Spiral staircase to the second floor - how to do it yourself? Spiral staircase railing: options.

Nikolay, Nizhny Novgorod asks the question:

Good day! I recently built in the country spiral staircase to the second floor. And when making handrails for her, I ran into a problem. Straight railings are not suitable for my design, a special semicircular shape is needed, since there are children and elderly people in the family for whom this has great value... The staircase itself is made of metal, so I want to make the handrails also metal. Although if there is an easy way to bend wood or plastic, then I can use them as well. Please tell me how to bend a handrail for a spiral staircase in a simple way... It is desirable that I be able to do this myself and as quickly as possible. Thanks in advance.

The expert answers:

Hello! Nowadays, very often, instead of marching, they prefer the construction of a spiral staircase. You can, of course, turn to specialists who will fulfill your wishes in their workshop without any problems. But if you decide to find out how to bend a handrail for a spiral staircase yourself, please note that the handrails must be strong and safe during operation. The rules for bending a handrail depend primarily on the material from which you want to make it.

If you have chosen a tree, then there are two ways to bend it to the shape you need. You can dip the workpiece into boiling water and soak in it until the wood is completely soft. After that, you bend it to the shape that you need, fix it in this position and wait until it dries well. It is advisable to bend in this way when the thickness of the wood will not exceed 3 cm.

You can glue individual thin veneer parts by laying them directly on the steps close to the uprights in order to accurately repeat the bend. The finished structure is coated with glue, wrapped in a film and attracted with clamps. When the glue is completely dry, the veneer is released from the clamps. The finished handrail, starting from the top, is screwed to each post.

When working with wood, remember that after bending the material must be impregnated with an antiseptic, covered with a layer of linseed oil, and after it has dried and fastened to the railing, varnish or paint these parts of the stairs.

Plastic handrails can be bent with construction hair dryer... Hot air is directed to the workpiece and gradually, as it heats up, bends it to the desired shape. The main thing is that the plastic does not melt. Therefore, control the supply of hot air from the hair dryer.

There are also two ways to make metal railings. If you have the opportunity, you can heat the metal in a special forging furnace and with a hammer give it the desired shape... At home, you can clamp the metal strip in a vise and use a hammer to shape it.

Now you can choose for yourself the best option how to bend handrails for a spiral staircase. All of the above methods are simple and affordable, allowing you to do the work of bending handrails with your own hands at home without unnecessary financial costs.

The beautiful and comfortable spiral staircase is quite simple and perfect for organizing the transition to the attic or attic floor.

The main feature of screw structures is their unusual shape. Outwardly, the structure's console outwardly resembles a petal with rounded edges. The main advantage of the device is the significant savings in space in the home.

Most often, it is placed in an upright position without inclined straight steps. Despite the fact that it is not entirely comfortable to climb such a staircase, the entire structure can take only 1 sq. m.

The constructive part of spiral staircases may differ. Fixation flight of stairs carried out radially. If you pay attention to the horizontal section of the screw in the diagrams, you will notice that it can be polygonal or round.

Types of spiral staircases:

  • leaning against the wall and supporting structure;
  • supported by special support legs.
  • supported by a fence or curved bowstrings;
  • with pinching into the support post.

A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Most owners prefer to build structures of concrete, wood or metal.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • They do not clutter up the space, therefore they occupy the minimum amount of free space in the room. They are easily installed in small rooms;
  • Subject to the choice of high-quality materials and adherence to all construction rules, such a design has a stylish and modern design, therefore, it can be not only a means of transportation, but also serve as a decoration of the house;
  • Compared to other types of stairs, the cost of spiral staircases is much lower, so home owners do not have to overpay for anything;
  • Structures can be placed both against the wall and in the middle of the room;
  • Marches can be installed with the narrowed side to the main central support or the wide part will join the wall.

