How to make a blacksmith horn with your own hands. Oven for forging: process do it yourself mountain blacksmith do it yourself scheme


Today, the passion for men and even some girls for blacksmithing business is very popular. Work with a hot metal carries a huge creative potential.

Blacksmith Mountain is a tool of a real Creator, when unique things are born out of his hotstooth, formed with their own hands.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to join this craft, and in many respects due to the lack of access to blacksmith horn. But it does not matter, you can make homemade blacksmith horn with your own hands, and it is not so difficult at all as it may seem.

So, if you do not have the means to purchase the necessary blacksmithing equipment, you can try to make a blacksmith horn yourself, and it will be no worse than the professional blacksmiths, at least in their working qualities work. Homemade blacksmith mines can be the most different speciesBut in the article we will consider only two of them.

Blacksmith Horn of refractory bricks and steel frame

Gorna scheme closed type: 1. Additional air supply tubes for exhaust gases. 2 chimney. 3 window to load blanks. 4 Fake camera. 5 grate grille. 6 Metal box (ash camera). 7 Pipe for air supply. 8 Luke for fuel loading.

For the manufacture of this type of horn you will need welding machine. Take a look at the drawing, for a better understanding of the device of our product. General scheme Clear anyone homemade Masterwho had experience with the metal.

You need to cook from metal pipes or corners of a frame or table. On the working surface It will be necessary to strengthen the tray made from durable steel with a thickness of no less than 1.5 cm. It is placed on its bottom of refractory full bricksIn which you will need to cut special recesses in advance. The recesses are designed to install a grate grid. It can be bootable, and to do it yourself, for this, many use old cast iron piles, in which the holes cut through, although it is possible to use a steel sheet thick of about 1 cm.

In the middle of the tray, a special hole is cut into the lower part of which a pipe with a diameter of 80 mm is welded, a removable cover is mounted below. This device is intended to collect and remove ash accumulated during operation.

Approximately in the middle part of the pipe is made a branch, which will perform the role of the air duct for feeding the required oxygen. The second end the duct is attached to the cylinder with the electric motor. The parameters of the cylinder are 15 cm diameter and 10 cm long, it is made of 8 mm steel sheet. Inside this cylinder is installed a simple electric motor, shot from any obsolete units. The fan is attached to the motor shaft, which coincides with the diameter of the installed cylinder. You can use homemade retail as a pressure regulator, you can see it in the picture. You can add to the diagram only the description of the materials from which the retaint is made: asbestos-cement base, nichrome spiral for resistance and brass slider.

The last thing you need to do is the exhaust box to be installed above the mountain to create thrust and removal of combustion products. You can make it myself from the tin or thin sheet of steel, but if you have a means and the possibility of the box, you can just buy.

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Homemade Metal Metal Bank or Barrel

The technology of manufacturing this variety is even easier. It will be small, and not each billet fit into it, but its working qualities will be at the proper level. As a basis, a bucket, a pot of paint be taken or metal barrelIf you need more size. The bucket carries the bottom, and then in the sides of the metal puddle, in about the middle of the height, the notches in the form of three triangles are cut and bend inside. This is a future support for our carved bottom, which we install on them.

Then you need to find steel pipe with a diameter of 15 mm and a meter length. Under it, it is necessary to cut a hole in the wall of our mountain and install the pipe so that its end comes from the middle of the tank. After that, you need to smear the refractory solution of clay the wall of the future Horn (see the picture). At the other end of the inserted pipe, you must install the appropriate fan.

One of the species necessary equipment For our workshop is a blacksmith horn. If you do not only only with a cold forging (), then without it can not do. In principle, it is now possible almost everything, including this product. But when you see the cost (and the price of the cheapest models from 48,000 rubles), the thought involuntarily arises, and whether it is impossible to make it on their own? The answer is simple - it is possible, and quite simple.

Traditionally, it uses coal (wood or stone) for such a "firebox". But considering that we have no problems with gas in the country, consider exactly such a design. From a practical point of view, it is much more convenient, and easier to manufacture. It is worth noting that in this case there is no difference that it will be gas - a trunk or cylinders.

Advantages of gas Gorna

  • Easy facilities. At least because there will be no usual trembling in such a stove.
  • The ability to regulate the temperature of heating.
  • Cheap and availability of fuel.
  • Low production costs.
  • Mobility. Given the low weight, it is easy to transfer it from place to place.

