution and the speed of work.


Specifications warm plasters may vary depending on the filler.



A comment

Strength kg / cm2

An excellent indicator that allows you to use a mixture for filling gaps between bricks.

Volume weight kg / m3

For a mixture based on PPS granules.

Shrinkage mm / m


After drying, it does not shrink.

Thermal conductivity W / mK

Inferior to synthetic and mineral insulation 1.5-2 times higher than usual cement-sand mixture 4-5 times.

Frost resistance, cycles

Average, offset by ease of repair.

Water absorption%

Additional moisture protection is required.

Vapor permeability

Maintains an even microclimate in the room, there is no dew point.

Fire resistance

On the basis of mineral granules - non-combustible coating, on the basis of PPS - slightly combustible.

Cost rub / m2

Material consumption is 2-4 kg / m2



A high soundproofing effect is provided by mixtures with a fibrous filler such as the Haunklif basalt mixture.



Completely environmentally friendly material.

Life time

Depends on the area of ​​application. The outer coating serves less, the inner one is as durable as possible.

Unique qualities

The main advantage warm plaster its high plasticity and adhesion (adhesion to the surface) serves. She does not demand perfect smooth walls and performs an additional cosmetic function when decorating a room.

Allows you to insulate slopes, crevices and inner corners where the installation is sheet and roll insulation difficult. There is no need for fasteners that act as "cold bridges" for other materials. The application speed of professional workers reaches 100 m 2 in 1 day.

Warm plaster combines environmental friendliness and durability, does not emit volatile compounds and dust.


The main disadvantage warm plaster serves its raw weight. The plastering process takes place in several stages; it is impossible to apply a thick layer at once. The work is performed in 3-4 passes, maintaining the previous layers until firm "seizure".

The thermal insulation qualities of the mixtures are average, and the price exceeds the more energy-efficient PPS. It is not used as the main insulation in Russia, its thermal efficiency in our conditions is too low.

Application area

Warming indoor spaces, ground wall decoration. The use of such insulation can reduce heat loss by up to 40%. Recommended material for additional thermal and sound insulation of walls and ceilings, window slopes, pipelines, sealing cracks.

Warm facade plaster It is used as a protective and decorative coating for the main thermal insulation: mineral wool, glass wool, foam plastic, PPS or basalt slabs. It protects the insulation from moisture, weathering, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and has a beautiful rough texture.

Installation methods

Instructions for preparing the ready-mixed mixture are usually indicated on the package. To prepare a solution at home, a binder (cement, lime or gypsum), water and a free-flowing filler are mixed in a 1: 1: 4 ratio. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until the consistency of thick sour cream, after which it can be applied to the cleaned surface.

Plastering of internal walls is carried out according to beacons, the thickness of the applied layer warm plaster should not exceed 1 cm in one pass. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the coating, then the first layer must dry, otherwise the plaster will fall off under its own weight. It is impractical to make a layer thicker than 3 cm, the thermal insulation properties are reduced from this, and the load on the base becomes critical.

Facade insulation plaster applied in a thin layer: 3-4 mm in the first pass, no more than 1.5 cm in total after preliminary application and drying of the reinforcing layer.