Screw structures have only one drawback. The bottom line is that you cannot go up and down quickly, and do not hold on to the railing. Otherwise, it can result in all kinds of injuries. To reduce the risk of getting, it is preferable to install flights with wider steps.

Professionals advise to start making a drawing with detailed plan the first floor and an indication of the area where it will be installed. The plan should include the exact dimensions of the opening, taking into account the specified scale.

Swiveling canvases as a result of which the shape of the steps changes should also be drawn in detail, while all proportions must be respected. Circular lifting angles are indicated on a separate diagram.

Structural analysis

The calculation of the details must be carried out with special care, otherwise mistakes will cause discomfort and bruises.

The calculation should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • According to accepted standards, the minimum step length should be about 150 mm with a height of 300 mm. It is not worth violating these parameters, as this may entail a decrease in the level of security. The maximum figures vary around 140-160 mm in length and 280-300 in height.
  • The angle of inclination is a significant factor. Naturally, the higher this indicator, the more it takes less space... Acceptable values ​​range from 23º to 45º. The most popular angle of inclination is from 25º to 35º. The angle of inclination of more than 45º is too sharp, so you can only climb the stairs with your back forward. But if the slope is less than 23º, it is more logical to mount the ramp.

For the production of steps, wood with a denser texture is often used - beech tanned. Brittle rocks should be avoided as they are not able to withstand the high loads that fall on them.

The thickness of the finished elements should not be less than 50 mm if the height of the structure should not exceed 2 m. If the height of the structure is increased, then the thickness of the steps should be at least 60 mm. The number of steps is determined by dividing the height of the opening by the rise.

The material used must be thoroughly dried and processed. It should be noted that with uneven drying, after installation, the tree gradually begins to lose moisture and deform, acquiring the shape of a propeller.

Moreover, the damaged step must be replaced immediately after the appearance of the defect, otherwise one step can pull other elements along with it, violating the strength of the structure. That is why professionals advise to purchase already planed material.

Due to their economy and low cost, wooden structures are especially popular. As a plan, you can use ready-made drawings developed by professionals.

As for the advantages of this type of device, it is undoubtedly fire resistance, the possibility of combining various materials, modern design, ease of installation and durability.

Many modern home owners who follow fashion trends and their homes install spiral staircases not only in the interior, but also outside.

This is due to the fact that metal materials least of all they tolerate climatic influences of various kinds and endure bad weather.

For the construction of the supporting structure, concrete, metal, wood and brick pillars... They are attached using elements welded to the pipe, bolts and couplings.

The treads are easiest to attach to a wooden post. For this, bars, metal corners, etc. are used. The rack must be firmly fixed and capable of withstanding the total weight of all component parts and a person with a large body weight.

Knowing how to make a spiral staircase with your own hands - you will give your home a special exclusivity and originality, and you will also be sure of its quality and reliability. Since you can independently choose the materials you need, complete necessary calculations and do it for real quality installation spiral staircase, the drawings of which will definitely come in handy.

Any of us is trying to create an original atmosphere in our home, to give the home an attractive look and create unique interior... If the house is designed for several floors, then the question of the stairs that leads one floor above will certainly arise. To solve the spatial problem of staircase placement, you need to think about its design and view more than one photo, as well as drawings of spiral staircases.

In small rooms that do not allow sufficient space to be allocated, the screw version will look great, which will make it possible to install the required number of steps for convenient lifting in a small area.

In addition, it should be noted that the consumption of building materials for a spiral staircase will be much less than on the march. Therefore, a self-made spiral staircase will cost much less and become a more profitable investment of money.

Usage different materials, drawings, types of designs and decorations will give you the opportunity not only to significantly decorate the interior of the house, but also to show your talents as a decorator, designer and decorator.

Metal or wooden, draped or transparent, it will harmoniously blend into the surrounding space, delight and amaze all guests.

Design and calculation of spiral staircases

Before proceeding with the construction of a screw structure, you will need to sit over the calculations, take the necessary measurements and draw up drawings with your own hands.