Gorna designs

Should immediately note that some unified Standard There is no such mountain. It is only necessary to comply with certain requirements for working with gas equipment. The main thing is to understand the principle of the functioning of the furnace and heating the blanks. And the dimensions, the location of the main components of the elements - at the discretion of the user.

Every amateur blacksmith suits the mountain "under him", as it is more convenient and more expedient to use it. For example, instead of the usual masonry under the stove, a metal thick-walled tank can be installed. Some craftsmen fit even the usual bucket for these purposes.

Actually, it all depends on the fantasy of the "designer" of the dealer and its capabilities. What you need to know? There are 2 types of such furnaces, and it is impossible to unequivocally assert which of the "models" is better. Consider brief the principle of the device of each of them, and the choice is to the discretion of the wishing to do hot forging metals.

All described descriptions are just some examples of constructive versions.


It is a metal "form", which is installed on the fireproof base. This may be a small concrete site (floor), several refractory bricks laid nearby. It is advisable to mount the stand at the bottom of which is the pallet for the placement of parts to be heated. Bocames are vertical racks that are elements of fastening for installation of a gas burner. Naturally, its nozzle should be directed down.

Smoke with this constructive design It is removed naturally, so there is no need to mount the "hood", which greatly simplifies the design. However, it is necessary to consider that such a mountain must be placed or on open air, or in a well-ventilated room, where there is no risk of smoke.

The indisputable advantage of such a "model" is that it is possible to warm up the details of different values \u200b\u200bon the pallet, since their dimensions are not limited to the dimensions of the stove chamber. They are determined by the free space between the side racks.


Requires a separate description. This design element is part of Any blacksmith horn. For its housing (as an option) a pipe from "Stainless steel" is taken. One end or brewed tightly, or closes with a removable lid.

On the other end is mounted metal mesh. The diameter of the holes is selected experimentally, depending on which "torch" is required to obtain. The material is also "stainless steel", sufficient thickness of 2 mm.

On the side, not far from the "muted" end, the pipe "is turned out" by which the gas and air mixture will be supplied. To her, in turn, another 1 pipe of a small diameter is welded, according to which gas is supplied (according to the main air). It comes from the compressor to which the supply (main) pipeline is connected.

To improve the quality of gas mixing with air next to the grid, an impeller is put.

How to properly adjust the operation of the burner - a separate large topic, which we still discuss.


Differs, above all, the type of thrust. It is carried out forcibly with a fan. By the way, this option, according to specialists, is preferable, as it provides better air ventilation.

The housing of the furnace (in the form of the cube) is laid out of fireproof bricks (It is used so-called "chamoten" capable of withstanding high thermal effects). Gorn dimensions for household use Small - enough Parties at 0.8 - 1 m. From above, a metal "cover" is installed, which is often called umbrella. Recommended sheet thickness - 4 mm. Prerequisite High-quality work is horn - complete tightness of the internal volume.

What is needed to maintain the combustion process? First, gas. Consequently, in the side wall there should be a hole for inputting the burner. Secondly, it is necessary to mount the smoke removal system. Minimum dimensions Channel - 30 x 30 cm. It should be noted that its height is from 4.5 m, not less.

As an actuator can be used, for example, the engine from the old vacuum cleaner, from the car stove.

In order to be able to download in the Horn Details for heating, you need to foresee the door. Therefore, it will take to leave in the wall "window", in which to build a metal frame.

  • If in the rear wall of the mountain make a cut, then the ventilation will improve significantly. In addition, it will be possible to warm up longer details.
  • For the convenience of working with the mountain, it is advisable to install it on a metal stand (table). The height is selected arbitrarily.
  • If you have to work with the details different sizes, it is advisable to make 2 - 3 horn, characterized by dimensions. They are installed next to each other, and air and gas supply can be carried out with flexible hoses. This will allow them to quickly switch from one burner to another.
  • It is necessary to envisage and install shut-off reinforcement On each "highway". It is better to use conventional valves, not ball, as they provide more smooth adjustment.


A blacksmith furnace (in other words, blacksmith horn) is necessary for working on welding or forging a metal in any blacksmith, since this work is made to produce at sufficiently high temperatures, not counting the "cold forging".

Blacksmith furnace (Mountain) is necessary for metal forging. It transfers very high temperatures and should be in every blacksmith.

If you wish, you can make forged items yourself and at home. To do this, you will need to construct the oven for the forging with your own hands. There is a wide variety of such skins, their differences only in the use of the fuel type.