Starting the technical part of creation interfloor structure, think about how you plan to use the surrounding space, how often you will use the stairs, what functions and loads it will perform.

A carved helical structure with bulky railings, most likely, will not allow bringing a large sofa to the floor or lowering the wardrobe.

The presence of children in the family is also will require careful planning such a dangerous element in terms of falling, namely:

  • equip the ladder with additional protection;
  • restrict access to hazardous elements;
  • choose a suitable non-slip floor material, etc.

The stage of development and planning of the technical side of building a spiral staircase with your own hands is the longest and most difficult.

But there is no need to despair and run to the first hardware store that comes across to purchase finished structurevarious photos, can be found on the Internet.

Before starting construction, consider the methods of fastening and construction. The ladder can be mounted on a rack anywhere in the room or against a wall. In the second option the wall acts as an additional support, giving the structure better stability and rigidity.

For free installation, you need to install additional supports for steps, they have a load-bearing function and make the descent safer and more comfortable.

Think carefully about the material options used to create the spiral staircase. Wooden or metal constructions made in suitable for the interior colors. It is convenient to navigate these steps even with bare feet, without fear of catching a cold. These surfaces are easy to clean and are perfect for the areas you visit, such as the entryway.

Before starting construction, you need to make a drawing with which you will have a complete understanding of the right amount building material, rack height and step width.

Making drawings with your own hands is very simple, you just need a certain diligence and accuracy in preparing all the necessary measurements. If necessary or if there are any questions or clarifications, there is always the opportunity to see a photo or video creating stairs. Step-by-step videos, supplemented with verbal advice, will give you the opportunity to deal with difficulties and make a masterpiece of staircase art.

Beautiful photos of spiral staircases made of metal

Making a spiral staircase

To build a truly comfortable, reliable and solid construction, you need to decide on the following nuances:

  • how wide the structure will be. The most convenient staircase width for use in the house is 0.90 cm. Thus, the diameter is the sum of the width of two steps and the diameter of the vertical rack;
  • then the most convenient step width is calculated. It is best for a person to navigate steps up to 350 mm wide. But the steps of the spiral staircase are not rectangular. Having the appearance of a trapezoid, they increase from a vertical rack, increasing in width towards the railing;
  • after that it is necessary to count the number of steps required for a complete turn. This is calculated by multiplying the person's circumference by the average width of the steps. This rounded number will be the number of steps required;
  • then we make a calculation with respect to the height of the loop and the number of openings. The height of the loop must be at least 2.15 m, required for comfortable movement of a person. This height was obtained by adding the average height of a person (180 cm), the height of the steps and a margin of 15 cm. We divide this number by 15 (the number of steps) and so we have the height of one step of the staircase;
  • given that we know the height overall design, it will be easy to determine the number of openings and the required number of steps for comfortable movement.

Metal ladder

The operation of spiral staircases is possible, not only inside the house, but also outside. In this case, you will need a manufactured metal spiral staircase. Metal is not so affected external environment than wood, and in to a greater extent suitable for use as a material for external work.

Can be made metal ladder as a fire brigade or arrange an auxiliary exit from home with your own hands, it will give outward appearance at home, an original and extraordinary look will make the cottage unique and more comfortable to use.

Metal can also be selected as a building material for internal stairs... As a rule, there is a forged metal staircase in the interior. This work of art that combines lightness and strength, incredible reliability and delicate weightlessness, not everyone can make with their own hands. But this ladder will serve for quite a long time and, over time, covered with a touch of antiquity, will look more majestic and chic.

The clear advantages of metal stairs include their resistance to fire, compatibility with different styles interior, the ability to combine metal parts with other materials (ceramics, stone, wood), ease of installation and significant durability and wear resistance.

Wooden ladder

Most popular in modern interiors use screw structures made of wood. They harmoniously fit into design solutions almost all premises, as well as inexpensive and fairly durable.

Simple rules of care, operation and ease of construction make it possible to install them everywhere for comfortable movement between floors in private cottages.

After completing preliminary calculations and drawing a drawing, you will roughly understand how to make a wooden staircase. You can buy ready-made blanks for installing steps, or you can make them yourself.

The main thing is to remember about careful surface sanding, wood processing and the use of a protective varnish coating in order to prevent deformations and the appearance of harmful bugs.

When building with your own hands, you need to remember about the railings. Balusters can be made from solid wood or use a metal structure.

For handrails, as an economy, you can choose glue bar or wood-like plastic- their excellent wear-resistant qualities make it possible to keep the structure attractive for a long time.

Think carefully about all the options, follow necessary calculations and drawings, choose only quality materials and wooden ladder will delight you for more than one generation.

Concrete stairs

If you need the staircase to serve for a long time, have a presentable and weighty appearance, and at the same time be quite strong and reliable, a concrete structure will suit you. It is solid and very durable, and also testifies to the well-being of the owner of the house, his presentability and wealth. But it requires more careful calculations and meeting some of the requirements during construction.

Thus, the construction of a spiral staircase in the presence of correct calculations and certain skills - it's pretty simple. And it will look and serve in a country house or in a cottage, because, creating a unique masterpiece, you put your love and soul into it, and this is very important.

If you are going to equip a spiral staircase with your own hands, the drawing must be prepared in advance, this will allow you to carry out the work, avoiding mistakes. As a feature of this design, the steps are reinforced radially. This concerns a real or imagined center. If you project a staircase onto a floor surface, you can get a polygon or circle. A spiral staircase can be made with your own hands from metal, the drawings should definitely be considered before this. Choosing such constructions, you may prefer one of the varieties of the system. In this way, the steps can rest on the B-pillar and on the perimeter wall surfaces. In other versions, they can only be attached to the support column, which is located in the center. In some cases, the steps are supported by a guardrail or bent bowstrings, among other things, they can be pinched in the support post.

Manufacturing features

If you build a spiral staircase with your own hands, the drawing will allow you to do the work correctly. You can borrow one or another option from this article. Such structures take up little space, for example, with a step width of 1 meter, the diameter of the structure will be 2.2 meters, this includes the central support. In fact, the structure will take less than 2 square meters on the floor surface. When designing a product, you can give it different angle tilt, most often it does not exceed 45 degrees.

What you need to know before starting work

If a spiral staircase is to be made with your own hands, the drawing should be prepared by you even before the start of work. However, it is important to take into account that such structures do not have very wide steps, this indicates that movement along them will be difficult, it is important to be careful while doing this. It will be quite problematic to miss two people who meet on the spiral staircase. It is also very difficult to move bulky objects on it. This suggests that it is more rational to use screw structures in those rooms in which there is no heavy traffic. A lot of effort will have to be made to manufacture, since the elements and assemblies are more complex when compared with conventional ones.

Preparation of materials

If you will be making a spiral staircase with your own hands, you can view the drawing for it by reading this article. However, it is equally important to familiarize yourself with the technology of the process and prepare all necessary materials... You should not be limited in the choice of material: maple, beech, and also oak are suitable among which. You can stock up on profiled or sheet metal.

Stair design

The structure should be devoid of a riser, which is a vertical element located between adjacent steps. This will prevent the foot from slipping when moving. The tread in the middle should be 20 cm or more. I must admit, quite often today spiral staircases are made by hand. Drawings, photos will help you make the right choice design features... In order to ensure the reliability of the step attachment point, the diameter of the middle support post should be five centimeters or more. The height between the branches must exceed the height of a person, this figure is equivalent to two meters or more. This eliminates the need to bend over when using the lifting mechanism. As for the full turn, there must be at least 12 steps in it.