Some features

There are several types of fuel - it is solid fuel, wood or stone coal, firewood and coke. Experienced blacksmiths give their preference to such fuel as coke, but it is much more expensive than ordinary coal. Although it is necessary for consumption much less than coal, about 5 times.

If we talk about the forging of metal in the artistic style, then this is better to use this fuel. Cox will give a sufficiently high temperature of the mountain. And because of all this, the forging will be well done, and there will not be a lot of soot and waste in the form of slag.

If you choose your choice on Coke, it is best to buy Koksik. This is the same coke, only much smaller. If you take a major one, then it will still need to split into small parts. It will take a lot of time that you can spend with benefit.

There are also mines that work from gas or liquid fuelBut this option is made to use on the production of a larger scale.

A blacksmith furnace in the work is pretty simple.

The work surface is a place where the main work is made on the forging. It burns coal, which will heat steel blanks. At the moment there are a wide variety of structures and designs of such skins. They have their differences due to fuel, which is customary to use on them.

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Blacksmith furnace with their own hands

Let's talk about how to make the oven for forging yourself, and if there is no time or desire, you can order on specialized industries. There are 2 types of furnaces: closed and open.

The closed stove type is equipped with a special purpose chamber, it is designed for pre-warming up metal blanks. This type is the most economical, since its use requires minimum costs Electricity.

However, there are limitations for the size of the workpiece, only those that match the dimensions of the chamber will be approached. One of the best rings for forging a closed type is the one for which is used as a fuel gas.

Open type taken to warm up with solid fuelIt will fall asleep on top of the grille, and the air flow will occur at the bottom. IN this type Mountain workpiece must be laid on fuel. With this type of stove, you can perform forging on sufficiently large blanks, there are no restrictions in size.

The main part of the stove is the table, on the upper part of it is the center itself and the necessary blanks. The height of the furnace is desirable to make an increase in the blacksmith, respectively, the desk will be fluent in the norm from 700 to 800 mm. The surface can be any size you want, but it is customary to do the size of 80x80 cm or 100x150 cm.

For the forging of large metal blanks, it is sufficient to increase the size of the table, you can make a special removable worktop. It is made with the help of corners and plates of metal desired size. In the center of the table there is a nest of Gornova, which consists of a tuned, as well as from a grate grid, it is necessary to perform air supply.

Scheme of blacksmith horn: 1 - exhaust pipe; 2 - exhaust cap; 3 - Gorna box; 4 - Furma; 5 - pipeline from the fan for the blast.

As a rule, a special brick with a refractory property and clay is used for the horn cover. All this will do this design hard enough. And in such a situation there is a way out if you are not satisfied with the weight category of this equipment.

It is possible to make a metal stove, it will have a special cover of a sheet of 4 mm in the presence, a grate grid of cast iron. The grille must be placed in the center of the metal forging. An important attribute for this stove is a hood, which is installed directly above it. Exhaust box can be made independently made of metal with thin walls.

Metal forging is accepted directly from falling asleep fuel to grate. Many masters lay out their billets right on coals, and then plunge the layer on top. Inside the coal, a small arch will be formed, the required temperature will rise.


Now, very many men walked passion for blacksmith. The beauty of the hot metal, transformed in the eyes in a beautiful forged product, fascinates. Many of those who wanted to join this craft scares the technical side of the question: where to take or make a blacksmith horn, which instruments need, how to equip a blacksmith, so that the fire is not happened, etc. Here we will consider only the question of how to make a blacksmith horn at home. All other questions if available strong desire You can also easily resolve.

The blacksmith craft suggests the presence of a horn and it is not so difficult to create even at home.

Varieties of blacksmith horn

Blacksmith Mountain is a special device for heating metal.

He may be the most different design and use different kinds Fuel. Single blacks are preferred to use horn, working on coke. This type of fuel is distinguished by a rather high price, but the convenience of its use as well heat Burning and a small amount of waste compensates for any costs. One of the varieties of small coke is called "Koksik", most of the masters prefer to use it, as there is no need to prick coal on their own. You can use other types of stone coal as fuel, as well as woody, but why take the worst if you want to do everything well? Petroleum products or natural gas Usually used in large enterprises.

The second feature, according to which the blacksmith horn can be divided into varieties - this is such constructive featurelike openness, that is, there are open and closed types of hill.

Mobile Mountain Device Scheme open type.

Closed horn to do a little more complicated open. Its feature is that the device has a special chamber in which the metal is heated. Such a kind of hill is much more economical, but it imposes a limitation on the size of the workpiece within the limits of its camera.

The most common simple mountain type is open. It is extremely easy to arrange, as it consists of some tank. From above, the grille is installed on which the corners will be lit, and the air is fed from below. Such a mountain has no restrictions on the size of the workpiece, it is stacked for heating directly on hot corners.

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Creation of blacksmith horn do it yourself

In general, on this creation of a blacksmith horn and ends. Now it remains only to pour the coal to the trees, set fire to them, turn on the air supply and put the workpiece on hot corners. For better warm-up, you can sat down from above some more coals. The second layer creates a kind of dome, under which there is even more intense heating, sufficient for smelting any billets.

Today we will tell how to build a blacksmith gas horn with their own hands.

Types and types of homemade blacksmith gas skins

Models of homemade blacksmith mines Great set. It all depends on the fantasy "Masters-Samodelkin" and its capabilities. By and large, all the designs of blacksmade homemade skins are divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

There are a lot of differences between them. But principled - is the presence or absence of an umbrella stove with a forced hood. And, unambiguously assert some of these types is better, it is simply impossible. This is what you will understand in the future.

Open mountains

An open blacksmith gas horn is a vertical rack from two sides from a metal tank, which is installed on a fire-resistant base. The role of the base can be performed:

  • concrete floor (platform);
  • several refractory laid in a row of bricks and so on.

On the rack is installed gas-burnersent to the nozzle down. In most cases, mines are installed on a metal stand, in which the pallet has a tray to place the workpieces to be processed.

Closed mountains

The designs of closed blacksmith gases are different, as we have already spoken, first of all, the type of thrust. It is forced through the mounted umbrella with a fan. Any suitable designs are used as a fan: from the knots of automotive "stoves" to old household vacuum cleaners. For the last, truth, you still have to install a damper for adjusting the intensity of the air flow. By the way, this option, according to some specialists, is preferable, as it provides better air ventilation.

We bring to your attention a few options for the designs of gas blacksmith mines that can be built with your own hands.

Gas blacksmith horn open type

The scheme of gas blacksmith open type, which can be made with your own hands, is presented in the figure.

Mountain has a refractory base having a flat surface or a table with a deepening. The bottom of the design (base) is laid out with refractory bricks, on the sides there are racks (made of steel or the same refractory brick). The gas burner will be attached on these sidewalls. It is installed so that the nozzle axis is oriented into the center of the refractory pallet (direction - down).

The design is very simple, but with high efficiency. It is explained by the fact that the shape of the mountain is open, the length of the workpieces is not limited to the dimensions of the chamber chamber and on the pallet you can warm up the blanks different lengths. The restriction can serve, only the space between the side racks. This feature of the design is very attracted by many masters. However, it should be noted that this type blacksmithing equipment absent exhaust umbrella and chimney. Therefore, to use the mountain such design is possible only in the open air or in a well-ventilated room. That is where there is no risk of smoke.

Gas blacksmith horn of bricks

We bring to your attention a step-by-step photo to the construction of the Gas Blacksmith Horn of Bricks. This form of familiarization with technology is selected due to the fact that it is better to show it than to describe.

The manufacture of gas mountains from bricks is easier to understand from a series of phased photographs of this construction.

To determine the temperature inside the mountain, a piece of metal was laid (old file). Judging by the color of the file, the stove "rinsed" to the temperature, something about 800 ... 900 ° C. Next, after complete cooling, produced:

  • masset formed during the firing of slopes:
  • performed insulation with ceramic wool;
  • connected subdivine air (fan "stove" from "Zaporozhets").

Result, i.e. how improved burning, you see in the photo.

After that, the blacksmith horn was trimmed with sheet glands, and a door was installed. So that the ventilation process improves, holes drilled in the rear wall of the gas mountain. On this, the author of the construction of the construction of the gas blacksmith horn finished, and its operation began.

Gas blacksmith horn closed type with umbrella

Gas blacksmith horn of a closed type has an umbrella with an exhaust and forced ventilation. This device significantly increases the operating temperature of the mountain, its effectiveness and performance. In addition, significantly lower the smoke of the room, which has a positive effect on the health of people there. Details of its device and construction technology tells the author of one of these designs in the video at the end of this article.

Where to buy fan

See where you can buy a fan for the mountain.