Features of the calculation

Before making spiral staircases with your own hands, drawings are prepared by craftsmen, this allows you to exclude many mistakes, which can be very difficult to cope with. You can take as a basis the parameters that are presented below.

The height of the floor, which is measured from the floor surface of the first floor to the base of the floor of the second floor, is equivalent to 3 meters, while being equal to one meter. The diameter of the post in this case is equivalent to 20 cm. Now you can determine the diameter of the structure. This figure will be made up of the diameter of the support post and two steps, or rather, their width. Thus, the following calculations will need to be made: 2x1.0 + 0.2. Ultimately, you will be able to get a value of 2.2 m.

When spiral staircases are made by hand, drawings are prepared by home craftsmen, as a rule, independently. Having determined the diameter of the structure, it is necessary to draw a circle. At the next stage, the radius of the trajectory of movement is calculated. To do this, it is necessary to divide by 2 the diameter of the support post, to which the width of the step must be added. The calculation will look like this: (1 + 0.2) / 2; the required value is equivalent to 0.6 m.

The next step is to calculate the number of steps that will fall on 1 turn. For this, the length of the trajectory of movement must be divided by the Final value is 18.84, while the calculation is as follows: 2x3.14x0.6 / 0.2.

If you are going to make a screw, then it is important to determine the height of the step. The coil height must be divided into 19 parts. The step between the first step and the last step of the loop must be greater than the height of the person. You can take into account a figure equal to two meters, to this value you need to add 5 cm, this will allow you to get the height of the loop, the calculation looks like this: 2 + 0.05; the result is a value of 2.05 m.

It can be determined by the formula below: 2.05 / 19. The figure after the calculations is equal to 0.11 m. The final number of steps will be equal to 28 pieces: 3 / 0.11. The result is a figure equal to 27.3. It should be rounded.

You can take for the main the following parameters stairs. The lifting height is equivalent to 300 cm, the diameter is 220 cm, the inner diameter is 20 cm, the total swing angle is 510 degrees, the thickness of each step is 5 cm, the step height is 11.1 centimeters. As for the angle of the step, this figure is 18.9 degrees, the length of the step is 100 centimeters.


If you are going to make a spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands, then it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology of the process. Initially, the stand is installed and fixed, which is located in the middle. In the next step, you can start installing the steps and spacers. The master needs to fix the upper part of the structure, and then strengthen the railing and handrails. If you are going to make a staircase that has a cantilever pinching of the steps, then beech can be used as the material. All blanks can be cut with lathe designed for woodworking. Handheld electric tools will also come in handy. If you do not have such equipment in your arsenal, then you can order the preparation of parts from the master. The plumb line will allow you to transfer the corner point of the opening to the floor surface. This will be the starting point for defining the support position. On the base of the floor, it is necessary to draw a line that is parallel to the opening cut in the ceiling.

When screw drawings are made, you have to prepare them yourself or order them from a professional. In the next step, a cylindrical element and a starting stage must be put on the steel core. The rest of the elements are installed according to the same principle. After you have managed to assemble the B-pillar and steps, you should fix the upper platform. Next, the railing posts are installed. The steel core bolt passes through two stages and ends slightly above the uppermost stage.

Final work

You can make a spiral staircase with your own hands from metal, but for this you need to have the skills to work with welding machine... If you decide to use wood, then on the last stage staining can be done. To begin with, the surface of the stairs is cleaned with sandpaper, then it is cleaned of dust and covered with stain.

Features of the manufacture of a metal staircase

A spiral staircase can be made with your own hands from metal, drawings of such structures can be drawn up by professionals. The assembly of the system must begin with the installation of the central post. After that, bushings are put on, and then washers and the steps themselves. After this part of the work is completed, the steps should be deployed around the rack to the required distance. Now it is the turn to attach the brackets. The upper step is fixed on interfloor overlap... When a metal spiral staircase is made with your own hands, the drawings will allow you to comply with the technology. At the last stage, the railings are mounted, as well as handrails.